Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Michele and Everyone!

Yes! Resul has finally arrived. He arrived on Sept. 18 and seems to be adjusting well. How is everything going for the rest of you? I hope all is well with everyone and I hope you get an interview date soon Michele!

Can anyone out there tell me about AOS? My lawyer said that Resul can not apply for a work permit, a social security card, or driver's license until after we marry and then it will take another 30-45 days to get them. Is this true? I don't know what to believe from him!

Take care and Happy Ramadam to all! :luv:

~Debbie :P


It might take for your case a month even to 'reach' NVC..or for the NVC to 'admit' they received it.
And then choice of address and agent form is sent to your spouse...she makes her choice either making you her agent or herself or a lawyer and sends it back. In that form she also states the address sh wants correspondence to be sent from then on.

Then the iv fee letter and then affidavit of support fee letter are sent to the agent. You send the fees in money order as fast as you can..and to the right place.

When the forms arrive you should correctly fill it out...preapre the i864 form correctly..prepare it with the addition of W2s and everything. Not forget adding anything that might be asked for later. And then send it back as fast as you can.

Different from most other nations Turkish applicants are asked to send all their paperwork (criminal record paper, nüfus kayit örnegi, papers like that) to the NVC. They process these documents instead of embassies doing it.

Once you sent everything they asked for your case will be 'complete' (usually one week or 10 days after they received everything). If it is in the first 10 days or so of the month then they send it to the embassy on 15th to 20th of that month. If it is later then they send it the following month.

Once NVC receives your case and if you send everything they ask for as fast as you can without making any mistakes then it takes +/- 2 months or so for your case to be complete.

And the agent receives the appointment letter. It is usually 45 days after you receive the appointment letter sent by the NVC.

I called NVC to find out what happened to my application. So you can call too..and/or send e-mails about the appointment date. Some of them are flexible thinking people so they might help you/your spouse by quickening the appointment date for you.

These are all too general answers. I hope it helps.

Why do not you try sending e-mails to the embassy instead of calling them?
If it is a very important matter you can contact your congresspeople to have them contact the embassy on your behalf.

BY THE WAY Congratulations on your petition's approval! I hope he waiting period for your spouse is going to be short and without problems/worries.

Thank you for your reply. It had a lot of information in it and I thank you for your time.

I didn't realize all of that paperwork would still be done from here, and had thought that they would just send my I-130 packet to Ankara, and everything would be done from there. As I see ............that obviously is not the case. I apparently still have a bit to do from here in the USA.

I was finally able to get hold of someone at the embassy.......on the 3rd day of trying, and they were able to answer that other question I had. is just a matter of time now.

Thanks again.

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-09-28 21:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

:dance: :dance: :dance: GREAT NEWS!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Just received our approval for our K3 visa in the mail. It was approved on August 14th. Will call the NVC on Monday to see if we have a visa number generated yet.

Our Cr1 visa is in the works also, our DS-230 forms have been generated but not received yet, so most likely now the K3 will beat this one to the embassy. But will have to see which one gets the interview first.

I have made tenative time off arrangements at work for the middle of Sept. to the first week in Oct. I have not made any plane reservations hoping that we hear about an interview date first. My husband and I have worked on the papers 156 and 157 forms when I was in Turkey in Feburary, so he should be ready to copy that information on the forms he gets from the embassy and send them back the next day. He has his police certificate, certified birth record and our certifed marriage document, and he is working on them translating them to english, he also has an expemtion from being in the military and I told him to have that translated too, just incase they need to see why he did not serve.

:help: I was wondering if anyone used Dr. Mehmet Ungan in Ankara or the American Hospital in Istanbul for their physical?? Either of them are covered by our health insurance so we might get some money back on his exam, lab work, vaccainations, and x-ray is he uses their services. He has no documents on any vaccinations and really does not remember getting any besides the small pox vaccination which is visible on his arm. Do they do the TB test that is read 48-72 hours later, or do they use some other method to test for that? My husband has family in Istanbul so he could stay with them if he has to stay a couple of days to get the results of his physical, while in Ankara he would have to find a hotel to stay at.

:help: I was also wondering if any one had hotel suggestions for me, as I am planning to go to his interview and stay the day before and maybe that night after in Ankara. Is there any reasonly priced hotels near the embassy so that we could walk there and back from his interview?? If not, any other hotel suggestions??
I know I am asking this information without even knowing when the interview will be, but I am so excited about getting the K3 approval all I can think of is going there and bringing my husband home.

We will spending about a week after his interview (provided he gets visa approved) in Turkey to see his family before he leaves then we will leave for the USA. I was hoping to get a flight to JFK so he can maybe get a temporary EAD, and then fly to Milwaukee so he can meet my three daughters (one son-in-law), our granddaughter, my sister and my step-parents for a few days and then fly home to Georgia and still have a couple of days to get situated before I have to go back to work. If his visa is approved but still have to wait for a security check to finish, I have to decide whether to go and visit with his family or come back home and wait for the news and go back when he has his visa in hand and visit with them. I really want to fly back with him even if it means a 10-12 flight there and turn around and fly back home with my husband the next much to think about....

(L) B) I also wanted to let everyone know we had a fabulous time in Aruba for our Honeymoon....the resort was great, the weather was wonderful but the 10 days there was too short. We had a kitchen in our room and he made every meal except the night we went out for his birthday and the one meal he let me cook. He also grilled out a couple times, he made some very good meals for us. He also shocked me when he pulled out the iron and ironing board after we washed our clothes....he is a man of many talents and i appreciate them all. B) (L)

Flying High with our approval.....good luck everyone on completing their journeys!

:luv: Michele :luv:

:thumbs: CONGRATULATIONS Michele and Omer!!! :thumbs: I'm so happy for the both of you!!! Good luck on the interview and keep us posted!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

~Debbie :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-23 22:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

hello my friends,

as you know we had an interview today. it was excellent. because we got our visa easily. :dance: :dance: :dance: :P :P (L) B) B) :lol:
im really happy right now. i was vbery nervous before the interview. but my fiance was there with me and he talked to the counselor lady. i think she likes him :P she asked 3 questions and that was it. it was amazing and it is still unbelievable for me.

thanks for everyone.

:dance: Congrats Isil :dance: I'm so happy for you and your honey!!! :thumbs: I knew you'd do fine!!! Enjoy your time with your honey!!! (L) :wub: (L)

~Debbie :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-14 21:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
:star: Good luck tomorrow Isil :star: ... Can't wait to hear that you got the visa!!! :thumbs:

~Debbie :luv:

Edited by Deb_Res, 13 August 2006 - 10:54 PM.

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-13 22:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: HAPPY DANCE!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats Deb!!! WWWoooooHHOoooo!!!!

Our interview was on July 20, 2006. Our interview time was 8:30am. Our lawyer told us to get there 3 hours early because it could take hours to get through security to get into the embassy. We got there at 6am. What a waste of time because there was no line and the security guard told us to come back at 8:15am! So we went and had breakfast!

The guards didn't start letting us in until 8:45am. They were very nice. Before we went through security, outside the doors a man was checking everyone's letters. Then he asked us for Resul's medical report and his 2 passport pictures, then he put it in a file, gave us a number/ticket and let us in the doors. It took us 2 mins. to get through security. We had a bottle of water and they had us drink it in front of them to make sure it was water and nothing harmful. Then they let us into the room. It reminded me of a big bank! There were 4 or 5 big windows on the left side of the room with a counter under the windows. The blinds were all shut closed. The rest of the room was set up with chairs in rows of 2. In the back of the room there was a UPS table and 2 workers. While sitting there, we heard a sound like a door bell! That signals you to look up at the digital board to see what number they are calling and what window you are to go to. We waited about 30 minuets before we were called. Prior to going into the embassy the man asked Resul if he wanted his interview in Turkish or English. Resul didn't want to risk anything so he told them Turkish. But when we started the interview the woman was American and was asking him questions in English. I could tell he didn't quite understand her totally, plus he was so nervous. So I tried to intervine and explain it to him. She stopped me because she said she wanted to see how much he could understand and how much help he would need. So I backed off from there. At times she would talk Turkish to him when she saw he clearly wasn't understanding her, but majority of the interview was in English. The woman was behind the glass window and had a microphone built into the window. And there was a microphone on the counter on our side of the window. There was an opening under the window where you slide papers in to her, just like a bank.

These are some of the questions she asked Resul:
-How did you both meet?
-What was the date you met?
-Were you looking to marry someone?
-Where and when did you meet in person?
-Where did you stay when you met?
-What does your fiancee do for a living?
-Then she named my place of employment and asked him what this name was.
-She asked him what his occupation was?
-What kind of work does he plan to do in the USA?

She said she had enough information, and I asked if she wanted to see any evidence that I had brought, i.e. more phone bills, emails to each other, cards/letters, pictures... She said no that's ok I have all of that here (but it was old evidence from Feb. when we first applied for the K-1. She didn't want to see any of our on going evidence). She started writing something and then she said we could take this over to the desk in the back and I asked her does this mean we got the visa? And she said YES!!! We were so shocked!!! Then we went to the UPS table and Resul gave them his address of where to send the visa. The whole interview took about 20 mins. In my opinion this has been the easiest part of this whole K-1 process so far! The woman interviewing us was nice, not overly friendly, but fair. It took about 7 days for Resul to get the UPS package with the visa in it.

Sorry to go on and on, but I tried to remember every detail so that I can possible help any other couple going for their interview through Ankara. Good luck to all of you!


Congratulations, (F) :D

I am happy both of you. You are in the next step now. Be happy forever. :)

Thanks for the details. It will helps us very much. I am worried about mt passport. Our interview is on 14th and our flight is on 21th of August. If I get my passport 7 days later, we will have some problems then.

My fiance will be there with me for the interview. I think it is good thing. Because I will be nervous normally and I will forget some of the informations about us. Will he be able to help me during the interview or will s/he ask questions to him directly? What is your suggestion?


Hi Isil,
Only 3 more days till your interview!!! I wish you and your sweetie the best of luck! I know at the interview the woman really had no questions for me. I wouldn't answer questions for Resul, I would only try to explain her question to him if I saw he wasn't understanding her. If he still didn't understand (because he was so nervous!) then the woman would ask him in Turkish. The whole point is for them to see if you know what they are asking, they don't want to know if the USC knows. Don't worry you'll be fine! :yes: If you're honest you'll have nothing to worry about. Plus your sweetie will be with you and I think that really makes a difference in the embassy's eyes. I really think that if I weren't with Resul for his interview he probably wouldn't have received the visa. So good luck Isil (F) !!! I can't wait to hear the good news :thumbs:

~Debbie :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-11 06:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish



Excellent news Joye!!! :dance: WOOOHOOO :dance: !!! I'm so happy for you and Ali!!! Finally you'll be together in the US!!! I wish you both the best!!! :thumbs:

~Debbie :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-11 06:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

:thumbs: Hi Everyone!

I'm so sorry to keep you on pins and needles Joye!

I just got in a few hours ago from Ankara. And YES there is good news!!! :dance: We got the Visa!!! :dance: I still can't believe it! But I will give you all the details this weekend when I recuperate!

:luv: Thank you all for your good wishes, prayers, and advice throughout this whole process.

(L) Debbie & Resul (L)

Wonderful to hear the visa is approved!!!!

When does Resul get here??

How did the visit with his family go?

Michele and Omer

Hi Michele and Omer,
Thanks for the good wishes! I still can't believe we got through this! Still seems like a dream! Resul won't be coming here for another 6-8 weeks because he has to save up for the expensive plane ticket! :help: Plus he has to say good bye to all his family and friends :crying: . He's getting sad about this and so is his family, but they know he will be happy once he settles in. The visit went well with his family :thumbs: . They were very sweet! Couldn't speak a word of English, but Resul translated everything! We gave each other gifts and then his dad wanted to buy me a gold ring so we went shopping around until he found one for me. Then we went to dinner, had ice cream, and sat in the square and talked and enjoyed the cool evening breeze! :luv: :They only stayed one day because his dad had to go back to work. But it was very nice of them to come for the day. So now I have to be patient and count the days for Resul to get here! :whistle:

Take care!
~Debbie (F)
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-01 23:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: HAPPY DANCE!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats Deb!!! WWWoooooHHOoooo!!!!

Our interview was on July 20, 2006. Our interview time was 8:30am. Our lawyer told us to get there 3 hours early because it could take hours to get through security to get into the embassy. We got there at 6am. What a waste of time because there was no line and the security guard told us to come back at 8:15am! So we went and had breakfast!

The guards didn't start letting us in until 8:45am. They were very nice. Before we went through security, outside the doors a man was checking everyone's letters. Then he asked us for Resul's medical report and his 2 passport pictures, then he put it in a file, gave us a number/ticket and let us in the doors. It took us 2 mins. to get through security. We had a bottle of water and they had us drink it in front of them to make sure it was water and nothing harmful. Then they let us into the room. It reminded me of a big bank! There were 4 or 5 big windows on the left side of the room with a counter under the windows. The blinds were all shut closed. The rest of the room was set up with chairs in rows of 2. In the back of the room there was a UPS table and 2 workers. While sitting there, we heard a sound like a door bell! That signals you to look up at the digital board to see what number they are calling and what window you are to go to. We waited about 30 minuets before we were called. Prior to going into the embassy the man asked Resul if he wanted his interview in Turkish or English. Resul didn't want to risk anything so he told them Turkish. But when we started the interview the woman was American and was asking him questions in English. I could tell he didn't quite understand her totally, plus he was so nervous. So I tried to intervine and explain it to him. She stopped me because she said she wanted to see how much he could understand and how much help he would need. So I backed off from there. At times she would talk Turkish to him when she saw he clearly wasn't understanding her, but majority of the interview was in English. The woman was behind the glass window and had a microphone built into the window. And there was a microphone on the counter on our side of the window. There was an opening under the window where you slide papers in to her, just like a bank.

These are some of the questions she asked Resul:
-How did you both meet?
-What was the date you met?
-Were you looking to marry someone?
-Where and when did you meet in person?
-Where did you stay when you met?
-What does your fiancee do for a living?
-Then she named my place of employment and asked him what this name was.
-She asked him what his occupation was?
-What kind of work does he plan to do in the USA?

She said she had enough information, and I asked if she wanted to see any evidence that I had brought, i.e. more phone bills, emails to each other, cards/letters, pictures... She said no that's ok I have all of that here (but it was old evidence from Feb. when we first applied for the K-1. She didn't want to see any of our on going evidence). She started writing something and then she said we could take this over to the desk in the back and I asked her does this mean we got the visa? And she said YES!!! We were so shocked!!! Then we went to the UPS table and Resul gave them his address of where to send the visa. The whole interview took about 20 mins. In my opinion this has been the easiest part of this whole K-1 process so far! The woman interviewing us was nice, not overly friendly, but fair. It took about 7 days for Resul to get the UPS package with the visa in it.

Sorry to go on and on, but I tried to remember every detail so that I can possible help any other couple going for their interview through Ankara. Good luck to all of you!

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-01 23:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
:thumbs: Hi Everyone!

I'm so sorry to keep you on pins and needles Joye!

I just got in a few hours ago from Ankara. And YES there is good news!!! :dance: We got the Visa!!! :dance: I still can't believe it! But I will give you all the details this weekend when I recuperate!

:luv: Thank you all for your good wishes, prayers, and advice throughout this whole process.

(L) Debbie & Resul (L)
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-07-28 21:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
That's funny Michele because I bought a few boxes of chocolates to bring as gifts! :lol: I'm sure they will like them. Who wouldn't like chocolate? LOL :P

Thanks Michele!
~Deb (F)

PS- Michele have a great time in Aruba with your hubby! Enjoy! You both deserve it!

Edited by Deb_Res, 16 July 2006 - 11:10 PM.

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-07-16 23:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
(F) Hi Everyone!

Thanks for all your good wishes! :luv: Leaving Tues. for Ankara. Preparing for the trip... Packing, packing, packing! :wacko: And this time I will meet Resul's parents! Getting nervous! ;) I will keep in touch...

Hi Isil,
I know, I am as shocked as you are :dead: ! I saw on your time line that your interview date was about 2 months from the day you got Packet 4. So I too was expecting ours to be 2 months from the day we got Packet 4, but to my surprise it was in 9 days! I cried :crying: after I read the email! I was happy, but on the other hand I was totally overwhelmed not knowing how I was going to get everything in order in 1 week! It's been rough but it'll be worth it in the end... Hopefully being rewarded with a VISA :thumbs: ! When I get back I will fill you in on everything so you will know for your interview in August :yes: . Good luck and take care.

~Deb :sleepy:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-07-15 22:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
:o Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!!!

Well I woke up this morning and checked my email and to my surprise I found an email letter from the Embassy with our interview date! :dance: Good news! :huh: Bad news- it's 9 days from today!!!! :wacko: I am beyond shocked! So much to do and so little time! :D I will keep you all posted!

~Deb :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-07-12 12:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Joye & Debra!

Yes, Packet 4 is the interview letter :thumbs: . And as Debra said it will be so soon :dancing: !!! I saw another couple's timeline for Turkey and the embassy received their Packet 3 on June 14 and their interview is about the middle of August. So I'm assuming ours will be in late August to mid September :whistle: So I will keep you all informed! Any word about Ali's visa Joye?

~Deb :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-07-09 22:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hey Joye!
The only news I have is that we sent Packet 3 into Ankara on Wednesday! So now we will be waiting for Packet 4. Wait... Wait... Wait... As you know :whistle:

~Deb :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-07-08 20:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
(F) Welcome Michele! And good luck with everything. I have no advice for you, but just wanted to say Hi! Also wanted to respond to the bread eating statement! :lol: LOL! I noticed the same thing! Resul must eat the equivalent to 2 loaves of bread a day! I was amazed! He said to me "Baby, don't you like to eat bread?" and I said "I love bread, unfortunately it doesn't like me!!!" (as I have the weight problem and he doesn't :bonk: ). So good luck with everything and keep smiling! :D

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-07-04 23:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Joye,

Any word yet on Ali's security check? Do you check the embassy's website weekly to see if he he was cleared? I keep checking for our case # ever since this happened to you. Going to the lawyer to compile Packet 3 and Fedex it out this week. I'll keep you posted!

~Deb :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-06-24 23:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Hi Deb!! :) Just checking in to see if there is any news? You will prolly have your interview here shortly! :dance:

Hi Joye,
Thanks for the info on the interview. I really hope they process the FBI check fast for you guys! I can't believe you have been apart from each other for almost a year and a half :(

No news on us. I Global Expressed the papers(Packet 3) to Resul and he received them on Thurs. So now he is working on them and getting his passport, police report, and military records. Then he has to find a translator to translate the police report and military records... Then he will Global Express everything back to me and my lawyer wants to check over everything and then we will send it to the Embassy from here. So, no interview anytime too quick here! I think we will have to file for an extension. My NOA2 expires on 7/16/06. I think my lawyer will file for it by the end on June.

I hope to God that when we finally do get to the interview part of this, Resul's FBI check will be done! Especially since the lawyer held us up for 2 months, and by the time we finally hand in Packet 3 it will be at least 3 months, and I'm sure when we get our interview date it will be in a month or two from then... So that there gives them 5-6 months to complete the check (I HOPE!!!)...

I don't think you realized that I will be going to the interview with Resul when it happens. My lawyer basically told me I have to go because we will have a better chance of getting the visa if they see me with him. So I will be going back to Turkey whenever our interview date is. And I think I will go meet his family then too. He is about 8 hours from Ankara. We might go spend a couple of days in his city? The first time we met in Istanbul and that's about a 13 hour bus ride from Resul's city. So Ankara is a bit closer. I have met his entire family on cam, but I will be nervous to finally meet in person! At least I know they are happy with me and will welcome me with open arms. :D

Take care Joye and I will keep you posted on things!
Good night...
~Deb :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-06-10 23:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Joye,
I'm so sorry to hear this news :( I hope and pray that you and Ali will be together soon... I just don't understand why they are scheduling interviews before the security checks are complete??? It makes no sense! :bonk: It's making me worry now whether the same thing will happen to Resul when we finally do get an interview date :unsure: Ohhhh... This is quite a journey we all chose, huh? How did Ali's actual interview go? Any pointers for us? Did they actually say that he will get the visa as soon as his FBI check was complete? Keep me posted Joye. Again I'm sorry for your disappointment. If you need someone to talk to I'm here! :luv:


Edited by Deb_Res, 06 June 2006 - 10:51 PM.

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-06-06 22:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
:goofy: Happy Anniversary Debra and Candemir! :goofy: I wish you both many more years of love and happiness! (L)

:star: Congratulations Betty and Seyhan on getting your green card! :dance: Way to go!!! :dance:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-06-02 20:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Hi Deb_Res,

Any update on your interview date???

Hi Joye,
Thanks for asking. How is everything going for you and your baby (L) ? I just posted the latest news in the forum and you won't believe it! I will cut and paste it here for you to read.

:protest: :ranting: :bonk: Well... It was going on 9 weeks without any word after our NOA2. My lawyer basically told me to chill out and wait, security checks could take months. I wouldn't let it rest... A new friend of mine from VJ told me I should call the NVC to make sure it's not sitting there. So I called and they said our petition was forwarded to the Ankara Embassy on 3/21/06. I emailed the embassy and explained that I have not heard a thing in 9 weeks and could they please tell me the status of my case. They emailed back in one day and told me they forwarded Packet 3 to my lawyer on 3/24/06!!!!!!! When I heard this I almost exploded ! 2 months were wasted for nothing ! I forwarded the email from the embassy to him and called him. He called me back and apologized. Whether true or not, he said that his secretary, who was fired 3 weeks ago, miss filed my Packet 3. And while he was away on business last week the new secretary found the Packet and he thought they just received it! And to make up for it he said he will do my AOS for free, which would have cost me $2,000. I wasn't going to hire him for the AOS, I was going to do it myself with the help of VJ, but hell I'm going to take him up on his offer and take up his time and money! All I can say is always rely on your gut feeling/instincts. All along I felt something was not right and sure enough I was right.

Now we have Packet 3 !!! Finally !!! My question is this: Our NOA1 was approved on 3/1/06, our NOA2 was approved on 3/16/06, where do we fit in with the IMBRA Law? Are we ok because our NOA1 was approved before 3/5/06? Or do they go by the NOA2 date on 3/16/06?

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-05-25 23:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Congrats Joye & Ali!!! Good luck on the interview. :thumbs: :luv: :thumbs:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-05-19 21:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3

I have not received it yet. When i called the El Salvador Embassy they said they mailed it to the states on may 15th regular mail. They couldn't tell me if they mailed it to me or my lawyer. They also had no tracking number. I don't know why they mailed it to the states. It's all the info my fiancee needs. They said If I don't receive it within thirty days from the day i called i should call them back. Why not thirty days from may 15th? They said that was the rules. This is driving me crazzy. would it even be worth flying down there and going in person to the embassy? Anyone els have this problem?

Our Packet 3 was sent to my lawyer in the states. It was never sent to my fiance in his country. We waited 8 weeks and I was tired of waiting. I emailed the embassy and they said they sent it to my lawyer 8 weeks ago! So my lawyer had it for 2 months and supposedly never knew! He said his secretary (who has since been fired!) miss filed our Packet 3! So stay on top of your lawyer! I've talked with other people and it seems that they usually send it to the lawyer and the fiance never gets it in their country. Good luck! :thumbs:

~Deb :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-06-10 23:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe Day Has Come!

Good luck! :D :thumbs:

Hey! :dance: Congrats to you to for getting your visa yesterday :dance: !!! How exciting!
Good luck to you both!

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-07-12 21:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe Day Has Come!
We sent Packet 3 in a week ago to the embassy. And much to my surprise I woke to an email from the embassy stating that our interview was in 9 days :o !!! Can you believe how quickly that happened! I didn't think it would be until late August or September. So now I'll be flying to Ankara on Tuesday to meet Resul and his interview is Thursday morning! I'm still in shock :wacko: ! So much to do and so little time :dance: !!! I'll keep you posted on how we do! Thanks for all your help.

~Debbie :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-07-12 20:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDetails Of Our K-1 Interview 7/20/06

Congratulations, I am from Turkey too and my USC Fiancee sent I-129F on July 11 and still waiting for NOA1 from NSC. Hopefully we will hear soon

Good luck on your K-1 journey! :thumbs: Just be patient and everything will work out for you. Where in Turkey are you from?

That's awesome... !

When is he coming home :)

He won't be coming for another 6-8 weeks :whistle: He has to save up for that expensive plane ticket! :o

Turkish Air has fall specials from the middle of September until the middle of December.

Thanks for the info Michele & Omer! :D
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-02 06:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDetails Of Our K-1 Interview 7/20/06

That's awesome... !

When is he coming home :)

He won't be coming for another 6-8 weeks :whistle: He has to save up for that expensive plane ticket! :o
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-01 23:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDetails Of Our K-1 Interview 7/20/06


They actually let you in for his interview? I know a lot of consulates make the petitioner stay outside.

Yes, they had no problem with me going in. I was was with him from start to finish. Good luck to you!
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-01 23:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDetails Of Our K-1 Interview 7/20/06
Our interview was on July 20, 2006. Our interview time was 8:30am. Our lawyer told us to get there 3 hours early because it could take hours to get through security to get into the embassy. We got there at 6am. What a waste of time because there was no line and the security guard told us to come back at 8:15am! So we went and had breakfast!

The guards didn't start letting us in until 8:45am. They were very nice. Before we went through security, outside the doors a man was checking everyone's letters. Then he asked us for Resul's medical report and his 2 passport pictures, then he put it in a file, gave us a number/ticket and let us in the doors. It took us 2 mins. to get through security. We had a bottle of water and they had us drink it in front of them to make sure it was water and nothing harmful. Then they let us into the room. It reminded me of a big bank! There were 4 or 5 big windows on the left side of the room with a counter under the windows. The blinds were all shut closed. The rest of the room was set up with chairs in rows of 2. In the back of the room there was a UPS table and 2 workers. While sitting there, we heard a sound like a door bell! That signals you to look up at the digital board to see what number they are calling and what window you are to go to. We waited about 30 minuets before we were called. Prior to going into the embassy the man asked Resul if he wanted his interview in Turkish or English. Resul didn't want to risk anything so he told them Turkish. But when we started the interview the woman was American and was asking him questions in English. I could tell he didn't quite understand her totally, plus he was so nervous. So I tried to intervine and explain it to him. She stopped me because she said she wanted to see how much he could understand and how much help he would need. So I backed off from there. At times she would talk Turkish to him when she saw he clearly wasn't understanding her, but majority of the interview was in English. The woman was behind the glass window and had a microphone built into the window. And there was a microphone on the counter on our side of the window. There was an opening under the window where you slide papers in to her, just like a bank.

These are some of the questions she asked Resul:
-How did you both meet?
-What was the date you met?
-Were you looking to marry someone?
-Where and when did you meet in person?
-Where did you stay when you met?
-What does your fiancee do for a living?
-Then she named my place of employment and asked him what this name was.
-She asked him what his occupation was?
-What kind of work does he plan to do in the USA?

She said she had enough information, and I asked if she wanted to see any evidence that I had brought, i.e. more phone bills, emails to each other, cards/letters, pictures... She said no that's ok I have all of that here (but it was old evidence from Feb. when we first applied for the K-1. She didn't want to see any of our on going evidence). She started writing something and then she said we could take this over to the desk in the back and I asked her does this mean we got the visa? And she said YES!!! :dance: We were so shocked!!! :dance: Then we went to the UPS table and Resul gave them his address of where to send the visa. The whole interview took about 20 mins. In my opinion this has been the easiest part of this whole K-1 process so far! The woman interviewing us was nice, not overly friendly, but fair. It took about 7 days for Resul to get the UPS package with the visa in it.

Sorry to go on and on, but I tried to remember every detail so that I can possible help any other couple going for their interview through Ankara. Good luck to all of you! :thumbs:

~Debbie :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-08-01 23:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Rescheduled
Congrats! :thumbs: Excellent news Chris! You're almost there now! :D I'm so happy for you two.

Take care,
~Deb :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2007-05-22 07:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Form Question
Thanks so much to the both of you!

QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Jan 21 2009, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Removal means deportation hearings, not removal of conditions, so the correct answer to this question is 'no'.

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2009-01-21 23:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Form Question
I'm unsure of what to answer for question #5 on the I-751. It states "Are you in removal, deportation, or rescission proceedings?" My husband is doing this to remove conditions so should he say "yes" because he is looking to remove conditions? I have to know by tomorrow when I send it out in the mail... I hope someone can answer me ASAP. I'm thinking I should say "no" because I think they are referring to "removal" in another situation. Am I right? Please help. Thanks!

Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2009-01-21 23:07:00
Middle East and North Africafinally interview is over guys
WOW! That was some post! Never thought I'd get to the end! LOL :lol: But thank you so much for the info. My fiance is Turkish and will have his intrview in Ankara, but any information from other interviews is a blessing to have! We have also started practicing interview questions and I will be sure to have him read your post and we will use the questions you remembered and practice with them too. Thanks again for the info and all the best to you both! :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs:

~Debbie :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-05-03 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed A Quick Lesson

or you can look under quides in the k-1 flowchart. I found that very helpfull

Thanks! That flow chart is great! I appreciate your help! :yes:

I just tried to edit my post with this info, but it didn't like me :D

I just noticed some right away that are not there.

"touched" - means that the date on your case status online (through the USCIS website, you can check on your case if you have a receipt # which you get on your NOA1) has changed, but the status has not changed. Essentially it means someone has "touched" your file. This can be anything really, even as simple as someone moving your file to a different desk :D

Biometrics - is an appointment where you get your fingerprints taken. This will not occur until you file for Adjustment of Status (AOS) after getting married in the US.

The packets are basically information mailed to the foreign fiance(e) from their Consulate/Embassy. If I recall correctly, Packet 3 contains a checklist of all the information you need to aquire before your interview (information about the medical, police reports, affidavit of support, etc) and Packet 4 is mailed to you when you are assigned an interview date.

Also, as mentioned above.. the guides and flowcharts are extremely helpful! You'll get more information about packets specifically by searching the Embassy/Consulate forum as well as those vary from country to country.

Thanks again! You've been very helpful! :luv:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-04-06 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed A Quick Lesson

This page: should answer all of those questions. Let us know if any terms you are looking for are not there, or if you need more clarification.

Thanks so much for your quick reply! I saw the terms, but nothing about the "Packets". Do you have any info about those?
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-04-06 23:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed A Quick Lesson
Can anybody give me a brief description of all these terms I am coming across? For example: "touched", NOA1, NOA2, EAD, AOS, Biometrics, and all these Packets... I have a lawyer and I'm feeling like I'm in the dark here, so I want to know as much as possible. I'd appreciate any help! Thanks! ~Deb :help:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-04-06 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got our interview date!
Congrats!!!!!!!! :thumbs:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-04-06 23:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoodbye and good luck
Looks like her loss David! Time will heal your heart. Speaking from experience, get rid of all your pictures of her. You won't be able to move on until you do so. Pack them up and actually send them to her! The less you have to look back on the better. Just keep looking ahead... Good luck :luv: ~Debbie
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-04-09 00:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSHE SAID IT WAS A BREEZE!!!!
Congrats! I'm so happy for u!!! :D
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-04-09 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
Hey congrats! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-04-11 23:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresXP: Vancouver Interview Experience
Congrats & good luck with your new journey together! (L) (F) (L)
Deb_ResFemaleTurkey2006-04-14 07:02:00