IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa


i suggest you cease with the snide remarks towards other members immediately.  additionally, relying on advice via pm is discouraged as it is not peer reviewed in open forum. 

I will decide who my peers are, thanks.

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-05 14:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa


Elle was simply adding that they do have first-hand knowledge of this specific situation which is what YOU requested in your initial post. They offered you advice and support in their previous post but obviously wanted to support you fully by making sure your very specific requests were being met.


There is a LOT of support to be had on these forums. There is a LOT of first-hand knowledge floating around and being shared with those who are open to it.


We also know that time and time again, lawyers have told clients that they know what they're doing but actually do not. They accept fees for immigration applications and often hold up the process for individuals who are working so hard to bring their loved ones to be with them. I believe Darnell suggested that you check with your lawyer again to be sure about the I-864 and I-864a situation. It would be unfortunate to cause a delay at the NVC stage due to the correct form being missing. We do not know your entire situation obviously but it's definitely worth a second-look.


This is a very trying process. Be patient. Use the resources here if you can. But I'd also ask for you to be more receptive to those who are trying to give you an assist. Instead of criticizing their feedback or suggestions just accept it and move on. If you feel it is something useful, great. If you feel it is not going to help you, just carry on and wait for the next response that you can use. Everyone is trying to help.

I have been and continue to be receptive to genuine help.  I am not receptive to and will not ignore trolls with nothing to offer but misinformation and comments unrelated to my questions.  Children try to help, an adult should be able to carry it out.

Edited by lloydboybebop, 05 May 2013 - 12:02 PM.

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-05 11:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa

As long as your mother makes enough to surpass the poverty guidelines for everyone in her household including dependents that do not reside with her, you should be fine. The NVC or consular officer will be sure to let you know if a different form is required or more information is needed. If you desire first hand experience perhaps you should seek the Philippines sub forum. The answers you seek are more likely to be there than elsewhere.

A 2 day overstay does not incur a ban. They will likely question the failed k-1 however as it is a red flag. It will need to be noted in sections of paperwork pertaining to such on the I-130 petition, your wife's G-325a, and eventually her DS-230 visa application. Live long.


Thank you.

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-05 11:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa

The question I would like to pose to you is how can you combine income, when yours in non-existant? 

If you made 5 dollars then you would be able to combine it with your mother's and file a.  ) I-864A but you clearly state that you have NO income. There is nothing there to combine. Thus it stands to reason that the ONLY income that will be used to qualify you for the CR-1 visa, is your mother's. So the proper form as many others have already adviced you is the I-864 and for her to mark the joint-sponsor section.


If you still believe that everyone is giving you the wrong advice here, please feel free to ignore it. But do prepared yourself for problems and details come AOS time.


Good luck.

5+0=5, 0 combined.  hooray for math!

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-05 09:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa

There are many individuals on this site whom are noble and respectable. Many with personal experience, and even law degrees offering free and accurate advice. Some are even immigration attorneys, and some work for the uscis. All walks of life exist here on vj. And I'm sure that you've already offended some of them. I'm not criticizing you. You do what you want. But I don't think you'll get the answers that you're looking for with your attitude.

It is okay to be confused, but it is best not to give advice when you are.  If you pay attention, you would see that I simply reacted.  I came here with no pre-conceived notion or attitude.  I hope you don't expect me to remain silent when so many ignore my actual questions, offer unsolicited, incorrect advice other issues.  While some users may have been successful filing the I-864 in a similar situation, the I-864A is the correct form to use.  Perhaps it is a misunderstanding of the mathematical variety.  Even though my income is zero, I am still combining it with a household member.  It is a non-issue as it should be indisputable and I did not ask about it, but ignorance will persist long after I am bored of levying it with reason.

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-05 08:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa

I should add that I do have first hand knowledge of this issue. You file an I-864 with nil income. Your mom files another I-864 with her income, indicating she is a joint sponsor.

I should add that this does not help me as it does not answer my queries.

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-05 07:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa

Anyone who's been on VisaJourney for more than five minutes knows that you listen to RyanH's immigration advice.


Niki is also completely correct.


This thread seems to be another case of:

"How do I drive to Omaha?  I don't know how to get there."

"Here are the exact directions."

"They're wrong, and you're an idiot."

Wow; clueless.   Also, excellent answers to my questions and productive post!  I would still be disheartened and silently weep for the declining intelligence of humanity if not for the many private messages that I received from others who have had the same experience as I on this site.  They sent them privately to avoid the barrage of inaccuracy, misreadings and pointless chatter that seems to be the staple of those with nothing better to do than pretend they are helping others.

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-05 06:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa

Didn't your attorney have all the answers for you?

To questions I did not ask him?  Well now, that would be impressive.  Thanks for your help.

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-04 18:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa

NikiR, you are incorrect on both accounts.  I am preparing to begin the application process. I am simply preparing to begin the process for my wife.  Read it again and add nothing to it.  That is what I said, nothing more.  Quoting my correct statement back to me does not increase your understanding of the English language.  You are also incorrect about the i864a.  The items that I have presented have already been discussed with an attorney.  I did not ask for advice on what I already know to be true.  My questions were quite clear.  Why people who have no true answers to offer feel the need to provide input; incorrect at that, is beyond me.  It is not helpful.  It is, in fact, de-constructive.  If you cannot help me, that is okay; but also, hold your tongue.  

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-04 12:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa

For starters,  if you are going to correct me you should at least be right.  Although my wife is the one applying for the visa, I am heavily involved in the preparation of the applying; which is what I said.  Also, since my mother lives with me, she will, as I said, fill out an i864a.  It would seem that others are better suited at providing correct information.  I must disregard the rest of your post as I cannot trust your 'information'.

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-04 10:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing to apply for CR1 Visa

My wife and I just got married in the Philippines on April 20th.  I am currently in the process of preparing to apply for a CR1 visa.  I just have a few questions...of course.


1 - I am currently a graduate student with no income.  My mother has agreed to co-sponsor and we will fill out an I-864A. I am concerned that even though my co-sponsor meets the income requirements, the fact that I have zero income will effect our chances.  Does anyone have any first-hand knowledge of someone being approved or denied with similar circumstances?


2 - In January of 2011, my wife received and used a K1 visa that her ex had applied for.  She came to the United States and obviously things did not work out.  She ended up staying with a mutual friend for the majority of her stay.  This is how we met.  Her sponsor refused to pay for her plane ticket back to the Philippines.  She managed to return, but she left two days past the expiration of her 90-day visa.  How will the fact that she previously had a visa, we met while she was here on that visa and she overstayed her previous visa by two days effect our chances of being approved for the CR1 visa?


I thank you in advance for any help that you can offer.

lloydboybebopNot TellingPhilippines2013-05-03 14:30:00