United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Hiya Lou, Interview date came through last night :dance: :dance:

20th March 8am, Im nervous and excited too hon!!!!

BTW I didnt have genital exam but did have breast exam,I have been blessed 'up top' so am guessing the doctor thought YUP SHES DEF A SHE!!!!!! :rofl:

AMAZING NEWS! Aghhh so excited for you! I'll come on after my interview and give you a wee review (so long as it goes well!)

I didn't have the breast exam cos she said I was too young for that so maybe the genital examination is done by age too?

Either way we're finally onto the last hurdle :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-31 11:08:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

So glad it all went well Lou, interview're almost there :dance: :dance:

Thanks! 13 days to go till the interview! very nervous/excited! Do you have your interview date yet? Keep me posted :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-31 09:16:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Had my medical yesterday, all seemed to go well.

I arrived 45 minutes early and filled out the form in the waiting room then settled down to read my book since I was told they wouldn't be able to fit me in any earlier but then 5 minutes later I got called! The nurse told me I needed the tetnus jag (even though my own Doctor told me I was up to date) so had that, then was taken in for my xray. After that I waited in a smaller waiting room with my lovely blue gown on! After about 20 min the Doctor called me. She was lovely and from NZ. She checked my eyes, ears, throat, took my blood, checked my pulse, blood pressure, pressed on my tummy and carried out the 'genital examination' which she apologised for!

After that I got dressed and waited until they checked over all my paperwork then they called me to pay and that was me!

Overall everyone was lovely and very friendly. Hopefully i don't hear from them next week and everything is all clear! Then it's onto the interview!!
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-26 09:04:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Amazing news!! So happy you've got a case complete too!!

I hope my medical next week goes as smoothly. I'm starting to get super nervous about it!

Oh and also, so they give you your police certificate back? I assume so you can take it to the interview. I have 2 certified copies of mine which is lucky cos the NVC also requested mine and then the medical needs one so I was starting to wonder how many copies I should have applied for! But if you get it back then that's fine.
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-18 09:17:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
That's great.

Thank you!
Lou29FemaleScotland2012-12-11 12:06:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Can anyone tell me how much they charge at Knightsbridge for the flu jab?

I'm assuming I'm going to need it and don't know if I would be better to get it at my local GP

Thank you!
Lou29FemaleScotland2012-12-11 10:57:00
United KingdomElora & Rob Update
Nice to hear a success story.....sometimes this journey feels never ending :(

Enjoy your first Christmas together!
Lou29FemaleScotland2012-12-17 13:56:00
United KingdomUK soap characters moving to America
I thought exactly the same thing with the recent corrie story line!!!! If only it was that simple!

Me and my husband have refrained from watching Like Crazy until we have the visa (if that will ever happen)

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz so tired of this long process.......
Lou29FemaleScotland2012-12-30 20:36:00
United Kingdomhiw do you feel about new fee starting on feb 1st ??

Bit harsh, my USC husband will be paying the fee and IS paying over and over for the debt the US has. He has every right to feel angry at extra fee's.

When I get over I'll be working and paying taxes too. We all know how this debt was incurred and it certainly wasn't us 'average Joes' anyway pointless getting political on an immigration board :bonk:

Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-23 16:24:00
United Kingdomhiw do you feel about new fee starting on feb 1st ??

They adjust the fees all the time to cover the cost of the whole process. They went up the month before we were eligible to file papers for removing conditions. The government doesn't pay for immigration privileges with taxes. It's funded by visa fees. People complain waiting so long and why don't they hire more staff. That would mean higher fees to the people getting visas or greencards. I guess my opinion is "no opinion". It is what it is.

Read the link Vanessa gave. It tells how/when the fee must be paid.

Reads to me like you are still able to pass through immigration and get into the states before paying but I'll probably just pay it as soon as my visa arrives. I'll be asking when I'm down for my interview to see what they advise
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-19 07:58:00
United Kingdomhiw do you feel about new fee starting on feb 1st ??
Does anyone know if this can be paid once I'm back in the states with my husband or does this have to be paid before I leave the UK? Also, is it quick to pay or does it take time to be 'processed'?

I'm hoping to leave ASAP after my interview and really don't want any more delays....
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-19 06:33:00
United KingdomWhat can I do if I fail medical tomorrow?

Medical went really well,I will write a more detailed account of what happened over in the Knightsbridge medical thread :dance:

Thankyou to everyone that took the time to reply :thumbs:

Yay, can't wait to hear your account of it. Will give me a good idea of what's going to happen to me next week!

Another step done, wohoo! :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-18 06:59:00
United KingdomWhat can I do if I fail medical tomorrow?
Good luck for tomorrow! I'm sure you will be fine, just try and stay calm :) Think about the future with your husband and being free of this long wait and that will sooth you!

Let us know how you get on, I'll be a week behind you as my medical is next Friday :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-16 10:38:00
United KingdomScared I'm Going To Get Lost

awwh just 2 days apart. I'm still looking for a friend lol good luck as well

I know, would be nice to have someone to pass the time and calm the nerves, maybe we will meet someone in the queue :)

Let us know how you get on :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-29 17:26:00
United KingdomScared I'm Going To Get Lost

When is your interview??? Mine is the 11th feb!

Mine is the 13th Feb (hopefully not an unlucky date)

Not long to go now for both of us, good luck :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-29 12:48:00
United KingdomScared I'm Going To Get Lost
I was also nervous about finding the Embassy but you really can't miss it, it's HUGE! I checked it out when I was down for my medical and I also popped into the pharmacy to check out prices, the guy told me £3 which I thought was a bargain! They seem well used to Embassy folk turning up to drop off their electronics. My appointment is at 9am but I was planning on being outside for about 7.30 since I read somewhere that's when they start letting people in.

Good Luck!
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-29 09:39:00
United KingdomLondon Interview Details
Congrats! I'm hoping to be celebrating on Wednesday with the same result as you!
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-02-08 12:20:00
United KingdomInterview Tomorrow!!!
Good luck! Let us know how you get on :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-02-10 16:24:00
United KingdomLondon Interview Date

Approved! And another case of worrying myself silly over something that turned out to be straight-forward. Just need it to arrive before my flight on the 26th now!

Haha I saw a few people with red coats on and wasn't 100% sure which one you were! I also threw a curve ball by wearing yellow chinos instead of red (forgot them...) :whistle: Hope yours went well though!

LOL I actually saw a guy with yellow chinos and wondered if you'd changed your mind! So glad that's over :) I'm flying the 1st March :)

GREAT news :dance: :dance: gunna write a review so I can read it and find something to worry about?? :blink: :blink:

Hey mrs! I'm gonna come back on tomorrow and write my review. I know everyone says it but there's nothing to worry about. Easier said than done though I know!
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-02-13 19:53:00
United KingdomLondon Interview Date

I think I'll be the same! Although I do need to grab a couple of photos from Gould's Pharmacy which don't open until 7:30am. I'll be the one in red chinos and grey cardigan shaking like a leaf!

LOL! I'll see you in the queue! I'll be wearing a red coat (and hopefully be 1st in line lol)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-02-11 18:32:00
United KingdomLondon Interview Date

I'm at 9am too. I think that's the standard time they give you. Need to make my way down from sunny Middlesbrough!

I'm planning on being outside in the queue for 7am! Doubt I'll get much sleep the night before anyway!
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-02-09 06:14:00
United KingdomLondon Interview Date

Mine is on the 13th too! Just got the date today!

Ahhh exciting! What time are you at?
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-02-08 17:30:00
United KingdomLondon Interview Date
Awww! Mine is the 13th at 9am.

Good luck!
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-17 06:17:00
United Kingdomworried about interview and what questions will be asked
The woman that interviewed me was really lovely and friendly. Check out the reviews on here. I studied them all before I went!

Good luck :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-02-17 10:41:00
United KingdomCase complete at NVC -how long until interview at US embassy London

thanks. I called nvc yesterday they told me the earliest I will get an interview is april.

Aww you must have just missed the March interview cut off date. Hopefully you will be at the front of the queue for week one in April interviews :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-02-17 10:43:00
United KingdomCase complete at NVC -how long until interview at US embassy London

I got my case complete on the 7th Jan and was given my interview date exactly a week later for the 13th Feb.

Check out my timeline if you want :)

Good luck, you're almost at the end now!
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-02-16 07:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Got Our Interview!!
Aw thats great, thanks for the reply. That has made me feel a whole lot better about flying out on Monday now :) I have a ton of evidence with me and am planning on being 100% honest and upfront with them as always!

Good luck with the last part of your journey!!! :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2012-09-18 15:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Got Our Interview!!

Congrats on the interview date :)

Just wondering, did your husband travel over to see you while your visa application was with the NVC? I'm with the NVC at the moment but I'm planning on visiting my husband in the states next week and plan on travelling back for my medical/interview. Would be good to hear how he got on going through immigration?

Good luck!
Lou29FemaleScotland2012-09-18 05:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Opening times
That's great, thank you so much for the update :)

Good luck to you both
Lou29FemaleScotland2012-12-28 10:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Opening times

Does anyone know when the NVC are closed over New Years? I believe it should only be New Years Day but just wanted to check.

Also, I noticed someone posted that they are closed today (Friday) due to bad weather. Anybody have any ideas?

I'm getting desperate to hopefully getting a 'case complete' from them soon and I'm going crazy waiting over the holidays :(
Lou29FemaleScotland2012-12-28 08:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)when will NVC staff return to office??
Do you mean the NVC is closed today? Friday the 28th Dec?
Lou29FemaleScotland2012-12-28 08:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NCV RFE
We checked back with the NVC and apparently even though my in laws are my sponsors they still need the applicants financial information (my husbands) Don't know if this was our lawyers mistake or not but never mind, they have it now

Fingers crossed this is the last thing they need before a case complete

Roll on 20 working days......
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-04 11:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NCV RFE
Yeah, and the NVC have said they have all the financial info for my sponsors but now they need my husbands and we really don't know why.

I guess we will just have to wait and see what they come back with in '20 business days' but we are hoping it will be sooner.

We are hoping it's nothing serious and there are no problems with our application.
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-02 17:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NCV RFE
Hmmm good question. I don't think so, they have just requested my husbands savings/checking account statements. That is the only thing requested. I would have imagined if they were doubting the legitimacy of our relationship it would have been questioned by now since we started this process back in May and have been in the NVC since September. If they are looking for evidence of our relationship they won't be finding it in my husbands finances since we were denied a joint bank account since I didn't have my social security number (when I visited on the visa waiver program in the fall) and I'm only on his accounts as a joint member.

We can't really work out why they have requested this info but we have sent it off today.....yet another hoop to jump through I guess??
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-02 16:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NCV RFE

My husband (the USC) and I have received an RFE from the NVC requesting his savings/checking account information. His parents are my sponsors so we thought this was a bit strange that they would need his account information when they already have his parents (plus we were told we already have well surpassed the threshold)

Has anyone else experienced this? Does it sound strange?

I'm hoping this is the last thing they will ask us for and we will FINALLY get a 'case complete' but I'm feeling a little nervous now.......

Thanks as always for any advice
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-02 14:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC email

Hi there. I just received an email from NVC and it says "The National Visa Center has received all documentation necessary to complete pre-processing
of your case. As soon as an interview date has been scheduled, the applicant, petitioner
and attorney (if applicable) will be notified. Etc.....

Uhm my question is that, how long it'll take for my husband to get an interview date after receiving this email?
And how will I know if our case is already "CASE COMPLETE"? Will they notify me or do I have to call the NVC to check? :)
Thank you so much guys!


I just received the same email as you! So have we decided is this a 'case complete' email?
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-07 06:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Casa Complete at NVC
Congrats, that's great news. This is what I'm hoping and praying for soon
Lou29FemaleScotland2012-12-28 16:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Is this a 'case complete'?
YAY! my husband just called the NVC and our case is COMPLETE! wohoooo!!!

Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-07 09:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Is this a 'case complete'?

I received this email today from the NVC

Dear Sir or Madam:

The National Visa Center has received all documentation necessary to complete pre-processing
of your case. As soon as an interview date has been scheduled, the applicant, petitioner
and attorney (if applicable) will be notified.

Is this a 'case complete'

Does anyone know what it means?

Thanks as always for any help and advice :)
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-07 07:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC online case status sucks..
Yeah it always says the same thing for me too, it's basically useless!
Lou29FemaleScotland2013-01-12 14:37:00