Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 for any re-entry?

We are finally at the NVC stage and submitted all paperwork. Awaiting a interview date. I am pretty sure my husband will be denied a Visa because he will probably require a immigrant waiver (I-601). are we going to have to file this at USCIS and wait another 11 months for this stupid waiver or can we beg and plead to do it at the embassy in Montreal?? I think this is all #######! the crime he did was a stupid bar fight 17 years ago. And has been pardoned off his record in Canada but the U.S apparently does not recognize Canadian pardons.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-01-27 18:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver approved

We submitted our waiver November 2012, it was approved September 2013 - My husband was sent a letter via DHL with instructions to create a follow up appointment and medical exam.  We did the Visa application electronic for the initial interview where he had to get denied.  NVC automatically sends the app back to the consulate and you are free to schedule the appointment.  We had to bring proof we are still in a relationship because he lives in Mexico and I live in the US, original birth certificates, passport, medical exam re-do.  We got lucky they didn't charge him the interview fee again.  Just do whatever the letter tells you to do, it took about 4 weeks to get the letter from the date the waiver was approved.  You are pretty much done!  Congratulations!  


did you need another I-864?

Edited by commandergirl1, 28 January 2014 - 09:33 AM.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-01-28 09:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Was I denied entry with Expedited Removal?

I have questions regarding waiver. My husband was required to get a non immigrant waiver to be able to enter the USA before we were married due to criminal charges. I believe it was assault charge from 12 years ago. nothing major just punched a guy. Now we are at NVC stage awaiting interview for a green card. Are they going to deny him a green card for this silly crime?? And are we going to have to apply for a immigrant waiver and have to wait once again for this to go through. We have already been waiting over a year to get the CR-1 visa??

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-04-03 09:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 for Assault sec 266cc???

Ok, I have questions. Do they fingerprint you at your interview??? Ok, next question, the police cert I am sure you are familiar with in Canada are on a long yellow form. Well back when my husband was told at the border that he needed a waiver to visit the US I think that all that came up on their screen was that he had a assault charge. They had no way of knowing what kind of assault because on the yellow form all it says is assault. But when he applied for the waiver he had fingerprinting done and a more detailed report he received that stated it was assault 266cc which is simple assault which is why he was granted the waiver . I just read that as a general rule, simple assault or battery is not deemed to involve moral turpitude for purposes of the immigration laws. So this is giving me hope that we will not be denied a visa at our interview. If they see it was just a simple assault and not a crime of moral turpitude how could they ask us to get a waiver. I wish i could get answers. I am not sleeping well at all.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-04-17 21:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CENTRALIZED LOCK-BOX FILING of I-601

We are scheduled for our interview in Montreal on May 21,2014. My husband had a I-192 waiver of inadmissibility to be able to visit the U.S. which expired in June 2012. I am pretty sure they are going to deny his visa at our interview and tell him he needs to file a I-610. If they waived him previously and let him across the border does this mean they will most likely approve the I-601?? Should I send a copy of his approval with the I-601 application from his last waiver? I am hoping this might speed up processing if they see he was granted a waiver before.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-04-21 10:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 HELP! At NVC stage awaiting interview.

I 601 processing times as of last week USCIS listed they R processing July longer 4

mths, it will now take/is taking 5-8 mths for the ppl waiting , even a few has reached 10

far no one has reported an expedite accepted at a consulate since the lockbox has been the place

to file...I say if U feel U will need a waiver verify with your lawyer and prepare one ahead of time,

so if its needed on the day of interview U can overnite it to lockbox as U will need a copy of the

221G the consulate  gives U approving U to file expediate letter can be sent with

package however thats a life a death situation with Senator or Congressperson

can speed up process. they.just inform U of status of application. Its not a DIY thing U need to

show Y U should be allow back and hardships to the USC, along with evidences


My husband has his interview May 21 in Montreal. I am pretty sure they are going to tell him he needs a waiver for CIMT. My question is since he previously had a I-194 waiver for the same inadmissibility will that make a difference in the processing time? I mean they already waived it once why wouldn't they again?? Plus the incident happened 17 years ago.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-05-14 19:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 HELP! At NVC stage awaiting interview.

My husband had a I-192 waiver before we were married. The waiver was for 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(I) under Immigration and Nationality Act. It expired June 2013. Now we have his Visa Interview in Montreal May 21,2014. We have waited over a year. Are they going to tell us that he needs another waiver, the I-610? Does he really need to go through this whole process again to have the same charges waived again?? This just seems ridiculous.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-04-19 10:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 HELP! At NVC stage awaiting interview.

They don't allow consular filing anymore.  I believe the only way to do it is through a medical expedite, but even so, it takes several months.  The average time for 601 adjudication right now is about 6 months.


So after we have our interview in Montreal and it is determined we will need a waiver and the waiver is approved will we have to go back to Montreal? Refile another I-864?? Or will he be granted permission to enter the U.S??

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-01-28 08:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 HELP! At NVC stage awaiting interview.

The posted time is no longer 4 months.  On the USCIS site, you'll see what priority date they were processing approximately 2 months ago.  As I mention, the current average is about 6 months.  You can't do a service request until the case is past the normal processing time.


She mentioned in another thread something about a bar fight.  Unclear if that fight was in the US and resulted in jail time, etc... or if there was an overstay.  


I think all that we know is that you can't beg and plead a consulate officer to do anything that bends the rules.  


No, the assault happened in Canada. It is on his Canadian police record. No overstay either.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-01-28 08:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 HELP! At NVC stage awaiting interview.

Why are you sure your husband will be denied?


Because he had to get a I-94 non-immigrant waiver just to be able to visit the U.S which expired in June 2013. Due to his criminal record. I believe it was because he had two assault charges on his record. One in 1994 for which he had a $500.00 fine and one in 1997 for which it says 1 day jail &(Time served 1 day) & $35 fine & probation 15 months & prohibited firearms,ammunition or explosive substances for


When I spoke to a lawyer she said he will most likely require the waiver but will not know until the visa interview??


Something that happened 17 years ago REALLY?? I can't wait anymore. I had to send my son to stay with my sister because I am to depressed to care for him:( I am just existing and not living without my husband here.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-01-28 08:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 HELP! At NVC stage awaiting interview.

We are finally at the NVC stage and submitted all paperwork. Awaiting a interview date. I am pretty sure my husband will be denied a Visa because he will probably require a immigrant waiver (I-601). are we going to have to file this at USCIS and wait another 11 months for this stupid waiver or can we beg and plead to do it at the embassy in Montreal??

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-01-27 18:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I 601 waivers

My husband has his interview May 21 in Montreal. I am pretty sure they are going to tell him he needs a waiver for CIMT. My question is since he previously had a I-194 waiver for the same inadmissibility will that make a difference in the processing time? I mean they already waived it once why wouldn't they again?? Plus the incident happened 17 years ago.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-05-14 19:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

This waiting is ridiculous. Waited 14 months from filing I-130 to interview now waiting again for I-601. Will it ever end?

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-08-18 18:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers


commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-08-12 20:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

April 8 approval today

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-07-17 19:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

There was a April 1, 2014 approval today:)

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-07-16 19:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

thanks!!! i feel better today and going to continue thinking positive!! at least it was not a denial, its been a long road....

Logged into CEAC yesterday and date updated to July 10,2014. This is the first update since May 29,2014. But my Question is why did they add 01 to the end of our case number? MTLXXXXXXXXXX MTL 01????

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-07-11 07:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

I-601 Waiver

Receipt Date 12/31/2013


No word yet, the wait is becoming insanely horrible. I am going in and out of depression. Life is really on hold. I pray you are right and I too can be a part of the quick approval.

What did you need waiver for? Did you have a I-194 waiver before?

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-06-24 20:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

You may get RFE for  a copy of disposition . but think positive

this was over 15 yrs ago, did U address the matter?

Yes it was 17 years ago. I did mention this in the letter and said since then my husband has raised 4 successful adults. My husband did have a non-immigrant waiver to come visit the US prior to marring me I hope this helps. I also included all my bills expenses I have here in the US and a copy of the title to my mobile home and the lot rent agreement with mine and my husbands name on it. We own a mobile home in Florida which is a vacation home.  By the way there was a March 12 approval today. 

That would be awesome I'm hoping for the same, I can't wait for them to get to march!!!!

March 12 approval today on FB page I-601 waiver page

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-06-17 20:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

the waivers get filed at the NSC... why do you think it will be denied?

Because I did the waiver packet on my own. I am afraid my hardship is not enough. I did not submit much evidence. I thought that a previously approved Non-Immigrant waiver included In the packet would help a lot being they approved him before but I am reading they are a lot easier to get. He was refused due to a 17 year old assault charge. Funny thing is he didn't even hit the guy only shoved him because he was messing around with his ex wife. If he knew then what he knows now he could have and would have had the charge reduced or dropped.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-05-31 21:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

I am so afraid after 14 Months waiting to get an Interview that our waiver could possibly be denied. This is my worst fear.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-05-31 10:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

I just mailed my husbands waiver package yesterday our interview was on May 21. The package is to be delivered to Arizona at 1030 am this morning. I am soooo hoping that since my husband already had a non-immigrant I-194 waiver in 2012 that the immigrant I-601 waiver will be approved swiftly. How can they not see when they punch in his A number that they already waived him for the exact same inadmissibility. Seems silly for them to make us wait it out for so long. Already our life has been on hold for 14 months to get to the interview.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-05-23 05:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

Depending on the situation...some are being process quickly, others are not, like if they need a signaure, or more information do prove hardship..But, You have to have a copy of the denial before you can send off the I-601 they will just deny it...Thats why this process is taking so long, you can not file the I-130 joiintly with the I-601. Its very very very frustrating.


Our I-130 has already been approved and we have our interview in Montreal next week.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-05-08 19:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)March 2014 I-601 Filers

Still waiting, Just FYI update, in other groups I am in the I-601, there is has been several November Approvals, A December approval, without and Expidite...In addition, to Thursday of Last week, I saw a January approval, request for expidite on that case, but there was no exact approval...That ever went to the client....


In addition to this Info, I spoke at an immigration symposium on Friday April 25th, where I learned that USCIS is picking up the pace internally, for Citizen related cases, because of the huge back log, I have also Contacted the CEO of Nebraska Service Center, she did respond, and stated that they are working on getting the cases out, its been about 3 weeks since I recieved her response, she said they were working October...In my other group areas all October people have been approved, (only not including if you have had and RFE or some that have prior criminal history, those seem to be taking much longer.) The actual 6-8 months...Otherwise looks like a pretty good 5 month lapse...So keep your heads up people..I will keep posting, all this is found under my research itself...USCIS still hasnt updated thier I-601 status, so I would not read that, there is no way they are on the same date they were last month, at this time last year I-601 were takeing 3-5 months tops.


My husbands interview is May 21 in Montreal. I am pretty sure he will be denied "criminal record" Nothing major but he had a I-194 before so I am assuming they are going to deny him for the Visa. If I send the I-601 right away you are saying 5 months till approval?

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-04-28 15:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)June 2014 I-601A Filers

Im still waiting. My filling date was Jan 13, 2014. That 4 t0 6 months is completely misleading. In 2 weeks my case will be 9 months for I 601.


Gees RicRoc. What is the hold up? My husbands Canadian pardon just went through the other day. Even though I know the United States does not recognize Canadian pardons it does show rehabilitation? I want to send Uscis a copy of the letter but not sure if I should do so? Any suggestions if this would be a good idea and how to go about doing it?

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-09-29 11:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)June 2014 I-601A Filers

My husbands is May 27:( Michell was this I-601 regular or I-601a?

We are I-601 regular for a CIMT. I really hope we hear by the four month mark. I am dying here waiting.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-09-12 10:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)June 2014 I-601A Filers

RicRoc. What do you need the waiver for?

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-08-18 18:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)June 2014 I-601A Filers

They are working on April and May. There are several Facebook Pages on I-601 where people are posting their approvals. Today I say a May 5th approval. My husbands date is May 27th. RicRoc I see you are Canadian and so is my husband. He needs the waiver for a CIMT. I was hoping our approval would be fast because before we were married he had a non-immigrant waiver to be able to visit the US. The I-194 was only valid for one year and expired June 2013. So he has not been able to enter the US since. I don't know how the US could forgive him for his CIMT once but not forgive him for the same CIMT a second time. I dunno I guess we will see.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-08-12 20:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC STILL not received case - NOA2 received Nov 5



I received my hard copy of NOA2 from CSC after one week of approval. NVC still hasn't received my case, and every time I call, they are telling me to wait 8 weeks, hopefully we will have good news from NVC soon!


Wait 8 weeks. UGH what about the 9 Months we have already waited:( The Christmas holidays are going to slow down this process even more. I just wanna pay the money and get my husband here with me. What is the point of all this waiting apart?

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2013-12-10 11:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC STILL not received case - NOA2 received Nov 5

Does anyone know how long it is taking for approved petitions from CSC to reach the NVC? We were approved on Nov. 29th still checking mailbox everyday for our NAO2.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2013-12-10 10:44:00
CanadaRCMP records still not in.

I hope someone can asnswer me. My husbands interview is on May 21, 2014 in Montreal. I have a police cert, from October 2013 which was emailed to the NVC to complete our case. WE HAVE YET TO RECIEVE my husbands certified criminal records from the RCMP which is more detailed about his convictions. We do have one from 2011 from when he applied for the I-92 waiver. Can we use the old ones or do they need to be done within the year???

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-04-17 22:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase shipped to NVC

Hello guys.. I just want to update everyone about the development of my case. I receive this email this morning:


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: MSC1391337422


Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On December 9, 2013, we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the Department of State for visa processing. For more information, please contact them directly.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State.  For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.



Thank you.. I will keep you all posted.


We were approved on Nov. 29th and have not received this message??


commandergirl1FemaleCanada2013-12-09 10:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - December 2013
DOS I believe.
commandergirl1FemaleCanada2013-12-27 11:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - December 2013

called NVC to check if case is there or not and the rude lady made me read the 1st paragraph of approval letter

where it said to wait for 30 days before calling ranting33va.gif ranting33va.gif ranting33va.gif ranting33va.gif




Try Calling this number 1-202-485-7600. I have called about 5 times and the are always super nice.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2013-12-27 11:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - December 2013

My Husband is getting his police certificate does he have to have fingerprinting done or just the name check based certificate???

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2013-12-21 10:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - December 2013

I have a question?? May be a stupid one but I want to make sure I do things right. Should I send the I-864 or the I-864EZ? I am only sponsoring my husband no other family members. I meet the income requirements collect no disability benefits and am not using any savings or assets. In what cases are you suppose to use the I-864 verses the I-864EZ?

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2013-12-20 09:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - November 2013

Depend on your country. UK are good for 1 year but NVC like them to be no older than 6 months old.


Thank you

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2013-12-03 20:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - November 2013

We were just approved on Nov 29th. Have not received our NAO2 yet.  But my question is when should I have my husband get his police Cert. He said they are only valid for 30-45 days??

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2013-12-03 20:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

Saylin case complete as of 1/29 youppiiiiii!!! Waiting for an interview to be scheduled biggrin.png


how long after you submitted the ds-260 was your case complete? I submitted my i-864 on 1-17 the IV package on 1-24 and the ds-260 on 1-27.

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-01-31 08:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

Anyone know how long it is taking for case completes after all forms submitted?

commandergirl1FemaleCanada2014-01-28 10:11:00