Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Trip Report

Interview was on Tuesday, 8 Jun 2010. The first tracking entry on the DHL web site was around 8pm on Friday, 11 Jun 2010. We were thinking the visa+passport would be delivered to Chelyabinsk on Tuesday, but then we realized there is yet another Russian holiday (Independence Day) and that may push things out to Wednesday instead.

Here's what the DHL web site currently shows for our envelope:

Saturday, June 12, 2010 Location Time
7 Departed Facility in South of Moscow - Russian Federation, The South of Moscow - Russian Federation, The 08:17
6 Processed at South of Moscow - Russian Federation, The South of Moscow - Russian Federation, The 08:09

Friday, June 11, 2010 Location Time
5 Shipment on hold South of Moscow - Russian Federation, The 22:43
4 Arrived at Sort Facility South of Moscow - Russian Federation, The South of Moscow - Russian Federation, The 22:41
3 Departed Facility in North of Moscow - Russian Federation, The North of Moscow - Russian Federation, The 22:16
2 Processed at North of Moscow - Russian Federation, The North of Moscow - Russian Federation, The 22:16
1 Shipment picked up North of Moscow - Russian Federation, The 19:51

Thanks. We are about a month behind you in the process. Interview will be July 6th. Our package only has to go 300 km north of Moscow, so we are guessing a couple of days after the Embassy sends the package. Right now, am probably doing the calculations you were doing a few weeks ago. :)

By the time our package leaves the Embassy, you and the boss will already be having a cold one on Navy Pier. B-)

Edited by Tim & Olga, 12 June 2010 - 04:52 PM.

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-12 16:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Trip Report


So we arrived late Saturday night and spent Sunday scouting out locations relating to the interview. Olga's medical exam was scheduled for 8:30am Monday morning at IOM/MOM. The rest of this post is probably going to be boring, but I thought it was worth posting as much detail as I could in case it helps out someone else later on. I also add the disclaimer that I'm probably not transcribing all the Cyrillic-to-Latin stuff correctly, so pardon any mistakes I made there.

Will post about the actual interview next. Sorry this post was so dry.

Nice trip report. Olga did not provide me with all of this 'color commentary'. She did note that there was a lot of waiting.

We decided to have Olga and her son come for the medical exams about a month before the Embassy interview. This was to lower her stress levels in the process. Also, her son did a super job at school this year. His full year grades were quite good, so we added an extra day for them to visit Gorky Park. This was a nice little reward for studying diligently, and for enduring the day of medical exams.

While in Moscow, Olga had some documents translated. Each document translation was about 700 rubles. So, we were able to have three documents translated (next day service), for about the same cost as one document at a company I used here. The translation company is "Master Perevoda" (?????? ????????). I know this company has a web site, and offices are located near many Moscow metro stations. According to Olga, the service was quick, accurate and the people were friendly.

Can you advise me about the interval between the Interview, and when you received the DHL envelope with the visa?

Thanks again for a good trip report. :thumbs:
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-12 09:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSpies like US

How many legs do you have? I need two leg holes at a time.

You did not do the "mental picture" that is required for this joke...B-)
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-07-01 11:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSpies like US

People like her supply support and logistics for the real spies. Even spies need some borscht, pelmini and clean underwear. :lol:

I think the "Spy Kit" includes the new and improved 6 day underwear: It has three leg holes. Each day, you move over one leg hole (clock wise in the Northern Hemisphere...), and on day 4, you turn them inside out! :rofl:
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-07-01 09:00:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanvisa granted after 3rd interview in Lagos

We thank God for hisuncommon favor @ d la
gos 2day...d 3rd interview no question ask...hubby was told dat he has to many envidence and d CO didn't know where to start...she then congratulated huppy..and was given white paper to come pick up nest week...thanx soo much everybody for ur help..expecialy Nwanyioma, KDOR, Nigeriabust...etc ...I read all of u'all stories and it really helped

It is like the old saying: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! :yes:

Congrats! :dance:
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-24 17:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 checklist

also for frankfurt it says your medical says "you should schedule your medical appointment no later than six weeks before your intended date of departure to the United States, and no earlier than six months before your departure date." Does this mean she cant come to the us untill those six weeks are up if or what does this mean

The six week time frame is to ensure that you will have an appointment, and results, before your interview. If the approved clinics are very busy, and you try to make an appointment too close to your interview date, you may not be able to get an appointment.

The six month limit is because they want a current medical profile.
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-05-12 14:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 checklist

Hi were getting ready to send our k-1 visa checklist to the embassy and i was curious if anybody knew on the list is ask for the proposed date of travel but we have not book anything yet because we dont know how long its goin be can i leave this part blank

They officially recommend that you do NOT quit your job, cancel your lease, or book flights until after you receive the visa. So, it is fair to write, "Shortly after receiving the visa."
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-05-12 14:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmail from Embassy, Interview on the 13th

Well today Yana got a response from her email to the Embassy in Moscow.

We've received the case and scheduled your visa interview for July 13, at 10 am


Public Liaison Unit
Consular Section
US Embassy, Moscow"

This is awesome we are really excited, so far we have all the documents listed in the Guides, EXCEPT the police report, she has already requested it, and now she is just waiting for that.

She hasnt gotten the packet from the Embassy yet though, she isnt really worried though, she has been posting on a Russian forum about K-1s and it seems that the Russian post routinely loses them or whatever.

Anyways, anybody have any tips, comments or advice?

Our interview in in Moscow on July 6th. Olga received her letter from the Embassy on June 3rd. It is normal for the package to be receive about one month before the interview.

Suggestions: Read the embassy web site K1/K2 page: http://moscow.usemba...ov/fiancee.html

If Yana was previously married, make sure her Police report includes her maiden name. Also, documents that are translated from Russian to English should include a statement of who translated the documents, and a statement certifying that they are fluent in Russian and English.

Most of the comments I have read about interviews in Moscow indicate, if your paperwork is complete and accurate, you should be OK.

Olga is worried about doing the interview in English. I advised her to tell them that she wants to try to do the interview in English. It is better for her to make the effort. If there is a problem, they can switch to Russian.

Good luck with your interview.
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-15 23:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInfo on Paperwork/Forms and the Visa Interview
Our packet just moved to the NVC, and we are waiting for notification.

Can anyone advise about the delivery method used for the Embassy letter, with the interview date and documents? Is it sent via regular mail, or is a courier service, like DHL used?

I realize that DHL will be used to send the approved visas. This question is about the K1/K2 package delivery to Olga.

Thank you!

NOA2 - 4/26
NOA2 - Received 4/30 :)))
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-05-01 22:07:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwhat is the difference between a citizen through naturalization and a citizen through birth?

hi all
I've been having this discussion with another member regarding US citizens (through birth/ through naturalization) that sort of went off the OP's original question.

Original thread:

Can you pitch in your ideas by replying to this thread?

Both are citizens by 'injection'; though one if before birth, and the other is after. :rofl:
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-30 08:49:00
CanadaUS Border Agent Made Me Cry!

Back in Vancouver!

Anyhoo, here's the details:

In the end, she issued a verbal apology, promised to address training re: professionalism of employees, and will send a written one to us.

Hubby and I were very satisfied with her response.

When her response is translated from Bureaucratic-speak, it means she will do the grovelling and there will be no formal reprimand to the border crossing guard. If you are OK with this, all is well. If not, ask your eloquent hubby to write a letter to his Congressman/woman about this issue. A tightly written letter about this will ensure that there will at least be a letter in the BG's jacket. This will make a difference for his next performance review.

Oooooooo...a little girl! I have seven nieces, and it is constantly like the inverse of Snow White! :rofl:
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-08 13:56:00
CanadaUS Border Agent Made Me Cry!

Hello all! I read your posts and THANK YOU for your love and support! I won't have a chance to respond to all yet since I gotta go run errands with the hubby right now but a quick update. Hubby my hero got up to the top boss, the Vancouver Pre-Clearance Port Director, the boss of the boss of that rude guard and got an verbal apology from her. We'll also get a written one too.

When I get back home to Vancouver, I give you all the details.


That is good news! Your hubby deserves one extra large "Atta-Boy!" :thumbs:

It would be a good follow up to write a letter to your Congressman, and bemoan the fact that the nice Pre-Clearance Port Director is saddled with such rude, obnoxious and seemingly incompetent Border Guards. :yes: When the copy of that letter filters down to the Port Director, there will be no end to the misery that flows downhill. :)
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-07 17:06:00
CanadaUS Border Agent Made Me Cry!

Oh my - I just thought of something else? An Easy Mark ? EEEEEEK.
I think you got pegged because you 'appear to be' pregnant, and
is that yer coming into the USA, to make an 'anchor baby' - so
you got extra-ordinary scrutiny. I do mean 'extra-ordinary'.

That CBP human was uber douchey. Complain, IMO, until you get an apology.

he he he... 'uber douchy'... Nice turn of phrase. I'm going to file that one away for future reference. :)
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-06 15:29:00
CanadaUS Border Agent Made Me Cry!

#######?! I called hubby right after and bawled my eyes out. The guard called me a liar three times and made me feel like an illegal alien!...and a 6-month pregnant terrorist! Hubby was SOOO pissed, thinks that the Guard was just power tripping and wanted to call US Customs to complain. I told him let's not make the situation any worse.

VJers, what's your analysis of this exchange?

Have your hubby write a complaint letter to Homeland Security with a copy to his Congressman. A CC to one of your Senators would not hurt. If you have the badge number and name of the offensive individual, it would help.

I would probably mention in the letter that the personality and demeanor of the Border Guard makes him better suited for back office duties, or night security at WalMart. :rofl:
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-06 13:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoval of conditions - is this evidence enough?

We didn't file taxes, neither one of us did. Me, because I don't have a job, and him, because he is not on a payroll yet, as he is trying to build a company of his own.
Will that be a problem?

Even though no taxes were due, and you were not 'required' to file a tax return, nothing prevented you from filing an 'informational' tax return. Filing a tax return jointly is something you should consider doing.
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-15 17:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoving Conditions on Residency card BUT LATE!!!! help :)

Thank you. 

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2013-05-16 16:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoving Conditions on Residency card BUT LATE!!!! help :)

Is it possible to have the 'resident since' date adjusted back to the date of entry, or date of marriage?  We waited a while to apply for AOS, so the resident since date on the green card pushes back the date on which we can apply for naturalization.

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2013-05-16 14:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTracking

My drivers license officially expires tomorrow, I've not received any confirmation no NOA1 or hint that my packages has been received. The check hasn't been cashed and as of tomorrow I don't really know what i'm going to do as I need to drive for work. Do I have options here? Can I contact someone? Can I even check that it was received? Worse even what if it wasn't? Vermont has it. I'm worried.


When you sent the package, did you get a tracking number or delivery confirmation?  If so, the first place to begin is with USPS (or whatever alternative service you might have used) to determine if the package was actually delivered.  If there is a tracking number, go to the USPS web site and plug in the number to determine if the package was actually delivered - and where it was delivered.


USPS sometimes gets quite creative when delivering packages; they mis-delivered three parcels addressed to me in the past six months. None of these packages were immigration related (thank God), but it still indicates that the potential for mis-delivery is present.



Good luck.

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-05-11 22:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers

We received an RFE dated July 7,2014.  Mailed response on September 29, 2014. Delivered and signed for on September 30, 2014.


They were not happy with the financials and some of the other documents we submitted originally, so we sent them a pound (15.8 oz) of paper including: 2010 - 2012 joint IRS income tax transcripts including jointly addressed IRS cover letters; about 18 months of joint checking account monthy statements; about 18 months of joint credit card monthly statements; four affidavits (2 family - 2 friends); and,  letters from school and pediatrician documenting emergency contact status of step parent. 


We are still within the "normal" minimum two week processing time frame.  Allowing for holidays, we should have some feedback within a week or so.


Olga is busily studying the civics test materials from the USCIS web site in preparation for the N-400 which we expect to be filing in late November.





Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-10-11 12:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers

Things to do while waiting for VSC to process an application:

- Watch my hops grow:  Glacier 15' tall;  Fuggle 12.5' tall ;  Cascade 10' tall;  I-751 still germinating.


Feel free to add your own amusement...

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-05-14 12:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers

:ph34r:   Thinking about peeking in the windows at VSC to see if anyone is actually there...  CSC 50%, VSC 0%!

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-05-08 10:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers

Had my biometrics appointment today, it went well. Now nothing to do but wait!


Olga had her biometrics today as well.  I must admit, the ASC was OK; it was more fun than having a root canal, or even going to the DMV!  :)

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-02-11 23:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers

I recieved my NOA1 on 1/7 but still no biometrics appointment. At this point I am starting to freak out, anyone have any idea what the hold up is?


We filed ROC for my wife and son. The biometrics appointment for Olga came quickly; however, we have not received anything for her son yet.  I am hoping that his biometrics appointment will be on the same date.  It would be inconvenient to make two trips for prints and picts.


Hopefully, most of the VSC staff were Seattle fans, and life is good in Vermont-land today. rofl.gif

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-02-03 08:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers

I received my biometrics appointment letter today, for 02/11.


I'm a little confused, I filed at CSC, I live in California about 60 miles from CSC, and I received the NOA1 from CSC, but this appointment letter came in an enveloppe saying Vermont service center, and it says in there that my service center is ESC?? However I have a WAC case number. I don't understand, was my case tranferred or what??


It really does not matter where the paperwork was processed. How close is the ASC (Application Support Center) to your home? 


Throughout our Visa Journey :), we have had work processed in Vermont, DC, Chicago and CA.  Biomitrics for our I-751 application are at an ASC located about 25 - 30 minutes away.  I would only be worried if I live in NJ and the biometrics appointment was in TX. smile.png

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-01-25 19:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers


My understanding is that interviews are rare if sufficient evidence is sent with the petition. The vast majority of members who got approved in the past few months (for which I have read the monthly threads) did not get an interview. On the other hand, I have seen people with little evidence who got RFEs, didn't have very much to send in their reply, and then received an interview letter.


That reinforces what I saw while perusing the timeline data.  There are over 5,000 records, and after paging through several hundred (at 10 records per page), it seemed that not many records had interview data. 


I am genuinely grateful for all of the good preparatory information that VJ provides.  This is truly an excellent resource. 

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-01-25 00:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers

I was looking at the VJ timeline data for I-751s and it looks like there were only a small percentage of timelines which show interviews.  Coud this be the result of VJers submitting well prepared applications, due to the excellent guides, documentation, Wiki and Community?  Or are people just not filling in the interview dates?

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-01-24 20:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers

Updating to include Biometrics appointment date:



California Service Center (10 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
R AND L...............01/10/14......01/13/14......02/07/14......--/--/--
Vermont Service Center (11 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)
VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
TIM & OLGA............01/05/14......01/14/14......02/11/14......--/--/--
MRS. CAREY............01/15/14......01/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--


RARA & CHYM ..........01/21/14......01/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--

DRI AU PAIR...........01/22/14......01/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--(Waiver)

* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA. Also please check that you have not deleted the name of the Service Center.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-01-24 20:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers

Adjusting our Date of I-751 to the date of mailing.




California Service Center (10 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)
VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
R AND L...............01/10/14......01/13/14......--/--/14......--/--/--
Vermont Service Center (10 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)
VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
TIM & OLGA............01/09/14......01/14/14......--/--/14......--/--/--
MRS. CAREY............01/15/14......01/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--
RARA & CHYM ..........01/21/14......01/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--

DRI AU PAIR...........01/22/14......01/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--(Waiver)

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-01-24 10:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni-751 January 2014 filers

We filed on 1/5/14 and received NOA1 on 1/14/14.


Can someone explain why we are manually updating a text file that duplictes information already available on VJ's Timeline reporting?

Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2014-01-18 17:38:00
PhilippinesHusband teaching Wife to Drive

As far as I remembered, when I posted about driving here, some said it's better that my husband let me take class at driving school because it's more cheaper than counselling. I disagree in the part that my husband should take me to driving school.

My husband taught me how to drive during the whole winter season. I know I am so stubborn and really hard headed sometimes but he have bottomless patience for me. LoL. Anyway, I got my driver license without taking class at the driving school and we didn't end up in counselling. LoL.

Anyway, because of his hardship in teaching how to drive, I treat him with yummy chicago chili dog and ice cream from our local creamy here. LoL.

Anyway, I am just happy to share these things. As for husbands, you don't have to spend $700 for driving school without the 100% guarantee that she will pass road test. It would be nice to spend it for a wonderful dates.

:thumbs: for earning your license!

In New Jersey, a formal driving course is now required. This is a good thing, because we have a lot of traffic here, and also have generations of people who do not know how to drive, trying to teach others to drive! (The blind leading the blind!) :blink:
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-05-12 14:14:00
PhilippinesNotice to all K-1 fiancée visa applicants

In case you have not heard the news...

On May 24, 2010, the new DS-160 form replaced all DS-156/DS-157/DS-158 forms.

To read about this change on the USEM web site, please click here.

It is best to check the US Embassy web site for the country in which your K1 will be processed for their requirements.

For a July interview in Moscow, Olga's Packet 3/4 contained DS-156 and DS-230 forms. I do not think she received the DS-156K, but the web site indicates it is required, so we will have a copy of that prepared.
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-12 09:54:00
PhilippinesIs she lying to me

Hi Everyone,
I hope someone can tell me the truth. My now ex-fiance had no problem getting her marriage annuled.
She has an 8 year old daughter. She told me that her ex-husband won't allow her to take her daughter
with her so she decided to stay in the Philippines. Could she have brought her daughter
without her ex-husbands consent? Thanks

You probably do need a written and notarized consent document from the father. Is it possible that the father wants something, and this is leverage for his negotiations?
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-14 18:21:00

We received Vicky's greencard in the mail on Friday 6-11-10, found out we were expecting on Saturday 6-12-10. Some weekend!

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? :)

Congratulations! :)
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-14 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC Jan. filing

I know that I am not the only person that's still waiting on VSC. I am looking at people that has filed in March in now have they NOA2.. What is really going on? Can anyone tell me?

Our NOA1 was two days after yours. When I saw our time slip from an expected 71 days to 90ish, it was very hard! Hang in there! Maybe call or send an email, and ask for the current status.

Now, we are in NVC limbo...Our letter was dated 5/1, but our number is still not in their system!

Good luck!
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-05-10 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPost NOA2

Ok, I heard back from the US Consulate and they have no record of our case. So that means it has been delayed in being sent to the NVC by the USCIS. I have also sent them an email and I am waiting for a reply. Well, at least the mystery is over. Thanks for all the replys

When I called the NVC about our case, I was quite surprised to learn that our package entered, and cleared, the NVC on the same day. According to the person at the NVC, the file is sent electronically first, then the hard copies follow.

Good luck!
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-05-26 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow much Time at JFK as POE

i am wondering what is the average time at JFK when entering country. On Anna's flight she has two hours to make connection to Atlanta from JFK. Is that enough time or should more be allowed to make connection.


I opted to do POE in Atlanta rather than in the NY/ NJ area. Even so, we have a little over 3.5 hours between flights. Your life will have less stress if you are bored and waiting for a flight, than if you are looking at your watch, while stalled in an immigration line, as your flight departs. ;)
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-14 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for "Touch"

Our case was never "touched" before we were approved. It took us exactly 12 weeks to get approved. Good Luck!

Our case was never touched either, and it was 88 days from NOA1 to NOA2 in Vermont.

Call the office of your Congressman / woman, and ask to speak with their "immigration specialist'. Ask if they can assist with "moving your case through the system." It can not hurt, and occasionally, documents move more expeditiously after a call from the Congressman's office.

Good luck!
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-06-17 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa approved yey :)

Thank you all for the help and support.The interview was a piece of cake.The consular said she could see from our pictures we love each other :) Wish you all good luck!LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED :)

Congrats! :dance:
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-07-31 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!
Congrats! :dance:
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-08-04 04:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!!!!!!!!

FINALLY MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you to all those who have been helpful..

For those still waiting thru the steps... i know the feeling... but nothing good comes easy.. just hang in there..

Good luck to every one!!

Congrats! :dance:
Tim & OlgaMaleRussia2010-08-04 22:13:00