K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo pictures or evidence what to do?

I am writing on behalf of a friend.
She met a guy online who she has been talking to for the last year. They are thinking about doing the fiancé visa but they've never met and he cannot travel because of child support issues. She has the WU receipts and they talk everyday so she can get the phone record but they have no other evidence so they're scared to even try. What would you suggest? Please help.

No photos or evidence of what? If they had photos and evidenace and they somehow had gotten lost I may understand. But they don't exist and they have no evidence because they've never met. In order to accumulate evidence of a relationship, you have to actually be in a relationship.:blush:

He really needs to pay her a visit and make sure they have the relationship/chemistry you friend seems to think they have. Once he does that, they'll meet the letter of the law in having met in person within the past two years. Exactly what child support issues are preventing him from visiting her? It sounds more like a money issue. If he can't afford to buy a ticket to go visit her, then he probably won't be able to meet the financial support requirements either. Remember, any money that he's paying toward child support goes against his AoS either directly or as an additional dependent for each child he's supporting. They need to look at the reality of their situation and determine if what they want is even possible.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-12 00:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy child with fiance enough proof of relationship?

because you might get someone that just adds 9+18 and comes up with 27 you need more proof that you have met with in the last two the interview you will need more than proof of a child together to show an on going relationship such as from visits and pictures......


George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-07 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis it ok

is it ok if i give my email account password to my fiance and let him print all emails he sent me??? what will the USCIS or USEmbassy think???

:whistle: What will USCIS think about what? They have nothing to do with your email account or who you give your password to.

That said, it's an easy way for your fiance to get copies of the emails. It's also a VERY POOR security practice to give your password to ANYONE.

That said, I do have my wife's email password and have pretty much done the same thing for remittances, etc.


Edited by George & Gina, 15 December 2010 - 06:47 AM.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-15 06:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer or not

hello, I'm a newbie :) hoping Visajourney and people here can help me and my bf. We're done filling-out I-129F, made Fiance(e) Letter of Intent for both parties, completed G-325A, Cover short we're almost done, we're just in the process of gathering all evidences like boarding pass, passport stamps, plane tickets, chat logs and pictures so I can mail it to him same with the signed docs. But my bf is still thinking of getting a lawyer just to make sure that process will be smooth. He has a friend who works in a law firm and he offered to help us though I'm not sure how's the process gonna be with a lawyer since I've been using VisaJourney as my guide. His friend is just afraid that I might have a hard-time with the interview it's actually pretty cheap like $200.00, any advices please if we still need a lawyer or not....really appreciate it

It sounds like you've basically completed all of the work already. What exactly is it that the lawyer is going to do for you? Maybe put a stamp on the envelope and drop it in the mail? Is his "friend" planning on flying to the Philippines and going to the interview with you? As long as you bring all of the required documentation to the interview you should be fine. The questions they ask are based upon what most people in a legitimate relationship would normally know about each other. If you haven't already, check the VJ Wiki for a listing of likely questions for the interview.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-18 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy contact the employer

USCIS does background checks on the US citizen as well as the beneficiary. They also do FBI checks on both people too. If they see something of concern, they likely would contact the business.

+1 :thumbs:
George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-22 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Photo Requirement?

Not sure if there is anything wrong with the shoulders or the pics. Who told you the picture does not qualify? The only thing that might be an issue is the long hair covering the ears, but again I am not sure. Is the size 2x2?

Good luck.

I'm no expert, but I think her shoulder may be to low in the photo, it depends on how you define "middle of chest".. Here's a link the the guide I review in making this determination. Most of the sample photos seem to start a little lower on the chest. As asked previously, who told you that the photo doesn't fit the criteria? You may want to send the photo shop a copy of the guide.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-25 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on all forms for k1. please help. im new here

k1 visa questions..please help

please help me with these forms..

I-129f questions..

1.under part a, number 10. my citizenship was acquired through ( check one).. my fiancee was born in the USA
so obviously she will have to tick Birth in the US. but below that, theres that space which state: Give number of
certificate, date and place it was issued. , does that phrase intended for her as she was born in the USA or
for those who acquired through naturalization? Check "Birth in U.S." and put "N/A" in the other space.

2. on part b. information about your alien fiance, number 15, phone number. , I dont have
a home phone number. but I have a cellphone number. can i put my cellphone number instead? or it should be
a telephone number. and if i dont have one, is it ok to put none? Put your cell-phone number. It's very unlikely that you will be called, but just in case.

3. part b. number 16. if your fiancee native alphabet uses other roman letters, write his or her name
and address .blah blah.. , since it doesnt apply to me, i just put N/A? am i right? Yes

4. part b. number 18. i dont think the space is enough. and i learned i can actually attached another sheet of
paper for that. my question is, can i put " please refer to attached sheet of paper entitled, Part B. 18". on the space
provided for part b18?. and another important question, what exactly the phrase mean, "describe the circumstances
under which you met? i know it should not be a love story right? coz, it did not ask for how we fell in love, so
if you can help me on how to basically answer it, please... We were high-school sweethearts, we met through a mutual friend, We met in a Yahoo chatroom, FaceBook, etc., we met while I/she was attending university in my/her country...just state how you met. What they don't want to see is that you met through someone arranging marriages, etc. to provide immigration benefits or anything else of the sort.

5. part d. daytime telephone number, my fiancee has no telephone number. she got a cellphone. so is it okay if she
puts her cellphone number instead of a telephone number? YES, BTW, a cellphone is a telephone and thus a cell-phone number is a telephone number. I provide my cell-phone number all of the time because it's the easiest and best way to contact me.

6. part d. email address: is this case sensitive? like, i should write the email address as it is, or, it doesnt matter? It normally doesn't matter but all lower or all upper-case is more common to see.

7. part e. signature of person preparing form., if other than above., since its my fiancee who is gonna fill it up,
shoudl we leave it blank or put N/A on those blanks provided? Put N/A, so they know that the "preparer" didn't just forget to fill-in and sign their part.

g325A (to be fill up by the US citizen)

1.G-325A. i just want to clarify, its G-325A and not the G325? correct? because when i browse the uscis website,
it has alot of g-325 forms. theres g325, g325a, g325b-g325c. so im just making sure, that its G-325A both for me
and my fiancee? correct?> Form G-325A, as stated on page 3, section 6a of the form I-129F instructions.

2. what is file number? besides the box Citizenship/nationality? my fiancee is american, does she needs to fill that
up, or we should put there N/A? im guessing that is Alient Identification number, am i correct? if so, we should leave
it blank right since my fiancee is the USC, and even on my g325a, i should leave that blank still since, i dont have
one right? Your are correct, place N/A for your fiancee and NONE for you.

3. name of father, my fiancee's dad died long time ago, but her mom remarried, who should be put on the form?
the step dad? or the biological dad? If she was adopted by her stepfather then use his name, otherwise use the name of her biological father.

4. if it is the biological dad, under the space where it says " city and county of residence of the father", is it okay
to put Deceased? coz hes dead already.. Yes, DECEASED is the proper response.

5. on the part where it states : this form is submitted in connection for :, then there are selections like,
naturalization, status of permanent resideny, and Others. which one should my fiancee tick? Check "other" and then type "K-1 Visa".

6. i heard some rumors about signing the g325a., what should it be? shoudl my american fiancee sign it or not? Yes, she signs it to attest that the information is correct.

G325A ( to be fill up by the Alien Fiance)

1. the space for my dad's city and country of birth is not enough. can I abbreviate? if not? would u mind telling me
how will i be able to attached another sheet in this regard? Creat a continuation sheet and place the information there. I had to do the same for my G-325A.

2. under applicant's residence last five years,: the space provided is not enough. how can i attached another sheet? With a paper clip? :innocent: , hehe, sorry.... I created a continuation sheet and since the blocks are not numbered and letter used the section heading in BOLDFACE and referred them to my own numbering scheme on the continuation sheet. Such as "FATHER'S City and Country of Residence" 1a, "MOTHER'S City and Country of Residence" 1b. On the form G-325A I put "see Continuation Sheet, 1A", etc.

3. on the part where it states : this form is submitted in connection for :, then there are selections like,
naturalization, status of permanent resideny, and Others. which one should Itick ( i am the beneficiary btw)? Check "Other" and type "K-1 Visa"

4. shoudl I sign the g325a or not? YES, sign it to attest that the information you provided is correct.

5. i was reading some forums, and they said, the g325a is four pages? how come the one i downloaded in the
uscis is only two page?. did i download the wrong form? or there were changes? please help 2 pages is correct. The form with 4 pages was the old form.

6. do i need to print the page 2 of the g325a? thats the instruction. there nothign to fill up on that part actually,
just informations like what is the purpose of this form, privacy act notice and paperword reduction act. and do i
need to send that page 2 along with my i-129f form? or just the first part of the form? I did not send the page 2. I'm normally fairly OCD but I really don't believe they need the back side of a form that they see hundreds of times in a day. Up to you though.

I'll let someone else pick up from here... wife's calling me ;)

chat conversations questions:

1. Do i need to print all chatlogs we have? im guessing not, so, how do i basically choose what to print for our
chat log.?

2. do you think, it would be okay if i print my chatlogs back to back? coz, it would totally save more papers?

3. we communicate in four different ways, that is YM messenger, Gmail, Skype, and Phone. now my question about
yahoo messenger chatlogs,, im just curious, is Notepad where the mychatlog was the default program acceptable ?

4. can print screen of my fiancee and my relatives be of use as proof of on going relationship? there was one time,
when we were chatting and it was my moms birthday, when all of my relatives where in the house, and i decided to
introduced her to them, so i did and did a print screen for every person she chatted? like there were 10 of them.

5. Gmail phone. : i am actually calling my fiancee via internet, that is for free via gmail. gmail assigned a local US
number to me. i knew this because my fiancee told me so that everytime i call, my number shows a local number.
the only glitch is, i can only make outgoing calls, but she cannot call me .. can i basically use this as proof? it shows
the call record history actually. i have no idea how to print my chatlogs in skype. the only way i can do it, is to do print screen of the
conversation and thats it. if someone can help me out on this,.. i would be so happy to know.

hotel receipts:
1. shoud the name under the receipt both of us? or should only be her name?


1. how many pictures should i attached to it? and how should be the presentation of the pic? i learned that
we should put captions on every picture, is that true?
ff up question: i am planning to just paste the picture in a bond paper, and write the caption manually, is that okay?

2. under k1 visa guide in this website, there it was written this; The following items will not typically show proof of having met in the last two years however will show proof of an ongoing relationship: Copies of phone bills, cell phone bills, emails (you can edit personal info with a marker), letters (edit personal info also)
my question is, what do you mean, YOU CAN EDIT personaly info in chat? because, as far as gmail chat logs, I cannot edit it . how should one supposed to
edit a chat conversation?

just a clarification: the Affidavit of support will not be send along with the I-129f right? that is correct right? because,
its the one that my fiancee( USC) should send directly to me for my interview, am i right?

3. under the k1 visa guide, what to send to your fiancee once the i-129f noa2 arrived: am i right to assume that,
my fiancee's should make another letter of intent, the same content from the one she sent with i-129f, just that the date
of the letter is much more closer to the date of the interview, right?

4. questions about copy of remittances: we actually have no remittances, my fiancee added me to her credit card as an
extension. and I dont often use it but i have tried using it couple of times already, could it be use as a proof
of support? I dont use it that often because I am not comfortable asking for help to her in terms of money, its just that
our culture dictates that men should be the provider of the family. I am not saying shes richer than me, but I can
basically provide everything I want to buy as my own expense. :)

questions regarding the I-134 form.

1. number 3 question under RELATIONSHIP to SPONSOR: should she write Fiance? if not, what else could
she should be writing there?

2. number 7. question, I am emplored as or engaged in the business of___________. the underneath there a phrase
Type of Business. then it says " With _________ then underneath there a phrase says: Name of Concern)
we dont know what to put on that part. hers a background, my fiancee works as a 911 operator in her county.
so what should we supposed to write under the type of business, and whose name should be under the Name of Concern?

3. on the part where it states: I derived an anual income of... what shes supposed to wirte there is her latest ITR income right?

4. how many tax years should shell be attaching to the form i-134? isnt it 3 tax pay years?

5. is she also gonna need to attached her 6 recent pay stubs ? or atleast send it to me? will that be needed?

6. will she also need a letter coming from her employer? is that needed? and will it be needed on the interview?

7.below the statement : i derived an anual income blah blah, states these following:

I have on deposit in saving bank in the united states : $_______
I have other personal property , reasonable value of which is $_____
I have stocks and bonds with the following markt value, as indicated on the attached list
which i certify true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief $____________
i have life insurance in the sum of $______________
with a cash surrender value of $ ______________
I own real estate value of $ ________
with morgtgage, or other encumbrances thereon amounting to $ _______
which is located at ________________________________-

now my question is, what should we put there say we dont have all those on the list above? should we just leave it blank?

on item number 10. I have submitted a visa petition to USCS on behalf of the following person, - should she put my name under that? or whats that supposed to mean by the way?

on item number 11. regarding intent to make specific contribution to the support of the person named in item 3., what should she tick? intend or do not intend?

last question on form i134. should it be notarized before she send it to me? or not?

i think these will be all for i hope someone with a good heart help me answer everything...

merry christmas everyone...
thanks in advance...

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-25 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf Fiance does not get married within 90 days

Me and my wife are happily married. I have a friend that has just arrived on a K1 fiance visa and she is worried that her boyfriend won't marry her because she said he has changed a lot since being together here. He is giving her altimatums. If she does not get married within the 90 day period what can she do? She wants to stay here and work. Will she need to return back to her home country? Can she stay here and speak with immigration to see if she can stay?

She can submit to his (I assume unreasonable) ultimatums and get married to him or leave the US. The US does not require that she return to her "home" country, just that she leave the US.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-25 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance not working?

Another question, will it affect our K1 application if my fiance is not working in his country . . . he's from the UK and due to his circumstances there, he qualifies for benefits that support him and his daughter. Also, will our ages be a problem . . . I'm 37 and he's 48. We've known each other for 6 1/2 years but have finally decided to make this all permanent.

As long as you making at least 125% of the the poverty guidelines for your household size, you should be fine. Here's a link to the 2010 guidelines: The beneficiary's income or lack thereof doesn't normally factor in the situation since it tends to cease, at least temporarily, when they move from their home country to the US.

The age difference should not be a factor at all. Especially since the difference is not at all extreme considering your relative ages.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-27 09:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA couple questions

Thanks in advance to anyone that will take time to reply to this message.

My fiance and I were filling out our paperwork together today and we ended up having a couple questions, mainly with the G325A form.

1. My fiance worked in Taiwan for a few years before coming to work in Canada. She doesn't have her exact addresses for the places she lived while in Taiwan. How important is having the exact address.

2. When I complete the packet for the I129f, where do I send it. I am confused because it appears to list 2 different places to send it. It seems that the uscis website says to send it to Dallas Lockbox. If this is the case then what does the Vermont/California center have to do with anything. Does the Dallas Lockbox forward the paperwork to one of these 2 processing centers? Do we have any say where it goes? This part is just a little confusing to me.

I also want to say that this site has been a huge help in this process. I was thinking about hiring a lawyer to make sure it gets done correctly, but with the information I found on this site I feel confident that I can fill everything out correctly. So thanks to all that have contributed to the site.

Page 5 of the I-129F instructions tells you where to send the form. It lists two addresses: one for USPS mail deliveries and one for private courier (FEDEX, UPS, DHL, etc.) deliveries.

Maybe someone else will have experience with whether or not they'll accept partial or incomplete former addresses


Edited by George & Gina, 29 December 2010 - 01:15 AM.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-29 01:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRejection Notice I-129F

I received an I-129F K-1 Fiance Visa Rejection Notice for "Part B Address". I can't figure out what's missing, or incorrect. I followed the sample form exactly with the exception of leaving the Apartment Numer block blank. Should I have entered "none" in that block? For Place of birth State/Country I used Leyte/RP,is that right or should I just say Philippines. The missing or incorrect info is not identified. Is there any way to find out what the problem is?

You should have spelled out Philippines for Place of Birth (State/Country), but this is not part of the "Part B Address" field. Did you possibly abbreviate the country when filling in the address? I can't locate my source right now, but I recall reading elsewhere that the country should not be abbreviated. Personnel at USCIS do not know the abbreviations of countries throughout the world. You and I know that RP is "Republic of the Philippines" but this would be similar (using the sample forms here on VJ) to someone abbreviating Australia as CA (Commonwealth of Australia).

It's also a good habit not to leave any blanks unfilled. N/A would be appropriate for the "Apt. #" field, although I kind of doubt this would have caused the rejection.

Good luck with your resubmission.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-01-03 04:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 approval beats the average

That's your NOA1 :)

I'm not so sure. The electronic message for NOA1 normally looks more like this:

On November 22, 2010, we received this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E), and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on this notice. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or contact our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

It states how they "will" process the case. In Nath & Jordan's case, it says the case has been processed.

Hopefully they'll let us know for sure when the hardcopy shows up.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-01-15 00:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures325A for initial I-129F: How many to send? 1 or 4?

Hello VJer's,

Just one last question prior to shipping my I-129F for my fiancee. I know that in 2006 there was a form used which printed out 4 325A's, but this new form G-325A ( Rev 06/12/09 ) only print's out (1) one. The FAQ's states if you are using the new version only one print's, but it is does not indicate as to how many should be sent. So the I-129F Jeopardy question for the day is, " How many 325A's ( for the Petitioner & Beneficiary )need to be sent on your original filing of your I-129F?"

Thanks for your support!


Fill out 1 copy of of the current G325a for the petitioner and 1 for the beneficiary. They're 2 pages each. That's what you'll send in with your petition. See section 6a of the I-129F instructions.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-01-18 03:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Help, think we made a mistake !
+1 :thumbs:
George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-01-23 00:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMiddle name confusion

I would go with what is on your birth certificate. Both my U.S. Citizen daughters have two first names. That was not my intention, but when the Philippine birth certificates were registered NSO listed their first and middle names as their first name, then my wife's maiden name, and then my last name. So, that is what is on their U.S. Passports, Social Security cards, Philippine Passports, etc.......SO, I would suggest being consistent with what is on your birth certificate.

Interesting, the actual hospital did the same with my daughter. I wrote the name on the form the way I wanted it and they made me change it so the wife's maiden name was the middle.
George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-17 06:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Service Center Address

Hi guys! I just want to ask is the address of the letters (Intent to marry & cover letter) from the Dallas lockbox or the California service center? We put the California service center address on the letters but after Dallas lockbox was added we changed it to the Dallas lockbox address.
I'm a bit confused now. Would appreciate your answers... thanks!

What's wrong with using the address provided in the I-129F instructions? The instructions do not mention either CSC or VSC.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-02-05 06:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to fill up I-129Form part 10???

Edited by George & Gina, 11 February 2011 - 05:49 AM.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-02-11 05:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGet married in foreign country after K-1?

Thanks for the advice. I did not even realize that a ceremonial marriage could automatically be recognized as a "legal" marriage in some countries, so I have written the embassy for clarification. I do hope it is possible, because I know my fiance will be disappointed otherwise, but I guess there would be no problem with a simple celebration with food and drink if the ceremonial marriage is not possible.

If you want to get married before your fiancee comes to the US, then why don't you just forget about the K-1 visa, get married and file a petition for a CR1/IR1 spouse visa? I truly cannot understand you reasoning behind wanting to get married outside of the US with a K1 visa.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-02-11 03:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa denied

because as i can see you are happily married but others are struggling through some nonsense and cannot be together! And why? Why somebody not matter who it is has to pay for the consular having bad day or whatever?

FYI, my wife is still in the Philippines waiting on the I-130 petition approval, etc. I do understand your frustration and pain.

Like others here, I'm guessing that the CO overlooked the evidence of the OP's current income. I'd suggest resubmitting all pay stubs for the year and possibly an employment letter from the current emplyer. See the example here:


The time of the year makes it somewhat awkward and inconvenient to submit the income documentation they require in the form they normally prefer (tax transcripts, etc.) I know if I had to wait for 2010 taxes it'd probably be at least April or May until I could have them available. I'll be lucky if my W-2s and 1099s are available by late February.

Good luck and I sincerely hope you get approved soon.:innocent::thumbs:

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-25 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa denied

ufff,...damn embassy...I am very sorry to hear that...My interview is next month and now I am under such a pressure...I don't know what to tell you,whatever I tell you,won't be enough to ease your pain or help you in some way...How much is your fiance's recent income tax? you mentioned that it was very low...

What exactly is the point of "damning" the embassy? They're following the rules they are given and the rules are there for a reason.

If you follow the guides here on VJ and have all of the proper evidence that is required, along with your sponsor having the required income level, then you should do fine at the interview.
Don't stress over what you can't control. If you can control it (gathering evidence, studying the requirements, etc.), then do something about it!

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-24 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis it mandatory to get engaged for K1 visa

This is INCORRECT. You need to enter the USA within 6 months of the K1 visa issuance. You need to marry within 90 days of entry into the USA. Please don't post stuff if you're not absolutely sure...other "anonymous" folks read this site too.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-12-03 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few easy K1 questions.... arghhh nothing is easy!!

A) I'm submitting my certified copy of divorce decree from my previous marriage that ended 5+ years ago. Do I need to submit a copy of my marriage certificate regarding the marriage in 1995 to my now ex-wife? I've read where they want to see all the documentation on stuff. Seems foolish that they would want that as obvioulsy if you have a divorce decree then you had to have gotten married. I'm asking so I don't get an RFE

The divorce decree, annulment, or death certificate is all that is required to prove legal termination of previous marriages.

B) I-129F questions...
Item 1)CAPS for Family name only, everything else written in standard form throughout the form... or stick to Capital letters?

There is no standardized requirement. The most common convention that I've seen is LAST/SURNAME in all caps and everything else using standard upper/lower case.

Item 9) Ex wife's name... put her maiden name? She still uses my last name. Which one do I put here. G325a asked for maiden, but I-129F doesn't state which way to put it.

Don't read into the question, if they don't ask for the maiden name then they don't want the maiden name. What is her name now?

Item 10) I've checked "Birth in the US" Is it asking for my birth certificate #, date and place of birth in the next line? Not sure what my birth certificate number is. There is a File No. in the top right corner adn there is a 7 digit number in the bottom left that starts with a letter and then 6 numbers? Which one would it be (born in Texas)or does this question only refer to people who check naturalized?
Have you obtained a certificate of citizenship in your name? leave that blank??? I don't even know what that is.

No, it is not asking for your birth certificate number. N/A would be the appropriate answer here.

I'm not leaving anything blank. I've put N/A by everything or none when none fits the answer. Even in Section E. Is that what I should be doing?

You really can leave section E blank if you've filled out the form for yourself. If you're paranoid though (been there), you can go ahead and put "N/A" in the blanks. Everything else should have an "N/A" or "none" as is appropriate.

C)G-1145 questions....
It says Applicant/Petitioner last name, first name etc. Does it just want mine or hers and not both of us? Can we fill out 2 forms so we both get an email? I'm just not sure why they put Applicant/Petitioner... I guess they mean either one of us?

It means you. You can go ahead and fill out a G-1145 for her also, the worse that will happen is they might ignore it since she's not the petitioner.

D) Everything I've filled in has been typed and I will neatly handwrite stuff that didn't fit... Ok?

Neat/legible handwritten print in BLACK INK is perfectly acceptable.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-02-24 05:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisisting US after application denied

How do you not consider that a denial of a visa? You are applying for a visa, not applying for a petition. The 'petition approval/denial' stage is one step in the overall visa application. If you get denied at one step during that process, then the visa is denied.

1-129 = A fiance visa application
1-129 application denied = Fiance visa denied.

The visa application was for the beneficiary, if approved, she would receive it. So even though the petitioner filled for her, since the visa was to benefit the beneficiary, the denial is on her.


The beneficiary never got to the point where she applied for a visa yet. The application for a visa in the K-1 process is the I-156/I-160, which has not been submitted nor denied. Nitpicky? Yes, but accurate. The I-129F is a "Petition for Alien Fiance(e)", it is NOT a "fiance visa application"
George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-02-23 23:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2...Wedding HELP.

Ok, I updated my timeline, so it should be correct now...

I have tossed around the idea of pushing back the wedding. My parents are huge sticklers to us having a formal, traditional, huge, white wedding. :wacko:

I checked my updates on the USCIS website and it says my case hasn't been touched since 11/15/2010!! :(:(:(:( This is like worse than bad news. I have no idea what to do anymore.

This is what is says in your timeline...

I-129F NOA1 : 2011-11-05

Don't you mean 2010-11-05?

Correct dates are essential for the projections to be of any use.
George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-03-02 07:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 weeks and still nothing?

My fiancee sent the paperwork in 3 weeks ago for the I-129f form and we haven't got a response at all. No notice that they've received it, they have not taken the money out of our account yet and I'm just a little worried because I'd really like the process to get started. I was just wondering if anyone else is having this problem?

Also it might have something to do with the fact that we sent it to the Vermont center. I read from multiple places that it had closed but some people said it was still open, I'm not sure what to believe and if it is closed what will happen to our visa?


Just curious, where exactly did she get the idea that she should send it to Vermont? The instructions for the I-129F clearly state that it should be sent to the Dallas Lockbox and Vermont is not mentioned even one time in the entire 7 page. I've heard of this happening a couple of times before and I am just wondering where this misinformation about the address comes from.
George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-03-10 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo they give status updates for K-1 visa

Ok im new to this

I currently trying to get my fiance over to the states to marry her.

i apply for K-1 visa i sent my packet with all the info Form I-129F, bios, letter intent, app fees etc. i send the packet in mid January and received a letter confirmation saying they got the packet and saying it being process and the date was Jan 24. its now march and my fiance is worried why they haven't approved it or sent any notification. I tried explaining to her it takes a long time but she need a more solid answer.

can anyone share there experiences or wisdom and shed some light on this

i also filled out a form saying to email me when its approved the g-1145


Can you please update your timeline and your profile to say either Vermont or California. The Texas Service Center does not process I-129Fs for K-1 Visas. The receipt number on the NOA1 starts with either a WAC for California or an EAC for Vermont. Sign up to be able to check your status online as advised in a previous post. Lately it's been taking over 5 -6 months to get an NOA2.

Edited by George & Gina, 20 March 2011 - 03:40 AM.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-03-20 03:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage before K1 visa approval!

Hello fellow visa applicants,

My fiance (us citizen) and myself (uk citizen) are in the process of applying for our K1 visa. Once we are married, I will be moving to the states.

We were planning on getting married in September this year, however due to the processing times, its highly unlikely we will have approval by then. Our plan was to get married in september and then I will return to the UK and wait until the K1 visa is approved.

Is this legal, or will it jeopardise our K1 visa application?

Your opinions and thoughts are greatly appreciated.

You will not be granted a K-1 visa if you are married at the time of the interview. If you get married after being granted the visa but prior to entering the US, then the K-1 (FIANCE) visa will be null and void because you're no longer a fiance. If you enter anyway without advising immigrations that you're already married, you'll have major issues once your try to adjust your status because they'll review your marriage certificate and see that you were married prior to entering the US. Which would mean that you entered under false pretenses.

Your finance and you should probably have researched the the requirements of the visa that you're petitioning for prior to making plans that can be affected by them.

You'll have to either postpone the wedding until you're in the US, or withdraw the I-129F and refile an I-130 and petition for a CR-1 spousal visa once you're married.


Edited by George & Gina, 19 March 2011 - 07:30 PM.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-03-19 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbeneficiary documents required on I-129F

Hello again...

My fiance changed her first (given) name (cultural, social reasons) when she was about 15. Does she need to declare this and send appropriate documentation of this on question 7 of the I-129F Petition? Her passport will have her current name on it. Does she need to send a copy of her passport with the I-129F petition? I guess I am confused by the instructions for the I-129F (#6,C). It says:

"If either you or the person you are filing for is using a name other that that shown on the 'relevant documents,' you must give UCSIS copies of the legal documents that made the change, such as a marriage certificate, adoption decree or court order."

I am confused by the 'relevant documents' part. At this point what are the 'relevant documents?' Again, her current passport and Thailand ID card have her current name on them. Do I still need to send legal proof of name change when I send off the I-129F Petition. This will not be a problem, just wondering?

'relevant documents'???????

Thank you!


"you must give UCSIS copies of the legal documents that made the change," "...court order."
George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-03-30 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS 320

I have a questions to those who experienced petitioning their parents in the Philippines.

1. Do I really need to submit the POLICE CLEARANCE? I already submitted NBI.
2. Is it okay if I sign (Signature of Applicant) for my mom's DS 320... I am the benificiary...

Please tell me your experienced about DS 320..I am just so confused..


Your questions are not easily understood, but I'll give it a try.

1. This is the K-1 forum. You'll most likely be filing for an IR-1 for you parents.
2. If you're petitioning for your parents, then you are not the beneficiary, they are. You are the petitioner.
3. NO. You cannot sign for your mom. Your mom should sign her own visa application. (I do believe you mean the DS-230)
4. NBI is the police clearance that they need. if either was living overseas for more then 6 months, then they'll need police clearances from the overseas locations also.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-04-09 01:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I marry her while waiting for K1 visa?

I will meet my fiancee again on July ,can I marry her while we are waiting for our K1 visa ?

Of course you can. You'll just have to start all over again with a CR-1 spousal visa. Is there any particular reason why you would prefer to get married in July?
George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-04-14 06:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout Additional Income

yes i know its more than but we should count 5 households :) so i asked some advices if we could add the military benefit as source of income.. so many gave me an advice that we could add it.. but we just dont know how :)

He'll put the total of the two on the first $ line (annual income) in item 7. He should also contact the IRS and get TAX TRANSCRIPTS for the past 3 years, to include with the AOS. He should include proof that he receives/received the benefit, such as his annual benefits statement, 1099, etc., especially if it's not included on his tax return, this is doubtful since it would probably be reportable even if it is not taxed. You definitely want to include the $6000 since he is very close the the 125% line without it. With the $6000 added in, it places him significantly above 125% of the poverty line.


Edited by George & Gina, 20 April 2011 - 06:25 AM.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-04-20 06:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling USCIS

I am sure the answer to my question is quite simple but I cannot get round it. When calling USCIS you are asked to hit certain numbers dependent of your request. You are then asked to imput your receipt number which contains both letters and numbers, how the heck do you put in the letters??????????????????

Call and don't press any keys. After a few minutes you'll be transferred to a live operator. They're likely to answer in Spanish, if you don't understand Spanish, just say "English please..." and they'll switch over to English. At that point you can ask your questions or make your request.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-05-02 06:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1, Fiance Visa

My take on this would be to not put the children's info on the I129F form since they're not coming with the mother,anyway. But provide proof of marriage termination with the ex-husband.

This is so WRONG. The form asks you to list ALL OF HER CHILDREN no matter if they're coming with or following behind her. Stop overthinking it and just do what the form/directions ask.
George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-05-09 06:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis it possible ????

i heard that it is not allowed to travel with your fiancee in the same plane and same day is this true ? B-)

George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-05-20 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved but...

Just when I thought it was all over, I was hit with a whammy! I currently work in the middle east and my fiance is currently in Bulgaria. I was scheduled to be back in the US in Aug, and then she would arrive in Sept. A few days ago my employer told me that they may need me to relocate to Germany. This would have been great news last year before I sent the visa off as she doesnt need one to come to Germany. If I do move to Germany, how would the visa situation work? I was told that once she comes to the US, she cannot leave for a few months... is that true? Or if she never enters the US, how hard would it be to reapply for the visa 2-3 years from now?

Just a guess, but are you a government employee or a contractor? I believe there are special rules in place for government employees who are working overseas on orders. Otherwise just pull the visa and reapply in a few years when you're both ready to move to the US.
George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-06-13 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help need some ideas

Hello everyone please i need your help and ideas about the requirements of K-1 visa. Im from Philippines, my question is do i need to have the original form of the following Form needed the Form 1040, w2 and Form I-134 of my fiance? And is the Form I-134 need to be notarized by an attorney? Is it not possible if my fiance just scan those form and i'll be the one to print it out here? Please please please help me. thanks

No the tax forms do not have to be originals ("originals" were sent to the IRS). The I-134 needs to have an original signature (he should mail/fedex/ups this to you. The I-134 does not need to be "notarized by an attorney".

Your finance and you may want to read the VJ guide for K-1 visas located here: http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide
George & GinaMalePhilippines2011-06-09 06:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied, Devastated, Please HELP!!!

Try making your font bigger so we can see

:rofl: I actually appreciate the larger font.
George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-11-29 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee has owes 200k on Credit Card. Help!!!

Hello everyone,

My fiancee owes 200k on her Credit Card and hasn't paid in 6 months. Will this affect our fiance visa?

As stated previously, it should not affect the consulate/USG from giving her a visa.

I'm uncertain if they do any type of check to be sure she wont skip the country without making arrangements to pay her obligation. I'd suggest contacting the creditor about making arraignments to start paying at least the minimum monthly obligation while at the same time stopping all use of said credit card. This is only because I'm really big on personal accountability when it comes to financial obligations.

Of course, if she's allowed to leave the country without paying and it doesn't bother you or her, then more power to you. Just be certain they wont be looking for her if she ever decides to return, which is very likely if she ever wants to visit family, etc.

George & GinaMalePhilippines2010-11-28 23:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Updated and Correction

According to the latest USCIS instructions there is no need to sign G-325A from fiancee. You can send it without signature as she will sign it in the embassy when will go thru the interview. Just check everything again an send it. You are fine with using older forms as they are accepted. I sent mine with no signature and it was accepted by USCIS.

Did not see any reference to not needing a signature by my fiancee. The K-1 guide here on VJ says she needs to sign and date it. I'll keep searching around the USCIS website to verify if indeed she doesn't need to sign it.
six7oneMalePhilippines2011-08-25 05:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Updated and Correction

Hello Six7one!

I had the same problem when I was about to send mine... the expiration date and no new version. I asked a friend of the family that works at a law firm and she said that it was okay since the site said Previous Editiobs Accepted. As far as the typo goes I guess it depends on how serious the typo is... I double and triple checked my forms but itts always a possibility that I missed something! Hopefully nothing too important that will delay the petition.

I sent mine last week and am now waiting to hear back!

Good luck!

To me the typo is significant. It is regard to her employment. Instead of typing "Jun" I mistakenly typed "Jan" which is a difference of 6 months. Do you think I can just correct by striking thru and writing it in with black ink?
six7oneMalePhilippines2011-08-25 05:49:00