IMBRA Special TopicsDo yahoo chatrooms considered as an International Marriage Broker ???

This is off the subject. It has nothing to do with your question you originally posted.

Hey i am really sorry if my request did bother you .. i meant nothing bad ... sorry again .
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-08 08:08:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDo yahoo chatrooms considered as an International Marriage Broker ???

This is off the subject. It has nothing to do with your question you originally posted.

I see .. does it bother You if we chat on yahoo ??
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-08 08:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDo yahoo chatrooms considered as an International Marriage Broker ???

I am blessed and highly favoured by God, thanks for asking! How are you?

i am good thanks so much for asking ... hey what is Off topic ???? this website is really confusing :crying:
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-08 07:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDo yahoo chatrooms considered as an International Marriage Broker ???


how are You this morning ?? i hope You are fine
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-08 07:53:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDo yahoo chatrooms considered as an International Marriage Broker ???
any answer is ganna be appreciated ... thanks .
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-08 07:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference

hello guys .. i am just asking if any of you know of any couple that is having an ange difference " Woman is older than the Man " and their K3 visa got approved lately ??
thanks .

Which consulate? It may be an issue at some more than others.

American Embassy in cairo " Egypt "

There have been some. You might get more answers if you ask in the ME/NA forum here:


Specify in your question that you're asking about Cairo.

What do you mean by there have been some " do you mean that there have been some who got approved .. and if Yes . so please can You tell me when and how long did it take them .. and if there were from Egypt or not and what was the age difference "???

I mean that I remember seeing some K-3 approvals going through Cairo, and I remember seeing an age difference. If you ask in the ME/NA forum, you are more likely to get answers from people who went through Cairo because there is a lot of discussion there about consulates in the Middle East and North Africa. I can't talk about someone else's experiences, but you may find some people in that forum who went through Cairo and would be happy to share their experiences with you. Good luck with your journey.

Thanks so much for your help ... i really appreciate that so much ... sorry i am new to this website and i really do not know how to use it .. so sorry for bothering u ...
Good luck
sorry but how can i join the ME Forums ??
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-07-31 14:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference

hello guys .. i am just asking if any of you know of any couple that is having an ange difference " Woman is older than the Man " and their K3 visa got approved lately ??
thanks .

Which consulate? It may be an issue at some more than others.

American Embassy in cairo " Egypt "

There have been some. You might get more answers if you ask in the ME/NA forum here:


Specify in your question that you're asking about Cairo.

What do you mean by there have been some " do you mean that there have been some who got approved .. and if Yes . so please can You tell me when and how long did it take them .. and if there were from Egypt or not and what was the age difference "???
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-07-31 14:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference

hello guys .. i am just asking if any of you know of any couple that is having an ange difference " Woman is older than the Man " and their K3 visa got approved lately ??
thanks .

Which consulate? It may be an issue at some more than others.

American Embassy in cairo " Egypt "
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-07-31 14:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAge Difference
hello guys .. i am just asking if any of you know of any couple that is having an ange difference " Woman is older than the Man " and their K3 visa got approved lately ??
thanks .
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-07-31 14:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAgain Age Difference
i just wanna add one more thing ... i am getting thru USA embassy in Cairo " Egypt "
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-07-31 14:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHey Guys ..... Concentrate........

It means the person who started this thread.

Thanks for answering
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-03 12:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHey Guys ..... Concentrate........

Please try to understand that the OP is doing his best with his English here. No need to get your panties in a bunch over his way of expressing himself . He asked a question, you answered it, enough said.

what do you mean by OP ????
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-03 12:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHey Guys ..... Concentrate........

LMFAO , ok last response to you , lol ever heard the song from GODSMACK , tile GO AWAY ,. you should listen to it suits you well , LOL BYEBYE

hey Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee listen to the same SONG . :dance:
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-03 12:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHey Guys ..... Concentrate........

hey guys .. i got so many replies to my question about the age difference .. but unfortunatly none of you gave me an answer to the question i asked and it seems that u all concentrated on talking about George Coolney or who ever .. grrrr WOMEN :) lol ...

Well .. let's see regarding age difference ,, the way Egyptians think about it " i am An Egyptian by the way " and i am Male as my profile says .. i really really do not like the way Egyptians think about most of the things .. it always let u know that they are NOT Open minded dealing with most of the issues ..

hey one more thing i wanna Add ,,, there is an age difference between me and my wife .. and i am younger than her .. but i never felt that and she never felt that age difference ... so i think it depends on the way u act and they way u think there is one thing that is really soooo important which is LOVE ... i do LOVE my wife sooo MUCH .. and i do respect and appreciate all what she did and still do to me and i really really can not imagine my life without Her and without OUR son ... They are BOTH a very big part of my life and they BOTH mean A lot to me .. i do love and Miss Both of them soooooooo much ... and oh my GOD that stupid visa Stuff that keeps Us away from eachother ..

there are so many people who get married and they are so close in age but it never ever works out and it does not long for more than one or two years at Most ... and this even happen over here in Egypt .. and i think it happens everywhere and i have a question .. why do People over here in Egypt accept it when the man is older than the women and they never accept it when the women is older than the man .. Grrrrr i just said they are not Open mineded and they can not accept somethings and they can not deal with it .. but again they are not all this way ...

well i wish u all luck and i hope it works out for ALL of you .. and u All " those who are Married overseas " Get together very soon insha'Allah .. and hey WOMEN come on .. talk about something more SERIOUS than that George Coolney .. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WOMEN :) :) :) :)

see u :)

1rst you have on timeline
2. how can someone help you when you dont post a clear question ?
3. your command about the age differance I belive its international when the wife is almost 20 years older then the husband , you have to accept a reaction no mather where you go
4. the age differance would defenatly raise an eyebrow with me if it was a friend of mine ,
and am outspoken I would point blank ask , did you look for a wife or a substitude mother ?
( no offence intented )
5. but since I dont know you and my MOM tought me speak when spoken too,
all I will say is Good luck in the future Lona

Well my MOM tought me to make my own Decision NO matter what PEOPLE think as long as i DO NOTHING WRONG .. plus .. it is UP to everyone to choose who ever to spend the rest of his life with .. and who cares about what people think .. it is UP to them to think what ever they want and it is the same for me " it is UP to me to choose who EVER i want and FEEL comfi With " ... Thanks and Good luck to u too .. bye bye .

LOL no need to get upset , like i said no offence intended and I dont know you ( and like to keep it that way lol )
and yes everyone makes there own desitions , ( eh hmmm but why bother asking here if you cant handle the response, if you realy love her and you realy made up your mind then dont ask a question what other people think of the age differance if you cant handle the answers, LOl )
My thinking is if you love her just do what you have to do to get the visa and spend the rest of your life happy , asking about the age is irrelevant when you realy love her ,
it was a silly question so accept any answers you might get , LOL now relax and be happy BYEBYE Lona

Well .. i think u did not get my question MA'AM ... well when i asked about age difference i asked if any got their K3 approved " a couple that is having an age difference " it seems that u had no TIME to read the question and UNDERSTAND it :) lol ... hey i mentioned NOTHING about love ...and as u said u do not know me and it is really really really ganna be great if we KEEP it this way .. Thx

One more thing Please MA'AM ... your answer and the way you talk .. is telling me that those people who are NOT open minded enough really exist everywhere :) lol .. and not just over here lol .... and again before u answer to a question try to understand it first and spend sometime knowing what are we talking about :) lol .. Good LUCK MA"AM
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-03 11:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHey Guys ..... Concentrate........

hey guys .. i got so many replies to my question about the age difference .. but unfortunatly none of you gave me an answer to the question i asked and it seems that u all concentrated on talking about George Coolney or who ever .. grrrr WOMEN :) lol ...

Well .. let's see regarding age difference ,, the way Egyptians think about it " i am An Egyptian by the way " and i am Male as my profile says .. i really really do not like the way Egyptians think about most of the things .. it always let u know that they are NOT Open minded dealing with most of the issues ..

hey one more thing i wanna Add ,,, there is an age difference between me and my wife .. and i am younger than her .. but i never felt that and she never felt that age difference ... so i think it depends on the way u act and they way u think there is one thing that is really soooo important which is LOVE ... i do LOVE my wife sooo MUCH .. and i do respect and appreciate all what she did and still do to me and i really really can not imagine my life without Her and without OUR son ... They are BOTH a very big part of my life and they BOTH mean A lot to me .. i do love and Miss Both of them soooooooo much ... and oh my GOD that stupid visa Stuff that keeps Us away from eachother ..

there are so many people who get married and they are so close in age but it never ever works out and it does not long for more than one or two years at Most ... and this even happen over here in Egypt .. and i think it happens everywhere and i have a question .. why do People over here in Egypt accept it when the man is older than the women and they never accept it when the women is older than the man .. Grrrrr i just said they are not Open mineded and they can not accept somethings and they can not deal with it .. but again they are not all this way ...

well i wish u all luck and i hope it works out for ALL of you .. and u All " those who are Married overseas " Get together very soon insha'Allah .. and hey WOMEN come on .. talk about something more SERIOUS than that George Coolney .. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WOMEN :) :) :) :)

see u :)

1rst you have on timeline
2. how can someone help you when you dont post a clear question ?
3. your command about the age differance I belive its international when the wife is almost 20 years older then the husband , you have to accept a reaction no mather where you go
4. the age differance would defenatly raise an eyebrow with me if it was a friend of mine ,
and am outspoken I would point blank ask , did you look for a wife or a substitude mother ?
( no offence intented )
5. but since I dont know you and my MOM tought me speak when spoken too,
all I will say is Good luck in the future Lona

Well my MOM tought me to make my own Decision NO matter what PEOPLE think as long as i DO NOTHING WRONG .. plus .. it is UP to everyone to choose who ever to spend the rest of his life with .. and who cares about what people think .. it is UP to them to think what ever they want and it is the same for me " it is UP to me to choose who EVER i want and FEEL comfi With " ... Thanks and Good luck to u too .. bye bye .

LOL no need to get upset , like i said no offence intended and I dont know you ( and like to keep it that way lol )
and yes everyone makes there own desitions , ( eh hmmm but why bother asking here if you cant handle the response, if you realy love her and you realy made up your mind then dont ask a question what other people think of the age differance if you cant handle the answers, LOl )
My thinking is if you love her just do what you have to do to get the visa and spend the rest of your life happy , asking about the age is irrelevant when you realy love her ,
it was a silly question so accept any answers you might get , LOL now relax and be happy BYEBYE Lona

Well .. i think u did not get my question MA'AM ... well when i asked about age difference i asked if any got their K3 approved " a couple that is having an age difference " it seems that u had no TIME to read the question and UNDERSTAND it :) lol ... hey i mentioned NOTHING about love ...and as u said u do not know me and it is really really really ganna be great if we KEEP it this way .. Thx
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-03 11:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHey Guys ..... Concentrate........

hey guys .. i got so many replies to my question about the age difference .. but unfortunatly none of you gave me an answer to the question i asked and it seems that u all concentrated on talking about George Coolney or who ever .. grrrr WOMEN :) lol ...

Well .. let's see regarding age difference ,, the way Egyptians think about it " i am An Egyptian by the way " and i am Male as my profile says .. i really really do not like the way Egyptians think about most of the things .. it always let u know that they are NOT Open minded dealing with most of the issues ..

hey one more thing i wanna Add ,,, there is an age difference between me and my wife .. and i am younger than her .. but i never felt that and she never felt that age difference ... so i think it depends on the way u act and they way u think there is one thing that is really soooo important which is LOVE ... i do LOVE my wife sooo MUCH .. and i do respect and appreciate all what she did and still do to me and i really really can not imagine my life without Her and without OUR son ... They are BOTH a very big part of my life and they BOTH mean A lot to me .. i do love and Miss Both of them soooooooo much ... and oh my GOD that stupid visa Stuff that keeps Us away from eachother ..

there are so many people who get married and they are so close in age but it never ever works out and it does not long for more than one or two years at Most ... and this even happen over here in Egypt .. and i think it happens everywhere and i have a question .. why do People over here in Egypt accept it when the man is older than the women and they never accept it when the women is older than the man .. Grrrrr i just said they are not Open mineded and they can not accept somethings and they can not deal with it .. but again they are not all this way ...

well i wish u all luck and i hope it works out for ALL of you .. and u All " those who are Married overseas " Get together very soon insha'Allah .. and hey WOMEN come on .. talk about something more SERIOUS than that George Coolney .. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WOMEN :) :) :) :)

see u :)

1rst you have on timeline
2. how can someone help you when you dont post a clear question ?
3. your command about the age differance I belive its international when the wife is almost 20 years older then the husband , you have to accept a reaction no mather where you go
4. the age differance would defenatly raise an eyebrow with me if it was a friend of mine ,
and am outspoken I would point blank ask , did you look for a wife or a substitude mother ?
( no offence intented )
5. but since I dont know you and my MOM tought me speak when spoken too,
all I will say is Good luck in the future Lona

Well my MOM tought me to make my own Decision NO matter what PEOPLE think as long as i DO NOTHING WRONG .. plus .. it is UP to everyone to choose who ever to spend the rest of his life with .. and who cares about what people think .. it is UP to them to think what ever they want and it is the same for me " it is UP to me to choose who EVER i want and FEEL comfi With " ... Thanks and Good luck to u too .. bye bye .
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-03 08:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHey Guys ..... Concentrate........
hey guys .. i got so many replies to my question about the age difference .. but unfortunatly none of you gave me an answer to the question i asked and it seems that u all concentrated on talking about George Coolney or who ever .. grrrr WOMEN :) lol ...

Well .. let's see regarding age difference ,, the way Egyptians think about it " i am An Egyptian by the way " and i am Male as my profile says .. i really really do not like the way Egyptians think about most of the things .. it always let u know that they are NOT Open minded dealing with most of the issues ..

hey one more thing i wanna Add ,,, there is an age difference between me and my wife .. and i am younger than her .. but i never felt that and she never felt that age difference ... so i think it depends on the way u act and they way u think there is one thing that is really soooo important which is LOVE ... i do LOVE my wife sooo MUCH .. and i do respect and appreciate all what she did and still do to me and i really really can not imagine my life without Her and without OUR son ... They are BOTH a very big part of my life and they BOTH mean A lot to me .. i do love and Miss Both of them soooooooo much ... and oh my GOD that stupid visa Stuff that keeps Us away from eachother ..

there are so many people who get married and they are so close in age but it never ever works out and it does not long for more than one or two years at Most ... and this even happen over here in Egypt .. and i think it happens everywhere and i have a question .. why do People over here in Egypt accept it when the man is older than the women and they never accept it when the women is older than the man .. Grrrrr i just said they are not Open mineded and they can not accept somethings and they can not deal with it .. but again they are not all this way ...

well i wish u all luck and i hope it works out for ALL of you .. and u All " those who are Married overseas " Get together very soon insha'Allah .. and hey WOMEN come on .. talk about something more SERIOUS than that George Coolney .. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WOMEN :) :) :) :)

see u :)
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-03 07:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow does this Work ???????????
hey guys i have a question ... when someone' visa gets denied ... do the embassy do this on the interview date or they send the refuse few days/ weeks later ??? so how does it work ????
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-07 05:30:00

Thank God I made it! August 2 interview was a success!!!

Congratssssssssssss .... and GOOD LUCK on ur Journey :)
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-02 03:46:00
Middle East and North Africawhen he said 1-2 months !

Oh Wale your words are so true :crying: I swear you should be a writer.

May i ask when did ur hubby have his interview at the american embassy in Cairo ...
I had my interview on Nov21 2006 and i still heared Nothing .. all what they did is that sending someone to my house to ask my family about my wife and if they know about her or not .... and that happend something like 40 days ago and since that i heared NOTHING ...

Good luck on ur journey
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:05:00
Middle East and North Africawhen he said 1-2 months !

You are soo good with writing Wael... Keep doing it ... Im thinking about going to Egypt to be with Adam soon.... this waiting is making me nuts... gotta keep praying and waiting (F) -Tam

Hey May i ask how long have u been waiting for ...
I had my interview on Nov21 2006 and i still heared nothing from the American Embassy in Cairo .. this is sooooo BAD to be away from ur wife/husband for that LONG .. this is really sooooooo Hard
Good luck on ur journey . NEVER GIVE UP .
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:01:00
Middle East and North Africawhen he said 1-2 months !

lastnight i was reading DOODLE topic telling us about her husband interview , while reading i have noticed that her husband interview was almost a copy of mine except the question about sex .. we both had the same consular ( the little black guy ) .. i have have been asked almost the same questions .. and by the end i have heared the same words ( 1-2 MONTHS )
and while me and my wife have been witing for over 2 months now , so let me tell you something about this 2 months thing ...

when he said 1-2 months .. we will call you
we have your name , we have your phone , and all you info
go and be sure .. it can take less .. it can't take more
there is no pain .. there is no hurt .. that won't be sore

maybe i was naive .. coz i did believe .. what he had to say
coz when we called the DOS .. to tell them about the 2 month .. they said there is no way
they said it usually takes .. up to 6 months .. we just need to pray
sure we had to ask .. why he said 2 months .. they said he likes to play
it's bad .. really sad .. it's shame
when somebody thinks it's a game
and for his game we pay
we pay in every tear .. we pay in every hurt .. we pay being apart .. we pay it every day

thousands of miles between us .. and all what remain is .. message , email , phone call
when i look at myself i see unavailable husband , out of service .. or call it whatever you call
FAIR ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS .. that's all what i'm asking for
not a temporarily suspended husband for 6 months or even more

I love ur words sooooooo Much man ... i really Love it because i feel the same i am unavailable Husband ,, i am out of service .. that waiting period is sooo Stupid ... I am from Egypt by the way and i have been waiting for 8 months and 9 days since the interview i had at the American Embassy on Nov 21 2006 and still NOTHING .. that is just a ###### ...
Good luck on ur journey ..
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 12:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(
Am i confusing YOU ALL ???? :( :( sorry GUYS this is my first time in here i am really sorry
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 14:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(

I don't think it has anything to do with his skin color or race. It's just that this particular CO in Cairo is rough. He's being identified by his skin color because Cairo ppl will know who he's talking about.

As I've said's not the CO's job to be nice. It's his job to do interviews and try to prevent ppl from commiting fraud.

by the Way GUYS .. i got interviewed by that STUPID black GUY ... and i will never forget the way he was talking to me and the way he looked at me ... that was VERY stupid ........i think he is WORKING there at the embassy to Scare Applicants ... NOTHING more .

What has him being black got anything to do with?

I agree with you .. and i really MEANT nothing nothing wheni mentioned his skin color it was just to let Others know who am i talkinga bout ... i had Nothing bad on my mind when i mentioned his skin color ...
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(

by the Way GUYS .. i got interviewed by that STUPID black GUY ... and i will never forget the way he was talking to me and the way he looked at me ... that was VERY stupid ........i think he is WORKING there at the embassy to Scare Applicants ... NOTHING more .

What has him being black got anything to do with?

There is NOTHINg wrong with him being black .. i did not mean to insult anyone ... i amsorry if you did misunderstand me ..but yesterday there were some guys who were asking if anyone got interviewed by that guy or not that was all .. i amsorry again if i did hurt you .. i am really so sorry but i really meant nothing bad .... thanks .
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(

Can you keep all your comments/questions in one thread?

Sorry i am new to this website and i really do not know how to use it in a GOOD way yet ... sorry for bothering You .

No worries, you are not bothering me. Its just starting to get very confusing.

Thanks ... and again good luck on ur journey .
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(

Can you keep all your comments/questions in one thread?

Sorry i am new to this website and i really do not know how to use it in a GOOD way yet ... sorry for bothering You .
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(
NEVER SMILES :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( EVEN when u smile at HIM .. oh oh HE never smiles BACK at you :(
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(
by the Way GUYS .. i got interviewed by that STUPID black GUY ... and i will never forget the way he was talking to me and the way he looked at me ... that was VERY stupid ........i think he is WORKING there at the embassy to Scare Applicants ... NOTHING more .
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(

Tell your wife to contact her senator

Do u think this is GANNA help ??????? i Doubt it
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(
When my wife called them few days after they have made that Visit ... the lady who answered her told her that we have to hear something in one week and half or at MOST 2 weeks .... hey by the way .. my wife made that phone call more than one month ago :) ... that is so STUPID again ... so stupid to be away from someone u LOVE ... and u can DO NOTHING about it ... and again as wael said .. i feel as i am OUT OF SERVICE husband :(
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(

Hey GUYS .. i had my interview date on Nov 21 2006 ... and this is all what i got from the embassy so far ... they first asked for something that is called a Movement certificate .. .and then they asked for a Proof of relationship and then they sent someone to my house to ask my family about my wife and if they know her or not ... and that happend 40 days ago and i still heared NOTHING .. this is really ###### and i am wondering why it is taking sooo LONG .. what are they waiting for !!!!!!!!!!! is it really that HARD to make such decison on that VISA thing ... is it that hard to Approve it or Deny it ... i think it is not that HARD ..

I hope i am ganna hear something good very soon .. but all what i can say is that ... We all have nothing to do but Waiting and KEEP praying .. and i wish you ALL the best LUCK on ur Journey .. and please NEVER give up ...

Have you emailed them since that visit they made to your house? I usually get a response from them within about 5 days of emailing them.

No i have not e-mailed them yet .. but i just asked my wife to contact them this morning " sending them an email " but actually it makes no difference they are ganna do what ever they want NO matter WHAT .. they care about NO ONE and they care about NOTHING ..Plus i really do not trust them and their Answers it is always LIES ... anyway i hope ME and My Wife get a response very soon ... thanks for ur message ... and GOOD LUCK
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaHE NEVER SMILES ... i feel sorry for his WIFE and KIDS :(
Hey GUYS .. i had my interview date on Nov 21 2006 ... and this is all what i got from the embassy so far ... they first asked for something that is called a Movement certificate .. .and then they asked for a Proof of relationship and then they sent someone to my house to ask my family about my wife and if they know her or not ... and that happend 40 days ago and i still heared NOTHING .. this is really ###### and i am wondering why it is taking sooo LONG .. what are they waiting for !!!!!!!!!!! is it really that HARD to make such decison on that VISA thing ... is it that hard to Approve it or Deny it ... i think it is not that HARD ..

I hope i am ganna hear something good very soon .. but all what i can say is that ... We all have nothing to do but Waiting and KEEP praying .. and i wish you ALL the best LUCK on ur Journey .. and please NEVER give up ...
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-01 13:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan u please tell me when did that Collapse Happen ... what Time Minnea Local Time

hope someone answer me back ?????????

I just watched a video clip about it and the news cast said just after 6 in the evening ........... if you go to the yahoo homepage you can click into it ...

Thanks so much for helping ...
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-02 04:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan u please tell me when did that Collapse Happen ... what Time Minnea Local Time
hope someone answer me back ?????????
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-02 04:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaMinneapolis Bridge - Rahma... are you safe?

I don't know if you all have seen this yet, but I just got home and saw the news of the bridge in Minneapolis collapsing and immediately wondered if Rahma & her husband are ok????
See here:

Hello can u please tell me what time did this happen " Minnea Local Time " Thanks ..
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-02 04:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs there any Egyptians ON right now ??? one of those who applied for the K3

:lol: I don't wanna meet Zahi! :lol: I wouldnt mind meeting George though.... :whistle:

again .. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR women :crying: lool
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-03 12:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs there any Egyptians ON right now ??? one of those who applied for the K3
hey GUYS .. take it EASY ... concentrate more on ur Husbands looool ... heheheheheh .... i am my Wife's eye candy so come on take it this way and it is ganna be much easier .. u will not meet Zahi neither GC :) .. so come on .. it seems u ganna have a FIGHT very soon who is more attractive :( :( :( .. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr WOMEN :(
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-03 12:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs there any Egyptians ON right now ??? one of those who applied for the K3
Hey GUYS have u heared of any Couple who are getting thru Cairo Embassy and there is an age difference between the two parts " 15 years as an age difference " and their K3 got approved lately ?????
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-02 03:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs there any Egyptians ON right now ??? one of those who applied for the K3
Is there ANY ???
MyHeartIsTakenMale02007-08-02 02:56:00