Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling Consulate in Rio
even when calling with a calling card, you need to dial 011-55-21-3823-2021
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-23 13:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMile High Club
AHHHHH S*&!! Ok, we'll if you're not shy in revealing your true answer with your identity, go ahead and tell us your vote!!! And the next time I post a poll, I'll pull my head out of my a$$ first. :jest:
Here's my vote:

andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-23 17:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMile High Club
The other poll wasn't posted correctly because I'm a dummy. :blush:

:thumbs: Haha. Clearly I have something on my mind :P .....10 months of not seeing your sweetheart can do that.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-23 17:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFor Brazilian Immigrants
You know my husband has been dying to move the US. He can't wait. He's lived away from his family, (in another part of the country) for 2 years, where he didn't have contact with his family, but maybe once or twice a year. I think more than anything, he's just so excited to be here, or anywhere for that matter, with me....(and not to forget to mention again, the US) and he has several friends here in the US, that he met in Brazil, eventhough he's never been here to the US. So he's excited to see them all again. And maybe in 10 years (maybe less, who knows) or when the time is right, I can't wait to live in Brazil. So, we'll move back at some time, for some time....But where ever we are in the world, whether it Brazil or the US, BOTH cultures will always in our home. We'll celebrate every US and Brazil holiday! (And there are A LOT of holiday's in brazil.) I want my kids to know the country their daddy is from, and their dual citizenship. I want them to pride themselves that are first brazilian immigrant generation US citizens. And Portuguese will be the main language at home, and english outside the home. Although I wasn't born a brazilian, I feel just as much Brazilian as my husband really is. And I want to make sure that I pass that on to our children.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-28 17:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFor Brazilian Immigrants
I just wanted to clarify myself that I do NOT think of America as a "better" place; my use for this is merely only the impression that some may think that WE think it is... Sometimes I feel as if my mother in law might think it is....and I by no way want to demean her country, or situation.....
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-23 13:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFor Brazilian Immigrants
I've (the USC) been so caught up with the excitement of bringing my husband home, and how happy we are to finally be together, that I really haven't thought about how my husband's family feels about him "deserting" them for a "better" place...far from home. But honestly, I haven't really thought about or been concerned about his family.... I'm not sure if this is selfish or not...or if I should feel so bad, beacuse this is everything we've been waiting for. This is OUR choice. OUR life. He can't always be mama's little boy. He's mine now. So my question to the Brazilians who came did you feel leaving your family, friends, basically, everything, your whole life, to be here in America, with your husband or wife? Was it easy? Did you feel concerned for your family? How did your family feel about you leaving? :mellow:
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-23 01:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice reports from Rio de Janeiro

I wouldn't lie to them about anything. I think police records should match what you put on the DS 230
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 20:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaSocorro!
Hi Everyone, my husband needs a proxy for him, in Belem, to go to the Secretaria de Seguance Publica to get his State Police record. We need this done on this coming monday or tuesday. We can pay you a little money, and provide money to have the document mailed. Send me a message. Information he needs is the persons name, and RG number so he can get a Proclamacao from the cartorio authorizing the person to act in my husband's behalf. Thanks. Andrea
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-02-02 17:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPergunta sobre o certificado de policia...
I just got this email back from the Rio Consulate!!!

Dear Sir or Madam:

The state police certificates are required for every state that the person lived for at least 6 months for the last 5 years.


IV Unit
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-02-05 12:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPergunta sobre o certificado de policia...
I just called the consulate TODAY in Rio, and they said it IS ALL THE WAY BACK UNTIL THE AGE 16!!! They had no explanation why it said 5 years. So, even if the consulate worker that I spoke to today is wrong, I would get them all just in case....because clearly no one knows exactly what they mean. But I will be sure to ask the consular who gives us our interview what the REAL truth about it is...and I'll get back to you. Andrea
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-02-02 01:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
I'm SO anxious right now! :jest: I'm leaving tomorrow for Brazil, and I can't believe I'll see my husband again on Wednesday!!! I'm literally just watching the hours tick by---- :clock: they go by SOOO SLOW. This is more nerve wrecking than when I flew to Brazil for my wedding!! Our interview is Friday, so I'll try to post our interview experience soon after, otherwise check back late Feb once I' scratch that, once WE'RE HOME!!! WHOO-HOO! :dance: :dancing: I can't believe this is really, finally happening.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-02-05 15:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
I just got this email from the Rio Consulate!!!

Dear Sir or Madam:

The state police certificates are required for every state that the person lived for at least 6 months for the last 5 years.


IV Unit
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-02-05 12:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
I just called the consulate TODAY in Rio, and they said it IS ALL THE WAY BACK UNTIL THE AGE 16!!! They had no explanation why it said 5 years. So, even if the consulate worker that I spoke to today is wrong, I would get them all just in case....because clearly no one knows exactly what they mean. But I will be sure to ask the consular who gives us our interview what the REAL truth about it is...and I'll get back to you. Andrea

On a side note: Today was the worst day of my life. :crying: I have not had this much stress and worry ever! :cry: My husband said that if he didn't die of a heart attack today from all of this, then he knows he will live to be 100 with a strong heart. :dead: In the midst of my yelling and crying, :ranting: and I could was laugh! :o He's doing all he can to get the police records requested BEFORE he flys to Rio on, then all we can do is wait in Rio for them to arrive.... :clock: on the optimistic side of all of this; What's wrong with a few extra days to a week in Rio, lying on beach, B) or in our hotel room making up for all the lost sex :dance: :devil: that we haven't had over the last 10 months we've been away from each other?! At least we figured this out before, even only just a few days before the interview..... I guess, at the end of the day, I realize, that it could be worse. <_<
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-02-02 01:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
Ok, I called the consulate, and she said it is back to the age 16. Roberto is getting a proxy for him for Parana, but we still need SP and Goias. He can NOT order is state police record for SP online, because his RG was not issued from there. Does anyone know now how he can get it? Does he need a proxy also for SP and Goias?

And do you think it is better to have the record directly mailed to the consulate, or to our hotel, or to his home in Recife (whichever is faster)??
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-02-01 11:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
No, i won't reschedule the interview. I'll take a 221(g) first. Hopefully, it won't take long to obtain Parana.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 19:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
Yes, I emailed the consulate, and I'll call tomorrow to verify. But we still have the issue of obtaining Parana.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 19:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
Ok, I re-read the instructions. It says"

IF the applicant lived in a different part of their country of nationality for MORE than 6 months, AND was 16 years or older at that time, THEN the applicant needs a police certificate from the police authorities of that locality."

This is referring to State Police Records: Secretaria de Seguranca Publica

If you continue to read further, it has a whole little paragraph about Secretaria de Seguranca Publica. It says:

It is required that the applicant obtain a certificate from the "Policia Tecnico Cientifica," "Instituto de Identificacao" from each state in Brazil where the applicant has resided for 6 (six) months or longer for the LAST 5 (FIVE) YEARS. If you have resided in more than one state in Brazil, during this period, you will need one for each state.

Ok, so the way I'm understanding it is: If you are 5 years older than 16 (which would be 21) then yes, you would go back to the age 16, (which is going back 5 years) and obtain state police records for every state you lived in for more than 6 months. BUT If you're 28 years old; 5 years back would only take you to the age of 23 years of age (NOT 16 years of age)

Does this make the same sense to anyone??

Here's the website to double check the info: http://www.embaixada..... 11-7-06).pdf

Read pages 4-6. The thing about the 16 years of age, does not refer to how far back you should go when obtaining state police records. It's only the starting age. Ok, I think we've all be very confused on this.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 19:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
Once he's in Rio, he's stuck. I can't afford to fly him back to Recife and then to the US
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 18:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
We're F*****! I don't know what to do!! :cry: He needs a state police certificate from Parana, Goias and SP. He can't go there to get it! And once in Rio, he can't fly back to Recife (home) either! Nor can I afford to pay for us or even him to "live" in a hotel in Rio while waiting for this sh** to complete. If it's only 5 years, it might be easier to obtain Parana by the time of the interview, but to get 3 more in 9 days..... :unsure: :crying: :crying: :crying:
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 18:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
What is a 221(g)? Will they not issue his visa until they recieve all police certificates? We can't "wait" in Rio very long. Really, what this is coming to is....Does he go back only 5 years, or until the age 16 or 18?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 18:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
How do i find the info to call the Parana state police? And where/what source was the link from that says only 5 years back? ARe you absolutely sure that it is only 5 years back, and not until age 16?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 18:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!

Edit: he needs a police certificate from each state he has lived for over 6 months for the past 5 years.

Posted Image

Well this does make things a little easier. He's lived in Pernambuco for the last 3 1/2 years (which he has already obtained his police certificate for) and then previous to that, but no more than 5 years ago, he lived in Curitiba, Para. So does he only need a state certificate for Para, and that's it? That takes him back 5 years. And if so, how does he obtain Para certificate without going there?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 14:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
I read that link you says the same thing I just posted..... If the applicant is living in their country of nationality at their CURRENT RESIDIENCE for MORE THAN 6 months...then the applicant needs a police certificate from the police authorities of that locality. Again, Roberto has lived at his current residence for more than 3 years.

Even though he has lived in 4 or 5 other states for MORE THAN 6 months; the next part says:

lived in a different part of their country of nationality for more than 6 months....blah blah.

So this is my question. Does this really mean, (at least the way I understand it) "If the applicant is living in their country of nationality and HAS NOT been living at their CURRENT residence for more than 6 months, THEN...." he should get police certificates for every state that he has resided in for MORE THAN 6 months since the age of 16.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 14:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
This is what it says on the directions:

IF the applicant AND THEN the applicant needs a police certificate from
-is living in their country of 16 years old or older... ...the police authorities of that locality.
nationality at their current
residence for more than 6

-lived in a different part of ...was 16 years or older at that time... ...the police authorities of that locality.
their country of nationality
for more than 6 months...

Ok, so my husband has lived at his CURRENT residence for 3 1/2 years. So does only the first one apply to him? OR He has lived 4 or 5 other places for more than 6 months, after he was 16 years old, so does the second apply to him also? How does he obtain state police records from those 4 or 5 states, in 9 days or less, and without traveling to those states??? Oh, somebody please screw my head back on, and give me a prozack. :wacko:

Edited by andrea&roberto, 31 January 2007 - 01:53 PM.

andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 13:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHELP ME! ASAP!!!
Ok, here's my situation. I think I may be a little confused. I had read, and to my understanding, that my husband needed State Police record for where he lived, IF he has lived there for more than 6 months, then only that state record was needed. He has lived at his current address for more than 3 years. So he has only obtained one state police record (Pernambuco) and one federal police record. Is this correct? Or does he need state police records for the other states that he has lived at in Brazil, even though he has lived at his current address for more than 3 years? (He has never lived out of Brazil.) If so, how does he get those records by Feb 9th, for his interview? He won't be able to travel to the states in which he resided in....So i'm very worried if we're wrong.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 13:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOMING TO AMERICA!
Ok, we were in and out literally, in less than 2 hours. The consulate worker, although antipatico, only interviewd us for about 5-10 min....then gave us the green slip to pick up visa on monday! After the huge ordeal of stressing out becuase we didn~t have all the state police certificates needed, he didn~t say anything or notice; and we for sure were not going to bring it up. So, we board a plane destined for The United States of America on Monday night!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I can´t believe that this crazy journey has finally ended!!! I~ll write more later, about our interview experience once we get home. :dance: :dance: :dance: :thumbs:
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-02-09 07:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere are the DVDs in Brazilian Portuguese?

I am looking for DVDs in Portuguese for Fernanda. I cannot stop and translate all the good parts of every DVD! That takes all the momentum out of the movie! As long as it has sub-titles in English, I am OK. I looked at Blockbuster online, but I found only 20 DVDs of their estimated 60,000. There has to be some good DVDs in Portuguese with English sub-titles.

Any ideas?? HELP !!!

They're in Brazil!!! I don't speak portuguese, and when me and my husband would rent movies all the time when I was visiting in brazil, EVERY new movie had english subtitles....
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-08-03 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazilian adoption centers
No. I used they have templates that you choose for design, and you have unlimited photo space. It's only $9.95/month. so it's not too bad.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-09-04 11:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazilian adoption centers
Because my husband is brazilian. Because Brazilian culture is a part of our family and language, and we want a brazilian baby so it can share it's same culture.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-08-03 16:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazilian adoption centers
Does anyone know of a website about how to adopt a baby from brazil? And then what is involved with the immigration process of that baby?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-08-03 12:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-2001
do i send the DS-2001 along with the DS-230 to the NVC? or to the consulate in brazil? or do i only send the DS-2001 to the consulate, and the DS-230 to NVC?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-13 19:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 and vaccinations
I had a titre test done to check on my immunity levels as I didnt have my immunisation records. I was able to do this prior to the medical and had one immunisation shot done privately that the titre test had shown I was lacking in. The medical will require you to bring along any vaccination records. If its cheaper to have done privately then do so but keep in mind that you may very well be having immunisation shots that are not required for your age and circumstances.

As for only Part 1 and the biographics page of passport being required. Did you see the links to the two NVC Instruction Packages that I provided in your other thread and check the appropriate one for Brazil?

What's a "titre" test? will this test show the shots already given, or at least NOT needed? according to the immunization list? Which is this:
-- mumps
-- measles
-- rubella
-- polio
-- tetanus and diphtheria toxoids
-- pertussis
-- influenzae type b (Hib)
-- hepatitis B
-- varicella
-- pneumococcal and
-- influenza.

So should my husband just wait for the medical exam, and get whatever he needs then? It's probably more convienent to do it all through the medical examener appointed by the consulate, right?

i'm sure I saw the link you provided to the other thread, but I'm not sure which one you're talking about. I think i've got everything covered now, but just to double check, can you resend that link please?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-13 19:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 and vaccinations
I'm glad this question was asked, becuase I was wondering the same thing....though I do want to ask for more clarification.

Can my husband go to a docotor NOW to get all the shots he needs, PRIOR to his medical exam, if the doctor is cheaper than the consulate appointed doctor, for his shots? Does it help save time? That way, nothing more is needed during or after the medical exam by the consulate appointed doctor?

And on a side note regarding the DS-230....I just want to make sure I understand that the ONLY info NVC wants is Part 1, completed and signed by my husband (the alien, who is now the petitioner) AND a copy of the biographic info of his passport, right? No other documents or photographs are needed for the NVC right? (all other documents will be submitted at the time of the interview at the conuslate, correct?)

Hope that wasn't confusing, thanks!
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-13 16:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864
I have read the most recent info on the State website about the I864. I am not listing any assets.

Acutally, I jsut want to verify that you only have to include the last 1 year of your taxes, and the last pay stub. I don't have the last 6 months of my pay stub, but my most current pay stub is my YEAR TO DATE earnings, that should be enough, right?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-09-01 00:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864
Ok, I'm filling out the I-864 form, and I'm not sure what to put in some areas, and I want to make sure I do this perfectly, so i don't delay the process any more.

Part 4. Eligibility to Sponsor
E. Sponsor's Assets and Liabilities

I have life insurance on myself, and my husband as the beneficiary, but is this considered a "cash value of assets"? since, it's not liquid unless I die. So, should I just write N/A on the Total Cash Value of Assets line?
I feel it's easier to just leave blank, or write N/A. What should i do?

Part 7. Use of the Affidavit of Support to Overcome Public Charge Grounds (continued)

Concluding Provisions.

I, my name blah blah blah. and then i sign and date. Do i need to have this notarized? because I've read somewhere on VJ that I do not. So, again, what should I do?

Part 8. If someone other than the sponsor prepared this affidavit of support, that person must complete the following.

No one helped me, so can I leave this blank, or do I need to write N/A somewhere?

Ok, so the next part is where I get really confused.

Contract between sponsor and household member
So, i'm the sponsor, so i put my name, ss#


Part 1. information on sponsor's household member or sponsored immigrant/household member

What do i put here? My information? if so, then in the box, RELATIONSHIP TO SPONSOR, do i write SELF on the line, and check the box "The sponsor's household member" ?? and then include my lenght of residence?

Part 2. Sponsor's Promise
I, the sponsor, my name, in consideration of the household....blah blah blah....file an affidavit of support on behalf of the following blank (indicate number) sponsored immigrant.

So, what number do I put in the blank?

Part 3. Household Member's Promise
Do i fill this out? or should I just put N/A?

Part 4. Sponsored Immigrant/Household Member's Promise
I put my husband's name, right?

Part 5. Sponsor's Signature
do i need to get this notarized?

Part 6. Household's Member's or Sponsored Immigrant/Household Member's Signature
Do i just fill in N/A? Or can I leave it blank?

Ok, that's it, thanks so much for your help. :help: :wacko:
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-31 23:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS 230/ I864 Bill
:wacko: :wacko:

Ok, only $70 for my husbands DS 230,

Ok, so how much is the bill for the I-864? and my mother is also co-sponsoring, so do i have to pay another $bill for her I-864 application too? So whatever the cost of bill for that form is, do i have to pay twice becuase I have a co-sponsor?

What are the total fees due to NVC?

Will there be any fees due once I get to the consulate?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-09-14 02:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CSC to NVC
Yes, thank you. I figured that out today. I called the NVC phone number, and entered my WAC reciept number from my USCIS NOA2 worked. It then gave me my NVC case #. But that's all it said.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-09-25 11:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CSC to NVC
I'm posting this in two catagories, because I'm not sure where the best place to post is....

I got my NOA2 on August 30th from the California Serice Center, and I have NOT received anything from NVC yet. How long does it take to transfer the case to NVC, and for them to issue me a new case number...and start that process and junk??? Should I be worried that it's been almost a month now?? Or is this normal?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-09-25 01:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Choice of Agent form
I just called NVC, to talk to an operator, and get an update, and I just happened to have gotten lucky....I guess they had already generated the Choice of Agent Form, and AOS Bill, but I didn't know that, and the automatic system wasn't updated at that I lucked out.... :whistle: But in all cases, they have NOT notified me through email about accepting the GS3032 Choice of Agent email....although they they kind of left me out in the dark. I was expecting email notification....The automatic system also does not say they accepted it, although the live operator I spoke to, did.

At this point in our process, how long does it take to finish at the NVC, and have your case forwarded to the consulate in Rio, for an interview date?

We already have the DS230 filled out and ready to go, with the appropriate accompanying documents, and the same for the I-1864.... and of course I'm going to next day air everything....

Edited by andrea&roberto, 27 September 2006 - 12:29 PM.

andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-09-27 12:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Choice of Agent form
Ok, So as soon as i figured out that I had a case number at NVC, I emailed them who i wanted my choice of agent to be....BEFORE they have generated the form or the AOS Bill....and BEFORE i've recieved any other such correspondance....i just knew what they're next step would be, so i'm wondering if by "jumping the gun" might cause a problem, or will it be just fine and acknowledge the email when that form is generated?

Also, Do I need to send the DS 2001 form to the Rio Consulate? What else can i do right now, to take some short cuts, or get our application to the consulate, etc? Thanks.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-09-27 01:14:00