K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

You Uk, are going to give me lots of luck, you are getting marry on my interview date, 17 is the lucky number....

I want to be over with this... Is such a pain in the ####... lol...

Promise if i dont write in this days is because i finally lost my

Les, next is yours...

I'm gonna lose my mind if I don't sell this house! :ranting:

Good luck girl! It's going to be the easy part!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-09-12 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

good morning one and all. Hope you have great weekends. This is my last weekend as "Miss" this time next week we will be living our very first morning as husband and that im excited or anything of course lol.
My family fly in on Monday afternoon...woo hoooo....still got to go underwer shopping sister, mum and I will have to head to mall next week while Ken is at work and all the children at time :)

Have fun and I hope things start getting sorted for everyone that it isnt :( it sucks big time.

I would say enjoy your last w/e as "Miss" but I think the "Mrs" will be 100x better!
Hope you have a fab week preparing for your big day & enjoy next Sat.
All the best to you both!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-09-11 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Good morning everyone....

Is a sad day for Mom, nervous day for me, she is looking at me packing some of the things honey is taking home before i move ( positive i know)...

I am really nervous, but trying to see everything as a good thing... my sis is excited cause she lives in NY, and i will be in NJ soon... (she is from my mom´s side)...

I never knew i had soooo much clothing, and i gave away a lot (i considered my self a fashionista, so yeah a lot) ... lol... the flights going back to USA are full so a bit worry my Marc is going to have some trouble, they are expensive too... as you know he travels stand by with my Airline benefits...

In six days the interview, any sugestions? i´ve been reading some of the post of the possible questions... i am ok...

The medical results they only give it one day before the interview, and knowing i am fine and healthy i always get soooo nervous...

fingers cross... big hugs everybody...

Happy packing girl!
Interview will go great! Deep breath. It will be perfect.
I'm the same as you with clothes. I have 5 large closets packed with my clothes & shoes. I have no idea where Scott will find room for them! But so not giving any away!
Just a few more short days till you man is here! Eeeeee!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-09-11 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

goodness i hope so. we called the DOS a few days ago and they told Joe that they send them out in batches and its just a matter of waiting. we were not given any more information to go off of unfortunately. i think we'd both be at ease if we knew the P4 was on it's way. i've got all my docs in order, my teter tests, my tetanus shot, my criminal clearance sheet, affidavit of support, his income tax return packet, proof of his employment and both mthly & annual salary, our letters of intent and my 5 passport photos with an additional 2 to update my passport (it expires next july). i just gotta wait on Joe to fax my Mum a copy of his lease and his drivers license and go to my medical in Oct. then we're prepared for the interview.

i had to see Joe off today. i tried my best to stay strong so that he wouldn't get upset before he had to drive the 8hrs home. but the moment i stepped through my front door, i just bawled. my family is super supportive and my nephew is coming to stay for the weekend. so plenty to occupy me. but it's only temporary. after spending the last 5.5mths with him by my side, i have to endure the final 2mths without him and it's gonna be hard. i cry to myself now and then and it's only been just over 2hrs since he left. i just keep telling myself there are plenty of us Feb Filers who are still separated and i was lucky enough to be with mine all summer. hopefully in a day or so i'll be back to normal (i'm not a big crier).

are you not able to leave it with a family member to oversee while you deal with a realtor while in the US? what about selling it with just a bit of money after breaking even? it's rough selling a house so close to the winter months and with the housing market so crummy these last few's gonna be tough. so sorry you're super stressed about it, but i hope and pray to the stars that someone good will come along and grab that house! where abouts is it and how much is it on the market for? have you tried putting it in the papers or craigslist or supermarket bulletin boards? even facebook?! advertise your face off!

Awwww, sorry you had to see him go. I'm not a cryer either & I cry every time we have to go home. It is just getting harder & harder.
Sounds like you have everything in order for your interview, I really hope your P4 is in the mail!
I can't leave the house unsold, since I have to no job in the US & won't for a long time, I can't make mortgage payments on it. So, it has to go & now!!!! I'm in London. I've only lived her for just less than 2 yrs, so I will hopefully just break even. I have put it on kijiji, on the buy & sell at work, everything! I am spun like a top. I'm just gonna let go soon & never stop! Poor Scott, he's probably wondering what he's getting himself into! :wacko:
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-09-10 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Hey Bri, have you called DOS yet? I guess a whole bunch of P4's got sent out this week! Maybe you???

Solmarc, glad you survived the medical. Your hunny will be here soon! & your big day!!!!!

UK, glad to hear everything is going well & everyone is getting settled in. Can't wait till I can say the same.

Poacher!! Cannot believe you didn't tell us about the wedding! Congrats to you both. Sounds like you 2 are getting settled as well.

Me...Well, 2 wks until the interview! Holy Hanna it's been a long haul. I still haven't sold the house & I'm ready to lose it. We can't plan anything until this place sells. I just don't know what to do. I'm bordering panic mode. I would of really liked to POE in Oct., but it's not looking like it now.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-09-09 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

so here we are 6 1/2 months later and still waiting because the Feds are morons....

Luckily we're working with our congresswoman's office on this, but it's still a pain in the butt and still waiting.

They asked for an RFE on something they already had because they didn't think it was 'official' because of course as I said, the Fed dimwit high school dropout doesn't know that 1+1=2.

Anyway, our congresswoman's office basically sent them a letter with a second copy, with the original RFE and said "hey stupid, are you really this dumb? The copy you have has a judges signature, a clerks stamp/signature and has a county embossed seal on it. Pay attention."

So as I said, we're waiting and it's severely annoying as we just want to get out of Vermont...... We've given up all hope on her being able to get here this year... I mean hell. It may be an entire year before all is said and done, especially since Montreal is damn slow, the holidays are coming up, and we're STILL in Vermont 6 1/2 months later..... UGH.

Sorry, venting, ranting, I know. It just purely sucks though and is driving us both mad at this point....

You guys have all the more reason to rant & vent! Rant away all you want. We will listen. That's what we are here for, to offer a shoulder, congrats & advice.
I have been wondering how you were doing, & I'm sad to see you are still struggling with VSC. They better expedite you through after all this #######. And yes, Montreal is still so sloooooowwww.
Keep us updated...& hugs to you both.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-09-08 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

I am sooo nervous Leslie, i feel i am going to have a breakdown, next week ill know... well i am pretty sure we are fine and we will get the visa, but also i am just, i cant explain it, my head is spinning...

I went to the designer and the dress is nice, i love it... almost finish... Honey will be here on the 15th, interview 17th, my bachelorette party on the 25th and after that flying home...

Deep breath! You are going to do fabulous!
Can't wait to see your dress! Make sure you post after the wedding.
1 more week till your hunny! Whoot!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-09-08 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Whoo Hoo Solmarc! I'm happy to hear about the P4. I have thought about you everyday. So glad it worked out. Good luck this week! :)
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-09-06 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Glad to see all of you enjoying being with your loved ones! I love reading how everyone is doing. That will be me soon. I am stressed to the limit trying to sell my house. I thought I couldn't plan anything because I didn't have an interview date, but in reality, I can't plan a thing till I sell the house!!!! Interview is in 28 days :)

Poacher-the box is thorougly being abused. You would be proud.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-27 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC


I take it you still haven't heard about the P4?
Sorry hun, fingers crossed that it comes in time!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-24 14:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Here they are, folks. Pictures from the wedding! :dance:


I made the account just for you guys, so I hope you like it. We're going to Washington DC Fri-Sun and then Mohegan Sun in Connecticut Mon-Wed.. part one of our honeymoon, woo hoo!

I miss you guys!

Sneak preview of my favorite picture:


Beautiful pix Lohninck! Thank you for sharing those with us! Enjoy your honeymoon. :)

Got our visa's/passports in hand :)

Woooo hooooooo.

Congrats! Good luck with POE. Looks like 6 more days for you. So exciting!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-20 07:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
I'm so sad to hear about your RFE Paul & Venessa. That blows! I'm stunned.
Though, I have noticed a lot of people get NOA2 very shortly after submitting RFE. Good luck, my thoughts are with you.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-17 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Hey guys and dolls....missing me??

well guess what??? We only went to London and bloody well passed our interview :D woooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo!!

Thanks for the best wishes....more importantly, thank you for the confidence you all had in us.

And guess what else?? Bloody Jeremy Clarkson was there at the Embassy (maybe that will only mean something to UK peeps or Top Gear fans lol)
Anyway all went well although the ADOS was the wrong form but they let Ken fill in the correct one there and then.

Hope everyone is doing well. Huggles

Whoooo Hoooo! Congrats to you both!!!! :) Hope your having a great w/e celebrating.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-15 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Grats Les on the interview date!! That's awesome!!!

Looks like we finally might hear something soon!

I just checked the status of the case and it was "touched" today, so hopefully we'll hear something really soon! Maybe the push from our congresswoman helped.. Who knows! I'm just glad to see some activity!! Hopefully we'll finally get the damn NOA2 here in the mail soon. 5 1/2 months, 10 days away from 6 months later! grrr! lol...

Thank you very much!
Oh please please please get some good news! This is just insane! Hopefully everything will be quicker once you get the NOA2. Let us know the minute your hear! (after your celebrating of course)

i just noticed, between your timeline and ours, that it took them 8 days to log your p3. so judging from that time...ours arriving on July 16, Montreal would have logged ours around July 26. That would put Montreal at sending our p4 out by the 1st of Sept (which is the week Joe and I drive back to Toronto - a great homecoming present!). So hopefully we should have our interview for the 3rd week of Oct (fingers crossed!).

i just hope we have the same luck as you two!! :dance:

Fingers crossed! Maybe even earlier!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-15 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Grats Les!! I have some hope we might actually get ours soon after...maybe, or I hope so!! Hehe. But *jumps up and down cheering for Les and Scott*. I'm SO happy for you both!!!!

thanks girl! you will be very soon, i just know it!
did you find out if your p3 was logged in?
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-14 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Looks like you guys are at the same processing time as my fiance and I.
2/2/10-I 129F sent to Vermont
2/11/10- Money went through NOA1
5/18/10- NOA2 info sent to Montreal
6/21/10- Package 3
6/30/10- medical exam in T.O.
7/6/10- sent P3 back to Montreal
Package 4-??????????

Hey roxmatt! Come join us in the Canadian forum:
Good luck with getting your interview. I just got my date. You should be very soon too!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-13 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

UK i am here girl, with my fingers (all my fingers and toes) cross, i know is going to be great but still it doesnt hurt to ask for luck...

Les just one week after mine, yayyyyyyyyyyy i am celebrating still yours, just with a cup of coffee because is too early for alcohol but on the weekend if i get better i ll drink some beers... Oh and i dont know how is there but the people of VJ from my embassy told me friday is the best day for interview, they close early so they finish fast... and we both have friday for interview...

Kharv how long will it take for the marriage license or what ever the name is, when you swear you want to marry the person and you are free to do so? i honestly dont know ´cause we dont use that here, i just need my id, a saturday morning and thats Everything is simple around here, if you have the money and time to do it. :)

So i think i have the flu, there is always on the summer a virus, a flu virus... i hate to get sick :( but i am going to work, even when people here had to go to doctors i am really strong and i feel sick but not that i cant work, i always say you need to eat right, that is helping me to not get into bed...

Hope you feel better! Just relax & try to keep the stress level down.
Is your man coming for the interview?
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-12 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Thanx everyone for the congrats! I literally screamed in the poor girls ear at DOS.

UK...good luck, although I don't think you will need it. Happy that your man is with you <3
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-11 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-11 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Look Solmarc...They do still love us!!!!
Glad everyone is doing well & enjoying their new life & getting ready for a new life. I so cannot wait to actually plan something! I'm still waiting for an interview date. 41 days since P3 was logged. I can't take it anymore!!!!!!!
And yes Poacher...The donkey & midget are getting abused like nobody's business. Solmarc & I are angry, drunk, horny women!!!!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-09 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Im still about, just soooooo busy. Had our hen party on Friday night...was tonz of fun...lots of male genitals and alchol and not a man in site....perfect lol.
The kids are bouncing of the wall with excitement...been tying up lose ends...finishing packing....and sorting out last minute things...Ken arrives early on Wednesday morning...I need him so bad I could cry...we havent touched each other since heart aches sometimes. Going out to pick up some strong coffee for him cut for the boy tomorrow ready for the big day....he is going to look so handsome...ohhh going out underwear shopping tomorrow...last day without Ken here so really need to find something for under my dress......the interview is closly upon us and Im starting to fear the worse now and have nightmares of things going wrong...arhhhhhh. Im scared, tired, excited, horny lol and a whole lot more...Im like a chicken without a head....running about bumping into things....the children are even worse....they cant wait to see Daddy again :)

Hugs to one and all.....yes it is very quiet in here but thats good as means everyone is very busy....either settling into their new lifes or preparing to start doing that....Im sure its not because they have forgotten about you :) We could never do that....I knew there would be alot to get done...but wow...theres ALOT to get done lol....including catching up with people...including the childrens friends. Alot of emotions involved to...but God I cant wait to see his face, kiss his lips and feel his touch....omg...heaven...which will be quickly dampened down by the interview lmao...oh well...deep breath and lets get this over with....Im detirmed we are walking out with an Approval....grinning all over and celebrating in our own way he he he.

Have a good week and I hope good news follows shortly for everyone who is needing some :)

You are very busy! Can't wait until I am that busy. 2 more days until you see Ken! I'm happy you will be together again. I don't kow how you did it being apart for 4 months! Ackkk! I get upset when we are apart for 1 week!
Enjoy your reunion! ;)
Don't forget to pop in once in a while!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-09 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Hope you feel better quickly solmarc! I drank lots of alcohol this w/e hoping it would help you too, but I guess it didn't. Sorry!
It does look like our fellow filers have abandoned us! Just you & me babe.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-09 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

You know what they told Us today? That the package takes a month to arrived! I can't do the medical qithout the paper with the appointment so nothing I can do until I get it :(

That sux ballz! Sorry to hear that.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-06 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Not a thing :(
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-06 19:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC


Just got a call from my Congresswoman's office. They are officially going to be looking into and seeing what the hell is going on!

So here's hoping!!!!!!

Good Luck!!!!!!! All fingers & toes crossed & a special dance on the pole!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-05 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Lohninck! Beautiful new profile pic! Still waiting for more!

Vanessa...We are going to send you & Paul the donkey & midget right away. Hopefully they remember the pole so you can start dancing for VSC. Ply them with lots of beer. Cannot believe you guys have been waiting this long. That is insanity! Time to make some angry phone calls! After all this I hope you guys aren't going through Montreal for your interview. I still have at least 3 months ahead of me before my interview. Keep us updated on your progress & if the donkey & midget help at all!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-02 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Hey, it sounds awesome there, I def think it would be well worth a trip....even just to compare it all and our youngest boy is Ben so we can bring him along...then your lickle LOndon baby will have a lickle Ben lol:)
Yayyyy someone else that thinks Hershey's is awful. Its a crime that people have to eat that stuff....and even worse that they think it is chocolate lol. I love white wine spritzers :) although Im more of a pink wine drinker but I have to admit that my fave drink is pink champagne, love you stuff...and also gets me very very giggly too...and a whole lot playful ;)

Ok so what is this American Goober Grape that you speak of?
Things here are exciting, Im having a small hen party on Friday night....military dress code of course lol. and Im sure Ken will be here before we know it....God I miss him so much right now....its been April since we saw each other last :( but its the 1st today HORRRRRawwRRRR!!! Ken arrives on the 11th :)

Hope all is well with you as well?? Had a fun weekend? ;) with your American


LOL! You make me laugh! I love the little Ben idea :) Too cute.
I can't drink wine anymore. Too many drunken escapades with it in high school.
OK, Goober Grape...your kids will love it!!! It is peanut butter & grape jelly all in the same jar. They do it in stripes. Yummy! I think there is Goober Strawberry as well, but I wouldn't like that.
Hope you have a great time at your hen party! I won't be having my bachlorette for a little while yet.
10 more days for Ken! Whooooot!!! So happy for you two.
I am enjoying my American Boy very much this w/e. I get an extra day with him Mon as I got our holiday off work :)

Poacher...hope all is well now that you are back & hope Vika is settling in alright. Lot's of adjustment. Vaccuums included. How are you healing anyways?
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-08-01 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

lol gets all girly....I guess it does, Im please you guy are doing well. I am sure the change is going to be strange....when ever Im in the US I miss the food and the English shops...I get so mad when I read in the supermarkets...."English muffins" lol #######...they are not English muffins and it should be classed as slander....oh and by the way just to set the record England we only eat the jam, with scones...along with clotted cream and a pot of tea....we do NOT put jam on crumpets...ewwwww thats just wrong...with crumpets we have...butter...or maybe cheese...those kind of things...and by the way...the things the US call "English crumpets" are nothing like what we have here, they dont even resemble our crumpets...same as these so called "English muffins" if anyone does actually know where I can get some REAL Engalish crumpets or muffins then please let me know :)
I miss fizzy lemonade, to make my wine spritzers with...real yummy chocolate, not like this Hershey rubbish...pharrrl lol. And what about some chips...some big fluffy chips (not crappy fries lol) geesh...and wheres the fried bread gone from the cooked Ken thinks we should make a English place to eat...and sell Trifles and sunday :) Anyway...thats what I will miss most I think, apart from my family of course lol.

we go into single figures tomorrow as to when Ken leaves for the UK...woooo hooooo.

Hugs to all, hope your having a great weekend everyone.

You must make your way up to Canada! We have a lot of British things. I live in London, Canada's version of your London. We have a Thames River, 1 double decker bus (lol), all our streets are pretty much named the same as the other London. Though we don't have a Big Ben...Hmmmmm, maybe I will get the mayor on that before I leave.
I'm with you on the chocolate. I can't stand Hershey's...tastes very dry. I love Cadbury's...mmmmm! I remember my mother who raised me drinking wine spritzers when I was growing up. She was Scottish, but I remember a lot of British traditions growing up. Though I do love english muffins, with American Goober Grape. Yummy!
Hope all is well with you!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-31 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

My poor baby is sick, :( pink eye, he didnt go to work, of course... i feel better i am not there, lol... just kidding...

Drinking my coffee and going to work in the afternoon, i just hate it... my mom is here cleaning the apartment, she will drive me crazy for the rest of the week, but i love her anyway... i just imagine her visiting me and saying how my house needs to be run... oh yee! thank God i just say yes and dont pay attention if is not the way i want it.

Pink eye! UGH! Not fun!
I'm working afternoons today as well. 1 more shift then I'm off to see my american boy for the w/e. Mon is a holiday for us in Canada, so hopefully I won't have to work it & stay an extra day!
Can your mom come clean my house too?
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-29 09:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Why is that? did you called DOS ? i found that they had lots of applicants for k1 and thats why i didnt had the interview date set...

Montreal is the slowest US consulate in the world. They laid off a ton of workers even though the volume of visas is still way up. Typical Canadian #######. I called DOS today, against my better judgement, because I knew there won't be a date yet, & sure date. Shocker. (said with all sarcasam I can muster)
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-28 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

I am waiting for your interview date... my fingers are cross so you get it soon...

Thanks! That means a lot to me. It's still going to be a loooooong wait :(
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-27 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Lohninck...congrats! I can't wait to see more wedding pix. But I will wait for those as you need that special time together. :D
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-27 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Solmarc...Whoot! Congrats on the date!!!!!

SandT...What a ride. Glad you are both home safe & sounds & ready to start your lives together.

Me...Still waiting. I'm not even going to attempt to call as I know there won't be a date for me for quite a while yet. So, not going to waste my $ on a long distance call. The average wait to get an interview is 50-70 days after P3 is logged. I'm only day 26 so far.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-26 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Good Morning! I'm so happy to say that we finally got our NOA2!!! :)
What a great way to start the weekend!


Poacher, good luck with the packing. I don't know how you guys can do it all in 4 suitcases. I would need that just for my shoes! Anyways, have a safe flight home.

I'm heading off to see my American boy for the w/e, so I hope everyone has a great w/e too!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-24 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Wow I have missed a lot in the 3 days I've been gone!
Congrats to the visa approvals!!!!! I'm so very happy for all of you!
We were in Toronto. I had my medical on Wed., so that's the last step until the interview. Still no word & I don't expect to hear anything until at least the end of Aug. So, here I wait & wait & wait.
Hope everyone else is doing well!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-22 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Leslie, NO SEX until wedding. That does not apply to eastern europe filers by the way.

Excuse me???? NO SEX until the wedding???? That is in December! I will shrivel up & die!!!!!!!!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-17 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Solmarc, you made me lmfao. What a story! Hope your feelin ok today & found your car.

Poacher, have a safe flight & good luck to you & Vika.

Me, I'm addicted to my box. Sorry, you may need to get me into some form of group therapy. (i do like groups!) Just 3 more days until I see my American Boy. We are heading to Toronto for my medical & to see the man that made us a couple...Kid Rock!!!!! \m/
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-16 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Lohninck...Congrats!!!!! I am soooo excited for you!!!!! Hope that visa comes quick.

Poacher...Have a safe flight, good luck on the interview & hugs to Vika.

I will still be sitting here waiting & playing with the box!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-15 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
GOOD LUCK PETER!!!!!!! It's going to be a wonderful day for the 2 of you.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-14 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Well folks ... As Kirk said, I'm finally done with the K Visa process!! K1 for Tanya and K2 for Masha! I wish everyone luck and smooth sailing through the interviews. Posted Image

Let's start an AOS forum for the 2010 Feb Filer alumni!


Boy do I ever feel left behind! I won't be joining that forum until Dec. Sighhhhhhhh....
On a happy note...Congrats to Tanya & Masha!!!! Wonderful news!!!!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-13 22:29:00