United KingdomPsychiatric disorder in your medical history? Get a note before your medical appointment!
Thanks for that info!

I never even thought that having suffered depression in the past might be a problem, at least now I can be prepared for it!

So all we need to do is to copy that letter, fill in the blanks and print it out when we go to our doctor?
celticstarFemaleEngland2010-03-31 06:45:00
United Kingdomwaiting time for appts?
You need to leave time between your medical and the interview so that the Knightsbridge doctor can forward their report to the Embassy...

I'm going to be doing my medical at least two weeks before the interview so that there's plenty of time for everything to be sent over.

Here's the link for UK FAQ's which might help you out a bit :thumbs:

celticstarFemaleEngland2010-04-12 05:18:00
United KingdomCR1 filed in march!
The best bit of advice is the one I was given.....Lots of reading up and lots of preparation!

I'm not getting married until this summer and will then be filing for the CR1 but have already got tons of information from this site and feel much happier about the whole process!

I can sympathise with your husband, I found out recently that you guys over the pond don't really have Ribena....Thankfully I love root beer and dr pepper so at least I have substitutes :lol:
celticstarFemaleEngland2010-04-13 10:42:00
United KingdomHealth care reform, anyone?
It's now £7.20p for a single prescription here in the UK.

I have to admit that health care is one of my concerns about moving to the US, over here I can get in and see my doctor on the same day for emergencies or within a week for non urgent appts.
I was diagnosed with ME over five years ago and that process involved a lot of blood tests, x-rays, MRI scans and hospital appts, all of which cost me nothing because of the NHS.
After being diagnosed I had my own ME counseller who taught me coping methods and gave me an idea of what to expect with my long term health, without her I would have seriously struggled to get to grips with my condition.
As it was, I was able to concentrate on getting all the care that I could for my - at times - extremely debilitating illness, there are still days when I cannot even walk to the bathroom and am pretty much bedbound, thankfully these days are few and far between and only occur when I've pushed myself too hard and too far, I know the warning signs thanks to the brilliant care I received at the hands of the NHS so can listen to my body when it starts to tell me that enough is enough.

Would it have been the same if I had to go through the American health care system?

I think not, I would have been stumped at the initial blood tests and further tests purely because of the money involved.
Therefore I wouldn't have gotten a definite diagnoses and wouldn't have been able to subsequently get the after care that I needed.

There's also the time I had a big motorcycle accident, I had various internal bleeds, lots of broken bones including my spine and a lengthy hospital stay, after I was discharged I also had a long time in Physiotherapy and lots of follow up hospital appts.

Of course, I'm not American and didn't go through the American health care system, I might be wrong. My point is that ok, there are flaws to the NHS, of course there are, there's still bureaucrats running it, but in essence it works and it works well.
Having a health system run this way is not the end of the world as some people seem to think (not on this thread I hasten to add) it's worked more than once for me and plenty of other people that I know.

It's not the system that makes the people work, it's the people that make the system work.
celticstarFemaleEngland2010-04-06 12:00:00
United KingdomHow to get US Dollars into UK Bank Account

XE is a really easy way to transfer funds from the US to the UK :thumbs:
celticstarFemaleEngland2010-04-05 13:11:00
CanadaPrescriptions of the 'Ladies Only' kind... ifyouknowwhatimean
:rofl: @ some of the replies on here!

Quick question, I know that some have said about IUD's lasting for three years, I currently have the Mirena IUD fitted (excellent, fantastic, love it!) it lasts for five years as a hormone IUD and then a further five years as a "regular" IUD....

Does anyone know if this is available in the US and how much it costs?

I don't have it fitted as BC as my fiancé has had the big V :whistle: but I used to get very heavy and painful monthly's and the Mirena stops them completely (Bliss!)
The insertion can be painful if your cervix goes into spasm - mine did - but with an understanding doctor, the pain can be minimised (for those who have asked about insertion and pain)

So errm yeah, after that little insight into my lady bits :rofl: :rofl:

Anyone have an answer for me?
celticstarFemaleEngland2010-04-18 15:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow much is your phone bill?
Does the other person need a magic jack as well or does it just work off one?

Is it only to another landline number? Or can you ring mobiles for cheap as well?

This is definitely worth considering!
celticstarFemaleEngland2010-04-06 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow much is your phone bill?

I think the card should be a no brainer versus an $800 bill!?


Both of us were shocked by the amount of the bill and have stopped talking on the phone for as long now but I miss hearing his voice :(

My mobile bill is over £200 which is more than 200% more than I was paying before meeting my fiancé :o
celticstarFemaleEngland2010-04-06 12:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow much is your phone bill?
My fiancé's last phone bill was $800 :blink:

We do talk a lot though, I think it was about an average of six hours a day on the phone.

We do talk every day via facebook when he's at work and then every night we're on yahoo messenger and web cam....

We just need to upgrade his sound card so that we can talk via skype now!
celticstarFemaleEngland2010-04-06 05:14:00