Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
Congratulations Vanessa!!! Happy Wednesday, good to see Andrea you are getting to get a break. Nawal babies are still such cuties, im sure there a handful though. Called the DOS yesterday and they said still AP. Im just waiting in the wings, not much else you can do. Have a great day everyone.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-07-07 13:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt

As a matter of fact (a loves a) you need to understand some important points here. First, i do believe Sandra and i don't need to really hear about his side of the story to read the obvious signs of FAIL written all over this cheater. Second, being a husband not only means that you agreed to provide and protect this woman that chose to love and trust you with her life, but also to cater to her needs and respect her feelings. This is the barest minimum of your duties as a husband. Yes i said duties and not charity you give to your wife when you feel like it. What this man did is simply stabbing her in the back and abusing her repeatedly if i understood well. As for...
well if you have the right to tell your wife not to have affairs with other men i think she has full right to tell you to stop talking to other women as well, and you should be doing that on your own anyway. As a husband one should at least keep his wife informed of any woman he contacts regularly, notably work colleagues since you are not supposed to be having affairs with other women anyway for no reason. That makes them feel involved and gives them more reasons to trust you, and avoid jealousy to boot!.
Basically, all you need to do is simply sit down and ask yourself: "How would i feel if my wife ......?". Put yourself in her position and try to feel what she would go through. If you TRULY are in love, you will do so effortlessly.

I appreciate you post here, its so amazing how most of the men here don't see this as a problem, as controlling as my husband is, if the shoe was on the other foot, I would probally be shot. He has always wanted to know my every move, this is my first marriage and I really wanted to push and make our marriage work, I felt I was out of options when someone does these things time and time again a person can only take some much before it starts to damage your soul and it was making me seem like I had to made excuses for his actions, like the distance was getting to him and such. After long thought this is what I did. Im happy with the choice I have made and I know deep down in my heart there is someone else out there that will treat me with the respect I deserve as I will to them. My DHL letter to cancel the visa made it to the embassy today and I printed off to keep for my records. So I hope to hear something from them. I have also followed the DHL that was paid during our interview and its not delievered yet either thank god.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-07-26 17:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
Well in my defence the ppl here that said follow my heart thats what im doing. Its kinda funny today how I sat with a couple at work from Jordan he was a christian minister that came here in 1972 a super wise man, and said to me many times has he seen this happen. He and his wife also prayed with me which I thought was so sweet and exactly some extra strengh I have needed. Ahmed has been calling and sending me messages and begging me to come back to him, I got an email from the embassy and they said I had to DHL a paper to the embassy noterized to cancell the visa so I have done that and there is no looking back at this. Im folling my heart and gut, I know this relationship will only get worse. When Ahmed tells me he has already changed in the last few days and to give him another chance, hell how many chances are there to give. Then another name another women on msn he is chatting with that he doesnt even know disrespecting our relationship. I truely believe in there eyes at least the way he was raised this is OK behavior. Well its not ok for me. So im pulling up my boot straps and moving on. Im going to San Diago Aug. 8-11 for a awesome work promotion I won and get to stay at the hard rock cafe in a suite and im going to enjoy my time to the fullest and relax and have fun. Its time I move on and im for sure standing my ground on this and not changing my mind.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-07-23 23:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
Thank you all for your kind words and emails sent to me as well you guys are awesome, I talked to Ahmed last night and he was begging me to try and make this work, I know things will not change he has said these words before, going there 7 times and being married over 2 years you put a lot of yourself into this. I dont feel at all it was a waste but just a growing opertunity. I don't really feel that heart broken, just knowing that this will be over and he is not comming is a big help. Thinking about what things could of turned out to be in the long run would of been worse so I thank God this has happened for a reason. There is always time to grow and improve your life and learn from your mistakes and im taking that and running with it. Again thank you all for being here for me, the support is more then i could of ever asked for.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-07-19 11:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
Well sad to say after over 2 years of marriage and now in AP. I have discovered my husband has cheated on me, not physically but enough for me to be done with this marriage. There other things to add as well such as lying and name calling that im not willing to put up with I know It will get worse when he gets here. Question is does anyone have any idea of how to get a divorce in egypt? I know im calling DOS and NVC and USCIS tomorrow, if any helpfull advice I sure could use it or some numbers. He told me he will never divorce me. I don't feel this was a waste of time just God showing me this is not where im supposed to be. Thanks for reading.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-07-18 22:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoanday
Hey everyone... So sorry to hear of you being bummed out Terrie, I know it sucks to feel like the walls are caving in. I feel so connected to you all. This has been a huge support for me in going through this process with Ahmed. I know now that im not alone in this. Im just going day to day keeping my head up and spending lots of time with my son. Trying to stay focused and not let all this get the best of me. It is lonely but I know after time passes it will be ok. Wish everyone a good day.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-08-02 14:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase is back in the USA

You've already cancelled the visa and the Embassy is aware of why.
He didn't show much commitment before in the application process ...causing you to cancel...Even if a new petition does make it to the Embassy...that alone will be a red flag and a huge hurdle for him to overcome at interview.

I remember you from before and I remember thinking how honest/wise and down to earth you were dealing with it considering the hurt you felt.....Now this? I know you forgive him, and that's great and all....But this guy has proven himself a sneak before......

I sincerly do wish you the best. Be careful.

Thank you for all your words I have never been cruel on this site in all the years I have been on here, I was asking for any ideas. I thought I might get a little more positive feedback then a come to jesus meeting, Im a adult and I know when Im being conned how do you think I found out in the first place he was chatting with someone. He was honest with me and held back no lies about what he did, It was hard for me to take in for sure. I believe in forgiveness and you shouldnt just give up on a marriage so Im at least trying. I cant tell you how many people when I posted back when this happened that wished they had done what I had as they are miserable in there marriages now. Not to say all so please don't take that out of context. I should of just kept this to me and my friends that really know me and that im not just desperate for love, the fact is I do love him. So as far as Im concerened this topic is closed my friends will find out what happens tomorrow.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-10-18 17:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase is back in the USA
Hello many of you may remember I canceled my husbands visa when I found that he was chatting with another women online last year, well I have found forgiveness in my heart and love him so much. I think it took what I did to get his attention, filing for divorce and canceling the visa. He has been trying so hard, calling on his dime not mine daily, loving me knowing he may never get to come here. So heres where I stand. Ahmed got a letter from the embassy with his passport without the visa stating they didnt see a true and real marriage,(as they got my cancel letter). Then I got a letter from USCIS saying they are reviewing our case. So not sure where to go from here, I do want to stay married to him and work out our issues. So I did set up an info pass appt. for tomorrow and see if I can show them the letter I sent to the embassy and the new letter I made today explaning that I just was to fast to cancel the visa, Ive been there 7 times so I know they got my letter and this is why is going on because of me. Im at a loss for words, I read all 54 pages of petitions going back to the usa and didnt get much there since most are for different reasons. Any other ideas, maybe just wait and see after the visit tomorrow?
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-10-18 14:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Havent been on for a few days, wanted to congratulate you Aya on your visa. I wish you the best happiness in this life.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-01-28 00:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Sharifah, my thoughts are with you on this waiting game, I know all to well how your feeling. This is such a hard process and will make will crazy. Hang in there girl.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-11-19 09:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
QUOTE (Ihavequestions @ Oct 15 2009, 11:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
heart.gif MENA.

What a rocking group we have here...Congrats to Beth, Sharifah and Enraptured with your interviews. kicking.gif
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-10-16 00:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Sorry everyone is sick what a bummer, don't bring it to Kansas there are plenty of sick kids at my sons school. I also saw on Nightline last night such a awfull footage of kids in the KC mercy childrens hospital suffering with the H1N1 flu virus nearly on there death beds but hanging on for there lives. Talk about putting tears in your eyes.

You do have a true talent Amanda, I hope that gift can take you places that you want to go at some point, if not at least you have a back up job. I always like having a plan

HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-10-14 09:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
QUOTE (?J+I? @ Oct 13 2009, 10:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am back in Illinois. It was crazy of me to think I could be so far from my daughter and Lexy.

....hoppin back up on the waitin couch tongue.gif ZOMG 79 days til Ibrahim comes home!

Jackie rose.gif

Jackie hang in there girl, once your hubby gets here you will find your balance in life and will be great. Your a great person and deserve the best.

Olivia long time no see, sorry to hear your hubby is still in AP.

Amanda your hired, we are doing a full wedding here in the states they all offer the cd thing but so expensive but my parents bought me my dress, I bought 3 Bill Levkoff dresses new with tags on ebay for 40.00 free shipping in Celadon there so pretty. Just doing a few things to keep my mind off the wait time. Its actually working.

Kenza many congrats..
Welcome Ally, and hi to all the others i missed Sharif, Beth and all the others I have missed im such a second shifter and get a little loopy after midnight. Have a great evening.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-10-14 00:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
QUOTE (100% Al Ahly Fan @ Sep 18 2009, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! I am so friggin' happy for you! Woohoo!!!

Oh and Tany sorry for my rudeness. Welcome and inshaAllah you ge through this without going totally crazy whistling.gif

Your too funny Sharifah, I came across this and just had a big smile.

Andrea hopes for you a speedy NOA2.

So far two touches in two days we will see.. wink.gif
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-09-18 22:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Hello everyone, Im still waiting on our NOA2 but always follow the threads and love hearing your stories.

Beth I wish you the best at NVC, what a complete stresser of a time you have had.

Sharifah your a doll and hard working mom I can relate too as well. It must be hard to get your hopes up for the interview and get told another month, and you were flying through all this. Reminds me of what happened with No where Man, he had to also wait. All in time though.

Congrats to you Betsy!!
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-09-16 23:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Thank You aishiahossam and and_sam!!!

We got his visa today!!! 4 days amazing!!! Good job Cairo!!! :D

WOW thats great, record time for Egypt!!
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-07-15 20:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Tomorrow is our interview in Cairo and I will be by my husbands side. I really hope things go well and a special thanks (F) to Sarah, Sandra, Wendy and Jalan for helping me out with any questions I had throughout this process.

We are hoping for the best. My anxiety hasn't kicked in yet, but my husband is very anxious. Mind over matter, we just gotta be cool, calm and collective Also, just to relax and be ourself. We may be from different cultures, but we were passionately drawn together. I want to start a family and begin our lives together in my home country. We can only hope and pray for the support and blessings of the US Government.


Leia (L) Mohammed

Congrats Leia on your approval, and no problem with helping you out thats what were all here for. Im glad your interview went well. Chat when you get home.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-07-15 20:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Welcome Home Sandra!!! I sure hope they hurry for you guys!!!

Thank you, I did call the DOS yesterday and talked with a real nice lady she asked my case number then asked if she could put me on hold and I said of course. She came back and said your case is already here and they just have to do a few checks on it. I said are we denied she said NO NO NO maam, we just have to do a few checks. She of course couldnt give me a time frame but she told me they email part of the case for them to review and they email back the go ahead to Cairo. So it made me feel a bit better, I know we have to wait, but when I was at the interview that lady was tough and really trying hard to confuse my husband with the dates, she asked the names of my kids and there fathers name as well and he knew it all. I just feel blessed this is all over and now the wait is all we have left its a far cry from the beginning of the process sending off the first USCIS petition. Hope everyone else is hanging in there, now in two months my attitude may not be as good if we havent got the
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-06-23 15:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Finally Im home!! One of the longest trips ever. I just wanted to say congrats to HG and welcome to the states. Im going to open the suit case in a bit and check the white paper they gave us at the interview and look at the dhl and see if they have moved the papers, its already been 8 days so who knows.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-06-18 20:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

we already got our interview date its 3rd of June and my fiancee with me me here in egypt , but plus we happy cuse we got our interview date we also worried cuse we dont like to speak to people also they hard people to deal with , you know its the true time for me and her , but any way they cant separate us whatever they desicion ,

did any body here had his fiancee with him in interview ??? , if so what happend and how the embassy do them ?

Good luck with your interviw, Im sure it will help with your fiance being there, it sure can't hurt. My interview is just 6 days after yours I will also be there.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-05-31 02:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I'm here in Egypt with my husband. Just called the NVC AVR and it said our case was COMPLETE :dance: on May 28th!! We are so happy about the good news :) We are just now awaiting our email and our interview date. Good Luck everyone. :star:

Congrats Leia, now you can relax and enjoy your time in Egypt and await your interview. Have fun girl.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-05-30 01:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Hg and Holly we all pulling for you, I can't imagine all the heartache you have been through. Its been tough enough waiting for Ahmed to finish his military. Im so happy this is all comming to an end. Its so scarry to know that after the interview your life is in there hands.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-05-20 23:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

hey i have a question... what u mean new police report,,i thought they were goood for a year, and congrats on ur friends interview!

There good for 6 months. Thanks on the congrats for our interview.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-05-09 20:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Hey everyone just an FYI, my friends husband went to his interview today and appoved of course. They also asked him for new police record which he had, also some of there wedding photos as she only sent in a few in the beginning stages of USCIS. The response welcome to America and your get your visa is 2 weeks.

Im getting excited I leave in less then a month for Egypt. I think were all ready to go, we also update my husbands police record.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-05-09 12:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Yeah i'm trying to keep my low key till i get the visa in my hand .

I just called the embassy today the guy there was so nice to me .I asked him to check on my case .He says that my AP is completed .And the CO is reviewing the case to make sure that everything is in order to issue the visa .He says that the AP was completed on April 7,2010 .I told him that i got an Email from the Consul General and he said to me that i will receive the visa soon via DHL and they are done with that AP ... the guy says yeah that's right .
I told him that my medical exam is already expired so should i redo it ? He says that the CO is reviewing the case now and if she will need that they will call me and they will ask me to redo it ( In fact i would like to redo it here in Egypt for about 100 dollars instead of doing it in USA for over than 500$ ! )

My queen will call DOS today when she will come back home just to make sure that everything is ok .But i think the DOS will say still under AP till the embassy issue the visa . We will wait and see !

HG it sounds like good news comming your way, at least you know all the people to call and you have done a great job keeping up with them. They im sure know your serious about being with your wife, I always say never loose hope for the ones you love and you haven't so thats great. I hope to hear some great news for you soon. Until then hang in there we all thinking and pulling for ya!!

Yeah bro i have mixed emotions now .Its like i can not believe it ! LOL .

I hope that they issue me the visa soon .I will keep an eye on DHL site .

HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-04-12 18:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Khadija im so so sorry to hear about your case going back to the US, My girlfriend that also filed K1 in eygpt had her husbands interview last July and they notified her Tuesday her case was going back to the US also. They have had there ups and downs and I know she won't be filing again. In your case I would welcome the idea of what Hotguy said the CR1 that is your only hope. That will get him here, it sucks to start over. I totally feel your pain girl. This entire process will make a person crazy and test your love to your spouse. You just have to stay strong and fight for what you want. We are all here for you to help in the next step in you decide the CR1 route.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-04-08 22:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

<!--quoteo(post=3793164:date=Mar 13 2010, 04:05 AM:name=Sandra/Ahmed)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Sandra/Ahmed @ Mar 13 2010, 04:05 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=3793164"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Things are going ok, it just takes forever to get stuff done. After the weekend is over we should have a better idea of where we are. My husband went to pick up the translations of the military and the lady wasnt finished yet and said she would be tomorrow. I did ask about getting permission from the military in leaving the country and he said he asked about it and knows what to do with that. Im really hopeing by the end of next week his papers will be in the mail to me. Im not trying to push him, I know he wants to come but he has lots to do since he has been tied to the military for the last 2 years. I hope on the 20th you will get your good news.

And to the others as well another day closer to victory.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

by the way , i was late for almost one month because of the translation of the military certificate as the girl was telling me not ready yet not ready yet and later on i found out that they don't need the translation of the military AT ALL , and i wa so angry because of that timei wasted .
Well Im just trying to cover all basis. I read it was needed. Either way its finished and only took a few days. My husband got his orginal HS diploma today and finally paid and sent off for his passport and he will have it in 4 days.

who told you that they need the translation ?? they will not need it at all <img src="http://www.visajourn...DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-03-14 22:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I'm in agreement with Sandra. I'm pulling for you all too!
Any news with your journey Sandra? I'm hoping by the 20th of this month we will have some good news..... :innocent:

Things are going ok, it just takes forever to get stuff done. After the weekend is over we should have a better idea of where we are. My husband went to pick up the translations of the military and the lady wasnt finished yet and said she would be tomorrow. I did ask about getting permission from the military in leaving the country and he said he asked about it and knows what to do with that. Im really hopeing by the end of next week his papers will be in the mail to me. Im not trying to push him, I know he wants to come but he has lots to do since he has been tied to the military for the last 2 years. I hope on the 20th you will get your good news.

And to the others as well another day closer to victory.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-03-12 21:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Disconnect, Hotguy and Khadijah I feel your pain on this waiting process. Im so sorry that you are still waiting. I hope you will hear something real soon. Its to the point of being almost not understanding what is going on. The visa's should of been issued a long time ago. Hang in there and dont loose hope. Im pulling for you all.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-03-11 19:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Hey everyone!! Well had to cancel my hubby's flight to the US. He has to go back again to the military office the day AFTER he was suppose to leave. Luckily I got majority of the money back for the plane ticket so I can get another one in April... :whistle:
Still can't believe after all this to get a visa that Egyptian military won't release him!!! :angry:
Hope there is good news for everyone!!

I'm so sorry to hear this Andrea, just when you think your getting somewhere. Im glad you got most of your money back.

My husband has been out a week and has got his photos for his passport went to there office and had all his papers, and they said they wanted the orginall diploma from his high school the copy wasnt good enough. He had his orginall college papers and I wouldnt think you could go to college without HS. Then he traveled today back to the city to drop off his military papers to be translated then came home late tonight. He didnt get to bed till just a bit ago so thats like almost 5am. I can't believe they would ask for this to get a passport. What if he never finished HS. would they be able to get a passport? The thing is he has an expired passport that was valid for a year he took that as well. To me I know its not like just getting in the car to go here and there so easy like it is for us. So its a struggle to get anything done fast there. Tomorrow is another day. Good luck to all of us..
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-03-08 21:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Ok another update. Yesterday we booked my husbands flight for March 19. That way it'll give him some time to wrap things up before he gets here. He went this morning to get the paper he needs from the military so he can leave the country. :blink: Ok I am sure he knows what he needs. Well, he gets to the office and they said that he was suppose to do some kind of paperwork a couple of years ago and he never mailed it in. :huh:
I'm not sure what that means BUT he is now on the train or insha'allah all ready back in Cairo so he can get what ever paperwork he was suppose to turn in so he can get what he needs to leave Egypt. He was also told that he has to pay a penalty fee because of not turning in whatever report he was suppose to do.
I had a hard time understanding what he was talking about. He is really upset about this because after all the work we did to get him here, it's not the USA that is keeping him from coming but his own country.
Can anybody enlighten me on this???? :unsure: :unsure:

I wander what that is? Ahmed finished his military on monday, but before his release he had to go to the police station to show them his papers i believe. I know also on his ID it says he is still a student and he said he needed to go and update that as well. Today he went to get the photos for his passport and will go and apply for that tomorrow and then meet with the same lady that did our translations on his birth cirtificate and his police record. Is there something Im missing?
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-03-03 22:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
The best of luck to you Andrea I was just thinking of you yesterday. I wasn't sure if you had left yet. Im really excited for you.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-02-18 00:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Congrats to Olivia and Nancy!! As I was catching up reading with Olivia's story I felt like crying. I have to say thank you to you for leading me here, I don't think I could of ever made it this far without seeing how others are making it. This has been a wild ride with up and down emotions I never knew I had.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-02-07 00:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Well I guess you are in luck disconnection because I just received an email that our visa has been issued yesterday. I am so happy and thankful for all the help all of you have given me. :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

Thats great Nancy, super happy for you both. :dance: :dance:
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-02-03 16:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Hello, just reading this just makes me feel for all of you. I am just waiting for my husband to finish his military which is in less then 40 days now. Im wandering this, did any of you attend the interviews with your S/O's. If yes or no just wandering if they seem to speed it up when you are there. I know I ran into Ronell when I was at the embassy with her husband when she was doing her interview with her husband and they recieved there visa within one month. Im sure there is no real reason but just curious if any of you attended with your spouses? Im sorry to all of you that are still waiting.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2010-01-19 11:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWow this gets so complicated
Betsy I know its to late now that you have sent it back in, but as was stated above the directions in Egypt were to take all the copies back to the embassy which could be done by your husband alone or both of you. As the marriage takes a while to complete we did the last step at the Embassy in Cairo my last visit Feb. 09 they then took all of our marriage papers, arabic and english and put 2 gold rings through all the copies. The cost of that was 30.00. Good luck to you.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-04-12 02:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInformation on G-325 from USCIS
Thanks for your responses, I am going to mail of the choice of agent and the ds-230 as well as the G-325 in case I do get an RFE to my husband today. As he is not going to finish until Sept. 1, I should have plenty of time to take care of this. Im on it!!! Paris( Beth) I hope you get your approval this week your so kind in helping others so good things need to come your way. star_smile.gif
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-05-06 09:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInformation on G-325 from USCIS
Super news and thanks for your post I feel a relief knowing that 2 peple have done this and made it. Also thanks for checking in with me before i started this, it was so hard to wait and watch everyone filing, but just had to time it right for my husbands release with military Sept.1 2009. Your awesome you totally made my day. Im off to work have a great day.
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-05-06 08:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInformation on G-325 from USCIS
I found this information on a serch engine, thought it may be helpfull in future not sure, and was wandering if anyone out there has filed with signing the G-325 on behalf of the benenficiary? My friend has done this and was approved on a K-3 When I called today the operator told me to sign with my name and put (petitioner) and date and it would be ok. Anyone else done this? Whatever the case Im prepared for RFE if it comes, I did file today for my husband which is finishing his military time and will complete sept. 2009 wanted to get the first step completed.

Interoffice Memorandum
From: Michael Aytes /S/
Acting Associate Director for Operations
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Department of Homeland Security
Date: November 1, 2005
Re: Guidance for Processing Pending Form I-129F Petition for Alien Fiancé(e) when
G-325A for Petitioner and/or Beneficiary is not Signed and/or Photos not Submitted.
To provide field offices with guidance on processing Form I-129F petitions when the accompanying G-325A is missing signatures and/or photographs.
A properly executed Form G-325A is required for all I-129F petitions. Previously it was standard practice to issue an RFE when the beneficiary failed to sign the G-325A and/or failed to submit photographs. From the date of this memorandum, an RFE should not be issued in instances where the beneficiary failed to sign the G-325A and/or failed to include photographs provided that the beneficiary is residing abroad. The beneficiary will be required to sign the Form G-325A and/or submit photographs at the time of visa issuance abroad. It is also not necessary to RFE for the petitioner’s signature on the G-325A, if the petitioner failed to sign it. The signature of the petitioner on the Form I-129F should be deemed sufficient for purposes of adjudicating the petition. Finally, it is important to note that the petitioner’s photograph is still required for the adjudication of the I-129F, so if it is missing, it must be requested prior to adjudication.
Questions regarding this memorandum may be directed through appropriate channels to Mica Pilz of Service Center Operations.

HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-05-05 23:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase Complete!!! Yay im crying i cant believe it!!!
Many Congratulations to you kicking.gif
HopeishereFemaleEgypt2009-05-08 10:05:00