USCIS Service CentersBacklog in Texas?

As far as I know, TSC is forwarding K1 petitions to CSC. You will notice that TSC and CSC timelines are identical, for this reason.

I have also noticed that although TSC/CSC is reportedly working on Feb 3 petitons, several applications dated late Feb and even early Mar have been approved. So some people got approved in 2 months. However with IMBRA stuff going, they may slow down.

lets hope for the best.

Welcome to VJ

Thank you. I appreciate the information.

confirming what VSSKS says. Going through CVS. We applied through Texas and got ours in 61 days, so keep your fingers crossed.

Thank you for the information.

Mine was 92 days I think (check timeline) from NOA1 to NOA2..theres a csc/tsc unite list over in the USCIS thread you can have a look at some waiting times there for that. :)

Thanks. I appreciate the information.

On April 21, the date they received my paperwork, TSC (a.k.a. CSC) had the same processing date of 2/3/06. When the web site was updated on May 8th, that date did not change. I'm hoping it was just a clerical error with the person updating the web page.

THank you for the information. It is appreciated.
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-17 06:35:00
USCIS Service CentersBacklog in Texas?
According to the published Timeline for the Texas Service Center, they are currently working on I-129F petitions with a Receipt Notification Date of February 3, 2006. This was as of May 8. So essentially we are looking at a three month backlog. Am I correct in my understanding or am I missing something here? Since we have not received our Receipt Notification yet, it is safe to say we are in for a very long wait, yes? :clock:

Thomas & Viktoriya
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-17 00:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisas issued
It has been many months since my last posting, but I wanted to let all the couples out there know that it can and does happen. Vika and I were married in Odessa (Ukraine) back on August 26, 2006. A few days later we travelled to Kiev and submitted our petition. The consulate staff went out of their way to make our experience quick and painless. The petition was approved on the spot. Several days later I returned to Iraq and we began the application process. Timing was a challenge throughout the process due to my being in Iraq and we had to work around not only the Immigration and Consulate schedules, but also my R&R schedule. The Consulate folks were incredibly helpful and understanding. When the application was approved in October, we scheduled her interview for the first possible day in January, as I would be home again for New Year's and Orthodox Christmas. On January 8 we drove up to Kiev, a really neat trip, and went to our interview at 9:30 the next morning. By 11:00 we were on our way back to Odessa with big smiles and happy hearts.

We now have our plane tickets and will make the big journey home to Houston the last day of May. It has been an incredible experience. There have been a few challenges, but we are very glad that we decided to marry in Ukraine and travel home to Houston as husband and wife. I can not speak for anyone else, but for us it was the right decision.

Good luck to all who follow after us. Patience and Please and Thank You will see you through to success.

Best wishes,
Tom and Vika Flinchum
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2007-02-17 06:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmerican expat sans residence in US
As an American expat living and working overseas, I have no residence in the US. How do I handle this when filling out the K1 initial petition?
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-04-24 02:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with IMBRA
IMBRA is the law of the land and for couples who are just now beginning the K1 journey, we must deal with it. The question that comes to my mind is how is this new law going to be impact the process? What are we going to face down this path as a result of IMBRA? Are there now additional forms? Additional interrogations at the Embassies and Consulates? Does anyone know? Fore warned is fore armed.

Thomas and Viktoriya
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-17 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNaive question perhaps
Short answer is yes, you can apply from abroad. I am in Baghdad, my fiancee is in Odessa, Ukraine. I filed the 129F May 1. The kicker is that when she actually applies for the K1 visa, we have to have an intended address back in the States. As American Expats, we likely do not have a home back in the USA, so we have to think outside the box on this one. I am still working on this point.
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-24 02:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long to NOA1?

Don't worry-

I sent my packet on 2/3/06 and did not receive NOA1 until 2/18/06. Please begin to relax and try to keep your mind occupied with other things...especially since your case is going through TSC/CSC and this seems to be one of the slowest service centers (although IMBRA has slowed things down at all service centers lately)

This entire process takes an emense amount of patience....If you are already worrying about time delays for will have stress/anxiety/gray hair/be on medication when NOA2 FINALLY arrives. :huh:

Your are realistically looking at about 6 months or longer for this entire process from start to finish......try to think of your future together and the love that you share....this may help pre-occupy your mind until you can finally be in each others arms!!!! (L) :(

Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-28 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long to NOA1?
The bank notification came after I made the post. Never fails. :hehe:
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-25 04:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long to NOA1?
As of today, May 25, it has been two weeks since the US Postal Service delivered our I - 129F into the hands of TSC personnel. I have the Return Receipt to prove that it was delivered. However, we are still waiting for ackowledgement of any kind from TSC or CSC or even XYZ that they have our petition. The check has not cleared the bank, no email or snail mail notification. ZIPPO -- Nada -- Nichivo. Is the TSC just a Black Hole in disguise? Suggestions from all you experienced Visa Journey veterans will be greatly appreciated.
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-25 02:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMBRA

AussieWench is correct, this is old news.

That restraining order is not helping those of use caught in USCIS and DHS meatgrinder.

Please take advantage of Gary Bala's (an immigration atty) fine blog for updates:

Scroll to the bottom for the latest. The "Highlighted" posts are his.

Today I contacted Senator Feinstein and Senator Boxer from my state, and registered my views on the visa approval process being placed into reverse by the USCIS and DHS incompetance. Yesterday I requested a personal meeting with my Congressman to express my displeasure with how USCIS and DHS is managed.

If you have not contacted your Congresspeople and Senators, why haven't you? You have no excuse unless you just enjoy participating in a f*ed up process. The longer you are "quiet" and "hoping" and "praying" like good sheep, the worse it will get. Reap what you sow, action begets action.

Here is a very simple site that tells you exactly how to make contact: Do it. Do it NOW.

AussieWench is correct, this is old news.

That restraining order is not helping those of use caught in USCIS and DHS meatgrinder.

Please take advantage of Gary Bala's (an immigration atty) fine blog for updates:

Scroll to the bottom for the latest. The "Highlighted" posts are his.

Today I contacted Senator Feinstein and Senator Boxer from my state, and registered my views on the visa approval process being placed into reverse by the USCIS and DHS incompetance. Yesterday I requested a personal meeting with my Congressman to express my displeasure with how USCIS and DHS is managed.

If you have not contacted your Congresspeople and Senators, why haven't you? You have no excuse unless you just enjoy participating in a f*ed up process. The longer you are "quiet" and "hoping" and "praying" like good sheep, the worse it will get. Reap what you sow, action begets action.

Here is a very simple site that tells you exactly how to make contact: Do it. Do it NOW.

Contacting your congressman and senator is not only our right, it is our duty. I am in Baghdad serving this great nation. Both my senator and congressman will be receiving my letters by the end of this week, all the way from Iraq. Those of you blessed to be safe and sound at home, go pay your representatives a personal visit. A human face and real life being impacted will be hard for their staffers to ignore.
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-28 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMBRA
The TRO was issued on March 7, 2006. And it appears nobody bothered to share this information with USCIS because they are moving ahead with IMBRA enforcement. Or am I missing something here?
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-26 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo call or not to call
We are still waiting to receive NOA1. I notice that people with I-129F sent dates after ours have already received their NOA1. How much longer should I give TSC/CSC before We contact them directly? :clock:
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-29 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProgress !!!!
:dance: URA !!!!! Our NOA1 finally arrived today. 30 days since I put the I-129F in the mail. It actually happened quite quickly, when considering that it arrived in TSC on May 11 and CSC gave it a received date of May 16. Being in Baghdad does not help the mail get here any faster, or get to the States any faster. Camel caravans are no threat to the Pony Express. Now the real waiting begins.
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-05-30 07:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiometrics question
Regarding the Biometric Scan, we are trying to figure out when in the process this takes place, and where. Thanks.
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-06-01 07:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCancelling petition
Hello to all. We have decided to marry in Odessa on August 26 rather than wait until next summer when we plan to move back to the States. I need to withdraw my petition for her K1 Visa. What is the proper procedure so I don't jeapordize our future visa application?
Beachcomber556Not TellingUkraine2006-07-07 09:51:00