Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

The uni's not in DC, but it's an Hispanic-serving institution whose only Russian prof (who speaks barely any Spanish or English) is about to move back to Russia, so the language program is going to suffer greatly if they can't find a replacement soon.

Really? Too bad I'm going to get my EAD or Green card not sooner than in a year probably...
And my fiance made a joke the other day that the only way we're moving is if I can make at least $250K annualy :rofl:

Maybe some of this girlfriend, slumber party, chit chat could be conducted via PM. I'm having flashbacks to when I was married to my ex wife.

:rofl: Sorry.
What is that - fear of RUB forum emancipation? :lol:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-14 04:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

ONA, you speak Spanish?! And Russian (of course)? Well if you decide to stick to teaching I know of a uni who's in desperate need of a Russian professor who speaks Spanish and English.

Well, yes, but my Spanish is a lot worse than my English. It's also harder for me to talk to people from Latin America, than to people from Spain, cause I've been learning Castillian Spanish... I know it's easy to overcome that kind of difficulties - all I need is time... after all, I've been taught British English in the university, but I'm totally fine with American English now (even though it was hard to adjust to it at first).
It's good to know though that there is some demand for the Russian-Spanish-English language combo. That encourages me to improve both English and Spanish. I wonder if this uni is anywhere close to DC :blush:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-13 14:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Oh, trust me, my friend who was with them has spent several years here and knew it was BS. It was basically a question of, "How much money do you have? Hand it over."

And that's the right moment for "I have 200 roubles. Yes, that's it". I know it's harder for a foreigner, so there is a different option also - asking them for the report and then just paying the fine in the bank... It takes more time, but it's about 10 times cheaper :)

If you are fluent in both languages, there are many government jobs, most of them related to intelligence work, available. For most you must be a US citizen. Something to consider in the future if you want.

That's a common thing - linguists are in demand for government jobs in Russia as well and as far as I know, in Britain also.
I personally would prefer joining military to working for intelligence services... I can teach English, Spanish or Russian when I graduate, but I'm not sure if that is what I want to do. I've been looking at University of Maryland graduate programs trying to figure out what will be the best for me...
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-13 10:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I think that if you have a BMW with German plates, a Russian present won't help much.

Funnily enough, I've been in situations where my Russian friends have gotten fined and they just tell me, "Oh, blue passport? We don't want an international incident" and I'm home free. I think being a girl or a guy is the deciding factor re: being foreign.

A Russian person would have known at least that they had been lied to about the amount of the fine.

Just make sure you do not offer bribes in the USA! :lol:

I never offer bribes in Russia as well :P
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-13 03:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

^^ Best way to avoid being stopped. Also, be a female... I've never gotten any ####### from police in Moscow but most if not all of my male friends studied/worked in Russia have.

Sometimes it's hard to avoid being stopped, since in Russia police is allowed to stop people just to check their license and/or make sure they have the insurance etc. And then they somehow tend to find out that something is wrong... (or make it up) unless you know all your rights and have a copy of driver's manual with you :) That's what my dad uses sometimes and they can't do anything - just let him go if he proves them wrong :) Also, manuals have the information on all the fines - there are very few 5000 rouble fines, and they're all for serious stuff.
You have to be nice to them though, cause they can mark a license, so other policemen can just look at it and see that this person 'might be argumentative' or something.
Some people also videotape them - sometimes it helps...

I never had to use any of that though... and I never had to use my charm either :) But that's just cause I've never been stopped.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-12 17:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Foreigners still get stopped while driving, at least in St. Petersburg. My friend was with two German friends and they had to pay a 5000 rouble fine for something ridiculous.

That's insane. They should've had somebody Russian with them.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-12 16:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

In Phil's defense, he did go through a lot and I will say that throughout the process which took much longer than most people deal with, he was always upbeat and cheerful and suree that everything would be OK. I think the majority of the couples here are young, single with no children and of the "text me back" generation that expect everything to be emailed to them this afternoon at the latest and expect an app on their cell phone to track every movement of their case.

I also know that Phil and Alla made sure that everything was secure for Leonid before they, as responsible adults, made a move themselves and I give them credit for that and predict good things for them. They know how to be responsible. My Alla had the pleasure of meeting his Alla in Moscow while they were waiting and she was back there on a visit. She said "they will be OK, she is just like me" :lol: By which she meant "She will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes"

It can be emotional for people that went through a LOT more than the usual "fiancee visa for my 22 year old college student sweetie" (for example...nothing personal :P )to see the whining about something taking 3 days and 16 hours more than the 5 months they think they were guaranteed. And then whining about a fee increase of $100 or $200. If $100 or $200 upsets you....jump overboard NOW. My utilities went up more than $200 per month. DEAL with it! we have a saying "You made your sleep in it" None of us have anything we didn't ask for. My parents raised 8 children, I doubt my father ever had $10 to spend for himself and I never heard him complain even once...about ANYthing. My family is my joy in life and it really irks me when people gripe about having to spend money for their loved ones like they are in some sort of competition.

Phil and Alla have my admiration and I wish them and their family the best always. They will MAKE their own dreams come true.

I think for whatever they go through, people can be freaked out about USCIS, crazy old lady, making the decisions etc. - basically yes, they can freak out about something they had not a very pleasant experience with.
But people have to watch themselves talking to somebody, who have nothing to do with it.
I hate people complaining about ANYTHING, no matter how hard it was. But I also realise that different people face different problems, and while somebody suffers from the lack of food, other people's biggest problem will be that their "pearls are too small", but all of those people will treat their problem like the biggest disaster in the world. What are you going to do with that? Life's not fair, right?
And if you managed to go through something like that, be proud of yourself, there's no point in getting all emotional about someone else's words just cause they didn't have the same experience.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-12 06:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I think you folks are not understanding properly... my wife, then a single Russian woman, worked through the Russian Adoption System to adopt an orphaned Russian boy, while they were all in Russia. I was never a part of that process (couldn't be known because the final lawyer woman judge wouldn't have approved of the adoption).

So we are talking about domestic Russian Adoption, not foreign adoption. Very different process.

She had to formally adopt the child so that she could get her name as mother on the BC since the Embassy needed that to allow him to be a K-2.

You want to talk about jumping through hoops? And monetary consideration? And just plain BS? This woman went through all that and in the end, THAT was the critical path to us being together. We had to postpone the interview since she hadn't yet finalized all. Our relationship hinged on one woman's decision (single babushka type) and also after she held it up with three continuances for more "documents".

Wow-wow-wow! Why so emotional? If you want to talk about bureaucracy, I'm familiar with both. Where to start? How long did it take me to get my travel passport in Russia (about 2 months for such an easy thing... while it took only 2 weeks in both of my parents' cases), or how long did it take my friend to get her Social Security Card in the USA (4 months, can you believe it?).
My point is that each individual case can be very different, and I'm sorry for what you had to experience, but you don't have to get so heated and emotional when somebody disagrees with you...
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-12 03:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest) want bureaucracy that DOES INTENTIONALLY discourage those.....try being a single woman and try to go through the Russian Adoption process. After all the red tape and hoops, it all came down to one individual's subjective decision (successful only after three continuances).

A lot of people are talking about imposing a ban on such kind of adoptions in Russia after all those cases of domestic violence some kids have experienced.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-11 16:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Not really, Pasha and I put a new sheetrock ceiling in the bathroom and I just "mudded" it. Alla likes the result, but HATES the mess and continually tries to clean while I work.

Looks like Sunday is a 'bathroom day' :lol: My fiance has been doing some work in the bathroom today as well.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-10 16:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Well, I mean it depends on what you mean by know. It's known just as well as anything else historical is known.

:yes: That's exactly what I meant.
It's hard to talk about "facts" since we didn't see how all of those buildings were constructed. All we see is evidence and we try to reconstruct the history based on it, but who can know for sure that we found all the evidence? Who can know for sure that all the hypothesis are 100% right? Scientists have made too many mistakes to be dead sure about something like that.
It's not about 'aliens' or whatever. It's about the fact that we cannot say that we know all the facts about something like that, because we never know what's going to be discovered tomorrow.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-10 15:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

They are old.

:( I thought you'd come up with something funnier... Try again!
(I reserve the right to be an 'annoying' 22-year-old)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-10 12:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Ramps, skids, and manpower. They've even done recreation of the construction as well as found the evidence of the ramps and skids and shown it's perfectly doable. I am not sure why modern people assume the preious peoples were either not advanced enough or that for some reason you need modern equipment to do something.

Evidence found, but we don't know a lot for a fact, right? And we might never find out. I mean, who is somebody trying to say that they know everything? God? :lol:

Simple physics. Every item/matter has a frequency at which it vibrates. The wind caused the bridge to vibrate beyond what the engineers had anticipated which caused the bridge to come apart. That's a classic second-year physics example always used for frequency along with the tires of your car.

They usually give an example of troops of soldiers marching in Russia :)
Still this scared a lot of people:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-10 12:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Then, explain this:

I would also love it if somebody explains to me one of these things (using some FACTS that engineers and architects are aware of)
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image

Edited by ONA, 10 April 2011 - 11:12 AM.

ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-10 11:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I am an engineer. Our opinions are facts. Facts are not biased. :P

There is no human soul and feelings engineering... so, sorry, but no facts in that area :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-10 09:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Your opinion could be biased. :whistle:

Yours could be too :yes:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-10 06:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

The reason could be she met ME! What better option would she ever have? :P

My fiance is the best option :P
But, yeah, nobody can have him, since he's all MINE B-)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-10 03:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I found that there was no reason I could not have a gorgeous wife, closer to my age, great sex and intelligent conversation when you finish. I am thrilled my wife can speak excellent English and she is the type that will move to a country and not only learn the language, but TEACH it to others. THAT is stimulating. I am also thrilled we can stand in line at the grocery store and she can tell me, in Russian, that she is wearing the black lace panties I like so much and the checkout girl just smiles stupidly while I ... :o Dammit Alla! You are doing it to me again! :P

Good for you.
I believe that people from different generations are more likely to have different views and want different things in life. I never wanted to date somebody, who would treat me like a stupid little kid... or like a smart little kid - whatever. I always wanted to be with somebody, who will grow up with me, have certain values and want the same things that I do. And although I have both male and female friends 5-10-15 years older than me, MY MAN is 3 years older than me (3 years and 5 days to be more precise :D ) - and that's exactly what I wanted :yes: Well... the only thing is that it would be a lot easier if he lived in Russia, but... oh well.... he says it will become easier when I live in the USA, so we're working on it :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-09 17:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Some women prefer "papa". Papa knows how to make everything better. :devil:

I don't know.... Tastes differ :whistle:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-09 15:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I never dated an 18 year old RUB woman. I did date a couple of RUB women in their 20's and found them annoying. I later determined that I would not be interested in any RUB woman that had not finished a college education before perestroika.

As I have said before, introduce me to an 18 year od RUB chick and I will ask her to take me home to meet her mother.

Let's talk logic here. A woman is in her 20s and has a choice between a 25 year old guy and a 45 year old guy, and they are both nice, smart etc. So, which guy is she likely to choose when the only difference is age? I think the younger guy. So, if a woman agrees to date a guy who is about twice as old as she is - that means that she doesn't have a better option. And what is the reason for that? Well, it's not always true, but one of the reasons might be that there is something wrong with her.
That's why I think that there is little chance for a guy to get a quality woman, who is 20-30 years younger then him and who is sincere.
That's my opinion though...
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-09 15:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Just met another last month from Ukraine. She has been here about ten years and owns an RV park near the mouth of the Russian River. Not bad looking, and fairly smart. She dumped the guy that brought her over after a year and a half for "being a jerk". She has a boyfriend a little closer to her age, that she keeps around as a love slave and live-in maintenance man.

What if he really was?
Plus don't get all judgemental after talking to one woman... I hate that...
I also hate the fact that the guys, who met a couple of 18-year-old RUBs with no brains now think that all young RUB girls will be happy to date them. You're so wrong :P
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-09 04:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)
What's up with parents? My parents don't even want to move to the States.
I think i will be helping them, but it's just cause they're my parents and they raised me the way I am :innocent: And that's the way it works in Russia. But I'm going to do that only when I start making money.
My fiance is always talking that he should help them with everything, but they feel uncomfortable about that.

Edited by ONA, 08 April 2011 - 03:15 PM.

ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-08 15:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)
Hmmmm... if he's looking for the cheapest way, why is he looking for an RUB woman? It will cost money just to bring her there...

Talking about dating websites - I don't trust any of those...
If he lives in MA he can just go to Cape Cod in the summer some time - I'm pretty sure there are a lot of FSU students there, so he can try to meet somebody in person, not through dating websites.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-08 11:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow could potential US/Russia tensions affect visas?

Well, it's a different kind of danger. Most people have to leave Russia seeking asylum. You are not allowed to support Ukraine.

My parents have been talking about a possibility of a civil war in future, but they still will not agree to leave Russia.


ONAFemaleRussia2014-08-13 20:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow could potential US/Russia tensions affect visas?



No, I mean Ukrainian citizens. I'm in Russia, and my friends who have gone to OVIR for various reasons have said that the line is 90% Ukrainian refugees now. If they were Russian citizens, they wouldn't be at OVIR.


Russians fleeing for Kiev? What are you talking about? 


There have been a few cases when ethnic Ukrainians who are Russian citizens, or Russians who don't support the government fled for Ukraine (some ended up in Kyiv, some in other places... even in Lviv).

I don't blame them. Since the first days of the conflict my dad (who is Ukrainian and grew up in Kyiv Region) has had to deal with people who called him a "banderovets". Idiots! I'd love to have a chance to get my parents out of there. I just went to Russia in May, and I did not feel safe there. This might have happened because I am from the region that's right across the border from Luhansk, but it's still a fact.

ONAFemaleRussia2014-08-12 22:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Law - Registration of all Russians who are abroad

From all that I have read, you cannot do this at the consulate in the US. It must be done in the regional offices there in Russia, in person, however they do allow you to mail this in to them...but then...they do not send you any confirmation of receiving it, so you can still easily be listed as a "criminal"...especially if it gets lost in the mail. I am now told, that the immigration offices there have these forms....BUT...get this.... they do not have a law that tells them they can give this form to the public yet, so my wife is now told to come back on the 17th...which is a Sunday...haha..they are closed, so she will try again on the 18th. Even if you went down with a printed out form, they will not take it, so you cannot submit it yet. My wife asks...maybe they need a law to use the toilet:))))  She is very very upset with this whole mess, and frankly I don't see how she can endure anymore BS from the government. My question is, why are the really doing this in the first place?????

Why are they doing this? Who knows... maybe they are planning on "protecting" Russian speakers in other countries (they've been doing a lot of that in different places lately). Maybe they will create some more "interesting" laws in future, related to taxation of people, who have another citizenship or a resident card, or related to our property in Russia. Whatever this is, I don't expect any positive changes.


However, I have some information that might help your wife. It's all in Russian, and I don't feel like translating, but you can have her read this:



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ONAFemaleRussia2014-08-12 22:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionKyiv Embassy DS-160 for K-!
I'm not from Ukraine, but I happen to know the answer :)

The Kyiv Embassy uses the DS-156 and DS-156K forms for fiance(e) visas. The best thing is always to check the Embassy website for instructions
ONAFemaleRussia2011-06-27 07:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionObama forced to release his birth certificate.

Had a couple of uncles drafted into WW II with my Italian last name, were accepted, but since we were at war with Italy, they changed their names, one was to Fisher, the other to Smith. Stalin and Hitler didn't care about that, would take anyone into their battles, if they wouldn't fight, their commanders would shoot them. While we were hypocritical on this issue, least we didn't shoot our own guys. But even being born here didn't make a difference.

Funny, cause Stalin changed his own last name.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-28 12:56:00
I know I don't belong here, but can I cheer for Caps, since I'm getting ready to move to DC area and also cheer for Ovechkin as a true Russian? :innocent:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-15 08:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 July 2014 Filers

Can someone please update me I did a walk in Biometrics and suprisinsly the lady and everyone where happy actually they told me the week for my appointment they are booked for over 300 people but today they had only 30 people and they are done. Lucky Me. I want to also share this don't know if you have noticed it or anyone heard uscis is making some changes i was the first one they saw my Bio appointment letter containing 2 application Number so it took them a while to figure out the new system will that help me have no clue but for my appointment i had the entire workers come to see how it was done including the on site manager. Anyway figured i shared so everyone take a look at their appointment letter to see if they are getting the new system of 2 application number or just 1 application number 


Mine has 2 application numbers. I've been wondering why they had two...

ONAFemaleRussia2014-08-13 21:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 July 2014 Filers

Hi everyone! Another July filer here.


My information:

Date of I-751 = 07/18/2014
NOA Date = 07/21/2014
Biometrics = 08/22/2014

ONAFemaleRussia2014-08-12 21:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - No petitions processed on Febr 15 ?

And does anyone else hate that CSC is the first one to pop up when you hit Igor's list, so you have to not only see that they've approved way more cases in the past few days, but are also a month ahead?

:lol: I do! the worst thing is that i keep forgetting that CSC pops up first and get excited every time because of that :lol:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-02-17 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWorried?!?!

That's 10 months. I'm not from Russia or the Philippines or a mail order bride... Just a little scouser who fell in love!! So I honestly can't see why it should take any longer than 10 months.

:( Sounds like a little Russian can't fall in love.....
As far as I know Russia is not considered a high fraud country and people don't have any problems getting K-1 visas, but seems like we have to wait along with the rest of VJ folks.

Oh well... I really wish you luck and patience (F)
Just please be careful with what you post, there is a chance it might offend someone.

Edited by ONA, 11 March 2011 - 04:29 PM.

ONAFemaleRussia2011-03-11 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsQuit Job During J-1...
It doesn't matter. I've spent 3 summers in the US on J-1 visa and I always quit job prior my visa exparation date and about 1-4 weeks before flying home. There is no problem with it. As long as she wasn't out of status, she's fine, don't worry.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-03-22 04:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsQuiries about Checking My Status
We got our NOA-1 in January and we still can't see our case status online. We've been e-mailing and calling USCIS and they said that they would try to fix it, but they can't promise anything.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-22 05:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNice to meet You all!!!!!
Welcome to VJ!
And feel free to join us in the January Filers' thread
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-28 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC January Filers
One more January filer here, I really really really hope we'll get our NOA2 soon!!!
ONAFemaleRussia2011-05-13 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTime Line!!
Timelines change according to how quick people are getting approved. It's all based on the VJ stats.
btw our timeline said that we were going to be approved in the middle of July. We were approved on Tuesday :whistle: :star: Do not pay too much attention to those timelines.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-05-20 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long was your wait...
January filer here.
Our wait took us 118 days.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-05-20 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsQuestion about K-1 Visa Process Post NOA2

How much is the fee? and does it get paid in rubles?

It's paid in rubles, the amount can be found on the payment slip (I posted the link above) :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-11-10 18:25:00