Australia and New ZealandWhich Code for National Police Check - 33 or 35

It does! Thank you. I just wanted to make sure my logic was solid hahaha

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-01 03:19:00
Australia and New ZealandWhich Code for National Police Check - 33 or 35

I am in the process of getting my police check done. I live in London so I really would love to get this right the first time. On the form, it has code 33 (Immigration/Citizenship) and Code 35 (Overseas Employment/Visa).


Which code do I need to tick? I've seen topics saying some people did 33 and some 35. If you ticked 35 was it acceptable? I will be providing my fingerprints, so thats not a problem. I would assume it's 35, as 33 relates to immigration into Australia (and doesn't require fingerprints at all unless directed to).


If people who have had their interviews could let me know, I would be super grateful!



S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 04:52:00
Australia and New ZealandHELP police clearance australia

No worries :)

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-01 04:02:00
Australia and New ZealandHELP police clearance australia

If you still live in Australia, the police check is valid for 12 months, so you are good to get them now.


It has to be based on your fingerprints. Unfortunately that means doing it all over again. The AFP National Police Check covers all states. There are different methods of having a NPC done for the different states, so I suggest you look up the AFP website, or check your current states police website for how you go about getting your fingerprints done and what forms you need.


Hope this helps.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-01 03:25:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Police Check - What is included on it

Surely someone has gotten a police check. All I want to know is if it says "no disclosable court outcomes" on all of them, regardless of whether you have been to court or not.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-07 05:08:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Police Check - What is included on it

Hey guys,


I have sent off for my national police check and I am just wondering what information is included on it.


Does it have something additional if you have been to court as opposed to never been to court? I know it will say on mine "no disclosable court outcomes" on mine, but I was wondering if it says the same thing on it if you have never been to court.


If anyone could help me out it would be fantastic!

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-05 03:46:00
Australia and New ZealandA few financial questions (don't fall asleep!!)

I found that depending on how much you wish to send back to Australia, it may be useful to go with an actual financial services company. For larger amounts you will get a better exchange rate (i.e. anything over $750 I use a company). For lower than that PayPal is the way to go.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-11 04:24:00
Australia and New ZealandA few financial questions (don't fall asleep!!)

I headed to London with a debt still in Australia. It's not a problem. Just send regular payments back to Australia to cover the repayments.


Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, do a transfer through your bank in the US (once you open an account). It will be expensive and you will not get a good exchange rate. Do some research on companies that do wire transfers. I use Transferwise, I am pretty sure they also transfer from the US to Australia.


One thing to note, there will be a $20 fee on top of any fee you pay for the transfer. This covers the intermediary bank fees.


Hope this helps.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-05 04:01:00
Australia and New ZealandVictoria Police Check

I know for the London Embassy, I will need a name and fingerprint chack for my Australian National Police Check. I would be surprised if it wasn't the same for the Sydney consulate...

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-21 03:57:00
Australia and New ZealandAFP Police Check

You need the name and fingerprint check.


You need the check for "Overseas Employment/Visa" purposes (it's code 35). This will be based on your name and your fingerprints.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-12-09 05:31:00
Australia and New ZealandAFP Police Check

Cheers! Just what I wanted to hear.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-18 03:22:00
Australia and New ZealandAFP Police Check

Anyone who has had to get an Australian police certificate and has no arrests or convictions or anything, can you let me know if it says "no disclosable court outcomes" on it?

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-14 03:24:00
Australia and New ZealandAFP Police Check

Excellent. It's nice to know that I got it right.


If you've received your police certificate, does it say "No disclosable court outcomes" on it?

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-08 02:33:00
Australia and New ZealandAFP Police Check

Also, I am struggling to figure out what category I need to apply for when applying from overseas, using the online application (as instructed by the AFP website).


I would think it is Overseas Employment/Visa (which I believe is Code 35 when applying within Australia), not Immigration/Citizenship (Code 33) as this applies to immigrating to Australia.


Can anyone help me out with this?

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-30 09:26:00
Australia and New ZealandAFP Police Check

I am wondering what is exactly shown on a National Background Check that includes name and fingerprints for Australia.


For examples, does it show all arrests and convictions? Or just unspent convictions?


If anyone has had an arrest, can you let me know if it showed up on the check, it would be extremely appreciated!

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-29 08:10:00
Australia and New ZealandMoving Back to Australia

My fiancee and I looked at moving to Australia (I'm Australian, currently living in London). Among other things (her finishing school, etc), the one thing that deterred us from doing that was the cost.


Applying for a partnership visa for Australia is not a cheap undertaking (the visa itself costs approx A$3,000). Also, if you have pets that you want to take with you, I suggest you look into those costs as well. Any pet entering Australia from the US must be kept in quarantine for 30 days at the owners expense. This costs approx $1,400 (you have to use the facilities the Government has approved, and there are only 2). In addition there are also costs related to vet check ups and administering shots. Then there is also the cost of actually transporting your pets from the US to Australia.


I'm not telling you this to deter you. Just to keep you informed. It blew my mind how much it was going to cost!

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-13 08:41:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian police certificates.

My local Police station only has the digital prints offered. They dont have wet prints anymore where I live. So as long as they take your fingerprints, wet or dry, it shouldn't matter. 


That's surprising, given that there are a few states that don't have digital fingerprint technology. Oh well, clearly worked haha

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-01-31 08:25:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian police certificates.

Hey BFP,


I'm an Australian living in the UK and needed to get an Australian police check done. The check needs to be based on a name and fingerprint check. This means she will need to go to a police station and have her prints done (they have to be wet prints, not digital scans, as not every state has a database with complete digital prints).


The main thing is that the category of check is "Overseas Employment" category (Code 35). NOT the immigration/citizenship category (Code 33), as this category is for people applying to immigrate to Australia.


It only took about 5 weeks for me to get mine back, and this includes the time for me to send my prints back to Australia and then the check to be sent back.


Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, I'm happy to chat.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-01-31 03:47:00
Australia and New ZealandSending 8grand from Aus to USA

I live in London now, but still have an Australian credit card. I suggest going through an actual Currency Exchange company.


I suggest the following two, as I have found they have the best exchange rates with the lowest fees:


Transferwise - This is the one I use now. It really is the best. The exchange rate is nearly identical to the official rate, and the fees are almost non-existent.


HiFX - I used this previously. Like the above, excellent rate and low fees (just not quite as good!).


I've used Transferwise to move money back home and to my fiancee in the US. It's simple, you can sign in with a google account, and all you have to do is transfer the money to them and they handle the rest.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-09 07:53:00
Australia and New ZealandDifferent wages in the USA

That's very true, actually. (Light bulb moment). The lower class tends to be a lot lower class here than in Australia.


That's true. Although that contributes to the far higher cost of living in Australia (the minimum wage argument where if you increase minimum wage the cost of everything else increases).

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-29 01:15:00
Australia and New ZealandDifferent wages in the USA

AS above, it really does depend on the field and the demand for quality applicants. I am surprised about the child care though. 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-26 17:35:00
Australia and New ZealandDifferent wages in the USA

I was on $80K before I left Australia for London. My Fiancee lives in Mississippi (one of the cheapest states in the country, but also the wages are lower), I was amazed with how cheap it is. You can easily rent a 2 bedroom apartment there for less than $600 a month. In Brisbane, I would be paying about that a week for a 2 bedroom apartment.


I suggest you look up (or ask your partner) how much rent, etc is. That's usually a good indicator of how much your expenses will be.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-09 07:56:00
USCIS Service CentersIs California Service Center really fast right now?

The Embassy will send you a letter telling you they have your application and direct you to the website which tells you everything you need for the interview.

Also, you can not schedule your medical exam until you have received notice from the Embassy that they have your application.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-16 04:45:00
United KingdomApple ID and moving to USA

That's what I did when I moved from Australia to here. Pretty straight forward really. 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-05-30 08:19:00
United KingdomDriving after entering USA

I didn't advise anyone to do it. I merely pointed out you could do it. If you want to be a smart ### at least be good at it. 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-13 02:41:00
United KingdomDriving after entering USA


Seems Colorado have changed it again since I last looked, but the web site info is pretty clear:

Foreign Nationals living in Colorado who would like a driver?s license must meet the following requirements:

For more detailed information on getting a Colorado driver?s license, please visit the DMV?s website.

If you would like to verify that you have all of the necessary identification paperwork, please click the button below. The following pages will help you to select your document(s), ensure that they meet all requirements, and give you a list to print out and take with you to the driver?s license office.

Colorado Requirements for Residency:

  • Own or operate a business in Colorado.
  • Are gainfully employed in Colorado.
  • Reside in Colorado for 90 consecutive days.


After becoming a Colorado resident, you have 30 days to qualify for a Colorado driver license and 90 days to register your vehicle .




This allows you to drive on your foreign license for 120 days (or roughly 4 months), due to:


- You still being considered a visitor under Colorado law for the first three months you live in Colorado; and

- having 30 days to obtain a Colorado licence from when you are considered to be a Colorado resident.


However, if you want to be cheeky and you happen to get pulled over outside this time frame, I am sure you could talk the officer pulling you over that you have not been living in Colorado for more three months, therefore you are not a resident. But I wouldn't advise anyone to break the law.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-12 07:27:00
United KingdomNotification of Change of UK Address......How to?

Glorious Nich. Chelsea hates talking to people on the phone haha


Thanks for this.


Copy and paste from a suggestion I gave to Julie+Matt last week--


A change of address isn't vital for him. From the K1 London guide--

Your case arrives in London. The embassy will send the beneficiary a letter of instruction. Its not a packet, but just a letter that essentially says We have your approved petition from the NVC and we're ready for you to begin submitting your forms and have your medical. The letter has a link to the embassy website where you will find forms and instructions.

(This next part is for you Julie because he won't get a letter. But he doesn't need the actual letter for anything. He just needs to Know London has his file)

Shortcut for those who cant wait for their letter: If you have obtained your LND number, you can enter it in the CEAC Visa Status Check site,. Choose immigrant in the drop down. Include the letters LND with your number. The important thing here is to forget the text at the bottom about scheduling interviews or anything like that the Embassy does that for you once you've sent everything in. There are two main statuses at this point:
In Transit-- This one means your case is on its way from the NVC to London.
Ready-- This one means London has your casefile and is waiting to receive something needed to progress your case. You may begin submitting forms and booking the medical.

He will fill out his DS-160 with the new address and that is where his interview letter will go. He will also sign up for the courier delivery of his visa putting any address he wishes. They will not use the address from the petition.



S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-08-21 03:17:00
United KingdomNotification of Change of UK Address......How to?

I'm also interested in this as I need to change mine as well.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-08-20 07:40:00
United KingdomBack Home - and Not Missing The U.S. At All!!!

You' need to broaden your horizons if you think all beer over here is carbonated #######. The Miller Coorsweiser stuff is utter garbage, but there's some great beers over here. Fat Tire and Sierra Nevada instantly spring to mind (don't know where you're based, and not sure of the availability of those country wide). I'm also spoilt as I have a brew pub just down the road that is now my local. It's run by a family originally from reading. Called English Ales, they do some awesome brews!


Agreed, and it's even better now that microbreweries have really started taking off. There are some quality beers to be found if you're willing to give them a go! 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-09-08 06:09:00
United KingdomHow long did it take you to feel at home in the US?

Bloody Northerners will fry anything :P And I am a little intrigued now lol


Cornish Pasties are the only way to go. There's a place at Paddington Station that make phenomenal pasties. The pastry is just so gooooooood

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-09-08 03:48:00
United KingdomHow long did it take you to feel at home in the US?

I miss pies. Even here in London I can't find a quality steak pie. better believe I'll probably consume my body weight in them when we go back home hahaha

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-09-02 02:14:00
United KingdomHow long did it take you to feel at home in the US?

Yeah I think in the South, unless you have an exaggerated accent, it's harder for them to pick up what it is. I don't think it should be an issue for job searches. Hopefully anyway!

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-08-29 04:00:00
United KingdomHow long did it take you to feel at home in the US?

My accent is hard to place. My home town is Portsmouth, but I don't have a "sahf coast" accent, as my Dad made sure I went to a good school, after my local comprehensive got barbecued. So I'm best described as well-spoken, with a tinge of Lancashire. Mind you, I have been described as the Geico Gecko, by an Owner's rep, Australian, Irish and even Scottish. :o

But I work with a couple of Jocks, a Geordie, a Tyke and an army of Micks, so what do I care? :whistle:

Don't let it become a weight. :no:

I've been here for more than eight years and, no matter how many times it comes up, I smile when people comment about my accent, because, when they do, the ice has already been broken. Even if I'm in a hurry, I try to make the time to chat, because you never know what the outcome might be. Most of all, people will remember you, a valuable edge that one day may work in your favour.



I am Australian, so obviously have an Australian accent, but I would also consider it to be a "well spoken Australian accent". I have been told I sound Scottish as well. it was the first time I have ever been confused to be a scotsman hahaha


I totally agree on not letting it weigh you down. I always get asked what my accent is, and I say Australian, and they all say I thought you would sound like Steve Irwin. But I don't let it bother me. Like Pooky said, it's an ice breaker.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-08-28 04:05:00
United KingdomHow long did it take you to feel at home in the US?

I only carry quarters. I really can't be having a faff over anything less. I've been coming here for 20 years and I still don't get nickels <sp?> and dimes.  I empty anything less than a quarter into my saving jar. Notes aren't much better. Has no-one ever thought of making them look different ?


Yeah same here. Whenever I go over I always just dump anything under a quarter on Chelsea. She seems to think I am missing out on a fortune. 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-08-27 04:31:00
United KingdomHow long did it take you to feel at home in the US?

I think you'll find it's subtract 30 then divide by 2.


Wow. You're right. Clearly I need to go home now. My brain has ceased working.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-08-26 09:35:00
United KingdomHow long did it take you to feel at home in the US?

The dimes are super confusing! I have gone from Australian money to British and then US. And because all of them are of varying sized I still get confused.


PS. F to C conversion - divide by 2 and minus 30. It won't be exact, but it will be close enough to give you an idea.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-08-26 06:15:00
United Kingdomvaccinations after the k1 visa is issued

I am going through the same issue. I have had my MMR shots when I was a kid, but since that was in Australia, and the doctor who did it is now dead, there is buckley's chance of me getting the record for it. So now I have to pay for the MMR shot (even at my local NHS GP) to have my MMR shot. however I am assuming it will be far cheaper than Knightsbridge. Hold off on your medical or get Knights bridge to hold off on sending your results until the shots are done. It is a little extra time now, but it will save you a lot of time and effort later on.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-09-12 07:48:00
United KingdomNo record of Vaccinations received as a child

Unless it takes more than a year to get your green card, you will never need that second MMR.  You may want to get it for your own health, but that is between you and your private doctor.  USCIS is only interested in the first one.




I just had the one MMR at knightsbridge and got my GC OK with no additional MMR.



Thanks guys,


I thought that was the deal, but I wanted to check to be absolutely sure. We will be applying for AOS as soon as possible after I arrive, so hopefully it won't take longer than a year.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-09-30 03:28:00
United KingdomNo record of Vaccinations received as a child

I will definitely get at least one MMR before or at my medical, and at this point I highly doubt 4 weeks will pass before I have my medical. I just wanted to be 100% sure that I wouldn't require the second MMR shot once I got to the US and I would have to pay the costs associated with a civil surgeon doing it (they are so freaking expensive!!).


Thank you so much for the input Nich! My GP should give me the shot if it comes back that I'm not immunized, so that will be free, which is glorious.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-09-29 03:59:00
United KingdomNo record of Vaccinations received as a child

The blood test is free to see if I'm immune. It's not the money I'm worried about. It's more whether they'll accept it or just give me the shot there.


Another quick question, since we are on the subject. If I do get the first shot at Knightsbridge, will I need a second MMR shot for AOS? Or is the one shot enough? 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-09-28 15:05:00