CanadaVisiting US and Canada During K-1 Approval Process
My Canadian fiancee and I will be applying for K-1 sometime around May 2013. I am currently a chaplain in the US Army but will be leaving the service in July to take a church in the New York/New England area. In July my fiancee and I will be traveling to Paris via JFK Airport in New York City. Upon our return I will accompany her back to Canada where I will stay for a short period of time while I am awaiting being called to my new congregation. Does anyone see any hindrance or problems that might arise in the K-1 process in light of our traveling back and forth across the US/Canada border and my staying with her (I can stay up to six months without a visa)? Any advice on what we might expect when we cross the borders? What documents in addition to our passports, boarding passes, etc, should we have with us and what might we be asked by the immigration officer at the border? Thanks much.
fredjohnsenMale02013-01-26 12:23:00