USCIS Service CentersI-130 Workload Transfer Linked to DACA - FOIA Finding

I firmly believe US citizens who filed a I130 petition on behalf of their immediate relatives ought to file a class action lawsuit against the Obama administration and the USCIS. Our rights are being violated. 2014 is an election year which immigration reform will be one of the issues. The American people need to know what's  going on. Illegal immigrants and non-citizens are becoming more of a priority. This must end now. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-01-06 13:03:00
Africa: Sub-Saharananybody from ghana ???

My husband is from Ghana and this process is ridiculous. Our baby is due to be born next week and we are sad he will not be here to witness the birth of his first child.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-02-11 17:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGhana residents

My husband is a Ghanaian and our priority date is 9/17. Still waiting for an approval. Haven't received a transfer or anything.   Our baby will be born any day now and we are so sad he will not be here to witness the birth of his first child. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-02-17 10:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)My Letter to Obama About the NVC's Wonderful New Processing Times

You are lucky to be a country where you can say what you want and take this action to sue your own government. Have you filed the lawsuit yet? Or are you going to be like Congress and simply take a vacation to get in some more rounds of golf?

Have you contacted your Congressman and Senators to demand their voting record on immigration issues? Make an appointment with them to see them in person in their local office while they are on vacation so you can ask them in person.

Yes I have contacted my Senator Barbara Muluski of MD and Congressman Elijah Cummings. They support what the President is doing. That's why I changed parties and now I am a Republican. This illegal immigration has gotten out of hand and I pray the Republicans take over Congress so these people can be deported back to their countries and stop overloading our system. I have not seen my husband since last year. I am a freaking American citizen. This is not how it is supposed to go down for us. So I don't want to hear the b.s argument its not Obama's fault. It's his fault and the fault of the Democrats! 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-02 11:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)My Letter to Obama About the NVC's Wonderful New Processing Times

What a bunch of nonsense. Seriously, blaming Obama for this is silly and childish.

It is Obama's fault. Obama's executive order DACA has helped create this backlog. We should sue his behind. Not congress.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-02 11:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)So how long do you think?

NVC is extremely backed up. Many have been stuck at NVC for at least 5 months. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-21 13:04:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC CR1 Timeframe - Estimated

i hope soon you will

Thank you. Me too.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-09-06 10:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC CR1 Timeframe - Estimated


did you get your interview date ?

I did not get it as of yet. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-09-06 10:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC CR1 Timeframe - Estimated

I was blessed to have my Senator intervene. I got checklisted  8/26 for the Russian police certificate. They received my checklist item on 8/29 and my case closed the same day. I did not have to wait.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-09-06 08:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)read this


Well the thing is about lawyers (and no law school isn't a rip off) they are going to law school to learn law not forms or how to put your love letters together. Nothing we are doing needs legal representation. Honestly most these lawyers are guessing and probably reading Visajourney themselves to know what the heck is going on.


Lawyers don't do forms. There is no course in law school how to fill out forms of any kind. That's for legal assistance and paralegals to do. When you need to be represented in court or at a Embassy or consulate or iIf the law is broken than yes by all means get a lawyer.


People are hiring lawyers for things they aren't trained or knowledgeable in. How is a lawyer going to know the vast difference in Embassies of Nigeria, Morocco, Egypt, Pakistan Philippines (to name a few) compared to UK or Canada.


Law school is a rip off. So many graduates cannot even find real jobs in the field anymore and wind up stuck with over a 100k in debt. What the heck you mean they don't know how to fill out forms? With all the education they received they should be able to fill out forms which is not freaking complicated. Immigration lawyers are advertising they can assist with the process. What the heck are people paying all those attorneys for?  That means their education was a waste of damn money. This is the most idiotic thing I've heard. 

Edited by Monalisa22, 17 September 2014 - 05:55 PM.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-09-17 17:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)read this

I am so blessed to have a awesome US Senator Barbara Miluski from MD. Her office contacted NVC and helped me get my case closed much faster. I even had a checklist for a Russian police certificate. The day NVC received the police certificate my case was closed. My interview is scheduled for 10/7. What I have learned during this process, lawyers are a big waste of money. Most of them are incompetent.  Law school is a rip off.  Visa Journey and other websites were more helpful. My advice is to reach out in every way possible to whoever you feel would help you get through this process.Its your marriage. It's your life. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-09-17 17:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportslets do something about those SLOW I 130 times

I do know my rights under US immigration law. I also understand the way the laws in the US work.  


Obama didn't order the USCIS to give DACA filers priority, they chose to do that. How, exactly, is Obama's executive order unconstitutional? 


I reiterate, having a class action lawsuit against the president will get dismissed. He has the right to sign executive orders. The government agency that we all applied to decided to process the DACA applications instead of the I130's. If we're going to go after anyone, it has to be against them. And I don't honestly think that a lawsuit would achieve our goals here. I believe that putting pressure on them through the media, and contacting our representatives, and also the USCIS directly will have the best outcome. If you really want to fix the problem, you should focus your energy there. I also think that we should attempt a legislative fix to this problem.

Have anybody been paying attention to court cases which DACA has been addressed? Several judges have ruled DACA is most likely Unconstitutional. Obama's Executive Order DACA is unconstitutional because it bypassed Congress. Only congress is supposed to make laws relating to immigration.  Giving illegal immigrants priority over US citizens is unlawful. Period. Obama created this mess. His law created the backlog.  US immigration law is clear. US citizens who petition for immediate relatives has priority. It's not a policy. Its the freaking law. This what's wrong with this country. Too many people don't know their rights and will accept anything. The immigration laws and not enforcing it is creating problems for US citizens and I will not stand by and tolerate it. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-02-21 11:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportslets do something about those SLOW I 130 times

We'd have no basis to sue. If we're going to complain to anyone, it has to be to the USCIS and our representatives in government. It's the USCIS that chose to process the DACA filers instead of us. 



Do you know your rights under the US immigration law? Do you understand US citizens petitions filing for their immediate relatives  legally are supposed to come first over all petitions. Do you understand Obama's DACA executive order is illegal because it is unconstitutional. Do you understand what is happening to our petitions is illegal?  What do you mean we do not have a case? Please.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-02-20 13:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportslets do something about those SLOW I 130 times

The only way to get this moving is to file a class action against the Obama administration. A court case with the petitioners being US citizens who rights are being violated because of Obama's executive order DACA is the best way to go.  It's an election year and immigration is a hot topic. The court case will get huge media attention. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-02-20 08:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Starting to fill out the I-864 form and am curious about leaving questions blank. wife has no middle name.


The form instructions clearly state If an item is not applicable or the answer is ?none,? leave the space blank.


I had it ingrained in my brain to either use N/A or none, depending on the question, when filling out the I-130.  I believe that i should just follow instructions on this form and leave them blank, but, I don't want to get checklisted.  Tell me I'm over-complicating things and I should just leave them blank where applicable.


Thanks :)


This is really confusing. Some folks I have read where checklisted for leaving items blank on AOS. But the app says leave blank if it does not apply. I put N/A in the items that did not apply. I don't want to give wrong info.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-07-15 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Starting to fill out the I-864 form and am curious about leaving questions blank. wife has no middle name.


The form instructions clearly state If an item is not applicable or the answer is ?none,? leave the space blank.


I had it ingrained in my brain to either use N/A or none, depending on the question, when filling out the I-130.  I believe that i should just follow instructions on this form and leave them blank, but, I don't want to get checklisted.  Tell me I'm over-complicating things and I should just leave them blank where applicable.


Thanks :)


No you do not leave blank. You simply write N/A. Leaving blank will make them believe you forgot to answer the question. They have no idea if it's not applicable.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-07-15 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

I am so thankful I did not get a checklist for the AOS. I swear I have been working on that thing for months before it was time to submit it. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-07-15 10:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

My Pd date is 9/17/2013. I found out today my AOS was accepted. They received our IV packet on 7/11. Just waiting on case complete. The waiting continues. 


Edited by Monalisa22, 14 July 2014 - 12:11 PM.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-07-14 12:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThis is so hard

I can understand how you feel. I have not seen my husband since last July. Our baby boy was born feb of this year and we were both sad he could not be here to see his first child born. This process is long, emotional and cruel. If you don't believe in God you better find a pretty good substitute because faith is what you need to get through this process. In the beginning I used to cry  a lot but with the birth of my baby boy I have to stay strong. I talk to my husband everyday. We talk about other things like politics, crack jokes, share youtube videos, articles, listen to music together on FB. Our case is at the end of the process at NVC so we are trying to hang in there.  The best way to deal with separation is to stay busy and find a support system. 

Edited by Monalisa22, 16 August 2014 - 09:07 AM.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-16 09:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Congratulations :dance: :dance:
You have a case complete. When was your last package scanned in?

 Thank you.  It was scanned july 8th.







Thank you so much. This journey has been so hard. We are almost there.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-31 10:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


It hasn't failed yet. Start the celebrations. If you're really lucky, you'll scrape in an interview date by the end of Tuesday, before the scheduling window closes for the next two weeks.

 Oh i pray this is true. Thank you.  This has been an emotional process from the beginning. It's hard to celebrate until I see my husband.. My docs were scanned July 8th. I hope we see case closes for so many. I really wish everyone the best.

Edited by Monalisa22, 31 August 2014 - 08:05 AM.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-31 08:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

It seems our AOS status on the site has changed from Paid to N/A. I pray this means a case closed.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-31 06:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Well here's the bull. When I called and spoke with NVC a couple of days ago the rep told me I got checklisted for the Russian police certificate. The rep did not tell me that it was received. All this time I thought it was missing. I spoke with Betsy the supervisor and she told me the translation was incorrect. My husband was rushing when he sent the docs and did not read the translation. Not realizing a first grader could have done a better job. The fool spelled Moscow, Muscow. It was so obvious it was done poorly.  My husband went to the Ghana language institute and went nuts. He confronted the man who did the translation. The man was a drunken fool.  So I decided to have the document translated here by a American company. I have learned my lesson. Not to have important paperwork done in Africa. NVC received our new documents this morning. I hope we don't have to wait too long to get our case closed. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-29 13:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Call NVC and ask to speak with a supervisor.

Oh I will call back to speak with a supervisor as soon as I  get a chance to call them back this afternoon. We should have had a case closed already.  

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-27 08:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

I am totally disgusted by NVC. My civil documents were received July 8th. I spoke with a rep this morning and was told they reviewed my documents and I got checklisted for the Russian police certificate. What are they doing? Losing people's documents. It took weeks to get the Russian police certificate and my husband had it translated as well. We made copies of everything we sent. The rep told me they would send it for review again. The incompetence at this agency is freaking mindboggling. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-27 08:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014
Thats not true. There have been people who have been successful at getting members of congress to help push their case along. It depends on the congress person. I have been in contact with this office previously regarding public policy issues. I voted for the senator so i will do all i can to get help with my case. Dont get a attitude with what im doing with my own case. Il do whatever to get my husband here.
Thats not true. There have been people who have been successful at getting members of congress to help push their case along. It depends on the congress person. I have been in contact with this office previously regarding public policy issues. I voted for the senator so i will do all i can to get help with my case. Dont get a attitude with what im doing with my own case. Il do whatever to get my husband here.
Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-17 01:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

NVC is known to be giving conflicting answers, I hardly believe them. But I think you should hear from them this coming week since they have already started reviewing July packages. Fingers crossed.


I hope so. My husband who is so strong and have been strong through the process is starting to crack. This process must come to a end. NVC does not make things easy with incompetent reps. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-16 14:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

NVC received our civil document package on July 8th. I spoke with a knucklehead at NVC yesterday and was told that it would take 60 days or more to  review my documents. I asked what was there process. He said that files are worked randomly. I was like hell naw. I have been in touch with Senator Barbara Miluski's office for a while and was told to fill out paperwork to give them permission to help me with my case. I faxed them the docs yesterday.  I pray they can help. I am getting this process done now. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-16 09:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

I actually thank visa journey for being here seriously. All the wonderful people who work so hard helping is such a blessing. Being a way from my husband for over a year and now raising our 5 month old son alone is challenging. So having this forum is therapy I need to have on a regular basis.  Our marriage was sanctioned by God so despite being apart and having some rough days me and my husband is still so close. I couldn't have married a better man than my husband. This process has made me change my political affiliation and i have learned who are our real friends are in Washington. I hate to say this but I despise Obama with a deep passion. I despise the Democratic party and I am now a registered Republican. These irresponsible policies have created the mess we are going through now and there is no politician talking about helping get rid of the backlog in the immigration system. When i received the email yesterday from NVC saying it would be a 60 day wait from the time they received our package I thought I was going to drop freaking dead. But I just prayed and kept it moving. There needs to be a story told about what we are going through. All the money we pay to these people and we get treated like garbage. This must end.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-02 09:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

     You can add my name to that letter. :( smiley-angry021.gif angry011.gif

     You can add my name to that letter. :( smiley-angry021.gif angry011.gif

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-01 23:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

It will be so jacked up if my husband is not here for the Thanksgiving and Xmas holidays. We have not seen each other since last July.  This is some b.s right here. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-01 14:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


In the letter my friend received, the second paragraph said they are currently receiving an increased number of approved petitions from U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). As a result, we are experiencing increased review times for documents received.


What I want to know is, how many resources were exhausted to type and send these letters out!! Could have been spent reviewing documents, me thinks.

That is the letter I received. What's funny is i just spoke to NVC yesterday. Why didn't they tell me this then. He told me 30 days.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-01 12:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


A friend of mine received the same exact letter. Did your letter blame the delay on USCIS, too?


They didn't say USCIS but stated they received a large caseload. I don't know what is going on. This is just too much to handle

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-01 11:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

I received a letter today from NVC that it is going to be 60 days from June 8th before we get notice on our case.It states they have a lot of cases to work on. I am just sick to death of his government. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-08-01 11:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers

Nevermind everyone. Now I am allowed to pay.  :oops:

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-06-13 15:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers

I paid the AOS fee and NVC received my AOS docs. I received my invoice today to pay the IV fee and I still cannot pay it online. It says 0. I swear I cannot believe what we have to go through with this process. I believe they are putting us through some kind of cruel test. This don't make no sense.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-06-13 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers

NVC received my case on 4/16. They said it will take about 30 days before I'm assigned a case number. 


PS I am routing for those who are still waiting for approval. The approvals will come. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-04-18 08:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers


Lord knows why we paid the $420 to begin with!!!!!

I I know. What did the fee cover? I want to see a breakdown of the expenses. 


$88 -  Affidavit of Support

$230 - IV (Immigrant Visa) fee


Everything is explained in the NVC guide :)  http://www.visajourn...php/NVC_Process

I  Oh wow. Thank you. 

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-04-11 10:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers

Hello guys. Please help me understand the NVC process. When filing the I 130 petition I paid the 420.00 fee. What other fees are charged at NVC?

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-04-11 10:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 I-130 Filers

Bdrew612 you have been fantastic throughout all this. Thank you for all your assistance.

Monalisa22FemaleGhana2014-04-05 09:39:00