USCIS Service CentersCalifornia USCIS has Stoped????????????/


Are you serious !! Do you feel better now, after takeing the time to type such a enlightened statement!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-03-22 22:47:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia USCIS has Stoped????????????/

Last I heard of CSC it became a multi-story Mexican Restaurant...

That would not suprise me one damn bit!!!!!!!!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-03-22 22:40:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia USCIS has Stoped????????????/
OK people, we here are all in the same boat for a K1 Visa. Why is Texas and Vermont processing K1 applications on a regular basia every week. And Cal. USCIS has stoprd totally. Who can answer this question for me!!!!!!!((((((
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-03-22 12:39:00
USCIS Service CentersWhy Won't USCIS Update their Processing Date?
Updateing,.....Hell!!!! I just wish they would do something at CSC(((( They might not be updateing, because they are doing nothing to report!!! I really really dont understand what is going on at CSC. When I call them, I get no answers to any questions. They stonewall me((( It's like talking to a broken record((( Their is no way I am aware, of to get around their lack of effort. I have written Senators and Congressman even, and got no response. CSC seems to answer to no one. No one I am aware of!!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-06 10:24:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC file damage is true
Files damaged at CSC, how were files damaged????? How many??? Was anyone there going to tell us?
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-03 21:10:00
USCIS Service Centerswhat is going on with CSC
I would assume its called"Padding the numbers". I work for DOD/Department of Defense. We see this all the time. Pad numbers to justify, hireing, over time, staffing, work over time to spend budget money to justifty more money next near. I am sure CSC is no different. My projected NOA2 has droped by 2 months in the last 2 weeks here on VJ. this is all because of so many Dec/NOA1 getting approved ahead of July-Oct 2012 NOA1's. Maybe some day,....CSC will start working backward)))))))
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-16 13:24:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC Moving forward or backward?
Couples that applied in Juy-Sept 2012 have more than earned their K1 app to be approved. Just for the extended wait time. They should all/everyone be approved without question, just because of the unnecessary wait and stress on these people. I have a NOA1 of Oct29/2012, I dont even want to think of a 10-12 month wait. Makes me sick to my stomack !!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-17 09:41:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC is Alive again!!
WOW!!! have you seen all the NOA2's from CSC from 17 April,2013. Their is hope for the rest of us!!! CSC,.....go baby go!!!!!! Its nice to be in the frame of mind to type something positive here today!! Congrats to all people that got NOA2 from 17 April,2013. :wow: :dance:
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-18 11:41:00
USCIS Service CentersWhy CSC doesnt keep doing Dec with august to nov?
I think I would keep that thought to myself, not post these feeling. Espically when some here have been waiting 8-12 months. You really are up in the clouds ))))) :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-19 10:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSending paperwork to Ukraine
I was wondering if any members here has mailed any paperwork to the Ukraine via USPS, FED X, UPS. I was hopeing to find the most secure process to use. Any help would be appreciated.
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-01-02 14:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMailing Doc's to Ukraine

The time has finally come for me to Mail Doc's, Skype Info, Face Book Info, Letters, Flight Itinerary from trip, receipts, Tax Info, Pay stub, W-2's....the whole damn shooting match to Odessa, Ukraine. Embassy Interview is coming up in 4-5 weeks.  As far as in the "Ukraine"...who is the safest/ most secure.....and even more so...."who is the least secure to send something as important as this package". I know when packages get outside the USA, its a whole different Ball Game. I have heard Horror Stories about packages being opened, being on, so on. " I am so scared to mail this Info out ". I don't know if there is enough "Copenhagen" chew in Utah to calm my nerves down about dropping this in the mail.  I would FREAK, if these papers got lost.....I am so tempted to just fly them there....hand them to my Elena....... Feed back on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks........

Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-07-15 05:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine Embassy Location
Please help me clarify something....what is the actual address and location for the Ukraine Embassy Interview. Is it at Ivana Shevtsova st. located near Park Nyvky and Syretsiky Park, or.....4 A I SiKorsky St. formely Tankova, near the RUS hotel. Me and my Elena are not agreeing on this at all. Please help!!!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-07-23 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFrustrated with the wait....
Processing times were much faster last year according to history on this site. I am really supprised with the slow flow days. According to USCIS web site,...there was about 3500 less applicants each month in July, Aug., Sept& Oct of 2012. I assumed they would process I129f from this time frame faster. Looks like I was wrong. At least the Federal Gov. is consistant, everything they touch goes to #######. Post Office, Social Security, US Military, Health Care...........
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-03-15 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCalifornia USCIC
Is it just me,...or has the USCIS California Service Center just stoped working or gone to Sleep!! Damn, they are slow!!! I guess my lady should have been in Jail here in the states. She would have just been released, because of lack of funding to keep her!!)))))))
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-03-09 12:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 Approved April 08,2013
Congrats on glad your K1 paperwork went to Vermont. Not California, I think CSC fell of the map or something)))))
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-09 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally!!! A honest Answer from CSC!!

And the President said in his speech that approving the illegals would come after the legal filings were approved.

I honestly did not know that CSC was tasked since summer/2012 with this extra workload. I thought this Dream Act guidelines was still in the works. I guess not. Has CSC been tasked with all these applicants...Vermont sure seems to be able to process K1 app's weekly....maybe the 821D forms should be spread to other service centers to help spread the wealth around. It sure seems CSC is over tasked right now badly....10K apps each month normally, 25K each month...WOW!!!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-10 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally!!! A honest Answer from CSC!!

Hate to break it to you but CSC has been procssing the July 2012 applications for the past 4 months. I have called every month for the past 4 months and always get the same response. Then they tell me to call back around mid-next month....only to get the same response, "We are currently processing the July 2012 applications." :(

....8 months plus waiting for a NOA2, WOW!!!....I would pull my hair out!!!!!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-10 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally!!! A honest Answer from CSC!!

Guys, do you think that if I, the beneficiary, write an email to CSC, will I get an answer from them, or only my fiance has to write them?

I think any phone call, or email would be responded with the typical response we all normally recieve. These people at CSC are just doing what they were directed to do. They do not have the authority to make drastic changes in their processes or policy. This all came from high above them. The "Dream Act" might be a dream for some,....but it is turning into a "Bad Dream" for many others in the K1 process tied into the CSC location.
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-10 07:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally!!! A honest Answer from CSC!!

To get you on the right page CSC has nothing to do with visa applications of any kind. You filed a petition for a fiance(e). When CSC approves that petition, the foreign fiance will soon apply for a visa. Yes, the "Dream Act Lite" has gummed up the processing of petitions at service centers. This is not news. It has been the case since late summer, 2012.

Thank you for your response, I had no idea honestly that the "Dream Act" had effected K1 app's so much in California. I may be very wrong in reading web info, but it does not seem to have effected the Vermont processing of K1 app's very much. Vermont seems to put thru K1 app's on a regular weekly basis. At least some here are haveing success. Shame on any of us who would expect this process to be fair in some way. " What was I thinking"
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-10 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally!!! A honest Answer from CSC!!

On what planet is it fair that Dec filers are being approved before Jul/Aug/Sept/Oct?? We got our noa1 on OCT 1ST... Why should we be waiting longer than filers who didn't even apply until 2 months later??!?!?!! I am happy for the approved filers, but at the same time it is just so disheartening!

I honestly have no idea how 3 different people from Dec/2012 can jump ahead of who know's how many people from July-Dec 2012. It just seems many applicants K1 app's have fallen into a dark hole. It is so difficult to get answers from CSC. It is almost a waste of time to even call their, depending on who answers the phone. I did not know the "2 step" was so popular in California. I really wish I had brought my Elena here on a Tourist Visa now. Then got married and taken my chances on here being able to stay in country. Right now, I have no idea what direction to go, just wait, or cancel K1 app. and try something else. Elena is so upset right now,...I cant even tell her what is happening over here with her K1 app. This process really puts some unnecessary stress on a relationship!!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-10 07:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally!!! A honest Answer from CSC!!
Well, Well, Well!!! It has taken some time, and three phone calls to CSC. But, I finally got a agent that was willing to help me understand the extended processing times NOW for K1 Visa applications. I was informed that in the past,...CSC would process about 10K applications each month. This was a average of cource. Today, they are processing a average of 25K applications each month now. This increase is due to the current need/desire to make Illegial Immigrants, Legal citizens of the USA. I was informed that CSC is now currently as of 9 April working cases with a NOA1 date of July/2012. I have a NOA1 date of Oct/2012, I was informed to expect a wait of up to 3 months before my case would be worked((( Lovely,...just Lovely!!! I am not pleased with the information that I recieved today, but at least I have a much better understanding of what is causeing the much slower K1 Visa processing times, compared to months past of 2011/2012. May God help us in some way and show us much needed mercy!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-09 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsletter to Senator
I would really like to know the truth as to what the hell is going on at CSC!!!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-07 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober I 129F filer. CSC delayed.

Hi guys!

My fiance sent our I 129F packet on October 9 and he got our NOA1 on the 17th. We are supposed to hear a result last March since they say that the processing time is 5 months. But it's already 6 months since we filed the petition but no news from them. And on their website, I have observed that the date "july 18" never changed.

I just want to know, is there a problem with the USCIS CSC right now? It's so hard to be so far away from your partner since we've been waiting for a long time now. We really want to be with each other the soonest possible time. I feel like I'm being tortured because I expected to hear a result last month but until now I got none. Huhu.. So sad. :(

By the way, any october 2012 filers here? Shoot me a message!

God bless everyone!

I was told CSC workload has jumped from 10k app's each month to 25K app's each month. I assume if this is true,......we will be waiting 10-12 months for a NOA2. Not the normal 5-6 months. Just guessing. Sorry I dont have better information for you. Good luck to you!!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-16 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsthank you GOD.
Congrats to you for your NOA2. Happy to see a July/2012 app approved!! You have earned it )))
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-17 09:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSEPTEMBER FILER - NOA2!!!!!
I will have some Jack and coke for you to celebrate this weekend)))))))Congrats!!
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-18 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA-2!!
Congrats!!! Take what you can get for a NOA2 and run like hell))))))))))))))
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-04-15 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBe Advised !!

Thanks for the info. Our medical is Monday and Visa interview is next Friday at THE Ukraine Embassy. (sorry for the jab- I always wondered why they call it "THE Ohio State University" I do know that correctly stated, the people of Ukraine prefer to leave off "the". This info is good. I Skype today with my fiancé and told her NOT to print out a  lot of emails. Thankfully I will talk to her tomorrow and tell her to print out more emails, etc.
 BTY What were the 10 questions they asked?

They asked 1) where I worked, 2)what was my job, 3)how many children I had, 4) what was their ages 5)what was their birth dates 6)how long I had been divorced 7)when did my x wife pass away 8) how did she die 9) my parents name 10)where do they live
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-08-09 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBe Advised !!

Her country is called Ukraine, not the Ukraine.

Why thank you for your Wisdom,......Really.....
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-08-09 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBe Advised !!
FYI, for anyone who must go the Ukraine Embassy. I have read on this site for 10 months how easy the Medical and Embassy Interview is in the Ukraine. We passed the Interview, but my Elena was a wreck after leaving. She was interviewed for 1 1/2 hour. Asked 10 questions, answered all correct....when most are asked 3. They read many letters we exchanged, read many pages of Skype, read many pages of Face Book. Looked at every picture she took with her. The lady interviewing her even left the room twice. Yes, we passed, but this was no cake walk....Be prepared for anything.
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-08-08 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPutting together an initial K1 Visa packet

Thanks all for the responses! A lot of helpful information. It looks like paper clips and a yellow envelope is it! I'm sure I'll have a ton more questions once I get my NOA's. Thanks again!!!

Mike, check out a web site called RAPID VISA. To me, it was worth paying them for their help. They broke down the process, seemed to make it much easier. More step by step. Good luck,....have some patience, you will need it)))0.....Nate
Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-02-25 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE HELP FROM UKRAINE

Yeah, it's a problem with Ukraine that they changed a lot of names to be "Ukrainian". How did CSC even find out about the name discrepancy? Did you specify it as "other name used" on the form? I assume all her current documents would show the Ukrainized name, and only the birth certificate would show the Russian version.

Divorced Papers show the difference.........

Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-05-20 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE HELP FROM UKRAINE

Gmedia, are very correct my friend. I just found out last night myself from Elena....her Ukraine Passport does have both Russian/In the back, and Ukraine shown in the front of this document with her picture attached. I hope this is all CSC needs. We  were informed by a lady who translates documents in Odessa, this is the norm with many Ukraine applications with K1 Visa's. The Russian/Ukraine difference in spelling is a common issue. I am having her Russian Birth Certificate Translated to Ukraine, and then to English. Even though it is not a picture document. Just to reaffirm the spelling difference. This is very unfortunate so many Ukraine ladies born before 1991(Old Russia Birth Certificates) probably deal with this issue. Heads up on this Ukraine K1 Applicants,.....

Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-05-20 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE HELP FROM UKRAINE

I have no idea how these things work in Russia/Ukraine, but wouldn't her name still be the exact same in cyrillic? Is the change in the romanization only or did it change in the original script also? Could this be a case of the usual cultural bias of the USCIS, with them thinking that she had a legal name change, similar to that done in the US and they want proof of that, which obviously wouldn't exist?


Sorry, wish I could help more, hopefully other folks have better input....

Russian birth certificate is Elena....English translation is Elena......Ukraine translation is Olena. She has never had any official document made with her name Elena with a pic. 1979-1991. She was 12 years old, she would not even look like her picture. This is stupid((((((. CSC acts like they don't know the Ukraine was once Russia.

Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-05-18 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE HELP FROM UKRAINE

Did you include an explanation for the discrepancy in your initial submission?

No , I did not explain the difference in the spelling to CSC. I made the assumption that doing thousands of applications each year, every year since 1992 from the Ukraine. They would act more mistake(((((

Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-05-18 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE HELP FROM UKRAINE

Mark, I will check, CSC is calling out in the RFE letter they want something with a actual picture on it. Anything before 1991, she would be a kid, the picture would be useless. I don't understand the problem with CSC.

Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-05-18 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE HELP FROM UKRAINE

Here is my FRE from CSC. "The spelling of my fiancée name" My Elena was born in Russia/Ukraine in 1979, so she has a Russian birth certificate, her first name is spelled "ELENA". In 1991, the Ukraine separated from Russia, her name on all documents then became Ukraine spelling "OLENA". CSC wants evidence, in some photo identification manner with each name. "Basically prove that Elena and Olena is the same person. No such photo evidence exist to prove she was Elena,....she was 1-12 years old at the time. Only a birth certificate, CSC seems to want more. Many others here have had to have this problem. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

Nate&ElenaMaleUkraine2013-05-18 18:20:00