US Embassy and Consulate Discussionlong version of birth certificates
ok, so I am getting from the posts that some would say yes i should get teh long form and some would say no to the long form. I know that it would mean $70.00 out of pocket but I just might order them and then even if I don't I will have them. Like I had said before I am a basket case waiting for interview, and I would rather have more then less information.

thank you everyone for the input, i do appreciate it.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-03-04 07:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionlong version of birth certificates
I am not sure if this information is posted anywhere but I was wondering on one of the forms that you have to fill out for the packet 3 to submit it had said to list all your children even if they are not accompanying you. It then stated below in small print that I would require birth certificates of all the children listed. I had asked my lawyer if I was required to obtain the long version for two of my children who are not moving with me, (they are in college in other cities). My lawyer had not heard of anyone needing these before, but with the way my visa journey has gone thus far I am making sure I have more information then less. I figured if anyone would have this information it would be someone on this site.
Hopefully someone out there has this information, I am a basket case waiting for our interview and want to make sure that I have everything.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-02-23 06:55:00
CanadaHere's some fun questions . .

I missed 3 :( - got 18 out of 21 - still said it was superb! Hehehe (among other things which you can read for yourself!)

(I missed questions 12, 14 and 19)

lol, that was sad - the only questions that I got right (besides the ones I guessed on) where about the drinking. sad - so sad.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-03-02 07:02:00
Canadadriver's license req.
thank you everyone, the information was extremely helpful,

More questions on other things will be coming for sure!!!
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-03-03 07:06:00
Canadadriver's license req.
whoops - sorry about that, I will be moving to MIchigan.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-03-01 15:18:00
Canadadriver's license req.
I am just wondering when switching my driver's lic over from Canadian to American is it just a matter of changing the actualy lic. or do I have to take any tests? Also, from what I am reading and from what my lawyer has stated I will not be able to change my lic nor my vehicle registration over until I receive my A.O.S., right? How does the insurance thing work if this is correct? If I am over in the U.S. and can not return, does my insurance (car) still cover me? Does that mean I have to make a lump sum to keep the coverage going? What if something (knock on wood) happens? What about the plates and renewing them? Many questions???

hopefully (actually I know from previous questions) that somebody has the answers.

suzique3FemaleCanada2010-03-01 12:54:00
Canadacar insurance

GEICO insured my Canadian-registered car with my Canadian driver's license no problem at all. They didn't require a credit report. All they wanted was the VIN, plate #, and Canadian driver's license #. This was long before I had AOS'd. They told me to let them know the change of information once I'd registered the car in the US and had a US driver's license. It was probably the easiest process of the whole immigration procedure.

that would be really nice if something went smooth in this bumpy process.

thank you for the information I am going to have my fiancee look into his car insurance and see what they will charge or if they will even do that.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-03-10 06:54:00
Canadacar insurance
Ok I have yet another question, (thought I had it all figured out) I was reading somewhere on here that they said to get car insurance when I get over, to inform my car insurance company. My question is can I get car insurance on a cdn car because I was told that I can not register this vehicle until my AOS is approved. I can not get my driver's lic changed over until my AOS is approved. So I am not sure what to do?
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-03-09 12:54:00
Canadatreavel after interview
ok, so I would be takening a really big chance. That pretty answers wht i am going to do then, sit tight until moving day. (as long as I am approved that is - anxiety is setting in).

thank you so much, so many questions and I get nothing from my lawyer.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-03-25 06:00:00
Canadatreavel after interview
ok this is just a another quick quesiton, this place has all teh answers and with the date of the interview getting close (not close enough) I have so many quesitons and am getting very anxious. What my question is, after the interview and whether they yea or nay, will I still be able to travel to the states to see my fiancee, with out activating my visa. I go every weekend right now, and would like to still see him until I move over there.

any answers??????

thank you
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-03-24 19:25:00
Canadak1 POE windsor / detroit
First Congratulations on your visa and best wishes on your upcoming wedding. Since I will be eventually crossing over via the Ambassordor bridge as well, having heard other peoples stories is good. I know from going thru the interview process and reading all the stories of people who have been thru it helped alot. Even though we received a RFE ( they wanted proof that I had supplied my exhusband with my sons new address) haveing read the stories of others helped. The first thing I thought about (ok after if finished being depressed) I thought of someones storie that I had read on VJ about being really upset (this I was) and someone saying that when you look back you will realize that it was not that bad and that the final outcome of being able to be with your fiancee was all worth it. This little piece of information has helped me (especially when you have to dwell on it for a 11 hour car ride home)
Thank you for letting me know about your experience since i will be crossing at the same POE. (hopefully soon)
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-04-08 10:55:00
just was wondering if anyone out there can give me some idea of length of time for receiving my K1 AND K2 visa. We went to the interview on Wednesday april 7, (everything by the way went almost like everyone had posted) anyhow, finaly got to the interview part and everything was going fine, asked a couple of questions and then came time for the documents with regards to my exhusbad being informed of the move. I had taken care of this thru my lawyer and just bedore the interview date had finally gotten everything back. (sigh of relief) only to find out when we went to the consulate, they wanted proof that he had been informed (anyone else have to go thru this) my son of course piped in and said that he had told his dad. But the gentleman had stated that was not sufficient evidence. I can understand his point and all it is just very nerve wracking. So anyhow, he (the gentleman behind the glass) stated that my visa had been approved (unable to be excited) but that until we supply them with evidence then my sons K2 is not. so my question is this after sending in the information (signed and notorized) via Priority post. How long in anybodies experience did this normally take to receive the Visa's? I know they said at the consulate up to 4 weeks. but I was just wondering everybodies elses experiences.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-04-08 11:14:00
CanadaK1 - Montreal April Interviews
We are April 7, (seems so far away) - working on looking for a hotel, and a million of one things for my teenage son to do on the drive up. (10.5 hours in the car) lots and lots of snacks.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-03-02 06:53:00
Canadaquick question

It took just about 4 weeks for my additional documents to be processed. But my husband got our congressman involved because our case was a 3 and a half year disaster. At the 2 week mark, you significant other in the states can contact his representative to make and inquiry on the case (they have different congressional channels that we dont).

The Dos will only be able to tell you if they have A) reviewed the documents.. B)authorized print on your visa C) mailed it.

Good luck! And I hope it goes by quickly!!

sorry to hear that yours was a disaster. if i hear my lawyer say one more time Hmm i have never had that one happen before. I know now that i will be here until the end of June - if it were not for the school thing, I would be going as soon as i received it but now that I see everyone seems to say the 4 to six week timeline, I have to resign myself to the fact that i won't be getting married until the summer. :blush:
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-04-21 10:44:00
Canadaquick question
Thank you, I have to try and be more patient :wacko:
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-04-21 09:32:00
Canadaquick question

I'm not sure that the DOS could help you much. They may be able to tell if something has been done, but they don't have any power to push Montreal along. These days, it's taking anywhere from 4 weeks to 8 weeks for Montreal to look at additional documents sent in to them. I've been waiting almost 5 weeks for them to respond to stuff I sent in for domicile.

I sent my stuff in last week, was supposed to be the week before but Canada Post lost it. (that was fun) I know that it has only been a week and I am being impatient. it is just that I had thought that everything was going to be fine and it would have been if my family lawyer would have stated that the information given to my exhusband had been worded has been given the information instead of will be given the information. I had to send in a notorized document from my exhusband stating that he had been given this infomation.

So the information that you need for you child is a notorized document stating that they are aware of the move, and that you have given the information to them. With this information you should not end up like me.

the only reason why I am wondering (and after seeing the time that you have been waiting) is because I have to give up my apartment at the end of april, my son was all set up in the new school, we had everything set up because they end at the beginning of June and my sons school here ends at the end of June. I would have like him to be in teh new school for just a bit so that he could meet some people for the summer. As it stands now if we don't have something by the start of next week (which obviously I see we won't) we will not be going over until he finishes school over here, by the time we get over even any clubs or teams will have already started.
I know it was stupid if me to as they said dispose of anything, but now you have to give 60 days for apartments (moved into one becuase I sold our house) at least two weeks notice for work, I gave 4 weeks becuase the type of work I do takes a little more then two weeks training. So you can see my dilemia, so any information on my status would at least give me hope.

sorry for rambling, not working, not knowing is killing me. :(
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-04-21 09:13:00
Canadaquick question

DOS is the US Department of State

and they will be able to tell me the status of our visa's?
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-04-21 07:56:00
Canadaquick question
just a really quick question, everyone keeps talking about contacting DOS after the interview and finding out information on their status. What is is the DOS and how do I contact them, my interview was in Montreal. I had to send in more paperwork (proof that my sons father had been notified of move, even though I had a legal document stating that he knew but anyhow...) I had to send in information with my passports and now am waiting (not so patiently) so I was wondering how to contact them besides email, they don't seem to respond (except for automated response) So if anyone can let me know, I would greatly appreciate the information.

Thank you
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-04-21 07:28:00
Canadainformation after interview


I don't remember ever reading where someone had to send in new documents because the old ones expired while waiting for Montreal to look at them.

People sometimes are asked for more information after submitting the first bunch. That doesn't happen too often, but it does happen.

Thank you for a little ray of sunshine. I am hoping beyond hope that this is the case because the lawyer that I am using said that the possible reason for hold up was because my son turned 16 in May, our interview was April and they entered in their computer that they had finally received everything April 30,(even though I had sent it april 8 and they had signed for it april 10) so my lawyer seemed to think they were holding things up becuase since he turned 16 they would now require a RCMP report. She was also not sure if they were going to require another one for me because mine expired.

Your information has put a small smile on my face. Thank you,

Anyone else with good reports please I could use them.

thank you
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-10 13:06:00
Canadainformation after interview

i really hope they get your passports with visa to you soon. Hopefully the don't say that they need more info since your son turned 16. I have a feeling if they pull that ####### they will want another medical too since at 16 they do the chest x-ray and blood work and ask a few more questions.

I was hoping that maybe someone has gone thru the same type of situation and maybe could give me some insight or even hope.
I am really starting to unravel here.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-09 22:00:00
Canadainformation after interview

Did you leave your passports with them or do you have them still in your possession?

they have our passports
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-08 21:07:00
Canadainformation after interview
Ok I am not sure where this question goes, I do apologize. I have been waiting for our Fiance visa since we had our interview on April 7, 2010. The gentleman behind the glass had stated that we needed a document stating that my ex-husband had been given the change of address and telephone number. We did this, got it notorized and send back the next day. I finally received a confirmation from the consulate stating that they had received the documents. I have been waiting not so patiently. I contacted my lawyer to see if maybe she could find out more. It has now been 2 months ( I know to some this may not be long but it seems like an eternity to me) anyhow, my lawyer contacted me and said that the reason for the delay could be the fact that my son (15 at the time of the interview) had since turned 16 and would now need a RCMP report.
My question then is 'has anyone else experienced anything like this? and if so, when you had your interview and the gentleman stated that the only thing they required was a certain piece of information and then we would obtain our visa, you sent in this information and then certain documents either changed or expired did you have to resend even more information?

I hope that this is not to muble jumble that you can not understand, i am just so frustrated.

thank you anyone that might have some insight
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-08 20:59:00
CanadaWAITING and waiting
I can see others out there are frustrated too. Had interview on April 7, they did not like the wording of the document received from my exhusband stating that he knew and was not fighting the move. (it was a legal document stamped and signed by a judge) but the wording that they wanted was to prove that he had been given the address and phone number of the new residence for my son. We sent that in the next day by Canada Post ( they promptly lost it) they found it several days later and since then we have been waiting. The gentleman at the consulate had stated it would be 2 to 4 weeks, the lady that I spoke to today stated 3 to 4 months. (ahhhhh) I know that it has not been as long as others but I can completely understand your frustration. Why is it that other consulates have the manpower but the one of the busiest consulates (as stated by the lady on the telephone) does not.
I just hope and pray this happens soon, I had given up my job, my apartment had been rented out already, and I have had to move in with family (thank goodness I have them) I know you are not supposed to dispose of property or leave a job but my job was one that required a certain amount of time to train. Everything was in order except for the wording of a document (should have said has been instead of will be)

and here we sit (not so patiently) :(
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-05-20 11:32:00

Hi All,

Thank you once again for the great support, you all are just awesome. Today, VISA / PASSPORT is in hand, looks beautiful. Finally! Now to the next steps of moving and packing up my uhaul truck :)

Anyone gone through the move with a K1 know what not to bring?? how to bring it?? do I have to have a list of items?? do they even check at the border??


now on to the next step of questions lol I will hopefully asking the same thing shortly.
congratulations again
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-23 10:08:00
congratualtions on the visa, :dance: waiting to here about the delivery. :yes:
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-21 18:31:00
Canadabringing dog with you at poe
I know when I crossed over last, (seems like forever ago) when I went across with Sammy (the dog) and I had brought some dog food (it had been bought in the states) the border guard (apparently incorrect terminology) had stated that if I was going to bring dog food with me to bring it in its original package ( I believe so that they can see what it is made of). but then when my fiance was coming this way and was bringing me a bag of food the border guard on the Cdn side said that he would not be able to bring that back across. So I am guessing it all depends on which guard you get.
I am not chancing any problems, the dog food is staying here. I can get more when I go over
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-28 06:53:00
Canadabringing dog with you at poe
thank you everyone this has been very helpful,
I appreciate all the input especially at the ambassador bridge because that is where we are crossing at. As for the barking dog, my dog screams at the top of his lungs (reason for sedative - for him not me)
thank you again :)
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-27 16:53:00
Canadabringing dog with you at poe

If you dog has real problems travelling you might want to look into getting this product for the trip: I use the version available for cats and it does help reduce stress. The DAP spray also comes in a collar variation which might be worth considering. It doesn't work for all dogs, but with the ones it does work for, it seems to be very successful.

thank you very much, Iwill look into it, right now anything, Sammy does not do well in the car and I am so worried about what he will be like sitting there for a long period of time.

thank you again,
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-26 21:30:00
Canadabringing dog with you at poe
oh thank you everyone, I am used to crossing with my dog when I was allowed to go over. (he does not travel that well) I have him a cage when I travel due the fact that he has anxiety issues (this is not a very pleasant experience) I have to sedate him as well, so he looks extremely drowsy. I was just worried about the length of time I will be spending in secondary because he will be in the van and he barks continuously when I stop.
I have his shots up to date (and actaully have his tag for monroe already on him) and I have a document showing the up to date vaccinations and the rabies vaccination as well.

Thank you everyone for the input, anything to try and ease the stress of this next step. :unsure:
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-26 20:35:00
Canadabringing dog with you at poe
ok I looked and looked and did not see any reviews for POE with their dog. Has anyone done this before, I really do not have a choice in the matter, since you are not able to return I have to bring him on the same day. I do have all his paper work showing his shots up to date. But just wondering others experiences, since it is a bit of timely process at the ambassador bridge, (especially since we are probably going to be crossing on a saturday afternoon. I know not the best time to do that, but i am limited on dates.

if anyone has some experience in this please share.

thank you :unsure:
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-26 17:01:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!

Thanks! I hope so, although I'm so confused...approved,issued, printed, mailed...sounds like a few more torture steps.

from what happened to mine, it was approved and issued on June 18 and I received it June 24, I am wondering if they do a mass mailing for each week. I called the DOS a second time just make sure that it had been issued, and that is when she told me it had been approved and issued on the same day. As for mailing out she could not tell me.
You will probably get it this week then if they do mass mailings.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-26 16:41:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!
congratualations to you all, and me too!!! I received our visas today, I am so thankful. I know our situation is not a complicated as catbones but it still has been stressful. Like everyone keeps saying, hold on and it will happen (I really did not think it was going to) I even called DOS the next day to make sure that somebody did not get it wrong.
Thank you everyone for the support and the answers. (Now I have alot more)

thank you again.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-24 22:01:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!
I guess this a good week for a lot of people. I called the DOS today and they said the visa's had been issued. Ok they did not say anything about being printed. I did not know I had to ask that too. I just asked her about 4 times if that is exactly what it said. I think she thought I was a little looney, but I just wanted to make sure. Now the wait for the xpresspost package.
how long does it take usually do you think between issuing and printing? ( I just figured they did everything all at the same time, you know only touch it once rule of thumb).
Stupid here :blink: forgot to write the tracking number of the xpresspost envelope, so I have to just wait. :whistle:

Will let you know when I actually receive it.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-21 18:25:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!

Hello All,

It is very awesome to see that at least some people in the waiting line like myself are or got their visa's. Congratulations Cowgirl2 and smurfette1971, I am very happy for you both. Glad to see your wait is over, specially for smurfette1971.

I hope I get good news too, but my case probably has a little much bigger flag then anyone's.


now we just need to add Catbones and suzique3 to this list and you would have a few more happy people :thumbs:
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-16 22:00:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!

i didnt know or ever think montreal would MAKE PHONE CALL
you just let DOS know your new info they update system as i was TOLd

your wonderful - thank you so much
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-16 19:20:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!

im soooo happy for you
montreal called my house i missed call i was at school
im soooo happy for you and your husband
i wish n pray for mine to end so happy

Montreal calls? Do they let you know if they are sending the passports with the visa's or is it to look for additional information?

Now does anyone know how to let them know my phone number and address have changed? would call my lawyer but she does not help much. I have questions and she does not answer them.
Does Anyone know how to go about doing this?
sorry about the amount of questions, all this waiting is making me a little loonie toons
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-16 17:58:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!

Just called my senator's office and they said they got a letter saying that my husband's visa is APPROVED!!!! and its in the mail and he should receive it in 7 days!!!!!!!!!!!
YAYYYYYYYYYYYY....montreal is finally doing something!!!!

i am so happy for you, now if we could get every one else doing the dance of joy as well, that would be even better.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-16 12:20:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!
Even though I live on a border town, I always carried copies of my deed to my house, or when I sold the lease agreement to my apartment, some copies of my utilitie bills and also a copy or so of the kids reports to the school also my employer gave me a letter stating that I worked there and continue to work there. Also, just to make sure I carried my divorce judgement papers to prove I had sole custody. I know this was over kill but I did not want to have anything to stop me, It did not take much to photocopy and keep in my glove box because before the interview and I had to forfeit our passports, I crossed the border everyweekend. (that is one of the reasons why I am having a hard time with the wait thing) so to be on teh safe side I would just have copies of something to show that you have to come back.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-15 10:08:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!
you were smart!!! although my 16 year does not have a drivers lic, we figured why start over here and then find out that the beginners over here has to be changed over there, so we had decided to wait until we moved over there. Not thinking that it would take this long.

hopefully we hear some good news soon, very hard not being able to go over there when we had been going over ever weekend and now can not.

have fun in Texas, went there a couple of years ago at the end of July, even though it was very warm we loved it. where about in Texas are you going. We went to Mesquite.
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-13 10:08:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!

Hi, thank you for replying and posting your story.

Believe me I hope it's not a long road for anyone, I think that these rules and policies are a joke. In any case, after I've sent my documents, refusal letter and passport, I didn't get a single letter from either the consulate in Montreal nor DC. The only thing I have is a UPS signature by the receptionist. Who know if its even at the right place. DOS just today confirmed that they did receive them and my case is in AP status but for all I care that could be the same status since I left the interview.

Good luck to you in your journey, keep us posted though here... I will do the same.

By the way, do you recall the website you went to check your status and what numberdid you use the USCIS case number or the MTL case number? Let me know I'd like to see and check my status on there, see if I can gather any more info. A URL would help a lot.

Thank you!

The only thing i did was email the MTL consulate a couple of times, (trying to follow there rules - they say not to email multiple times and that it takes two weeks or so to get a response) I emailed a couple of times though and they sent back a email stating that the documents had been received. But the time between getting that email and them actually inputting it into the computer took about a month. So you are at about the same stage. The number i called was the DOS one ( you would think I would know this off by heart) the number that I used for reference was the number on the piece of paper the guy behind the glass gave us with the required information needed. So I gather that would be the MTL case number.

sorry that is not much help,
suzique3FemaleCanada2010-06-12 07:08:00