Mexico, Latin & South Americamailing address in Ecuador
My fiance is in the same position. What we discovered is that the consulate usually takes a very long time to send out the letter anyways and the letter just tells you to download it online. I have not actually had to do this yet because we are still waiting for the I-129F to be approved, but what I understand is that once our case number is in their system I can send them an email and request permission to download packet 4. Their reply email gives you permission (similar to the letter they mail - print this) and then download and print packet 4, do what it says and bring all papers with you to your interview. Make sure the packet you download is the most current version.
check this link here: http://guayaquil.usc...ov/fiancee.html
Hope this helps :-)
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-10-22 14:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCheap ways to call latin america?
Google voice is great. It's free to sign up, you use your cell phone or landline to make the call and you can receive calls, send and receive texts, and voice mail online and on your cell phone. All of that is free, and their international calling rates are very competitive. I call an Ecuador landline mostly which is $.11 a minute verses Skype which is .17 a minute. To call an Ecuadorian cell on Google voice is .22 a minute but on Skype is .29 so it's still a better deal. Other countries have better rates than Ecuador as well- Brazil and Argentina are only .02 per min, Peru .06, Colombia .05 (for landlines) (review the rates here:
The calls are almost always very clear (compared with Skype which is hit or miss) and you have the freedom to use a cell phone or landline to make the calls.
Obviously, this is calling a cell or landline number- If you and your partner have access to a computer (mine doesn't) than Skype to Skype calls are the best because they are FREE!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-10-22 14:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow should a latin name (first name, fathers last name, mothers last name) be put on the G-325A and I-129F?

That's what i thought at first, but then my fiance saw this on FAQS section here on VJ and it says : What others have done successfully is to use the first (fathers) last name on the forms. Then in the cover letter, state the full name including both last names and that you are only using the first (fathers) last name on the forms.
So he told me to put just my fathers last name in "family name' and he made a state of that in the cover letter. Do you think it would be a problem? I filled in the forms on my computer and then printed them, do think that he can he put my mothers last name next to my fathers in ink??? maybe im just freaking out about this...Sorry for so many questions but that's the only thing that has been bothering me and we are ready to send the petition so i need help!!!!:help:

God bless you

Patty ?

It will probably be fine, especially if you saw it in the FAQ's on VJ. I put both names in the space because I don't want him to come into the states with only one last name... a lot of foreign names can get 'americanized' in the immigration process and I didn't want that to happen to him. However, if you include what you did and why in the cover letter it should be obvious that there are two last names. Imagine how hard it would be if you didn't even use the same alphabet! Or if you had 5 names! I think however you put it on the form, as long as you state what you're doing and why, there shouldn't be a problem. :-) good luck!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-10 16:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow should a latin name (first name, fathers last name, mothers last name) be put on the G-325A and I-129F?

How should a latin name (first name, fathers last name, mothers last name) be put on the G-325A and I-129F?
its ok if we just write fathers last name in the forms and then states it on the cover letter???:blink:

thanks in advance 4 your help ?

My fiance has 4 names, two first names and two last names. I put his 'family name' as his fathers last than his mothers last (in the same space). His first name I put under 'name' and his second name I put under 'middle'. I think that's the best way to fit in all the information but if your fiance has really long last names it might be harder...
Good luck!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-10 12:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfinally change my interview for August for Ecuador
Good luck and please post a review for all of us who will be there shortly!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-31 02:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPaper Work Help Please!!
relax it's ok. :)

All of the information you need can be found at different places on this site. I would look at the flowcharts and guides and read information specific to your embassy in the UK, I'm sure you'll find similar stories to yours and answers as well. (check the top of the page for links to these things)

Duplicate is two copies of the same, and you will need form I-134 Affidavit of Support, not I-864, for a K-1 visa. I don't know if you send it to them in England but in Ecuador you bring it to your interview.

Good luck!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-08-01 20:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Questions
Hello, no one has replied to your post yet so I thought I would give my opinion. I'm in a similar position as far as past IRS forms that don't meet the poverty line, but I think the most important thing is your current income and whether your above the line now. Try and give pay stubs over a span of time, if you can, to show it's consistent.

Also, I'm 99% sure they mean before deductions. I haven't submitted my I-134 yet but any time I've been asked for my annual income (for financial aid, loans, etc) it was the gross annual income, before tax, that was used.

Good luck!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-08-01 20:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncredi card debt
To be honest, I don't know for sure. However, I am compiling my packet with the I-134 and all of my financial information and nowhere does it ask about credit card debt, so, I'm assuming it doesn't matter.
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-08-02 18:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Record in Quito Ecuador

From the Department of State's Reciprocity page for Equador at the following link:


Police Records
The Certificade de Antecedentes Personales is available to Ecuadorians who are over the age of 18, who are physically present in Ecuador, who possess a Cedula de Identidad or passport and who apply in person at the Jefaturas y Subjefaturas Provinciales de la Policia Judicial.

The applicant’s passport size photo is glued to the certificate and is covered with a seal. Those who are said to have no record will have a stamp ‘Negativo’ with the date on the form and will have a validity of three months from the issuance date. A negative certificate does not necessarily mean the subject has no police record, since police records can be purged upon the subject’s request without judicial permission.

Thank you that was helpful! :-)
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-08-02 18:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Record in Quito Ecuador
I hope someone who knows responds because my fiance needs to get his police certificate too!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-08-01 20:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDocuments for Interview
I have my interview with my fiance in Ecuador on the 24th and I want to make sure that I have all of the documents organized.

Ecuador does not have a packet 3. Neither of us has ever been married before, no children, no co-sponsors, nothing fancy (lucky I know). This is what I have:

1. NOA2
2. Letter from NVC with case number and bar code
3. Copy of entire I-129F packet
4. His passport and 2 passport style photos
5. DS-156
6. DS-156k
7. Birth Certificate (original del registro civil)
8. Police Record from Ecuador
9. Packet from Medical Exam
10. I-134 Evidence of financial stability

-Cover letter with contents
- I-134
-attached answer to #7 - two employers
-letters verifying employment
-pay stubs
-evidence of stocks and values
-verification from bank with total deposits for 2010 and amount in savings
-copies of tax returns from '07, '08, '09
-my US birth certificate (do I need this?)

11. Proof of Relationship

-Cover letter with contents
-New Intent to Marry letters
-Recent photos + older ones that I sent with I-129F
-Recent airline stubs and passport stamps + older ones sent with I-129F
-Recent emails + older ones sent with I-129F
-Google voice call log (how do I print this out!? The formatting is terrible!)
-Skype call log
-Facebook messages
-Hand written letters between him and I and him and my mother.

I plan on putting all of this in a flexible style binder with clear plastic inserts. Have I forgotten anything? When I arrive in Ecuador I will pay the $350 to Banco de Guayaquil... Can I go to any branch? Will they know what I'm talking about?
We are going to arrive in Guayaquil the day before the interview and stay at Hotel Chile on Portate and Avenida Chile (hopefully still $7 a night). We plan on arriving at the consulate at 7:30am for our 8:30 interview. Anything else?
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2011-01-08 18:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion About the Affidavit of Support Form

I have a question about filling out the Form I-134. On question 11, it asks if I will be making any specific contributions to the support of my fiance. How do I answer this? I will be completely supporting her. I will be the only one with a job.

When I filled out this form I answered yes, because I am the only one with a job until his work documents come through. I would only have answered no if he had his own assets that he would use to support himself. I think I put something like, "I intend to fully support Patricio until he has his work documents and we can support each other." Nobody ever asked me about it though...
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2011-05-06 14:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionheeeelppp interview at the guayaquil consulate in ecuador! tomorrow!!!
First, RELAX!! If you feel confident you are more likely to do well in everything. :-)

--Review your paperwork, make sure everything is signed and dated. Get a checklist from visajourney or the USCIS website and check it all off. I printed out packet 4 and went through checking everything off as I went. Organize all your documents in the same order as your checklist so it doesn't get confusing.
--Think about what you're going to say- they will almost definitely ask you why your fiance isn't with you, they'll ask you about your relationship, and how you met. Always tell the truth! They'll ask you repetitive questions, if you tell the truth you won't have any trouble keeping your answers straight..
--Rest! Try not to stay up all night stressing! Also, be sure to get to the consulate at least 30 minutes before your appointment time. Bring your paperwork and a jacket, nothing else. They won't let you bring any electronics or anything in your pockets.
Have faith and good luck! If your paperwork is in order and you answer truthfully they should approve you without problems! :thumbs:
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2011-06-01 11:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Our visa was approved! thank you so much to all of you for your help. I will write a review when I get back to the states. Everything went smoothly except for the hotel which we discovered is for ¨gentlemen¨ to bring their prostitutes. But, no problem! we´re good now. more later! :-D
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2011-01-24 13:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador
I posted this in its own topic but nobody replied so I'm re-posting it here hoping for a response!

I am organizing all of the papers for the interview and I want to make sure I've got everything. Neither one of us has ever been married, no children, no co-sponsor, and no prior visas.
This is what I have:

1. NOA2
2. Letter from NVC with case number and bar code
3. Copy of entire I-129F packet
4. His passport and 2 passport style photos
5. DS-156
6. DS-156k
7. Birth Certificate (original del registro civil)
8. Police Record from Ecuador
9. Packet from Medical Exam
10. I-134 Evidence of financial stability
-Cover letter with contents
- I-134
-attached answer to #7 - two employers
-letters verifying employment
-pay stubs
-evidence of stocks and values
-verification from bank with total deposits for 2010 and amount in savings
-copies of tax returns from '07, '08, '09
-my US birth certificate (do I need this?)

11. Proof of Relationship
-Cover letter with contents
-New Intent to Marry letters
-Recent photos + older ones that I sent with I-129F
-Recent airline stubs and passport stamps + older ones sent with I-129F
-Recent emails + older ones sent with I-129F
-Google voice call log (how do I print this out!? The formatting is terrible!)
-Skype call log
-Facebook messages
-Hand written letters between him and I and him and my mother.

I plan on putting all of this in a flexible style binder with clear plastic inserts. Have I forgotten anything? When I arrive in Ecuador I will pay the $350 to Banco de Guayaquil... Can I go to any branch? Will they know what I'm talking about?
We are going to arrive in Guayaquil the day before the interview and stay at Hotel Chile on Portate and Avenida Chile (hopefully still $7 a night). We plan on arriving at the consulate at 7:30am for our 8:30 interview. Anything else?

Thanks for your help everyone!

(Also, TBone you mentioned taking lots of pictures in the week before the interview... We already have 20 timestamped photos from different locations and dates spanning 2.5 years... Do we need more? (I included photos before June '10 in my I-129F packet).
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2011-01-11 02:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador
I emailed the consulate and 3 days later I received an email saying they're ready for us to complete packet 4 and schedule our interview. Patricio has the medical scheduled for Monday Jan 3rd and I'll call the same day to set up the date. I'll travel to Ecuador 6 days before the interview so we can organize everything and be 100% prepared. We're going to visit his brother and family in Machala after the interview so we can pick up the passport in the DHL office in Guayaquil and not worry about it getting lost in the mail....

I am so so excited. Finally after so many months waiting we are going to be together! :dance:
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-12-30 16:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador

I recently received our NOA2 and a letter from NVC with our Guayaquil case number... I called Medicentro and they say I also need a letter from the consulate saying we can schedule the interview (or something like that). It will take a very long time for that letter to arrive do to my fiances rural location (plus I don't think our petition has even arrived in Guayaquil yet), so I'm wondering if there is another way to get that sort of paperwork. I read something about emailing them and using the email but I cannot find that post now..

I would like to get the medical done as quickly as possible so as not to hold up the process once our petition arrives at the consulate... how can I do that?

Thank you so much to this community and for all of your help.
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-12-20 15:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Thank you to all of you for your replies. I'm disappointed about the consulate not caring about anyone's schedules but not surprised. Also not surprised about the refugee status... I hate this waiting it's killing me. us. gah.
Going to call the doctors about the medical on Monday.
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-11-12 18:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador

I believe the medical exam is only good for 10 days. They do a battery of tests and have you answer questions on a sheet. Like have you ever thought about killing yourself and stuff like that. To get the medical exam you need the appointment letter. My wife called and had the medical exam the next day. They require 1 passport picture, a copy of the appointment letter. My best suggestion to you is download the shot requirement from my older post or off the dept of state website. Have your fiancée get all the shots required and get the certificates from a private doctor to present to the consulates doctor. Also I believe with the K3 or K1 visa since you are in the states they will schedule the visa for you. It’s dependent on the NVC how they process your case. With my case the NVC handled everything for me. Don’t contact anyone until you have to. It’s an automatic process; the USCIS processes your case. Then they submit it to the NVC they finish the processing and then send it to the consulate by Mail. Allow enough time for the consulate to get your case before that. In most cases the nvc will email you the information.

First off, thank you so much for your response. I appreciate you helping me out. I am going to have my fiance call the doctors in Quito to find out how long the medical is good for, I think it's different for different visas. I do know that k-1 visas are not required to get immunizations (I think that you do need them for AOS though, and it might be cheaper to just get them in Ecuador).

Regarding the appointment letter, I also read on VJ that if I email them with our case number, once our case is at the consulate, they will respond saying we can set up an appointment, and that response counts as the appointment letter. I heard it can take months for it to arrive in the mail, especially in rural areas (like where my fiance lives). I didn't realize I needed that letter at the medical though, so I can see we should definitely call and see what's up.

Regarding not contacting anyone "until you have to". This is the opposite opinion of what everyone else has told me, and it surprised me a lot that you said it. I have heard that if you don't call you could be waiting for months por gusto- for nothing. I'm already sick of the waiting, I'm not going to let it go on any longer than it has to... though I suppose if I was with Patricio now I wouldn't care so much about the paperwork and I would let NVC or whoever take their time.

One thing to look out for is the NVC will mail or email you a sheet to appoint your agent. That is who you want the information to be sent to. The NVC is great because they do most of the stuff by email. So you will get updates as soon as it processes. It took me a little bit approx 2 weeks to get the NVC to finish my papers. Ecuador isn’t that bad now, the martial law is over. I went when they were still protesting as well as Faby. Its not bad anymore. But Its a long time and its a waiting game. Just make sure you follow the stuff they give you. Also be prepared to marry your spouse within 90 days..

Regarding getting updates by email: Unfortunately, my case number is not recognized by the system. I called, and what they say is this. Because of the influx of applications during June and July, many people don't have their receipt number logged into the online case status. They have my case, it's registered, I just don't get the benefits of emails and case updates. :(

My recommendation is to file for the work permission as soon as yall get to the USA. And then once you get that form you will have to go to your local Social Security Admin Office and apply for the SSN. This way he can work. Also after your fiancée and you get married its time to file the adjustment of status, they say the work permission is included if you do the adjustment of status. Its true but you have to wait. This way if you apply for that when you first get there then it’ll help you. It costs 300 more. But let me explain why.

If you wait for the adjustment of status, to apply for the work permission it will take 4 months or 3 months to process. This means you will have to use your own income for the Affidavit of Support and a co-sponsor if required.

If you get the work permission before the adjustment of status, you can get a job and work, and when you file the adjustment of status that income from the intending immigrant can be used for the adjustment of status combined with the spouses. If you read the instructions on the affidavit of support it states you can use an intending immigrant’s income if the same source of income applies once he or she is in the USA. Well if yall already in USA under the fiancée visa then that would apply to you.

Good idea, that $300 should get made up in the difference of having him working for 3 months too.

Also say your fiancée and u brake up. Well guess what? You are legally responsible for that person for 10 yrs as stated in the Affidavit of Support. There have been 2 cases brought to the Supreme Court which won. So just wanted to throw that out there. Getting divorced does not end your commitment to that person for 10 years. Only if they become a US Citizen, and or leave the USA.

This is a very serious thing, and should be treated as such. You can find most answers online, use Google. It’s a very helpful thing. Just look at the date of people's posts and stuff. Make sure you see current stuff. Not some postings from 1995... Also the fee to adjust status is $1010 this is in addition to every other fee you may have paid up until now.

Thanks for throwing that out there, but I would not be spending hundreds (thousands) of dollars and years of time and paperwork on this visa if I did not think our relationship was a very serious thing. I am aware of my financial and legal responsibilities, as one should be before filing the first form.
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-11-12 18:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador

I am still waiting for approval for my I-129F here in California but I do have some questions about the consulate process.
I know my fiance is supposed to get the medical done before we schedule an appointment at the consulate but I want to know how long is it good before it expires? Should he wait for us to get the NOA2 before he gets the medical done? I'm hoping to make the appointment scheduling happen as quickly as possible because I have only limited times that I can go down to visit him. I also saw that some people got their appointments scheduled much faster (and cheaper) via email than with the $12 pin line. I would like for the appointment to happen before my semester starts in January so I don't miss any classes. (NOA1 date 7/16 so it might happen), and I'm hoping I can email them and schedule it during that time.
Is it true that I should not contact them until after my petition has been sent from the NVC? They won't know who I am or have anything to tell me if I do, correct?
Also, I'm wondering about contacting my congress person. It is somewhat dangerous for my fiance where he is right now and I don't have any way to help him. I just want him to come here and be safe and I don't know how to get our packet expedited or if we could even qualify... I went to Ecuador last week to visit him and it was so difficult to walk into the Airport to come home. What can I do?
Thanks for your help :-)
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-10-21 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2, when will you come....

i sure hope so thanks for giving me hope his whole thing is really messed up!!! any idea on how long it'll take in the NVC and what should we do next? oh and another question about K-1 if anyone knows.. if we're getting a sponsor should they fill the i-134 or the i-184? and how do we contact the congressman? does he has a number as well?

You give the i-134 in the interview at the consulate and file the i-184 when you adjust status after getting married in the US. I noticed on igor's list your NOA2 today... congratulations! :dance:
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-11-02 02:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2010 CSC Filers
I sent my I-129F packet on July 7th, the check was cashed on July 17th and I received the NOA1 hard copy July 22st but it is dated 7/16. I notice some people are posting when they've been touched... How do you know?! I went to the USCIS site to check my status but it says my 13 digit number (beginning with WAC) isn't in the system. How can I check for status updates? How can I find out if my case has been touched?

Thanks to anyone who gets back to me.... I'm so happy to have a community full of people going through the same thing I am... makes me feel like it's all possible. :-)
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-25 00:21:00
Middle East and North Africaany input will be appreciated.
Every consulate has their own system which is why hearing someone else from Iran would be the best information.

Reading the information you listed it looks like you should submit everything before your interview. I can't tell if you need to bring duplicate information to the interview but from what it says there, but that would be silly (consulates are often silly). I would say submit everything listed.
All of the forms, a gift certificate in the style mentioned, the I-134 and all of your financial documents, any evidence of the relationship you have.

Regarding translating, read this: Very important!!

Translated documents should include the birth certificate and any evidence of relationship in any languages other than English. All the other documents you are submitting are probably already all in English.

Hope this helps!

Edited by Maliajannah, 12 November 2010 - 06:31 PM.

MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-11-12 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé has rural address and can't receive mail

Welcome to VJ! On the form, you can put his father's address, if it's reachable for mail delivery and will be permanent for months to come; or, your fiance's name, c/o [name of local post office], city, province, Ecuador. In reality, the consulate will mail Packet 4 late, and possibly not include the most current version. Your idea of downloading the packet from the website is good.

Other: I hope that you've thoroughly read all of the "Embassy Info" & "Embassy Reviews" regarding the Guayaquil consulate, which is neither easy nor pleasant. Please pay particular attention to the WORST reports. You haven't created a VJ Timeline yet, so I don't know where you are in the process, but if you haven't filed the I-129F petition yet, be sure to front-load it with everything but the kitchen sink. Please also read the entire thread "US Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador" in the Embassy/Consulate forum. If you have any questions, several of us former victims will be happy to guide you.

I have read the reviews for the consulate and several posts about the interview process there but I can't find (or don't know how to find) the thread "US consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador".... I realize the process can be infuriating and I can't say I'm looking forward to it but I am going to try and stay positive and take it as it comes. I will submit as much evidence as possible with my I-129F but I didn't save the numerous receipts and tickets we had because I didn't know that I would be needing them in the future... :-( I do have many date-stamped photos, passport stamps, and airline itineraries as proof of meeting and hundreds of emails as well. I use a phone card to call him so my phone bill won't really help... I can give a skype printout but I didn't discover skype until last fall when I was in Ecuador so most of my calls are home to my fam rather than to him in Ecuador. I'm going to try to accrue as much evidence of our continued relationship during the time it takes to get approved (NOA2) but I am worried I don't have enough evidence...

Thank you so much for your help, I appreciate it a whole lot.

(also, quick question, do I need to budget for the fingerprinting too or is that included in the $350 interview fee?)
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-06-07 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé has rural address and can't receive mail
I just joined VJ because this site is the most updated and informed site I have found... I've learned so much here, thank you!

I want to file my I-129F and I have everything ready but I am concerned about using my fiance's address in Ecuador because he lives in a rural location and cannot receive mail there...(meaning he never has received mail there) and I know they are going to send him Packet 4 after we've been approved so I'm not sure what to do.

He has offered his Father's address (my fiance has never lived with his father) but would I put it on the form or on a separate piece of paper...? would they read it and send him stuff there? I don't want it to be too complicated for them down there in the consulate...

Or I could just leave it be, not worry about it, and download the packet when the time comes.
When I send him mail I send it to the local post office with his name on it and he picks it up there but I can't put that on the forms... so what should I do?
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-06-07 03:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa fee changed?
I just read a little farther down and answered my own question. Sorry to be clogging up the board with unnecessary stuff! :blush:
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-07 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa fee changed?
I am going to send my petition today (yay!) but I went to check on the fee to confirm the $455 fee and I found that fees have changed since June 4th... now it says the K-1 visa fee is $350... I can't believe they would have lowered the fee, does that mean I have to pay both fees now? How much do I send with the packet?
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-07 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 4 Help with Documents
Dislaimer: I haven't had my interview yet but I have been very fastidious reading the other posts from Ecuadorians since I will need to do it once we are approved. This information is what I read on visajourney, not my own experience.

1. You should definitely get at least 2 'copies' of the original birth certificate at the registro civil. Do not use the one she got at birth. (I'm not sure if that is absolutely necessary but if it were me, I wouldn't want to use the one given to me at birth. My fiance doesn't have one anymore so we have to go to the registro civil anyways...)

2. I'm not sure yet about the hand-written part- I think it can be typed but it must have an original (not copied or printed) signature from the person at the registro civil. (someone else mentioned something about a parent signing it? I didn't know about that, is it true?)

3. You will NOT need the birth certificate to be translated for your appointment at the embassy but you will need a translated copy once you are in the US and completing all of the paperwork to make her a citizen. (You may also need an original during this process which is why you should get more than one copy at the beginning- Not sure about this but better safe than sorry :-P)

4. You do not need your translations to be certified (beyond what is stated below). If you are fluent in both languages you can translate the documents yourself. You are required to put your signiture saying you are fluent and that the translation is correct. The structure for that I found on visajourney and it looks like this:

I [typed name] , certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and [Spanish]
languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the
document attached entitled [title of document] .

Date Typed Name

The link to that information is: http://www.visajourn...nt/translations
Obviously, if you are not fluent, whoever translates your documents must sign them like this.

5. I don't know about the department of foreign affairs but I think I read that the registro civil is sufficient.

I hope this was helpful, and please let us know how your appointment and everything goes. Those of us who are just beginning this process in Ecuador would like as much information as possible! :-) Good Luck!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-26 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo we need co sponsor?
I'm also in a very similar situation. Last year I only made 18,100 because I was in Ecuador with Patricio for 5 months not working, and the year before I made only 21,000 (at a job that paid less- had I stayed at my job instead of visiting my sweetie I would have made 30,000 last year). This year I've only been working for the last 2 weeks having finally found a job after returning from Ecuador, so I don't exactly have job security and I'm worried about qualifying as a sponsor.
I am lucky enough to have shares in stock currently worth 50,000 that my grandfather started when I was born, so I do have reserve money (which I used when I stayed longer than planned in South America not working), and I have a very consistent work record for the last 8 years (except for the time I was in S.A.), so I think I should qualify but I don't know if I will. Apparently Ecuador has a very difficult consulate too, so I don't want to have anything that will make us a problem. However, we are both young, never married with no kids so I'm hoping we'll get through without problems. I can't really ask anyone to co-sponsor with me so all I can do is hope it works out... :innocent:
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-31 01:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecking case status
I sent my I-129F packet on July 7th and I received the NOA1 hard copy July 22st (it is dated 7/16). I went to the USCIS site to check my status but it says my 13 digit number (beginning with WAC) isn't in the system. How can I check for status updates? How can I find out if my case has been touched if my number isn't in their system? I just checked it again today and I'm still not there...

Has anyone else had this happen? What did you do? Thank you...
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-26 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReceipt number not in the system

1) Thousands
2) yes
3) just wait... it should get there eventually

Thank you!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-08-01 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReceipt number not in the system
I received my NOA1 last week, the notice date is 7/16/10. When I went onto the USCIS website to check my status (as is recommended on VJ) my receipt number wasn't in the system. I waited and checked back every day for 5 days and when it still wasn't there I called the customer service number. I spoke to a person who said "I'm sorry I don't have any information, let me transfer you to someone who does." She transferred me and the person I talked to after confirmed my name and my fiance's name and said "yes, we have you in our system but not updated online." Apparently, they update online whenever they want and if it's not there I just have to wait....?

Has anyone else had this happen? Is this common? What can I do to get status updates? I want to know what's going on and when my case has been touched!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-28 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDuration of wait in US during K-1 process?

How do you guys get to visit your fiances that much? Don't you guys have jobs or anything like that? No offense because I wish I could visit my fiance that much or him visit me that much. I haven't been with my fiance since January and I may or may not see him this year and I do its going to be about 4-7 days which is not much but better than none at all.

I wasn't offended by this comment, and I was surprised to see that others were because I read it and thought, "yeah! That's I good question, I wish I could visit my fiance that often too." I don't think you were trying to be offensive, just wishing you had the same kinds of luxuries... I wish I did too, but life isn't the same for all of us. Also, you might have something that others don't- remember everything balances out in the end. :-)

Good luck to you, I hope your visa journey is as smooth and painless as possible and that you and your fiance are able to appreciate all of the time you do have together.
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-08-27 02:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I use money transfer receipt as evidence in K1 visa?
I had been assuming money transfers would be good evidence, but after reading Vanessa&Tony's reply I'm not so sure...
Why shouldn't I use them? Would it harm our interview?
We have plenty of other evidence- itineraries, passport stamps, tickets together, letters, emails, google voice call logs, skype, contact with our partner's parents, evidence of sharing friends, and many many photos in different places spanning over 2 years.
In addition, I have 13 money transfer receipts since June (when I started keeping the receipts). They are not in large increments, in total less than $1000.
Is this a good or bad thing in the eyes of the consulate?
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-11-12 03:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and Wedding Plans
Most everyone that has replied so far said that they are doing (or did) a ceremony in time with the visa process... I don't want to plan things that way so we are going to go to the courthouse and get married within the 90 days but plan for a celebration the following year. (Estimated NOA2 date is the end of September, so we should be able to be at the courthouse before Christmas, but with a nice ceremony the following spring or summer.)

I don't think it matters which way you do it but for me, with the expense of the k-1 visa and the uncertainty etc I didn't want to plan a nice wedding and have something go wrong. Better to have the time and flexibility after we're together and both working.
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2010-07-26 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvise on Getting K-1 Visa
Sorry I seem to have double posted. My bad! Good luck everyone!

Edited by Maliajannah, 21 February 2011 - 01:42 AM.

MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2011-02-21 01:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvise on Getting K-1 Visa

I also fell in love and he is in Puyo, Ecuador.

I fell in love in Puyo too! Puyo is a great place for love apparently.. :-)

I just brought my fiance to California on a K-1 visa and it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be based on what people said here on VJ. Definitely keep track of all the paperwork, make sure every i is dotted and t crossed. Also, be heavy on the evidence. Hand-written letters, call logs, tickets together, anything and everything you think makes you a couple. Be prepared to travel to Guayaquil for the interview, it is not technically required for the USC to be there but most people who make it through the Ecuador consulate recommend that both partners attend the interview.

If you have not yet sent your I-129F, include as much evidence as you can gather in the original package. That way they have to acknowledge it and it's guaranteed to be accounted for. When you go to the interview 6 or so months later you can bring the evidence covering those six months since you sent the package and everything will look really solid.

My fiance doesn't speak much English either and so far we've been ok. You'll have to fill out all of the forms and translations yourself, make sure she gets 2 copies of the original birth certificate so you can translate one for AOS. You won't need to do any translating for the consulate, it's only after when you adjust status that you'll need the English versions.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me, we just had our interview Jan 24th so it's still fresh in my mind. :-) Good luck!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2011-02-21 01:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow would you know..?

Sign up for an account with the website here:

Add your case to the portfolio.
Look at the 'last updated (mm/dd/yyyy)' date.

Sometimes your case number won't be in the system (mine wasn't). If that happens, don't stress, they'll still work on your case you just don't get to know when it's been touched.
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2011-05-06 12:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A & Letter of Intent questions


1. Some areas of the form are too small to fit the information. For example, my finance is Polish and the length of her birth city is too long to fit into the field. Her middle name is also long and difficult to fit into the field. How does she properly provide that information?

I see in examples that you can attach a sheet with "Form G325A, Q: Employment last give years" as the title . Can this be done for other parts of the form as well where there is not enough space to fit? We are afraid of having to write so small that they will RFE because it cannot be read.

2. Some fields ask for the address of previous marriage/divorce but do not give enough room to give the full address. Are they only looking for the county it was performed in?

Letter of Intent

1. I believe this is needed for the initial packet of information I send in, but the example template from this site talks about it being written for the interview itself.

1a. Should there be two letters, one to the embassy here and another to the embassy where she lives?

You need two letters of intent. Several months will probably have gone by between the first I-129F packet and your interview, and they want to make sure you still love each other. So, you both write new letters for the interview restating your continued desire to marry. :-) Make sure you do this because at our interview they asked questions about them. Good luck!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2011-05-07 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForeign Loan
You didn't receive any replies to this question so I thought maybe my opinion would help. I don't know for sure, but I am assuming it won't effect his visa chances at all. When we went through the visa interview they didn't ask for any bank information or really any financial information at all from my fiance. All the information provided was mine and all they cared about is whether or not I could sponsor him. Since you have co-sponsors you should be fine, I doubt they will ask you about any loans he may or may not have at your interview. However, for your own protection, make sure you won't be paying out the nose for his loan for years to come! Some loans have strange fine print (and Ecuador is the queen of fine print), make sure he reads it. :thumbs: Good luck!
MaliajannahFemaleEcuador2011-07-20 12:52:00