Canadainterview scheduling (MTL)
I'm just going by what was said in this thread last month: Interview Payment

I haven't heard anything otherwise since then.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-02-22 16:15:00
Canadainterview scheduling (MTL)
I feel like I'm coming down the home stretch! DOS said today that P4 has been sent out. There's nothing on the Montreal web site about P4 (like there was for P3), so I feel like I'm flying blind a bit. So, to be clear, I do Not have to wait to actually receive anything, correct? I can just go ahead and schedule my interview now?

Also, can anyone who has recently booked an appointment explain the difference between the K1 Visa option and the "Ready to Schedule" option? I thought previously that the difference was one was for pre-paying and the other for paying at the interview, but I've heard that you can *only* prepay now... so, does it matter which I choose?

(Not that it matters too much... there are no appointments available just now anyway, but I'd like to feel confident in what I'm doing.)

Thanks for any advice/pointers you can share.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-02-22 09:31:00
CanadaI-134 or 1-864? Need info for packet 3
I think that Montreal has again (this week) updated the P3 checklist so this point may now be moot, but I did get a response back from them via email, so I thought I should post. I asked whether it was the I-864 or I-134 that was needed for the K1 visa.

Me: I have been gathering documentation in preparation for my interview for a K1 visa at the Montreal consulate. Up until 10 days ago, the required Support documentation was listed as the I-134, but now the checklist for the interview (in the Packet 3 documentation) lists the I-864, I-864A, I-864EZ, or I-864W. Could you please confirm that the I-134 is no longer acceptable for the K1 visa process and that the I-864 is what is now required?

We thank you for your message. Please kindly be informed that the Affidavit of Support applicable to your visa category is the I-134. We hope this information is helpful to you.

Hope that helps.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-02-24 15:59:00
CanadaI-134 or 1-864? Need info for packet 3
This whole I-134 vs I-864 thing is making me nuts.

I found this today on the site:

Visa information for Permanently Immigrate to the United States (Fiance – K1/K2) at the Montreal Consulate can be found below.
General Visa Information
Specific Visa Application Procedures for Canada
Permanently Immigrate to the United States (Fiance – K1/K2) Specific Visa Application Documents
Evidence of financial support (Form I-134, Affidavit of Support may be requested)

No mention there of the I-864.

I emailed Montreal to ask about this issue earlier this week. I'll post here when I get an answer back.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-02-17 09:50:00
No advice, just lots of 'Good luck' vibes! :thumbs:
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-02-27 15:38:00
YAY!! It's about freakin' time!
So happy for you!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-02 23:54:00
Canadai-134 evidence
@Kimbear -- the last 2 years? Crud. I thought since it isn't even required at all unless self employed, I was ahead of the game brnging the most recent year. This seriously blows. Really, would it be too hard to state *exactly* what they want on the interview checklist??
*mutter mutter...grumble grumble...*

Thanks for the heads up.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-06 08:15:00
Canadai-134 evidence
Thank You! Alright, I'm going to "bug" him again. :) I didn't realize that the W2s were part of what makes up the official return. He files electronically, so we figured the printout of that was all that was required, but, you know.. constantly second guessing every decision on this path, right? I'm glad I did, this time.

Thanks again. You rock!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-05 21:02:00
Canadai-134 evidence
Hey all.
I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for written documentation. Most people here on VJ say that for the K1 interview, for i-134 evidence, a copy of the income tax return *plus W2* or the transcript is required. My fiance has given me copies of his tax returns but no W2s. I've read all the documentation I can find on the official government sites -- the instructions for filling out the i-134, the Packet 3 info/interview checklist from Montreal, etc. I can't see anywhere that states I need the W2s.

So, am I missing some piece of documentation instruction somewhere, or is it just that from others' experiences here on VJ people started taking W2s and now it's considered the norm?

I don't want to bug my fiance about the W2s again, but if they are absolutely needed, I'd like to show him the documentation that says so. So, does anyone know where it is stated that they are required?

Thanks so much.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-05 18:01:00
Congratulations! I'm glad the interview was so smooth. :dance:
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-05 18:09:00
Canadafrusturated & confused
Yeah... I have read the guides, and the Montreal Web site, and the USCIS Web site, and every other source I can find for info, and I'm still confused. There's a lot of conflicting data out there.

The Dr. Seiden (Toronto) web site says you can make an appointment: If you are a fiancé and have a letter from the consulate but no appointment date and have been instructed to obtain a medical examination.

So, if you don't have an interview booked yet (to have an interview letter), you must need the P4... or *something*, no?

Edited by CAdreamer, 08 March 2012 - 03:47 PM.

CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-08 15:46:00
Canadafrusturated & confused
You need to know that P4 has been sent by Montreal in order to book the interview.

My P4 letter showed up via Canada Post about 7 days after DOS told me that it was sent. (My P3 letter actually showed up a week after that - even though it was mailed out 2 weeks prior.)
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-07 18:32:00
Canadafrusturated & confused
I know it's frustrating that there is so little communication, but on the bright side, there are no interviews available and haven't been any for weeks now, so you're really not missing anything. Keep calling DOS every day. As soon as they tell you P4 is sent, get on the website and start checking for interviews!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-07 08:15:00
Canadavisa approved..
Congratulations! :dance:
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-09 12:45:00
CanadaMTL ... yay!!!!
And another tip... I think the reason we couldn't pay earlier was that there were no appointments available. As soon as appointments opened up, I was able to pay online with my credit card. So... if you want to pay cash or at the bank, great, but don't stress about not being able to pay online before there are interview spots open. :thumbs:
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-12 19:21:00
Canadadifferent answer every day
I found that asking very specific questions based on the answer I was expecting was helpful.

ie, at your stage, having sent P3 to them, I would simply ask "has my Packet 3 has been received in Montreal yet". They will either say yes or no. If the answer is no, you call back the next day and ask again. If the answer is yes, then ask "has packet 4 been sent out yet?". Again, they can say yes or no. Don't give them a lot of wiggle room and you'll get the most straightforward results.

That was my experience anyway. Frustrating, for sure though!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-09 18:50:00
CanadaMedical in Toronto and interview letter from consulate
I plan to bring the P4 letter that shows my MTL number, as well as the page I printed that shows the interview is booked and paid for.

I'll be booking my medical in Toronto tomorrow after I get some scheduling sorted out. Can I ask when your medical is? How far out are they scheduling now?
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-13 11:48:00
CanadaK2 interviews - Montreal
Yeah, it's me again...

I was going through my interview checklist and documentation last night, trying to figure out how best to organize it all for the interview. Just a question about how to deal with my 2 kids' documentation.

For anyone who has done the K2 at the same time as K1, did you make separate complete packages of all documents? I have read that they will need their own photocopy of the I-134 and evidence, and obviously they each have their own forms (DS-156,etc) but what about things like custody documents, copies of the new letter of intent, copies of relationship evidence? Would 1 copy in my "pile" be sufficient or should I have a copy for each of them as well? I guess I just don't really know if the kids get their own file, which needs to be complete, or if we all get tucked in 1 file together, so 1 copy for the 3 of us will suffice?

Making extra copies is no trouble, but if I can save a tree or two, I might as well try.

Thanks! other news, we're making the Montreal trip into a little 3-day vacation. We're taking the train to/from Mtl and I've found a hotel near the consulate that has an indoor pool. Here's hoping it will be as fun as I think it could be!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-14 09:35:00
CanadaPOE experience
Yay! I'm glad the experience was such a good one for you!
Thanks for sharing your story.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-14 09:55:00
CanadaMedical Review in Toronto
Thanks so much! My exam is a couple of weeks away and I feel like I have a better idea of what to expect now. This is great detail.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-13 20:33:00
CanadaBooking an interview at Montreal…
I'm on the 24th. Yay! :dance:
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-12 14:05:00
CanadaBooking an interview at Montreal…
Is anyone besides me still getting a wonky web site? The main page is coming up ok finally, and the "technical difficulties" message is finally gone as of this afternoon, but once I log in, I get all these crazy text-only pages instead of the normal format. Anybody else?
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-09 16:48:00
CanadaBooking an interview at Montreal…

What's frustrating is that Matty's girl got that email saying April appointments are going to be available soon and yet today we get this non sense of them explain how the appointment scheduling works......we all know how it works we want to know when they will be available!!!

I'm either holding on desperately to my sense of humour or I've completely lost my mind, but this made me laugh. In this entire process so far, and especially in dealings with Montreal, do you really expect to get a straight answer? Or even information consistent with anything else you've been told? :rofl:

The only thing I know for sure about this process is nobody's got any "for sure" info, and it'll happen when it happens.

Good luck everyone! Keep trying!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-08 15:06:00
CanadaBooking an interview at Montreal…
Very, painfully slow. Here's hoping that's leading to good things!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-08 11:23:00
CanadaBooking an interview at Montreal…

Did you make your payment yet? I was unable to and now when I try to pay over the phone, it says that my credit card is invalid. When I registered for DHL, it didn't give me a payment option so now I don't know what to do.

In the FAQ on the site where we make the appointment (or try, at least) it says that if there are no appointments available, you won't be able to get through to the next step where you can make payment. I'm assuming that once the appointments open up, we'll be able to pay online. Hoping anyway.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-01 23:08:00
CanadaBooking an interview at Montreal…
I'm hoping to be on our way to the US by May as well. It's frustrating to do everything "right" to keep it all moving from NOA2 to this point and then just come to a screeching halt because there are no interview spots. Sigh. Nothing to do but our chins up and keep trying, right?
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-02-27 21:16:00
CanadaBooking an interview at Montreal…
I'm there with you. For the past 3 days, I've been logging on every 2 hours to try for an interview. If I ever find any open, I'll be sure to post here (...or in another thread, if available) to let others know. I know from reading this site when I first started this journey, Montreal interviews can be hard to come by and it takes a lot of patience and persistence to snag one.

Here's hoping we don't have to wait too long!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-02-24 13:02:00
CanadaInterview done. Approved in 2 window visits!
Yay! Congratulations!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-12 12:53:00 many photos
I booked for me and my 2 kids last week. This is what my confirmation email from them said:

You must bring:
The letter from the US Consulate with all 3 names and your case number
A valid passport each
3 passport size pictures for you 1 passport size picture for each child
$300.00 for you $150.00 each for your children Canadian Funds payable by cash or money order only.
You must provide proof of vaccinations.

If she told you to only bring 2 photos, maybe it is because you are pregnant, but if you are worried, take 3 and then you know you are covered. Worst case, you bring one photo home with you.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-25 17:31:00
CanadaPrepping kids for interview
Oh man, I hope my kids will lie and say they're excited too. ;-)
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-26 10:42:00
CanadaTotal Cost for K1 and K2 Visas Canada
And vaccination fees. :(
Both of my kids needed the HepC vaccines, which aren't covered by OHIP. $25 per vaccine at the drug store, plus $15 at the doctor's office for the injection x2 kids x3 shots in the series. Buh-bye $240 that I wasn't expecting to spend.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-29 15:14:00
CanadaTotal Cost for K1 and K2 Visas Canada
Minor, but if you want medical results couriered to you instead of picking them up, it's an extra $50 total.

Otherwise, all your numbers look just like mine -- I'm going through now with my 2 kids. I don't know much, but if you have specific questions, I can share my experiences so far. Feel free to PM me any time.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-27 11:36:00
CanadaI 864, I 864A, I 864 EZ, I 864 W or I-134
I emailed the Montreal consulate to ask this very question for my interview later this month. For the K-1 visa, they want the I-134.

My message to them:
"I have been gathering documentation in preparation for my interview for a K1 visa at the Montreal consulate. Up until 10 days ago, the required Support documentation was listed as the I-134, but now the checklist for the interview (in the Packet 3 documentation) lists the I-864, I-864A, I-864EZ, or I-864W. Could you please confirm that the I-134 is no longer acceptable for the K1 visa process and that the I-864 is what is now required?"

Their response:
"Please kindly be informed that the Affidavit of Support applicable to your visa category is the I-134. We hope this information is helpful to you."
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-05 12:01:00
CanadaWhite Cheddar Mac & Cheese
Thanks!! A month away still seems like a long time, but when I realize I clicked that stupid scheduling web site for almost that long to get the appointment, I know it's going to fly by.

...and in the meantime, I can be stockpiling Smarties and KD. :)
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-26 20:31:00
CanadaWhite Cheddar Mac & Cheese
Good thread! I'm now making my pre-packing shopping list... 1 case of KD, half dozen bottles of Cheez Whiz, and 1 case of all-dressed chips. We may have to leave some clothes behind if there's not enough room in the U-Haul! ;-)
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-25 02:04:00
CanadaToronto Medical March 19th/12
"All appointments occur between 7:30 am to 9:00 am on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. You must make an appointment for a particular day. You may come any time between 7:30 and 9:00 am."

From their web site, and also from the information sent when you schedule an appointment date.

Hope that helps.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-22 07:13:00
Canadamore on taxes
Thanks, Flames, for the link. And thanks Kim for posting the question there! Yay for info!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-12 09:02:00
Canadamore on taxes
Has anyone here been collecting CPP, disability, etc and then continued collecting after immigrating to the US? I'm wondering what the tax implications of that are. ie, do you have to file both US and Canadian taxes every year and be taxed by both countries? Or how does that work?

Apologies if this has been discussed before. I did a few searches but came up empty. Maybe I'm not looking for the right terms.

Thanks mucho!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-10 23:04:00
CanadaOnline Consulate Website
^^ Yeah that.

One thing that I didn't quite understand when I was going through the process... even though *you* may be ready to book and pay for the interview, if there are no interviews available, there is no option to pay in advance. You cannot pay until there interview slots open up. The guides for Montreal here in the Canada forum are great. Read them. Learn them. Live them.

Good luck!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-15 21:02:00
CanadaBooking my medical in Toronto.
Email is definitely the way to go. I emailed with a couple of dates that would work for my appointment and they emailed back same day or next morning with the booking. Easy peasy. Try the email.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-16 15:42:00