K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat to expect next?

Great! thanks a lot guys. Lol, i did hope that it wouldnt take as long as christmas :P i was not aware that there was a UK section, thank you all for the help and pointing me in the right direction. I have told my Fiancee to call the NVC, however she isnt the greatest at prioritising sometimes, so i think i will take the lead and email them myself, especially seeing as its the preferred method. Ill take a look at the UK section now, and i guess ill get my head back down and start preparing what i need over the coming week or 2! Hopefully it runs through smoothly.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2013-07-13 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat to expect next?

Okay, great, thank you! Is the NVC the number listed in the email to call? If so ill get my fiancee to call for the case number. Im assuming it will be a United States number lol. I understand with the time frames as i mentioned. Should i aim for Christmas for this to be completed do you think? or is that airing on the cautious side and giving too much time. Thanks for the reply, and helping with the next step, I should know this, and i was up to date about 9 months ago with the process, but ive slacked on keeping myself updated and my mind in the know of what i need to do, but with guidance i aim to get back into this!

craig_b1990MaleEngland2013-07-12 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat to expect next?

I have no idea why the topic was posted twice, sorry to the moderator. Im sure one will be removed as appropriate. Thanks again

craig_b1990MaleEngland2013-07-12 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat to expect next?

Hi all, its been a while since i browsed and posted on here, probably since my fiancée and I first sent our application (January 16th ish), I'm not sure of the correct terminology that i should be using, so rather than probably using the wrong ones, i will explain what we have received etc. I am curious as to what we should be expecting next, and possibly a "time-frame", obviously i know that nothing has set time limits etc, but a rough idea so I/we can prepare correctly and efficiently and make the rest of this painfully long process as quick as possible.


Anyway, around the middle of June my Fiancée received a letter/text/email regarding our status saying we had been moved to the next stage on May 30th 2013, (my memory escapes me as to exactly what it said, but that's vaguely what i remember being told). Then we received an email which is the following: 

"The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: EAC**********

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On June 19, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 


For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State.  For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results

listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current

processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at 

(800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check Processing Times."


Im assuming that this is the standard follow up email regarding the change on May 30th.


The next email we received was as :



The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: EAC**********

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On July 9, 2013, we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the Department of State for visa processing. For more information, please contact them directly.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State.  For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results

listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current

processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at 

(800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check Processing Times.

*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message."

Should i begin to be excited now? I know im probably being on the pessimistic side, holding back, but i don't want to get excited if I'm mis-interpreting this!


Does the second email received mean that the case is now on its way to the London embassy, and in turn the London Embassy will contact me regarding an interview, medical etc etc? From what i understand the emails are NOA2? Like i said I'm not sure so i don't want to mis-label things and get myself even more confused. Sorry if i sound stupid.


If so, what can or should i do to prepare for what's to come, is there a rough guide to how long there is left until this wait is over! haha. Should i tell my Fiancée to be expecting anything else?


Thanks for help guys, i have done a bit of a search, but i couldn't see much as to what the answers to my questions are. Just to re-iterate, I am the UK citizen, my fiancée is the US citizen

Hope to hear good news :)

craig_b1990MaleEngland2013-07-12 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa

Word on the street is that tomorrow, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom will hand down a ruling stemming from a challenge to this requirement.

So - things could change.

Or not.

Pertinent to anyone in Craig's situation, though.

Yeah, i do have my eye on that, heard about it earlier today. Will be interesting to see the outcome of it. Hopefully somewhat positive? Who knows.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-11 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa
Guys, guys, guys!!! I really appreciate all your feedback. I know everyone has their own opinions and experiences, tips and advice. That is what i asked for, and so far i have recieved more than i expected, which is amazing. There is no need to argue over it all though. I have taken on-board everything that everyone has said so far, i joined this forum to get the help i needed. So everything is of value to me. So..... don't argue over me? lol.... I'll listen to what anyone has to say.

As far as the rest of it goes, i realise i am extremely young to do this, have no credit rating and all that stuff.... which is a negative i suppose, but when it comes to me moving to the USA, i will lose it all anyway, so the way i see it at the moment is that i cant lose anything i didnt have. Right? I realise this will be one of, if not THE biggest challenge of my life, i will hit brick walls, but i will work how to pass them. I know im being all "blurry eyed" about it all, but i am learning the realisation of what to expect from everyones help so far. Advice whether its constructive critisism, or what, it is all of use to me. I realise everyone has different views and experiences here, so i want to know as much as i can, so i can gain the 'average' of what to expect. Facts and figures are what help me most; what costs to expect, total costs, unexpected costs etc, and rough timelines of how long i will have to wait once started really. The rest of what im told i will use to my advantage for preparing and knowing what to expect.

I realise i will have people who knock me back along my journey, and when i reach my goal, it will perhaps not be as rosy as i expect it to be. But its a learning curve, i will deal with what comes my way as i see necessary.

With regards to funding, i am saving all i can, hopefully within the next few months i/my immediate family is coming into a reasonable amount of money (personal reasons, which i do not wish to explain, but lets say, should i need to i can cover any and every cost possible). My girlfriend, and her mum also had a substantial payout last year, and i have talked to her mother, and my mother/immediate family, my situation and my intentions are out in the open, everyone knows, and i have their word that should i need anything in terms of finance, then i only need to ask. I know that sounds very naiive when put like that, but i trust their word, although i hope i will not need to put it to the test. I suppose i came on here to gauge a good view of everything, and to know what i need to consider along my journey. That is what i have recieved so far, and i am greatful for it. I will always listen to each piece of advice or opinion on here, but theres no need to argue between yourselves over it, because it wont change what im going to listen to. Sorry if i sound abrupt saying that, i just want to gain as much knowledge as i can here.

Again, thank you ALL for your responses so far, i am grateful, and will be grateful for everything so far, and anymore advice i get. It is all coming it useful, helping me plan out my journey and make it the quickest and easiest route possible (i know it will not ever be easy or quick though!).
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-08 17:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa

Your young ages shouldn't be a problem. It's really not something the Embassy considers at all. So long as everything is legal and you don't forget her name (lol) they don't try to deconstruct your relationship.

You sound like you know a lot about the process already, and are clever enough to work out what is needed as you go. So my main advice would be to not spend too much time on this website :B Other than finding out a few of the things you can do in advance (eg vaccinations) you will do fine just getting the forms from and following the instructions. You don't need to be over-thinking anything. What I'm really saying, is there is no need for you to go reading all the posts from people applying from other countries where the interviews are stricter. If you can remember that what they're saying doesn't apply to your situation then that's fine :-)

Did you consider the possibility of marrying her and then applying for a spousal visa (which would allow you to work immediately once you moved there)? Of course I can understand if you rejected that possibility, not everyone wants to spend their first months of married life in separate countries!

The only other thing I'll say is that you both will have to give some thought to health insurance before you move over there. Not only for you but for her. If she is currently covered under her parents' plan then I think once she marries she will lose that. So y'all will have to work out what you want to do about that, and how much you're prepared to pay for what.

Haha and I was just thinking, you guys don't really have a choice of where to live initially. The UK decided you both have to be 21 to get residency based on marriage :-(

Ha-ha, yeah i certainly have done my reading up on this :) and im fairly confident about what i know, i will stick to only reading relevant posts (k1 visa to the USA) otherwise its pointless information as you say. We did consider the spousal visa, but as far as i know it isnt much quicker? plus, the fact we wouldnt want to be apart straigh after marraige like you said. I will look deeply into the insurance for us both, i didnt know she would lose hers, so that is next on my agenda to figure out i suppose, and yeah, we dont have much choice with it being 21 for the UK, but my will to move to the US is bigger than hers to be in the UK for now, we have both agreed we will come back to the UK for my family etc as much as we can, and we have discussed other things such as moving back here in the long term future possibly. But nothing is set in stone with that, its just a plan to have the best of both worlds i suppose. Thanks for the help! Also great to know the age wont play a big part, we wont knock down our relationship obviously, but just wanted to check about our ages etc. Thanks agian!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-07 06:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa

It's such a shame that you have that picture of the UK! Like you said a lot of it is down to where you are living - but can I ask a question?

Is that where you have always lived? If it's all you've ever known, then yes life in the US is going to seem fabulous!

I'm not being negative, and feel free to ignore my post, but i just wanted to say a few things :)

How long were your stays in the US? I had 2 stays of 3 months each before i decided to make the move..... and i thought i knew what was awaiting me.... but I didn't!

When you are on holiday, life is different. When you LIVE here, thats when you really start to notice the difference! I honestly thought that i had researched..... but living here is soooooo much more expensive than i could ever have dreamt!

A lot of things are different from state to state, so there's no point in going into details - but if I knew then what i know now..... I think we would have made our life in the UK.

It made me smile when you said that everyone seems so polite and happy - that was exactly my first impression...... how I wish that was really what each day was like! I think it has a lot to do with the types of places you go to when you're a tourist compared to where you go once you're a resident :) People here can be just as rude as at home lol

As others have said it's an incredibly expensive process, and it takes a loooooooong time! We filed early Oct 2010, and my visa was approved June 2nd - I moved here 28th June!

Not sure if you've read up on the process yet - but if you do a K1, once you get here you can't work until you file for AOS, and either you get your greencard, or the EAD (EAD should come first in theory, but in my case it's looking like my greencard might arrive first!) So be prepared to support yourself for 6 months! It might not take that long - but it's already been 3 months for me! And that's only until you are ALLOWED to work...... then you have to actually find a job!

Like you've said - you're going to wait until she's 18, so you have plenty of time to save - but in my opinion - do some rough calculations of how much money you think you need...... then double it!!!!!! :) My husband works, and he pays all the bills (until i can work) but i don't feel comfortable letting him pay for MY things..... that's just the kind of girl I am! So I'm still eating away at my savings each week!

It entirely depends on how close you are to your family - but i'm very close to mine...... and a little something i had not factored in was the cost of buying & sending home birthday/christmas presents for everyone! I clearly came at the wrong time of year because i've had about 6 birthdays so far!!!! I'm becoming an expert at picking presents that don't weigh much! :)

But anyway, you are doing the right thing in asking questions early on, it's better to be prepared!

Just don't make the same mistake i did..... I thought that life here wasn't much different to life in the UK - BUT IT IS! It will probably be easier for you to adapt, as you're very young & haven't experienced a lot of responsibilities yet (not meant to sound patronising - i just mean things like buying a house etc) For me.... at the ancient age of 29.... I find myself saying "WHAT???? BUT THAT'S SO STUPID!" on a daily basis - everytime i discover something else that i think is easier in the UK :)

Ooooh one more thing - not asking about you're personal situation - but if you've built up a good credit rating - it doesn't transfer to the US. I'm only saying this as i'm guessing your girlfriends is non existant due to her age. If you do have one - remember you won't be able to get much in the way of credit cards/ car loan / mortgage - until you build up your score over here. Just another little thing I didn't think of before i moved!

So in summary..... save lots of money, and be prepared for the rose tinted glasses to fall off eventually.... not everyone will call you "sir" and have a big grin on their face...... but if i'm wrong and everyone is always happy..... i'm moving to your town :)

Good luck!

No, dont worry about it, i take it all on board, none of it i see as patronising, i asked for advice and help, and that is what i am getting, i want it as real as i can get, i need to know what to expect. It's late and i have work early in the morning, but i have read all you said, and tbh i agree with a lot of what you say, and if not, then i certainly see your points, i will take EVERYTHING on board to help me, i have no credit rating, i read up about it, and found it to be pointless if im going to move, besides i HATE credit cards anyway. Haha, the glasses will fall off, but i hope i will take it all with a pinch of salt and carry on taking every day as it comes, hoping the effect wont wear off too quick, although i realise it will hit reality with a bang. You are right about me and me being younger, i realise i have no responsibilites, i have no house, children, im selling my car because of the ridiculous cost of being a young driver. So im more or less "free" to be who i am, and i want to take the plunge and move to the USA to be with my girlfriend whilst i am still in this situation. If we decide we dont want to be there all our lives we have the choice of returning here, but the way i look at it now, i have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Thank you for all the advice, and words of wisdom, i do take it all on board, i dont take any offence what so ever to any of it, i realise i am young and inexperienced really, but that is why i am asking and have asked for help, and i am so grateful for what you have all given me :D
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-06 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa

Let me just say that you are in the right place for your journey. This board has been a fantastic help to me and many others. My fiancee is from the UK, we visited back and forth several times like you did. The printouts of the itineraries and passport stamps were fine for evidence. I did not include photos in my particular case and the I-129f went through right quick.

What you will love or hate depends on you. There are things I like about England and things that bother me. I am sure your list will be different than mine. Some of the things you may not even notice being different until you are gone.

If I were you I'd plan on a meeting after she turns 18. As of right now you are visiting a minor, and on a federal level I don't know if that counts as well as if she was over 18. They do require her to be over 18 to start the K-1 process, and technically she is ineligible for it before that. Maybe be here for then and submit the paperwork together while you are here? This may not be essential but is one more item for your case. I did not need photos to get K1 started but others have submitted entire albums and receive an RFE.

Stick around these forums, follow some timelines, and you see see what we have gone through and hopefully you can avoid some bumps that we hit. Good luck!

Okay, thank you, We planned on not starting until she's passed 18 anyway, just because i knew that its better to be safe than sorry, and make sure everything is above board and legit, even if it means waiting a little longer, I would rather do it the right way. I think the idea of travelling and doing the papers together is something I will take up, its been suggested a few times, and is very sensible, and yeah :) no offence, but I want to learn from everyone's mistakes so I don't make them :P :). I certainly will be sticking around here big time, I might even become somewhat an annoyance :S I'll try not to though :)

None of this is actually necessary for a K1 through London. Maybe you've been reading suggestions for Manila or another embassy. To get the petition approved you have to have met in person in the last 2 years and be free to marry. You don't have to have an engagement ring or send money or have dates on a photo or visit the UK numerous times. And at the interview in London you don't bring any proof of relationship or engagement or photos or chat logs or your facebook page. They won't even look at them if you do.

I will take that all on board, and try to remember it all, I think I will prepare pictures and logs etc, just for my piece of mind (I believe what you're saying) I'd just rather have something and not need it, than not have something at all, if that makes sense?

Keep good records, both of you have exactly the same documents, see the VJ guides and posts regarding K1 and Uk. Good Luck.

Already do, and will carry on doing so. Thanks! :)

what he says about any proof or relationship or engagement is true. i took all sorts of proof and such and all they asked for were originals and copies of my birth cert and police cert, my passport and the I-134 just of the fiance, because i was using co-sponsor and they said they didn't need that one

Thanks again! and that could be useful to know as I will be using a co-sponsor by the look of it too.

Also just noticed 'little_g' post, that is very helpful...was going to be by next question about costs... but you beat me to it. That is very useful to know of the rough costs. I'm already saving a good bit.... but I have fore fitted my love for 6 months straight...SOOOO hard to do, but its to save for what we need it for. I can't believe all the help I'm getting, thank you for such a great welcome! :D
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-06 19:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa

what Andie says is true for the last week since i got the notice for my interview for aos i cannot stop checking this website like 20 times+ a day, it is good for passing time. and helps qwell my nerves on no EaD. You're alot more prepared then i was when we started it, considering we were planning on her coming to the uk but changed my mind in july and we wanted to send in the paperwork in august, so yeah more organized but yes, i have no worries about your going through the process, you seem like you're good at planning and very organized, which is alot of paperwork to organize

Glad to hear of your notice of interview :) must be exciting, yet nerve-racking, and wow, that's very last minute, but I'm sure it will all work out for you :) Thank you for the compliments ha-ha, I think I'm a bit OCD when it comes to planning and preparing, but that is a great "skill" for this situation I suppose.

Gammon in essence is just of the hind leg of a pig, so it shouldn't be very hard to procure, (even if you have to go to a custom meats shop, it is just like a slice of the thigh of the hind leg)

Okay, thanks again :) i will let Melaina know, and look for it when I'm next there I'm sure. Would love some over Christmas.

Just wanted to wish you luck in the process :) seems like all your questions have been answered! lots of luck to you ! It's a long process but worth it in the end :)

Thank you! I do look forward to the challenge of it, but my goal to reach, as you all know, is something priceless, something that cannot be explained.

I don't think you are biting back. Not at all.

I'm not all that far from South Carolina. At least not "far" as we consider that in the US. It's a lovely state. I can't see though that the employment picture is stellar there. North Carolina has ranked ahead of South Carolina for ages, and it's in the dumper now. Do you know that the unemployment rate in the UK is lower than in the US?

Have you researched the type of job you would need in the US to offer affordable health care? It's hard to decipher from an employment ad just what your underlying costs for health coverage would be. People in Melaina's area should be able to tell you which employer pays the most towards employee coverage. If you are researching health care costs in the US, you might want to google average family cost for coverage.

If you are looking at advertisements for government jobs, check to see if you as an alien would be eligible for those jobs. Most US Federal jobs require US citizenship for employment. State, County and City jobs - not so much.

I'd suggest you and Malaina have a discussion about what happens to a family in the US when a job is lost. How long unemployment compensation can be claimed in the US. Whether or not a family gets any help with their rent or mortgage in the event of a job loss. Whether or not they can go to the doctor or hospital when they lose the health coverage associated with that job.

You say you've discussed children receiving a US education. Education in the US is very much determined by the district the child lives in. And costs for a degree at a university are far more than costs in the UK. My son's bachelors degree in Music Education cost over 60K.

Thank you again, and :) okay, thanks I just wanted to make sure I wasn't making a bad impression, I am REALLY excited I found this site, and eager.

South Carolina is beautiful, I agree. Honestly, I haven't researched jobs in the way of including health costs and such costs otherwise, however I am fully aware of costs that are different to here in the UK, that I have to take into consideration. I also do realise that it is better in the UK, but from personal experience, where I am, there is nothing what-so-ever in terms of a promising career unless I move around the UK, and how I see it is, why should I move around the UK, I'll just stick out what I have now until I can hit the USA.

I have spoken to her friends/family about jobs, career prospects and income etc. I will do more talking to people about that as you suggested though, I can never have too much information here. I am just looking at jobs in general that are advertised, some do crop up where I (as an alien or as a foreigner without sponsor) can apply, so I do, but mostly I don't see those, however I use that to my advantage so I can see what the jobs are like at the moment, and which are the big employers. I do understand what you're saying and will certainly keep it in mind.

Again, I will take your advice on that conversation too, without a doubt. I know the cost of US education is greater than that of the UK, but from what I know and have seen so far of schooling, I think it provides a better education all round, from what they learn to how they learn it, I just admire it. (I know its through rose tinted spectacles at the moment, and not all people turn out like the people I have met), I may look into my personal education in a good few years, certainly nothing so soon after settling out there as I need to be realistic once I am there about starting life and my goals from there on out.

One thing I really really really LOVE about America (at least my experience so far), is that everyone seems polite, people hold doors for you, you have "please" and "thank you", no matter what, everyone is friendly, I mean no one knew who I was, yet I had people saying "Hi" to me as they passed, and being called "sir" :o that was a big shock, parents being called "miss....*name*), I just think all the little things like that are amazing about America and inspire me to be there, as well as my girlfriend ha-ha!. Whereas in England, (where I am at least) there are no manners, my job is working in an off licence, next to a council estate, so you get 90% of the customers claiming benefits, yet they drink 16cans a day, smoke 40 cigarettes (and marijuana, a lot of the time) and I work hard to save all I can and probably come out with less £ per week than a majority of those. Very few even give you the decency of looking at you when you serve them. However, I am always polite and courteous, its how I am, and I just look around me and see people who seem to have no ambition, no manners, no dreams and only care for themselves. I really sound like I'm painting England badly, I dont mean to, but just where I am at the moment could be better, especially with what my goals are. I think America provides that prosperity that i strive for. I could go on, but i wont.

Thank you again for the resonses, sorry for the novel above ^.

Just a few more questions?

What timeline should i expect for the process? maybe what people have got so far. I have looked at the time line table and see it varies depending on the filing location, etc, anything from 180days to 300+days.

Also, with her being 18, and us being a young couple in general, do you think this could cause any hiccups at all?

Thank you!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-06 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa

well i see all your previous questions have been answered all ready, i would suggest looking at the uk part of the forum all the people in there have undergone the same thing, only other thing i would suggest is plan a vist between the two of you before you send in the paperwork so you can sign them all together and keep them relevant and what not, and just keep stockpile evidence of your relationship,

the link to the uk part is http://www.visajourn...united-kingdom/

you know the thing i miss about the uk is the ingredients for cooking, and salad cream salad cream is a definate. but i hate going to the store here to get stuff to cook with and now know what i am gonna get

Yes they have! Thank you all again, and thanks, I will check that link out in the morning I think, its getting late! I was thinking about a trip like you mentioned, we have sort of pencilled in for her to be here next summer again, but I'm sure I will go over the pond to her to go through the papers etc. At the moment our pictures, picture books, and any of the evidence is kinda split between us both, but with some planning we will be able to get everything in one place over a few journeys no doubt. Thanks for the heads up. Also, I'm going to have to disagree on Salad cream.... can't stand it ha-ha, but each to their own as they say, I'm sure I will miss things I wouldn't expect :) One thing I couldn't find in the USA is Gammon?? and we both LOVE it. But obviously only eat it in England.... there must be something there, just not sure of the name. Anyway...... thank you again, so much information is going in my head right now, I'll have to come back and re-read a few times just to make sure its all up there. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-05 19:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa

Craig - Many Brits are happy here in the US.

Some are not so happy.

I would suggest you and Melaina make some lists.

One with the positives of living in the US; one with the negatives. Then another list with the positives of living in the UK; and the negatives.

Take into account where you would like to raise children and why; where you will have the most exposure to employment and why; where you will be able to best afford health care; where you will find the most "cultural" interests; where you have the most family and social support; etc.

Thanks :) We have already had that conversation, and will no doubt have it again within the next 12 months just to make sure that the decision is the right one. I agree that we need to sit back and look at this sensibly from a neutral point of view.

We both agreed that children in the future we both would want raised and educated in the USA. Melaina plans on carrying on her studies there too, and I am wanting to pursue more education if possible once I am settled there too, but more furthering myself in my profession rather than just further education. I cant remember what the specifics were when we talked about it last, however the US came out on top with regards to pros and cons to either the UK or US. I think over Christmas I am going to bring it up again with her whilst we have time, and write it down on paper as you suggested, before we have talked about it, and not necessarily looked at it in-front of us. I know i will be giving up my family, to put it that way. However its only a plane ride away, or a Skype call away as I see it. I look to this situation with positivity, things will be hard in life, but I have the mentality to take it as it comes and deal with it how it should be dealt with.

Personally, I live in the north of the UK, which is being hit hard with jobs at the moment, any jobs, never mind jobs with futures. I am really grateful I have a job, however it is minimum wage and I am working my "#######" off to save as much as I can for my future, after all you get out what you put into something (my personal perspective). The job situation in America doesn't seem much better at a glance, but I have researched the local government in South Carolina, found employment/unemployment/new employment rates. I also actively job search the area too, so that I have a good idea of what type of jobs are the most popular, but also to get a general idea of the employment status. It is a relatively good status for work considering the current climate, it is certainly better than the situation i am in at the moment. That is only one thing I have looked at. I don't want to seem like I'm biting back, or proving myself to anyone, but I have been told by many people I have a "wise head" for my age. I don't just jump into decisions, especially ones as vast as this one. I do my research, my planning and back up plans and make sure everything is sufficient before I do anything else (hence asking for help on here, information like what you are giving me is priceless). So I am sorry if I come across as big headed, obnoxious or anything like that. I am not, I am TRULY grateful for everyone's help here :) Its great to have such a helpful forum!

Thank you for the help, and the guidance, I will follow it up, and take it all on board from as neutral a view as I can.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-05 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa
Wow! Thanks guys! :D Didn't expect such quick responses, ha-ha! Yes Halifax is close by :D. I also do have ALL our tickets ever, I have a folder for it, I planned ahead hoping that would be common sense, everything from train tickets to and from the Airport to the Hotels, everything and anything :D Thanks again guys!

One more thing I forgot to add, I doubt it will make any difference to my case apart from showing our relationships strength and reality. We also went to Paris this summer, like I said if nothing else it shows we are real, and gave us a chance for yet more "evidence" with pictures, boarding passes etc. :D

*Dan & Jenny - I see it wasn't long since you started the process, I wish you the best of luck with it :D and i will undoubtedly keep up with you're process, and maybe ask you a few more questions along the line if you don't mind.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-05 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa
Hey there! I've have a quick browse of this forum, and it seems really friendly, helpful and has a very positive feel about it. I obviously joined for a I will start with my story, then I'll ask what I want to ask, and hopefully find help :)
I have already had a good research across the internet about the process, and I am fairly confident with what I already know, I just would like some more "personal" takes on the situation rather than the facts you get from the government websites.

Basically, I plan on taking the K-1 visa route to be with my girlfriend next year (roughly around September we will look at starting the process). We have been together for approaching 2 years now. I am from Leeds, UK, she (Melaina) is from Hanahan, South Carolina. I will try and keep this short and sweet.

It took me 6 months to go visit her from originally meeting, I spent the summer of 2010 with her and her family and had an amazing time, fell in love with the state, the country and the girl all over again :). From that I then came back to the UK and knuckled down with my job, to save as quick and as hard as possible. I returned to her for her birthday in Sept 2010. After that Melaina spent last Christmas here in the UK with me and my family, we spent a weekend in London also sight seeing etc. I then took a trip back to the USA in March 2011, again she returned here (UK) through June and July 2011 with me and my family. At the moment we looked at being sensible and saving all the money we can so I haven't seen her since, however, I am going back again for this Christmas (2011). That is our meetings out of the way. As for records I should need to prove the relationship is legit, we have numerous photo-books, and photos, we have family members that have met each of us respectively (I don't know if that will help the case at all, but anyway), we also spend most nights talking on Skype, so we have call/text records from that to use when the time comes to give "evidence".

That is basically our relationship in a nutshell so far. Any more questions about that, just ask me because I'm sure I will have missed something out!.

Now to our situation, we are waiting until next September so that she is 18 when the process begins, I am a couple of years older. Now I know how it looks to outsiders, and I am expecting sceptics, but my family, her family and friends alike, all know that we are genuine and its for real. It may seem like "puppy love" and that we are still young, but both families know our plans, and no one has mentioned anything to suggest that we are not anything but "for real". Its a huge, life changing, gutsy decision for me to take. I chose that I want to move and live in the USA for many reasons.

Next onto what I would like to know (sorry if I seem a bit blunt and to the point here, my hands are aching from all this typing).

-If at all possible I would like to know and hear of personal experiences in particular that of moving from England to the USA.

-My main worry is the affidavit, because she is in schooling/ starting college she doesn't have a job, so i am unclear as to if she could co-sponsor me alongside her mother. Her mother is happy to do so, she has VERY substantial savings and investments, and would meet the limits of the affidavit should needs be. So just how big a deal is the Affidavit, because i have savings too, so would it be a "deal breaker" if Melaina didnt meet the affidavit, and should her mother co-sponsor me, how would that effect my application if at all?

-What tips/tricks is there that could be helpful to me, that i may not find otherwise?

-Is there anything i can do before starting the process all off, that may help speed the process up or help it along (maybe something along the lines of having the jabs i need before starting the visa, so that when i have my medical for the Embassy appt, i wont need to have any jabs there, for example)

I can't wait to build my knowledge up and get to know you guys :) Thank you for any help or responses, in advance. :D

Edited by Craig_b1990, 05 October 2011 - 05:47 PM.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-05 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Query
Alright, Thats good to know, again it takes another worry off my shoulders. No its just her and her mother at the moment too. Whatever changes happen in the future i will deal with when they arise, and no doubt ask for advice on here too. Thanks Rebecca Jo, and thank you SOOOOOO much to everyone else who has had thier input for me. You have all helped me so much. I think i will be a quiet member of this forum until it comes to my time to stand up haha. I do my best to keep up with the topics and all the new information that comes through from everyone in different situations. I dont think i will be a big poster, but a silent member so to speak. :D Your help has really been useful. Thank you again!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-17 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Query
Her and her mother live in the household at the moment, the near future may include her mums fiancee moving in, but thats not set in stone yet. I am happy with the situation of her sponsoring me and the money it involves, and thank you for answering that.

My question is (when i come to starting the visa/ sending the affidavit of support) her mothers previous 3 years income, will include time where she was unemployed, and time in a job which wouldnt meet the needs of the support. At the moment she earns about $31000, which seems to be sufficient. However i am worried that the past 3 years having unemployment included might hinder my visa process, or do they just take into account what she is earning at that moment in time, to show she could support me.

Also thank you for clearing up the part about making up the difference with assest etc, always handy to know.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-17 21:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Query
Going to bump this, sorry, any help on whether my girfriends mum having no job/lower income within the last 3 years would effect me, even though she meets the amount to sponsor me now, will previous effect me negatively?

Thanks so much!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-17 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Query
Yet again, sorry to drag this out more, but i dont want to create another thread for it, i might aswell keep it as tidy as i can :) anyway, i now understand the Affidavit as far as i can see. I have one question about it though. My co-sponsor will have to provide 3 years tax returns, what if there was periods in those 3 years where she didnt have a job/ didnt reach the 125% line to sponsor me?

My girlfriends mum has had her job for around a year now, so it will be 2 years (if she stays with this job) when i start the visa next year, but at the start of last year she had no job, she was made redundant i think. Will the fact that the gap of having no job, affect how they judge her reliability to co sponsor me? Or is it all good as long as she earns what is needed at the present time?

Thank you so much for everything so far, you guys really dont know how happy some of your answers have made me, and how much you have all cleared up my worries with advice you gave me.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-14 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Query
Oh! Wow!!! :) thats great news then :D thank you so much for helping me understand this :D Made me so happy ha-ha, big worry lifted of my shoulders with that :D i thought it would be 3 times the poverty line, my misreading/misunderstanding there..... good job i ask for help then :) shows that it helps to ask if you're not sure :D

Thank you once again :)
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-13 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Query
Hi again :) Thanks for the help so far, i spoke to Melaina (gf) and her mum earns roughly $31,000 a year. Will that be enough to co sponsor me, i don't think it will, but I'm still not fully clear on this, and haven't had chance to read up on everything yet. In my head how I see it, her mother will need to earn 3times the 125% limit right? Because there will be 3 of us living together/ she will be "responsible" for 3 of us if it came down to it. Or would her income cover the co-sponsor needs?

Sorry for seeming dumb on this, i think i am frying my mind at the moment with all this, and im very busy learning other stuff at work too, i can feel my brain telling me to slow down lol. Anyway, any help on clearing that up will be appreciated :)
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-13 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Query
Right, thanks for the replies, helped a little :) Thanks, i'll leave the 27pages of reading for a day when i have more time though :P but i will do it! i have the will power. As for the savings that she needs to meet...... Now this will sound naiive probably, but would it be worth putting my savings into her mothers account maybe, just to boost the balance?

I'm sure reading all that info will tell me about the self sponsor etc, thanks again, and anymore help or detail is still appreciated :)

Annnnyyyywayyyy.... thanks again :)
craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-12 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Query
Hi all,

Those that read my topic before will know my situation, if not, then its similar to everyone elses situation here :D. Anyway, i've not yet started my process, and wont be for about 9-12 months at the moment, but i want to be clear on everything possible before i get started. One thing i have always been unclear about throughout all my research into the Visa is the Affidavit of Support. I know that the sponsor has to have an income of 125% of the poverty line for 2 people right, and if its co sponsored then 125% of the income of 3 people? and so on.

My situation is that I plan on having my girlfriends mum co-sponsor me, and live with her/my girlfriend when I first move to the USA. Her mother knows the situation and is prepared to do so. As far as I know my girlfriends mum will not be at the 125% line for 3 people (I do need to confirm this, but I'm pretty sure she isn't). Anyway, my question is that of 2 parts?

1. If she(co-sponsor) fails to meet the 125% for 3 of us, what happens next? am I knocked back regardless? Is there any way around this, if its not met?, this leads onto my next question....

2. I will have substantial savings when I make the final move (around £20k), and my girlfriends mother also has a large sum of money in savings due to personal reasons...... anyway, I haven't read about any situation like this. So I was wondering if they will take into account my savings and/or her mothers savings and other assets, because this will surpass the 125% mark, or is it purely based on income. I know the Affidavit of Support is to ensure I don't become a liability, and on welfare benefits etc. which is a fair thing, but surely they would consider my own personal savings, and my sponsor (& co-sponsors) financial savings too?

Sorry if that doesn't make sense :/ or isn't that clear, I'm finding it hard to describe what I'm getting at. But I hope you can give me some advice on the situation, if any at all. I don't want to go through all the process and be rejected on that basis, if I know before i start that the Affidavit of Support will not be met.

Thanks a lot! :)

Edited by craig_b1990, 12 October 2011 - 08:31 PM.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-12 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA courthouse marriage followed by 'wedding' 8 months later?
This is the same plan that my girlfriend and i have, i cannot and havent seen any problems with it. Only difference is we wont be sending our first forms off for another 6months yet. Good luck!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-01-15 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to Download Your Call Logs on Skype
Sorry for the extremely late reply, i just looked into this again. I got a new computer in August, and i followed the instructions above, however it still only goes back to august with conversation history. I would have thought there would be some way of retrieving ALL our call/IM logs by using my username or something like that? I noticed before i changed computers, that the same happened, but only when i had the new skype, i could still only get the previous 3 months, where as before my update i could go back to our first messages.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-01-19 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to Download Your Call Logs on Skype
That is quite useful to know. However my girlfriend and i only use the free part of it to call, we call each other on the laptop rather than one and others phone..... i know before that the skype conversation history was kept since "the beginning" as it said on skype (since we added each other as a contact basically). However with the last update it only keeps the past 30 days of conversation. Any ideas of how to get the full history back? Maybe contact skype personally, because it will suck big time to know that i cannot get the proof of the last 2 years contact between us because of an update by skype. I do have pictures, reciepts, plane stubbs and other tickets etc. But i want the conversation history we have too.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2011-10-20 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSKYPE
I just downloaded this and did it for my girlfriend and I. In the previous 5 months (on my new laptop only) i have 105 chats, and over 75000!!!!! messages, and that is in 5 months only, I will get my old laptop up and working and use the programme on there when i get a chance soon, as we used that for 18months, i cant imagine all of our total messages together! Obviously i will not be prining all of these :P haha, i would kill and entire rainforest. We have print screens, and i will take a few "snippets" of conversation as evidence, as well as other stuff such as texts, international calling bills, facebook messages etc etc.

Thank you for sharing this programme. Its amazing to realise just how much we do for love haha!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-01-29 19:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat forms should i get?
Great! Thanks for that tip! :)
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-03-10 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat forms should i get?

No file with sleeves! They will have to spend a long time taking it apart in the mailroom before throwing it away.

Back to your first question. Look up in the menu bar..the lighter blue one on the second row. Find "Example Forms" with mouse. Click. Tada!! Great stuff.

Okay, thanks for the advice. So a lever arch binder? or just a simple wallet style one? sorry for seeming "dumb" with this, i just want to start it in the best possible way that i can do.

Hi, just checking, are you the US Citizen or is your fiancee. From your profile I am guessing you are the beneficiary. If this is the case, then she will need to complete the i129f and you will need to provide her with your information, a g325a, complete and sign a letter of intent, etc.

Yes, She is the citizen and i am the benificiary. I do know that she needs to complete the i129f and all of what you said, not me. However my intention is for us to sit together, do a few practise runs of what to fill out, how to fill it out etc together, so when she does come to actually doing the final application then she wont be as stressed or flustered by all of the paperwork. I suppose i just want to get one step ahead of the game, and make it as easy as possible for her to start the process off, as she will also have a lot of other priorities at the same time we will be starting the application. Basically i want to make sure we both understand what we need to be doing in the future, and not just one of us. We are in this together, and i will learn just as much about what she needs to be doing for the paperwork as she will be learning. Its better to have more knowledge than we need, rather than to have too little, right?!

Thank you for letting me know anyway, just incase i wasnt that clear about it.

Follow the Guides and the Example Forms. Meaning...print out the sample forms and the Guides to go over what a petition package will look like.
IN particular, bring over a copy of the G325A and a Letter of Intent since her/his original signatures are required for the initial submittal.

I will jump on this, i have a lot to get ready this next week, but i'll make sure i have everything ready that has been suggested to me, ready, in a folder for
my girlfriend and i to study whilst im there.

Even though we arent starting the process yet, all this preparation is getting me excited about the realisation that its all starting haha!!! Its a great feeling, and i cant imagine what its going to feel like when we actually do post the package of for the first time :o :D.

Thanks again guys, its all been noted down, and ill hop onto getting it all in order. This is very much appreciated, i cant believe how helpful everyone is on here! :)
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-03-09 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat forms should i get?
Thank you!!! That is the exact sort of information i was looking for. Planning ahead, what i will need in order to save time and effort in the future! Thank you so much everyone. Anymore tips are more than welcome too :)

Thanks again
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-03-08 23:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat forms should i get?
Thank you very much, i must have missed that checklist part, i have looked on the guides..... i swear :P haha. Thanks again, i'll do that, print it all out, and hopefully get some practise/reading up done. It will put the time on my flight to use at least.

Just another quick question if i can, to prevent making another thread. To anyone that has applied from the UK, whats the rough size to the file i will need. I have a 60 sleeve file at the moment, just so i can see everything clearly and easily. Is there any recommended places to buy good files from, the best size file to buy or any other little tips i could possibly use?

Sorry for being a bit cheeky, i just want to have everything perfect the first time around. Thank you!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-03-08 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat forms should i get?
Hey guys! I am preparing to go visit my girlfriend in just over a week. It looks like it will be the last visit before we get our application started, so heres where i need a little help. I know i can get "example forms" from this site. I am just confused as to which to look at. I want to prepare a sort of "mock folder" for her/us, so that we can print out the forms that we will actually need in the future, make sure we understand everything and know how to fill all the forms out correctly and minimize the risk of any mistakes on our final forms on our actual application if that makes sense?

But for now i want to be able to study them with her. Which of the forms exactly should i take with me for her?
Also, as she will be starting the process off, whats the order of the forms that we need to complete.

I have read the guides and glanced at the forms myself, but my mind is all over the place as to what we need and when we need it etc. So any help is appreciated. Explain it in "for dummies" style to me if you have to haha!!

Thanks for any help guys! Much appreciated
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-03-08 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLondon K1 Self Sponsor
Okay then, well thank you again, it is really helpful finding all this out. I thought that would be the case, to prove i wont become a liabilty etc etc. I will bare all of this in mind, the co sponsor way (i was originally doing anyway), looks the most likely still, and then i will use my own savings to look after myself between entering the USA on the K1 and finding myself a job. Either way i choose i plan on taking enough money to back me up for a good while incase i dont find a job so quick. Anyway, thank you again! :) You have been super helpful.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-01-27 19:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLondon K1 Self Sponsor
Thanks for that info. I will have around $30000 hopefully by the time we come to doing the visa, and a possible $20000 from her (although i wasnt planning on including her money), i guess that the self sponsor probably isnt as achievable as i thought at first glance. However i will keep on researching and reading into it. I understand about the greencard etc, i just was unsure about the figures (roughly) needed, and a few other things. But again thank you for your help, and i will keep an eye on self sponsoring, but i think its most sensible to be more optimistic about a co-sponsor instead.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-01-26 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLondon K1 Self Sponsor
Hey all, i have posted before getting information and understanding about the K1 visa previously, and got great responses and really appreciated everyones help and shared knowledge. This year is going to be the year for me and my girlfriend, we plan on taking the co-sponsor route as she will be in college, and so her mum will probably co-sponsor. However, i have recently come into a substantial amount of savings, and she will be recieving a bank account from her mum too, again with a sunstantial amount in it. Her money is irrelevant with regards to my question though.

I was just wanting to know as much as i can about London self sponsorship:

Is it still available to do?
What are the facts and figures i would need to meet to self sponsor?
Is self sponsoring any less complicated, quicker etc? (with relevance obviously as any K1 visa will never be easy haha!)
and generally is there anything i should know about this way of going about the process?

Thank you for any help! I am just really interested in learning about every way i could possibly be with my girlfriend, and i want to explore all the routes i need to consider, and obvioulsy if i could do without a co sponsor then its less people that are taking responsibilty for me, so to speak, and less people included generally will mean less people to keep pleased etc etc. SO obviously a self sponsor would let me take all of the responsibility if i had to, which i would prefer to be honest. I am fairly confident with my knowledge on the Co-sponsor way, and have only just thought about the self sponsor way. Thanks once again, and i cant wait to hear your replies :)

Edited by craig_b1990, 26 January 2012 - 06:29 PM.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-01-26 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo sponsoring help!

Did you read the info from the embassy I gave you about 15 posts back?? They tell you it is okay to marry in the US. Why feel guilty. It is allowed.

We only wish to travel to the United States to marry. We will return to the United Kingdom after marriage. Do we still need a fiancé(e) visa?

A person traveling to the United States to marry a U.S. citizen with the intention of returning to his/her place of permanent residence abroad may apply for a visitor (B-2) visa, or if eligible, travel visa free under the Visa Waiver Program. Evidence of a residence abroad to which the B-2 visa holder or visa free traveler intends returning should be carried for presentation to an immigration inspector at the port of entry.

Yes, i read the link, i agree it is okay to marry, i dont know its just how i am, my conscience lays heavy on me, and would do if i entered knowing i had those plans, but had to tell the officer at the POE that i dont have those intentions. As of right now, im going to say i am enetering just to visit my GF, like i always do, and answer the usual questions, the getting married whilst there route is by no means dead yet, but i will wait until im with her in person to discuss it in depth, we may still end up doing that, but now, before i travel that is not my plan. Thanks anyway.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-08-21 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo sponsoring help!

There is nothing wrong with maybe getting married and then applying for CR-1. NOTHING. What's fishy is the situation of entering on VWP with the intent to maybe adjust status. So personally I didn't and wouldn't do it. But marrying and applying for spousal visa, 100% ok.
Lol this is the one bad thing about being a good responsible person who researches everything online. Sometimes it is better not to know so much.

Anyhow, look forward to helping you in the future once you've applied for one petition or the other :-) Have a safe trip!

I know exactly what you mean, maybe it would have been better to have been ignorant to the fact i could take that option, and found out when i was there. Its a bad thing having such a conscience. I think, unless my other half feels strongly about the CR-1, that we will stick to the K-1, it just feels more natural, and the right way for us to go. But we will make the final decision in a few weeks. I do understand that tehre is nothing wrong with it technically, but like we said, its just being more responsible and having a conscience about it.

I may have to take you up on your offer of help in the future haha! make you wish you never offered it :P Nah, im joking, i will take your help when i need to get in touch with you, its really appreciated to have the offer there!

Thanks so much
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-08-20 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo sponsoring help!

From my own experience going through the K1 visa process and now currently the AOS process, I do wish I came over to the USA, got married, file the CR1 and then returned home. Even though I knew it would the AOS process added the extra step before we could start our life together. My circumstances are different though as my wife is unemployed and we live with her parents (along with her 2 children from a previous marriage). And currently we rely on her parents and a meagre child support payment from her ex to survive.

I believe I was one of the lucky ones who got through the whole K1 visa process in 6 months (from submission of forms to visa issuance) and now I have an agonising wait just for my EAD to be issued so I can look for work. But not only my EAD I can not get a drivers licence until my EAD is issued. So I think there are far more benefits in the CR1 route rather then the K1.

Before we started our visa journey, we even considered me just coming here, marrying and applying for AOS, but to us it did not seem like the right thing to do. To us it seemed like we were queue jumping, even though it has been successfully done by many before us.

I do not see it as a problem to come here and marry and apply for CR1 and leave (or stay and AOS for that matter). But, as with us not wishing to marrying and apply for AOS on a tourist visa you must make the choice that sits right with you both. I wish you all the best on this journey as it is a long and drawn out process, often with months of little or no action taken (or so it seems) and it can be VERY frustrating as can be identified by many of the posts in the K1 forums of people wanting to know why or what is going on.

Again good luck.

Okay, thanks for the reply, i'll take into account your experience when we make our final decision too, and thanks for the good luck wish. I suppose its all down to what we both feel is the right option, regardless of what paths other people before us have taken.

Sure intent alone is not grounds for a denial of AOS, but it's visa fraud if you were to plan a trip here beforehand to get married and AOS. I don't see anything mimolicious wrote that is incorrect. I wouldn't want anyone reading this to get the false impression that it is OK to just plan a trip here to get married and AOS. While it may work for many people, it is still considered visa fraud and against the TOS.

I understand what you are both saying, this is sort of what is scaring me a little, because i do see it as sort of fraud, because right now, i am aware that i can take that option of getting married when i visit next week, so to me i have already had the pre-thought before i have travelled, even though no decision has been made and it hasnt been planned, if that makes sense. I suppose its my concience.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-08-19 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo sponsoring help!

Just to make it clear, you can marry your girlfriend while here, but you cannot travel here with the intention to marry her and adjust status.

Yes, i realise that, and obviously if i take that route now, i feel like i am travelling with that intention, seeing as it has been talked about and thought about. I know i can always say i dont have that intention, and thats the bit im worried about if i take that choice of the CR-1, because in my head i know i thought of it before, and im scared of being figured out, purely on the fact that it can result in a 3 year ban as far as i am aware. Sensibility inside me says id rather it take a year doing the K1, than risk a 3 year ban.

1. interview day
2. sure, if'n you have 5 times in asset value the poverty guidelines amount, posted in I-864-P document .

Great! thanks.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-08-19 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo sponsoring help!

I would not take anything with you that looks like you intend to immigrate to the USA. You can scan and email your birth certificate or mail it. If you complete any forms, do it in PDF and save them electronically, not on paper.

Okay, thank you for the warning. I always make sure i have my itinerary printed off, and that is proof at least (and i know only minimal) that i have the intention of that return flight.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-08-18 18:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo sponsoring help!

You probably don't want to make that kind of decision until you're face-to-face with your girlfriend anyway, so just take your birth certificate with you just in case. If you decide to go for the K-1 it will be easiest to fill out the I-129F whilst you're together also.

I have read, and will re read all of the replies again soon. i do appreciate the help from everyone, i just need to know everything about everything to make the best decision. At the moment the only real advantage to taking the CR-1 is that it is cheaper and will allow me to work as soon as i arrive in the USA for good. My gut feeling at the moment is to stick with going the K1 route, admitted it is more expensive, but the time scale is the same, and on the front of it (No matter how likely or unlikely it is) there is less risk involved.

Like i said i will weigh it all up again tomorrow, when i have a clearer head. I already have started filling in the I-128f, before i go to see my girlfriend, and i will print off/take anything i need to with me when i leave, and post it off together (should we stick to that route). I will however discuss the CR-1 option with her aswell, see what she thinks of it. Its better to have the K1 stuff ready and prepared if we dont change our mind, then i dont have all the messing about sorting what we need out, last minute whilst visiting her, and taking up valuable time.

Again, thanks so much for the replies, each and everyone of the members on here i have met/spoken to so far, and youre all very helpful and friendly. Its a really good forum to be a member of.

On a side note, if anyone has recently self sponsored or co sponsored, or even just recently completed the K1 from the UK, Would you be able to message me or something, if youre willing to help, so that i know who i can talk to with any questions on the topics, rather than creating new threads.

Thank you so much! Take care, and good luck to anyone who are in their own personal visa processes!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-08-18 16:05:00