Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New and Better Way

Thanks for the info. Just to be clear I'm not trying to be argumentative I'm just curious about how this works. Why do you know all this stuff anyway?

I live every close to VSC, two of our friends are adjudicators and one is a department head, Alla is an interpreter for USCIS, among other agencies. USCIS is a big employer in this area.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2011-12-24 06:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New and Better Way

Gary could you please give me some direction on how to contact someone who has authority to discuss our personal file? I understand the reason for delay because we were given some information on what had to be submitted (paid for a step by step guide) and were given our RFE but the timeline is way off. We are going into our ninth month since our NOA1. What we want is to talk to someone who can actually answer questions. By admission of the person at the infopass appointment we are "way out out the normal processing timeline, and that SHE (Me) is only from Canada for Heavens sake". Can't find someone to talk to.
thank you

Your country of origin has little to do with petition processing.

There is no one by telephone you can talk to that will give you any good information and yes, you are way out the normal time frame.

I would say to contact your Senator or Congressman, each center has congressional liasons that they contact and they will get answers. Congress does not oversee USCIS and USCIS does not report to Congress but Congress DOES control the budgets so they can get answers.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2011-12-24 06:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Action after interview refusal?

First of all, I want to appreciate your wonderful information here at vj. It helped us a lot.

After a long and frustrating wait since we started to file a petition on April 2009, I was interviewed couple days ago. First, an officer took my passport, 131$ bank receipt, Medical package, 2 photos, and bunch of emails, post cards, phone records, photos as evidence of ongoing relationship. From the common review here and throughout the internet, I expected to be treated nicely at the time of interview, but unfortunately, I was interviewed by a middle-age Caucasian woman talking not so nicely. Anyway, after taking oath, she started asking me some Qs:

- What is your job? I'm a ....
- How did you meet your fiancée? Through a mutual friend. His name is ...
- How long do you know each other? Since late Oct 2007.
- When did you engage? Jun 17, 2008.
- Did you know that your fiancée had a husband? Yes I did. But her ex-husband abandoned her at 2006 to go to LA.
- When did she get divorced? Sept 19, 2008.
- Why did you become engaged knowing she had still a husband? Her ex-husband spent a while to become resident of LA in order to start processing of divorce. Moreover, this process took time because they were living in 2 separate states. But we both know they were at the process of divorce.

She started, I don't know, searching or typing something. Then, she told me your relation was not identified and she gave me red paper stating "return to NVC"!! I was damn shocked!!!!! She didn't even ask me about our relation and how long we have been together! We were living for at least 8 months under a roof. We love each other and as we knew that the process of k1 takes a bit shorter than k3, we came to decision not to get married on my country. We are still shocked, so does our lawyer! She had told us, our case is very easy and straight forward with lots of powerful documents showing our relationship is real! After hearing such horrible thing happened, she instantly sent an email to the consulate asking the reason. They replied the same. She had even stated at her email that becoming engaged before divorce is not illegal!

I need some recommendations regarding following Qs. Your kind answers are greatly appreciated.

1- Which option has higher chance of approval? Waiting for our package sent back to USCIS for further evidence and reaffirmation, or my fiancée travels to my country and we get married and then we start k3 process?

2- Which option takes shorter time?

3- I heard a rumor regarding k1 will be banned soon for all Iranian applicants. However, all k1s were rejected since 2-3 weeks ago at Ankara without any sensible reason! Is that possible?

4- How long each option takes regularly? Our service center is Vermont.

5- What should we do to show our love and what kind of evidence is needed? I gathered all of our emails (2-3 emails per day), phone records (almost every day and all weekends) and our photos showing we lived and traveled together and our engagement ceremony. What else do they need?????

6- What can our lawyer do in this stage and when package returned to USCIS?

7- With what I explained above, what's the possibility of approval with k1 after reaffirmation?

I know it's a lot of questions, but pleaseeeeeeeeeee help us. We are really devastated. We can't stop crying since that damn day and even can't think logically :((((((((((

1. Neither. Fastest would be to file another K-1, frontload the eptition with all your current evidence and prepare better for the interview. Being introduced by a fqamily friend is a major red flag in Iran.

2. Already answered

3. No, not true

4. It will take as long as the last K-1 but less time than appealing. Re-affirming won;t matter. USCIS approved you, the consulate denied you. File a new petition and frontload all the evidence of relationship you have at that time.

5. Anything and everything you have got. Showing "love" is not important. They do not care if you LOVE each other, they care if you have a relationship. Anything you have should be sent with the next petition.

6. I would say as good as the last time. None. Re-affirmation does you no good, USCIS didn't deny you and they will send everything back the same. A new petition allows you to attach all the evidence you have generated since your realtionship began in 2008. A couple more visitsa by your fiancee would be good also.

I NEVER recommend getting married and filing for a CR-1 as that is no gaurantee and those can be rejected also, but you would still be legally married.

Another option is for her to come to Iran, marry you and live there for a period of time 6 months to a year, and then file for a DCF. You will have plenty of evidence then.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2010-02-11 20:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)HOT URGENT!!Husband visa denied after 2 interviews and i was questioned.Papers not back to USCIS

We filed K3 visa got all approvals interview set. Go to interview December 1,2009 and i was also questioned same day. Denied. Second interview December 10,2009 also denied. Consulate emailed me after i ask about Jawads papers said they were sent back December 17. Papers are not in USCIS. I have had the senator assistant check with NVC and USCIS the papers are not there. They are telling us just to wait. Plz can any one help us to make this fast and what suggestions do you have for us. We truely believe we were denied because of age difference. Have fired the lawyer because she would not do any thing at all but wanted more money. Plz we are lost and need your help. We just want to be together.
(Plz read our story of what happen below for all details.)

We used K3 visa suggested by the lawyer I hired. So not knowing anything of this I started the process. All seemed to be going well. We filed the I-130 and had approvel fast. As soon as we had notice they recieved we sent the I-129 and had approval fast. Then was a small problem in confusion on sponser but i made enough to be his sponser. Attorney gave me much problem of this but we finally work past this. We send the papers and while we was wait Jawad gets a letter from the consulate of his appointment for his interview. The attorney was shocked because she kept telling me that it wasnt even approved yet through the visa center. We find that for Morocco we dont have to do that. The interview is set and i didnt have to pay the $477.00 to file. Why if an immigration lawyer for 18 years was she shocked by this. This made me start to be afraid of my own lawyer. At this time we have already waited 7 months for the process.
Finally the day comes for interview and I have flown to Morocco to be with Jawad. December 1, 2009. Now the wait for process is 9 months. Jawad arrives early for his interview and I wait in the cafe. He was made to wait until last and then the officer finally calls him up. Jawad said the officer seemed to be nice. He asked him many questions of course of our relationship and of my life here and children my x. He asked of my work asked for many dates of birthdays of children and when I started work. Jawad had all proofs that the consulate asked for and of course all the papers the lawyer prepared. They officer made Jawad sit down then in the middle of his interview and kept watching him. I geuss trying to make him afraid. But we know one another so much this didnt bother him at all. So the officer called him up again and continued to question him. After 45 min of questions he had Jawad come and get me from the cafe. I was so happy thinking we were getting his visa. Now this officer when he saw us come in together his face changed he was mad. He could not prove his point cause he wanted me to be some old woman and I am not. We walked in smiling and arm in arm. He told Jawad he had to go out so he could ask me questions. He starts by saying,"These young men they bring all these proofs and they marry with an older woman and think we are going to give them a visa. Do you understand what I am saying to you!!" I said," I understand what you are trying to say and this is not the situation!" He then starts to ask me questions of Jawad and what we have in common and of his family and where they live and where they were born and I am answering all questions fine. But when I do he keeps cutting me off. Then in the middle of the interview he clicks off the mic and asks his fellow employee where do they want to go for lunch. How rude I can hear every thing he is saying. And I am an American in the American Embassy questioned by and American officer. What is this????? He clicks the mic back on and asks a few more questions and cutting me off when i try and anwer. Then says well we may give him a visa we may do a second interview we dont know. Just go back if you need to go back. Come to find out that he had made sure to ask Jawad when I would go back and asked me the same thing. So I had and idea of what was to happen next.
I was right we wait and they call Jawad and set his second interview for the day after i was supposed to fly back. So I changed my ticket and stayed. Interview December 10,2009 Again Jawad is there early and again they make him wait until last. And the first question out of this officers mouth was," Well did you wife go back?" Jawad said no she waits me in the cafe. This officer was mad. He said WELL HOW MUCH DID THAT COST HER!!!!!!!!!
How is this any of business!!! So he asks Jawad the same questions again. Also he keeps interupting the questions with lets go to money. Jawad answered all this fine becasue we know all of one another. This officer said 4 times during interview lets go back to money. Then one of these times he said What if you find your wife lied for you about money? Jawad said My wife doesnt lie for me we love one another so much and she tells me all she has. Then the officer said to Jawad Well what do you want me to do for you today. Jawad said Give me a visa so I can go live with my wife. The officer said No I dont think so. He said a lot of large words and Jawad said One minute I want to understand what you are saying. You are saying that I lie and I just marry my wife for papers. The officer said Yes that is what I am saying. He denied his visa again and gave him a paper folded in his passport and sent him out the door.
When Jawad and I get back we see he has given us the wrong paper it has some one else name on it and the wrong visa. We emailed this to the lawyer and had to go back the next day. I went to the Embassy and I said this is the wrong papers and there has been some mistake and I want my husbands visa granted. The Morrocan man said he will speak with his suppervisor. He comes back with a paper this same just changed the name and visa. I said i want an explanation of what part of the law is being used to deny my husbands visa. He says I cant explain that for you. I said then I want to talk to this officer. He leaves and comes back and says he says he already denied the visa and the papers are already go back he cant explain for you. Again how they treat people in the American Embassy in Morocco. And this officer used his opion to deny a visa and is trying to use law 221g for his reason.
I came back to US December 13 and we have contacted the lawyer and Consulate and all we have as an answer is Oh you just have to wait. The papers are not in the NVC or USCIS and i want to do some thing now if I can i dont want to wait more. The lawyer said at last phone call that we have to wait and then file an appeal after we get what the denial says. I dont believe this because as soon as i questioned her of how long and how much money this is going to take she didnt want to answer any more quesitons and then asked for more money even though she is not doing any thing with the case at this time. So I let her go and have another lawyer ready to take over. But i want to know if we can do some thing now and may be his papers are still in the consulate. They have lied and done this to others we know.


Let it go, the visa was denied. Re-file for a CR-1 (not a K-3). Appealing it will take much longer and cost much more. Keeping the old petition "alive" will only delay the inevitable.
Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2010-01-14 22:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Info about proof of hardship
QUOTE (ashbibinyc @ Jul 13 2009, 08:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Guys

My fiance (US citizen) is concerned about exactly he proves hardship?
he does have a very important job which brings him to the UK every couple of weeks (which is good for me) and he does have a very elderly mother back in the States.
would that be enough? ........ from what i can gather i don't think they care too much about emotional hardship....

What kind of stuff has everyone else shown?

thanks so much in advance


Proof of hardship for what purpose?

K-1s are not eligible for expedite service, though they will grant an expedite for military personnel about to be deployed to COMBAT areas, and that is not certain, but about your only chance.

For financial hardship, you do not even want to go there with a visa requiring he prove he can support you financially.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2009-07-13 08:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)how is seriously of 221(g) ?
QUOTE (tony*** @ Jun 13 2009, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancee just got the interview and her interview went fine , but the office said they will check more documents and will contact back. ( They don't need more documents )

Please share experienced .. how long she has to wait for after receieved 221(g)?

I am so worried crying.gif

Doesn't sound like a 221(g) case, sounds like AP (additional processing) Which seems to take anywhere from 2-8 weeks judgeing from what I read.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2009-06-15 16:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Please help!!!Denied I130 sent back to the USCIS
QUOTE (Clinton W @ Mar 20 2009, 02:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone,

I am trying to bring my wife from Vietnam.

In 2005 I filed a K1 Case for my wife and it was denied.
In 2008 I refiled for CR1 and it got send back to the USCIS. They denied it because a few ridiculous reasons.
It is current at the Service Center for review.

I talked to couple office including lawyers and they told me different things.

Some told me that I can refile another CR1 case.
The others told me that I have to wait until the USCIS send me the information and then I will have to rebuttal. The only time I can refile is after everything is done with the previous case.

Please help. I am desperately need advice. It has been 4 years I have been trying. This is very unfair.

very unfair, I agree. Especially to be denied for the "ridiculous reasons" excuse. I hate that one. In my opinion it is worse than the "unkempt hair" denial clause, at least that one IS a reason.

Really, if you want our advice, you are going to have to give a better explanation (read: DETAILS) of what happened. If you are posting for have mine.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2009-05-09 08:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Banned for Life
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ May 4 2009, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys!
As an organizer, I'm not even sure if this is in the right forum, so please, move if need be.

I have a mystery to solve.
I recently found out that my brother's boyfriend (let's call him Rick) has a lifetime ban from the United States.

I found this out when in September of 08, my parents, my brother and Rick were suppose to visit Nick and I. My parents and brother came, but Rick came up with some excuse as to why he couldn't come....Anyway, long story short, we found out he is banned from entering the U.S.....and here is his excuse.

HE SAYS...that when he was a minor, he committed a crime (He won't say what this crime was) in CANADA...northern Ontario to be specific. Years later as an adult, he said he was crossing the border into the States for a trip and was asked if he had a record by the customs....he said "no" thinking that because he was a minor when he committed the crime that they wouldn't have that information on their computers....well, he says they did and that the officer at the border then informed him that the United States was then charging him for lying to them and he had to go to court in Buffalo, NY for the lying....and then they banned him from the United States for life.
This story is really confusing my family and so I'm turning to you guys to shed some light.

1. Would American customs have access to files from Canada reguarding crime committed 15 to 20 years prior?
2. Wouldn't they just turn him around and not let him enter instead of charging him?

I'm thinking there is more to the story but I could be wrong....

Thanks guys!!!

I lived and worked in Montreal for a time and have a business aquaintance there, now in his late 40s, that also has a lifetime ban to the the USA for exactly the same thing. Some sort of crime he committed as a teenager when he got involved with some gangs. He had traveled back and forth to the US for some years with no problem. Then the same happened to him, they asked if he had a criminal record, he said "no" and ended up in a world of trouble. Whatever he did then, he is a good guy now and a friend, but he can never come here to visit me, I always have to go to his place.

Also a friend here is not allowed into Canada because of a drunk driving charge he had several years ago, but I think he could get a waiver of some sort if he tried, so apparently there is some sort of interagency communication regarding crimes.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2009-05-04 20:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221(g) "not clearly eligible"

It is a good lesson for all of us. What was done here is possibly wrong but now the petitioner and beneficiary have to deal with it. See, if YOU make a mistake, it is YOUR problem...if THEY make a mistake, it is YOUR problem. Your fault, their fault, ANYONE's fault, and it is YOUR problem. That is why it is best to go to the interview with evidence that makes you "clearly eligilble" It is why I also believe the USC should attend the interview unless the consulate does not allow it, the USC should complete all forms and only ONE person should be in charge of the whole process.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2009-03-25 08:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221(g) "not clearly eligible"
QUOTE (NatashaW @ Mar 20 2009, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Anh map @ Mar 20 2009, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So there were no specific documents requested? You inserted "...." in your response when talking about the blue slip. Nothing else was requested. Just the paragraph addressing "Administrative Processing?" Typically the blue slip asks the petitioner and/or the applicant to submit additional info (in our case it was 2 items: more correspondence and info about my ex-wife) for review.

What Homeland Security issues could there be with you or your fiance? Clearly this has nothing to do with age so don't dwell on that issue. Something set off a red flag.

I ask again, what are the "weak spots" in your love story that would bring questions to the mind of an experienced Consular Officer? He told you at the 1st interview that he didn't "feel right." What could he doubt in the bona fides of your relationship? That is where you ought to focus your attention when attempting to turn this situation around.

No documents were requested. We offered, but they didn't take our evidence of continuing relationship or the local Department of Justice's certificate about my fiance's address history, although it is specifically asked for in the instructions the embassy gave us beforehand.

USCIS is a "child agency" of DHS. ( The embassy says its forwarding to DHS; I think they mean USCIS (of DHS). Neither of us has any security issues, other than a speeding ticket I got 11 years ago. whistling.gif

I too believe that age is not THE issue/cause but I'm guessing the Vice Consul is adding it to her report as another factor as a reason to deny, since she thinks our relationship is fake (I'm guessing).

Other than the vice consul refusing to accept our evidence and making a wacko comment about our three-year age difference, the only other possible weak spot is that she didn't allow us to explain her perceived discrepancy in our answers to one question ( I said we were introduced by Americans, my fiance said we were introduced to each other by a Georgian. In fact, the Georgian and the Americans got together to play matchmaker for us and encourage us to at least meet each other. The vice consul claimed she didn't understand our answer but then moved on to the next question without a follow-up question.)

Having said that, I'm not sure how to fight things at this point. Other than wait for a letter from DHS/USCIS/ NVC, and respond immediately with whatever info they ask for, if our application doesn't expire in the meantime.

Do not underestimate the implications of this age difference in some parts of the world. In the FSU (and more so as you go farther into central asia) the concept of the wife being older is very suspicious. In Ukraine it is mildly scandalous and makes tongues wag and calls into question the mental capability of the woman and the, well, "manhood" capability of the man. Though I cannot imagine the Kiev consulate finding another reason to reject the visa for "reverse" age differences, they would only talk about you at lunch. In Georgia, it may raise enough suspicions for them to want to look for other reasons to reject this application. At any rate, whether they are right or wrong, you are stuck with the problem. They just threw a stick in your spokes and now what will you do? If you sort it out, then maybe they will believe you were sincere and grant the visa.

And no, the same things will not be implied with Canadian/American situations, our cultures do not care about this, but it is bid time bad medicine in many countries, and if I am not mistaken the woman in this case is the USC, correct? So you have an older American woman, wanting to marry a younger Georgian man? Very strange. Beleive em, I am not commenting on your situation for which I have no concerns (Hey, marry who you want, I am very libertarian about that) but to THEM it is very strange. Very strange indeed.

So, in short, you were not denied because of the age difference, you were denied because in this part of the world such an age difference creates such strong suspicions you simply were not able to overwhelm the suspicions and therefore "not clearly eligible"

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2009-03-25 09:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221(g) "not clearly eligible"
QUOTE (NatashaW @ Mar 25 2009, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Mar 25 2009, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NatashaW @ Mar 20 2009, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Anh map @ Mar 20 2009, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So there were no specific documents requested? You inserted "...." in your response when talking about the blue slip. Nothing else was requested. Just the paragraph addressing "Administrative Processing?" Typically the blue slip asks the petitioner and/or the applicant to submit additional info (in our case it was 2 items: more correspondence and info about my ex-wife) for review.

What Homeland Security issues could there be with you or your fiance? Clearly this has nothing to do with age so don't dwell on that issue. Something set off a red flag.

I ask again, what are the "weak spots" in your love story that would bring questions to the mind of an experienced Consular Officer? He told you at the 1st interview that he didn't "feel right." What could he doubt in the bona fides of your relationship? That is where you ought to focus your attention when attempting to turn this situation around.

No documents were requested. We offered, but they didn't take our evidence of continuing relationship or the local Department of Justice's certificate about my fiance's address history, although it is specifically asked for in the instructions the embassy gave us beforehand.

USCIS is a "child agency" of DHS. ( The embassy says its forwarding to DHS; I think they mean USCIS (of DHS). Neither of us has any security issues, other than a speeding ticket I got 11 years ago. whistling.gif

I too believe that age is not THE issue/cause but I'm guessing the Vice Consul is adding it to her report as another factor as a reason to deny, since she thinks our relationship is fake (I'm guessing).

Other than the vice consul refusing to accept our evidence and making a wacko comment about our three-year age difference, the only other possible weak spot is that she didn't allow us to explain her perceived discrepancy in our answers to one question ( I said we were introduced by Americans, my fiance said we were introduced to each other by a Georgian. In fact, the Georgian and the Americans got together to play matchmaker for us and encourage us to at least meet each other. The vice consul claimed she didn't understand our answer but then moved on to the next question without a follow-up question.)

Having said that, I'm not sure how to fight things at this point. Other than wait for a letter from DHS/USCIS/ NVC, and respond immediately with whatever info they ask for, if our application doesn't expire in the meantime.

Do not underestimate the implications of this age difference in some parts of the world. In the FSU (and more so as you go farther into central asia) the concept of the wife being older is very suspicious. In Ukraine it is mildly scandalous and makes tongues wag and calls into question the mental capability of the woman and the, well, "manhood" capability of the man. Though I cannot imagine the Kiev consulate finding another reason to reject the visa for "reverse" age differences, they would only talk about you at lunch. In Georgia, it may raise enough suspicions for them to want to look for other reasons to reject this application. At any rate, whether they are right or wrong, you are stuck with the problem. They just threw a stick in your spokes and now what will you do? If you sort it out, then maybe they will believe you were sincere and grant the visa.

And no, the same things will not be implied with Canadian/American situations, our cultures do not care about this, but it is bid time bad medicine in many countries, and if I am not mistaken the woman in this case is the USC, correct? So you have an older American woman, wanting to marry a younger Georgian man? Very strange. Beleive em, I am not commenting on your situation for which I have no concerns (Hey, marry who you want, I am very libertarian about that) but to THEM it is very strange. Very strange indeed.

So, in short, you were not denied because of the age difference, you were denied because in this part of the world such an age difference creates such strong suspicions you simply were not able to overwhelm the suspicions and therefore "not clearly eligible"

I agree with your comments in general. Just to be clear, I, the USC, am 39 and my fiance is 36. (This is NOT a big difference.) I think the Vice Consul doesn't know anything about local culture. It is she herself who thinks our age difference is strange. In Georgia, we have met more than a few happy Georgian couples who have even greater age differences, wife being older.

Please, to other "older" women reading this, do NOT freak out; I think the Vice Consul just didn't want to give us a visa and was looking for ANY tiny little hook to hang her suspicions on. YOU ("older" woman) will most likely get a much more reasonable interviewer, so just stay calm and make sure your have your papers in order and that you follow all the tips on websites like this one. You'll most likely be fine.

Well, I am glad you were there. Many consulates allow the USC in the interview, Kiev did. I know some do not, but good to send in the passport, of course. I sometimes hopw they can keep you out of a building that is, leagally, part of the USA, the interview yes, but outside? Oh well, we can't fight that battle here.

So you are a USC woman marrying a younger Georgian man? I make no judgements, I really don't care, and wish you luck for a happy life. I lived in Ukraine, I am aware of the customs, so are the US citizens working at the consulate in Georgia. (it takes about 30 minutes in Ukraine to figure it out, IF you are slow on the uptake) I can only say your fiance turned in his documents and evidence to a "pre-screener" or "clerk" or whatever you want to call the job. That person gives it to an officer you may or may not ever see. HE(or she) makes the judgement before he even speaks to your fiance, I promise you. So what does he/she see? American woman petitioning a Georgian man. Wierd, very strange. Woman older than the Georgian man...freaky wierd! Red flags are flying everywhere, because NO Georgian man, not a REAL Georgian man, would marry a woman older than he is! 39 yr. old American women do not come to the FSU to marry men 36 years old. 39 year old American MEN come to the FSU to marry 22 year old women. In Georgia it is common for 36 year old men to seek women 18-24 for wives, 25 and unmarried is "over the hill". Not even interesting! (though personally I disagree) That's the name of that tune! The pitch count is 0-2 before they even look at your evidence. So the appeal process becomes the evidence. If you appeal you must be serious. You say "3 years is not much". It is a LOT in a culture where women think that a husband 10 years older is "ideal", and 15-20 years older is commonplace and perfectly acceptable. You are 10-15 years "too old" for their way of thinking, not 3 years. Mind you, it was NOT the age difference, it was the strangeness in this case that makes them suspect possible visa fraud. So they look for something, some reason to deny, the more vague the better. It is one of the flaws in the system, I think, that so much is left to the disgression of an individual. I do not know the solution. Specific guides would be too easy to defeat by frauds. I suppose there needs to be some disgression. I am sorry this happened to you and wish you luck.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2009-03-25 12:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K-1 what?
QUOTE (akimont88 @ Feb 12 2009, 01:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all,

A few weeks ago, my fiancee had her interview in Montreal and was denied because at her medical interview, she admitted to using marijuana before. She is not allowed to immigrate now for three years and is required to go to rehab and receive monthly drug tests over those three years to show she is rehabilitated. As much as it doesn't matter now, I want to be perfectly clear upfront...She has never purchased it in her life and her use of it was infrequent at best. How there is no appeal process or gray area here is astounding. Even the immigration officer who denied her said so and admitted that the law, in this case, was "archaic". But I understand that the law is the law, no matter how much I disagree with it, and sometimes being honest about how we have lived our lives bites us back.

It doesn't seem that there's any way to get around this three year my next question is...

Is there any way she can get a 4-6 month visitor visa so that we can live together until I begin my immigration process to move up to Canada?

Or can she even visit me at all, even if just for a weekend?

I can't seem to find any concrete information on the web whether any of this is possible, and I'd hate to spend more money on flights/forms if it's just not going to happen. But we've been apart for 15 months, and I likely won't be able to immigrate to Canada for 7-8 months given that our lives have been completely rearranged by their decision, and I have much to figure out before I can just move up there.

Thank you all for your information and support, and for making visajourney such an invaluable tool.


The problem with archaic laws is they are archaic LAWS. Funny since in Montreal I know it is possible to get arrested for possessing marijuana if you smoke it while walking down Sherbrooke Ouest AND throw rocks at windows while you do it. (observation, NOT personal experience, smile.gif)

And I always wondered, what if my fiancee was from Netherlands and legally smokes marijuana? Are fiancees banned from the USA if the do something in another country, which is legal in THAT country but illegal in the USA?

Sorry it happened, but hey, Canada isn't such a bad place.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2009-02-13 09:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K-1 what?
QUOTE (akimont88 @ Feb 13 2009, 01:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Feb 13 2009, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (akimont88 @ Feb 12 2009, 01:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all,

A few weeks ago, my fiancee had her interview in Montreal and was denied because at her medical interview, she admitted to using marijuana before. She is not allowed to immigrate now for three years and is required to go to rehab and receive monthly drug tests over those three years to show she is rehabilitated. As much as it doesn't matter now, I want to be perfectly clear upfront...She has never purchased it in her life and her use of it was infrequent at best. How there is no appeal process or gray area here is astounding. Even the immigration officer who denied her said so and admitted that the law, in this case, was "archaic". But I understand that the law is the law, no matter how much I disagree with it, and sometimes being honest about how we have lived our lives bites us back.

It doesn't seem that there's any way to get around this three year my next question is...

Is there any way she can get a 4-6 month visitor visa so that we can live together until I begin my immigration process to move up to Canada?

Or can she even visit me at all, even if just for a weekend?

I can't seem to find any concrete information on the web whether any of this is possible, and I'd hate to spend more money on flights/forms if it's just not going to happen. But we've been apart for 15 months, and I likely won't be able to immigrate to Canada for 7-8 months given that our lives have been completely rearranged by their decision, and I have much to figure out before I can just move up there.

Thank you all for your information and support, and for making visajourney such an invaluable tool.


The problem with archaic laws is they are archaic LAWS. Funny since in Montreal I know it is possible to get arrested for possessing marijuana if you smoke it while walking down Sherbrooke Ouest AND throw rocks at windows while you do it. (observation, NOT personal experience, smile.gif)

And I always wondered, what if my fiancee was from Netherlands and legally smokes marijuana? Are fiancees banned from the USA if the do something in another country, which is legal in THAT country but illegal in the USA?

Sorry it happened, but hey, Canada isn't such a bad place.

Agreed. I love Canada (we lived in Toronto btw). As a matter of fact, I intended on immigrating up there when we first separated, back in Oct. 07. But I own a home here in Orlando, and when I realized how bad the market got while I was working in Canada, I decided it would be better for our financial future if she moved down here, since I would make very little selling the house, and that renting would still likely cost me $400/mo in addition to our rental costs up there. So now it looks like I have to rent anyway given that the housing market got even worse since then and I'd be lucky to get my loan covered (in addition to losing the $20k I put down and 4 years of payments). So to be honest, if it weren't for the economic collapse we're having, I'd already be up there watching hockey and drinking Tim Hortons.

You can watch hockey here, watch CURLING in Canada! Last Sunday I was in Tim Hortons for a sandwich and coffee at Sherrbrooke Ouest and University in Montreal and they had curling on the TV. My Ukrainian wife says "What the HE-L-L is THAT???" LOL. I worked in Montreal for a time, je parle Francais, and go there often as it is less than an hour drive for us. offtopic45vn.gif tongue.gif

Good luck.

Gary and AllaMaleUkraine2009-02-14 09:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)APPROVED
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Good luck and best wishes in your new life together!
AmbyNot Telling02007-01-27 12:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Please Help - I-601 and I-212?

Hi. Yes he was deported in October 2011. He received a 5 year ban, not a 10 year ban. I guess he didn't realize he stayed so long in FL when we went on vacation to Trinidad. He was not banned before then. Also, can I file those waivers for him in FL?

Was he deported or was he refused entry? 

spookyturtleMale02014-05-19 20:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601/I-212 waivers in Bogotá
Check out for more info on waivers. There are a few knowledgeable users here, especially emt103c, but she may be at the other site more frequently than she is here. You could also do a free consult with Heather Poole at Best of luck to you. And keep checking back here and let us know how it is going.
spookyturtleMale02009-09-07 23:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601/I-212 waivers in Bogotá

Hi Spookyturtle,


I was just wondering which lawyer you would suggest for filing of I601?  Heather Poole or Laurel Scott?


Your help is highly appreciated.  Thank you very much.


I answered your pm. For anyone else interested, Heather and Laurel are both excellent lawyers. Heather built her practice from square one doing waivers. She has statistics on which countries, how many waivers filed, success rate etc.

spookyturtleMale02014-04-10 22:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Needed lawyer urgently for I-601


I have seen good reviews about both Laurel Scott as well as Lizz Cannon, which one would you prefer?


Thanks again.  


Lizz Cannon  worked for Laurel Scott. I believe she was a paralegal and went on to law school. She learned from the best. If memory serves me correct, Lizz went to school here in MA. Laurel has more experience if that's important to you.

spookyturtleMale02014-04-10 22:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Needed lawyer urgently for I-601

$2000? Not likely.....immigration attorneys are interested in one, and only one thing: money. They charge $2000 to fill out an index card. A typical I-601 package will cost $8000-$10,000 (Laura 'Fleece 'em All' Scott)....

they bill you for 25-30 hours of their reality, they will spend less than 90 minutes on this project....but will sell you some horse manure story about how much time they will spend 'preparing' (i.e. , Xeroxing) the papers....anyway, it's your money...


Utter nonsense.

spookyturtleMale02014-04-10 23:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Approved (via I-601) but ESTA denied!
:star: :dance: :)
spookyturtleMale02012-04-27 00:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Does it really help to contact the congressman?

thank for all the info guys.. we'll try contacting these people..doesn't hurt to try i guess. :innocent:

Are you outside of normal processing time? They usually won't get involved before that point.
spookyturtleMale02012-04-18 02:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Does it really help to contact the congressman?
When were you notified that you were put in AP?
spookyturtleMale02012-04-18 09:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I290B NOTICE OF APPEAL
QUOTE (mheio @ Jul 29 2009, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MayaLar @ Jun 12 2009, 05:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi there!

I am the beneficiary and our application for fiance visa was denied because we failed to establish the 2 of us have met in 2years. My fiance filed for I290B for an appeal attached with revised documents, additional evidence and fee. We are running on 4th month of waiting still no results crying.gif

We followed it up nobody seems to know an answer of the status of our appeal. Sad thing is that we were given false hopes couple of weeks ago informing us that the decision will be released in 2weeks but then again days gone by and no answer.

We were so frustrated as we don't know where we stand fearing of another negative result. Wondering for any other option.

It's just so sad that 2 people who are so in love having a hard time to be together.......

hi i just got my i290b today and i was crying so hard ....i really miss my fiance there an assurance that if you pay and submit the i290b they will aprove it

There is no assurance at all that it will be approved.

spookyturtleMale02009-07-30 02:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I290B NOTICE OF APPEAL
QUOTE (elbialysgirl @ Sep 3 2009, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i too am very frustrated about the process. i married my husband in cairo in nov 2006 and we were just denied the 601 because they say he misrepresented himself. seems while in college a karate coach filed papers at the embassy for the team to travel to the us and they were all denied. he failed to tell the members of the team all this and when we filled out the visa app he told them he had never applied or been denied, so they think he lied. we have submitted tons of papers to prove my hardship, to no avail and were sent the i290b to submit. any help on how to make this work would be greatly appreciated. time is precious!

Contact a good lawyer who is experienced with appeals. As a note of caution, most will tell you they can do it, but in reality, not many are very experienced with this. If you are interested, I will suggest a few.
spookyturtleMale02009-09-03 17:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)approved 601 waiver US embassy Manila
Congrats to you. You are only the second person on any of the forums who has posted an approval from Manila in the past few years. It has been all but impossible. Good for you. smile.gif
spookyturtleMale02008-12-11 23:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)yayyyyyyyy AP finally over!!

ConGraTuLaTions :) :dance: :star:

spookyturtleMale02012-04-03 15:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)yayyyyyyyy AP finally over!!

Way to go :yes:

spookyturtleMale02012-04-05 02:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 and I-212 Approved... Yayyy woohhhooo
Best of luck to you!!!
spookyturtleMale02012-04-18 02:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Finley visa in hand !!!!!!

ConGraTuLaTions :) :dance: :star:

spookyturtleMale02012-04-03 15:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Finley visa in hand !!!!!!

I am so happy for you :)

Me too.
spookyturtleMale02012-04-04 15:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)10 Year Ban

A series of inappropriate posts and responses have been removed and one person thread banned. As Belinda so appropriately said, the past is in the past. Deal with the present situation rather than continuing to insult and attack the OP for his previous mistake. Help him find out what he can do now instead.

Whenever I read threads the upper forums, I am amazed at what is now tolerated here. There are a few users who reply with condescending remarks time after time and nothing happens and the posts are still here. People come here desperate for help, not to judged, insulted and ridiculed by the "know it alls" who judge them morally and can't make a polite reply. And it's the same few who do it day in and day out. They must be compensating for something.
spookyturtleMale02011-09-16 19:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)10 Year Ban

I apologize for my miscreant behavior in this thread. I have been playing hockey for a long time and when I see someone get checked from behind, my instincts kick in and I shove them into the boards.

I wasn't referring to you. I think your posts in this thread were fine.
spookyturtleMale02011-09-16 22:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)10 Year Ban

I think some of my post's are missing :) :blink:

:lol: I didn't see them. I was referring to a few users who constantly talk down to people in many of their posts. Not so much in this forum, but in the others which are more active. I seriously don't know why it is is tolerated.
spookyturtleMale02011-09-16 22:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What to do after Deportation?
QUOTE (*Len* @ Oct 13 2009, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She can file I-129 for a K-1 fiance visa. The visa will be denied, and as a fiancee I am pretty sure you have to wait out your ban. As a spouse (if she went over to see you and get married where you are) she can file for a K-3 or a CRI-1 spousal visa and the ban is usually eligible for a waiver.

Either way, your visa will initially be denied. Adding to overstay you mentioned working illegally; this will add to the pain of the process. I wish you both the best of luck.

A fiance is eligible for a waiver the same as a spouse. A lot of lawyers don't know this, but it is in the law. The ban will be for the deportation and this is what will need to be adressed in the waiver. Working shouldn't be an issue unless things have drastically changed since we went thru the waiver process.
spookyturtleMale02009-10-13 20:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What to do after Deportation?
QUOTE (*Len* @ Oct 13 2009, 09:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (spookyturtle @ Oct 13 2009, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Oct 13 2009, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She can file I-129 for a K-1 fiance visa. The visa will be denied, and as a fiancee I am pretty sure you have to wait out your ban. As a spouse (if she went over to see you and get married where you are) she can file for a K-3 or a CRI-1 spousal visa and the ban is usually eligible for a waiver.

Either way, your visa will initially be denied. Adding to overstay you mentioned working illegally; this will add to the pain of the process. I wish you both the best of luck.

A fiance is eligible for a waiver the same as a spouse. A lot of lawyers don't know this, but it is in the law. The ban will be for the deportation and this is what will need to be adressed in the waiver. Working shouldn't be an issue unless things have drastically changed since we went thru the waiver process.

Oh there you go. I stand corrected tongue_ss.gif

No offense meant. I had a lawyer that didn't know a fiance was eligible for a waiver and from my research I found many that did not know this. And there is nothing in the INA that states a visa can be denied for unauthorized work. It can be denied for misrepresentation, but if the work is admitted, there was no misrepresentation. I suggest that anyone needing a waiver join and start reading and asking questions. It is a great site. I could write a book on immigrationa and waivers with what we went through. It took 30 months from the time I filed the I-129F until her visa was issued.
spookyturtleMale02009-10-13 21:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What to do after Deportation?
QUOTE (hakumba @ Oct 14 2009, 04:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (spookyturtle @ Oct 14 2009, 03:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No offense meant. I had a lawyer that didn't know a fiance was eligible for a waiver and from my research I found many that did not know this. And there is nothing in the INA that states a visa can be denied for unauthorized work. It can be denied for misrepresentation, but if the work is admitted, there was no misrepresentation. I suggest that anyone needing a waiver join and start reading and asking questions. It is a great site. I could write a book on immigrationa and waivers with what we went through. It took 30 months from the time I filed the I-129F until her visa was issued.

thank you for the reply,

as to the visa being denied, is it due to the unauthorized work, or is it because the deportation(which happened because of the unauthorized work) and 5 year ban cause i think this is in my case.

do you know what are the chances for such waiver to be approved?

you said it took 30 months for your fiancee to get a visa, do you know if it is better to apply as a fiancee or a wife? (my fiancee is here with me for now, and we plan to get married before she comes back to US)

Finally, did you do all the paperwork by yourself, and if not where would you suggest i should look for a lawyer?

big thanks.

I mangaged to find a good lawyer once I was well into the process. My first lawyer was fair, but there are a few good ones. You may want to do a consult with a couple of them. Laurel Scott at She is one of the best waiver lawyers in the US. Also, Heather Poole at

The consulate will give you a paper listing the exact reason and section of the law pertaining to the ban. Chance of apporval depends on the consulate and how well your wavier package is prepared. You need to make your hardships work for you. The two lawyers I have linked to are both top notch. It is well worth it to consult with either or both of them. Also, check out It is the best forum for waivers.
spookyturtleMale02009-10-14 10:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Petty crime exception
I sent you a pm.
spookyturtleMale02010-11-27 20:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i290b help
QUOTE (mheio @ Jul 29 2009, 01:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i need help i got denied for my application for i-601 and now i need to submit my i290b I'm worried they might deny my application again. pls help me.... do i need an agency for this... pls help thanks

Did you file an I-601 waiver and and it was denied? What was the reason for denial? Please provide more info and be speific with the details. What country did you file in, what is the reason why the waiver is required, etc. You don't have much time to file an I-290, I believe it is only days or so after the denial.
spookyturtleMale02009-07-30 02:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i290b help
I believe you have 30 days to file the appeal. And it is much more involved than filling out the form and paying the fee.
spookyturtleMale02009-07-30 02:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)EXTREMELY ANNOYED!
You need to make LOTS of noise. Contact Hillary's office, tv, major newspaper, etc. Think outside the box.
spookyturtleMale02010-06-16 10:17:00