Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Hello All:


Sorry I have not been around much (I have been busy at work).  So the update on my case is that it was returned to the San Francisco field office and then forwarded to my local field office.  Finally my congressional liasion was given the direction to have me make an appointment to bring in all the paperwork that was returned to my husband at his interview.  I had my appointment today and surprisingly they were very helpful and pleasant.  They told me that it was strange that they returned all of the paperwork to my husband and they took everything from me.  I asked them if my case was sent back for revocation and they said it was under "extended review" and there are no notes about revocation.  The woman at the window then started asking me questions about how we met, how many times have I visited, etc.  I answered them and then she asked me to write it all up.  I told her that all of that information is in the paperwork I gave back to her.  I also handed her 9 months of fresh chat logs and copies of my last 3 plane tickets with the passport stamps.  She said that it would take 30-60 days for the officer to review and he would contact me if they need any more information.  


Part of me is relieved that it was not sent back for revocation, but I still feel like I am going through that process and they are just calling it "extended review".  I just hope that this is the final step and we will see something positive in the next two months.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-05-02 22:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Congratulations to all that got their visas issued this month!!  I am still in Pakistan awaiting to hear from my congressman.  I do know that my case made it back to the states and the field office has it entered in their tracking system.  Praying to hear soon on my case.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-04-16 12:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Hi i have a question can attorney help while the case is in AP?


Not unless you plan to sue.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-04-09 14:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Hello...just stopping by to check in.  I was hoping to see some issued visas.  I finally made it to PK on Monday...I breezed throught the airport this time.  Early Monday mornings are defintely the way to go.  It was so good to see my husband after so long and I am looking forward to spending some time together once we are both done with work.  The weather is more pleasant than I thought it would be, I just with the mosquitos would stop using me as their personal "all you can eat" buffet! LOL!  Keep praying and have faith...I am hoping to hear from my congressman this week.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-04-09 14:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

What is red fleg we need to Google in order to know the depth of red flag

Everyone makes their own assumptions including me, as far as travel history is

concerned i don't think they prefer investigating everyone's case when it comes to

travel history. it also depends on the CO how he determines your case

in some cases they do additional checking which requires more time in which

we have to suffer. Folks who have names like Mohammad, Abdul, Ahmed or Khan

their files could likely be sent to US for further name checks this is what my assumption is.

obviously they check everyone's criminal record. i have seen some males being approved

right away, and some are getting their visas in 3 Months and some in 6 months and for some

more than a year and for some 2 years, it's really hard to predict so let's all of us hope

our visas are on their way. Have faith and patience don't think of updates or be confused

which can drive us crazy, Namaz paro aur Allah se dua karo.


I posted this list a couple of weeks ago...this is the red flag list from USCIS, I would assume that the embassy has something similar:


Large Age Difference (wife older by several years)

Cultural Differences, especially if language and religions are different

Physical Mismatch

Petitioner lists address on I-130 where he/she doesn't actually reside

Petitioner's phone number not listed in Part D and/or beneficiary's phone number no indicated in C-18

Petitioner attempts to conceal prior marriages

USC petitioner has more than 2 marriages with foreign nationals

Benficiary has multiple marriages within the year prior to filing I-130

Rapide sequence of events: Petitioner and beneficiary both divorce their ex-spouses shortly before getting married

Beneficiary entered EW1 from a non-contiguous country and married the petitioner within one year of entry to the US

US marriage fraud profiler (USCs who have criminal records who work as dancers, nail technicians, casino dealers, etc

Petitioner has low income job, yet submitted evidence of more than one trip overseas and/or money sent to spouse overseas

Over Documentation - Petitioner submits any of the following: I-864 Affidavit of support, sight seeing photos, studio photos of the two in their wedding attire, photos of minister, groom/bride signing wedding documents, airline ticket stubs.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-04-03 16:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

We did not get any updates on our case until it had been about 9 months, then it was only a few updates between September and December. 

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-29 19:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Any idea whats an average time for AP in this forum??
Is it more than a year mostly (for men)??

Any suggestions?


It is not uncommon for it to be more than a year especially for males.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-29 16:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

plz answer mw if some 1 had bad credit histery in pakistan (credit card payment  due)do u think it can effect on immigration process?my lawyer says it is civil matter civil matters can not effect on this process.


I would agree with the attorney

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-29 13:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Even if there was the option to buy an illegal visa I wouldn't do it.  You would spend your whole life worrying about getting caught and deported.  In the long run it's not worth it.


Even though this process sucks in the worst way imaginable we all still have to go through it.  Thankfully not all are put through what some of us are going through, but months even years of waiting is not uncommon.  Thinking that there is some way to shortcut or circumvent the process is just giving false hope to those we love.  Which in my opinion is the worst thing we could do to them.  All we can do is try to live our lives the best we can while waiting through this hell.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-29 11:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

I knw about other timelines sir but i wont let my wife stuck in AP not this time.... I was stuck but i will not let my wife stuck in this... I will fight my case is clean and simple and they will sure answer....


Well I am not sure what you are planning on doing to put up a fight.  Everyone here is not in AP by choice...I know you are frustrated...we all are.  I wish someone had looked me in the eye and honestly told me what I was going to be up against so I could have at least been prepared.  My attorney told me that it would be 8-10 months...boy was he wrong.  It's only when I came to this forum that I fully understood what was going to happen.  We all want to fight for our loved ones, the problem is we don't know how to fight them.  We can hire attorney's, file writs, try to get help from congressman nothing will change to end this AP hell until someone with power is willing to fight for us and band us together.  Are you that person?


If you went through this then you should know what your wife is up against and you should be preparing her for what is coming.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-28 23:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II


Yes janetusman. I have read that it generally comes back as denied but at least I will have a concrete answer instead of being in a limbo. I just hate that they won't grant nor deny and keep leaving petitions pending forever. If they deny it (and trust me the possibility is in my head) I have already talked to my manager and we have an office in Dubai, UAE (where I was born and raised. Still have my immediate family there) and they are willing to have me work from there (perks of working in IT). I don't see any point in staying in the USA if I can't be with my fiance. I'd rather move to UAE, get married in Pakistan, file for her paperwork, and while I wait i'll sponsor her to come live with me in UAE (which is a lot easier than US immigration)

 Oops...just noticed that you are filing for K1.  If you don't want to wait then moving, getting married and filing for CR1 might be a good option for you.  I would consult an attorney though.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-28 19:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Oh and of course i'll be talking to a reputable attorney about the mandamus lawsuit and my options, my scenarios, etc. I haven't researched that much into it but I have kept it as an option in my mind. Thank you for the advice! :) Have you heard anything on your end yet?


Nope, still waiting for the case to be returned to USCIS.  It can take up to 2 months for the diplomatic pouch to make it here.  Kinda crazy that NVC sends via DHL which gets there in three days, but the diplomatic pouch can take 2 months?  But then again nothing makes sense in this process.


If you have the opportunity to move to another country and wait it out I think you should.  Because if they deny you, you will just have to start the process all over again (if you intend to live in the US at some point) and you have already come so far.  If I could move to another country I would, but I have children and I can't leave them here while I move to another country.

Edited by janetusman, 28 March 2014 - 07:15 PM.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-28 19:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

I know two people whose petitioners where LPR and one petitioner was male and one was female and their beneficiaries both got visa in six days..... My case is same as them but still stuck :'(
If soon my wofe dont get the visa for real i will loose my patience


I see that your wife's interview was in Febuary of this year...take a look at some of the other timelines...many people have been in AP for many months, even years.  You need to be prepared for the long wait (although I hope that you aren't stuck for long) otherwise its just going to drive you crazy.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-28 15:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II


The case still shows AP with the last update being 14th March. The interview was fairly recent (Feb 27th). I am not holding my breath at the moment. They say it can take 2-6 months so I am actually going to wait 6 months before I move on to my next plan which would be to hire a lawyer and file a "mandamus" lawsuit. It's plain and simple. I have no qualms about taking it to them if they give me no answer within a span of 6 months. And it's really hard to predict any move by the embassy. It varies case by case. If your docs are expiring you can choose to send them an email and remind them about it. Generally they will request you to send in fresh docs but that doesn't mean it's going to speed things up or anything. Best we can do is stay strong and pray.


You can file the mandamus lawsuit, but it will most likely come back denied.  The writ only says they need to make a decision, not necessarily one in your favor.  You should really talk to the attorney about the consequences of filing the writ before jumping to the lawsuit.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-28 14:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

I have age difference also... My wife is almost 4 years and 9 months older than me... Is this the reason that i am in AP?


Doubtful...its more like double digit age difference.  Is your wife of Pakistani origin or is she a natural born USC?

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-27 23:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

From what I have observed there is no pattern to be able to predict when a visa is issued.  Sometimes there are several updates, sometimes just a few, sometimes they ask for fresh documents and the visa is issued, sometimes they don't.  My case had fresh documents sent in, updates started happening and then sent for revocation.  I have seen cases flip from AP to issued to AP again.


I have also observed that each department is not always truthful when you ask a question.  DOS many times said my case looked really good, yet I was sent back for revocation. When I first asked the embassy why my case was being sent back, they claimed they didn't know.  However, when I sent the email asking the embassy if my visa was denied I noticed that my case status did not update.  So did they just see that they don't have the case anymore and just made an assumption that my case was sent back for revocation?  According to NVC records the field office requested my case back, but the agent at the field office said they need to get the file back before they can say why they requested it.  My case is on its way to a field office not the service center.  I would assume that if my case was sent for revocation it would go to the service center.


The only way I get an answer with some confidence is from the congressman liasion.


I guess the point I am trying to make is that there is no way to tell if a visa is getting issued and none of the agencies will tell you either way.  The only reliable infomation you can count on is when you actually have the issued visa in your hands.

Edited by janetusman, 26 March 2014 - 05:33 PM.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-26 17:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II
They returned all the evidence to my husband at the interview so I doubt USCIS will send it back without NOIR and RFE. The CO told my husband he didn't need it that there was enough evidence already. They lie and play with our lives. It's absolutely heinous.
janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-26 01:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Thank you fauji18, we are holding strong...there is no way I am going to let them break us.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-25 12:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

They most likely sent it back for non bona-fide relationship.  At the interview they gave my husband back all of the evidence saying that they had enough.  So even if NVC reviews it, they will come to the same conclusion.  NVC doesn't refute what the embassy is saying and they have it noted that USCIS requested my petition back, so it will just pass through NVC to USCIS.  I will have to wait for NOIR and send back the RFE and wait for reaffirmation.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-25 08:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

And the truth is out...the embassy lied:


Our record indicates that this petition was returned to the National Visa Center on March 11, 2014 with a recommendation for cancellation/revocation of the petition. If you have any questions please contact the National Visa Center at the email address


janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-25 07:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

I would suggest having the petitioner send the email asking about the expired medical.  In my experience they tend to ignore the benficiary.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-24 23:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

I would suggest having the petitioner send the email asking about the expired medical.  In my experience they tend to ignore the benficiary.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-24 23:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Gosh, my case just gets weirder and weirder, today when I called NVC they told me USCIS forwarded my case again March 4, 2014 to the embassy.  This was before they requested it back on the 10th.  My petition was approved in October 2012, why would USCIS send something again?  And what did they send?  I thought that once USCIS approved the petition the case is closed to them.  I really wish I could get some answers.


As of today I am still waiting for NVC to receive the case...I guess they send paperwork back by boat.

Edited by janetusman, 24 March 2014 - 11:13 PM.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-24 23:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Congratulations alvi527!!!!!

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-24 20:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

But on a happier note, I am going to go visit my husband in a couple of weeks for 2 weeks.  The people on my team took pity on me and they are allowing me work remotely for a week and take a week holiday.  Although today I found out I may be working with my India team so I would have had to work during their time zone...good thing they are will allow for a quicker adjustment for me goofy.gif   

Edited by janetusman, 20 March 2014 - 09:56 PM.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-20 21:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II



Yes, very absurd. Most of the reasons listed on the sheet are archaic. Couples go side seeing, they over document because the CO's

often refuse to look at all the evidence at the interview or at second interviews even when told they need more proof.

Couples take professional photos ! Woman older than man versus man older than woman is gender discrimination as is physical


Nail technician ? Seriously ? LOL. What an insult to all nail technicians.

Submission of I-864 ? WTH ?! Airline ticket stubs.......they are evidence !!!!  Speechless on that one.

Photos of minister, signing documents......this list makes me embarrassed for them. What utter nonsense.

Culturally they like everyone to fit in a tight little box and can't comprehend that people are all individuals and many don't follow 'society' nor their 

box list. I bet they took pics of their own wedding signing their marriage certificate and they go sight seeing as a couple. Man ! SMH.

Where exactly did this list originate from ? It is different from the one I posted earlier.


This is the rest of the list of the attachment I posted earlier.  This checklist came from USCIS (step 1).  The link you posted looks like it was post interview, so I am assuming that is a checklist that came from an embassy.


I assume each agency that touches your case has a similar checklist, this just happens to be a copy that made its way into the beneficiary's hands by mistake.  If you look at the my attachment from the earlier post you will notice that it says to affix to the "non record" side of the file.  I also have interoffice memorandums between USCIS officers that specifically state "Do Not Release Under FOIA"


Nothing makes any sense in my case right now:  

1. The embassy claims they have no idea why USCIS requested my file back.  

2. The USCIS service center said they did not request the case back

3. NVC knows, but they won't tell me why.  The said if USCIS gave a reason, they are not allowed to disclose it

4. Through my congressman I found out that the San Francisco field office requested my file back...why?  I live in Sacramento, we have a field office here.

5. The SF field office states that they have to wait for the file to return to tell my why my case was requested back.


Anything sound fishy here to you?  


I have 3 theories:


1.  The embassy lied and sent my case back for revocation

2.  Someone made a mistake and requested the wrong case back

3.  They audited their files and they are looking for the paperwork that has all the do not file and do not release stamps on them


So, I am just waiting and following up with my congressman once a week.  Today this was the response I got: 


"I am still working on this inquiry.  As of present I am still waiting for the returned I-130 to reach this office and be entered into our system.  As soon as I receive the file and get a chance to look it over I will follow up with you.  At this point I do not know if the file was sent back because of a mistake at the Consulate."

Edited by janetusman, 20 March 2014 - 09:53 PM.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-20 21:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II


Oh wow! And to think... aren't airline ticket stubs proof of having physically met within the last two years? Wouldn't you go sight seeing with your fiance? The over documentation is absurd. And if I can get it with ease why on earth would I not send in I-864. It took me all of five minutes to get it filled out and another five to pull my tax transcripts and a letter from my employer! wow!


Yes that was my point exactly...damned if you do, damned if you don't.  I agree with you completely...the over documentation is absolutely absurd.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-20 13:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II


Please post that entire sheet as Janetusman did. Thank you. By the way how you guys obtain this Red Flag sheet?


I only posted a small part of the sheet.  Here is a complete list of the USCIS checklist:


Large Age Difference (wife older by several years)

Cultural Differences, especially if language and religions are different

Physical Mismatch

Petitioner lists address on I-130 where he/she doesn't actually reside

Petitioner's phone number not listed in Part D and/or beneficiary's phone number no indicated in C-18

Petitioner attempts to conceal prior marriages

USC petitioner has more than 2 marriages with foreign nationals

Benficiary has multiple marriages within the year prior to filing I-130

Rapide sequence of events: Petitioner and beneficiary both divorce their ex-spouses shortly before getting married

Beneficiary entered EW1 from a non-contiguous country and married the petitioner within one year of entry to the US

US marriage fraud profiler (USCs who have criminal records who work as dancers, nail technicians, casino dealers, etc

Petitioner has low income job, yet submitted evidence of more than one trip overseas and/or money sent to spouse overseas

Over Documentation - Petitioner submits any of the following: I-864 Affidavit of support, sight seeing photos, studio photos of the two in their wedding attire, photos of minister, groom/bride signing wedding documents, airline ticket stubs.


Of course my favorite one is the Over documentation...if you can support you are suspect, if you can't then you have to get a co-sponsor.  And what I love most of all are the other items because that is what they ask for in the RFE.  So if you have the documentation you are a fraud, if you don't then you are fraud...damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Thank you very much for sharing this information. I am sure there must be for right or wrong reason our case was put in AP. By the way I am older than my wife. 



The red flag specifically states wife older than husband...not the other way around.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-20 10:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

My senator currently has an inquiry in...USCIS said they have to wait for the file to return before they can answer.  It's totally ridiculous, but all I can do is be keep on top of it, be patient and wait...

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-19 15:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Sir i ask how any 1 know about red flage plz?


There are 14 items on the USCIS list.  I assume if USCIS has this, then the embassy has something similar.

NVC will not tell u anything about red flag. if i am wrong plz tell me guys,,,, 

None of the agencies will admit to having these checklists.  It clearly says at the top of the sheet to put it on the non-record side of the file,which means this information is never supposed to be disclosed to the petitioner or benficiary.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-19 13:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Janetusman, Ebunoluwa, 300 thanks for your comments.


I did ask age question to Islamabad US Embassy in my email. If age difference between me and my wife has anything to do with AP. Reply I received ?NO?.  I also asked ISB US Embassy is there any law in US. Which bars marriage between two adults due to age difference? Again ISB US Embassy replied ?NO? there is no restriction.  




I am sorry to tell you, but the embassy and DOS are not telling you the truth.  As I have stated before, I have paperwork from USCIS that was given to my husband at his interview.  It is titled the Suspect Marriage Referral Sheet and the number one item is Large age difference (wife is older by several years).  Please look at the attachment on this post.

Attached Files

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-19 12:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

It's not a matter of whether or not an older woman marrying a younger man SHOULD be a red flag.  The point is, that it IS a red flag to immigration.  Yes, I understand that its perfectly normal for an older woman/younger man in PK, but here in the states its not the same.  There are plenty of older men who marry younger women here, but when its the other way around its a big deal.  Case in point when celebrities Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher were together and then married, the age difference was constantly pointed out in the tabloids and media.  When its the other way around, no one bats an eye.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-18 08:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

You are wrong. Age difference discrimination ( woman older than the man) is very real in immigration decisions and a guideline to 

look deeper.  RED FLAGS do exist and I guess you have never seen a fraud indicator sheet.

It may be taboo in the US but it is NOT taboo for the CO to consider why a young man would want to marry an older USC woman if he would never marry an older woman of his own nationality and in his own country, especially if she is no longer of child bearing age.



Yes it is a red flag and I have the paperwork to prove it.  When I started this process I was 37 years old, still within child bearing years and my attorney told me this process takes about 8-10 months.  Here we are 3 years later and I am now 40 so the child issue is starting to become a reality.  My husband and I do want to have children, but now I am getting to the point where its risky.  Still my husband says, if we don't have children then that is what Allah has intended for us.  He says, even if he married a younger woman, there is no guarentee of children because he has family members that were married young and never had children.  Although I am grateful he has this outlook, it still weighs heavily on me and I don't think its right to deny him children.  All I can do is pray and hope this nightmare ends soon, but that is looking less likely with the latest round of "we are messing with your case and not going to tell you what is going on".

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-17 23:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Interesting that the paper stated : Do not release with FOIA. That sounds like they went against the FOIA law to with hold information.

What an insanity.


I know...isn't it ridiculous?  Here we have FOIA, but its still up to the government what they will and won't release?  What is the point of having it then?  After going through this ridiculous process I now understand why people come in illegally and just wait it out for an amnesty.  Here we are trying to do this the legal way and we are getting screwed.  

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-17 23:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

So today after reading blogs for one year, Finally I decided to join as member and spill, share my thoughts and share my frustration about this miserable pathetic dark HOLE OF AP.


I feel your frustration and empathize with you...many on this forum are in the same situation.  My petition started in 2011 and after everything my husband and I have been through I have seriously lost faith in the US governement.  I am a USC and they are treating me worse than they would a criminal...its disgusting.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-17 22:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Hi janetusman,
Sorry to know but is this the reason they give you for sending the case back ?


They did not give me a reason.  The embassy said that USCIS requested the file back and they do not know why.  I found out through my congressman that it was requested back by the San Francisco field office.  Which makes no sense at all because if it was being sent back for revocation it would be going back to the California service center.  Additionally, if they are doing a field investigation on me, why wouldn't they send it back to the local field office in my city?  My congressman inquired at the field office, but they claim they have to wait for the file to return to them to tell them why they requested it back...which I have a hard time believing that their office requested the file back and they don't know why.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-17 13:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Age difference like how much age difference? As one of my friends whose husband is 15 years elder than her got visa on the spot and her case was not put in AP!!!


All it says is large age difference (wife older by several years).  So I guess its ok if the guy is older.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-17 13:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II


Mind you, in the US not a single person is discriminated on the basis of age, color, sex, race, ethnic origin or disability. Honestly I was very much amazed when I read on this forum that age difference is a RED FLAG for immigration to the US. Does that make any sense? Of course not.




Age difference is the top reason on the "Suspect Marriage Referral Sheet"

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-17 11:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

I personally feel, there is some element of DISCRIMINATION in visa issuance. You all guys know that investigations, background checks and all such sort of things dont require that much time which US Embassy is generally posing, it takes.

If you would have got married with someoen from Europe including United Kingdom, you wont need to wait that much to live with your loved ones. I know, literally uneducated people getting UK visas after they got married with a UK citizen and they cant even speak a single word of English. I dont understand American systems as whole of South America is living in the United States illegally whereas those who want to enter US legally and would help US society are stuck in AP.


If someone applies for a visitor's visa and is denied on the grounds that he/she has intentions to stay in the US permenantly, we can understand that. In order to get a US visitor's visa he/she needs to prove unbreakable ties with his native country.


However when someone gets married with an American citizen, that presumption is rebutted and there is no doubt that he/she would want to live in the US permenantly with his/her spouse.


Now US Government has made some requirements like proving marriage is bona fide, affidavit of support, interview etc to get a visa.


I am amazed that even someone fulfils these requirements, US Embassy doesnt give them visa and screw their lives in the name of Administrative Processing which is like PINCHING us.


It is absolutely discrimination.  As a USC it is automatically considered fraud.  I know this because the embassy returned paperwork from USCIS to my husband which they were not supposed to.  In it were things like a Suspect Marriage Referral sheet which was a checklsit for determining marriage fraud and paperwork that said Do Not Release with FOIA.  Even though I have never been in trouble with the law and I have been a good citizen suddenly I am out to defraud the government.  I am absolutely disgusted with this whole process.

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-17 11:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

I have been to Pakistan 3 times starting in 2011 and I am going again in April.  I am a USC female traveling alone and I have never had any problems visiting PK.  Granted there are some dangerous areas, but I travel to Lahore.  I would say the most dangerous thing is getting my luggage off the belt at the airport...but I usually hire a porter.  

janetusmanNot TellingPakistan2014-03-12 23:37:00