VietnamFinancial Support

It is common and the norm to send some money to help support our other there. Usually once the process starts the person in VN ends up having to stop the job or business that they had to go through this process and thus ending their financial support they had. It is usually not much at all and the only time anyone here I have ever heard of that raised an eyebrow is when they are asked for a huge amount of money.

It is very normal and as have been said before just answer the question if it is brought up truthfully as they know at the consulate this is normal. I have never heard of it brought up though at any interview.

Thank you for the response. VJ members have made this difficult process a lot easier to handle!
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-11 09:01:00
VietnamFinancial Support

Oh...and I also remember reading in another thread to use caution when sending money when the beneficiary requests because of the possibility of being scammed. I don't remember the whole thing, but I do recall people posting links to horror stories.

My intention isn't to scare you or persuade you one way or the other, just to inform.

Thank you for the input. You do make an interesting point about why send money to your SO before marraige.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-10 05:05:00
VietnamFinancial Support

As Jim has said, most people do send money or have sent money. Usually it does not make any difference, and I have never heard of anyone being denied for sending money, although some people have argued that it helps because it shows intent, but in all honesty that argument is neither here or there. If you send money, have the receipts, if asked show them, if you choose to make a spectacle out of it, then you can also do this and let the cards fall where they do. Either decision you make, at least have the receipts at the interview is my opinion. Jerome

Thanks Jerome, That is pretty much what I thought too. I really appreciate your help. Pete
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-09 06:52:00
VietnamFinancial Support

Most of us do/did send money to our SO's. I haven't heard of it making a significant difference in anyone's case, but I've heard a lot of conjecture about it. Phuong brought the receipts to the interview. I told her not to bring up the subject unless the CO asked about it, in which case she should show him the receipts. He didn't ask.

Thank you, Jim Keeping in form, your response was most helpful. I read your posts every time I see one. Your knowledge is always appreciated.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-08 04:00:00
VietnamFinancial Support
My fiancee recently lost her main source of income. Even though she and her daughter live with her parents, and receives a small amount of child support, I wish to send her money each month. This money is solely intended to help with normal daily living expenses. It will be a modest amount to replace the income she lost. We are awaiting Packet 4, so I don't think this support will be needed for a long period of time. I would like to get the opinions of other VJ members as to whether this will raise a "red flag" with the CO at the HCMC Consulate in Vietnam. From all that I have read about the HCMC Consulate, this may even be looked upon as favorable. I guess it could go either way. Your opinions would greatly appreciated.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-06 08:05:00
VietnamTimeframe for P4

all you can do is wait.. call the DoS every now and then to see if the interview date has been set and the letter sent... this is a busy time of year for them as they are getting ready for end of fiscal and just had a holiday weekend recently...

Thank you Scott for the reply. I read your posts every time I see one. The information you provide has proven extremely valuable. It is because of VJ members like you that this most painful process is even tolerable at all!
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-11 15:31:00
VietnamTimeframe for P4
I am hoping someone could give me some information on how long it takes to get P4 after sending P3. It is going on 90 days for us and from what I have seen, this is longer than normal. My SO has visited the Consulate several times and has e-mailed them also. Every time the response is just wait. Does this time delay mean we have a problem, or are they just very busy at this time. Could this have something to do with the new head man? Should I contact my Congressman or just wait as they say?
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-11 09:10:00
VietnamMedical Exam Appointment Date after Interview Date

if you bought your airline ticket through a travel agent, most likely, the ticket can be changed at little to no cost. i asked this before buying the ticket, and it seemed every airline allowed for a change at little to no cost. even if you didn't buy through a travel agent, call the airline and see what they say.

Thanks Dan, I did buy my tickets through a travel agent. The problem is my boss as far as extending my time away from work or changing my schedule.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-15 22:06:00
VietnamMedical Exam Appointment Date after Interview Date

It's always a risk to make the travel plans before having the visa in hand. But that is past now.

Things that can be done are:

1- Keep trying to get in for a medical prior to the interview. Has your fiance tried everything to get in? In Vietnam sometimes there are ways to get things done for a small amount of money.

2- Reschedule the interview for a date after the earliest medical exam date. Check with your airline to see what it will cost to adjust your ticket(s).

3- Go to the interview knowing that the visa cannot be granted until the medical is done. If there are no other issues with the interview then you will have a decent idea of when you may have the visa in hand and can depart. If there are other issues to be resolved that gives you the time to get that done and you can still travel back to the US together.

Thank you for the response. I was aware of the risk of making travel plans before getting the visa, but I was so excited to finally get an appointment date, I threw caution to the wind, and took a chance! But as you said, what's done is done.
Due to my employer, I have only a small window of time to be in VN. I had to beg just to get an extra week off, so I can only spend 2 weeks there.
Some friends of mine here in the States just returned from VN and told me that if you go to Cho Ray very early in the morning you can get in as a "walk-in" that day. I imagine a little coffee money would not hurt either.
We will keep trying your first idea as I would be afraid to reschedule anything with them! The third scenario is most likely to happen so my SO and her daughter will have to make the trip on their own. I will meet them at the POE. Once again, it is the wonderful VJ members as yourself that have made this ordeal possible to survive! Thank you all
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-15 12:41:00
VietnamMedical Exam Appointment Date after Interview Date

did u get ur interview letter or not?

Yes. We were going to try to get an appointment before we received it, but could not. We now have the letter, but her appointment dates are after the interview.
I have already purchased flight tickets to be with her for the interview and planned to stay long enough to bring her back with me.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-15 08:26:00
VietnamMedical Exam Appointment Date after Interview Date
We have just received Packet 4. To make an appointment for the Medical Exam, you must have your Interview Appointment Letter. My SO went to both examination hospitals and could not get an appointment date before our interview date. As a result , through no fault of our own, I blelieve we will get a blue slip for not having the medical exam results. Another glitch in the system? I feel sure that this has happened to other VJ members and would like to know if there is any remedy for this. I think I read something about this before, but can not find it again. Please tell me what will happen to us in this situation.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-15 07:41:00
VietnamHCMC Visa turnaround time

OMG we'll be home together in 72 hours.. And I mean home not just together... the math of it just sank in... my neighbors are gonna wonder what the heck when the "welcome home" stuff moves outside... it's limited to inside the house so far... :dance:
I thought I had everything ready and just thought that I dont have enough clothes hangers so one more thing to run out and get...

We are very happy for you and Thuy. I am in VN now as Hanh's interview is tomorrow morning. Both Hanh and her daughter got their medical and good results in time! Our fate is now in the hands of the consulate! We have prepared well and I am fairly confident of a good result, but as you know,anything can happen! Words cannot express our gratitude to you and all the vj members for your help!! I too did not think about hangers. I will post what happened to us as soon as possible! The internet service here at the hotel is a little slow, but better than nothing.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-05 00:16:00
VietnamSuccessful interview!!!

I'm just back from traveling to Vietnam for Hang's successful K-1 interview on 9/27. She received the actual visa today, so we are excited to be moving ahead now with the next phase and to be starting our life together soon. We're very grateful to all the folks here who have posted useful information and responded to our questions - I'm doubtful that we would have achieved this result without that help. Thanks!!!

I'll plan to post a more detailed summary later in the reviews section, but she spent a little over two hours inside the consulate on the interview day while I waited anxiously across the street. She was the third person interviewed by her CO after blue slips for the first two (she also noticed one person interviewed by a different CO who also received pink). She was asked roughly 40 questions in all, and except for one that she asked to be repeated in Vietnamese, the interview was conducted entirely in English. Out of the variety of evidence we had compiled, the officer looked at some of the photos and envelopes/postcards but did not ask to see the emails, phone records, and other items (I'm glad that we had prepared them though!). Hang was also insistent about turning in our two-page, notarized relationship timeline along with the main documents, and it appears that they did look at that as well. She was finished by about 10:20, and we were able to enjoy the rest of the day in HCMC before flying to Da Nang to visit her family for the rest of the week.


Great news! Hanh has her interview tomorrow morning. We are hoping for good results! I was happy to see that you received the visa in the 7 to 10 day timeframe. I am in vn now and wish everything goes OK!
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-05 00:02:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

The fact that you have already been given a blue effectively means that you are already in AP. If you look at the past cases, I would say at least 60% when given the first blue will get a second blue. Lucky was one of very few that I can think of off the top of my head who submitted after the first blue and got a pink when he showed back up. Your case has many things that could put you into AP. The first thing being what they asked for alone. If they truly do want to know who was living with you they cannot find this out the same day you resubmit, meaning you might get another blue. The same for the other things like the timeline, if they really want to look at it and they are busy when you turn in the paperwork then you will get a blue. I know this sounds bad, but it is probably the truth, but this means if they REALLY want the information they requested. Something as simple as a police check they can look and see with only a glance, while a long timeline or a list of relatives might need to be proven. With what you have said in the past and knowing we are NOT CO's we can only really tell you what we have seen, because we do NOT know what they think or do, I probably have a bit more insight since I personally know one of the current CO's at HCMC but this does not mean I know anything, just what he tells me. Either way expect the worst, but hope for the best so you are not let down. You should be fine, just go in there and do what you can do.
Jerome and Binh

Once again, Jerome and Binh, thank you for your input. I have lived alone for over 15 years since my divorce. I cannot imagine what would make them think otherwise. How long a timeline would be too long? My fiancee only has 2 relatives in the states and they have promised to supply the information they requested. She has had no previous contact with them until the consulate basically forced her to do so. It seems to be a stupid thing to do on their part. I checked on getting a Lexis Nexis report on myself, but they said I would not get results for 30 to 60 days. I am curious as to what is on that report.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-14 10:30:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

Getting put in AP can be for a number of reasons or for no obvious reason... our CO obviously didnt like the fact that we were both married (on paper only) when we met.. and that after the divorces were final we applied for our K1...

in the past I have heard of someone getting a similar blue sheet due to utility bills not reflecting a divorce... ie his name was on a utility bill for his ex at her residence... they thought it was an immigration only relationship. the guy found out what the issue was and it was resolved...

When they ask for the P's or B's previous residence history for 10 years.. it is usually because either they think something is up.. or that there could be gaps in data or conflicting data in the reports.. or it could just be to screw with you...

dont expect AP, just keep in mind that it is possible and is just a waiting game. a long wait in some cases.

Just so we know a bit more.. how many visits have you made? How long together with her before filing... and did you have a dam hoi?

We met through a dating site(VietnamCupid) in Oct.2009. I made my first trip(Feb.2010) to meet her and confirm that what we felt through our many web conversations were for real. We had our engagement ceremony on that visit. I went on my second trip to be with her for the interview. I am afraid you know the rest of the story! During this visit we purchased our wedding rings and I visited her entire family again. She is going to the Pagoda this week to pray(7hrs each way) Jerome mentioned that too long a Timeline could result in a second blue. How long is too long? What happens if we get a second blue?
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-14 10:12:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

Looking at past interview results as an indicator of what may happen.. there were two VJ member interviews in August with similar results to the OP which in one case was approved when resubmitted and the other was put in AP...
As has been said before.. dont dwell on the past.. look ahead and keep an open mind to all things that could happen.. this is a process and it is not personal to the CO...

We plan to submit all they ask for on the date given. Do you see anything there that would put us in AP?
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-13 16:11:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

The CO's prepare ahead of time. If not, they cannot keep to their schedule. While no one will know for sure, it's likely that that CO had concerns and was using the interview to push them to blue or pink.

My wife saw pink and got blue. We had to submit some more proof of communication (we killed some trees and printed off all chats and emails covering 2+ years), proof of my ex wife's address (she was not born in the US, actually European), and proof of my wife's ex's current address. We turned it in and got pink.

Now that was before the timeline became an unofficial requirement. Was it due to our age difference (22 years) or the fact that we both were married before? All we could do is respond to the blue slip as best we could. In our case my ex wouldn't cooperate so I could only submit my affidaivt stating what I knew to be true.

Blaming the translator is easy. But as stated before, the CO controls the interview. Trying to get the beneficiary "off their game" is one of the tools they use to evaluate the person being interviewed.

One thing that another VJ member who was formerly with CBP said about the process is this:

A good way to try to check your emotions is to understand that the nature of personal questions is not a reflection on you, it's a reflection of finding the truth to make an informed decision. They are doing their job which is to determine the eligibility of an individual to receive a benefit.

It's business not personal. That's tough to soak in because getting an immigration visa to be with your family is a very personal issue, but they don't see it that way and neither should you. If you understand their perspective and keep that in mind, you can tailor your responses to meet that perspective. Do that and you're most of the way there.

Sounds like you folks are working through the process. Submit what was requested and it seems likely you will get pink. Remember that the visa is the goal. Don't get side tracked by anything else.

Due to what they requested on the blue slip and did not request a second interview, I too feel that we will get pink when we submit all that they asked for. I still cannot understand why they changed from pink to blue. I guess we will never know! Thank you for your support.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-12 20:26:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

You probably won't believe, or refuse to to believe, me right now. I'll let time and yourself be the test to my doubt. I've known so many Vnese that fall into this type of scenario. It's almost like a textbook 101, step-by-step guide on how to get her feet in America, and later on the rest of her family members.

Middle age lady, over 40, marries a guy, at least over 60. She's in the game for her children, not herself. A couple years have passed and she now gets her 10-year GC, able to sponsor her children to come to the States. Now she's totally 100% in control of the game. If the hubby fails to satisfy any of her demand, no matter how ridiculous they might be, she's not afraid to break the relationship.

But of course, you won't believe your Angel capable of doing this.

Come back here once she's got her perm 10-year GC and prove me wrong.

I understand your position on this. I don't think this is true for me. The choice to live in US was mine not hers. She prefers to live in VN! She has 1 daughter that is coming to the US with us. She has no contact with relatives in the US until forced by the consulate! I will prove you wrong for sure. Why are you so negative about your own people?:
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-10 18:18:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

24 years is a pretty big age difference, this MIGHT be one of the problems, but she is old herself so it helps. Some of the information you have left out that Lucky has mentioned is how long have you known her, how were you two introduced, how many trips have you made. As far as the age thing you can look at it many ways, you are almost a quarter of a century older than her, or you could look at it like this she is 40 which is mature, and you are even more mature, and ready to retire and settle down. We are not CO's we can only speculate on why people do or do not get approved. In my case the CO lied at the interview, and once we hired a lawyer it was proven he lied by his own interview notes and follow up notes when I went back to the consulate on two seperate trips after the interview. SO there was NO way we were going to get a visa, the CO had his mind made up. In other persons cases this generally doesnt happen (the CO being a liar) but their mind IS usually made up prior to the interview, meaning you need to really make a good impression AT the interview to either keep their mind made up or to try and change it. In your case one way that can help change their mind in your favor would be for you to show photos of you and ALL of her family, lots of conversations that the two of you have, and a true interest of her and her of you. It doesnt matter if you are an engineer or not, close to retirement or 5 years out still. If they think it is fraud then you have to show it isnt. My now wife was teaching at ABC international school for 6 years prior to our interview, she had letters from the principal and other co workers there for the CO to read. I had been with my company for 7 years and had letters from my boss on how I had moved up from general labor to a management role, and how my salary in the next 3 years was going to double bringing me to about 100k a year. The point I am trying to make is the same as others, prove them wrong, and to do that you have to show that your relationship is real, and with something like a 24 year age gap, I would show that much more. WIth me and my wife there is a 6 month age gap, and she is older so for us that was not an issue, then a while back there was a couple here filiing for a K1 visa like us. He did not even know her for 1 month before proposing on the internet and going to meet her for the first time. He was 10 years older than she was, he only stayed 5 days the first trip, he then flew back for the interview (only was staying another 5 days) and was approved. Their entire relationship from meeting to getting a visa was less than 7 months. Most of us would have thought they would have been doomed for denial, or at least AP but they weren't. The point of this is to show you that strange things can and do happen at HCMC, so be prepared for the worst, yet hope for the best. Get them their information, and then anything else that you want them to really look at, after all once they make their decision there is nothing you can do that wont take more than a year to settle. Others have done a rebuttal and been successful but it will have been well over a year before they get in for a new interview, so if you got it, show it. Good luck Jerome and Binh

First, but not least, thank you for your response! The items you mention were all covered in our timeline which they did not ask for! It is the first item on the blue slip. I will create a new timeline strickly by the guidelines on the slip. During the interview the translator lady said to my fiance"You agree to marry a MAN after only meeting face to face after only 1 day! She put extra emphasis on MAN, saying very loudly and with a tone of disgust! My fiance tried to tell her about the many hours of conversation for many months. The fact that there was a pink there at first and the fact that they only want us to submit documents gives us hope. She is to submit them on Nov.3rd. Peter and Hanh
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-09 23:08:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

I did read it fully before and you left something very important out that we saw that had us saying what we did. Since you seem to see nothing wrong and all then I will just say good luck and God bless.

We are flying blind here as you are pretty new and we know very little about you so we can only go by what they are asking from you and the past of what they have asked for from people and the reasons what ever. We are pretty old hands here and try to help but we can do so only if we are able.

I know I am new therefore I rely very much on your input. Please tell me what important item I left out! I will gladly tell anything that may help. I understand whay you meam by helping, but I do value and appreciate your efforts on my behalf!!
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-09 18:41:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

The reason for their concern is that Vietnam is a high fraud country, and the CO's treat everyone like they are in it for the green card and nothing else. If you are much older than your fiancee then to them it looks suspicious, not trying to judge, but seriously if you were looking on the outside if you saw a 65 year old man with a 20 year old woman what would you think? Clearly your fiancee is not a 20 year old woman with her being divorced for 13 years, and I am NOT stating that she is in it for the green card and not love, but for many people this IS what is going on, and all of us that are not in that boat get put there by the CO's thinking we are like the bad ones. Age is of concern, if you are 65 you have to show you will support your fiancee, and i think it takes 5 years for the perminate citizenship card which would make you 70, so this might shine a light on what they may or may not be seeing, just observations, nothing more. Good luck, and remember to get everything they need, dont give them any reason to deny you. Jerome and Binh

Yes, I will turn 65 in November. My fiance is 41! If they looked at my I-134 they would see that money for their support is not a problem. I am an engineer and my job is not physically hard. For all they know I may work until I am 70! I value your observations and input greatly. You give me food for thought that on items I may have missed. Please do not stop! Thank you, Peter It really helps to get information from someone who has gone through this process before.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-08 20:37:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

NOTHING is for free at the consulate, who ever told you they would do it for free is not telling you the truth or they dont know and are just speaking from their other end. The timeline must be signed and notorized by YOU, not your fiancee, so she can sign it in front of the CO, but they want YOURS not hers. People conduct business differently in Vietnam, they do have seals, but for enough money you can get your very own and even signed by the person to make it legit, this is why the US Consulate wants it done in their embassy, or on US soil by a notary, and they will not accept US citizens documents with the Vietnamese stamps accept for the marriage license if done in Vietnam, however they do accept them for the Vietnamese citizens when they need something authenticated,

I am going back to the states next week which is where I will get my timeline and residential information notarized. My concer n is for the 2 documents the want from her. I will send the fee money withn her when she goes. It was the lady at the information window at the consulate, so I would not be surprised if it was the other end talking!
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-08 05:35:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

That is exactly what I thought when I saw what they wanted from him. They definitely have some negative impressions and I expect an AP process but need to get what they want and sent in and see what they give you next and what it says. Good luck.

The CO seemed happy with our information, he had the pink slip sitting in front of him for my fiancee to see. She first saw it at the first window too!! If you have not, please read my answer to JimVaPhuong about the contents of our blue slip. It did not seen like anything that could harm us that much. 1) Timeline 2) My residential info last 10 years 3) Fiancee residential info last 10 years 4) Relatives living in the US info. As far as #4 She had to get her Mother and Brother to find the information they want. Before this whole mess, she did not even know their names much less where they live. Did the translator make out the blue slip? The CO was studying his computer the whole interview and my fiancee is not sure he even heard the questions!! Can she make out the slip and just get him to sign it?
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-08 05:25:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

I don't believe the girl at the information window in front of the building is a consular officer, and I believe only consular officers can notarize documents. I could be wrong.

Anyway, the HCMC consulate website says the fee is $50.


Forgive me for not memorizing your prior posts and history, but do you and/or your fiancee have prior divorces? If so, were either of you divorced relatively recently prior to the beginning of your relationship? I'm just trying to get an idea what they're fishing for, as it might help you compose a more focused timeline to submit.

Re. the comment your fiancee overheard the translator make - are you near normal retirement age? If so, then the comment doesn't really indicate they have any inside information. If not, they may have discovered something in their background checks. Perhaps there is some indication in your Lexis Nexis report.

I have been divorced for 15 years and my fiancee for 13 years. I cannot imagine what they are after! I will be 65 in November of this year, but cannot retire until I am 66. I have no intention of retiring any time soon. Lucktxn is scaring the devil out of me, saying we might get sent to AP. Why would they do that? Please note that the CO only asked 2 questions, the translator did all the damage! Can she persuade the CO to send us to AP?
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-08 05:12:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

Yes, in a word type format, and it must be notorized and signed
Jerome and Binh

The girl at US Citizens Service told me that if we go to the information window at the front of the building. they will notorize for free.Or my fiancee could sign in front of the CO and that would be accepted as well. Good way to make a few extra bucks though because as far as I can tell there is no recognized notary in the vn system at all. How do people conduct business? If what the girl at the information is correct, then problem solved. I will believe when and if it is true!! Example: DOS website say $50.00, girl at window say $30.00. See what I mean?
Please pass along to Linda!!
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-07 20:42:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

what is the blue slip asking for, exactly ?

Please look at my response to JimvaPhuong.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-07 20:31:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

When Thuy went to submit the last two docs a couple of weeks ago, the CO had no questions... the pink was sitting in front of him.. the translator asked her several questions as if it were an interview... we later found that the visa had been approved two days before they issued the pink... so she was done when she showed up and the translator just wanted to be a tool and make things difficult... give them the documents that they want and go from there... Curtis went early and had no issue, others went early and got blue...

The only thing I have heard them asking to be notarized is the timeline... I remember someone posting here that there was a cheap way to get things notarized at the consulate... its been a while since that was posted so it may take some looking to find it..

dont consider it a failed interview. just a hurdle along the way....

They do now ask everything be notarized. Please look at my response to JimvaPhuong for more details of our trouble. I am returning to the states next week and will tell more then.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-07 20:27:00
VietnamFailed interview !!

The translator is not a CO. They are an employee of the consulate, usually a local VN citizen. It's fairly well known that many of the local employees treat the visa applicants like #######. I'm not sure what's up with that. Maybe it's a good cop/bad cop thing. Maybe it's a streak of jealousy. I don't know the reason, but I know it's pretty common.

I've also heard a lot of people have had problems with the translators, but I've not heard of a case where the translator basically commandeered the interview like this. The biggest problem is usually when the translator intentionally mis-translates something to make it appear the beneficiary is giving the wrong answer. It sounds like your fiancee was unfortunate enough to have gotten a CO who doesn't understand VN very well, and a translator who took advantage of the situation.

The good news is that the translator is likely out of the picture now. Unless another interview is needed, which is unlikely, the CO won't need any further input from the translator.

A notary stamp is just a legal witness to a signature. If they're asking for any documents from you then you would need to stand in front of the notary when you sign the document. If you're in VN then I recommend getting the documents notarized at US Citizen Services at the consulate. I know it's expensive, but the CO won't question a notary stamp from another consular officer. They may question a notary stamp from anywhere else in VN. If you're in the US then you can get any notary in the US to witness your signature and stamp your documents.

Are they really asking for any new documents to be notarized? Even proof of relationship stuff? I've never heard of that before.

They asked for 4 items on our blue slip.1) Timeline(The first window she went to,the clerk there told her she did not need Timeline)The Co did not ask for one! 2) My residence for past 10 years including adddress phone #'s and who lived there with me. 3) All members of fiancee house including name, phone #'s and relationship. 4) Name ,address phone #'s of her relatives in US. Also proof of that info.(Utility bill, driver liscence,ect.) My fiancee will have to ask her brother for this info as she has no contact with them. It is an aunt & uncle that live in 2 different parts of the US.
Every item required that it be in a notarized statement!! My fiance, when asked some questions by translator lady(Older vn woman) and gave a correct answer the lady did not like, she told my fiancee that answer did not matter. The translator lady also was talking to herself loud enough that my fiancee could hear. Example: Peter will retire soon. HOW DOES SHE KNOW!!! She is a mind reader too!!
The translator lady apparently did not like my fiancee and went out of her way to see her fail!! I wonder if the new director knows about the behavior of some of his employees?
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-07 20:22:00
VietnamFailed interview !!
I have some questions that VJ members may be able to answer. Is the vn language translater also a CO? The CO was an American who had a Pink in front of him, smiled at all our pictures and only asked 2 questions. Then the translator lady started asking questions that were impossible to answer and talked the CO into giving us a blue! Who makes the decision, the CO or the translator? The translator lady kept asking questions until my fiance could not answer! Example: You say you will honeymoon in Las Vegas, what is the room cost per night? As everyone knows you cannot get a room rate until you make a reservation. Cannot make a reservation until you have a visa! You see where the translator lady was giong with this!! This is only an example of what she was trying to do. She succeeded!!
They also failed us for a timeline that we had and they would not accept! What happens now, after we submit the documents to window B? It says on the blue sheet that you can submit early, does that do any good?
They state that all new documents be notarized. The consulate fee for a notary stamp is $50.00 each. Is there any way to get a notary in vn for less than that very high fee?
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-10-06 06:13:00
VietnamBlue Sheet ........Requested for documents

Hi You guys,

My fiance just came back from an interview they requested her for additional documents which i already prepared

1) Please submit a complete DS-156
2) The Petitioner must submint a complete Form-134, signs and records for his income.

And asked my fiance to turn in those documents anytime at Window B between 13:00 - 14:00 during working days.

Can someone tell me is this a good sign or bad one?????????? Thanks

We had almost the same situation. They requested documents from us that were different than yours. It sounds like you did not complete all the information on the forms! Remember that on DS-156 you must have 2 additional copies with photos. If you follow the instruction very carefully and turn in when they say, you may get pink! When my fiancee turned in what they asked for, she got pink, no questions.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-11-04 07:40:00
VietnamAPPROVED !!!

Great news Peter... wait until the visa is in hand to get the ticket

Yes for sure. I am not going to make that mistake again. She is supposed to get it Nov.10th. We will wait and see.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-11-03 16:38:00
VietnamAPPROVED !!!
We submitted the additional paperwork the CO requested and got PINK!! We would like to express our gratitude to all the VJ members who have helped us along the way. We would like to give special thanks to ScottThuy, JeromeBinh, Luckytxn, JimVaPhuong, lindal24, and Anh map. I don't see how anyone could make it through this most difficult process without VJ members. I will write a review as soon as I settle down. I will also help other VJ members if I can! Once again, Thank you all.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-11-03 13:03:00

You should consider finding a Dich Vu for the medical. You pay them about the same and chances are more likely that you'll be able to get in before the interview then without one. Ask around, I'm sure someone knows someone...if you can't happen to find one, I can ask my husband (he might know...).

Thank Linda, I could not find a translation for"Dich Vu", please explain. My fiancee hired an attorney and got an appointment before our date. Now I just hope she can get the results in time!
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-22 05:20:00

@pwolocen go to CHO RAY and give the nurse some coffee money($500,000d)thing will go smooth man.. remember "money talk" in vietnam ..

Already tried that and all she got was the run around.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-19 08:29:00

I think Scott said you can do a walk-in at Cho Ray if you get there early in the morning, and maybe come across with a little coffee money. Any chance you could go to HCMC a few days before the interview and give it a shot?

Thanks Jim for the respose. Hanh went to Cho Ray 6 times and tried what Scott suggested. They asked her for 100 dollars US, then called her and said that it could not be done because the doctors have meetings for 2 weeks in Sept. I talked to Scott and he thinks this is bull. I am going to arrive the Saturday before her Wednesday interview, but I don't know if that will be enough time to try again with her. We have worked so hard on this whole thing, it seems unfair that they throw this obstacle at us at this stage of the ordeal!
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-19 08:26:00

Excellent - congratulations! As someone with anxiety as our K-1 interview date is rapidly approaching on the 27th, I also appreciate your comments on the consulate.

At last some good news! I think we (Peter & Hanh) are next for the interview. Our appointment is Oct.6th. I am flying to VN on Oct.1st to help if I can. We could not get an appointment for her medical exam until after the interview, so I guess we will get a blue for that! Very frustrating! We wish you all the luck in the world for a good result.
If at all possible, I would like to know how it went for you.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-09-18 16:39:00
VietnamVisa Pick Up Times

Luckily, my wife got her visa today (Wooo Whooo!).

But she said there were other people who finally got their visa after coming back four times -that's once a week.

Man, what an ordeal!

Now, I've got to clean the house and get ready. :dance:

Congrats! A long, hard road for you. We are happy that you finally made it!!
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-11-19 16:34:00
VietnamVisa Pick Up Times
Some information for VJ members: We got pink on Nov. 3rd, with instructions to pick up the visa on Nov.10th. She got the visas OK on the given date after a two and 1/2 hour wait. We were lucky because my fiancee told me that several people with pink were told to return every 10 days. They were told the visa was not ready and were not sure when it would be. Others were told to come back in 7 days. Just to let folks know what has been said before-Do not buy tickets until you have visa in hand!!!
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-11-10 14:24:00
VietnamHCMC Timeline Resource

Let me just edit one more info. Once you submited Packet 3 to the Consulate. According to Scott's reminder, you might need to call Department of State to see if they have scheduled an appointment for you @ 202-663-1225 when the message starts.. press 1, when the next message starts, press 0.. you may wait 5 to 15 minutes for a CSR..

Sorry, but I don't know about calling the DOS. My fiancee went to the consulate once a week to ask about appointment date! All she was ever told was to wait for notification in the mail. It finally arrived, but took a long time after Packet 3. You might want to ask Scott about calling.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-11-11 08:35:00
VietnamHCMC Timeline Resource

congrats pwolocen .... could you tell me what is in packet 3 & 4 ? We have been waiting for interview date since Sept 03 ,2010

Thanks for the congrats. Packet 3 & 4 contain forms and instructions for what you must do. Read everything very carefully and you should not have a problem! Packet 4 does have your interview appointment letter in it. Check my signature above and you will see that we waited almost 3 months between P3 & P4.
You can find what exactly is in those packets on this site or the one from the consulate. It is good to look at them ahead of time to get an idea of what you must do.Also more time to prepare. I hope this helps you.
pwolocenMaleVietnam2010-11-09 17:27:00