IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing my I130 packet...need some ?'s answered.
QUOTE (222Andy @ Jan 21 2009, 03:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
6. Would it be okay if I fill out the i130 pdf on my computer and print it out?

DEFINTELY!! That's how my wife and I have done all of ours! Typed text has the advantage of being easier to read, which means fewer possible mistakes! If you cannot fill all the empty fields that don't apply to you or your spouse because adobe acrobat reader won't let you, it's perfectly alright to fill them in by hand. One example of this would be on my and my wife's G-325As. There are some fields that will only take a number. If you enter anything else, it turns them to 0's. So we left them blank, printed the form and hand wrote N/A in all of them.

7. I noticed that the 3 affidavits seem to say that my residence is in Pakistan....this won't be a problem will it. It says my name, then my fathers name and then notes my residence as my husbands.....would this cause a problem since I am putting my residence here in the u.s on the i130 form?

This one is a little borderline... perhaps one of the other denizens would know more than I. Without having seen them and to be on the safe side, if it was me, I'd make sure they match and are the correct address.

8. Only sort of proof I currently have are these affidavits, of people who were witnesses and ADVOCATES of my nikah...civil wedding and wedding ceremony(it states these facts in the affidavit), plus my wedding photo session pictures of us together...I believe I will be sending in 3 of us together, and the nikah naama....which is the marriage certificate translated into English...should I also send in the original, or copy of the original urdu one? I don't have anything else, could I send in the receipt for the money gram my husband sent me for $700.00 a few weeks ago or would that be too suspicious or something?

If you had your marriage certificate translated, then you know the drill. If they gave you one of each at the solemnization of your marriage, then I'd say just send the english version. If you send the urdu copy it could complicate things. Best to let them ask for it, in my humble opinion. Wouldn't hurt to keep asking around about this question to see what the more experienced persons here say about this one. My gut tells me, don't send the urdu copy.

Definitely send the receipt of the money gram for $700.00. Financial support is a good indicator of an ongoing relationship. I'm sending receipts of all the Western Union money transfers I've sent my wife, along with the corresponding bank records showing the amount and date of the withdrawals. Nothing suspicious about a husband supporting his wife in my opinon.

Does this answer questions 6, 7 and 8 for you?
Andy absolutely does! Thank you so much!!!!!

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-21 08:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing my I130 packet...need some ?'s answered.
All right then, well I've just printed out the invoice and requested the official receipt from the company...just in case. I also found a VERY detailed invoice from for a gift I had bought for him last also states the shipping address as his and the billing as mine. So I believe that has definitely got to be as close to physical proof as I can get. I'm going to go look for the tickets and boarding pass stubs just now....this is so exciting for me. Finding all this stuff when all this time I was freaking out completely over the lack of proof I obviously THOUGHT I had....thanx Andy for the wacko.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-21 03:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing my I130 packet...need some ?'s answered.
oh I just thought of it......could I possibly use an entry stamp or visa stamp on my passport as proof of an ongoing relationship alongside a copy of my ticket, I still have the copies of the tickets which list where I went and when I went and came back and everything....I'm not too sure about the boarding passes though...I'll have to look for those. But, if I can't find those....and am only capable of providing 3-5 pictures of our wedding photo shoot of us together, our civil wedding certificate, our 3 signed and stamped by the court affidavits stating that 2 were actually advocated at my wedding and 1 is the my father-in-law, a letter that he wrote to me in english....he sent it just for the heck of it...just asking how I am and telling me he loves me, and a few jokes and blah blah...and maybe added to that (for the whole co-mingling of financial resources thing) should I or shouldn't I add a copy of the receipt of the $700.00 my husband recently sent me?

Would all of this as evidence be I just plain doomed? dead.gif

ohhh and I might be able to get a hold of a receipt for a few birthday presents I bought online and had sent to him on his birthday too....but if not would that be enough?

Edited by MumtazG38, 21 January 2009 - 02:01 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-21 01:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing my I130 packet...need some ?'s answered.
ok wow......ummmmm right, well actually I have read the guides several times and have also read post from people who did some things differently and apparently everything worked out fine for I guess I was looking more for opinions rather than straight up answers....sorry, should have mentioned that. I just have a habit of trying to fit EVERYTHING in even when it won't all those questions, making it seem like I completely haven't a clue. I did read the guides and they DO answer a few of the questions...but as you can see there are plenty of questions that are more a mater of opinions then a matter of what is written in any specific guide. Hope I didn't annoy anyone....

And thank you Moosker for the link, but I do believe the guide you are referring to is for the K3....I'm not really sure if that would work the same. Seeing as they have to fill out and send in some different forms, that may also require them to send in some different supporting doc' IDK. But I'll go check it out now anyways.

Thanx Moosker, Andy and pushbrk for your answers....cleared up quite a bit. Just questions 6, 7 and 8 left I believe, and I don't think the guides can help me on these ones brnidokiegurl.

Edited by MumtazG38, 21 January 2009 - 01:34 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-21 01:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing my I130 packet...need some ?'s answered.
Okay, well today I just got my husbands doc's in the mail( after a week and a half of waiting...even though we used "over night" mail. That is the last time we will be using that lousy company. So I'm trying to prepare the packet but am worried that since the papers about 2 inches longer then normal letter sized paper that we use here in the u.s I won't be able to send them without having to fold them...and I don't know if that is okay or not. I want to just fold the pages to fit into the brown packet I purchased from my local office supply store and then just mail it out using fedex overnight mail but I'm not sure if folding the pages over like that would be okay, which are mostly just copies except for the affidavits for proof of marriage which have golden stamp stickers on them....and I'd rather send the originals of those then the copies.


1. Which shipper should I be using and how much would it cost? UPS, Fedex...?
2. Should I send overnight or what tips do you guys have for sending the packet?
3. What address should I be sending to?
4. What about the cover letter...any tips.
5. Is there a check list of the things I should incl. in the packet that I can go over on VJ?
6. Would it be okay if I fill out the i130 pdf on my computer and print it out?
7. I noticed that the 3 affidavits seem to say that my residence is in Pakistan....this won't be a problem will it. It says my name, then my fathers name and then notes my residence as my husbands.....would this cause a problem since I am putting my residence here in the u.s on the i130 form?
8. Only sort of proof I currently have are these affidavits, of people who were witnesses and ADVOCATES of my nikah...civil wedding and wedding ceremony(it states these facts in the affidavit), plus my wedding photo session pictures of us together...I believe I will be sending in 3 of us together, and the nikah naama....which is the marriage certificate translated into English...should I also send in the original, or copy of the original urdu one? I don't have anything else, could I send in the receipt for the money gram my husband sent me for $700.00 a few weeks ago or would that be too suspicious or something?
9. About the chat logs and such...they are all in urdu-english(roman urdu....urdu written in english) I don't know how good it would be to translate them or even get them translated or notarized or something...should I just forget about them then? How about a copy of my cell phone bill...which is under my mothers credit card though. It does show the number dialed...and him calling my number...and tons of text messages...could I use this....would I need to attach a sheet explaining that the bill is under my mothers name because she purchased it for me and have her sign it or something...please help. I'm very worried about the lack of proof and them denying my petition.

10. Where it says on the form "List address in the United States where relative intends to live"....should I list my residential address even though we will not be living here when we get back. Or should I list the address of where we plan on staying when we both come back to the U.S? This won't cause any issues will it.
11. What should I do about the sections where I have no answers.....should I just leave them blank or right N/A there....or none....what about the questions where you have to tick options?
12. Where it asks about relatives name and address and if it is also written in native language....what do I put there? I don't really know how to write his name and address very well in urdu language....but I'm sure I could right it if he showed me on the internet. He is teaching me how to right urdu using this software on yahoo messenger?
13. What should I put as my phone number? Should I use the number I currently have now but will not be using in about 3 weeks to a month (will be going to Pakistan for the rest of the process) or should I put the number that I have over there....which is activated and still working but if someone were to call in the next month they wouldn't be able to talk to me? What would be best.
14. Where it asks about putting any other names you use....should I put my name after marriage (his last name) which I haven't officially changed it to yet but do use unofficially?

15. Should I fold the extra long pages of the doc's over to fit, would that be okay?
16. Can I purchase any brown shipping packet and use that to ship to the USCIS or does it specifically have to be a fedex one or purchased from the UPS store? When I go to send it will I still have to purchase one from them anyways?

any tips would be great....thank you guys so much for helping and being so kind.

Edited by MumtazG38, 20 January 2009 - 09:16 PM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-20 21:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures$400.00 for Visa Application?
ah yes.....the ir1/cr1 process is sooo costly....but I don't think there's room to complain when you compare it to the cost of the K3 in the long run you that's breaking the bank!

I heard that we do not have to have the !-864 notarized.

Yeah, I remember reading that somewhere, only if I could remember where dry.gif .
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-22 21:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help with ONLINE NVC procedures
QUOTE (TVN @ Jan 15 2009, 02:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luckymom @ Jan 15 2009, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My new husband (American) and I (Filipino) are trying to get my 2 boys here from the Philippines, so my husband has petitioned them as IR-1. We are done with USCIS (their I-130's were approved and handed to the NVC), and we received bills for both IV and AOS. We paid the bills online and read that it would take 2 or 3 days before we were ready for the next step. To our surprise our accounts were marked as "paid" the very next day! We have several questions:

1. We were only allowed to pay ONE $70 AOS fee for BOTH boys...Is this correct?? We had assumed that we would have to pay $70 for EACH boy.
2. Now that all fees are marked as "paid", can we submit the I-864's and DS-230's for the boys? Or do we have to wait for some other notice from the NVC before we can submit the completed forms?
3. Should we submit ALL documents TOGETHER (I-864 and cover sheet, financial support documents, DS-230 and cover sheet, 2" X 2" pictures, police report, birth certificate, and passport copy) for each boy in one envelope? That is, we plan on sending all of the above listed documents in 2 envelopes, one for each boy.
4. Can we sign the DS-230's for the boys or do we have to send them to the Philippines to have them sign the documents (one boy is 13 and the other is 18)?

Thanks in advance for your help.

1. I believe you pay ONE $70 AOS fee for BOTH boys since both cases are related (family). Once paid, you'd better
go online to check if the payment status are marked as PAID. If you're not sure, you can call NVC to find out
2. Once status change to paid, you can submit I-864 for the boys. Be very careful with the form you sent.
Last time I sent I-864 form for my wife, another I-864 for my son. Then I got RFE, NVN requested to send
I-864W for my boy (exemption something). Check & double check or even call NVC or ask info from similar case
you're not sure. This will cost you a month if getting RFE
3. DS-230: a choice of agent form needs to be sent to NVC either via mail or email. The form of choice should be
sent to you. You can send an email to NVC for your choice of agent.
Once NVC confirm they get your choice of agent (probably you select your husband).
A bill is generated at NVC. You or your husband can pay it online as well.
Once paid, you can fill DS-230 form, sign Part I of DS-230 and send to your husband (do not sign part II), together with pictures, police record (applied for those who is older than 16)
Your husband will put everything together then send to NVC
Be careful with filling DS-230: Filling the current date as "PRESENT" at the box you have to list from what date to what date you are living at your current address. This is the most RFE.
4. Boy 19 sign the document . His record police in Philippines should be obtained and sent along. He needs to sign the form DS-230. The boy 16 , you sign for him, no police record is needed. Again, do not sign part II since it will be signed at the interview
Good luck

Could you please explain what you mean in this sentence? If we don't list the current/present date, then which date to we list???
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-15 19:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Petition Cover Letter
hmmm...anyone happy.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-25 10:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Petition Cover Letter
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 25 2009, 03:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The I-864 instructions are probably the best USCIS has to offer. Please start by studying them and the form itself.

I have already studied them, and the form is infront of me right now, but it doesn't explain anything even near the extent of an answer for this question:
--If I don't have any tax information, would it still be okay...or maybe just..barely.. work...if only the joint sponsor provided their 1 year...maybe even 3 year tax returns or information? Could we get by on that.

It just says, and in separate sections at that, that the joint sponsor needs to provide that information and so does the petitioner. But, I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who doesn't have tax returns or tax information yet...plenty of students don't have this information. Loads of people my age don't have this this is why I'm asking on whether there's any way or more so, what are the chances of us being able to get around the tax info from myself by using or having the joint sponsor provide theirs.

and this question also,
--Does it make a difference if they know the beneficiary, although they are not related.

I mean, how could they even prove this. Even in the interview they couldn't prove it unless my husband was stupid enough to go overboard and mention how he knows the joint sponsors nephew. Which he won't.....the only other way would be if he mentions talking to the joint sponsor on the phone after we sent in the petition and there should not be anything wrong with that because they would need to talk anyways throughout this process....and only way they'd find that out is if he mentioned that at the medical or interview, which isn't going to am I right?

or this,
--If I don't want to send in the actual photos themselves as proof can I just send in the photocopies?

but thanx for reminding me to check the form out, it did help me figure out whether the sponsor needs to be a citizen or if they can be a permanent resident.....And the answer is both will do. So thank you. happy.gif.

Edited by MumtazG38, 25 January 2009 - 03:54 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-25 03:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Petition Cover Letter
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-25 02:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Petition Cover Letter
Thanx so much for the help everyone.

What do you guys think:

I realize that I won't be needing this information just yet...not untill I need to send in the AOS (I-864) but I still feel the need to ask this question.I don't have any tax returns and the only thing I really even know about taxes is that my parents do theirs....and I believe they add me as, I think a dependent. But I don't really know what that means....or whether that can help me. I wish it could but I'm sure it can't so onto my question...

If I don't have any tax information, would it still be okay...or maybe just..barely.. work...if only the joint sponsor provided their 1 year...maybe even 3 year tax returns or information? Could we get by on that.

Also, while on the topic I just wanted to ask this question again:
Besides being above the poverty line, what are the other requirements for the joint-sponsor? Do they HAVE TO be u.s citizens or can they be permanent residents? Does it make a difference that they know the beneficiary, they are not relatives or related in any way but someone that they are related to, their nephew I believe, did know my husband for several years before coming to the U.S. But the joint-sponsor themselves didn't know my husband?

Does it make a difference if they know the beneficiary?

And, although we're not on this topic anymore I still feel the need to ask what you think...
If I don't want to send in the actual photos themselves as proof can I just send in the photocopies?

Thank you.

Edited by MumtazG38, 24 January 2009 - 03:22 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-24 03:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Petition Cover Letter
gotcha! So, take away the moneygram and the affidavits...add separate lines for passport size photos.......and we're good to go??
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-23 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Petition Cover Letter
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-23 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 Petition Cover Letter
California Service Center

Subject: I-130 petition

Dear Sir / Madam:

Enclosed please find the form I-130, Petition of Amna Bukhari for Alien Relative Syed Haseeb Akhtar Gillani and supporting documents.

Contents of packet includes:

• Application Fee. $355.00 (check)
• Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative
- Attachment: stating mailing and physical addresses for both the petitioner and beneficiary
• Documents establishing petitioner’s US citizenship
- Certified copy of birth certificate
- Copy of non-expired US passport
• Certified copy of marriage certificate. (English translated)
• Certified Copy of marriage certificate (Urdu)
• Form G-325A, Biographic Information (all four pages signed) with photo of the petitioner
• Form G-325A, Biographic Information (all four pages signed) with photo of beneficiary
• Evidence of the bonafides of the marital relationship
- Certified copies of two affidavits attested and notarized by District Court and Advocate High Court of Sialkot, Pakistan
• Evidences of ongoing relationship
- 6 Photographs
- Photocopies of phone bills stating beneficiary's number and amount/dates of calls
(Under petitioners mother's name, with petitioners listed number)
- Photocopies of monthly bills/invoices of VOIP internet calls made through LowRateVoip company, dating back to December 2007
- Photocopies of Invoices/Receipts for gifts purchased by petitioner and sent to beneficiary.
- Photocopy of receipt for money transfers from beneficiary to petitioner
- Photocopies of emails sent to petitioner from beneficiary.
- Snapshot/prints of chat logs on Yahoo! Messenger
- Snapshot/prints of chat and call logs on GoogleTalk Messenger
- Photocopies of Passport Visa and Entry stamps to beneficiary's country for visiting
- Photocopies of Tickets, Boarding Passes, and Baggage claim stubs of both Arrival to the beneficiary's country and Departure back to the States

Please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your assistance.


Amna Bukhari
17257 Michigan Heights Dr
Romulus, MI 48174


Preffered Contact:
Amna Bukhari
Al-Sadaat House, Bhatti Street
Rehman Pura, Fateh Garh,
Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan 51310

Some more questions...
QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Jan 23 2009, 02:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Jan 22 2009, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Besides being above the poverty line, what are the other requirements for the joint-sponsor? Do they HAVE TO be u.s citizens or can they be permanent residents? Does it make a difference that they know the beneficiary, they are not relatives or related in any way but someone that they are related to, their nephew I believe, did know my husband for several years before coming to the U.S. But the joint-sponsor themselves didn't know my husband?

Does it make a difference if they know the beneficiary?

Should I really not even bother with the affidavits??? They are stamped, notarized and attested and even have these certified shiny golden stickers that make them look so official(oh come on, I can't be the only one impressed by this...hehe). They can probably help some in proving that I have an ongoing married relationship with my can't hurt to send them can won't cause any issues right? What should I do guys.....send...or no send!!!

Also, If I don't want to send in the actual photos themselves as proof can I just send in the photocopies?

Do we still need to provide beneficiary's/relatives birth cert. or passport photocopies? I read in the guides that this is not required any more?

Thank you... unsure.gif

Should I send in my moneygram receipt even if it doesn't state why he sent me the money? Will this make them suspicious that he's just paying me for this procedure or something.....

BTW, I used the basic outline for the cover letter that someone posted here on VJ, hope that person doesn't mind.....but yeah, that would be the reason for all of the similarities...just in case anyone's wondering.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-23 07:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresKinds of Marriage. Confused. :S
QUOTE (sjr09 @ Jan 23 2009, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jan 23 2009, 07:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (stiggy @ Jan 23 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What happens if theres no family members at all from the non usc's side? But about 30-40 from the USC side?
Most of my friends are in university and cant afford it, an dmy parents are dead against me marrying someone from out of the country and my family wants to have nothing to do with it.
Is that going to look bad? blink.gif

Ok, I'll bite. What happens is the "Your family won't be in any of the wedding pictures." It's not going to look "good" but it's not that uncommon. There were certainly none of my family members in China when my wife and I married.

your right it's not uncommon, none of my family was in the Philippines when we got married.

ugh...I can completely relate with you. I didn't have a single friend OR family member at my own wedding. All of my SO's friends and family came....but since everyone basically hated me in my family no one came. But now that I'm married everything getting better and better day by day with my family....I'm even staying with my family here in the states for a while and then I'll be going back to my husband in late feb. Things are definitely looking up for me and I NEVER THOUGH THEY WOULD!!! My parents are the most strict muslim people I've ever even heard of, and I got married on my own...with the guy I wanted, didn't even matter that he was also a Muslim and from the same country as them, and they knew his parents for so long. Only mattered that they believe a girl can't EVER marry who she wants (culture, not at all Islam....Islam is all about kids getting married to whoever they want as long as the muslim thing is ok).

So I think you're parents will be okay once they see how happy you are with you'll just take some time is all. Hang in there smile.gif.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-25 02:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresKinds of Marriage. Confused. :S
QUOTE (frali @ Jan 23 2009, 12:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not everyone can afford big wedding with cakes and lots of guests. so incase if one is having a small ceremony it is beneficial to send affidavits from 3rd party to confirm that the marriage is bona fide.

Good luck!

the affidavits that are asked for have nothing to do with witnesses of your wedding, if you read the guides over again it says the affidavits need to be from people who clearly state that they are witnesses to your "ongoing relationship" as a married couple. Not your wedding.
USCIS only cares about the proper legal could just have a simple court marriage just as long as the legal documents are there. Witnesses are always good, but I don't think you'd need more than two.

Yes, you should definitely use proof of your much relevant proof as you've got. Send as much as needed. That's the best kind of proof IMO, and you're lucky to have it, most people here on VJ don't have much of that. But don't forget about proof of living a married life together either, it's still just as important.

The wedding you plan sounds good to go. Good luck! smile.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-25 02:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMoney order for I-130?
QUOTE (HisGirl @ Feb 16 2009, 09:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We sent our petition by courier and sent it to this address:

Any U.S. resident petitioner submitting a completed I-130 by courier/express delivery, should use the following address:
USCIS Lockbox
Attn: SAI-130
131 South Dearborn – 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517

My husband also used a money order and it must be paid to:
U.S Department of Homeland Security

Good Luck

Thank you so much HisGirl for the clarification. Seeing as I will be using express delivery myself I guess I'll be sending to the same address as your husband.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-17 05:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMoney order for I-130?
All petitioners filing stand-alone Form I-130 must submit their petitions to the Chicago Lockbox instead of a USCIS Service Center. Form I-130 petitions filed with the Chicago Lockbox will be routed to, and adjudicated at, the appropriate USCIS Service Center. This routing will be based on the petitioner’s place of residence in the United States.
Important: Any Form I-130 filed at an incorrect location will be rejected.

Petitioners who reside in AK, AZ, CA, CO, Guam, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MS, MT, NE, NV, ND, OH, OR, SD, UT, WA, WI, or WY must file their stand-alone Form I-130s with the Lockbox using the following address:
P.O. Box 804625
Chicago, IL 60680-4107

Petitioners who reside in AL, AR, CT, DL, FL, GA, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OK, PA, Puerto Rico, RI, SC, TN, TX, VT, VA, U.S. Virgin Islands, WV, or District of Columbia must file their stand-alone Form I-130 with the Lockbox using the following address:
P.O. Box 804616
Chicago, IL 60680-4107

Any U.S. resident petitioner submitting a completed I-130 by courier/express delivery, should use the following address:
USCIS Lockbox
Attn: SAI-130
131 South Dearborn – 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517

What is this very last part for? I am planning to send via express mail, you know the most expensive and presumably the fastest does this apply to me or do I just stick with the address for state. Just wanted to make absolute sure seeing as it says at the very top that any form submitted at the wrong lock-box will be rejected....
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-16 07:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMoney order for I-130?
Thank you. smile.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-16 03:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMoney order for I-130?
QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Feb 15 2009, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who do I address the money order to guys? Am I supposed to name it to the CSC? or USCIS???? No idea. I'm going to the bank tomorrow to get my money order made and haven't had one made before now and just want to get it right.

Also, how much should it cost if I'll be using USPS with tracking or receipt with 2-3 days delivery? My packet weighs maybe around slightly less than a pound (that's what my electronic weight machine says at least). If you don't know exactly could you please tell me round-about, what you assume it should/may cost?

Thank you.

Oh...another thing, do I have to put the address of uscis or whomever I will be making the money order out to? If so what address would that be?

Thanks again guys.... blush.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-15 21:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMoney order for I-130?
Who do I address the money order to guys? Am I supposed to name it to the CSC? or USCIS???? No idea. I'm going to the bank tomorrow to get my money order made and haven't had one made before now and just want to get it right.

Also, how much should it cost if I'll be using USPS with tracking or receipt with 2-3 days delivery? My packet weighs maybe around slightly less than a pound (that's what my electronic weight machine says at least). If you don't know exactly could you please tell me round-about, what you assume it should/may cost?

Thank you.

Edited by MumtazG38, 15 February 2009 - 09:42 PM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-15 21:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent my I-130 packet in today...FINALLY!!!Woohoo.
Thank you. happy.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-17 13:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent my I-130 packet in today...FINALLY!!!Woohoo.
Just thought I'd let everyone who helped me out sooo much know that I finally managed to get all the documents together last night and just express mailed my packet to the USCIS......the lady at the counter said that she guarantees that it'll be there by tomorrow noon. So hopefully I might even have a chance of receiving my NOA1 before I leave for Pakistan in 18 days......probably not....but hopefully biggrin.gif.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-17 13:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGR8T NEWS!!!!
Congratulations!!!!!! kicking.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-19 06:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresapproved in 45 days!
congratulations!!! Amazing! Hope we have the same luck too happy.gif.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-20 19:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs it okay if my husband didn't write his name in foreign alphabet on g325a?
QUOTE (waithatter @ Feb 21 2009, 11:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Feb 21 2009, 07:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (johndecka @ Feb 21 2009, 07:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Feb 21 2009, 07:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you think we might get an rfe or possibly even DENIED for this....if he and I both didn't write the names how they look in urdu....our foreign language? In what case would that be okay?


Better Write It , U'll Get RFE for it.BEST to Fillout What is asked for.

Well, I already sent it in so I don't know what to do now........ unsure.gif

I just pray to god that they don't mind....otherwise............. crying.gif wacko.gif

Dont worry you'll be fine. I have seen lots people here who didnt write in there native alphabet and got approved without any problem.

OH THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH WAITHATTER!!!! You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that. Thank you sooo much. biggrin.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-21 11:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs it okay if my husband didn't write his name in foreign alphabet on g325a?
QUOTE (johndecka @ Feb 21 2009, 07:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Feb 21 2009, 07:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you think we might get an rfe or possibly even DENIED for this....if he and I both didn't write the names how they look in urdu....our foreign language? In what case would that be okay?


Better Write It , U'll Get RFE for it.BEST to Fillout What is asked for.

Well, I already sent it in so I don't know what to do now........ unsure.gif

I just pray to god that they don't mind....otherwise............. crying.gif wacko.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-21 08:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs it okay if my husband didn't write his name in foreign alphabet on g325a?
Do you think we might get an rfe or possibly even DENIED for this....if he and I both didn't write the names how they look in urdu....our foreign language? In what case would that be okay?


Edited by MumtazG38, 21 February 2009 - 07:08 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-21 07:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiled I-130
QUOTE (lgg @ Feb 22 2009, 11:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks all!

But wouldn't it be great if you could just send in one comprehensive package of EVERYTHING for one type of Visa?
Yeah, I live in la-la land.

Best to all and thanks to everyone who takes the time to answer my abundant and sometimes inane questions.


Yes, it would be the greatest thing there is.....but no such luck. Each step is like moving onto the next level. In order to get access to that certain level you need to do a certain quest if you may....a quest of finding, preparing and filling out required documents of that level and then giving it to them. Once you do well in the will have all of the skills and tools you will need throughout that level...anything extra you may need, the boss will ask for.

Then after you beat the boss of that level (uscis, nvc,embassy, consulate...whichever) you move onto the next level and must complete the quest again....and so on so forth.

This is the way it is...and how it must be I guess. Nothing we can do to try and loop-hole our way through it.........cause if we try, we might as well quit now rather than get our toosh's denied!

But would be absolutely great if we could really just send one box full to the brim of everything and then just sit back, relax and let the approval come to you...

Though, the waiting time would increase to a heck of a lot...I mean not having to deal with them so much would leave us with many less milestones to wait for and reach.......and patience is a virtue not many people myself for example. So I think it's good the way they have keeps us from losing hope in a way.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-22 13:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresresending the I 130 package
Congratulations! good.gif Come on over to the Lucky FEBRUARY 2009 FILERS thread. happy.gif

Edited by MumtazG38, 22 February 2009 - 10:35 PM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-22 22:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is an "AP" ?
The reason for AP is anything that would cause a red flag needing to be checked out. Red flags can be caused by many things and one of those very many things can be cross name checks or names that match or are similar to names on any watch lists, criminal records or other records of the likes. Just because the beneficiary is a Pakistani male does not mean that they will experience AP.....actually the reason is a bit more complicated. Most Pakistani men have Muslim names like Mohammed, Ali, Ahmed, Usif, and the likes and these names can strike a red flag when they appear in the computers as matching names to terrorists basically....ofcourse everyone muslim or paki or not goes through some amount of AP, depending on whether their name matched any criminal records in the computers or any other red flag type reason really. But mostly muslim male names are very common in the records....very very common, especially since 9/11 and the extra terrorism awareness. The reason AP takes as long as it does is mostly due to the fact that when a common, or sometimes even an uncommon muslim name is entered into their computers it usually gets a lot of name matches...hundreds and thousands even. The USCIS, NVC or consulate or embassy do extra background checks like the COBRA and others to ensure that the beneficiary is ABSOLUTELY not one of those names in their records. They are making sure that this is not the same person, or even a person with a different yet similar name.....who could be using an alias.

The main reason for everyone mentioning extra long AP for pakistani males is not simply because the person is a pakistani male, but it is because pakistani and muslim names almost always strike red flags with matching names in their criminal type databases. I'm sure that if a christian pakistani male, who would most likely have a christian name like John, James or Anthony the AP would be far less lengthy because those names would not reflect as many red flags. Although, each file and each person is different that is.

This is not prejudice or racism in the very least! It's not the NVC's, USCIS's or consulate fault that the people names that are in the red flag databases come up's just a fact we must all understand and live with for now that a vast majority of terrorist names are muslim. But this is not to say that if a persons name were actually Samual or Zack they would not get AP....they could if their names matched any names in the database....

Also, name matches are not the ONLY reason for red Sam and Zack could very well get much longer AP than any pakistani male for several other reasons or several other red flags that their files reflected.

Edited by MumtazG38, 19 February 2009 - 06:34 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-19 06:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPROVED APROVED APROVED!!!!! 98 DAYS
Congrats! You give me hope....happy.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-22 13:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 vs CR-1?
Okay.......obviously the main difference is that you can apply for either one depending on how long you've been married right.....less than 2 years is CR-1 and 2 years or more is IR-1 right? CR-1 is supposedly conditional am I right? What does that mean.....and what does it mean for my husband and I in the long run and short?

Edited by MumtazG38, 22 February 2009 - 01:44 PM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-22 13:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresE-mail Records
QUOTE (Aman @ Feb 19 2009, 06:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Mumtaz

But I was preparing these Logs for the Interview that I have in March

But I agree I rather not take the fights and Go to hell types:)

I have got the following Ready

1) Some Pics from the wedding ( Around 30)
2) Some Pics we took after the wedding ( Around 5, I lost my laptop in July and with it lost the 100 Pics we took:()
3) Detailed phone Recorde from November which has the calling card deatils.....
4) Emails
5) Chats
6) Newspaper in which the My hubby placed the Matrimonal Ad
7) Wedding Cards from Both Sides
8) Greetin Cards I got from my Hubby and In Laws ( about 6)

I hope this is going to be good enough.....Or do I need to add anything else....

Seems like you've got everything down. Though, you might consider papers or documents showing co-mingling of joint back accounts or joint leases....just incase. Also.....I'm not so sure about the matrimonial ad really....cause that would depend on the interviewer you know, I'm sure if the interviewer were Indian they might understand, but if the interviewer is an American then you may have a bit of explaining to do about a ad in a newspaper being the reason you got married. This is very normal in Pakistani and Indian culture, but it is regarded as highly strange, and in some cases illegal in American maybe you should ask around VJ about taking the ad, but that's only my opinion really.

Good luck!!! good.gif

Edited by MumtazG38, 19 February 2009 - 06:41 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-19 06:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresE-mail Records
QUOTE (Aman @ Feb 19 2009, 05:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just started taking the print out of the E-mails that we have shared in last 9 months....I just wanted to check how many are enough 100 mails...200...or do I need to take all of them..I was thinking to pick a couple from every month....

Also DO i need a variety....Happy mails, sad mails...angry...fights....( I have almost every variety)....I even have some " Go to hell mails" devil.gif

Same with the Chat records..............

Any suggestions............

You really don't need all that many emails or chats.To be honest, a couple from the beginning of the relationship, a couple from the middle, and a couple recent ones should be sufficient. What I did is that I sectioned them up into before wedding and immediately after wedding and then recently...then took 3 emails each from those times....each email being either beginning of that part, middle of that part or towards the end of that. This got me a good 20-30 emails and chats all together. And try sending in happy normal ones, sending in go to hells might be like looking for an rfe....not definitely, but who wants to take that chance right. Anything where you are showing genuine care or love towards eachother, like asking how the other is, or asking about family or even cheeky stuff like "hey sexy" could work. Anything to prove it's a genuine relationship. Fighting is normal......but that doesn't mean the people at the USCIS are going to think the same.....they aren't asking you to send an autobiography you know, if so , then you could incl. all the good and the bad. But they ARE asking you to send evidence of the bonafides of your marriage.....meaning simply you must prove to them you are in a healthy married relationship...and you must do it within a small number of select emails, chat logs, call logs and the likes. So in this case....sticking to more along the lines of happy happy, or happy norm would be a good bet rather than fighting or "go to hell emails" (we all send/receive em...wouldn't be a healthy relationship if we didn't happy.gif).

Try not to send too many cause you really don't want to make the packet too heavy....remember everything you send now, and during nvc and're spouse will have to bring that along with them....every bit of it to interview and when they come to the states! Not saying to keep it purely simple or basic.....just keep it simple on the simple high side. wink.gif.

Good luck.

Edited by MumtazG38, 19 February 2009 - 06:10 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-19 06:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI - 130
You need to prove that you can support your wife and yourself and any other dependent living in your household under your total household income. That would include, you and any other person who is living in your house and if those persons bring any income into the household you may or may not include that into your total household income if and only if you will be including that person as a household member. So if your parents live with you or your brothers you sponsered then you would add them. if not then it is just you and your wife. Only your income counts.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-01 22:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressent packet off today
Congrats tomuts!!

Why don't you start a March Filers thread so you will have a nice group of friends to go through this process with. It's quite fun actually, and very comforting. Just check out the amount of fun we have at our lucky February Filers thread! happy.gif.

Congrats and good luck!
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-05 20:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCo Sponsor for I-864
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-05 23:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 for IR1-CR1 March filed
All March Filers should go here. March Filers 2009

You'll already have a group of nice friends to accompany you through your journey once you go to this thread. happy.gif

Good luck!

Edited by MumtazG38, 06 March 2009 - 04:06 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-06 04:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 for IR1-CR1 March filed
A March filers thread has already been created. I suggest you go to the March Madness thread. happy.gif

Good luck.

Edited by MumtazG38, 06 March 2009 - 01:57 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-06 01:57:00