US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMoving On

I got word today that our paperwork moved from the NVC to the consulate in Joburg, South Africa. Is there any advice about dealing with this consulate other than what is on this site? Thanks in advance. I really hope everyones petitions are moving fast!

I have no info but I'm curious to hear what others post :)
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-01 18:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Affidavit-are bank statements a must

I use BankOfAmerica and they knew exactly what a sposor letter was, had a standard format for it and everything. Took me like 3 days to get it after I went to the bank and requested it. I'd advise it.


Bank of America here in Florida was useless - I finally had to get an assistant manager to hand type exactly what the instructions said.

As long as income exceeds 125% poverty line then bank statement not a requirement.

No finger pointing, but where does this dis-information keep coming from ? It clearly states on this page:


Do the same income requirements apply to all immigrant visa applicants even if they use the I-134?

No. The 125 percent minimum income requirement, the need for the most recent year's tax return and other requirements only apply when an I-864 is needed. Applicants using the I-134 will need to show that their sponsor's income is 100 percent of federal poverty guidelines as required under Section 212(a)(4) of the INA.

As long as income exceeds 125% poverty line then bank statement not a requirement.

. EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT, states Bank statements MAY be included.

YuAndDan-would you happen to know just what the bank statements should include. Is it the Banks president that writes the letter? And is it suppose to say my Brothers monthly deposits? I just cant remember. I know i read somewhere exactly what to do but you know me-I get a case of CRS going on and I just draw blank. Thanks- Gary

All the information required of the bank is in the instructions for form I-134
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-03 20:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?

Guess this posses another question for me? What if finances are not an isuue? Say you make in excess of $70,000 a year, do you still have to go to all of the problems of locating, stock options, life insurance, 401K, roths, IRA.s, Home, property, saving, you get the point. Is there a cut off where you can sheesh I make enough money?


I do understand - as I personally fall well above your number, I have only gotten a bank letter and last year's tax transcript, being self-employed. Done.

General Information & Frequently Asked Questions Affidavit of Support (Form I-864)

Can free housing be counted as income?

Yes. Sponsors who receive housing and other benefits in place of salary may count those benefits as income. The sponsor may count income that is not subject to taxation (such as housing allowance), as well as taxable income. The sponsor would have to prove the nature and amount of any income that is not included as wages or salary or other taxable income. Evidence of such income can be shown through notations on the W-2 Form (such as Box 13 for military allowances), Form 1099 or other documents that show the claimed income.

Before I open that can of worm, other benefits, you should read 9 FAM 40.41 here....

Everything you want to know concerning "Public Charge" determination. While most is geared to the I-864 and it's higher level of evidence it does answer much about what they're looking for.

Also from the earlier link above there's this, "What can be used as assets?

Assets can be savings, stocks, bonds and property. They must be easily converted to cash."

Benefits are not easily converted to cash - actually they may not have any cash value.
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-02 20:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?

So what is the Salary cutoff where you can stop filling out that form? It seems it wants all of that information

Ah, for the I-134?

I'll defer to someone who has completed that one (I skipped straight to the I-864). I'm sure you don't need to include asset info if your salary is sufficient.
Remember that the I-134 (and many other forms you'll encounter) are for purposes other than just 'finace', so some of the questions seem a bit odd for what you are doing.

Since the link above points to the answer, here it is: http://travel.state..../info_1328.html

Do the same income requirements apply to all immigrant visa applicants even if they use the I-134?

No. The 125 percent minimum income requirement, the need for the most recent year's tax return and other requirements only apply when an I-864 is needed. Applicants using the I-134 will need to show that their sponsor's income is 100 percent of federal poverty guidelines as required under Section 212(a)(4) of the INA.

So where does the 125% come from that we read all over VJ in regards to the I-134?
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-02 20:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?

Here's an interesting inteview report, concerning finances. Note the Consular post.


Finally O just gave her everything and she picked through it and tossed back the rest in a messy pile. She took the evidence of relationship photos, the I-134s, the DS-156, DS-156k, DS-230 part II, passport photos, birth cert, and police cert. She didn't accept the letter from my employer, my statement about finances, the extra stuff attached to the I-134 for me and for co-sponsor. (Which pissed me off because I carefully put it together to paint a better picture of the financial situation than just my tax return from last year shows!) She also gave him a DS-157 to fill out, but we had already filled it out, which was good, so O noticed that and turned it in.

...they will be able to issue the visa by Friday, they say

Sorry, but I have to laugh at that - we worry and go through so much to make it just right. That's why I've been persistent on this issue.

Not if you have personal accident insurance.

:star: Cass (bebop the great)

AND you lose 2 weeks pay.

Cass, you can certainly do as you wish on this issue - but I would not put all your hopes on this insurance issue. It has no cash value, it's not something you'd put on a bank loan etc. It is not an asset. I think you're fishing. Good luck!
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-01 18:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?

You're not amassing medical bills on top of those lost wages.....better a co-payment and deductible than the full bill.

A simple trip to the e.r. is around $600.00 to start without any tests, nevermind a catastrophic event.

HUH! I don't get your point at all.

Say you make $2000 per month. You're out of work 2 weeks, so you only get paid $1000. How ya gonna make up the missing $1000? Duh? Forget the bills, where ya going to get the missing $1000? Sheesh, this is simple math.
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-01 12:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?

the point i was able to gather out of this debate is this;

you can not pay your rent/mortgage/car payment with health insurance benefits. however where there is none and a serious illness or injury occurs the cost can be catastrophic and the affect of that catastrophic event would significantly hinder ones ability to payrent/mortgage/car payment. the presence of insurance indicates the potential for a more secure financial picture overall.

HUH? seems to be a contradiction. Ok, you say you can't pay bills with health insurance benefits. Agreed. Then you say a catastrophic event will hinder the ability to pay bills. And you conclude the insurance indicates a more secure financial picture? I don't think so.

Let's see: you have a so-called catastrophic event, you're out of work in the hospital for 2 weeks. Great, your medical insurance pays the bills, oh but you have deductibles and co-payments, AND you lose 2 weeks pay. How are you in a better financial picture????? You have half your monthly income to pay the same monthly bills.
Bruce n JenMale02006-11-30 20:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?


I do think that these things would be far down on the list of financial resources. But I also think - again - that for the right person, at the right time, and in the right place, it could be something that would tip the balance if the situation is on the edge. That's all. Don't read more into it than I've written.

Cass did not provide any information about her situation, and even if she had provided detailed information I could not begin to guess how the particular consular officer her fiance will face might decide. She asked if the information would give a fuller picture of her financial situation. It will. Will it make her more likely to be seen as an acceptable sponsor? Possibly it could, but I didn't even begin to suggest that it would in her case. So what was misleading?


My intention is the best interests of the OP and not to mislead or give false hope. And I do realize you're quite knowledgeable all around here.

However as seen by other posters I am not alone in this view. You've also quite clearly avoided the issues I've raised regarding the overall aspect of insurance in regard to a statement of financial position.

Insurance for the most part IS a BENEFIT - it has NO cash value except for whole life insurance. The UK site clearly states cash surrender value of insurance policies. That DOES NOT exist with all the other insurance benefits an employee might have. Further, an insurance benefit ONLY kicks in when an insurable incident occurs.

I don't know what your personal experience is in this area, I know we cleared up the quarterly reports issue.

I've scanned through 9 FAM to get a sense of intent - they're looking for sources of support - that IS the bottom line. Insurance benefits don't complete a financial picture - they kick in when some loss occurs - so if someone is marginal, how the heck is a non-cash generating insurance benefit going to support them?

As I've said earlier, can you pay your rent/mortgage/car payment with these insurance benefits? And I think it's off base to remotely imply it goes to a support picture no matter how much you want to stretch it. Done! :)
Bruce n JenMale02006-11-30 14:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?



9 FAM 40.41 Notes. A brief mention, without detail, leaving it wide open. As I wrote, the public charge determination for non-immigrants is very subjective giving a lot of leeway for the visa applicant to present and make their case.


I've looked at 9 FAM 40.41. Yes, a brief mention, insurance policies. Yeah, maybe that's a wide open statement, but I no longer think it's a stretch - it's way off base thinking ANY/ALL insurance policies.

Gees, the whole intention is income, cash flow, available means of support. That's the issue, yet I hear no response to that.

Go look at any loan or mortgage application, or net worth form, I just did - the ONLY insurance listed as an asset is life insurance - the cash value of it, nothing else.

I respectfully disagree and feel that it is misleading to the OP -
Bruce n JenMale02006-11-29 20:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?

Let me update my last response. I just saw the posting with reference to the UK post, Evidence Which May Be Presented to Meet the Public Charge Provisions of the Law. So I see where insurance is referred to as a financial resource.

But, the OP said this:
"So, my first question is, what is your opinion on this? Would having my benefit information (health insurance, vision insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, long-term disability insurance, and personal accident insurance) available to paint a fuller picture be beneficial?"

and the UK site says this:
"Applicants Own Funds
An applicant who expects to be able to meet the public charge provisions of the law through personal financial resources may submit to the consular officer evidence of funds or income from one or more of the following sources:
* statement from insurance company showing policies held and present case surrender value;"

I suspect that's supposed to say "cash surrender value."

Most of the insurance the OP lists does not have surrender value, only the life insurance if it's whole life.

"cash surrender value
Definition: The amount available in cash upon cancellation of an insurance policy, usually a whole life policy, before it becomes payable upon death or maturity. also called cash value or surrender value. "

And reviewing the UK data, I still believe they are looking for liquid available cash flow.
Bruce n JenMale02006-11-29 16:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?


Yes, it's a stretch, and I think I indicated as much when I wrote "If your income is marginal and you have little or no savings then the benefits information could possibly be the grain of sand that tips the scale in your favor." But the information is relevant, even if of little significance in most cases, and I commend Cass for thinking 'out of the box' and not wearing the vision-narrowing blinders that so many VJers seem to wear.

The evaluation of the public charge requirements for non-immigrant visas are highly subjective, not nearly as strictly defined as the requirements for an immigrant visa or adjustment of status. People who are on or close to the margin would do well to take a hard look at all of their financial resources and put forth everything they have at their disposal that could show their financial situation in a more positive light. The chances that the adjudicating officer will consider the information may be low, but the chances are zero only if the information is not presented.

In your quotation you underlined the phrases "sufficient income" and "Salary paid" - why do you neglect the option of showing "and/or financial resources"? Why do you write about "un-asked for information" when people are invited to present any and all relevant information? And insurance is a financial resource that is specifically pointed out as information that one might provide for meeting the public charge requirements.


We could debate this ad nauseum - what I'm looking at is how they might - if a question says what it says, all the fluff in the world doesnt' answer the question. The only insurance benefit I have that could be construed toward this intent is my disability income insurance on my ability to practice my profession. Anything else is not going to pay my mortgage, debts or feed me. Yeah, some benefits may be listed on a W2 but that's vapor money.

Where is insurance mentioned as a financial resource? unless I'm misinterpreting your reference.

I would take financial resources as other means for you to have liquid cash - that are totally under your control, ie savings, a trust, an inheritance. I'm sure there are some who are retired with no job or salary at all, yet financial resources such as retirement accounts, social security, pensions are readily available for support.
Bruce n JenMale02006-11-29 15:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?
Boy this is all a real stretch. Read the language of the form: "As the sponsor, you must show you have sufficient income and/or financial resources to assure that the alien you are sponsoring will not become a public charge while in the United States." and "Statement of your employer on business stationery, showing: 2. Salary paid;"

The intent is that you have cash flow, INCOME. Insurance is not cash flow in the main, true disability insurance can be, but usually there can be a 30-90 day wait. Insurance is a benefit, NOT income and not a salary.

You're not answering the question per the form, and adding in un-asked for information. Let's see, if I were loan collections officer and I needed you to make payments, are you going to offer me your insurance benefits?
I don't think so.
Bruce n JenMale02006-11-28 23:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffd. of Support Evidence - Benefit information?
My opinion, you give them what they ask for, the form instructions are quite clear. That's what I'm doing.

I'm self-employed and I'm doing A and C. And I have my own practice so it's simple for me.

I don't see where doing as you say goes to any of the areas below.

As the sponsor, you must show you have sufficient income and/or financial resources to assure that the alien you are sponsoring will not become a public charge while in the United States.
Evidence should consist of copies of any or all of the following documentation listed below that are applicable to your situation.
Failure to provide evidence of sufficient income and/or financial resources may result in the denial of the alien's application for a visa or his or her removal from the United States.
The sponsor must submit in duplicate evidence of income and resources, as appropriate:

A. Statement from an officer of the bank or other financial
institution where you have deposits, giving the
following details regarding your account:
1. Date account opened;
2. Total amount deposited for the past year;
3. Present balance.

B. Statement of your employer on business stationery,
1. Date and nature of employment;
2. Salary paid;
3. Whether the position is temporary or permanent.

C. If self-employed:
1. Copy of last income tax return filed; or
2. Report of commercial rating concern.

D. List containing serial numbers and denominations of
bonds and name of record owner(s).
Bruce n JenMale02006-11-27 19:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes the I-134 require that you attach a tax return?

I think I am hearing echos, was not this question asked last week?


SURE, but it's a NEW week !!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-05 22:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes the I-134 require that you attach a tax return?

Read the I-134 and it does not require a tax return to be attached. YES YES - I'm sending mine anyway (and a transcript from the IRS as well just in case she's asked for it) - but the instructions dont requre one.


unless you're self-employed :) as I am!
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-05 21:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support

Unless you don't meet the 125% poverty requirement on your income it's not required. If you read the I-134 form instructions it states: " Evidence should consist of copies of any or all[/u]...... failure to provide evidence of sufficient income and/or[u] financial resources...." If your income is below the 125% poverty line than you need to supplement it with assets from bank sources as a form of support.

Hope that helps.

see this:


Do the same income requirements apply to all immigrant visa applicants even if they use the I-134?

No. The 125 percent minimum income requirement, the need for the most recent year's tax return and other requirements only apply when an I-864 is needed. Applicants using the I-134 will need to show that their sponsor's income is 100 percent of federal poverty guidelines as required under Section 212(a)(4) of the INA.
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-05 21:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe dreaded question about I-134

The nice people on VJ took the time to fill out a I-134 from that covers the majority of cases, and posted it in the example forms.


Question 9 is "None" unless the petitioner, the US citizen already has children living with them, then the children's name go there, the benificiary is not yet in the states and is not a dependent yet.

Question 11, Consider this form is used in other truly 'Temporary" visa cases such as visitors, and student visas, this is a statement that the petitioner will support them during their temporary stay. For a fiance this is not applicable, they will become a permanate resident, the period of support covered by this form is from the time they enter the country until they adjust status.

Great explanation for everyone !!!! :thumbs:
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-09 09:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Tax Question

I'm self employed, living off the interest of my inheritance. We've gotten our NOA2 and I'm gathering stuff for the I-134. I've checked the forums and it seems ambiguous as to whether or not I will need a copy or transcript. The copies are $39 and take 60-days. From what I can tell, I might not need to spend that extra cash.

I was thinking I would get a transcript from the IRS, and submit that with a copy of my last filing from my tax accountant, along with the monthly income statements from Merrill Lynch. Will that do or am I having wishful thinking here? Any feedback is appreciated.

You can get tax transcripts from the IRS for FREE. Just call an 800 number and follow instructions. I've done it twice and it takes almost 2 weeks.
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-14 12:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHmmm...No Deposit info on Bank Letter

Hmmm, I just got my account verification letter from my bank and they don't have the deposits total listed on it. I would take statements, but mine are all online and I only have them for the past 3 months, will that be enough?

:star: Cass (bebop the great)

I had the exact same problem with Bank of America. I went to my local branch and "twisted" one of the assistant managers to do what is needed. I provided her with the total of my deposits for the year and she wrote me a letter. That's what I'm using.
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-14 12:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSelf-Employed Co-Sponsor

So, the I-134 asks for a notarized copy of the tax return, but the Vancouver consulate also requests W-2s from the sponsor.

My co-sponsor is self-employed. He doesn't receive a W-2, but a 1099 from his clients.

Perhaps this requirement is unique to Vancouver, but I wanted to ask out here to increase the numbers of self-employed people likely to have experience with this.

If you're self-employed, did you submit a 1099 along with the rest of the I-134 requirements in lieu of a W-2?

Personally I'm keeping it SIMPLE. The form says this:
C. If self-employed:
1. Copy of last income tax return filed; or
2. Report of commercial rating concern.

It doesn't say anything else! I gave my fiancee last year's (2005) tax return and a bank statement. My income isn't a factor so that should suffice.

As for the 1099 - all that info is already on your tax return. Keep it simple. :thumbs:

So, the I-134 asks for a notarized copy of the tax return, but the Vancouver consulate also requests W-2s from the sponsor.

My co-sponsor is self-employed. He doesn't receive a W-2, but a 1099 from his clients.

Perhaps this requirement is unique to Vancouver, but I wanted to ask out here to increase the numbers of self-employed people likely to have experience with this.

If you're self-employed, did you submit a 1099 along with the rest of the I-134 requirements in lieu of a W-2?

Personally I'm keeping it SIMPLE. The form says this:
C. If self-employed:
1. Copy of last income tax return filed; or
2. Report of commercial rating concern.

It doesn't say anything else! I gave my fiancee last year's (2005) tax return and a bank statement. My income isn't a factor so that should suffice.

As for the 1099 - all that info is already on your tax return. Keep it simple. :thumbs:

Only the I-134 needs to be notarized, not the tax return.

They only ask for one year of tax returns. (I-134, not I-864.) But the 1099 is what they'd want, you think? Small business taxes are sort of complicated; I'm not sure if they need the quarterly schedules.

again, keep it simple, what quarterlies? I've been both a sole proprietory and subch S - the only quarterlies are employee withholding filings. There are no quarterlies to show your income.
Bruce n JenMale02007-01-07 19:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBank statements, include all pages?

I plan on including my bank statements when I go to my fiance's interview next week. Do I need to include all pages of the statement? Or will just the summary page (Shows how much deposited, how much taken out, beginning and ending balance for that month), work? I ask, because each of my statements is upwards of 15-20 pages, and that seems like a lot to throw at the officer with the I-134.


:star: Cass (bebop the great)

Since the I134 instructions are asking for deposits - I would just include the summary page that shows how much was deposited. After all they're asking for a letter of how much has been deposited and your statement shows that.
Bruce n JenMale02007-01-16 12:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionA Very Frustrating Interview Experience
Talk about idiotic bureaucracy! Governmental bodies sure do make more out of a birth certificate than it warrants.
Bruce n JenMale02006-12-07 12:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa denied - HELP


I called the US Embassy in Bangkok but at first, they would not let me speak to anyone in the visa unit and insisted that I must email. I demanded to speak to the operators supervisor and explaind that it was my opinion that the officer there was readjuticating the case, and wound up actually getting to speak to the officer who did the interview. After hearing my argument - she agreed to reverse her decision and grant the visa for my fiance, and explaind how, under the circumstances, that she could get a statment from Amphur about custody of her child.

SO... half way there, fiance approved, child pending :P


Wow Bill, sorry to hear about the snag, but good for persisting!!!!
Bruce n JenMale02007-01-24 20:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice certificate for earlier than age 16?


It was an example....a for instance...

ok. DUH! :dance:
Bruce n JenMale02007-01-28 15:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice certificate for earlier than age 16?

Only if she resided there after attaining the age of 16. If she lived somewhere from the age of 5 to 10 then no PC required

5-10, huh? She lived somewhere else before 16.
Bruce n JenMale02007-01-28 12:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice certificate for earlier than age 16?
Has anyone ever heard of police certificates being asked for before age 16? My fiancee is a bit concerned because of this statement on her consulate checklist under police certificates: "Each visa applicant aged 16 years or over is required to submit a police certificate from the police authorities of each locality of the country of the applicant's nationality or current residence where the applicant has resided for at least six months since attaining the age of sixteen. Police certificates are also required from all other countries where the applicant has resided for at least one year."

So the second statement is the question: does she need a police certificate from another country she lived in before age 16?
Bruce n JenMale02007-01-28 10:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Approved (South Africa)!!

Just wanted to share our good news.... Keith had his interview in Johannesburg this morning and all went well! Visa was approved and he'll be on his way to the US in the next week or two!! :)


CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Bruce n JenMale02007-01-29 12:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI noticed the I-134 form has been updated

Not sure if it will be a problem, I would err on the side of caution and send the latest form, that way she will be covered just in case.

Yes I agree..there is no reason to sweat this if I don't need I have 2.5 weeks befor her interview.. I'll get another one notarized tomorrow and send it out...


Why waste your time and money - I just checked mine, top of page 1, says exp 04-30-07. It's ok!
Bruce n JenMale02007-02-02 10:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiontax return

do these have to be notarized or a notarized I34 ,w2s and paystubs are sufficient??

Do what have to be notarized? If yo are speaking of the W-2 and paystubs, what are you expecting the notary to attest to?

do we have to notarize the tax return also?

I-134 form ONLY indicates to notarize the I-134 - don't make it more complicated than it needs to be :)
Bruce n JenMale02007-02-01 22:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax Form Schedule C Profit & Loss

Texas Bound,

They are looking for your personal total income, Line 22 on the 1040.

This causes consternation to some of the self-employed who want to consider their business' income as their own income. But it's not the business that is sponsoring the immigrant, it's the person. So, as diadromous mermaid points out, it's what carries over to the 1040 from Schedule C that counts. All those business expenses that reduce taxes also reduce one's ability to sponsor an immigrant.


Schedule C only applies to a sole proprietor situation. For those of us "self-employed" and filing as corporations, sub S included, then there's a K1 (tax form) from the business that's reported on the individual tax return.
Bruce n JenMale02007-01-10 19:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGetting to the Romanian Consulate for the Interview..
gee nothing like a few roadblocks as you get to the end - keep persisting!!!

looks like we'll both be finishing up within days of each other - good luck !!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Bruce n JenMale02007-02-13 20:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionEvidence and privacy questions
LOL - yeah just what I thought. I have no problem baring all either. As said above they already have SSN etc etc
Bruce n JenMale02009-05-19 11:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionEvidence and privacy questions
Hi - wow, hardly seems like almost 2 yrs have passed since regularly frequenting VJ from K1 to AOS.

I've read through numerous posts and only saw a few remarks on financial/privacy concerns.

I'm ready to send bank statements, joint credit card copies, etc. I believe I saw one remark on marking out all but last 4 digits on credit card copies. I've also read to include all pages of bank statements even though both names are on page 1.

So any thoughts on exposing all one's financial info on bank statements, like where all those checks etc went, or full account numbers regarding credit cards and statements?

thanks much
Bruce n JenMale02009-05-19 10:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVSC ROC Approved!!!!
Was just reading about a recent VSC approval, who applied after we did, and wondered how much longer to wait. So I went out to check the mail and there was an envelop from USCIS - approval notice dated on Oct 20, 2009

Thanks for all the help from visa journey!
Bruce n JenMale02009-10-24 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question

Hi Bruce and welcome to VJ!

I just looked at my own G-325A (I am the beneficiary) and I put the month that we filed, so for your finacee, if you are filing this month, I would put 09/2006.

As for your question about the second part of the employment area. I put "same as above" as my answer because, of course, all my employment was 'abroad' if you will.

Not sure if you have seen the sample forms, but they are really helpful. That being said, a wonderful VJ member double checked my forms for me as I was paranoid as hell. :blush:

Good luck to you!


Thanks! I have looked at the examples, and I still question it. :) For my question 2 the example is blank. And while 09/2006 could be put where you say, what happens when the petition is worked on and/or the interview occurs and it says 09/2006 in that field? "Present" seems more appropriate I think.
Bruce n JenMale02006-09-10 21:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question
Hi ! I've been "lurking" last few weeks and have learned a great deal. Thanks first of all! Only about a week away from sending the I-129F package in!!!!

Two questions about the G-325A which I can't recall seeing answered specifically: (this for my fiancee, the beneficiary)

1. In the residence area: "Applicant's last address outside the United States of more than one year." My fiancee answered with her current address just as in the section above, but it's not possible to type in "present time" in the TO field as is printed in the section above, Present Time.

2. In the employment area: "Show below last occupation abroad if not shown above. (Include all information requested above.)" Her only employment for the past 20 years is at one location, should this be blank or "none"?

Thanks in advance!
Bruce n JenMale02006-09-10 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of meeting - too much, not enough, decisions decisions!
Thanks much everyone !
Bruce n JenMale02006-09-16 20:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of meeting - too much, not enough, decisions decisions!
Hi - So I've read an enormous amount of material here, and I'm down to assemblying my package, fine tuning the question 18 details, and finishing the cover letter.

We've been together 3 times, twice here in the US and once in South Africa. With all 3 I have plenty of overwhelming evidence, but I'm concerned that our first meeting evidence could be "thin" perhaps. We stayed at my home, didn't document much together during the 10 day stay. I do have her visa coming here, plane ticket to Florida, visa application listing me as the destination, and one trip to St Augustine FL with pictures of us there and a credit card statement showing charges I made there. As I said the other visits have much more documentation, including my travel to South Africa.

As another related question, how do you all feel about including documenting how you met online, such as online profiles, and the website home page?

Thanks much!

and congratulations to all who received their NOA2 during the past week - great to see!

Bruce n JenMale02006-09-16 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence documentation.....
Regarding the notion of "photocopies of unaltered documents" and elsewhere the recommendation to black out personal details in letters and emails....

what have those who submitted copies of credit card statements done with protecting your account numbers, and details that have nothing to do with the petition documentation? That is, have you blacked out or covered up non-pertinent data?
Bruce n JenMale02006-09-17 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresand Photos...

Hi Bruce,

I asked this same question when we were organizing our package. What was recommended to me was this ... though this would make sense to you and me and most other people here, you have to assume that the person examining your petition needs to be spoon fed, and as such, will not see multiple pictures printed on letter size paper as fitting their criteria. Wanting to play it safe as much as possible, I simply got prints made from K-mart (honestly though - they would have looked better had I printed them at home :wacko:). Part of the 'evidence' portion of our petition was a list of every photo included. The list was numbered, dated and included brief descriptions which tied in to our answer for Q.18. Then we numbered, dated and titled the back of each photo, put all the photos into a labelled ziplock bag and, of course, attached the bag to a blank page. It was the last page of the entire packet.

Just walk the person /reader through your packet and evidence, and as Andy said, make sure to include some primary evidence which ideally, should tie in to your photos.

Good luck!


Hi Mo,
Yeah I agree about thinking through their eyes, grrr. So after printing all - I also have a backup of CVS printed prints for individual pictures. Now how did you list them, where? Oh, a separate sheet listing them out? I like the numbering idea!
Bruce n JenMale02006-09-17 00:06:00