K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhich way
It was suggested, prior to our marriage, that if we were married before she left the country for this emergency it would be easier/quicker for her return. So this seemed the thing to do (we were going to do this anyway). There was no time for paperwork for EAP. This new process we must go thru the
K-3 or Cr-1 will be less complicated than the K-1, right? I mean, we have already been under the microscope and passed to acquire the recent K-1.
Me 2MaleRussia2008-11-25 08:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhich way
My fiancee arrived in the US Oct. 4 on K-1 Visa which expires Jan. 4 2009. After 6 weeks she had an emergency at her home and had to return. We got married before she left. Where do i begin for her to be able to return? K-3? She resides in US now doesn't she?
Me 2MaleRussia2008-11-24 17:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiondo i qualify? (I-134)
My income is approximately 18k to 19k annually. My small business grosses a little over 50k annually. Can i have my woman? There is only me and there will only be her. No kids involved. What info. is not necessary on the I-134 because of my income? I have read where some people have written that bank acc. info., property assets, stocks, bonds, etc. are not needed on this form if you make x amount of dollars. Will i be able to leave this info. off of this form?
Me 2MaleRussia2008-01-08 10:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDisrespectful interview once, how about 2 times?
I have some concern about the possible interview that lies ahead for my girlfriend/Fiancée. We tried for a "visitor visa" in July knowing in advance, that for some reason it could be difficult for her to come to America to visit a friend. We made sure she met all the necessary requirements/demands of the US government to aquire this visa in Moscow. She rode on a train for 36 hours to have her interview, ONEWAY! When she returned home this is part of her message to me...

"I am very upset to have this refusal from the Embassy. The consular officer asked me only 3 questions 1) My name; 2) Where I came from; 3) The purpose of my visit. After that he has looked casually at me only one time within our conversation and says: " Thank you. Sorry I can not open visa for you." He gives me back all my documents with passport and and say to me "good bye"."

What is this, like a 30 second interview! And then she must get back on the train. For me it wasn't so much the refusal of the visa as it was the way this "jerk" treated her and possibly everyone else that makes an honest effort to come for a visit to America. She would have returned to her country as expected! It's real simple,... tell me i'm going to prison if she fails to leave America. She'll be on the plane, i promise. God forbid we have anyone in this country illegally.

This site the State Dept. has is so untrue.... http://travel.state..../visa_2796.html

So now i must worry about this next interview. Is this counsellor officer going to be in a bad mood also and care less? After we make all this effort and spend money to do it correctly. What are the chances of this refusal? Like i said we had everything as needed for the interview before and she was denied. But maybe applying for the Fiancée visa is more agreeable with the powers that be.
Me 2MaleRussia2008-01-27 13:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJust curious,... why duplicates?
Church!!,..uhmmm.... I'm reborn!!!
My Mom's address is on all of my documents/mail for past 10 yrs. as my address. What the hell, thought it could be a plus for visa. The writing is on the wall.

I-364 is not an affidavit of support... For a K-1 use the I-134.

Numbers, numbers,.. so many numbers. thanks, i was confused. I-864... I- 134 whatever, i would know what to do when the time comes to be serious. Again Thanks, but i know. I gotta' know or else... I burn.

I thought i had read somewhere that if i was self-employed i needed to show evidence of this, i.e. the corporate tax returns that i mentioned. Perhaps i worded it wrong. Again, more mind-boggling details from our...

Thanks, but i think that some of my questions go unanswered.
Me 2MaleRussia2008-07-07 22:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJust curious,... why duplicates?
As i am now preparing a second/duplicate packet, as the one i sent in March to USCIS which sent it to NVC which sent it to the Embassey in Moscow waiting for the arrival of my girlfriend/fiancee for her interview in August, I have to ask why? Why is it necessary to recreate this packet and mail it to her at her home so she can take it to the Embassey which already has the original packet? I understand the required "new" info. to see that we are still serious about each other since March, 5 or 6 months ago, anything showing that we are still interacting with each other. But i don't understand this duplicate packet of photo's & forms which they already have. Can someone please explain this?

Also, i will inherit my mothers home oneday, can i list this as asset/property on the I-364 "affidavit of support"?

Also, I became self-employed the beginning of 2007, i bought the business i had been working for for many years. The I-364 form is the correct form for me? ALL i have available to me for this form is my personal tax returns and my corporate tax returns of 2007. And the house if possible, mentioned above. Bank account,... what comes in goes out. But this will improve. I am above the required income level by a couple of thousand dollars.

Thanks for replys & advice.
Me 2MaleRussia2008-07-07 07:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLife changes....
As I hung-up the phone from speaking to Marina on my way to bed, she is on her way to the Embassy in Moscow for her interview. It is 7:30AM Aug. 14th for her. Although I am told by many, her included, that we should not have any difficulty receiving our K-1 visa, I am very concerned about the possibility of not receiving it. After a somewhat restless night of sleep it is finally 5:00AM and I decide to get out of bed, go to my computer and call her for the results of the interview. Since we are always on the same page,…. within 10 minutes after I wake she calls me. After hearing her voice for 5 seconds I knew… we had success. She was unable to control her excitement of this great news for us.

She waited approximately 4 and a half hours before she was interviewed, which she said took about 20 mins. of many questions. She said the consular officer was pleasant and his final words were “Please take this Visa as a present from me to you & your fiancé on your 2 year anniversary”. The first time we met, via internet, was August 14th 2006.
What a great gift! What a great anniversary!

Soon the life I have known for a very very long time will change. Soon the life Marina has known for a very very long time will change also. We must begin to prepare ourselves mentally for this. It will be different……. good.gif

(the USCIS received our first papers around Mid March, i believe it was.)
Me 2MaleRussia2008-08-14 07:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat is this?
It took me awhile to get my butt in gear to put this packet together and also have the spare $455. that was required. Although after i got involved with it, i got carried away it. It was like the science project i never did when in school. I was very pleased with the outcome of this petition and hoped that the ones on the receiving end would see my efforts/creativity and possible not give me any grief. I guess it worked.
Thanks for the info.
Me 2MaleRussia2008-05-13 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat is this?
March 15th till May 9th, a month and 3 weeks approximately for approval, is that the norm to receive NOA2? In this process, was this a big accomplishment or just one of many more to come? What i'm trying to say is,... can i begin to relax a little?
thanks, bp
Me 2MaleRussia2008-05-13 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat is this?
NOA1 or NOA2...

"On May 9, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice."

I mailed to Vermont and they entered it into the system March 15th. I haven't received what they mailed to me on May 9th yet. Anyway is this a good thing? I got a notice when they received my packet and now this. Does this mean everything is "slick"?
Me 2MaleRussia2008-05-13 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsconsulate?
I just got my notice I-797 and within it is written... "The above petition has been apporved, and forwarded to the listed consulate." I don't see an consulate listed anywhere. What am i missing?
(They say contact the consulate if i have any questions, but how do i contact them if i don't know who they are?)
Me 2MaleRussia2008-05-15 20:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBackruptcy

What statue-of-limitation's?

Me 2MaleRussia2014-10-03 10:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBackruptcy

I found a very old post (2006) about this subject but I want to be up-to-date. My wife is in Russia and now we are in the process of her return to US. She is not a citizen. I am a small business owner and have had some serious loss of income (no fault of my own) which is forcing me to consider to file for bankruptcy. What I read on the old post is that bankruptcy should not effect the return of a spouse, what matters is my income today and if I can support her. My income, at the moment,  is enough to provide adequate support for her and myself. And actually, she will possibly find employment quickly and bring additional income to the household. Is this information in the old post still good today?




I have put off this bankruptcy for almost 2 years but I have recently had more loss of income. This is due to retail corporate thinking by not supporting small business, no fault of my own.

Me 2MaleRussia2014-10-03 09:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestax returns... 1 or 3
When i filed for the I-129 petition (2008) the instructions required 3 years of tax returns within the affidavit of support but someone in this forum said the most recent year (2007) would be sufficent. I sent only 1 and it was sufficent, we got the visa. Now i am filing for a CR-1 which again requires 3 years of tax returns. Will only 1 (2008) be sufficent for this also?
Me 2MaleRussia2009-02-06 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime Frames: How could she do this?
OK, i'm back with more of this story. I do appreciate all the input you've given me. I have realized many of the mistakes i've made with my involvement with Mila (44). But we learn from our mistakes. Mila's mistake was not telling me what was going on. Telling me she would contact me as soon as she got settled in her new location and got internet service. When verifying my contact information, she also wanted me to confirm where i lived to her. I thought it an odd request, but told her she had it correct.
I always told her to communicate with other guy's so she would know if i was the right one for her. And i could see with the agency that she was listed with that she was always active (they post a date of last visit to the site), and she was active all the way up to Dec. 3rd when she went to St. Pete for a 2 week vacation. If she was so involved with someone enough to marry them then why was she always active with this agency? Surely not to communicate with him. She and i stopped writing to each other thru the agency about 2 weeks after we met and started using our personal email addresses. Anyway, for me this is only one of the confusing pieces to this confusing puzzle. I've since gotten some Russian girl "friends" involved with this for language problems and also for their opinions. They've made several phone calls to her old residence and last place of employment. When asking about Mila no one says she got married, just that she is in USA. You would think that if she married they would say so. When Irina ask someone directly about it, they avoided answering the question. Finally weeks later we are told that she got married. We've been told that she put in her notice to quit her job on Jan. 10th. I was told on Jan. 4th she was in USA. We've also been told she was fired. More conflicting information. One person even said they were worried that she didn't make it to the US.
Mila told me she was going to keep her apartment, not sell it, in case she moves back to her city in a year or so. I can't understand why she would keep her apartment if she was getting married and moving to US. She had made a few comments starting in Sept. about problems with her job (she had been there 7 years and i believe it was a good paying job) so when she told me that they had gone out of business and closed in Dec. while she was in St. Pete on her vacation or right after she got back, well i had no reason to doubt this. We have found this place to still be in business, if it is the right place. I'm sure that Mila did not expect me to do all this investigating, and possibly word has reached her that me and my friends have called looking for her. As i have said earlier, we have known each other for 1 year. I always found her to be an honest and sincere person, with a wonderful personality and great sense of humor. You can learn alot about a person in a year. NO, we have never met, but i was going in May and she knew this. We put alot of effort into this relationship, emailing all the time and phone calls twice a week that could last for several hours. Despite the problems understanding each other at times, we got along very well. And because of this year of learning about each other we had become good friends, which seems to me a good way to start a long lasting future together. In our last phone conversation, the day before she was to move to St. Pete, Dec. 24th, she was rather emotional, a side of her i had never seen before. It was a sad moment. She tried not to show these emotions but was unable to. She told me she had friends coming to see her and say goodbye which had her upset to some degree, of course. But i have wondered that if she was still at her job till Jan. 10th why were friends coming to say goodbye to her 2 weeks in advance? Anyway, i wanted to be some comfort to her about this, so i say some things to her that only bring out more emotion. Women may be able to fake somethings, but theres no faking this stuff. It was real.
Also, it was in Oct. that she had received a notice from the Army that they wanted her son. She did not like this at all. Commenting in the months to follow of speaking with lawyers and trying to find ways to avoid this. And asking me not to phone on a particular night as planned because she had relatives coming over to discuss important family matters that night. I've wondered if this has something to do with her disappearance? But why not tell me about this instead of leaving me in this darkness to worry about her and her son? As a friend of mine pointed out to me over the weekend that i was probably her first choice, but she may have been desperate for various reasons to get out of Russia. Although i have been confused, disappointed, and angry with her about this, i feel as though i have failed her to some degree. But i am glad that my last words to her where "I love you, Mila", something i never said to her before.
It has also been pointed out to me that she possibly didn't tell me of all this because i was a backup plan in case things didn't work out, that i may still be a backup plan today. Interesting, I've never been anybody's backup plan before. But if she knows that i know some of the truth of this, then whatever it is that she has gotten into falls thru, she may not see me as the backup plan any longer. She will feel too guilty to contact me ever again, i think, but i don't know.

Well this is more than than i had originally planned on getting into, but there where things that ya'll had written that i felt a need to respond to. Please feel free to reply to any of this if you wish. I hope that i've cleared up any confusion that may have exsisted,.... but possibly just caused more.
Me 2MaleRussia2006-04-03 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime Frames: How could she do this?
OK, look. Ya'll have given me much too respond to but it's a nice day and i don't see me sitting at this computer explaining this story. I hope that you will stay tuned in and i will respond ASAP. As i have said there is much conflicting & confusing info. that i have found over the last 3 months. So this is why i must pursue the truth. My first reaction was the same as everyone else that heard some of the story, but when they heard the whole story, well they walked away scratching their head.

I am new with this forum and haven't really looked into what it's about, so i have to ask, am i off base with this topic? Perhaps i should be writing to Dr. Laura instead.

So check back, at least so that i can explain that i am not gullible and haven't been "played".


(Luis & Laura, you ask this:
How do you know she´s in the US if she hasn´t contacted you?) I and some Russian girl friends of mine have been given this information when we call looking for her. But no one says that she has married. Just that she is in USA.
Me 2MaleRussia2006-04-01 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime Frames: How could she do this?
Thanks for the input. If you could give a little more it would be helpful.
If she already had this Visa, as suggested, then how long could she have had this?
We have very good relations after one year, why does she not tell me of this?
When we have last phone conversation on Dec. 24th she was very emotional during
conversation and when we say goodbye. I thought it would be 2 weeks max until i
hear from her, apparently she knew something i did not know. She had no internet service
at the relatives home she was moving to in St. Pete., but said she would contact me as soon
as she got it.
Also, she has a 20 year old son. She told me he was moving with her to St. Pete. Did he really come to
US with her? Would that only make it more difficult for her to leave Russia so quickly? More paperwork!

Maybe these questions are difficult to understand, but if you have some suggestions or questions, i will
try to eliminate the confusion, etc.

Thanks, bp
Me 2MaleRussia2006-04-01 08:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime Frames: How could she do this?
Is it possible for a girl from Russia to meet with a man, for what i believe to be the first time, in St. Pete the first 2 weeks of Dec. 05 and then be in the US by Jan. 4th? She was in her city, Izhevsk, on Dec. 24th because i spoke with her on the phone. I am told on Jan. 4th she is in US. But i am also told that her last day at work was Jan. 10th. It is a long confusing story, that i would rather not go into at the moment. But i would appreciate any info. on the required "time frames" for her to be able to come to the US. What circumstances would allow her to do this in a 4 to 5 week time frame? I will say that i have known this girl for a year, she told me she was moving to St. Pete on Dec. 25th, nothing about US. I have not heard from her in 3 months and have no contact info., but she has all of mine.
I don't understand all this tech. talk about visas, so try to lay it out for me in simple terms, please. Would getting married while in St. Pete the first of Dec. give her quick access to the US? How about a visitor visa?
From what i have learned about the coming to America from Russia, it takes longer than 4 to 5 weeks.

Thanks, bp

PS: There's alot of conflicting and confusing information about this.
Don't assume anything, please.
Me 2MaleRussia2006-04-01 00:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments for public knowledge?

I'm trying to locate someone from Russia. Are marriage licenses, visas or any other pertinent documents available for public knowledge? If so, where should i begin this search?
Thanks, bp

Me 2MaleRussia2006-04-07 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments for public knowledge?
I'm trying to locate someone from Russia. Are marriage licenses, visas or any other pertinent documents available for public knowledge? If so, where should i being this search?
Thanks, bp
Me 2MaleRussia2006-04-06 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan she come visit me?
I am told i must send a "letter of invitation" to officially invite my friend to come visit me.
What are the particulars for this letter? Is there a certain standard/guideline to go by? Or is this letter just a basic description of what, when, where, etc. I just want all to be as correct as possible.
Me 2MaleRussia2007-04-12 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan she come visit me?
I don't believe i'm in the right place for this question but maybe someone can advise.
I wish to bring someone from Russia for a 3 week visit. Is it possible? A B-2 visa is what I believe we need. She has been out of Russia before, but never to U.S. If you have any info. on where i should begin, please inform.
Thanks, Bobby
Me 2MaleRussia2007-03-29 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresam i a criminal?
NO! I'm not. If i have a 30 year old felony conviction (sell of 1 ounce of marijuana) on my records is it necessary to tell about this on my application for K-1 visa?

Also, i see on one site that i should send my (our) documents to Texas (i'm in Mississippi), and another web site has no mention of Texas, but for me to send documents to Vermont. Which is correct?

Also, is the Government a real pain for every "t" crossed and every "i" dotted? Everything has to be perfect? Cause there's alot of things to prepare for this visa request and it seems impossible to be perfect. I don't want to spend extra time & money because of "my Government's" inability and lack of desire to help and to understand a simple mistake that was made with these documents. Of course, we will do our best to do our best. I have read, from experienced people, that it is not necessary and best not to have this procedure handled by a lawyer.

Also, it was recently reported in the news, that a woman in Florida married, over a period of time, 20 guys from other countries so they could gain entry to America. How the hell does this happen!!

Thanks for replies, Bobby
Me 2MaleRussia2008-01-04 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresincome tax
I have been self employed for approximately 1 year. What are the chances that me having my own business and 1 (not 2 or 3) W-2 for 2007 will be sufficent for "affidavit of support"?

Does the W-2 go with the I-129f ? I don't think it does but,... when does it come into play? I have not recieved it yet and would like to send my I-129F NOW if the W-2 is not required with it.

Me 2MaleRussia2008-01-26 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F question 13 - children
Uhh, i don't believe there was anything in my question or comment that suggest i am looking for a way to lie. It's real simple and obvious to see that i'm looking for the truthful answer to this slightly confusing part of this petition.
How question 13 should have been phrased, because of the wording that explained this petition earlier, is... "List all children of your alien fiance whether they are coming to USA or not."
Or something like this.
Also, it would seem to me the best thing to do is conquer each petition/document in order. So i've really had no reason to look into DS-156 and DS-230 when they come after the I-129F. One step at a time.
That's why this forum is such a huge success because from the looks of things there is much confusion about alot of these goverment docs.
thanks again
Me 2MaleRussia2008-01-29 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F question 13 - children
Well actually it's not "quite clear". This is what i read prior to filling out this form.....

"I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiance(e) [USCIS Instructions](also used in K3 apps): This form is used to petition to bring your fiancé(e) [b]and that person's children [b] to the United States for marriage to you or to bring your spouse and that person's children (K-3 and K-4 visas, respectively) to the United States to complete processing for permanent resident status (under the LIFE Act and Amendments of 2000); please see section 12 of the Instructions to the form."

I just want to be acurat for the governmint.

Me 2MaleRussia2008-01-29 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F question 13 - children
The question is: List all children of your fiance. She has a son that is 20 yo, he will not be coming with her to America. Should he be named in this box or is it N/A?
Me 2MaleRussia2008-01-29 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to apply for a tourist visa?
I/we tried this the past July and my girlfriend was shot down very quickly(within 1 minute) although she had the necessary documents/proof of her life in Russia. We thought. Maybe for some reason the Am. embassy is very strict on Russian women?
Possibly you can find more info. here....

Me 2MaleRussia2008-02-12 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespassport photo
I believe i have the ability to make my own passport photo which is required for the I-129 petition,.... will this be acceptable? Or does it have to be done by a "passport photo professional"?

There is so much info. on how to make this photo correctly, that i can only think they give these details for the average Joe so he can do it him/herself. I mean why give all this info. to the "passport photo professional"? They already know how to.

Me 2MaleRussia2008-02-21 09:31:00