K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTracking May '08 filers
We mailed our package on May 13th, someone signed for it on May 14th..
WishesMaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-16 23:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuestion about working while I-751 is being processed
Great! Thanks a lot!
WishesMaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-24 13:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuestion about working while I-751 is being processed
Hello Visa Journey. Been awhile, but here I am again.

We have filed my wife's I-751 and her current 2 year green card is due to expire November 19th 2010. Will this effect her seeking employment since the green card will eventually look "expired".

We havent received an NOA yet, but our checks have been cashed.
WishesMaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-24 13:23:00
USCIS Service CentersOMG! We got NOA2!
Way to go!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 13:57:00
USCIS Service CentersThe CSC/TSC List!
Please add us to this list:

SamRod and lisaleboucq - CSC - K1…………………….…NOA1 12/14/2005 ...... 03/06/06 approved!!!!!!

Yipppppeeeeee!!!!!!!!! :dance:
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-08 11:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Leave or stay

They submitted their I-129F in early February! Big deal, waiting less than 2 months!!!

I'm sorry if this offends anyone but Muy Solo, I hate people like you.

I wonder, muy solo, if you realize what will happen if the wrong person sees your post. Not hard to track you down and throw your beloved's ### out of the USA. First names, date of NOA1, country of beneficiary, enough information to track you down.

Sweet dreams!

doesnt bother me honey, im not stupid enuf (are you?) to have my real info on a public website and only my husband and i know if or when he may travel to the usa...

anyway, im not going to waste my time with you over this. ive stated my opinions and so have you. i wish you well, and i hope all the DISPLACED anger you are feeling towards the uscis that is spilling out here on the forum, as you declare yourself patient, will subside, in time. You should try expressing this anger here in the forum directly, rather than scrolling through the posts to find someone to vent on. this is my last reply to you. best wishes.....MUY SOLO

You silly cow. I think any rational person looking at these posts would agree I wasn't venting on you. I think my feelings mirror those of MOST of the people reading these posts - you are the epitome of one of the diseases that plague the immigration system.

And I'm not feeling anger, displaced or otherwise, towards the USCIS.

I feel lucky that I even have the opportunity to go through this process. Of course its a hassle, of course its frustrating and hard being away from the man I love, but in the grand scheme of things what is a few months of suffering? We're doing things right, and legally, because we have a long term plan. Unlike yours, but then that is your business. Unfortunately for you you've made it a public issue and turned yourself into a pariah. Karma, muy solo, you are obviously an immature soul and I don't see a happy future for you.

Why don't you quit posting to visa journey, nobody wants to hear about your illegal plans and pathetic whining.
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-01 21:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Leave or stay
They submitted their I-129F in early February! Big deal, waiting less than 2 months!!!

I'm sorry if this offends anyone but Muy Solo, I hate people like you.

I wonder, muy solo, if you realize what will happen if the wrong person sees your post. Not hard to track you down and throw your beloved's ### out of the USA. First names, date of NOA1, country of beneficiary, enough information to track you down.

Sweet dreams!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-31 16:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)We have a case Number!!
Way to go Pickle! :thumbs:
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-23 12:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)how accurate is the automated system??
I agree, you should phone. We thought the same thing, that our case should have been received at the NVC by now. Sam called this afternoon and it was mailed to the Vancouver consulate on the 21st! And we are still not in the automated system....

Good luck!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-22 23:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)GOT MY VISA
Congrats! :thumbs:
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-09 10:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)WOOHOOOOO
Good luck at your interview and thanks for all your helpful replies!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-09 10:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI GOT MY VISA!!!! YAHOO
Congrats! :dance:
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-09 10:17:00
CanadaInterview coming up.

Well finally today we got the last document we've been waiting on. I'm sooooo happy. :dance: My husband has an interview in Vancouver on the 7th and we were pretty stressed about getting a court document (the 4-6 weeks they'd told us 8 wks ago had come and gone) in time. But now I can really look forward to the interview. I am going to meet my husband in Vancouver for the weekend and then our interview is on tuesday. We are staying at a hotel close to the embassy (i can't remember the name right now :blush: ). I was just wondering if anyone had tips to give me about the embassy that haven't been posted in the review section. And i have a more specific question about the paperwork. Does it need to be in any certain order or is it ok as long as you know where everything is in your stack? I'm already planning on taking everything in in a plastic grocery bag so there are no security problems.

Also does anyone have any good ideas about what would be fun to do around Vancouver? Neither one of us is familiar with B.C. and i'd love to get out and see as much as i can. Thanks!!!!!! :P


I live in Vancouver and one of the coolest places here is the Museum of Anthropology at UBC. Even if you are not interested in the dusty old artifacts the architecture is stunning and the totem poles and other carvings are incredible. And its free on Tuesdays from 5-9!

There is a traditional Japanese garden out there too which is apparently the most authentic of its kind outside of Japan. Haven't seen it, its called the Nitobe.

If you've got a car and it isn't too cloudy it is also well worth it to drive up to the lookouts on one of the local mountains - Cypress - and check out the view.

If you like Sushi go to Tanpopo on Denman for the all you can eat lunch or dinner - excellent value, quite high quality sushi.

Good luck on your interview, I'm sure it will go great!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-02-26 11:17:00
CanadaVancouver Consulate

Are you not given the opportunity to request an interview date? Or do they just assign one to you? We have all of our paperwork in order already so as soon as I get the Packet 3, all I have to do is get the medical then I'll be ready for the interview. We were hoping in a week or so after I fax back the checklist....


LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-02 00:16:00
CanadaGetting nervous

A 601 waiver is a bit complicated. If you go to immigrate2us website they have a very good discussion forum regarding the 601.

I believe that 601 takes between 6mths to 1yr for approval.

Also, they can be submitted at the interview.

I am crossing my fingers that I will not need one.

Good luck

Thanks - I've been looking at a few sites and I'll try the one you suggest.

Good luck to you as well.
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 15:28:00
CanadaGetting nervous

Our interview is getting close to and now I'm starting to freak a little, getting nervous.

I never overstayed any visas in the USA because I have never had a visa, being from Canada.

I also never worked or applied for SSN or anything else to otherwise break the law.

BUT I did spend 18 consecutive months there. They did not stamp my passport upon entry (drove, not airport) but on our I-129F we were completely honest about where I had spent the last 10 years.

Are they going to ask me to file some kind of waiver?

Thanks everyone.



You did overstay as Canadians only have a 6 month period of stay. Depends when it happened... if it happened after 1997.. then yes, you have a 10 year ban on entering the US as you overstayed your 6 month period of stay as a visitor. A I-601 waiver will be required to get a visa...

Yes it happened post 1997, I don't suppose it is as simple as bringing the I-160 form and filing fee to the interview and getting it approved on the spot...any ballpark figure as to how long it takes?
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 15:08:00
CanadaGetting nervous
Our interview is getting close to and now I'm starting to freak a little, getting nervous.

I never overstayed any visas in the USA because I have never had a visa, being from Canada.

I also never worked or applied for SSN or anything else to otherwise break the law.

BUT I did spend 18 consecutive months there. They did not stamp my passport upon entry (drove, not airport) but on our I-129F we were completely honest about where I had spent the last 10 years.

Are they going to ask me to file some kind of waiver?

Thanks everyone.

LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 13:37:00
CanadaLost Passport
I 'lost' a passport once too. (I'm Canadian.) I was in Toronto, knew it was at my mom's place, but she couldn't find it where I told her to look. As I was flying to Vancouver then two days later to Thailand, I didn't want to risk not finding my passport in Vancouver so I applied for a new one in Toronto, saying I had lost mine. All fine, no problem. Of course in Vancouver there it was exactly where I thought it would be.

It was Christmas, no time to declare that I had found the 'lost' passport. In retrospect I should have made a police report and, what, I don't know, left my passport in Vancouver or stuck it in registered mail to the passport office? No, I took it with me and went to the embassy in Bangkok to turn it in (I was going to be in Thailand long term).

Big problem! They accused me of all kinds of illegalities and I ended up with a passport I had to renew every year for the next 3 years.

So if you apply for a new passport and then find your original passport, either turn it in right away, or destroy it and forget you ever found it.

Its up to you but I wouldn't say you 'might' have lost it, they might not issue you a new one if they think there is a chance you will find your old one.

All the best and good luck.
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-04 10:37:00
Canadawhat shots do canadians need - this should be a sticky thread

the list on the website is much shorter than the list someone posted about what the consulate packet said....

I had tetnus, but have no written proof. I hope that is one they take on word.

Went to my doc for titres a month ago, and she requested rubella, chickenpox, syphellus (apprently you need the test to marry in the US??) and all that came back was rubella - nothing else tested! So now I have to go back. I will bring all the lists with me this time, try to get it done once and for all. Way in advance because I am #######. :)

They won't take you on your word for tetanus. You need written proof.

There is no point in getting your doctor to do the syphillis or hiv tests ahead of time because it is the panel physician who must do these tests. The vaccinations however you can get done ahead of time and take proof. If your rubella antibodies are low you will have to get an MMR (mumps measles rubella) booster. Your doctor can do that. Should be free in Canada don't go to a travel clinic they will charge you.

Good luck! And feel free to ask more questions, I just wrapped up my medical and all the associated medical requirements in Vancouver today.
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-05 13:53:00
CanadaGetting a new Can. Passport

Umm.. passport office. There are lots in Toronto. They all have a lineup 500 miles long. Get there early. You hand the application in, pay your money, ask for expedited service and you have it in a week to 10 days tops.

Download the application now so you can get it filled out. Needs to be signed by a guarantor.

As for the medical. Go to your doctor, get the shots you need if any. Take your vaccination records to the panel doc and that will save you some money. Basically, Get the Canadian govt. to pay for your shots so you can leave the country :-)

Do they mail you the new passport or do you pick it up in person?

How do I know what shots I need to get? I doubt my doctor knows the requirements... :)

They mail you the passport by Expresspost.

The immunization requirements are at

But if you're between the ages of 19 and 50, you need Td, MMR and Chicken Pox.. However, the panel physicians will take an oral statement if you've had them before.

The panel physician in Vancouver will take an oral statement for Chicken Pox only. If you don't have records you need to get a titre for MMR and if your antibodies are low on anything get a booster. Or skip the blood test and go straight to a booster! My MMR indicated low antibodies for rubella so I just had a booster yesterday.

Good luck!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-04 10:43:00
CanadaAlmost Off to Interview!
Lots of luck at the interview!!!!!!! Have fun here in Vancouver!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-06 17:29:00
CanadaK-1 Visa APPROVED!!
That is great news, congratulations! Way to go!

So sorry about Dave's grandfather....
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-11 10:20:00
I did my medical in Vancouver and they didn't need the letter but they definitely need the NVC case number.

The packet is general, not specific.

He could get going on his vaccination requirements ahead of time.

personal message me if you want me to email you the medical requirements part of my packet 3.

Good luck.
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-13 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 form - Question 11 - Two ways to complete?
I-134 Question 11

That I intend/do not intend to make specific contributions to the support of the person named in item 3.

Option 1:All expenses including but not limited to their visa expenses, airline tickets, US domestic lodging, transportation, food, incidental expenses and medical insurance.

Option 2: N/A (K1 visa process for permanent residence)

It seems clear that at least initially the sponsor would be supporting the beneficiary. But a form somewhere I saw had option 2 as the suggested way to complete this question.

Any suggestions/help/an Option 3!? would be appreciated.

Also, is it true the form must be double sided? I would say it doesn't matter, just photocopy it that way at the end, but since it has to be notarized....

Finally, has anyone (self-employed sponsor) ever included a commercial credit rating (like Dunn and Bradstreet) as part of the proof of ability to support?

I have to say, these forums and all you helpful people have been invaluable to us in this process. Thank you and all the best to everyone.
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-02-24 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNever been touched! How about you?

We got approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No touches.

I'm so happy!!!!!!!! :dance:

Thanks to everyone for your support and kind words and GOOD LUCK!

Congratulations for you guys!!! But we are curious now!! :time:


Sorry about that, link should work now....
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-08 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNever been touched! How about you?
We got approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No touches.

I'm so happy!!!!!!!! :dance:

Thanks to everyone for your support and kind words and GOOD LUCK!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-08 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNever been touched! How about you?
Thanks all, it is reassuring to see it isn't totally unheard of to never get 'touched'.

Thanks again!

Lisa and Sam
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-07 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNever been touched! How about you?
Our NOA1 date is Dec. 14, and since then we haven't been touched even once!

Has anyone else been approved, or know of approvals, without any 'touching'?

We are going through California (hopefully we're going, right now it seems we're standing still!)

Thanks to everyone participating in these forums - and a big thanks to the moderators - what a great tool, what fun, what a lifesaver!

LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-07 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVancouver medical exam information

Hi everyone,

One of the other forum members gave me some great information, I am so glad I asked and they shared because it could potentially save me some time....

The Vancouver physician's contact details are several places on visa journey, he is Dr. Ian Morgan.

There are two potential delays in getting your medical exam.

The Vancouver panel physician only does the exams on Wednesdays, and usually is booked up a couple of weeks in advance. In addition, when you call to make an appointment it is an answering machine and you have to wait for them to call you back.

I've already made my appoinment even though I don't have my Packet 3 yet, and she didn't ask for my NVC number - just asked me to bring it with me to the interview. And although I may have to wait longer than I want for the interview anyway, giving me lots of time to book the medical, at least the medical will be done and I'll have one less thing to stress about!

She also emphasized I would need the results of my immunization tests and/or immunization records before she would be able to release my medical exam results, but not necessarily before I attended the medical.

Oh yeah, and $275 cash or money order.

Thanks again to mhymers for pointing me in the right direction.

Good luck everyone!

I'm waiting for my NOA2, and I was hoping to get some of the stuff completed while I'm waiting. Would you be able to send me more information?

I can't cover a request for more information as concisely and accurately as the guides do here. I think it is better for you in the long run to try to get a handle on what you need yourself. You wouldn't want to trust someone blindly would you? I made a checklist in excel, listing everything I would need for the interview, which grew and changed as I searched the forums and other websites. When I had specific questions I asked here.

I don't know what you know already - the place to start is what you need for your interview. What forms, what documents, what medical history and records. Its all here on this website, specific to a point even to the consulate you are going through. Get your long form birth certificate and police records. I had to get four police certificates and thank goodness I started ahead of time because the one from Japan took 2 months. I also read somewhere that police records were not available from Thailand. That was wrong, and thankfully I kept digging and found out how to obtain it and now have it with time to spare. So you see it pays to research as much as possible yourself.

If you have any specific questions I'll do my best to help.

What I definitely would not do is book your medical before you even have your NOA2. You need the case number from the NVC before you can go to the medical, which is available somewhere around 2 weeks after your NOA2.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-20 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVancouver medical exam information
Hi everyone,

One of the other forum members gave me some great information, I am so glad I asked and they shared because it could potentially save me some time....

The Vancouver physician's contact details are several places on visa journey, he is Dr. Ian Morgan.

There are two potential delays in getting your medical exam.

The Vancouver panel physician only does the exams on Wednesdays, and usually is booked up a couple of weeks in advance. In addition, when you call to make an appointment it is an answering machine and you have to wait for them to call you back.

I've already made my appoinment even though I don't have my Packet 3 yet, and she didn't ask for my NVC number - just asked me to bring it with me to the interview. And although I may have to wait longer than I want for the interview anyway, giving me lots of time to book the medical, at least the medical will be done and I'll have one less thing to stress about!

She also emphasized I would need the results of my immunization tests and/or immunization records before she would be able to release my medical exam results, but not necessarily before I attended the medical.

Oh yeah, and $275 cash or money order.

Thanks again to mhymers for pointing me in the right direction.

Good luck everyone!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-20 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 arrived!!!!!!
Way to go!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresairline
I really like

Its slow to show the results but I think its pretty good. When I find an airfare that looks good I go to the airline website, sometimes the same price is there (sometimes not).

You'll find often one way fares are more than return fares (again, sometimes not).

Good luck!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-21 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNO2!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats! :thumbs:
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-22 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa approved!!!!!
Yay, congrats! :thumbs:
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-22 23:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi cant believe this....
Congratulations!!!!! :thumbs:
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-24 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOH YEAH NEBRASKA
I'm really happy for you! :thumbs:
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-23 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC APPROVED ON MARCH 22
Congrats!!!!!!! :thumbs:
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-24 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview is tomorrow!!!
Lots and lots of good wishes for you!
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-03-30 00:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYay! We got our Packet 3
It took some time but we finally got our Packet 3. NVC mailed it on the 21 March. I sent an email to the Vancouver consulate (ostensibly to confirm my mailing address and add other contact information but really to say "Where the heck be my packet 3?!?!?) on Thursday and lo and behold, they replied this morning to say it was mailed on Thursday, and they also attached it to the email! We have everything ready so I was able to fax them by DS230 Part I and signed checklist immediately.

Now the next wait - for the interview!

Thanks everyone for the ongoing support and good advice.

Lisa and Sam
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-03 18:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got our interview date!

I'm so excited.... We hadn't heard from the Consulate after our papers left the NVC. I was talking on the phone from work to Sam and my cell phone rang. Hey, maybe its the consulate ha ha. And it was! Our interview is May 5. He arrives May 2 for a two week visit here in beautiful Vancouver then we'll fly back together. Hopefully! Its funny how the time seems short in retrospect....

Good luck to everyone waiting to be reunited with their loved ones.

CONGRATS !! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Hope you don't mind answering a few questions for me ... I am also going through Vancouver and have a NOA2 date close to yours ...

How did the consulate get your cell number ?? We are still waiting for our petition to leave the NVC ... When I checked on the NVC automated system tonight it still says we are still not in the system ....

Should I be booking my medical yet or do I have to wait for the number from NVC ??

The NVC automated system also said we were not in the system yet. Sam called and spoke to someone there at the NVC and they said our petition had just left - they also gave him our "VAC" number which is the case number you need for your medical.

You can book the medical anytime but you DEFINITELY need the VAC number on the day of the medical. I heard you had to wait two weeks for the medical so I booked it before we knew the VAC number, took a chance...and it worked out.

The consulate had my cell number because about a week after the NVC told us our petition was on the way to the consulate I sent the consulate an email saying 'our petition is on the way, it should be there by now actually, here is my address to confirm and some more contact numbers for me, I respectfully ask that you check on my petition, have you received it yet? etc.' They emailed me back saying we mailed it two days ago, but here is an email attachment with all your info. Super! I had everything ready so I faxed my DS230 back and my checklist. They called me two days later checking that I had all the police certs I needed (I had to get from 4 different countries) and gave me an interview date. We wanted it in two weeks but the earliest was 4 weeks later. Great service from the Vancouver consulate....

Feel free to ask any questions, everyone is so helpful and I'm happy to help too.

Good luck, keep checking at the NVC, I'm sure they don't update their automated system that often.
LisaRodNot TellingCanada2006-04-07 10:29:00