Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)anti-fraud unit

hi every one,goofy.gif goofy.gif

pliz i need an answer for my questions,can someone help me pliz

i am under AP for more than 5 months,my fiance wanna come to USA  ambassy in my country and take an appointement to talk to the Consular Officer,maybe they will issue my visa.

CAN he come to  my country and see the ambassy ?will the embassy recieve him for an interview together "me and him"??

PLIZ I i need help,can some one answer my questions

thank u for ur helpgoofy.gif goofy.gif

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-05-24 07:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)anti-fraud unit

I was on AP for 5 months as well and got the same email BUT a couple of weeks later my fiances visa was approved and he is picking it up tomorrow! Be patient it just means they found something they want to look into or further investigate. If you know your relationship is legitimate then you have nothing to worry about. Good luck!

congratulation,am sooo happy for u and ur fiancé
i wish u all the best in ur life with ur fiance,inchaallah u will live in love (L) (L) and hapiness (F) (F) all ur life together
i hope the ambassy will issue my visa soon as possible,coz my relationship is ligitimate
thank u for ur reply :star:
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-04-17 15:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)anti-fraud unit

In a previous topic/post you said:

Just from looking at these two posts alone - it makes me confused and brings up questions as to when your interview was as you have two dates... so as I mentioned, - it very well could be some inconsistencies they found along the way if you were not careful. Think hard about what they may be so you will be prepared to answer/address them.

i have no dates,i had my interview in december 27th 2012,and since this day they put my case under AP,now it is 4 month since my interview date,and last week they emailed to say that more investigation in Anti fraud unit.
we saw an immigrations autorney and we shew him all our documents ,and he said no red flag,they just waste our time.
I answered all the questions in the interview,i had no problems,I think that they put my case in anti fraud unit,coz i rememebr that the CO asked me if i know a man,has the same family like my family name ,and i answered that i dont know him,coz i really i dont know this personne.
I have no immigration purpose,i have a good job,i earn good money here in algeria,am 28 years old my fiance 32 years old,wr r both muslims,my fiance make good money ,how can thye put my case in fraud unit?
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-04-14 10:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)anti-fraud unit
last week i recieved an email from the ambassy telling me that my case is in more investigation in anti-fraud unit,i was under AP 4 MONTHS and now they said it is in anti fraud unit,i dont understand why? I hv no red flag.When i had my interview in december27th 2012.They said they will check my papers more and they will contact me,but now they are saying anti fraud unit,pliz i need help,what does this mean? maybe they will never issue my visa,they just keep making me wait and wait,
pliz i need help to undestand that pliiiiz :crying: :help: :help: :help:
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-04-13 14:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

The phone number for NVC is 603-334-0700


taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-07-01 16:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

The phone number for NVC is 603-334-0700


taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-07-01 16:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

what a dreadful thing this AP is. crying.gif

AP is a Hell,we  just burn Inside ,waiting,waiting,waiting and waiting ...................................................

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-07-01 15:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

hi every one

i just wanan ask if some one has NVC  phone number,i wanna call them for interview

thank u for everyone

hi every one

i just wanan ask if some one has NVC  phone number,i wanna call them for interview

thank u for everyone

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-07-01 08:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Thanks for the advice! Have you tried doing it?

of cource,i did it,

the embassy emailed back every time i email them,now they shedule a second interview this week,it is better than AP

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-06-23 13:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

i advice every one Under Administrative Processing to email the embassy Twice a month,it is good,it shows that u still love each others

ask the embassy if they want more Relationship evedence,if they need the USC petionner to come to the embassy,show them that u hv a serious Relationship,it will helps u

good luck for u all

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-06-23 09:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker


When is you last updated date on CEAC website?

I dont want u to ask for ur passport.If the emabassy asked u it ,it means they will issue ur visa,it takes time,coz they dont hv rnough staffs,or for another reason

pliz be patient, u will hv ur visa soon as possible and be with ur beloved wife

all the best for u all

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-06-14 15:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Eabbas, its heartbreaking and tough. I pray that Allah gives you the strength to face the difficult time ahead. May Allah protect your little angel and cure her very soon.

HI RealAl  ,i read ur post,and i saw that u had a 2nd interview in the embassy,

i emailed u today,to ask for ur help,coz  the embassy emailed me today and they asked me to go to the embassy for a 2 nd interview,i am Under AP for more then 5 months,pliz can u help me,i know that u had an experience with the 2 nd INTERVIEW 

pliz i need advices from u and from visajourney members

thank u for ur help

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-06-10 12:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Yes, guys hang in there, IA you will come out soon. Myself and my brother didnt have any hope but yet we got out of AP. We still havent received the yet but hoping for very soon. I have noticied one thing, dont bother them and they will issue the visa.....

congratulation zeezee,am soo happy for u

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-05-25 12:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Yea, they took a long time to issue our visa, but i didnt lose any hope, allah is great. Please u dont lose any hope. Inshallah u will hear good news in coming days.

inchaallah everyone will get his visa soon .
ALL th best for everyone
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-15 16:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
???????? : :unsure:

???????? : :unsure:

???????? : :unsure:
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-15 14:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Hello everyone
I have a question regarding AP status change. In your opinion people who have gotten there visa their status updates rapidly from date to date and then they get there visa one day or it's doesnt have to be like that. My husband has been in AP since december 2012 when he had his interview. We have only put in one inquiry and the status have no update. So will I see sudden changes in the status update or it could be possible that I wake up one day and the status could be issued? Sorry it's a bit of a silly question!

me too my case statut doesn't change,since i had my interview in december2012 IN ALGIERS ambassy. :crying: when i check online my case statut,i see the same update,it does'nt move it doesn't change.THE ONLY email i got from the ambassy is that my case is in further Administrative Review,and they said it doesn't process coz they dont have enogh staff. :crying:
NOW we r waiting fro more the 3 months and nothing move in my case. :crying:
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-15 09:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
[quote name='omer1' timestamp='1358537403' post='5929700']
U.S. Department of State
Administrative Processing
Immigrant Visa Case Number: ISLxxxxxxxccc
Case Creation Date: 09-Nov-2012
Status Updated Date: 18-Jan-2013

Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing. This processing can take several weeks. Please follow any instructions provided by the Consular Officer at the time of your interview. If further information is needed, you will be contacted. If your visa application is approved, it will be processed and mailed/available within two business days. Under the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act, Immigrant Visas for "Diversity Visas" cannot be issued after September 30th of the year in which you were selected to apply for a Diversity Visa. For example, entrants into the Diversity Visa Program in Fall of 2011 were selected for Diversity Visa 2012 Program, and selectees MUST apply and receive their visa prior to September 30, 2012 otherwise they lose eligibility to receive a Diversity Immigrant Visa, regardless of additional administrative processing. In addition, please note that some immigrant visas may not be able to be issued if the annual numerical limit for that category has been reached.

i am under AP since 3 months,i had the same answer when i sheck my case statut in DOC,i know friends they are under Ap more that 1 year and they get the same answer when they sheck theirs case statut online.
ALL what we hv is to pray and wait and wait,we hv only GOD to help us.
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-08 09:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlgiers won't reply to appointment request

The embassy in Algeria received our approved I-129F in July and they sent email instructions for the application process for my fiance on July 29. According to the instructions, we are to email our request for an interview appointment once we had the required forms and verifications ready. We have been requesting an appointment since the second week of August. The first reply said wait until September and check again, which we did and have done every week now and they will not respond to the emails! I cannot get through to anyone on the phone (even though the website says no visa inquiries are accepted by phone, I don't know how else one can reach them if they don't reply to emails!)

If appointments are booked so far out and they are backlogged with cases, that's understandable.. but they could at least reply to let us know that our requests for an appointment aren't just floating out there in consular oblivion.

Any suggestions?

am algerian woman,am 28 YEARS OLD,i had my interview in december27th2013,i was interviewed by a woman,she treated me like insect,she asked me questions about my privat life,i answered all her questions,i didnt get angry coz i didnt want to make her to refuse to issue my visa,when i left she kept my passport and gave me a g 221 white paper,she asked for 2012 tax return,i left the ambassy,in January 2nd i gave the ambassy what they request 2012 tax return,2 days later they emailed my fiance that they recieved it,but after one month they emailed my fiance for the second time to tell him that our cas ein under AP,and they will contact me.AM just waitind and waiting...,I dont know why they kept my passport more that 1 month,and they made me in further AP.PLIZ can u tell me why they kept my passport in the ambassy and my case in further AP???pliz answer me and help me pliz pliz
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-02-07 19:12:00
Middle East and North Africastatus Updated Date

I hope you get good news soon !

hope soo;thank u for your support
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-18 11:05:00
Middle East and North Africastatus Updated Date

I agree with the rest, your status changed because there was contact made when your fiance emailed them. Every time I had contact with them they updated it.

As for your question about it taking time for a woman to go through AP, just because you are female does not necessarily mean it will be done quickly. It seems sometimes women do get done quicker then men in general, but it is not always the case. Besides, the Algerian embassy had been pretty far behind in AP a few months ago. Some people here were reporting being in month 4 and 5 so be patient, it will come. Unfortunately there is absolutely nothing you can do to speed it up at this point.

They kept your passport so they can issue the visa when they are done. If they did not keep it they would need to request it from you, wait for you to get it to them, etc. I would be happy they have it, unless you need it for travel in the mean time. Just because there is not a daily update it does not mean they are not working on it, someone could be - it just takes time.

Look at it this way though, you are in the final stretch... yeah! The time is closer every day and you will be out of AP before you know it :star:

Thank u so much for ur keeps me feel good and hopefully.
U gave me more details about my case status.thank u for helping people. U r giving nice advice and u keep them hopefull
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-18 07:10:00
Middle East and North Africastatus Updated Date

I am not under AP, just 'Ready' for the interview which is scheduled in a few days. We sent a lot of messages to the embassy and saw the case status date updated every time we sent a message or got a reply.

Hope ur interview will be very easy.and u will get ur visa in the same day.and u will be with ur hasband as soon as possible.
Wish u all the best.
Inform when u u finish with ur interview.
All all all all all the best for u and ur hasband
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-17 08:04:00
Middle East and North Africastatus Updated Date

The 'status updated date' changed probably because either someone worked on your case or just logged on to your case once the email from you was received. Maybe they log all correspondence? I am not sure but my 'status updated date' always gets changed once my husband or I send an email to the embassy.

Thank u for ur reply.
Are you under AP?
and for how long? For which reason they put u under AP?
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-17 07:47:00
Middle East and North Africastatus Updated Date
Hi every one
My case status still indefinite Administartive Review in the amabassy.when I checked my satuts today online in CEAC I saw that my Status Updated Date was Feb 14th2013 and. Now it is March 13th 2013.
I see that. Date changed since my Fiance emailed the ambassy in march13th 2013.they said that becouse of no employees they can't. Process on my case.
Please what does that it mean.
Why the status Updated date CHANGE?
why it took time to finish Administartive review for a woman.and why they kept for my passport and they don't work on my case
Sorry I asked much questions. :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :crying:
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-17 06:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia

It means they are looking at your case very closely because have identified something that makes them suspect possible fraud.

What are your red flags ?

I have no red flag,my interview went well,they kept my passport ,they gave me g 221 they asked for 2012 tax return,i sent it to the ambassy and when i emailed them they said that they got the tax return document,and they will contact me,after one month they emailed to say that under AP. after 2 months they emailed to say they have no enough staff to process my case,after ONE month they emailed to say investigation with anti_fraud unit.
I dont understand why they do that,why they kept my passport if they see that they will not issue my visa
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-04-07 15:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia
pliz can u explain to me what does this mean """This case is currently going through an investigation with our anti-fraud unit.

We will inform the beneficiary of the outcome after the investigation has been completed""".

i got it today from the ambassy;what is is nvestigation with anti-fraud unit"?? Can some one help me pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-04-07 14:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia

your interview was in January of 2013, that is not 6 months of AP, it is 2 months. There is nothing you can do except for wait for it to be finished.

i didnt mean 6moths,i wanted to say 6 weeks
it was a mistake,am sorry
now am waiting coz the ambassy emailed my fiance and said taht they have no enough staffs to work on our case
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-20 11:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia

it is further background checks

thank u for ur reply :thumbs:
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-13 16:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia
what does it mean when the ambassy says""case needs further administrative review"" and what they say" necessary administrative processing""
it "administrative review happens in the ambassy"???
PLIZ can some one clear it for me,pliz :crying: :help:
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-13 15:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia
I KNOW that most of pple they are under AP more than 6months,I feel their pain,it is hard.
all what want is to be with my fince,coz we planned to make our wedding on FEBRARUARY 2013,but coz of AP we r waiting,i miss him soo much,and he needs me he is alone their ,he has no family with him ,he lives his self.
Thank u for ur help,thank u for answering me.
ALLAH BLESS U,inchaallah everything will be fine
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-13 13:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia

Sorry, not familiar with the details of your case and you have no timeline. So... how long have you been waiting ? What's the story of your interview ? Were you questioned about anything in particular ? Were you asked to provide additional evidence ?

am from algeria,am a woman,28 years old ;and i had my interview in december 27th 2012.After the interview the CO took my passport and asked for 2012 tax return,and told me that she will check well my documents.THAT IS ALL
my fiance sent me the tax return and i gave it to the ambassy in january 20th2013,few days after my fiance recieved e-AMAIL from the ambassy to tell him that they recieved the 2012 tax return;and in 10 th FEBRARURY 2013,my fiance emailed them they answred him like that"" regret to inform you that your fiancée case needs further administrative review. Unfortunately, there is no way of estimating when such processing will be complete. . We promise we will keep you posted about any updates regarding your case."""
YESTERDAY my fiance emailed them again and they said"
""We regret to inform your that is due to a lack of staff you fiancée case has not been processed yet.
We will inform the beneficiary of the outcome after the case review will be completed.
We apologize that we have no specific timeframe to give you at this time but are working diligently to bring this case to completion as soon as possible.
We appreciate your patience and understanding in awaiting a response""""
that is my story,i dont understand anything,why they put me under AP and why they dont tell me if they will issue my visa or they will deny IT
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-13 13:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia
am waiting and waiting
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-03-13 12:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia

Where did I say that? We were married in 2002 and he's a citizen now. His interview for a spousal(married) visa was in 2008 and he thought the blond lady who interviewed him was nice. Our situation is quite different than most on this site though.

AP could be due to something with your fiance. Is he Algerian as well? If so, how did hd become a US citizen?

am sorry dianna
i didnt understand u ,my fiance is not ALGERIAN,he is an american ,he in USA,we met when he was in algeria in 2009,and he come to see me in december 2010 and in JULLY 2011 and in JULY 2012.
now am in AP for more than six month.
Thank u for ur help and thank u for everything
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-02-09 09:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia
[quote name='MariiAlv' timestamp='1357527069' post='5906857']
Hello everybody, well i wanted to ask if anybody can help me. I went to speak to my lawyeron fridayshe gave me a list of some intructions to wriiting my letter she said to take my timei have till march 4th, But she kinda just said (writte a letter from the bottom of your heart, with reall feallings, how you would suffer ect...) well i get that but she never told me if it had to be in any special i just grab a pencil and paper and start expressing my feelings or what? because am guessing they are the ones that puts it together rigt? If not why are we paying for lawyers? Please help me guys......Thanxxxx! ;)

Edited by tanina, 09 February 2013 - 08:38 AM.

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-02-09 08:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia

Are you male or female? I too am in MN with an Algerian spouse :) Welcome. A blonde woman interviewd my husband in 2008 and he said she was nice...unlike what others say about here. There is no time limit for AP. It takes however long it takes. It usually clears faster if you're a female beneficiary though not always.

hi diane,
am a female,am 28 years old and my fiance is 32 years old.
The CO was rude,she looked like angry all the time.SHE was telling that my fiance will beat me up,and i need to hide my passport from him when am in USA with him.that is why i said that she was nice to me.

why ur fiance was interviewed in 2008 and ur visa is not issued yet? is ur case under Administrative Processing?
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-02-09 08:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia

I married an Algerian and yes, he received his visa. The occupation was not looked at on his passport, however the CO did ask about it in detail during his interview. They wanted to make sure he had a plan for getting a job once he got here in the US. The Algerian embassy id very big on the financial end.

AM very hppy for u,coz ur visa is issued.All the best,finally u will live together in hapiness.i am realy happy for u.
I wanna ask u if ur fiance was in administrative processing?If yes,pliz tell me how long it took for him.
CONGRATULATIONS,wish u all the best ,Happy life for u and ur fiance
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-02-09 08:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia
[quote name='stanfordd' timestamp='1348413136' post='5710280']
Hello Serendipity9,

I know how frustrating this is! UGH!!! My fiance is also from Algeria and his interview took place on June 21st of this year. His visa is undergoing Administrative processing, for the last 3 months, and I am NOT able to even send the Consulate in Algiers an email. I attempted several times and get an automatic response stating that the email has failed! I tried calling them and their number isn't working! I am not sure what's going on. When was the last time you tried contacting them? Would you like exchanging emails, phone numbers? We might be able to help each other through all this processes? My name is Diana, I live in Michigan....
Wish you all the luck!

Have a terrific Sunday!


hi diana,hi every one
i wanna know if ur r done with this Administrative Processing,and how long it take?
AM from algeria,i live in algeria my fiance is from MN and we r under AP for more 6 weeks,my fiance emailed them in febraury 6TH and they said that we r r unders further AP. pliz tell me how about ur case,how long it take;i wanna know if ur fiance was interviewed by CO the blonde woman?
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-02-08 12:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia
[quote name='mehdali' timestamp='1359093151' post='5940990']
Any petioners marrying an algerian? I have a question about the beneficiary passport. When my fiance got his passport in 2009 he didn't have a job and put down UNEMPLOYED (SANS EMPLOI) on his passport and now we are thinking about getting a new one for him in order to make things easier, is getting a new one better or could he just keep that one? what do yall's fiance(s) passport say under OCCUPATION?

The occupation in algerian passport is not important,am algerian woman,am in Administrative Processing for 6 weeks in USA ambassy in algeria,i hv a job ,am working but i didnt want to mention it on my passport,then i hv no occupation on in my passport.and the CO in the ambassy didn't ask me about my job,and did ask about my job letter.I wanna ask u if ur fiance did his interview or not.IF ur VISA is issued.THANK U
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-02-08 11:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Alergia
am in the AP for 6 weeks,I am algerian woman,my fiance is USC ,i had my interview in January 27th 2013,after the interview the CO kept my passport and when i called them in FEBRAURY 4th 2013 they said we r under AP;i dont know how long it will took.pliz can any one help me
taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-02-07 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfor people who got APPROVED

Are you on AP? Fill in your timeline please.

yes am in AP,when i check my case statut on ceac website ,it says NECESSARY AP,but the embassy said anti fraud unit.

 I  dont know what do u mean with timeline ,pliz explain to me

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-06-01 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfor people who got APPROVED

hi every one,

i wanna ask u if someone went to the court coz of the long AP?

can the court  make this waiting for AP finish?

hi every one,

i wanna ask u if someone went to the court coz of the long AP?

can the court  make this waiting for AP finish?

taninaNot TellingAlgeria2013-06-01 10:17:00