CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
There's a Joes' Crab Shack here in Sacramento.... it's a fun place to visit, but I have never been impressed with their food. Most is deep fried seafood... so it's not so great. I agree that Red Lobster is far better for seafood.

QUOTE (Danu @ Feb 10 2009, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jasman0717 @ Feb 10 2009, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danu @ Feb 9 2009, 07:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I some how totally forgot Panda Express!

Claudeth is back on the Panda Express train. I think she had it four times last week blink.gif

I just realized you are from Santa Ana....are you still there? Thats where I'm going to end up!

On a questioning note - anyone had good experiances with Joe's crab shack? Wes said he wants to take me there, glanced at their site online and it looks yummy. Just wondering if anyone here had been there.

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-02-10 22:05:00
CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
We are on the west coast so Cheesecake Factory has awesome food and a chain called BJ's Brewhouse is really good! You can't beat In-N-Out Burger for the best burgers and fries... not to mention cheap. star_smile.gif

QUOTE (ozone_1974 @ Feb 8 2009, 06:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone smile.gif

when I was in Florida, I was looking for good and not too expensive restaurants. One I found (very well known though), not too expensive and they have quite a nice choice is Olive Garden. Their food is really good and tasty and the ambiance is fantastic ! smile.gif

My fiancee and I love to go to restaurants sometimes (just to relax at the end of a long day at work, get out of the house and eat great food when we don't feel like cooking or just to break the routine) so I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions on good restaurants to try.

Thanks in advance wink.gif

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-02-08 23:14:00
CanadaMoving this weekend
Congratulations on the beginning of your new life! Happy travel star_smile.gif

QUOTE (lawg @ Feb 19 2009, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So we are off to Caravan from Northern Saskatchewan to Katy Texas this weekend. We have a 10 year old and a 8 month old we will try to keep entertained as we trek! lol

We are taking what we can in our two minivans and will transport the rest this summer. It should be an interesting journey. I think we are going through Portal so I will post how it went entering on our K3/K4's! My husband usually makes the trip in 2 1/2 days - we are planning to take 4 days or so.

Wish us luck!

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-02-19 22:23:00
CanadaHow did everyone meet their american/canadian significant others?
I love your story JillA.... so awesome!!!
QUOTE (JillA @ Feb 8 2009, 09:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow so many of you met your loves online, that's neat! Imagine the days before the internet?

Well I (worked) for a shipping company in Toronto. We have many offices all over the world, it's container shipping and we go everywhere. One office that we deal with the most is the Philly office. I made bookings in the customer service dept, and Glen in Philly is the logistics co-ordinator. Many times I had to call him and ask if we had equipment in Philly that I could book for my customers, and if there was space on a certain vessel. Well this goes back to 2005, we'd chat it up since we were around the same age, ask what he did that past weekend, make small talk. He was so sweet and friendly on the telly and sounded hot but what does a voice tell you, not much about looks haha. So his boss really appreciated all the hard work myself and my co-worker Mel did, and invited us to come to the 2006 company Christmas party in Philly, all expenses paid! I was pretty excited to go, meet everyone I talk to on the telly but especially Glen. I picked out a black strapless dress, I wanted to make a good impression. So off we go to Philly, and arrived Friday afternoon, in time for a tour of the office. In the office they all have tags on their desk, and I saw who was Glen so went right up and gave him a hug. He was on the telly though so we couldn't chat, but I said to myself, damn he's good looking!!

Got changed in the hotel, went to the party. I walk in and see Glen standing alone at the bar waiting for his beer, so I went right up to introduce myself properly this time. There was an instant connection and sparks, we both felt it. He was so easy to talk to, and the entire night we danced and chatted. I barely spoke to anyone else LOL. Well we said our goodbyes and nice to meet you, I had to fly home the next morning. I couldn't get him out of my head, but said to myself this is silly, he lives in Philly nothing can come of this. But Monday morning back at work, I e-mailed him to say how wonderful it was to meet him and I enjoyed his company, he said the same. NY eve was coming soon, so I asked for his cell # so I could text him happy new year. Well from that day forward, we texted non-stop and called eachother. I ended up coming back in February, and we ended up seeing eachother once a month until I moved here! It was fate how we met, because I was invited to the party to meet my future husband!!

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-02-08 23:38:00
CanadaVancouver Consulate Updated Packet 3
Wow... I just noticed this thread... the checklist Vancouver sent me did not have the Evidence of Support listed on it. I just printed out the new one thanks to the link you guys provided! Good stuff to know! Thanks a million!

QUOTE (minnew @ Apr 23 2009, 07:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The last revision before this was 3/30/09!!! That is crazy! Maybe its because the most recent revision left off "Evidence of Support." I was very suprised to not find it when I printed out my checklist! Oh well I already have everything I need for support evidence anyways!

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-05 12:00:00
CanadaVancouver Medical & Interview
Thank you everyone for the responses!!! Getting really excited about the trip and new questions popping up in my brain every day

Congrats Landa!

I was trying to see if any other VJers have interviews in Vancouver next week, but haven't come across any yet... I know Minnew's is the week after ours... but that's as close as I've seen.

So happy I will finally have my hubby home with me soon! star_smile.gif

QUOTE (borderdriver @ May 13 2009, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
landa congrats on passing the exam.

As for taxi - bring a little more just in case. It will be around that much but it may be more. if you are heading back from Vancouver downtown to Airport - take the 98 B line bus (its an express bus). you'll save more on fare and avoid the expensive taxi traffic fare. You can ask anyone in downtown or even bus drivers and they will tell you which streets the bus run. It takes you up to the airport.

you can take the taxi from the medical to consulate. But if you have time, walk. vancouver is pretty and if you dont have to sight see, this will give you a chance and you'll see some cafe's or restaurants you might want to grab a bite from. Its about 10 blocks away from each other.

Like landa said, you can bring anyone with you at the medical clinic, they just have to wait for you in the waiting room while you do their exam. Get there at 5:45am.

The clinic does groups of 4 when doing the exams.

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-14 10:03:00
CanadaVancouver Medical & Interview
Question #1 -
Does anyone know how much a taxi costs from the airport to the downtown area where the consulate and medical building are?

Question #2 -
Can I go with my hubby and wait for him at the medical exam appt. in Vancouver? Or will they only let him in the building? What has everyone else done?

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-13 14:18:00
CanadaIs anyone having their medical tomorrow May 27th in Vancouver?
I think Minnew is. She has interview today and medical tomorrow I believe.

QUOTE (carslo @ May 26 2009, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am having my medical tomorrow in Vancouver and I was wondering if anyone else will be there from this site?


BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-26 12:26:00
CanadaVancouver Interview last week
No kidding! I'm not liking those people much right now! tongue_ss.gif

QUOTE (minnew @ May 28 2009, 09:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any word from the Vancouver consulate?

When I go down there today I will tell them to hurry up! tongue.gif

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-28 12:01:00
CanadaVancouver Interview last week

Here is the detailed version of the overstay. My husband came to the US in Feb 2008 (passport stamped at border), we decided to get married in March 2008, then we were going to file AOS while he was here, but didn't have the money. In October 2008 we decided her would go back to Canada and work while we filed the correct way for K-3 and CR-1. When he went back he was 45 days over the 6 month stay allowed. He flew into Fargo ND and was having his mom and Aunt cross the border from Winnipeg and pick him up to drive back into Canada. His mom and Aunt freaked out and told the whole overstay story to the US Border Agent and they searched their car and detained them for 2 hrs and then made notes regarding the overstay on my husbands passport file in the computer I guess. So "HE" was never detained, but his mom and aunt were detained and questioned about "HIS" overstay cuz they freaked out and thought they were doing something wrong by picking him up. So the overstay is on his record now although he was never detained or examined about it. So, the Vancouver Consolate woman insisted he was detained or examined when he never was and she just didn't get this I guess and thought he was lying.

From what I have read I thought that small overstays are commonly "forgiven" as a courtesy to the US Citizen since it's your spouse???

As for the RFE, I have to mail Original court records to Montreal anyways, so I printed out the pages of my bank statements for the past 3 years that show the monthy deposit amounts into my account and also made a copy of a monthly Social Security benefit I am getting for the care of my son cuz his dad passed away in March. I think all they looked at is my tax returns which is borderline since I have a fair amount of child support I receive monthly which doesn't show on taxes. I had my son's father do an affidavit saying he pays me XX every month by court order etc. and I made copies of all the checks for the past year. I did also get my dad to do a co-sponsor packet. He makes less than me, but his household size is smaller, since I have kids. So I will just send them a 2 inch stack of all this which is overkill probably, but not taking any chances that they give us another RFE for financial

I am definitely going to contact someone about our treatment in Vancouver after we get the visa! Do you think we should wait until after the Montreal interview as well??? Don't want to rock any boats!

Thanks for your help!

QUOTE (trailmix @ May 27 2009, 05:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BradnKim @ May 26 2009, 01:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Then my hubby had an overstay of 45 days from last year before we started this process and it created a "hit" on ISIS, so she insisted he was detained by the US Border agents in October, but he was actually entering Canada after the overstay and was not even detained, but they noted it in the computers I guess. He tried explaining this to her and she rudely said "SIR, You're splitting hairs with me".

The same day we were returning from Vancouver we got an RFE from Montreal for more financial evidence! GREAT! Everything I sent them already shows that I am 15k over their line!!!


When you have a moment, would you mind elaborating on the whole 'overstay' issue. If I am reading this correctly, your Husband was in the U.S. for 6 months and 45 days and this was noted when he was entering Canada? This information now appears in the U.S. system as well? I think this could be very important information for those that are worried about overstays. Was he issued an I-94 when he entered the U.S.?

Also, the RFE for financial information, if you feel you have covered all the bases on that one, as someone else mentioned, I would definately call NVC and ask to speak with a supervisor to sort that out.

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-27 10:46:00
CanadaVancouver Interview last week

Thank you SO much for the reply... that is what I am hoping is that the visa will come in the mail. Was thinking it would be pretty crappy to pay $22 for the xpresspost envelope for them to mail us a denial !!! We are tracking the envelope several times a day and nothing yet.

QUOTE (movingsoon1 @ May 26 2009, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Brad&Kim, thanks for sharing that. I had a terrible experience at the vancouver consulate. I was missing the i34 supporting evidence and was treated like a criminal. The lady was ruthless. I thought that I will never see my fiance again after the interview with her. Now the good part - because they kept your passport that means you are for sure getting the visa!!! Admin processing in the Vancouver consulate is very quick you will be on your way. I was put through the admin processing too, it just means that you are getting your visa a week later, that's all. I crossed the border yesterday and had a wonderful experience, the crossing guard even complimented me for being familiar with this whole process, and I barely said anything.

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-26 17:45:00
CanadaVancouver Interview last week
Thanks Tankgurl star_smile.gif

QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ May 26 2009, 01:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's hoping your montreal interview will be way easier!

Crazy the hoops they make us all jump through.

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-26 15:17:00
CanadaVancouver Interview last week
Our I-129 was sent to Vancouver for the K-3 Visa and our I-130 will be going to Montreal when they are done at NVC. We can get the K-3 Visa for him to come stay with me in the US and then attend the Montreal CR-1 Interview when that happens. I guess it's just a little quicker than filing an AOS from the US on the K-3, since NVC already has our files.

QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ May 26 2009, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry to hear about your experience at the Vancouver Consulate.

Off topic.....I am confused by your time line.....are you able to apply for two visa's at one time?

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-26 14:59:00
CanadaVancouver Interview last week
Just thought I'd give a quick update/review of our experience in Vancouver last week for our K-3 visa. I read tons of reviews on VJ before we went and was all confident about the interview and to my disbelief we had a the devil interviw of apparently!
Everything else was as expected with the security etc. and the man who took our packet when we first got there (Leo) was nice. When we were called up to the window we were asked a few questions about where we met and when, and where we both worked. After that our interviewer (Hong) started in on my husband about a DUI from 11 years ago (he was 19!!). She wanted exact dates of the occurance, court & fine payments. Needless to say it being 11 years ago my husband had not memorized all this information, and she was the one sitting there with the original court records in front of her! She was just plain RUDE to us! She would make a rude comment then start typing and we would try to give her some more details and she held her hand up to the window as in be quiet I'm busy. Then my hubby had an overstay of 45 days from last year before we started this process and it created a "hit" on ISIS, so she insisted he was detained by the US Border agents in October, but he was actually entering Canada after the overstay and was not even detained, but they noted it in the computers I guess. He tried explaining this to her and she rudely said "SIR, You're splitting hairs with me". Which he wasn't, he was trying to make her understand what actually happened, but she had her own version I guess. We left the consulate without his passport and had the medical done the following morning. Laura at Woking Medical was awesome! We told her about the troubles at the consulate about the 11 year old DUI and she was in shock that they were hassling him so much about that. She assured us that the Doctor would make elaborate notes in the medical review to assure this was not a problem. We picked up the medical at 2 and took them back to the Consulate. They would only allow my husband upstairs to drop it off and had me go wait on the street for him. We left the Xpresspost envelope with the consulate along with the passport and were told that they needed to do Administrative Processing. I think that was her way of saying she didn't like us and we were going to have to wait as long as she wanted to without knowing what was going on.

So, here we both are back in Winnipeg and California with no visa, no passport and not knowing when or if we will receive either or when. I emailed the consulate yesterday and received a response today that it is in Administrative Processing and we should hear from them by the end of the week hopefully.

mad.gif crying.gif The same day we were returning from Vancouver we got an RFE from Montreal for more financial evidence! GREAT! Everything I sent them already shows that I am 15k over their line!!!

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-26 12:22:00
CanadaVancouver Approval Email.... Finally!
Thanks for the kind responses... I cannot believe this day has finally come after being apart for 8 months!

QUOTE (carslo @ Jun 4 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That is fantastic, I have been watching for a positive response! Best of luck in California!


BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-06-05 15:59:00
CanadaVancouver Approval Email.... Finally!
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Wow... My hubby had his K-3 interview on May 19 and they kept his passport and told us he was in AP.

I just now got an approval letter from the Vancouver Consulate saying:

"We have processed your husband's visa and will ship it out today. Your Canada Post's tracking # is XXXXX"

That's an approval right???? They would have said something if they were denying it or just sending back his passport... Right??

WOW this is surreal.
BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-06-03 16:57:00
CanadaVancouver Medical Thursday May 27th
Hey there,

Congrats to both of you for getting through your medicals! Minnew, did you pick up your visa or are they mailing it to you?


QUOTE (carslo @ May 27 2009, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was about 2 people after you, they called me and then I asked them to call Sonja so she could come with us. That was a bust though as the car broken down - alternator I think? Well, she was about half ways closer to the airport than from downtown. Yes, that is one HUGE envelope!
Good luck with everything else!


BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-27 23:19:00
CanadaQuestion about medical...
You would have to go to Vancouver if you are in Western Canada... It's a pain, but they are super nice there.


QUOTE (Danu @ Aug 5 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Greylove @ Aug 5 2009, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was wondering, is there only one office in Western Canada that you can get your medical done at now??? I noticed on one of the documents I came across that there were offices in Calgary and Edmonton (which are both close to me!) but they don't appear to be an option any more... does anyone know if this is the case??? Thanks!

Yeah in Octoberish of last year a bunch of them closed down so now the only ones are in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Its a pain I know, the one in Ottawa is gone too and I would have rather went there.

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-08-06 10:48:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?

Good luck today Minnew! I hope your interview goes well!

Let us know when you can.

QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ Feb 10 2009, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Since there is a thread for people waiting for an interview at the Montreal Embassy, I thought I would start one for people waiting for one at the Vancouver Embassy.

I have sent in my package 3 and now I am waiting to hear when my interview is going to be.

Anyone else?

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-26 11:53:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
Hey Minnew...

I did notice your interview dates are a week later than ours. Let's hope for an easy interview and medical process... we will let you know how it goes!


QUOTE (minnew @ May 3 2009, 02:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BradnKim @ May 2 2009, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just wanted to chime in... our interview is in Vancouver on 5/19 and doing the medical on 5/20. I'm excited about spending 3 days in Vancouver with my hunny!

Hello BradnKim! Good luck on your interview! Let us know how it goes on the 19th and 20th! That's exactly how I am scheduling things as well except 1 week after you!

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-03 17:41:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
Just wanted to chime in... our interview is in Vancouver on 5/19 and doing the medical on 5/20. I'm excited about spending 3 days in Vancouver with my hunny!
BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-02 22:45:00
CanadaNo Interviews Scheduled in the past month or so?
Our case was completed at NVC on June 24 and we still don't have an appt. for Montreal. Hoping maybe they will get us in for October.... whistling.gif

QUOTE (lgg @ Sep 3 2009, 07:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man, it's starting to be a real bummer about Montreal and the CR1s... they haven't scheduled anyone for an interview for September and there are people waiting from June. It's really frustrating -- has this happened before?

Anyway guys... sorry to rant but our little timeline thread is waaaaaaay back there because no one in Canada (on VJ anyway) doing a CR1 is getting an interview.

Off for a vacation now...
Happy Labour day all!

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-09-03 09:50:00
CanadaIn this thread we post pictures of Llamas.
Sorry to bust in on your thread here, but I just had to tell you that the Llama thread totally made my night last night! Loved it! yes.gif

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 5 2009, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Because a llama a day... keeps the frowns at bay. biggrin.gif

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-02-06 22:24:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
We got our email yesterday that we have a Montreal Interview Appt. on Nov. 25! Guess we will miss Thanksgiving in the US! star_smile.gif

QUOTE (Missmystery @ Oct 1 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Missmystery @ Oct 1 2009, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Missmystery @ Sep 23 2009, 11:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Steve Treible @ Sep 23 2009, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Missmystery @ Sep 23 2009, 01:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My Case case was completed and sent to Montreal on 15th June, I read that it takes max 4 months to get interview and was so hoping
to get my interview on Oct, that didn't happen. Anyways hoping to get some good luck for November.
Anyone here going thru the same situation ??

Yes. It took 144 days for us to get an interview date (completed June 4th, interview October 26th). You will almost certainly be November. But the waiting is endless . . .

Congrats steve, and thanks for your reply... hope i am lucky for november.

Received Email from NVC yday, atlast i got interview for Nov 12 "Thanks to God"

Now More help please My hubby is a US Citizen and I have my interview next month at montreal for CR1 Visa... can anyone tell me
what questions will be asked ????


Thanks all for your kind response & help.

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-10-01 18:45:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Case completed at NVC on June 24, 2009.... yeah!

QUOTE (trailmix @ Jun 25 2009, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

added lgg!

Member...........NOA2......Case# @NVC.....Mailed I-864....Mailed DS-230....RFE....Done @NVC....Interview...DTI
thebradshaws...08/18/08.....08/22/08........09/08/08........09/26/08........-.....11/05/08.....01/13/09.... 72
Rexalite.......09/03/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....02/05/09.....05/07/09.... 91
sly_wolf.......09/17/08.....09/24/08........10/04/08........10/29/08........-.....10/30/08.....01/07/09.... 69
Travis&Kim.....12/01/08.....12/04/08........12/27/08........12/27/08........Y.....01/14/09.....04/16/09.... 92
jonesg111......12/22/08.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....03/24/09.....06/17/09.... 85
carslo.........01/06/09.....01/12/09........03/21/09........03/21/09........N.....04/07/09.....06/22/09.... 76
Moosker........01/06/09.....01/13/09........01/28/09........02/12/09........Y.....02/25/09.....05/19/09.... 83
OBX............01/20/09.....01/26/09........02/07/09........02/07/09........N.....02/13/09.....05/12/09.... 88
A&M............01/21/09.....01/23/09........02/03/09........02/18/09........N.....02/26/09.....05/20/09.... 83
Argent.........02/03/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....03/13/09.....05/26/09.... 74
elsoar..DCF....02/03/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........03/17/09........N.....03/17/09.....06/18/09.... 93
svirac.........02/23/09.....02/26/09........03/05/09........03/24/09........N.....04/15/09.....06/02/09.... 48
cmls...........03/20/09.....04/07/09........04/18/09........04/28/09........N.....05/08/09.....08/07/09.... 91
SomberCat......03/25/09.....04/10/09........04/17/09........04/21/09........Y.....05/20/09.....08/19/09.... 91
bradleyboy.....04/15/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....05/11/09.....08/12/09.... 93

Timeline page for 2007 and 2008 interviews Montreal: link

CR1/IR1 interview letter: link

DTI - Days between completion at NVC and interview

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-06-25 13:54:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Hi Trailmix,

Can you add us to your spreadsheet please? My signature has all the info.

QUOTE (trailmix @ May 24 2009, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-26 12:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCheck cashed. Noticed Received
good.gif Congratulations on the beginning of your journey! Best of luck for a speedy approval ! star_smile.gif

QUOTE (JackLuminous @ Feb 10 2009, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
W00t! Check cashed in about 2 business days. Got our receipt notice on Feb 3rd. Wife able to get her VA license updated with just the receipt (previously she had to bring all this identity info)

W00hoo! This is a TINY progress in light of the impending year-long wait for VSC but i'll take it :-P

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-02-10 21:47:00
PhilippinesGot a letter from CRIS finally we are approved
Congratulations! It's nice to see that they are working at least. This wait is getting SO old! Good luck to you on the rest of your journey! star_smile.gif

QUOTE (MMW @ Jan 28 2009, 07:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Fellow VJ's

Just wanna share our happiness we fell today that the magic email from CRIS that finally after 6months of waiting the magic word that we are waiting for came and said that our I-130 petition is APPROVED!!! Thanks GOD and to all my fellow VJ's we go NVC smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-01-28 12:04:00
PhilippinesGot a letter from CRIS finally we are approved
Congratulations! It's nice to see that they are working at least. This wait is getting SO old! Good luck to you on the rest of your journey! star_smile.gif

QUOTE (MMW @ Jan 28 2009, 07:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Fellow VJ's

Just wanna share our happiness we fell today that the magic email from CRIS that finally after 6months of waiting the magic word that we are waiting for came and said that our I-130 petition is APPROVED!!! Thanks GOD and to all my fellow VJ's we go NVC smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-01-28 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE'VE BEEN APPROVED!
good.gif Congrats! That was long for a K-1.
QUOTE (bailey's mommy @ Feb 4 2009, 09:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This morning I joined the 6 months waiting club date from receiving NOA1, and today received a touch. Right after that I got the approval notice! I couldn't be happier right now. I just want to send out warm wishes to those who are still waiting. I know what it's like not to hear a peep for 6 months. Here's to a happy and closer future with our other halves! dancin5hr.gif blush.gif

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-02-04 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOUR NOA2 WAS APPROVED!
Congrats to you! kicking.gif star_smile.gif
QUOTE (bogartnoir @ Feb 11 2009, 08:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I-129F NOA1 : 2008-09-02
I-129F NOA2 : 2009-02-11

seems like only yesterday i was freaking out about putting the packet together!
they emailed me today to tell us we were approved. i just about died!!!

so all those aug/sept filers...YOUR TIME IS COMING! get excited!!!

energy.gif goofy.gif energy.gif

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-02-11 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA APPROVED and IN HAND!!
Congrats to you both!!! Good luck with the rest of your journey!

good.gif good.gif good.gif

QUOTE (sam1 @ May 29 2009, 08:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ May 28 2009, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Walked out of the Vancouver consulate with the VISA in my hand and the sealed envelope that says DO NOT OPEN!! All very relieving after being extrememly exhausted and freaking out with the interview on Tuesday, medical on Wednesday and an interviewer who was not at all pleasant!!!

Anyways I am waiting for my flight back home and I think this calls for a few hhhummhumm *cough*....beverages....!! I was ALL smiles after 2:45pm this afternoon!! Nothing is going to bring me down!

Now to start planning the final details of the wedding that is coming up sooner than later!! kicking.gif biggrin.gif kicking.gif jest.gif

Congratulations. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-05-29 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2008 Filers With The CSC
Hey there Kenneme,

Here is the link to check on the status of your file: https://egov.uscis.g...sSuYqPXaA9nku8r
Just type in your NOA1 Receipt number.

Good luck! smile.gif

QUOTE (kenneme @ Jan 26 2009, 02:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations to all of you with approvals! That's great news! I haven't hear anything yet, but seeing all your posts has got me excited!!

By the way...can someone remind me how to access the website to check for touches? Do I need the NOA-1 number? I can't remember how I did it the first time...when I registered? Did I create a log-in name ? ohmy.gif

In other related news, it has come to our attention that we might be eligible to do DCF as I am a resident in France (and working here now, since I graduated in December) seems like that would be a better/faster option if possible because then my partner wouldn't have to sit around waiting for the change of status/green card, right? We are planning our wedding in California in August, but we could do the civil service here if it helps.... Anyways, we are looking into that option as well now - but still pulling for the fiancé visa in any case...!!!

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-01-26 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2008 Filers With The CSC
Hey October 2008 CSC filers.... Just looking for updates on everyone. How many have received NOA2's yet? We are still waiting! Getting really anxious here though for something to happen soon! What's the news on everyone else? whistling.gif

QUOTE (K1researcher @ Jan 5 2009, 05:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
just got back ..

I am guessing no good news from anyone?

BradnKimFemaleCanada2009-01-26 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2008 Filers With The CSC
Forgot to mention.... Sent our I-130 packet out today!!! So, we are officially October 2008 filers now. Woo hoo!

QUOTE (BradnKim @ Oct 22 2008, 10:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for the response... that is what I thought, since I didn't see anyone on here using Calgary. Just wanted to know where we'd be heading for the interview.

QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ Oct 20 2008, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi there!

I am from Calgary. From what I have read on the Embassy website, only Vancouver and Montreal do K1 and K3 Visa's, so I think you qualify as being from the West and would go to Vancouver.

It would be really nice if Calgary did K Visa's. smile.gif

BradnKimFemaleCanada2008-10-23 00:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2008 Filers With The CSC
Thank you for the response... that is what I thought, since I didn't see anyone on here using Calgary. Just wanted to know where we'd be heading for the interview.

QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ Oct 20 2008, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi there!

I am from Calgary. From what I have read on the Embassy website, only Vancouver and Montreal do K1 and K3 Visa's, so I think you qualify as being from the West and would go to Vancouver.

It would be really nice if Calgary did K Visa's. smile.gif

BradnKimFemaleCanada2008-10-23 00:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2008 Filers With The CSC
QUOTE (the_fox @ Oct 20 2008, 06:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BradnKim @ Oct 19 2008, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Going to mail our I-130 out on Wed (crossing fingers). Just need to do a letter of explanation and make two copies of the whole packet, then off it will go! My hubby lives in Winnipeg, does anyone know which US Consulate he will interview at?

He should choose the one closest to him that does visa processing. You need to choose one and write it down on your form I-129F, item 20, before you submit it.
This page http://www.consular....ates_canada.asp says Winnipeg is for "emergency services only" so I guess that one is not a valid choice then. They recommend the one in Calgary.

I have not seen anyone on VJ yet that has used Calgary. I keep seeing Vancouver and Montreal, that is why I am wondering if those are the only two that do the Interviews? Was hoping there's be a Canadian on here that would know more than I do about this? Anybody? helpsmilie.gif
BradnKimFemaleCanada2008-10-20 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2008 Filers With The CSC
Going to mail our I-130 out on Wed (crossing fingers). Just need to do a letter of explanation and make two copies of the whole packet, then off it will go! My hubby lives in Winnipeg, does anyone know which US Consulate he will interview at?
BradnKimFemaleCanada2008-10-19 23:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHello??? Is there anybody out there?
QUOTE (Ling Ling @ Nov 1 2008, 05:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BradnKim @ Nov 1 2008, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you Ling Ling! We are not sure which route to go either... started out thinking K-3, and now thinking it might be worth it to wait the extra time for CR1. We will see when the time comes what the difference in waiting time wil be.

All depends on what's important to you. With a CR-1, not only do you save about $1,000 bucks (for AOS) but when your spouse arrives they can get their Green Card,
and SS number right away. They can also work right away. For us, it was all about the GC and the SS. She doesn't plan to work, but I bought her a car for her birthday.

Currently, most CR-1 and K-3 petitions have been approved within a day of each other. One benefit of the K-3 is that since the K-3 gets to the Embassy almost immediately,
you can get an interview date and then use that date for your CR-1 (assuming NVC completes your case before the K-3 interview).
By utilizing this method, we COULD HAVE had an interview date at least a month sooner than the CR-1 it is, we only saved a week.

Long story short...if both petitions are approved, the K-3 will only save you about a month, cost you an extra grand, and mean you have to go through AOS.

Good Luck

That's exactly what I'm hoping for... .if it's only a matter of a month difference then I'd rather wait that for the CR-1. Hopefully we will be able to use our K-3 interview date for the CR-1... if everything goes smoothly. Thank you for the info... You look like a happy couple!
BradnKimFemaleCanada2008-11-01 23:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHello??? Is there anybody out there?
QUOTE (Old Dominion @ Nov 1 2008, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BradnKim @ Nov 1 2008, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is there a # from our NOA1 letter (I-130) that needs to go anywhere on the I-129 paperwork? Or just put "none" in the A# box still?

I post here and get no responses .... Not sure what's up? are married already. The I-129F is to petition on behalf of a fiance, not a spouse. You have already petitioned for your spouse and have the NOA. Maybe I'm confused...

Yep... think you're confused. For CR1 you need to file I-130 first (K-3 by default) and then the I-129F which is for fiance or spouse

QUOTE (Ling Ling @ Nov 1 2008, 05:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I left it blank...didn't have a problem.
K-3 petition approved, but
decided later to go the CR-1 route.

Thank you Ling Ling! We are not sure which route to go either... started out thinking K-3, and now thinking it might be worth it to wait the extra time for CR1. We will see when the time comes what the difference in waiting time wil be.
BradnKimFemaleCanada2008-11-01 19:10:00