IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I??????

And don't forget you are older too, although not by much.

Oh yes we can't forget that and I don't see why that would be an issue.... My fiances brother has a friend who married a woman old enough to be his mother and she is sick has to be on oxygen 24 hours a day and he got his visa with no problems.... I believe there really is no rhyme or reason to the process
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-19 17:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I??????

What is funny, is any type of "dating", or meeting girls online is out of the ordinary, but many couples get through, and many don't....there just doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason....and I never thought her race would have anything to do with it, but I guess it could be an issue....what BS if it is! uggghhh, how frustrating!

My fiance can't believe it would be a reason either... But it was one of the first things I thought of especially when his siblings married white nonmuslims and their stay was shorter than mine and the fact that their spouses had been married to each other in the past..... Really online dating is not so out of the ordinary anymore it is so common now I don't see why it is such an issue.... I really think I had 3 strikes against me to begin with.... 1 being black, 2 being female,3 being muslim..... And the situation with his brother snd sister I really don't think it help matters
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-19 17:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I??????

Just getting married will NOT make the original reasons for denial go away. You just need to know your red flags, and be as prepared as you can be. I would look into my recent threads about our denial for the CR1...we were originally denied a K1 also. We don't have many red flags either....we are as simple as they can get, but the consulate sees something, and we don't know what yet. Good luck

I never thought or said just getting married would make anything go away..... Actually it is what I wanted to do in the first place because I am muslim and in Islam the is no such thing as engagment.... But he wanted to listen to the advice of his sister and brother and go for the K-1
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-19 15:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I??????

That could be a possible issue. You're going to have to address the possible issues with your new petition.

How would I address this issue in my new petition.... I want to know the best way to go about it because really I am feeling like I have been discriminated against..... His brothers wife and sisters husband are WHITE americans nonmuslim..... and were married to each other a few years before..... His sisters husband only converted so that her parents would be ok with them getting married... But he does not practice his new "FAITH" They had no problems what so ever... The whole thing has left a very bitter taste in my mouth...... What do I need to say so that our petition is looked at favorably... Again thanks so much for your assistance it is greatly appreciated :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-19 14:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I??????
HIs brothers and sisters applications were filed within a few weeks of each other and are married to their spouses ex's..... Something that I thought was very strange....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-19 13:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I??????

Do you have a big age gap? Cultural differences? Religion? How you met ? Have you been married before? Does he have any relatives in the USA? Did he ever apply for other visas? There's got to be something else they saw?

I am 6 years older than him... I am african american, we both are muslim, met online. I was married but divorced 7 years ago, he has never been married, He has a brother and a sister in the state (both married to nonmuslims) He applied for the lottery visa about 5 years ago..... If these things were the problem with the K-1 will they also be a problem with the CR-1????
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-19 13:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I??????

Most likely the Consulate will never let you know the reason of denial. Do you have any possible red flags? Go over each question your husband was asked at the interview. You should be able to come up with some possible answers of your own.

The only thing that really sticks out are questions about my father. He was asked where my parents lived. Told them where my mother lived and said my father had passed many years ago when I was 9 years old. The interviewer went on to ask a few more questions but hen asked where did my father work. That kinda threw him off becuase he had just said my father had died... So he just said what he remembered me saying about my father and that was that he liked to draw and paint so he said he was an artist..... Really I don't even remember what my father did for a living or where he worked.... My father died 30 years ago.... The whole proccess is crazy :0/
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-19 12:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I??????
As Salaamu Alykum all :0)

I am here in Morocco right now going through process to marry here. When I return home I will apply for the CR-1 visa. Last year we applied for the K-1 but did not get it. At his interview he was told he would receive a call. A few days later he got a call and was told to come back upon his return he was given a "WHITE REFUSAL LETTER" with "OTHER" checked for the reason, which stated our application had been sent back. I called to ask about it and was told it was sent back for further review but was not told why. Upon it being recieved in the states our case was closed because the dates had expired... I am wondering if should try to find out why it needed further review and if I should how do I go about doing that????

Thanks more your time :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-19 11:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCriminal Record

thank you but i don't understand what do u mean or what are talking about i was talking about my fiance which she is american citizen and only what i need to know just how she can Criminal record ? where ? how long time it takes ? that's it and hope u give me more information

Here is a link that may help her....

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-27 07:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCriminal Record

thank you but i don't understand what do u mean or what are talking about i was talking about my fiance which she is american citizen and only what i need to know just how she can Criminal record ? where ? how long time it takes ? that's it and hope u give me more information

She needs to get her finger prints done and submit them to have a back ground check for the state she lives in...... I live in Maryland and it took about a week so she should not waste time getting this done.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-27 07:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo we need to get marriage certificate stamped????

As I found when getting married in Morocco, they will add to the process whatever they see fit on whatever day they want based on how hard they want to make it for you and if they like you or are too busy to deal with you on a particular day. The fees seem to change also for the same reasons and on some days you may or may not wind up buying them coffee and pastries at the local coffee shop if they decide they want you to do that. LOL. Getting married there was the biggest, longest most corrupt and disorganized government process I ever went through in my whole life.....haha. (Then as an added bonus, you get to start the US immigration process again after that!)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I know right... Abdul was shocked when I told him it really only takes about a half an hour to get married in the states lol... I mean if you just do it at the courts... Or Las Vegas... LOL....

And what is kinda frustratiing now is that I have asked a few people about this now and have not reveiced a clear answer... LOL... I am ready to just scream... :bonk: :blink: :wacko:
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-27 15:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo we need to get marriage certificate stamped????

and yes the stamp is very important. on one of my papers NVC could not feel a reaised stamp and I had to ask husband to overnight new copies to my lawyer

Ok... So what you are both saying is that when we pick up our marriage certificate monday or tuesday there will be no seal or anything on it and to get that we have to go to Rabat????

The guide here on VJ only say I will send a copy of the original Doesn't say that they need and original or certified copy
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-27 12:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo we need to get marriage certificate stamped????
Hello all....
Just when we feel like a step has been completed another comes up. Someone has told us now that we are married we have to take our marriage certificate to Rabat to get some sort of stamp and then take it to the consulate once it has been translated to have it stamped there.... The sheet of instructions we received from the consulate says nothing about this... In fact the instructions state we would not have to return to the consulate once we got the fdfirst 2 documents needed from them... Can anyond advise on this matter... I only have 2 weeks left for my visit and my husband works crazy hours so I would rather not spend what free time he has running around getting papers stamped... Thanks in advance for any info anyone can proide...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-27 10:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage in Morocco????

My marriage contract does not list my religion. I don't know where they would get that. In the translation to english however, it does list me as a spinster and my husband as a bachelor.... I didn't think that was too fair! I was only 25 at the time and already a spinster!

Wow really... That's a crazy thing to say about a person in a marriage contrazt even if she was older....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-25 08:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage in Morocco????
Thanks everyone :D
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-24 23:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage in Morocco????
Hello everyone I hope someone can shine some light on why I had to do this.... Today Abdul and I went to the adoule to sign the "book" and I was told I had to take an arab/muslim name Abdul and his brother tried to explain this to me as best they could but I am still kinda confused.... It's not a big deal I just want to understand the reasons why.... I was told that if I didn't take an arab/muslim name I would be put in the "book" as christian and or marriage certificate would also state that I was christian....Abdul and I were both taken a back because neither one of us had heard of this before....

Anyhoo I asked Abdul to choose and he chose Shayma :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-24 20:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHeart broken, case returned to USA after 2 interviews

I agree wholeheartily with this statement. People tend to forget that immigration isnt a right. Just like driving isnt a right. If you really want to be together, and the US consulate isnt approving of this move, why dont you as the USC move to your partners country and try that route.

I know for my husband and I, we talked about whom would move to whom. We wanted to be together, where wasnt an issue. We both knew going into this process that if for some reason I wasnt permitted to move to the USA, then we would go the spousal route and bring him up to Canada. I think that all couples should have this conversation and try to be prepared for anything with a back up plan or two. :)

Good luck to you both

I totally agree.... Our K-1 was sent back for review then administrativley closed so I went back and we married there... Now we are going to try for the CR-1.... If this one is denied then we already decided I will move.... I have a daughter and her fatehr may give me problems about moving her out of the country so we thought it would be best to try everything else before I move there....I you trully love each other all that should matter is that you are together wether you are in your own country or theirs....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-07-21 12:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresREALLY NEED HELP
I agree with PUSHBRK..... We filed for the K-1 in 2009, our case was sent back I followed all the advice = Contacted the Conlusate the Senator, blah, blah, blah.... Our case was administrativly closed due to the dates expiring :blink: Since september 2009 I have been to Morocc 3 time the first time 3 weeks the 2nd time 5 weeks and the last time 3 months....I wish I could have stayed longer but I have a minor child and I really am trying to do this without totally uprooting her life... I recently returned home from Morocco and will be filing for the CR-1. God willing everything will work out this time around... If not I guess I will be moving to Morocco...... The whole process concerning Morocco seems to be a ####### shoot.... My husbands brother and sister both came here about 4 years ago within months of one another..... Both married white nonmuslim american (sister's husbands conversion was only to appease their parents) who are from little hick towns.... Where I am african-american, muslim and live about 20 min outside DC..... Oh did I mention that their spouse were previously married to each other :unsure: I would really hate to think any type of discrimination played a part here.... And after talking to my husband about his interview there were not "RED FLAGS"..... That had anything to do with us anyway....I'm thinking his brother and sisters situation may have hurt our case but I am not sure.... Anyhoo... I wish I had some good sound advice for you... All I can do is wish you the best and pary you are blessed with good results...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-07-31 02:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEVIDENCE??????
As Salaamu Alaykum everyone and Ramadan Mubarak :0)

I am getting ready to send in my CR-1 but before I do I am wondering what else I can send as proof of bona fide relationship... I have pic, call logs, chat logs, letters from friends and family, Printed pages from facebook from both our pages of what folks have commented... I can't add him to my bank account nor can I add him to my lease... Can anyone suggest anything else?????
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-08-12 06:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRegistering foreign marriage

What visa are you adjusting status from? Or did you intend to post in another forum?

Foreign marriages aren't required to be registered in the US. It won't help or hurt your case.

OH... ok.. We applied for the CR-1. He had applied for the K-1 last year but our case was sent back for further review then was closed because the dates expired :0/
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-05 16:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRegistering foreign marriage
Hello everyone,
Abdul and I were married in Morocco, I recently had or marriage registered in the state I live in. I wanted to know if this will heplful for us when included with our evidence?
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-05 16:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhich is the better option?

thanks u soo much for ur answers. so basically its gonna expire and we should just refile. Clearly that what they want to happen otherwise they would have sent it back by now and if Hadd4everlove's didnt go back yet and its about to be 3 months then its probably gonna expire. so I guess im getting married. Our reason for denial wasnt nething big like faud just returned for futher review.

Yep sounds like it will just expire...... So just start planning your next trip back and make sure you have all of your documents when you go :0) Good Luck :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-18 18:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhich is the better option?
Our K-1 was sent back for further review then closed because the dates expired. Congressman/senator were no help to us. We received a letter letting us know that our case had been closed due to the dates expiring and we could file again.

Edited by ABDULnSHAYMA, 15 November 2011 - 11:17 PM.

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-15 23:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDenied Spousal visa CR1 in Casablanca

The senator got involved and he called the consulate to know the reason for the denial but the senator got no specific reason for the denial,he was told that the case was sent back to USCIS for the review. The letetr that I got says that the case was sent back under the 221 (g) law section of immigration.
I appreciate any help from the VJ members, about How much time does the USCIS take to review the case again and get another interview in the consulate and what I and my wife should do during that time?

I may help the more experieced and knowledgable folks help youi if you say what reason was checked fore denial on the 221g letter

Edited by ABDULnSHAYMA, 08 January 2012 - 02:52 PM.

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-01-08 14:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnothing to do
Our case is also with the California Service center and they are so behind it doesn't even make sense... But non moroccan filers seem to be moving right along :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: Been about 6 and a half months for us... Insha'allah we will hear something soon... They won't even allow us a service equest because they claim they are still within the limits.... This is our second time around the first was for the K-1 we contacted the Congressman and his office didn't find out anymore than I did... Big waste of time.... For us anyway..... Anyhoo... Wish you the best in your journey.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-03-02 02:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat i can do if i got denied
Your profile says you filed K-3.... So you are married???? You were not given the 221g letter???? You need to give more info... but even with providing more info here there may not be much anyone can help with until you case gets back to the states which may take a couple of months.... 20 years ???? wow that's a big number how are are you???? You say you were asked alot of questions... What were the questions and how did you answer them?????
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-03-06 00:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

For the question about CURRENT ANNUAL income, you have to put your total income that you'll have earned at the end of 2012. So, you can't use last year's tax return. So, if all you're getting is child support, put that. Tally up how much you'll have gotten from that by the end of this year. Since you have a co sponsor, this amount won't be a big deal as you're not going to be supporting your spouse solely.

And yes, I'd definitely include a paragraph or two in the cover letter explaining your situation. Not sure if they'll read it, but it'll at least be there Posted Image

Got it.... Thanks again :D

Edited by ABDULnSHAYMA, 10 May 2012 - 08:58 PM.

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-10 20:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

I'd love to help people out full-time as a job, but there's no law school here in town or anything, so I wouldn't be able to get the certificates/degrees needed to legally be allowed.

But if anyone wants to offer me money or stuff, I won't say no :P Posted Image

Hehe, no problem ^_^ I love helping people out when I can! That's why I'm still here, a year after moving to the US!

Ok... Just one more silly question and I should be good unless I get an REF..... Asks for my annual income.... Right now I am only getting child support. Should I tally up how much I would get for the year and use taht or should I use income from last year Tax return?

I was laid off this is why I need a sponsor.. But I just finished a medical assistant course and am now doing my externship (200 hours which I don't get paid for :unsure: ) god willing I will be working by mid june. Where I live my rent goes according to my income... So right now my rent is zero. Would it be a good idea to include a letter explaining my current situation?
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-10 11:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

That would explain why that question wasn't familiar to me Posted Image

Yes, even if you have a co-sponsor, the petitioner STILL has to fill out an I-864. No I-864 from the petitioner, no case complete at NVC. It's required, whether you make no income or not.

For question 8, you'd both check the box off, as well as the box saying 'yes' right below it.

Although it sounds weird, yes, you leave C blank as the spouse has already been counted for in A. And you do NOT count anyone twice on this question.

Ok thanks a bunch... Really don't know what I would do with out you... You have been the most helpful :D
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-10 10:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????
And if I am to complete the form .... For question 21 should I leave "C" blank since I have to enter 1 for "A"?????
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-10 10:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

Um what question number are you referring to? There's no such question on the I-864....

Ok.... so it looks like I printed the wrong form :bonk:
Now my question is..... Even though I need a sponsor I still need to complete the I-864 form as well correct???? And If I have to complete the form how should my self and my sposor answer question # 8????
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-10 10:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????
Hummm... Maybe I printed the wrong thing :wacko: I will get back to you on that :blush:
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-10 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????
1 more question for you Saylin.... On the sponor form which box should the sponsor check at the end.... The one that says they intend to give the sponsee money and then list an amount they plan to give and how often or would it be ok to check the one that says they don't intend to give the sponsee money??????
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-09 19:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

Thanks ^_^

My only concern is that I'd need some kind of certificate from law school allowing me to do this or something.

You should look into it..... When I first started on this journey I came across a guy who was doing a prep service. He preped the papers or helped you do it or whatever... But he wanted a fortune... Not sure if he was a lawyer. But I do remember him saying he got into it after going through the process of bringing his wife from China....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-07 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

And I'd be cheaper. No way would I charge thousands of dollars. I'd let the client choose the price Posted Image

For sure it is something you should consider... You are very good at it......
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-07 13:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

Posted Image That'd be an awesome idea. I bet I'd be better (and faster!) than most lawyers out there that people have :P

I am sure of it :D Just wait until I am done with the process because I can't afford to pay any fees right now.... :P

Edited by ABDULnSHAYMA, 07 May 2012 - 01:35 PM.

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-07 13:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????
Saylin your are the best... You should start up your own visa prep service :D
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-07 13:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????
:D ok thanks a bunch :D
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-07 13:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????
Question for Saylin..... I know it is somewhere but for some reason I can't find the info... I need to know if a permanent resident can sponsor my husband. I was laid off :( But my daughters boyfriend said he will do it if he can. He is 25 years old and is a permanent resident... could he be our sponsor??
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-07 13:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

There is no interview fee for IR-1/CR-1 visa applicants.

Yes, if that's the fee you saw.

WHOO!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Thanks for all your info and help...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-05-03 10:02:00