
I have seen so many post about the NBI Clearance and the letter of explanation if certain remarks are on the clearnce and they seem to vary with explanations from the board here.

My question is why is a letter needed if there is no criminal record? Example, say someone has nothing on record with the police, or case, or whatever, just a clear background. What do they put on the clearance for this? I already had to send my fiance to Manila to the Bureau of Immigration and now another possible return for this. I guess they think i have a private jet for my fiance to fly around the Philippines in.

If anyone knows for sure thanks for your response.



I do NOT have an answer to your question but here is what I do know for those who read this thread/post.

Need NBI letter if notation is:
No Criminal Record
No Criminal Conviction
No Pending Case
With Derogatory Record

NBI letter not needed if notation is:
No Derogatory Record

Not sure if NBI letter is needed for this:
No Record On File

NOTE: When you discover the correct answer for "No Record On File" please PM me so that I can make a not of it.


Sheriff Uling

I guess they think i have a private jet for my fiance to fly around the Philippines in.

Hehehehe!!! It's can be a tad more costly when the beneficiary is NOT within a reasonable distance of the places required to complete the process.

Hi Sheriff,
Thanks for the info. This is the part I was curious about that you typed. NBI letter not needed if notation is:No Derogatory Record. I will let you know if I find our anything about the (no record on file).


The first time one requests an NBI clearance, the record will read "No record on file." If a renewal is requested, the message will then read "No derogatory record." So no letter needed for either.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-03 23:01:00
I found a document I downloaded from the embassy website several months ago, concerning papers that should be brought to the interview. Here is what it says about the NBI clearance.

"8. NBI Clearance. Applicants aged 16 and older must have a valid Record Clearance for Travel Abroad
Purposes from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). An official NBI letter of explanation is required for
any notations of “No Criminal Record,” “No Criminal Conviction,” “No Pending Criminal Case,” or “With
Derogatory Record.” For immigration purposes, an NBI clearance is considered valid only for a year. "
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-02 22:30:00
My wife's NBI clearance says "NO RECORD ON FILE." That means the NBI has no information about her in their records. Another possible statement could be "NO DEROGATORY RECORD." However, if the statement says "NO CRIMINAL RECORD" that means there IS a record, and could mean that there was a case on record against the applicant, but the case was dismissed or cleared. In such a case an explanation would be needed. Sorry I don't think I explained this well, hope it helped anyway.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-02 20:40:00
PhilippinesAfter over a year.... here she comes!
Congratulations and have a very happy homecoming.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-04 21:05:00
PhilippinesShould I Attend the Interview?
I will be attending my wife's interview next week. I'm not worried about our age difference (14 years and I don't believe it is an issue), but there are other issues that I can help out with. If I were not there with her, I could not live with myself if she received a denial.

I think the amount of age difference is not as important as how young your wife is--under 25? I would definitely recommend your attending.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-22 01:12:00
PhilippinesTrying to learn Visayan, any tips?
Here is a link I have to some Filipino language instruction software, including Visayan (Cebuano).

I haven't tried it so can't attest to it's quality. Myself, I purchased an Ilocano dictionary the last time I was in the Philippines, and I study it whenever I can, but its slow going that way.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-20 22:48:00
PhilippinesMerry Christmas Manila Thread!
**+**+**+**+** Merry Christmas to all from Gary and Fely **+**+**+**+**

StarProgMalePhilippines2007-12-24 02:20:00
PhilippinesHow Did You Meet
I was browsing through the profiles on one night. I happened upon the beautiful picture of a user called Pinay. I read her statistics, but did not send a message, because she lived too far away (profile said Montana, I'm in California). A couple hours later I received a wink from her. Since she showed an interest and her picture was so captivating, I sent a message, and she replied. I then found out it was from her sister in Montana, and the girl in the picture lived in the Philippines. After many emails between the sister and I describing myself and "Pinay", I was already in love with her. I sent her a letter, flowers, and a videotape of myself in a video story I created. It wasn't until a month later that I heard back from her. We then commenced phone texting and letters, and I went to visit her and her family after 6-months. I proposed after the 3rd day there, and as others have said, the rest is history.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-10-11 18:14:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Hi old friends and newer members. I too am glad to see this topic staying alive. I don't get much time to log on anymore, but this one I'm still subscribed too so I can at least see what's going on with people. Fely and I, we're up in Montana right now, visiting with her sister and brother-in-law. Tomorrow is a Filipino festival in Helena (anybody nearby? come and join, it's on National Avenue in Helena), put on by Fely's sister and friends. They've got the Philippine Consulate of San Francisco coming by to help several filipinos get their dual citizenship. Actuallthey're here at the house right now along with many Filipinos enjoying a Philippine meal.

This is Fely's first trip out of California, and she's finally getting to see more of the US. Besides Nevada and Idaho (and Montana) we'll be going through Washington and Oregon on Monday/Tuesday on the way home. As of the 16th, Fely will have been here 1 year. Oh yeah, and our baby is due next month.
StarProgMalePhilippines2008-07-11 16:38:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
QUOTE (Skeeter211 @ Oct 11 2007, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Friends.... Just wanted to update that Mirasol got her EAD on 9/29/07 and applied for her first US job with Target the past Friday. She was called the next day to come in for an interview on Monday, 10/8. She did great and was given a conditional job offer on the spot at the interview. We were both so very happy as this was her first application and interview and it was a success. She had heard from friends that Target took 90 days to hire and others told her they were refused as they did not pass the "tests". She was so nervous and worried about being able to understand the interviewers if they spoke slang or too fast for her, but she did well and I am so very proud of her. GREAT JOB HONEYKO! heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif

We have our interview for AOS on 10/25/07 and are praying for a green card without any problems. Other than that, I have been off work for the past three weeks with a back injury and being sick with the bronchitis that's been going around here. Hopefully, I can be back to work this Sunday.

Hope all of you and your families are doing well. Good luck and God bless to all those with upcoming interviews and/or medical appointments. Be prepared, strong and confident and you can make it through.

Take care all!

Scott and Mirasol

Congratulations to Mirasol on the job. That's great. And good luck on the AOS interview. Fely has a job interview tomorrow with Visiting Angels (they are a caregiver provider). She too is worried about understanding the interviewer and the interview understanding her. So we'll see how it goes. They say they do have some Filipino clients, so that might be a good sign. I've got an interview myself next Friday (computer support for a school district) and have to take a written test, so we're both a bit nervous right now.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-10-11 17:45:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Hi, I have a chance to post today because I'm visiting my mom and Fely's not here. She's still at home tending to her garden.

Anyway concerning prices, Fely and I visit the thrift shops and yard sales, and get great bargains on some very nice clothing. She came here with 1/2 suitcase of clothes, and already has several jackets and blouses and way too many slippers and shoes, and it cost us maybe $25 so far. We also get stuff to sell on eBay (just sold a book for $79, only paid 50 cents for it).

As for food, we don't eat out much. Fely spends $3 on vegetables at our local farmer's market, and added to rice they seem to last her a week.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-08-30 11:40:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Well except for the reply notifications I get in my email, I don't get to read much on on VJ recently. Fely keeps me busy helping with her garden and the constant house cleaning and rearranging just about every piece of furniture in the house. We cleaned out the cat's bathroom today (which they no longer inhabit). I never thought that room would be useable by humans again.

A week ago Friday (July 27th) we received a surprise in the mail -- Fely's SSN card. It took only 11 days from her POE date. She'll start looking for a job next week. Ah one of the advantages of entering the US with the CR-1 visa.

Congratulations to Princess and Eddie&Mary on the approvals, and to the recently married and other good news. And good luck for the upcoming interviews.

I'll be back again when I can get the opportunity.

StarProgMalePhilippines2007-08-05 00:44:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Hiya all,

Fely and I finally made it to our home after visiting with my mom for a few days. She's been in California for a week now, and is adjusting nicely. She is still not speaking much, but maybe that is a blessing ;) . Yesterday her sister in Montana called and they spoke for over an hour. She also texts daily back home. We've been busy the past 3 days cleaning house, and she kicked the cats outside. Today we went to OSH and bought some plants to start a garden. Overall Fely seems happy here. The temperature is hot, so there's not much problem with the fact that she brought only shorts and t-shirts. I bought her a used iMac ($10) so she can use it to text and email her family, and I can have mine back.

Congrats on the wedding Davie-Mae. (F)

Here is a picture of our first meal together in our house. We made chicken adobo.

Attached File  firstmeal.jpg   38.56KB   52 downloads
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-07-23 19:21:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

I've decided that I should be there at Novelyn's interview and I was wondering... :unsure:

If approved, will they allow you to pick up the visa that afternoon or the next day?

I only ask because I don't have a lot of vacation time left and it would be so nice if she could fly back with me! :wub:

When the USC requests to pick up the visa, it is usually granted. But may not be the next day. Could be a couple of days, up to 3 days sometimes.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-07-23 19:07:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Fely and I have finally made it to California. Our plane landed late last night (Monday). Immigration was fairly easy and quick (maybe 10 minutes after initial fingerprinting). The officer had us scared briefly, because she wanted to see our medical results, which I did not have. After looking through the papers from the brown envelope several times, she finally found the med results. She also asked about our wedding day, and I said "Sept 1", but the papers from the envelope said Sept 11. They had included the marriage certificate from the I-130 submission, and not the NVC submission. So I had to explain why the two different dates, which she accepted. Then we passed quickly through customs, but missed our bus by 10 minutes. So we had to wait 2 hours for the next one.

We're at my mom's now for a few days, and of course trying to adjust to the time difference and all those other differences many of you have already experienced. Fely's is very quiet (as always), but I hope she'll become used to hearing and speaking English soon. Right now she's busy chikka texting with friend's and relatives back home.

Life is good, being together is better than anything. Thanks for all the support and I'll stop by here now and then when I have time.

BTW PW, our visa delivery was July 2, 4 days.

Gary and Fely
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-07-18 01:01:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

wow that was fast! :dance: 8 days from interview date you got your visa! congratulations gary and fely! :dance:

4 days actually!
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-07-05 21:56:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Embassy Interview June 28th.

Arrived at 5:10 am, there was short line. Instructed to sit in waiting area, we were in third row. At 6:00 they started letting 6:30 appointments in, we got inside at about 6:30. At 7:00 the pre-interviews started. Our number appeared at 7:30. The Filipino pre-interviewer was a woman, maybe in her 40's. She was not unpleasant but strictly business, collecting our papers and asking these questions of Fely: What is your name? Who is your petitioner? How did you come to know him? When did he visit you? Who is Merlita (joint sponsor)? How many kids do you have? Were you married before? She asked for a baptismal certificate because of Fely's late registered birth certificate, which we had. She also asked for a newer NBI clearance, which we did not have. We gave her 3 letters from me, money transfers, cell phone load records, about 18 pictures of us traveling around the Phils and Hong Kong. After that Fely had her fingerprints taken, and we sat and waited 2 hours for our number again. The CO in room 30 was a blonde in her mid 30's. She asked the same questions, and also asked me what happened with my first marriage (just wanted me to say we divorced.

The interview was quick, after the questions she quickly scanned the documents. I saw a piece of paper which was titled "Administrative Review", which she wrote on and place to the side. Then she stamped "Approved" on the packet of papers, and said we should go be seated and wait for our number to pay the visa delivery fee. I asked her if there was to be a review period, she said "no its finished." I asked if we were approved, she said "Yes".

We paid P415 for visa delivery and were out by 10:10. We then went to the Mall of Asia to celebrate.

I had expected to be questioned about the birth certificate and the marriage certificate, which both had errors. They were both non-issues.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-07-05 21:52:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Visa received!!!!!

Shortly after my last post, Fely received a text message from the Delbros courier telling us to stay home and wait for delivery. That was at about 1:30 pm. We waited what seemed like forever. At 5:30 pm he rode up on his bike. Apparently ours was his last visa delivery of the day, our of a total of 58 from Manila to Olongapo to Palauig. We fed him soda and cookies, and I even gave him a tip. I figured it out--one delivery every 12 minutes from early morning.

I will post an interview review shortly if I have time before Fely and her sister return from the bank. Good luck to those still waiting for their visas from their June interviews.

Gary and Fely
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-07-05 21:19:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
She did not write "Administrative Review" on the paper, it was a form titled Administrative Review. I'm pretty sure there is no AR, but since Delbros tracking is still down, we'll know when we get the visa. I'm optimistic about it, as there are none of the signs others have had with there is a review. I'll keep you informed. Thanks for the congrats.

Fely and Gary (hey its nice to have her here watching me type this)
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-07-01 22:28:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Hi friends,

No time to catch up on the forums right now, but I know you all want to hear, Fely's visa was approved. The CO wrote something on a piece of paper that had the words "Administrative review" printed on it, then she said "now you may go pay for your visa delivery." I asked if there would be further review, and she said they are finished. I asked if we were approved, she said "Yes." So I expect the visa delivery soon. Delbros tracking doesn't seem to be working. I'll post more details later. See ya.

Gary and Fely
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-29 23:54:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Thanks PW. I leave for the airport in just a couple of hours. And of course, I'll post results as soon as I find internet access. Good luck also to Frida who has her interview on Tuesday.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-24 18:20:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

crambajoy: The appointment packet for Immigrant Visa (CR/IR) states there on number 6 is CENOMAR. That all documents listed (including the CENOMAR) have to be ready to submit at the time of the interview. Although they don't usually asks for CENOMAR during the interview, since they do their own NSO checks, it is always better to have all the necessary documents at hand to avoid these things-> going back there to submit more documents.

For those who will still have their interview, this could help you in some ways:
CENOMAR for single: NSO will give the CRS Form No. 4 - which will state that the applicant does not appear in their National Indices of Marriages based on the records of 1945-2007 marriages enrolled in their database as of ______.

CENOMAR for married or previously married: NSO will give the CRS Form No. 5 (Advisory on Marriages) - which will state the date and place of marriage and the name of the bride and groom. All marriages whether annulled/spouse died will still appear on the records. For those with annulled cases, applicant should bring a copy of the MC with annotation of annulment and the court's order. For those who are widow/er, bring a copy (NSO) of the death certificate

StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-20 14:14:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Welcome to the U.S. Cora, glad you made it and hope adjusting isn't too difficult. Yeah, about the customs, I went throught the same thing last time I returned from the Philippines. I was the last person left in the area besides the 3 customs agents, and it sure makes one feel like a criminal as they scrutinize everything in your luggage. I really hope that never happens again, I really hated it. Congratulations on the weight loss. ;)

Less than a week and I'll be outta here for 3 weeks.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-18 21:58:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

Hey Gary..sounds like you gonna get busy soon :D !

Goodluck and wish you and Fely all the best on her interview day!! I will pray for you both.

God bless you Gary and Fely!!!

Bring Fely with you..can't wait to see her home with you! :) (F) (F)

Thanks Ate Luz. Its hard to believe after 3 years, it'll all be ending soon and we can get on with our lives. I guess you and Gary are familiar with that feeling. I'll try to get her to do some posting here on VJ, but don't count on it. At the very least, of course I'll have some pictures.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-11 22:44:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Lots of good news in this thread, congratulations to those recently receiving their own good news. Welcome to the U.S. Princess, and also to Cora due here tomorrow night.

Myself, I'm flying out of San Francisco on the 24th to attend Fely's interview on the 28th. My return flight is on July 16th, and hopefully she will be with me at that time. Of course, we're both hustling to get last minute paperwork ready.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-11 21:55:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

I hope that Ate Fely is doing ok and you'll get her text message soon and so you can book a flight.

Success, thanks. Medical results received and all tests passed. Only 2 shots, geeze I had to have 3 shots plus some oral medicine the first time I went to the Philippines. Okay I'll be booking my flight as soon as Fely decides how long she wants to wait before flying here after the visa.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-08 02:27:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

Well so far so good with the medical exam, I think. Fely was in be 6 am and out by 2 pm. She mentioned the "getting naked" part, but it wasn't a problem. She'll go back again tomorrow for one more test and then her shots. They did try to tell her that it was too early for the exam, that its supposed to be one week before the interview. The instruction sheet says AT LEAST one week, so I assume the person that signed her in just didn't know what he was talking about.

Hi there StarProg, if I have read this thread before I went to St.Luke's today, I could have met your Fely :) . It's my second day though--for shots. Medical went fine, I guess, because I dont have to redo some tests anymore and I was told to proceed to 2nd floor already--which is for immunization area. No one asked me why am i taking my medical so early, it's a month before my interview, I just noticed that ladies at the reception doesnt smile at all, very serious people ;) Hope our upcoming interviews goes well too, let's pray to that

Hi Evan. It seems several VJ members have been at St. Luke's this week. Too bad a get together couldn't have been arranged. Well its now 3 hours since Fely showed up for her shots, and I haven't heard from her yet. Don't know if that's a good or bad sign, I suppose it doesn't really mean anything, because of all the waiting that goes on. Well I hope she texts me soon to say all went well, because I need to make my plane reservations right away. i just checked and seats on the flight I want went from about $1300 to about $2300. The day before is still $1300. Waiting, waiting...
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-08 00:02:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Well so far so good with the medical exam, I think. Fely was in be 6 am and out by 2 pm. She mentioned the "getting naked" part, but it wasn't a problem. She'll go back again tomorrow for one more test and then her shots. They did try to tell her that it was too early for the exam, that its supposed to be one week before the interview. The instruction sheet says AT LEAST one week, so I assume the person that signed her in just didn't know what he was talking about.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-07 07:35:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Fely's at St. Luke's right now. Its been 3 hours since I heard from her, when she'd just finished filling out the forms. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that all will go well. She was feeling well and no current pimple outbreaks, so just hoping for no surprises.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-06 19:51:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

Any idea where to check visa appointment? I tried to check the link posted at the US Embassy website (since Friday) , but I always get an error. Is this normal for everyone? I mean, getting an error message.

That seems to be a common occurance. I don't know if it means they are updating interview info, or have some other problem. In May it was offline until about the middle of the month, and a couple days later the new interviews were posted. The only other way to know your interview date is to call the embassy or wait for the letter.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-06-03 21:30:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

Has anyone had their interview scheduled before Manila even gets the papers from the NVC?

The info line also says my papers were sent on the 22nd, but I have until June 28th to prepare for the interview. Yes your date if probably correct. NVC schedules the CR-1 interviews, not Manila. And the consulate keeps a number of slots open for this, so you just got "lucky" to be scheduled so early. I don't know how long a delay asking to be rescheduled might result in. If it were me, I'd hustle to get the paperwork ready and 3-day it to my wife.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-24 15:01:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

Good luck to you starprog. Us ilocano have to stick together,hehe. So how is learning ilocano going for you?

Ha ha, I'm terrible at learning new words. Every time I visit, the kids teach me the words for all the animals and plants and food, etc. But by the time I've returned home I've forgotten most of them. I rely a lot on my dictionaries and the online dictionaries. But whenever I try to write something to Fely in Ilocano or Tagalog, she'll say "Hon, where did you get those words? Its all wrong, but I know what you are trying to say." So I guess the answer to your question is, I'm doing terrible with learning Ilocano. But I will insist once she gets here that she'll teach me, because I really want to be able to talk to my wife without anyone else knowing what we're saying.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-23 02:54:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

Lina's visa packet was just delivered by Delbros approximately 3:35pm. :dance: :dancing: Too late to go to the CFO for the stamp on the passport but that's okay since the visa is in hand. We'll do the CFO stamp tomorrow.

Congratulations on the visa delivery. That must be a wonderful feeling. I hope I'll be doing the same as you just a little over a month from now.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-23 02:47:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

Case Number: mnl2006******
Visa Classification: CR1
St. Luke's Appointment Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 (12:00:00 AM)
Embassy Appointment Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 (8:30:00 AM)

This is what what i got from the visa interview appointment website.Is that right?or do i have to call them to make the appointment?

the medical is usually scheduled one week before the interview. the medical can be done before the scheduled date. interview is the important one. you may want to call the Embassy to verify the dates.

That is similar to what I got for my CR-1 appointment. St. Luke's June 28 12:00 am, Embassy June 28 6:30 am. Apparently they don't actually make St. Luke's appointments for CR-1 visas. Just take a printout of appointment date to St. Luke's, they should let you take the medical without an appointment.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-23 01:11:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
I've got my (well ok, my wife's) interview date. Its June 28th. It just appeared on the online appointment site today (thanks to frdmrk2 for alerting me). I haven't told Fely yet, gotta do that now if I can. She's away from home for a week.

PW kindly update me please and thanks.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-22 20:55:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

Oh my gosh, I can hardly believe the message I just heard on the phone. Case is complete at NVC as of May 10. Whoopie!!! Now I will need to keep checking for an interview date every day. I notice that the link to check for an interview date has not worked for the past few days. Guess maybe they are updating the info.

Oh yeah, gotta dance!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Very exciting indeed :dance: Congrats! :thumbs:

Thanks Chad. Ha ha, here we are dancing from the good news. And Fely's reaction to the news, is a simple "Oh thanks hon." Ah well, she never was one to jump up and shout for joy. :lol:
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-12 01:20:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

Oh my gosh, I can hardly believe the message I just heard on the phone. Case is complete at NVC as of May 10. Whoopie!!! Now I will need to keep checking for an interview date every day. I notice that the link to check for an interview date has not worked for the past few days. Guess maybe they are updating the info.

Oh yeah, gotta dance!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Oh God,thanks !!!!

Im happy to hear that and I gotta dance with you Gary.. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Now lets pray for that interview date will be here soon!!!!

Congratz to you and Fely! yay! :dance:

Hey Luz, thanks for dancing with me. I hope your Gary doesn't mind, he he. Thank you too imaskin. Its kinda weird. Fely and I have been waiting so long, and now that the time is almost here, I'm feeling like "Wait, slow down, I don't think I'm ready yet." But, really, I AM ready. Yes, we are both ready.

Edited by StarProg, 12 May 2007 - 12:07 AM.

StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-12 00:03:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Oh my gosh, I can hardly believe the message I just heard on the phone. Case is complete at NVC as of May 10. Whoopie!!! Now I will need to keep checking for an interview date every day. I notice that the link to check for an interview date has not worked for the past few days. Guess maybe they are updating the info.

Oh yeah, gotta dance!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-11 23:31:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

How can this be possible, can some share something to me that have the same experience as ours.... :help: what are we going to do next?

Perhaps you should wait another week or two. My petition took 2 1/2 weeks to reach the NVC.
StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-09 20:38:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

cenomar doesn't need to be authenticated at the Malacañan palace, right?
and is it alright that a k1 visa holder will bring dried fish (danggit) to the US?

No problem bringing dried fish into the US. I've brought some back with me on each of my 3 trips (for my sister-in-law in Montana). The customs guys never even give it a second glance. As for the cenomar authentication, it is not necessary, but some people like to get it anyway.

All this talk about Baguio makes me want to go back there again. If anyone is interested in a delicious American meal, I recommend Sizzlin' Plate, I think its on Session Road. It was there I had the best Porterhouse Steak ever, and it only cost $4 (200P). Maybe on my next upcoming trip I'll convince Fely that we have to go visit our niece that works in Bagiuo one last time before she leave the PI.

StarProgMalePhilippines2007-05-07 03:22:00