Did they give you a pick up option? Because I heard that is the best option.
Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-01 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFeb 7th nao1. Time to call uscis?

This waiting is driving me bananas 2... I can't wait till its all done...

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-07-25 02:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnxiety Control

Me 2...

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-07-27 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnxiety Control

Agree with statement above! Spend some time getting the documents ready or at least get yourself familiar with what you need. Don't be one of the people who have spent countless months waiting for their NOA2, then they get it and then say 'What's next???' Such a waste of time if you ask me but I don't want to sound mean or anything. Anyone going into this process should have been well aware that it takes time and sometimes A LOT of it!

Your day will come and most likely it will come as a complete surprise!! I know mine was as I got it at almost midnight!! Hand in there and try to keep your mind off of it as best you can. One other thing, try to keep off of VJ as much as possible. Not trying to put down the site but it can cause stress and worry and you sure don't need any of that right now, in my opinion. Give yourself a break!!! Good luck on your journey!!


I have had those documents ready for months... I just haven't been away from him this long... But really I think that every time something gets completed in the case it should update. I know that do that now but it is very vague, it should be more detailed... But thanks for your advise it is appreciated.

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-07-26 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnxiety Control

i know exactly how you feel, your time will come as for now it is better to get your necessary papers ready when your NOA2 arrives, and if you get an RFE(hopefully not) it is better to be ready just incase it happens. 



I have everything, plus mines was filed with a lawyer... I just am so tired of waiting... What is taking so long??? Why are others being processed before mine??? If there is a problem why haven't we been notified. ... All I have seen for the past 4 months is... On March 29, 2013, your Alien Registration Number was changed relating to your I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). ... I this point I'm just scared that if I go to DR... the paper work will come when I am there...

I feel the same way as you do. I am a March filer as well, NOA date march 26. 


I'm sorry you feel that way... Cause I don't wish this feeling on anyone, not even an enemy.

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-07-26 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnxiety Control

Ok so it has now been exactly 4 months since the day that I received my NOA1. As everyday passes by the anxiety and the stress get worse, I really just want to go and see him already, hug him, kiss him... arghhhh. But I don't want to make more expenses for myself especially since we are on wedding planning mode and as you guys know we have to have money for my travel expenses if they ever approve his I-129F.  Then I see how people that filed after me are being approved and me nothing... I really am happy for them, but when is it our turn...cray5ol.gif, Worst of all is that I have seen no type of changes at all... other people that filed around the same time as me have been transferred to TSC... I don't know what to do??? How do you guys handle it??? Because to me this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do!crying.gif  

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-07-26 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsnow i am really anxious

so now the person below me has beeen approved. this is driveing me crazy!!! 

Imagine me I filed 3/21 and nothing yet... People after me are getting approved... Just have faith in GOD

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-07-30 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F Finally Approved!!!!!
Awwww congrats 2x...
Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-02 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved - Mar7 filer, not transferred to TX

Just wanted to put this out there for those still waiting for an approval past the 5-month posted processing time.  Our case was not transferred to TX (seems like the minority for post-Feb filers) and we were only 'touched' for an address update initiated by my fiance.
Excited to continue on the journey... hoping those who are still waiting with NOA1 date in Jan/Feb/Mar (and before) have their approval days soon.

Thanks cause I was loosing hope....

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-13 22:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports5 months today and no NOA2... :(

I'm sure you will get it soon...
Remember, Gods time is perfect...
Never too late and never early.



Gracias amiga...

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-22 19:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports5 months today and no NOA2... :(

it's hard, mine was approved at 6months and 2 weeks.. it sucks but it's all worth it in the end.. good luck and hope you get your approval soon..


Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-21 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports5 months today and no NOA2... :(
So I have been trying to see if I could expedite my case... And I was told that I-129f doesn't qualify for it. Then I told the tier 2 officer that it's almost been 5 months and she said it was 5 months today and I should wait another month... I'm so depressed... :(
Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-21 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsconfused???

You will want to read below. You will get 3 notifications. It is confusing. I was a transfer too to tsc.



Thanks for the info.

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-05 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsconfused???
I pray to GOD your right... thanks
Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-05 00:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsconfused???
Can someone tell me what the following means??? Is it a good thing or a bad one???

On September 4, 2013, we transferred your I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E), to your local USCIS Office for further processing. The new office has jurisdiction over your case and will send you a decision as soon as processing is complete or you will be notified if further information or action is needed. If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address.

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-04 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNoticed a change in My Case Status

I had that message ever since my NOA1 was issued I am now going on 6 months and no NOA2. I did have a change to my status on the same date as yours Sept. 4th saying my case was transfered... Hope this helps.

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-05 23:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

I'm in the same boat with you and I've even become depressed because I don't work and college doesn't start until another month or two.
I have a daughter with my fiance which is hard because she looks exactly like him. We oovoo and call all day. People even say I don't have a life. But right now HE and OUR process is my life.
And the comments ppl make are the hardest when they joke and say that once he is here. He will disappear. But I highly doubt that with all we have been through.

My fiance is from Bani btw. Our anniversary was Aug.6. I cried all day thinking it was another important day away. I'm waiting on a RFE that was sent july 9. For some reason its stil not here.

Somedays I just want to leave to DR and wait it out with him. Or cancel this and get married.

I try to stay positive though and I know eventually we'll be approved

Yeah this truly suckssss... My man took me to Bani last October... Loved it... If I didn't have such a great job here I would definitely go live with... He as already asked me too a couple of times... What worries me is that I have not seen any changes in our status but I pray to GOD that soon... Best wishes to u as well.

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-08 02:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

Be strong!!!!
I wait for 10 months before I finally get my NOA2.
Not that I hope you will have to wait for that long *knock on the wood*
But believe me.. You will see that it worth the fight, the stress and the horrible waiting.
I wish you good luck!


Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-06 22:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

My fiancee was jerked around for months and months in AP on the Embassy side.  I finally had to go be with her for awhile.  It cost a lot.  But I could not wait any longer. You may need to save your resources for later.  Agree with Alex & Iris.  One thing that I did to pass the time was to write letters daily.  50% of them made it & 50% didn't.  But when she got them, it really picked up her spirits (not to mention, contributed to our "evidence of ongoing relationship" more-so than chats).  Also, in our case, we both poured ourselves into study:  she studied English, and I studied Mandarin.  Also, we started planning the "thereafter" looking into the requirements for work, social security cards, driver's licenses, medical/dental insurance, etc. Another thing I did was to give my family members her email address and asked them to email her if they wanted to.  She really liked hearing from my mother in particular, as her mother had passed away years before.  Have a little faith, not in the US government but in human love and capacity to endure.  Also, realize that processing may also speed up unexpectedly with increased staffing and decreased DOS threatcon.  Hang in there!


Thanks... I really think that what makes this such a difficult process is that fact that you have NO IDEA where your at... for all I know since march 29th my paperwork can be sitting in someones desk collecting dust... they should give a play by play update... I'm sure that some thing like that would really cut down there phone time... cause people are informed of where there paperwork is stuck and why...

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-06 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

Hi Alex&Iris! I know this journey can be so hard and nerve wracking. This is definitely not for everyone! but speaking from my heart and my own experiences, this journey can be a true blessing cause in the end, just make your relationship stronger and stable.


I went through a k1 visa myself 2 years ago, and even when it was way faster then, it took us 7 month to be together. I still remember all those days without my now husband, all those missing birthdays, holidays and general happy moments. We used to chat for hours through skype and we basically lived our entire courtship through skype and whatsapp. 


In the end, this journey made our commitment to each other, more stronger and helped us to built an amazing marriage. After a 1 year 6 month of marriage and with a baby boy on the way, our love remains intact and actually grew up, just like both of us. Everytime we have an argument or if one of us get mad, we always remember all those times we were apart and make us, how bless we are to have each other.


Times flies, try to think all the things you want to do together, discuss your future plans, your upcoming wedding, buy a new place, ect etc. What it kept us going was talking about future together and instead of thinking how much time you have ahead, think that every day that pass is a day you guys are closer to be together.


good luck


Thanks for the advice... you even made me laugh cause skype, whatsapp and facebook have become our life and funny part was we met on Myspace... wish you guys all the happiness in the world.

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-06 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever


It's not easy waiting. Mine was approved in 6 months and 2 weeks. and they said there was a delay aprox 8 months. and I was transfered to texas. Just think positive. I have not seen my fiance in almost a year since I gave birth to our son on new years so I couldn't travel since I was not working and just decided to wait for the cita. 


Hopefully you will get approved soon... ! hang in there


Awww... Congrats on your blessing... I am trying but it bothers me that there have been absolutely no updates since I received NOA2... they should have a time stamp system to track step by step...

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-06 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

Alex&Iris, I strongly suggest that you visit your fiancé while you wait for your NOA2.  DR is tough and requires very strong evidence in order to get an approval.  The evidence they tend to focus a lot on is time spent together.  During our interview, the CO asked for no other evidence besides my passport.  While he looked through it, he asked me if all of my stamps were  because I was visiting family (I have no family there besides my in-laws) or if it was because I was visiting my husband.  I've read reviews of people that got denied due to lack of visits.  Unfortunately for our pockets, DR isn't one of those countries where you can get away with having only met your SO in person one time and still get approved.



This process is costly and it's a good idea to cut back on unnecessary expenses in order to save money, but trying to save money by not visiting your fiancé could be a mistake for your case.  If you guys get denied due to lack of visits, that denial will ultimately cost you more money and time in the end.



Thanks, But I lived with him for a year, he is now living with my grandfather assisting in his care... and I have travel back in forth about 4-5 time in the three yrs together... plus I am part of his support system so we have all those receipts as well.


They are giving conflicting information. I just called and spoke to a tier-2 operator and they told me the processing time is 5 months.



Yeah I hate when that happens... arghhhhh... why can't it just get done!!! lol

They posted the new processing time on 8/2 and it is still 5 months. Did they try to make people give up or what?


I think so... but I would never give up!!! LOL

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-06 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

added expense of what?


Going twice as once to pick up my mom and the other to go get him... its $500-1000 if not more every time I go.

The wait is indeed painful but my best advice is to get really well versed on what you need to do the day after your NOA2. Start preparing the necessary paperwork for the embassy interview. There's whole other step of paperwork after the NOA2 See if you can lessen your overall wait time by shaving as much time between NOA2--> Visa in Hand by getting as many packet3 docs ready as you can.

God bless you on this journey.



Lol... that was the first thing I did to entertain myself along with wedding planning... still hard... but thanks!

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-06 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

the k1 visa journey will test your relationship like no other journey.hang in there keep your selfs busy with other things so that you dont focus to much on k1. your time will come just be patient.


Thanks... I have been trying to by over compensating at work... even went into a new business venture... but still no luck... I just can't wait to be held again!crying.gif

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-06 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

I am sorry to hear that you are going through this. I as well had to wait exactly 8 months for an NOA2 including an RFE. Believe me when I tell you, I know what you are going through as for I am as well a single mother of 3 boys.


Wait patiently. I know easier said than done, but one you receive that approval, you won't even remember the fact that you waited so long. Good luck on your journey mama! It will be here before you know it smile.png


I am hoping so... Thanks for your kind words!

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-06 16:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

Am sure God will do it but you might  have  to apply for an  extension for your mother so she dont have a  problem  with her  green card because green card holders has to be in the country at least once every 6 months but  can be  extended to 1 year if you apply for  it  with valid  reasons.

I was told by uscis officer that she could be out for a year... It's on their website as well... I'm just worried going over the year...

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-06 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

Same here, i am also a single mom to 7 yrs old daughter and me and my fiance has 10 months old baby's really hard but its only temporary..soon, we will all be together and will never be apart ever again..

I will pray for you as well!

What part of dr is fiance from? Mines from altamira close to santiago

Mines is from the Capital... But he is in Moca with my mom, about 15 mins from Santiago.

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-06 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

Don't worry, am sure you be approved soon possibly this month.  VSC has been approving lots of  March and April fillers but if its past 5 months and still no NOA2 or RFE I suggest you contact your congressman.


I pray to GOD that you are right... cause I am worried about my mom as well...she is there and she is not a citizen. I took her in Feb. for my grandmothers funeral and left her there to take care of her 96 yr old dad that she had not seen in about 4yrs. She had a flight to come home in July but due to medical reasons she was unable to travel by herself. I need to go get her but I want to kill two birds with one stone and minimize my expense... but I do not want her to loose her residents card. Good thing is my fiance has been staying there since Feb and he takes great care of her and my grandfather... I love him so much!!! 

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-05 23:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

I feel you... We are on same boat...7 months wait now,still no news...but lets be positive...we will get through this and be with our love one's soon...



Awwwww... my heart goes out to you, I understand how you feel... my issue is that I am a single mom, I pay for all my expense at home and no help from my daughters dad... I could go see him, but I would have to take her with me and with all these expenses, plus wedding expense... It is not easy...

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-05 23:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever



This is not a journey for the faint of heart but I believe it's worth it.


What is the internet infrastructure like in DR?



This is true my friend... we talk, chat, skype everyday... but it is and will never be the same!

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-05 23:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMore depressed than ever

I called USCIS today and spoke to a tier 2 officer and was told that processing time right now is up to 9 months... I don't even no what to do right now... I don't need the added expense, but I really miss my fiance!!!

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-08-05 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch filer noa2 approvedd!!!!!!!!!

Congrats... I am still waiting, I feel like i'm going bananas waiting for mine... since 3/29 there have been no changes to my status... I am waiting to go to DR because I don't want to have a double expense...But I miss him so much and everyday seems to get harder and harder... IDK what to do anymore!!!cray5ol.gif

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-07-25 03:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPositive NVC experience.



 U.S. Department of State

Immigrant Visa Case Number: SD************* Case Creation Date: 13-Sep-2013 Status Updated Date: 17-Sep-2013    
Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at:http://travel.state..../info_3731.html

For more information, please visit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV.



Wanted to share this with my VJ family... TSC sent my file to NVC on Sept 5, 2013.  They worked rather quickly on my case. God is definitely good!!  


Good luck guys. Remember never lose hope!!!!


Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-20 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNail Biting... argh

everything should be smooth from now on.  Good luck hun wink.png



Thanks Ma, I hope so... and how are you btw???

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-27 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNail Biting... argh

I hope that you get noa2 soon


I hope so to... Thank you for your good wishes.

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-27 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNail Biting... argh
Thankd guys for the support... I got the RFE on monday the 23rd. The were requesting a translated copy of my divorce since it finalized in the Dominican Republic while I was living there with my fiance Alex... no biggie sent it on Tuesday. .. today received notfication that it was received. .. woo hoo
Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-27 05:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNail Biting... argh

haha.. they never tell you.... I have been in the request of evidence process for other cases and nothing.... I am sure it is something no biggie... the good thing is that I have seen as soon as you return the RFE, they usually approve it within one or two weeks... so you are good... haha... almost there... me on the other side ugh still a long way to go... did you send the statement of intent to marry? pictures? passport stamps? G325A forms? etc... what do you think it is missing?


yeah I sent all that and more... Included more evidence then required... I really think they are doing it to yank my chain since I called about 8 times and went to my congressmen as soon as 5 months were up... but I hope u are right cause I miss my man... lol

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-20 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNail Biting... argh

They need more info because you failed to follow the instructions.  It's okay; it happens.  But it is your fault, not theirs.  if your file was perfect you would have been approved today.


Getting the visa is not only about having a real relationship, it is also about following the correct paperwork procedure.


Most of the facts of your case are not actually electronic.  That is because this integration costs money.  They are trying to keep your fees down.  You will have to wait a few days and t hen you will know.


The good news is that you will be approved once you respond to the RFE.  Good luck.


Actually I followed all the instructions in VJ and then to make sure I did it right I took it to my lawyer and he filed it... So I hope you understand where my frustration comes from.

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-20 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNail Biting... argh

Ok so I got a message yesterday saying that a request for more info was sent.... argh... they are trying to make this so difficult I lived with him there for a yr..., what more do they want???  And then on top of everything I call... and no one not even tier 2 officers know what is being requested... really they need to get it together!!!

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-20 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE???

I hope so...good.gif

Alex&IrisFemaleDominican Republic2013-09-27 16:12:00