United KingdomMore about Police Certificates
Thank you all. Your responses put my mind at ease. I appreciate it!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-22 12:16:00
United KingdomMore about Police Certificates
So the Embassy in London website says that a police certificate is required for anywhere you lived for more than 1 year. However, when calling the embassy in London they said anywhere you lived for over 6 monthes. Most other postings on VJ indicate 1 year as well. Because we initially took the word of the embassy (London) website, we did not send send off the papers to Australia until yesterday. They say it takes about 40 days + a couple weeks for delivery. We are afraid the police certificate from Australia may not arrive before the interview is scheduled (if we could be that lucky). Does anyone know if it is really 6 monthes or 1 year for the UK? Thanks in advance for any help.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-21 15:15:00
United KingdomAny trouble trying to visit the states while waiting for packet 4???

Hi everyone. My fiancee and I have been travelling, and Chris was planning on flying back to the UK in several weeks for his Medical and hopefully his interview. However it looks like the dates are taking a lot longer these days, and still no word on Packet 4 or an interview date?

We were hoping he could come visit me in the states for a few weeks so that we wouldn't have to be apart for so long. Has anyone done this??? Did you have a lot of trouble going through Immigration on arrival? Has anyone been denied? Just don't want to pay all the money for the plane ticket if it is not going to work!


People have been denied but the majority go through just fine. It is up to the discression of the immigration officer. He needs to bring proof of ties to the UK (ie, letter from an employer etc.). I read somewhere here that someone brought the visa paperwork with them and upon being question showed the paperwork which indicated the stage of the process which they were in and then they were let through just fine without anymore hassle.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-29 12:01:00
United KingdomMedical question

Gotta be on the ball for my LT peeps, yo!

:yes: :thumbs:
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 12:58:00
United KingdomMedical question
Dang Julezabelle and TimsDaisy you two are quick! Thanks a bunch for the reply, we'll call to schedule the medical tomorrow.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 12:50:00
United KingdomMedical question
...or can he get a medical now before coming to the U.S. even though we don't have an interview date yet?
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 12:39:00
United KingdomMedical question
My fiance will be coming to stay with me in the U.S. in two weeks and will remain here until the interview :dance: ...question is, can he get his medical say as late as the day before the interview and just bring the results to the interview or does the medical need to be farther in advance from the interview date?
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 12:31:00
United KingdomMedical done

Still no news of packet 3 having been entered into the system as received. Has been a week and a day since it was returned. We're hardly behind schedule, but hell, no one can blame me for being anxious to see that end-of-the-tunnel light, right?

Anyway - Tim had his medical today. I've instructed him to compose a full review to share with everyone here. Bottom line: nothing to worry about. He got there early but was taken late, a bit frustrating, but not a huge deal. The reviewing doctor or whomever seemed pleased that he was in good shape, nothing to report that needed further examination. He even has a bit of a cold - but that's hardly an out-of-the-ordinary medical concern. He said that even though he was a bit frustrated at the delay in being seen, he didn't put up much of a fuss because the form (the one he carries? one that's there?) asks about the applicant's apparent state of mind. He wanted to be chipper and not a cause for concern, of course.

Neither of us was very worried about this portion of the process. He has a bruise on his arm from the needle ####### for when they took a blood sample, but other than that (and the quick, but never fun, trou' drop - which didn't seem like much of anything other than a visual verification that he's a boy!), done and dusted with no big fuss.

So now it's back to doing what I've been doing: waiting to hear about packet 4. And the interview date. I have wedding deposits I want to put down - let's move, people!

One step many more to go??? Did Tim make coppies of packet 3? Maybe send it off again just for the heck of it- ...i donno maybe it'd cause more problems- just an idea~ I think that's what I'd do.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 01:07:00
United KingdomVISA approved


Chris Martin, eh? I don't think I'd recognize him unless he were singing! I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for celebrities next Tuesday, though.

Thank you all for the congrats! We are so excited it's hard to hold it in.

And psho, I'd never recognize Chris Martin either but Jake did and the 20 airline stewardesses definately did!!! Funny thing is, although he is a gazillionaire, he was dressed worse than anyone in'd never know he was famous. Gotta love em for that.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-26 13:39:00
United KingdomVISA approved

Yay!!!!!!!!!!! [Doing handsprings in celebration!]

SO happy for you, my friend. To the lake it is, then! Rum runners, anyone?

Daisy, thanks for always being so quick to post! Yup, a celebration is in order! Thanks for the congrats :-) See you two soon!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-26 12:37:00
United KingdomVISA approved
Yay!!!...Jake had his VISA approved yesterday and they said it should be with us in 3-5 working days. I am in Cambridge with him now (it is freezing cold and raining)...silly me, I only packed summer clothes...what was I thinking?!? He really wanted to post our experience, as TimsDaisy's post about Tim's experience was so helpful for us in knowing what to expect at the embassy. So he is going to dictate as I type (he types with 8 less fingers than I do). Also, thank you all for the good luck wishes, very sweet of you all since I have not even been on Visa Journey much lately (Jake and I have been lucky enough to be able to spend the last 5 weeks together). So here's how it went at the embassy...

Jake's interview was scheduled for 9am however we arrived at the embassy at 7:30am despite the letter saying not to arrive more than 1/2 hour early. Outside the embassy there was a que of about 10 people. We were greeted by a guard who asked us for our interview letter and Ali's passport. He then registered us and asked us to go ahead to the security booth where we had to leave all our electrical devices (mobile phone & flash memory stick). We were given a number to collect our things later. Our bags were passed through an x-ray machine and we walked through a metal detector just like in an airport. We then walked all the way around the embassy inside to the rececption desk where they gave us a ticket with the number 5 on it meaning we were fifth in the que to be seen! We sat down in the waiting room where there were monitors divided people waiting into sections (security, immigrant, and non-immigrant)...we were listed in the immigrant visa que. During the time we were waiting, there were 0 people were listed in the security section, about 15 people listed under immigrant visa, and over 100 listed under non immigrant section. About three windows out of 24 were dealing with immigrant visas. No one was seen until 8 o'clock. We were called up to window 13 at 9:30 where a young lad asked us for our documents one by one (only what was on the checklist). (We had 2 forms of evidence of support just in case...Jakes own funds which should be plenty sufficient, as well as an affidavid of support from Ali's Aunt as backup). However, they only asked for the affidavid of support to which Jake replied he had his own funds which we were going to use instead of the affidavid (as the affidavid was not even complete!). However, the officer was only interested in seeing the affidavid and said we could pull out the other evidence of support if needed in the interview. After he checked off that all the required documents were there, he said it looked good and they should issue a VISA today. We grinned at each other and the officer told us to go have a seat in the waiting room until our number was recalled for the actual interview. It was 9:50am when we sat back down. While we were waiting, Chris Martin (lead singer of Coldplay) walked in and sat down behind us! Jake and him exchanged hellos and we left him alone. However there were about 20 young Virgin airline stewardesses there who recognized him as well!...I'm sure you can imagine...poor guy! (He was actually very nice and chatted with them all for some time and even gave some of of them his autograph!). We were called back to window 16 at 10:45 for the interview. We both went up to the window where a young female officer told Ali to wait in the waiting room as it was only an interview for Jake. She then asked Jake how we had met, how many times we had seen each other, how many times Jake had been to the US and when, and if and when Alyson had been to the UK. She then asked why Alyson's Aunt was the sponsor for the affidavid of support. He told her that as a student, Ali didn't earn enough to be the sponsor and that he was planning on using his own funds. She was only interested in the answer to her question and not the fact that he had his own funds!?! She then said, "that's great, I'm going to issue a VISA today. It will take 3-5 days to get to you." YAY!!! So we went together to pay the curiour and pick up our belongings, were out of the embassy by 11:00am. The interview took a maximum of 3 minutes! They never even bothered to look at any supporting evidence or Jake's own funds (trust me, I am not complaining!).

What a relief! Now we can relax ...I mean plan a wedding :-) Thank you all for your support and advice throughout this part of the process! Good luck to those with up coming interview dates. Hope this helps!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-26 12:30:00
United KingdomPOE was piece of cake
Great news. I'm so excited you two are now together.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-28 07:02:00
United KingdomFinally on his way...
Yay!!! you made it. Your post almost made me cry. So excited for your one and only wedding day. Can't wait to see some photos.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-06 15:09:00
United KingdomWould you risk it?
Definately would not risk it. Would return a day early (at least). Good luck.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-02 10:30:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Review K1 Visa

Well, Dan emailed the embassy yesterday (via response to an email they had sent him while trying to schedule the interview.) They responded today (just after my fit of hysteria that we won't get the visa in time for him to be here as planned) that the visa was issued today and will be delievered shortly. He called SMS, and their last pickup at the embassy daily is at 7:15 pm. They told him to call back at 7:30 - they close at 8:00. My meltdown was partly due to them. Dan called first this morning (before receiving the email from the embassy) and was informed that if they got the visa from the embassy today, it would be delivered tomorrow. Otherwise, it would be Tuesday before he would get it because they don't service Exeter on Monday. When he called back (after getting email) they told him that they WILL do Saturday deliveries for an additional fee.'s hoping it all goes smoothly!

Phew!!! Wishing you luck....sounds like it will make it.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-02 10:33:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Review K1 Visa

:lol: Yeah - a week could be a bit of an issue for us! Have you called DOS to make sure all was ok with it?

Congratulations!!! Glad to hear it went so smooth. Let us know when you get your visa in hand...we still have not received ours and it has been 1 week since the interview (we are supposed to fly out Friday! oops!). Hopefully yours will be delivered quickly.

Just realized you have your wedding planned for the 11th...I didn't mean to scare the piss out of you that Jake has not had his visa delivered yet. I'm crossing my fingers that you guys get it delivered tomorrow so Dan can fly out Sunday & you guys don't have to stress about it. Definately wishing you the best...Sorry about that.

We have called the US embassy in London and they said that they can give us absolutely no information...that there is no way to track it or determine when we will receive it. The curior service said that they have not received it yet which means that we'll receive it Friday at the very earliest. Any more ideas?
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-01 08:41:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Review K1 Visa

Congratulations!!! Glad to hear it went so smooth. Let us know when you get your visa in hand...we still have not received ours and it has been 1 week since the interview (we are supposed to fly out Friday! oops!). Hopefully yours will be delivered quickly.

Just realized you have your wedding planned for the 11th...I didn't mean to scare the piss out of you that Jake has not had his visa delivered yet. I'm crossing my fingers that you guys get it delivered tomorrow so Dan can fly out Sunday & you guys don't have to stress about it. Definately wishing you the best...Sorry about that.

Edited by Jake & Ali, 01 August 2007 - 07:04 AM.

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-01 07:03:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Review K1 Visa
Congratulations!!! Glad to hear it went so smooth. Let us know when you get your visa in hand...we still have not received ours and it has been 1 week since the interview (we are supposed to fly out Friday! oops!). Hopefully yours will be delivered quickly.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-01 06:51:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
Jake has an interview date of July 25th if you'd like to update our status on this page. Congrats to the rest of you with interview dates as well.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-02 13:18:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
Jake's medical has been scheduled for June 12th.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 00:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis uscis site not working or under maintenance
funny...isn't working for me this morning either??? wierd.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-23 11:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice certificate from other countries of past residence
Hi there Jake and Ali dont know if this info is soon enough but nevertheless: I travelled/ worked in Oz for 12 months and therefore needed to get a police certificate. This was easily done as u merely download the correct form an 820A Form from the state u lived in most/ last. Fill this in, send it off with (and here is the hardest part) a postal check for $29 - for this go to your own bank- cost for our check was £17. I sent the form off on 26/4/07 and received it 6/5/07... hope this helps.

Thanks Davidanddonita, we did end up sending off for a Australia police certificate and yes the postal check was the most rediculous part! Hopefully ours will arrive as quickly as yours did. Thanks for the info...much appreciated!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-09 15:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice certificate from other countries of past residence
So I have read the police certificate requirements on the immigration website and am sure this is answered somewhere in the threads but...

my fiancé was in Australia on a travel/work visa for a year about 10 years ago. Do we need to get a police certificate from Australia for him as well as the UK where he currently resides. He thinks that since he kept his address in the UK, he shouldn't need the certificate from Australia. Also, does anyone have any idea how long it would take to get a police certificate from Australia for him if that is what we need to do?

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-07 02:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhysical exam and interview

Me and my girlfriend have been approved by USCIS.
NVC done ,now process in London US embassy.
havent filled in the packet from embassy yet.
Once packet goes in..
is it me that chooses the physical exam+interview date?as i dont want to go to London twice for this.I can
stay in London for a few days.and if i receive my visa in London can i go to US and get married and stay?
Im from the girlfriend from Minnesota.Thanks

The embassy schedules your interview date (which is in packet 4). However, you schedule your medical exam. I had a similar question about the timing of it all...and it appears that you can do your medical the same day as the interview, however this may hold up getting your visa in hand for a couple of weeks after the interview (as it takes ~4 days for the medical results to get to the embassy).
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 00:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe medical

Well the medical was a breeze.
She had her exam, a check here, an x-ray there. and then she had to wait three hours for the results.
All very simple and nothing to worry about.....
They did also give her a few injections...And she left with a smile on her face.
The last step will be next week.
I am soo excited, but also very nervous. It will all come down to this day and if we can convince the interviewer that this relationship is a serious and committed bond betweeen two people.

Thanks for the medical info. & good luck to you guys at the exciting!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 23:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Delay at Embassy in Jakarta

Dear Friends,

My visa has been approved and I was supposed to pick up my visa on May 25. Unfortunatelly, when I came there, they said the visa wasn't ready yet. Then, they gave me another new white card to pick up the visa and would give me a phone call when ready. However, no phone calls until now.

Just in case they forget to make a phone call, should I call them and ask whether the visa is ready ?

Please :help: and give me your advice.

Thanks for your help in advance.


Absolutely call and see what's the hold up. Good luck.

Edited by Jake & Ali, 06 June 2007 - 01:33 AM.

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-06 01:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaproved
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-26 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE


What evidence did you send in the 2nd time you didn't the 1st time? I'm thinking of collecting everything I need just in case tomorrow. I mean I really can't get anything else as far as stamps and everythign, guess I can send it all in again and highlight it, maybe add some more pictures?

Sounds like it is likely your birth certificate...but who knows. Just to answer your question. I searched my emails and found a couple E-ticket receipts (since we didn't save boarding pass stubs), also sent bank statements and credit card statements showing proof of purchase of airline tickets, my credit card statements and receipts showing purchases made in his home town in the UK, FILM DATED photographs (who has those anymore with digital cameras), and I sent in a letter from my boss on letter head verifying how Jake and I met and that we have had an onging relationship. We also resent copies of all pages of our passports showing entry stamps. I highlighted ALL pertanent evidence this time and put sticky notes next to each for further explaination.

my RFE read, "...The primary evidence may include airline ticket stubs and receipts (that indicate month, day, and year), copies of passport pages that show identification page and admission stamps, military order(s), letter from Commanding Officer, or any evidence that will help USCIS to determine that the petitioner has met the beneficiary within the two years. The secondary evidence may be film dated photographs of the petitioner and beneficiary together. The following DOES NOT constitute evidence of meeting: disc, videos, emails, letters, phone bills, and greeting cards."

The first time around, I sent lots of photos, passport pages, and tons of emails. Good Luck.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-18 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE
Oh and one more question. I'm leaving to go overseas for a visit on Friday, so it's possible my RFE might not come in the mail by then. Does anyone know if there's something you have to sign when sending back to RFE? say they just want the original copy of my birth certificate, could I leave it at my place and have someone else send it in for me if thats all they want?

I received an RFE via email last Monday night and received the hard copy in the mail on Thursday. There were no forms to sign. However, when I received the RFE email, I was trying to figure out what the problem may be...I had a couple things I was thinking they may question, but what they really wanted was more "evidence" of my fiance and myself meeting eachother. I never would have guessed that was the problem because we sent in tons of emails, copies of passport entry stamps, and lots of photos of us together in both the UK and US (not film dated). It took me several days to gather the "primary" evidence they wanted (ie, airline ticket stubs, airline receipts, spending receipts, etc.). Hopefully you will get it in the mail tomorrow and it will be easy to fix. Good luck.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-17 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhen did you get your NOA2 email?
I can anser now! 8:20pm email :dance:
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-28 01:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhen did you get your NOA2 email?
Great survey post as I have been dying to know the answer as well...hopefully I'll have an answer soon!

Edited by Jake & Ali, 27 April 2007 - 12:33 AM.

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-27 00:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-28 01:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC Jan Filer NOA2!!!!!!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-29 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers for K1 Visa except for VSC filers

Keep the faith i thought it was getting hopeless thier for awhile too but received my NOA2 today and yes it has been approved no RFE just the approval now here we go with the next fight the philippine goverment yahoooooooo Thank You God and thanks visa journey and all the people here who kept tell me it is going to be ok :dance: :dance: :dance:

Petitioners First Name: Craig
Beneficiaries First Name: Jessica
Visa Type: K1
Service Center: California Service Center California
Date I-129F Sent : (yyyy-mm-dd) - K1, K3 Only
Date I-129F NOA1 (Receipt) : (yyyy-mm-dd) - K1, K3 Only
I-129F RFE(s) : (yyyy-mm-dd) - K1, K3 Only (Comma separated)
I-129F RFE Reply(s) : (yyyy-mm-dd) - K1, K3 Only (Comma separated)
Date I-129F NOA2 (Approved) : (yyyy-mm-dd) - K1


Edited by Jake & Ali, 30 April 2007 - 09:16 PM.

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-30 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2
Just got home from a dinner out and got our NOA2 email which was sent at actually have to think about the next steps instead of just worrying about this one! Yay. Best of luck to you all!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-28 01:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJan Filer APPROVED!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-02 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED MAY 1ST WHOOPEE
Fabulous news...Congrats!!!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-02 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFEs timeline

My question is how long does it take to get an RFE?(if applicable). I'm a March filer and I already received my NOA1; as for now, I am waiting for NOA2. I would like to know if they wait for 3 months to send you an RFE like they do for NOA2 or they send it right after they receive the application in case they need more evidence.
Your comments will be greatly appreciated

After your NOA1, your file will likely sit untouched for for about 3 mothes. Upon reopening your file to look more closely at it, it will either be approved or an RFE will be issued. So it is possible that you may still receive an RFE at the time you would be expecting your NOA2. However, I doubt you'd get an RFE now before the time comes in which you are "expecting" your NOA2.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-28 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSome action at last

Touched two days in a row. WoooHoo, I hope approval is soon!!!

Unbelievable how long it took just for a touch. I'll be sending good thoughts your way- I can't imagine how you guys have stayed sane!?! Good Luck- hope to hear good news from you very soon!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-08 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportstouched timeline poll
What a horror story...I commend your patience! A touch at this point is great news. Although there have been people who have been touched then no action for monthes, the majority recieve an RFE or approval within a week or two of the touch. Keep us posted. Hopefully an approval will follow soon.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 16:40:00