United KingdomApproved !!!!!!!!!!!!
Wahey well done :D Awesome news!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-19 17:54:00
United KingdomApproved!!!!
So awesome to hear :D Well done!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-19 09:49:00
United KingdomGuess what? I'm getting a divorce.
Sincerely sorry for your situation. Hopefully it will resolve itself quickly and you will be able to move forward with your head held high. Just remember grace and dignity in the face of injustice and distress is paramount. I know it's not the popular thing to say at the moment, but with all due respect, you've made your personal life an issue on public forums. It hardly makes sense to tell people to stay out of personal things now because they are not enthusiastic about the language and malice. Not to be cheeky, but you have done the exact same to others who have come here looking to vent and for help - now you wish to share your personal life and vent, which is totally understandable, and I personally take no issue with that - but surely you can understand as a perpetual decenter that not everyone will share your views, but they are obviously still trying to be supportive; to virtually hold your hand and give you a hug because they care...these people are telling you they care about you, they are trying to support you, tell you you're not alone, and make you feel better. Embrace their kindness, you are not alone in being crapped on by the universe. This is not meant to be antagonistic in the least, just sort of a virtual love tap on your e-#######. I've divorced a mamma's baby myself who never had his umbilical cord cut. Thankfully I only invested 2 years in the "relationship" (and I use that term loosely as it was more like some dysfunctional 3-way with his mother constantly in the middle of everything). That type of person is a boy, and not a man in the least and not deserving of a real woman.

You're a strong person, that is obvious, you will be fine, and it may be no comfort, but - Things Happen for a Reason. You will have new opportunities and new chances at old relationships with the reunion of your family and friends. Good luck with everything your new life has to offer. Consider this your renaissance and become a more positive person because of it.

Perhaps this should be closed, and parties should be asked to send their condolences and support directly to the OP's message box to stop any drama from ensuing.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-21 14:11:00
United KingdomCurrent Costs for Interview
You can pay for it either in GBP or USD, you can pay with cash and debit (hubby is not sure if they took checks but the amount will always be 100 USD or the equivalent in GBP which you can actually check at (until they raise the price of course)

Edited by Leney, 21 June 2007 - 06:48 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-21 18:47:00
United KingdomCurrent Costs for Interview
My husband went through this March to May and here are the costs we incurred:

Medical - 185 GBP (payable at medical)
Visa Interview (payable at embassy cashier at time of interview) - 100 USD per applicant
Courier Fee - 13.50 GBP (payable at embassy at time of interview)

Other possible costs are vaccinations - but you can schedule them via your GP to reduce the cost instead of having them done at the medical.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-21 14:20:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!
congrats and good luck with all that comes your way!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-21 10:10:00
United KingdomUK posts being made invisible
Just a thought for you -

The way we do it at work, is to have forums within the forums that are only accessible by employees (and a few volunteers) of our company, we then take all edited posts, and put them in a thread or "suspect file" if you will, and keep all edited, and inappropriate content posted by that customer, so if they continue to violate the ToS, they will be given a 3 day ban, after that, the penalties rise - week ban, month ban, permenant ban, IP ban. In the same "employee only" forum we also place all removed or as you are calling them "invisible" threads.

That way, nothing is lost and everything is tracked and monitored, including the actions of the employees/volunteers. This stops abuse of power for mods, and gives them plenty off ammo when questions arise as to what to do with an unruly customer.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-25 07:55:00
United KingdomUK posts being made invisible
Have our lives become so sad an empty we are debating this tripe? Surely I am not the only person rolling my eyes and thinking everyone needs to GROW THE HECK UP!

I have worked as a moderator as well as other duties for over 7 years on a site (professionally not volunteer) and you know what we tell people who cry about moderation/censorship etc - This is a privately owned forum, not governed by the US Constitution, as with any social club, you can adhere to the rules, or you can move on, or risk account termination. No one is nailing you to the floor and telling you you must stay. I'd consider yourselves very lucky the owner is even concerned with your input and ideas because I know how other businesses deal with it. Sorry for my very direct, real world response. I do have a heart :P

Do I like censorship? No. Do I think it applies to this forum? No. There is a host of things you agreed to when you signed up for your account, perhaps you should have read it carefully.

Anyway, stop being so stroppy and start being happy! YEESH PEOPLE!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-22 17:15:00
United Kingdomflight and arrival info please
Hubby says it's a white form, I-94 - do not use the green one (visa waiver) he said the airline kept trying to give him the green one.

Just go to the Non-US citizen line, as you would if you were visiting, and show them your envelope - they will then (probably) take you somewhere to process you.

Don't sweat the PoE, we were all sorts of freaked out about Newark as a POE after seeing some less than stellar reviews and having a previous crappy experience, but he was processed in less than 5 mins and he beat me outside the airport as his flight landed early. Was quite shocked to turn around and see them behind me.

Just keep thinking "Philly is the city of brotherly love" Good luck with everything!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-23 08:49:00
United Kingdomdepression and suicide attempt
For some major surgeries you need psych clearance, and you can go to any psychologist, they interview you shortly, and type up a letter stating you are currently sane, free of depression, etc - I would think you could have something like that done and it should suffice even if you are unable to get to your GP or psychologist who previously treated you.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-03 06:50:00
United KingdomGood luck to RGNSCOT, robburnsefc and msu17!

APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED!!!!!!!!! what can i say, thank you lot for your words of advice..... was hours there though apparently bcos of tomorrows holiday

well, i got this little madam who was asking me allsorts i had a feeling she was goin to refuse

questions she asked where did you meet what made you think you wanted to continue this long term relationship ???? has he been over there???? does either of you have dependants??? bryan hadnt put on the form that he has a 16 year old son so i panicked have you met him?? she asked well this is this interview over for now..... panic sets in... ur visa application has been approved yeaaaaaaa

good news for the other two i hope.. well done msu17

agnes xx

Well done! I'm so happy to hear this! Congratulations :D Also congrats to msu17! It's so lovely to see all the approvals!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-03 14:50:00
United KingdomGood luck to RGNSCOT, robburnsefc and msu17!
Best of luck to all of you! You're in my thoughts and prayers!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-02 09:15:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!
Yay! I'm sooo happy for you! Congrats :D
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-02 14:25:00
United KingdomAlso made it to the US
lol the fun of traveling from the uk with kids, thankfully I've only ever done 2 on my own at once instead of all 3! Congrats and welcome home!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-03 08:26:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
We sent 3 off 2007-03-20 and got 4 today - Now just to pray lots that the interview goes ok (4 may)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-03 16:48:00
United KingdomTim's Big Day At The Embassy
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-09 19:24:00
United KingdomBrit TV
They aren't the best quality, but you can also watch episodes from BBC shows (they are usually in multiple parts) on - the hubby and I just watched Episode 1 from Series 6 of Still Game yesterday, and it just aired Thursday.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-15 08:52:00
United KingdomFriday whinge from the maven
I'm covered in Bombay mahogany wood stain but our bedroom is getting closer to being habitable! just 3 more walls to paint, then what to do with the floor...carpet or sand it down and refinish it (it's hardwood)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-17 15:01:00
United KingdomFriday whinge from the maven
I wanna complain too :P

I took a second job (part time), apparently finances aren't the company owner's strong suit as my last paycheck did not clear, was removed from my bank account today and then MY bank fined me $5! It's not MY fault the damn pay check bounced...all I did was deposit my stupid pay! GRRRR

Friday the 13th for the suck *sniffle*

I say let's put on our party hats and have a pity party :P

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-13 16:16:00
United KingdomUK Decree Absolute
It was 6 weeks sorry! (It's been a loong time and a huge youthful error :P)

Referring to the decree made in this case on 3 March yada yada at yada yada between yada yada and yada yada

(important bit)
be dissolved unless sufficient cause be shown in the Court within six weeks from the making thereof why the said decree should not be made absolute, and no such cause having been shown, it is hereby certified that said decree was on the 18th of April made final and absolute

(so it took from 3 March to 18 April to become absolute after the previous decree)

(dunno if this is general English law or whatever, but it was Derby County Court)

Edited by Leney, 27 June 2007 - 07:40 AM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-27 07:38:00
United KingdomUK Decree Absolute

For those of you who have been through a divore in the UK, how long did it take to get the Decree Absolute once the waiting period was over from the Decree Nisi?? Its all signed, but "in the courts". My fiance has been waiting for his for what seems like forever! I'd like to know what to expect since his solicitor is always so vague about it, saying things like, "soon". She initially told us definitely by the end of June, and here we are at the end of June and still empty handed. UGH! We've been waiting sooooooo long! I just want to file my I129F ASAP, but especially before the new pricing structure goes into effect.

Any experiences that any of you would be willing to share, I'd be very grateful!


It took me 2-4 weeks I believe to get the decree absolute. I'm trying to find my papers to verify this, but I've filed the ones that were less important away - I'll keep looking.

Edited by Leney, 26 June 2007 - 04:24 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-26 16:22:00
United KingdomNewbie from Scotland!
That doesn't seem right to me either. No wonder people don't want to get married these days they seem to be penalised for it everywhere. I would try to recheck to make sure that this lady at the Edinburgh consulate is not just misinformed, it doesn't seem right.

My 5 year old step son did not have to go down with my hubby to London for the interview process because he was under 14 years so your 22 month old may not have to go along on that loooong trip (but it may be different for DCF)

I admit, I wanted to avoid all this red tape for our little guy, and when I was 6 months along with our (now 2 year old) youngest son, I flew home to give birth, so I'm not much help unfortunately :( I do wish you a speedy resolution.

(OT - We had a good friend in Coatbridge! He and his wife and kiddo have just moved north now though to be closer to his family and to give birth to their second! hehe)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-28 08:24:00
United KingdomNewbie from Scotland!
Welcome :D No need to apologise, you'll get the hang of it soon and it'll be second nature ;) Your hubby will have to tear you away from VJ! :D

Good luck with your DCF and the birth abroad report!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-26 20:26:00
United KingdomAny UK folks NOT applying for US citizenship?
I believe my hubby intends to get his US Citizenship, mostly for his career goals, but we have often talked about retiring to Scotland when our boys have grown, so I don't think he'd ever give up his status in the UK.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-21 08:17:00
United KingdomJust popping in!!
Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing, I'm such a sucker for pictures! ;D
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-04 08:52:00
United KingdomJust popping in!!
I can't wait to see the pictures! Congratulations!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-03 14:48:00
United KingdomMust the K2 child attend the interview at the Consulate? UK –London
The children must have a completed medical yes if you are apply for them to have a K-2 and they need to go to the doctor - however they do not need to attend the visa interview at the embassy if they are under 14 (I believe that is the cut off age)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-24 18:27:00
United KingdomWhat about my luggage while waiting for immigration
David got through so damn fast that he was standing behind me while I was staring at the arrivals waiting to see him come out of the international gate :P I felt like a goober!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-24 14:17:00
United KingdomVISA approved
Yay! Very happy for you! Congrats :D Enjoy the rest of your lives together!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-26 12:42:00
United KingdomWhat's "your" song?
OMG I haven't thought about Choppin' Broccoli in cousin and I used to sing that all the time...
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-26 12:52:00
United KingdomWhat's "your" song?
Aww this post is really sweet. I have to laugh, we don't really have a song, my hubby is a metal head and I love punk...if I could pick one song to describe our relationship though it would be something dorky like When I Fall in Love by Nat King Cole - though my hubby (who is over my shoulder said) "I think it should be fat bottom girls" He's going to have a dead arm once I post this :P

Edited by Leney, 26 July 2007 - 12:33 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-26 12:33:00
United KingdomLondon to JFK one way ticket
We went ahead and purchased return tickets, just because it was cheaper with continental lol (like $1000 cheaper at the time!!!!)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-31 08:38:00
United KingdomGood Luck Dan & Tiffany and psho tomorrow
Best of luck to you all, I am sure it will all be wonderful!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-30 11:55:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
And his butt is just about as hairy as my hubby! *hides*
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-30 17:08:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-26 16:21:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband

She went to a presentation on syphonic roof drains that was by a man from Scotland and ever since she is in love with the idea of a "Sean Connery (young version)" type.

Is it just me, or does this feel like a giant piss take? lol I'm so sorry if you are serious but this thread has had me rolling!

I love my hubby with all my heart but never in a million years did I see myself with a Scotsman. I can only speak for the Scots men I know, but they are a rare, strange, and wonderful breed of hard (hairy) asses, sarcastic bastards, at times cold and detached, and amazingly confident and proud. (perhaps maybe because most I know have served in the military?)

At any rate, my advice for your friend: please for heavens sake, don't base a relationship on an obsession with a flashy syphonic roof drain lecturer :P That does not a long lasting love make! Base it on something more rudimentary like a masonry lecturer; building the foundation for a better life!

PS - Sean Connery has a lisp :P

Edited by Leney, 26 July 2007 - 03:05 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-26 15:01:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
Sorry, my post was sarcasticish/goofy :P But that's who I am - at any rate my hubby and I just found extreme humour in this topic, but we don't have a "problem" Not quite sure it's in the right forum though :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-26 12:41:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
hahaha As someone who has a Scottish husband, and male Scottish friends, and a brother-in-law, let me be the first to say - no she really doesn't :P *hides*

Aside from that, I don't think this is really a site for Scottish singles, considering most folks looking to immigrate are married, engaged, or wildly insane ;)

Good luck with that though!

PS My hubby says to make sure she knows, Mel Gibson is not Scottish, and not all Scottish males wear kilts, toss cabers, or have big fuzzy ginger beards, the only blue parts of his body have occurred due to extreme cold, and c*nt is a term of endearment! ;)

Edited by Leney, 26 July 2007 - 12:29 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-26 12:28:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
Oath (hubby) is fae Paisley, Scotland ;)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-28 12:44:00
United Kingdomi,leaving....
Good luck with your flight and blessings for your new life in the states!! I'm sure you're over the moon :D Yay!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-08-17 11:48:00