Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling Jamaica
Well, all I know is that there has to be something better than me buying phone cards! We are used to talking WAY WAY WAY more than this! I hope that Cable and Wireless goes back to 30 a month next month (they keep telling us that it will happen!) but I fear we are stuck with 16 hours! At least now I have alot of options to look into! Thanks!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-01-16 19:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling Jamaica
Sorry all.. in my messy state, I hit send WAY too soon on the above post! Here is the real question:

Hi all... I need some help. My fiance and I spend A LOT of time on the phone... it is the thing that holds our life together right now. At first we had the megaphone (2500jmd), unlimited calling from jamaica to US and UK- they stopped selling their cards. So we moved to the cable and wireless phone card-1100jmd for 16 hours of talk time per month. That is not enough! We are both going crazy- I don't get to see him again until June, so I desperately need these conversations. He does not have a computer, so skype is out of the question. Any advice?
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-01-13 21:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling Jamaica
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-01-13 20:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica -- Phone problems?
They had it listed as unlimited on the commercial... which got everyone excited! But in actuality it is only 16 hours (no where near unlimited!) But hey, it's better than nothing!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-02-01 14:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica -- Phone problems?
FYI to everyone looking for a phone fix!
McKoy bought a digicel card for $1000 today for 16 hours-- that is not enough! So he went back, bought another chip and another card-- so we have 32 hours total (which still isn't enough, but is much better!) C&W is trying to sell 4 hours to call America and 4 hours of Jamaican calling for $1000.

Good luck on a new month of calling!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-02-01 13:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica -- Phone problems?
Hey all- I just talked to McKoy and he said digicel has been running TV ads that they are coming out with a 1000 minute plan (the C&W plan was 990 minutes) for $1200 a month. So no matter what C&W does next month, we at least know we have an option with digicel!

McKoy and I have talked about buying a new chip so that we can use 2 cards per a month- because 32 hours is more what we are used to talking! If it works, we will save SOOO much money! Just though I'd pass these two thoughts on to everyone!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-01-29 21:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica -- Phone problems?

I was in the same boat last month $1.50 a minute just can't do it! We are using calling cards now and just waiting to see what C&W comes up with! I hope it gets better for you!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-01-25 20:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica -- Phone problems?
I talked to McKoy last night and he called C&W when we got off the phone. So this morning he informed me that they are apparently creating a new plan (I immediately said, "yea, with less hours!") which Mr. Positive McKoy is sure means a better plan for us (bless his little positive heart). Anyway, I guess we will all just have to wait until February to find out!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-01-22 07:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica -- Phone problems?
We use the b-mobile 16 hour (previously 30 hour plan) and I am having a heart attack reading this! We used to use megaphone- unlimited calling to UK and US, but that went under as well. Hopefully McKoy will know something tonight- we are already out of time for this month, so we are only talking 30minutes a day as is. If I find out anything on the phone tonight, I'll post. I hope (for all of our sakes!) that this is not true!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-01-21 18:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies-- I need your advice!
HELP! We are finally marrried, but now it is time for the filing! We are filing for CR/IR, so Ihave a few questions.

Did anyone else get the "Marriage (duplicate) Register" after their ceremony? If so, can this be used in place of waiting for the official marriage license?

Lastly, what have you all used for other pieces of proof of bonafide and ongoing union? Are affadavits important if we don't have any shared property or a shared bank account?

Any help would be much appreciated!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-06-26 18:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTODAY I married my BEST FRIEND
Congratulations! When do I get to see pictures!

I'm so happy for you- but your post had me in tears!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-07-23 18:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Hi all... well as far as the clique thing goes... I can understand both sides of this! I'm not on here everyday- maybe once or twice a week, but when I do come on, it is usually when I'm really low or really need some help. I think the ladies that seem like the solid group are that because they are on here a lot and a lot of time has gone into getting to know each other! Yes, sometimes I post and don’t get any responses and it does feel like I’m being ignored, but I just try to take it as people not having any knowledge about what I’m asking!

It’s like the playground- if you want to be part of the group, play by their rules- become a part of their conversation and then you’ll get your time.

There are a lot of great people on here, I’ve not met with any straight negativity or meanness and I appreciate you all for that.

I’m always around for PMs and I LOVE making new friends… so if you need someone to talk to… anyone, I’ve got a ton of free time until my baby gets here!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-07-24 08:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Roxcie- that article is terrible! They better get that stuff fixed!

Well ladies, like I mentioned, I'm planning a trip to see my baby in December. He still lives with his parents (who I LOVE!) so usually we stay at a guesthouse for privacy. This time around the budget is tight and so I thought I'd see if anyone knew of cheap guesthouses in the St. Elizabeth area (Tryall/Southfield/Junction) Any help would be great!


Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-07-24 06:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Trelawny- I'm so excited for you-I can't wait to hear about the wedding!

I'm a total patois dunce... it is the speed and tone of it that kills me. When they slow WAY, WAY down I'm like, "oh, yeah!" When I met my husband for the first time, he had to tell me his name like 6 times... sometimes I just freeze up when I hear the accent!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-07-21 15:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies... anyone familiar wtih RGD site?
Wow- didn't realize this would turn into such a hot topic! We have already submitted paperwork, but are just making sure we have everything we need for the next step as well as his birth certificate for when he moves here to have on hand.

Like I said before, there are some things that are just MUCH easier for me to take care of than for him. But, he does his bit. That's the partnership in it.

I'll be sure to let everyone know when/if we get the order just so people know whether or not it works! I did order it regular post and not courier service, wanted to get it done early so we didn't have to pay a ton more.

Edited by Meliss3108, 23 August 2008 - 03:10 PM.

Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-08-23 15:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies... anyone familiar wtih RGD site?
Internet access is much easier for me than my SO... so I ordered it. But it is being shipped to him and then he can send it DHL to me with a bunch of other stuff. Some things are his responsibility, but whatever is the most efficient way, we jump on it. It is more important to us that he go to work everyday than spend hours driving all over the island and standing in line...
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-08-22 10:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies... anyone familiar wtih RGD site?
The closest would be Santa Cruz... and it is like an hour away... he's kind of in the boonies. Ah... now, I'm a bit stressed by this. Money is so tight right now and having him drive anywhere always ends up costing him an arm and a leg. Can he pay for it and pick it up the same day? He has to go to Kingston to get his police record, so maybe he can get it all then? I've already paid for the marriage certificate, so we will see what happens there.

Thank you all for your help.
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-08-21 11:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies... anyone familiar wtih RGD site?
Oh... I was able to order two of them... and I sent them to his residence in Jamaica... not to me in the states. I'm hoping it will work.
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-08-21 11:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies... anyone familiar wtih RGD site?
He is without a car and 3 hours from Kingston... makes that a bit difficult. If it were easier, I'd do that... but luckily, we've never lost anything I've sent him (knock on wood). I'm just afriad to mess them up by submitting one application and not paying the fees and submitting another and paying for that one...
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-08-21 11:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies... anyone familiar wtih RGD site?
Hi all... I'm using the RGD website to order offical copies of our wedding certificate and my hubby's birth certificate...

I thought I could complete both forms and then hit the check out button- but I think I lost the form form ordering his birth certificate. So, I paid the fee for our marriage license- is it safe to submit another application for his birth certificate and then pay that fee????

Edited by Meliss3108, 21 August 2008 - 11:43 AM.

Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-08-21 11:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies... what do you think?
From todays Observer (

US Embassy unveils new visa appointment system
But it will cost applicants more

Friday, November 14, 2008

Consul general at the United States Embassy in Kingston, Edward Wehrli (left) shakes hands with commercial director of DHL Express Caribbean region, Steve Garside. Also photographed are US Ambassador to Jamaica Brenda LaGrange Johnson (second left) and senior general manager of retail banking at NCB, Audrey Tugwell Henry. (Photo: Lionel Rookwood)

Frustrated members of the public, who have had difficulty securing visa interview appoint-ments at the United States embassy, should get some relief come Monday with the introduction of a new system, which the embassy says is solid, efficient and will guarantee that qualified applicants get dates.

Under the new service, visa applicants will be able to call an 800 number staffed by live operators or log on to a parallel self-service website to schedule appointments themselves.
Making the announcement at the Courtleigh Hotel in Kingston yesterday, Consul General Edward Wehrli admitted that the embassy's current appointment system - which will be inactive after today - had flaws and said the embassy had been working for months to identify an efficient replacement.

"These service enhancements are very highly successful at other embassies abroad," Wehrli told journalists.
However, the call service which covers an eight-minute conversation and which will allow applicants to reschedule twice, will attract a cost of US$13, while the website option will offer unlimited access at a cost of US$10. These fees, along with the US$131 visa fee, will now be made solely through National Commercial Bank (NCB). Upon paying for the call centre feature, the bank will issue a Personal Identification Number (PIN).

NCB will activate its visa service next Wednesday, two days after the new appointment system takes effect. The embassy said the new system will not affect those who have already paid through Paymaster and who have not yet had interview appointments.

Courier service DHL will become the embassy's exclusive courier pass-back partners as of Wednesday, at a cost of US$8.50 to the user.

Since the start of the year, there has been widespread discontent among Jamaicans applying for non-immigrant visas to the US over the length of time it takes to schedule appointments. Many persons complained that they were forced to wait for months. Yesterday, US Ambassador to Jamaica Brenda LaGrange Johnson said it was the public outcry that pushed the embassy to find solutions.

"We have been mindful of the public's clearly expressed concerns about the difficulties many encounter in booking a timely appointment and getting reliable information about the visa application process," she said yesterday.

The self-service website can be accessed at and the call centre can be reached at

New visa rules

. On Monday, November 17, National Commercial Bank will begin collecting the visa application fee of US$131.00 at its dozens of branches islandwide.
. On Wednesday, November 19, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) will begin providing visa information and scheduling appointments via a pay-for-service telephone call centre staffed by live operators and will open a self-service website option at slightly lower cost.
. On Wednesday, November 19, DHL will become the embassy's official courier pass-back company to deliver passports with visas to all successful applicants. DHL will have a counter in the consular section waiting room where applicants will make arrangements for delivery of their passports.
. CSC Corporation, the operator of the call centre, is a US State Department contractor located in the Washington DC area. This same service package has been introduced successfully in many other US consular posts around the world, many with heavier visa demands than Kingston. CSC has hired local "greeters" who will meet applicants outside the embassy to help them move quickly into the Consular Section, to ensure that documents are in proper order, and to explain procedures and answer basic questions.
How much will it cost?
. The cost for the call centre option will be US$13.00 to obtain visa information and schedule an appointment for a non-immigrant visa interview. The fee covers an eight-minute conversation and would allow an applicant to reschedule the appointment twice, if necessary.
. The 24-hour/seven days a week self-service website will cost US$10.00 to obtain information and secure an on-line non-immigrant visa appointment.
. DHL will deliver passports to applicants' addresses for US$8.50. Only one fee will be charged per family of up to five members.
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-11-14 07:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americafeburary 2009 yardies and where?
What parish?
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-11-23 17:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYadie Recipes
Hi All:

I swear their used to be a post about recipes. Anyway, I'm looking for spiced bun recipes- but I think we should compile Jamaican recipes somewhere!


Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-03-30 07:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies with case complete
I'm a November waiter! But I'm hoping and praying for a March interview!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-01-27 10:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies with case complete
Do I get a letter from NVC when the case is completed and sent to the Embassy? I really feel lost at this point of the process, but it seems like that is normal! Does anyone know of any places to go to for more information on what steps we need to take (medical, interview fees, etc) once the case is completed at NVC?

thanks! And heres hoping that everyone complete gets and interview SOON!!!!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2008-11-11 19:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Cookbook
QUOTE (shrewdgal @ Mar 31 2009, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kkholiday2006 @ Mar 30 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ells - do you like Ackee? It's not my favorite. When I eat Ackee and Salt fish, I eat the salt fish and leave the ackee. hahhahaha

me too KK!
I used to like it I cant stand it!

I've never been a fan of ackee and saltfish.... either part of it! But... when with the mother-in-law, I'll eat it!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-04-03 08:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Perfect- Thanks for updating us! How long did it take to the get the perm res card and did they need to see that at the SS place?]

I hope you guys are having fun! McKoy gets here Friday!

Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-03-25 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Philly: DHL still works... unless you live in the boonies like my husband does. They wouldn't mail to his house because he has no official street address. So, he had to go back and pick it up. If you're close to the embassy, I think you'll be fine.

Shrewd: Please let me know how the SSN thing goes. If I'd have thought it through, I would have not requested the SSN as it is easier to do through the Social Security Administration in your home town (I know this from working with international stduents). Please let me know if you are able to get it!

Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-03-23 10:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
QUOTE (phillyfashionista @ Mar 12 2009, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Shrewdie sorry to hear that, you'll get the SSN soon I just know it.

I just recvd my appointment letter yesterday via email, I am glad because I heard so many other VJers say they took forever to send it out and our So's need it for the medical star_smile.gif

Our appointment is 7:00 am I wonder is that the 1st appointment?

Philly, 7am is the first appointment, McKoy was through in an hour and a half! He got hsi visa last week, so we are just waiting now!

Shrewd, what happened with the SSN? We requested that it be sent as well, but it may just be easier to go to the Social Security Administration. Did they give you a number?
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-03-22 04:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Sorry everyone! I am currently in China on a business trip and it has been so chaotic here... BUT... McKoy was approved!

His interview was yesterday at 7am and he was the second one in line- out the door by 8:30. They asked very few questions- when and how did we meet? When did we get married and had I visited since the marriage. They didn't ask for any additional information- no photos or anything.

Oddly enough they told him that they weren't doing DHL anymore... and that he would have to come back to pick up the visa. It may take 3 days or ten weeks... what is this?!?! So he will call the day after tomorrow and if it is ready he will return to Kingston to get it. Has anyone else heard of this?

Congratulations to everyone who has been approved- finally, a light at the end of the tunnel! Thank you all for remembering me, even in my absence!


Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-03-11 03:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Silly question: Is there a fee associated with the visa interview?

Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-02-22 18:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Congrats Pecky and Shrewd... I'm so excited for you too! I'm glad things were relatively painless for you!

I'm beginning to freak out- so any advice would be appreciated. McKoy's medical is Thursday. This Wednesday is a national holiday- Ash Wednesday- and everything will be closed. We still don't have McKoy's interview letter and I called NVC on Friday and they were very clear in telling me, regardless of the medical, they will not email the letter any earlier than one week before the interview (March 10). So basically, I need to have the letter faxed to McKoy by the end of the business day on Tuesday- so I need to have it waiting in my mailbox when I get home from work tomorrow...

So... what if it isn't there? Does anyone have any ideas on who I can contact or what I can do before the end of the day Tuesday?!

Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-02-22 15:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Javes- I'm in the same boat- made a few calls today and was shocked to get the same reply. Seems utterly ridiculous. McKoy's medical is on Thursday- and still no letter... I'm getting anxious!

I'm not going to the interview- I travel for work and I'll be in China while he is at the interview... 13 hour time difference... wonderful! Are you going?
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-02-20 16:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Congrats Mrs Buggy and Good luck Pecky and Shrewd!

Have any of the folks for March interviews gotten their interview letters yet? McKoy's medical is a week from tomorrow- and still no letter. I assume he won't get his in time, but I thought I'd get mine?!?!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-02-18 11:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Yay! It is so exciting to see everyone getting interviews!

I have another questions about the medical- we were hoping for an appointment in the afternoon as McKoy has to go to Kingston to have some papers notarized at american citizens portion of the embassy- which is only open until 11am- is this even possible? it seems that all the medical appointments are EARLY in the morning like the interviews.
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-02-12 07:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Thanks for the happy thoughts everyone! Does anyone know how difficult it is to get an appointment for the medical? Should we call now if we want one by the end of this month?

Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-02-11 10:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
If you're hoping for a March interview- now is the time to call. They scheduled McKoy for March 10 at 7 am! Just found out today!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-02-10 13:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Does anyone know if they have scheduled March interviews yet? I'm beginning to get worried!
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-02-09 16:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
I'll be hoping for you too Javesgirl!

I called NVC last night and the lady was very polite, but told me to call back in two weeks. I'm not waiting two weeks. I'll call back Thursday! I'm hoping they don't want until the middle of February as it is a short month and we need to get rolling on things like the medical if we do have a March interview. McKoy has had pretty solid work for the last few months, but things are starting to slow down. I'm hoping we can get things moving before he gets his next job.
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-02-03 17:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South America2009 Yardie Interview Schedule
Hey all... anyone waiting on a march interview? I'm hoping and praying...
Meliss3108FemaleJamaica2009-02-03 09:38:00