K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHaving lived in the United States before.

Ok thanks

NokiashortyMaleUruguay2014-01-22 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHaving lived in the United States before.

Are you referring to the wedding? Yes I know unfortunately.

NokiashortyMaleUruguay2014-01-22 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHaving lived in the United States before.



I would like to ask the following question due to the fact I am having a hard time finding some concrete information on it. I appreciate any feedback from anyone who has anything to share regarding it. I moved to Florida, USA when I was eight years old with my parents and attended school all the way to my high school graduation where I received my diploma. In high school was where I met my beautiful girlfriend and we´ve been dating ever since Octuber in 2010. In April 2011 I moved back to Uruguay with my parents before I turned 18, in the meantime while we were there we were never able to receive any type of residency in other words we were illegal immagrants. Since my arrival to Uruguay, my birthplace, me and Chelsea have been dating and she has come to visit me 3 times. After such a long time we´ve decided we want to apply for this k-1 visa to get married and be together once again. Now my question is will it affect me in a negative way having this background that I had resided in the U.S. before?


Thank you very much for your help. 

NokiashortyMaleUruguay2014-01-22 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions and thoughts before applying

You're probably right maybe I'm just worrying to much. Like you've said we have that proof of having a real relationship and you mentioning the time off shouldn't be an issue made me feel better.


We never considered anybody other than her parents but it could be a possibility that we can find someone else who be willing to co-sponsor. It'll be something we'll discuss then. Thanks.

NokiashortyMaleUruguay2014-01-22 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions and thoughts before applying

Hello to everyone.


I would like to share my story and ask the community some questions and opinions. I did a post earlier regarding whether it would affect me if I lived in the United States before and thankfully the answers I was given said no. Like I mentioned in the post I've met my girlfriend who I would like for to be my future fiance in the U.S. before returning to my home country Uruguay. Me and her started dating in October 2010. During my stay here in Uruguay she visited me twice once in July 2011 and another time again in December 2011. Now here is where I would like to know what you guys think, around May 2012 we decided to take a break in our relationship due to the fact being together over the long distance was taking a toll on us emotionally and economically. So around May 2012 up until March 2013 there was zero communication. After 9 months we couldn't help but to start talking once again so we did and soon enough in December 2013 she came to visit me again for 3 weeks just like the other two times. We've been talking everyday like before ever since March 2013. I'm wondering if this is something that should be avoided if I were to go to the interview or be upfront and honest about if it were to come up. That's one of my worries.


Another is how we've always been communicated with each other except for those 9 months but its always been through Skype for calls and texting on our cellphones up until last year where we started talking on apps on our phones. Obviously we have tons of pictures of her trips here and she has the stamps on her passport when she came to visit, plus the plane tickets. Our conversations on Facebook have been saved pretty much since we ever started talking on Facebook. But what worries me is that Skype which has always been the number one tool for communicating with one another only has a history of 6 months. Would that be enough from 6 months ago up to the date I have the interview because I am going to start screenshotting my PC screen and my phone screen from now on to keep a history of when we do talk up till that date I have the interview. Do you guys think that is going to be an issue not having the sufficient amount of chat or call history from the moment we started dating? Or what is consider sufficient?


My last doubt is how my girlfriend is currently a student and is working part-time at her job which she's been there for 5 years. She does not meet the minimum for the affidavit of support form required so I thought maybe one of her parents can co-sponsor for me which wouldn't be a problem except for the fact they will be filing for bankruptcy due to credit debt. Would that be a reason for them to automatically get denied to be a co-sponsor or is that solely based on how much they earn and what they have to their name?


I'm sorry if I wrote to much of nothing but it's been things I've been wondering and feel like only I have these circumstances. What do you guys think? Do you think we should wait and give some time for our relationship to flourish once again to acquire more concrete evidence that will be easier on the eyes of who interviews me eventually? And is this issue with her parents an automatic NO to having them as a co-sponsor?


Thank you for your feedback and your time.

NokiashortyMaleUruguay2014-01-22 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 34A

Hi I wanted to know what you guys thought of this answer for question 34a my fiance will be writing for the I-129.


"Hector and I met in high school druing our sophmore year where we became close friends and in due time began to date our senior year while he was resding in the United States. We started to date October 14, 2010. April 2nd 2011 Hector left the U.S. to return to his home country Uruguay. It was then where we began our long distance relationship. Since then I have visited him four times at his home in Uruguay along with his family. My first trip was in July 14, 2011 to August 04, 2011. Since then I've traveled to be with him a total of 4 times including my most recent visit July 08, 2014 to July 30,2014."


Thanks in advance for any responses.

NokiashortyMaleUruguay2014-09-24 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGet engaged before filing for K1?
Hi thanks for you responses.

We'll begin filing as soon as possible then. We've been in a relationship since October 2010 so I think we have quite an amount of pictures and conversations to share to show our relationship.

NokiashortyMaleUruguay2014-09-25 09:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGet engaged before filing for K1?

Hello to all.


Me and my girlfriend plan on getting married and applying for the K1 Visa. We are planning a 5th trip to see each other in February here in Uruguay and are looking forward to making an official family gathering to announce our engagement to my side of the family.


Should we wait to do this before filing for the visa or just start the process now and present the evidence of this gathering at the interview?


She doesn't have a ring yet but she will when she comes in February, I plan on making a formal proposal even though the intention to be married is already there.


Thanks for your responses in advance.

NokiashortyMaleUruguay2014-09-24 21:56:00