US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWHO CAN GO IN THE INTERVIEW




THANKS, :blush:

Yes you both can attend the interview. From what I have found out, the interview is very quick. Only last a few minutes in most cases. Here are some of the questions they may ask you. If you would like to know more just let me know. I have other info about the interview.

1. How long have you known your fiance?
2. How did you meet your fiance?
3. Have you ever been to the US before?
4. When is the last time you have seen your fiance?
5. When will you leave for the US?
6. When did you meet in person?
7. When did my fiance propose?
8. Why was my fiance's first marriage not working out?
9.Does my fiance have any kids? How many, how old, who do they live with?
10. When did my fiance divorce?
11. What is your fiance's birthday?
12. What are the names of your fiance's children?
13. How old are they?
14. Does my fiance have any brothers and sisters?
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-04-02 06:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhen can i schedule interview and do medical?

Hi there, Just received my first letter from Manila US Embassy. I'm the benefactor. It is a one paged letter and it says;

This refers to your fiancee' (k1 visa case)

Your case is eligable for a visa interview. You must pay the K visa application fee before you can schedule a visa appointment....

(2nd paraghraph is how to schedule your interview.....but its not like what I saw in the sample packet 3 which is a 4 - 5 page paper with complete instructions)

Is this the packet 3 or we will receive another letter before we can schedule our interview and medical?

Can we pay our interview fee and schedule our interview now? Can I go to medical now? Is this the packet 3?

Thank you!

Yes, you can pay your visa fees and then schedule your interview. Then once you have the date for your interview, schedule your medical exam close to that date. That is what I understand. I have heard so many different stories about this. I do know that you can not schedule the interview until you have paid the fees. You will need to call the embassy in Manila after you have paid the fess. They will ask you for your reciept number off of your NOA2 and other information, then give you another type of reciept number to schedule the interview. Please check out this information because it is just basic. My fiance and I are currently going through this same process, but we have not recieved notification from the embassy as of yet. Good luck!!
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-12-08 19:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
I believe your savings alone with your current income will do the job. Does you fiance have any children Jimmy? If not, I see no problem what so ever. If I remember right I was told you need to have at lest 3,000.00 in savings and 1,500.00 in saving for each additional child. I may be wrong because it has been some time. Maybe someone else can shed some light on that.

$57,000 in bank account, $19,500 in stocks, $46,000 in property value equity.

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2011-03-29 23:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
Sorry to hear about your bad experience, but things can still work out. Yeah, you just never know the attitude of some people. We were fortunate. Yes, annulments are difficult to obtain in the Philippines and very costly. You should be able to get everything cleared up in time for your interview. We will be praying for you guys! Filipina's have strong faith, that is what's keeping her going!

She already has had to go to St. Lukes 4 days, then the last psych doctor, (a gay, and rude to her, he said why did you lie on your annulment? Everyone knows that is about the only way you can get one in the Phils.) told her she had to go to Queson City to have another psych eval. done. That one costs 3500p, and she is there today. After that they will decide if we can proceed. This whole process has been very frustrating. We also were delayed at the NVC 1 month for additional processing. I'm sure glad she is still being strong.

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2011-03-29 23:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
Tahoma, You are probably 100% correct about the embassy accepting my co-sponsor. I will have to ask Margie if she handed them both affidavits but I'm pretty sure she did. What is amazing to me about the whole interview is that they asked no questions about my income! Of course that was our biggest worry. Margie and I have strong faith in God and believe in divine planning. If it is Gods plan, nothing will stand in the way of it! Even if we had been denied, we would have followed the instructions to do whatever it took to accomplish our goal. We were quite ready to do so!! hehehe

Hi again Steve and Margie...

Thanks for keeping us updated with all the good information. It's very helpful. :thumbs:

I'm guessing that your 2011 income is going to be about the same as your 2010 income since you are still on unemployment and working side jobs. If that is true, I'm pleasantly surprised that your income qualified. You are truly blessed. :)

If your 2011 income will be below the minimum of $18,212 for a household of two, the Embassy must have accepted your cosponsor's I-134 Affidavit of Support. Does Margie remember submitting the cosponsor's I-134?

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2011-03-29 22:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
Jimmy, Once again, I don't think you will have any problem with your interview. When your fiance completes here medical she will be fine. Margie also had to under go a psych eval but it was a breeze! The doctor was super nice! They were understanding, not judgmental! I believe your "combined" assets alone will help a great deal, because that is what they look for. Your "combined" assets. Is it just your fiance you are bringing here, or are there children also. Even so, you will be fine I'm sure.

Thank you very much for replying to my message. I have been stressing terribly about this. We have been delayed a few days in the medical process as they say she needs to go to Queson City to have another psych eval. She had a prior annulment and the only way she could get out of that marriage was psych. I Her ex-husband is remarried and she wanted out because he was cheating on her. Hopefully we will not have any more problems with this, because at this point I don't think I can get a co-sponsor. Thanks again.

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2011-03-29 22:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
Yes, Margie handed them 2 affidavits, and I did add the unemployment on the affidavit. The last interviewer only asked for my W2's. Glanced at it and told Margie she is approved!

Steve -

People are wanting to know two things -

Did you show the unemployment income on your affidavit?

Did you submit your affidavit with your sister's? In other words, did Margie hand them 2 affidavits?

Jimmy, how much of this is cash? How much is stocks? How much is property?

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2011-03-29 21:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
Thank you Tahoma. Margie and I are very blessed!

Congratz on your approval Steve and Margie!!! :star:

I'm also interested in what happened at the interview. Your answers may help others who are in the same boat.

> Did the Embassy accept your cosponsor?

> How did your unemployment benefits factor into the equation?

> What was your income in 2010 (including unemployment benefits)?

> What is your projected income for 2011 (including unemployment benefits)?

> Did you attend the interview?

> Are you working now? If so, how long have you been working?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give. :star:

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2011-03-29 21:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS

Hello, I also am unemployed. However, I didn't list my unemployment as income, I only used my savings. I was unable to get a cosponsor. I am curious, did they accept your cosponsor or did you list your unemployment as income. Our interview is only 14 days away and I am really concerned about this. My income is only $770 per month not counting unemployment. I do have about $100, 000 in savings, stock market, and in property and was hoping that would help. How much longer do you have on unemployment if they used that. Mine is due to end in 2-3 months. Thanks, Jim

You will have no problem!!! Your savings is plenty! I did list my unemployment as income, there were no questions asked about my job, my income nothing!! Good luck!
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2011-03-29 08:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
Thank you! Currently I am still unemployed. I sing and play piano on the side to make a little extra income. My daughter co-sponsored and I am only assuming that the embassy accepted her as our co-sponsor. Here is how the interview went in Margie's own words. "First, an American women asked me my name and my birth date and then took my finger prints from my left hand. I went back to the waiting area and waited for my number to be called again. 2nd, the Filipino consul is asking me for all my papers like the ds-forms, NBI, Cenomar, NSO birth certificate, form I-134, fiance's W2's and if I traveled abroad. I said yes and they asked for the police certificate (clearance). The Filipino consul asked me about my time in Taiwan, he also asked how long is our relationship, and how we met. The Filipino consul told me that I will wait in the waiting area again for my number to be called. The last person to interview me was a very polite African American! He asked only 3 questions, #1. When did the last time that i saw my fiancee? #2. Do you have any pictures of you and your fiance together? and the last question was #3.Is there any other place that you went abroad besides Taiwan? After answering his questions he told me I was approved!" My income for 2010 including unemployment benefits was roughly 12,000.00. NOTE: They did NOT ask my fiance any questions about my income, where I worked, if we had a co-sponsor nothing! They did not ask her the names of my children, how many children or what their birthdays are. Because I am out of work, I did not attend the interview, and I will have to sell some things to get Margie's ticket to fly to US because frankly, we just don't have it. I have a lot of faith in God and believe all this is His will. You have to hold to your belief and stick to your plan no matter what! If we had been denied, we would have followed their instructions and have done what ever was needed to accomplish our goal! Something that may have helped us a great deal is the fact that I had not miss one week of support to my son and fiance in the Philippines during this time of unemployment. Margie had every receipt from moneygram, but they did not ask to see them. They did not ask to see letters, IM's or emails either. Margie was at the US Embassy from 6:45AM to 10:30AM. It was a very pleasant experience according to Margie! We are so grateful and very excited to begin our new lives together. Brighter days are coming! I hope this information will be helpful to others that may be in a similar situation.

God Bless!!
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2011-03-29 08:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2011-03-25 12:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS

Unemployment benefits are income but they are known to be temporary. Unfortunately, yours is the kind of situation in which Manila is likely to decline to accept a cosponsor. For clarity, even with a cosponsor, you are the "sponsor" and only one "cosponsor" would be accepted.

Thank you for clarifing the co sponsor thing!
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-12-09 12:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
I am currently unemployed but recieving unemployment benefits. Will they count my unemployment benefits as income? I also have a sponsor and co-sponsor.
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-12-08 13:53:00
CanadaK1 interview, documents and doubts! And money.
Hi Garnet,

To send money try these links. or I have used them both to send money to the philippines. it is safe and fast.

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-03-19 06:18:00
Philippineswhere did you met your wife/husband/fiancee
I met Margie on a christian dating site. We were both readt to delete our profiles when we met because we were not having any luck finding someone. Thank God He put us in the same place at the same time!!!
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-04-04 23:07:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
Margie is from Butuan City on the island of Mindanao. Her province is Augusan Del Norte. Butuan is not exactly a tourist attraction but I loved it there! Butuan City is on the far northern end of the island and is home to the Bancasi Airport. I really miss being there with Margie. I am in Bourbon Indiana over 8,000 mile away, waiting for my Honey! Anyone else here from Butuan?? Margie would love to chat I'm sure.
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-04-04 01:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUsing a sponsor
After collecting all our papers and getting ready to send our K1 package, I lost my job. Please advise me as to how we should proceed. I have heard you can't use a sponsor on the K1 visa but that you can use it on a K3 or CR1. Is this information true or not? I am willing to fly back to the Philippines to marry my fiance and proceed from there. Whatever it takes I will do! I also have people who are willing to sponsor us, I just need some guidance on what we can and cannot do.

SteveAttached File  8td66Krhww-B3IJKa66GWg.jpg   22.16KB   7 downloads
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-05-16 02:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Question
I do know that you are allowed to attend the interview in Manila. If you are able to go, I think it would help a great deal. Good luck!!
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-05-23 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocumentation
Hello everyone. I just returned from the Philippines and am ready to begin collecting everything for our application packet. The problem is I am too overwhelmed with all that is needed. Is there someone out there that could work closely with me to be sure I have everything that I need to have and have it all completed correctly? I really need help with this. My fiance and I are anxious to get our application sent in. Thank you so much in advance for your help.

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-03-11 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance's Birth Certificate
Attached File  Copy of Picture 1718.jpg   107.47KB   3 downloadsHello,
I have a question that I hope someone can help me with. Margie's parents did not file for her birth certificate. They were not married at the time of her birth, and Margie's father's parents filed a month after Margie was born, so Margie's grandparents (who are both deceased now) are listed as her birth parents. What are we to do? Have any Idea? Also, can we still file our request for her visa while we are dealing with this issue? Thanks,

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-03-21 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCare Packages

Also, realize that even if it's not restricted, there may be customs fees involved, especially for things like electronics. Of course this is highly variable by country, but as an example: our first Christmas while we were dating, I bought L a $30 video game ... and the customs fees on it were the equivalent of $50us. Poor guy paid more on his gift than I did!

Unbelievable! I do know that Margie told me that she had to pay some service charge for a package that was sent to her from her cousin in Japan. They shouldn't be able to do that.

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-04-11 01:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCare Packages
Thank you for the link. It was helpful.

Steve and Margie

Also, realize that even if it's not restricted, there may be customs fees involved, especially for things like electronics. Of course this is highly variable by country, but as an example: our first Christmas while we were dating, I bought L a $30 video game ... and the customs fees on it were the equivalent of $50us. Poor guy paid more on his gift than I did!

Thank You for the info. Wow! They get you coming and going!
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-04-11 01:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCare Packages
I want to send over the counter meds to my fiance. Does anyone know if there are any restrictions on such items?
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-04-10 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 1 did not arrive
It will come. It took a little longer than most for ours to arrive also. Anyday now!! You'll get it!

i have not received my NOA 1 yet :( im starting to stress out and my check has not been cashed yet ..i sent my package June 29. i was just tracking my package on the USPS website... and this is what it says..

Your item was delivered at 10:49 AM on June 30, 2010 in LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607 to INS EXPRESS MAIL . The item was signed for by M GUERRERO.

Delivered, June 30, 2010, 10:49 am, LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607
Arrival at Unit, June 30, 2010, 9:17 am, LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607
Processed through Sort Facility, June 30, 2010, 7:32 am, SANTA ANA, CA 92799
Acceptance, June 29, 2010, 5:03 pm, MORTON GROVE, IL 60053

i wonder how come it doesnt say anything that its USCIS california service center just Laguna Niguel, CA 92607

Waiting for the NOA2 will be worse! I promise!!! HEHEHE

It will come. It took a little longer than most for ours to arrive also. Anyday now!! You'll get it!

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-07-06 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat to do after I129f is approved
I believe the cenomar costs 400 pesos. Medical will cost you anywhere from $250.00 to $350.00 usd, and I hope I am wrong but I heard that the fee for the interview went up to $350.00 usd. So unless you are well off, start collecting those fees now. I am sending my fiance an extra $20.00 usd per week to help cover some of those costs. Good luck and God bless!!
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-06-25 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy child with fiance enough proof of relationship?
I don't believe the fact that you and your fiance have a child together proves your relationship. It definately proofs that you met, but is there a relationship? They want to see PROOF of your relationship. Cards and letters, emails, IM's, Pictures of you interacting with her family are good, Engagement ring reciept, pic's of an engagement party etc. Show them the proof. Good luck guys!!

First off, I just found this site and am THRILLED to see the resources available. I just sent in the 129F and am glad to see I am not alone.

My fiance and I have an 18 month old son. I included his birth certificate in the packet as proof that we have met in person (duh...). Will that be enough or will we be asked for further proof of a relationship (ie photos, plane tickets, etc)?

Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-12-08 05:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
I can choose to copy my passort instead of submiting my birth certificate, is this correct?
Steve and MargieMalePhilippines2010-04-03 22:31:00