IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresValentine Message for USCIS

I agree with you, we deserve some respect as well. I'm just saying, taking them by surprise and sending them a message they don't expect might make them sit up a little's just a theory.

i get your point tero and i understand your optimism, i am not taking against that you still have a great consideration to them. i blame no one but them for my dilemma. in a perfect world we all wish that these people do respect us, as human beings, not paper work.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-02-05 00:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresValentine Message for USCIS

I am sorry for what they have done to you..there is no reason for it..we are all at their mercy and they know it.. Did I scream at them after they cashed my check in Aug. to later lower the price by $100 no..but they sure cashed it fast..and now make us wait..should be cashed after they have made the decision....and they have sent to the places they are supposed to be sent .. why should you chase their mistakes.. this tero says they are human beings doing their job.. well newsflash we are human beings too do we not deserve respect also?

i agree with you. no matter how much i think about it, and tried to be reasonable enough, i cant find any logical explanation how they havent done the changes when they assured me on the phone that its on hold and fixable and that not to worry of being sent to the wrong consulate, but a day later find out that all my begging are nonesense. now they even deny me calling them, or sending them any email and says they cant do anything coz its gone.

the only possible reason i can see is, as soon as they get off the phone with me, they just ignored it, went out for cigarette and a cup of coffee, chitchat a lil bit and went back to their station to play farmville.

i work in the military, i do receive phone calls and when i do, i make a note and make sure that the issue is addressed if not by me then the right person. so theres no any way they can justify the stupidity they did to me.

i am not sure if it works but aside from contacting my congressman and wrote a letter of complain about them, i intend to write the office of the inspector general of homeland security. this is a very serious employees mistake and they deserve to be punished if not fired.
just like you i paid 455$ to get a good service and not to be screwed up to deathPosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-02-05 00:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresValentine Message for USCIS

I just noticed we are at the same Service center Now, surprise surprise. Vermont, they do seem untouchable, I have called my congressman, lawyer, put in about 50 service requests, none of it helps, its always "pending" and nothing they can do to help. They just spit out dates , 180 day, 90 day, 30 day, just random time frames that are never met

Ive been waiting on uscis 1 year and 5 months now to just get a yes or no answer . It can't really be that difficult

i agree and i feel for you. my situation is a huge disappointment. and to think that they now tell me to go after my own case to request from the wrong consulate they sent my case to be forwarded to where it should and ask them to accept, after all this time i have to be the one to do the job? they're all washing their hands for the stupidity they made. its so unbelievable i wish i could break some neckPosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-02-05 00:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresValentine Message for USCIS

This was a site from an ex adjudicator...who said this..and told the quota they were supposed to get each day.. read for yourself...
I believe all is possible with these employees as you say.. but I have a hard time believing a case is touched days after the NOA1 is accepted and then never again.. also read on here someone who went and checked the background info on the FBI website it says it could take up to 120 days for a background..then why am I almost at 6 months and told repeatedly nothing wrong was found with my petition just still being reviewed..and to wait 2 more weeks.. ??? this adjudicator says everytime it is even picked up to show they are working they scan the barcode on our petitions and it will show an update..again why was ours touched on Sept. 1 and not again.. but still pending???

OMG! i cant imagine how mad would you be if after freakin 6months they claim to have have reviewing your case thoroughly only to find out that later they instead made some mistake to delay you more for another month, and then you had the chance to correct them begging them everyday on the phone and email even talking to their supervisors to please please do the correction only to find that they did nothing and send off your case somewhere else of nowhere then tell you to go chase it and get it sent to the right consulate or call the right consulate and ask them to accept it???

I really wish no one else experience this mess they put me thru, but if i have to send them anything for valentines, that is my greatest disappointment for them being irresponsible people.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-02-04 23:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresValentine Message for USCIS

You and me both , USCIS has totally changed my views of my country that I used to call home. The usa has no honor for people anymore that are struggling to be together and have a normal life. We all paid our money and waited our time, sent proof upon proof, I don't know what more do they need?

I dont think any other country in the world would treat its own citizens so poorly , its becoming a sad fact that I hate to admit

as of now theres no word that i can say that would satisfy my hatred to them. its not the system, its the irresponsible people that works there. why? becoz theyre confident that they are untouchable. if only the state allows people they screw to sue them to court, im sure they will do their job more carefully and precisely. or if they atleast have some respect to us petitioners and not look at us like just another daily paperwork where they can get their paycheck at the end of the day then maybe, just maybe that will make them do better. i have been serving this country for a decade and i feel so insulted that i get this kind of treatment. Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-02-04 19:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresValentine Message for USCIS

I feel quite bad for anyone who works in immigration. When we speak with people at the USCIS, NVC, embassy, etc. we have to realize that we are dealing with human beings whose work is wrapped up in an extremely complex bureaucratic system. I'm sure a lot of them go home everyday wishing they could do more to help people, but their hands are bound with all that red tape.

I'm frustrated with this system just like anybody else (especially since our interview was cancelled...arg!). But I agree with Tero--let's send some pleasantness their way. It couldn't hurt.

easy to say, i doubt if you can still say that if after 2 weeks of calling them everyday telling them that they assigned you a wrong consulate and begs them not to send there yet they still sent it and then later email you back finally saying its no longer in their hands becoz its been sent out. they need somelove??? yeah right! all i can figure is that, after they got off the phone with me begging them to correct my case, they go grab a coffee and played farm games if not mafia. i stand my ground all i can say to them is ####### and i wish they can be sued to then they will learn some lesson or i can atleast report that @sshole supervisor i have talked who assured me that its on hold and they can fix it only to find out its not and still being sent nowhere in the desertPosted Image so for me heres what they deservePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-02-04 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresValentine Message for USCIS
ahhh....unfortunately with the way they screwed me up, my only desire to send them is a lawsuit complain. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-02-04 02:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures5 month - calling USCIS

Different people are processed at different rates because some people have 'less complicated' cases. Also, not every worker at the Service Centers processes cases at the same pace. Some work faster than others.

I'm not sure how this is discrimination. Maybe if they looked at your names and said, "Ick! I don't like people from that country... I'll put this one at the bottom of the stack!" But processing people at different paces because each worker is different, or each couple having different 'issues' in their cases... That's not really discrimination.

It's similar to standing in line at a grocery mart. If there are two lines, and you get in one of them, is it discrimination that the people in the other line (who haven't been waiting as long as you) get through faster?

:ot: sorry but i dont think i even need your opinion :bonk:
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2010-12-10 05:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures5 month - calling USCIS

I just found a letter from someone who sent it to the california Senator. I copy paste and changed what i needed to change and sent the letter to all 40 PA senators !!!!! I will keep my war untill I get what I need !! a response from VSC !!!!

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
kudos! lets all be together in this fight, to heck to those insensitive/ non affected people who does criticize our frustrations in being with one we love. USCIS should do their freakin job! are they overload with tons if applications? then they should hire people to work on it. what for that we are paying for these applications. its not a free service so they infact owe it to us coz its us thats keeping their lazy #### paid!!!
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2010-12-10 05:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures5 month - calling USCIS

I called USCIS today twice to let them know that my application was outside the 5 month processing goal. First time when I called they gave me e-mail address for Vermont to do the follow up on the case.
Second time when I called they told me they can not do the request for the case outside the timeframe (5 month) because I called them on November 15 and now I need to wait 30 days before they can file another request. But I received the letter on the November 27 from the Vermont that application is pending and still in 5 month processing goal and when expires 5 month to give them call back.

I’m totally confused now and don’t know what to do...Should I email them or just wait for December 16 to call them back????? OMG this doesn’t make any sense and I’m getting so frustrated :( :( :(

Can somebody help me out with this??? Thanks :

hi, we have the same case too, its been 5th month and the last time they touched our case was oct21, we called USCIS today and the lady said the process is 6months to 9months...if so why the hell they posted a 5month processing time? also how come other people i know, preferably are my friends who went thru the same process got theirs approved in 90days some are less??? is there a way to boycot or rally against this discrimination from USCIS??? our lives are very much on hold and affected by their negligence :angry: :bonk: :help:
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2010-12-09 16:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy is my Visa taking longer than others?

I just noticed Robert De Bonda's Signature on a post with his timeline. We filed the same time (Well I actually filed about a week before them) He received his NOA2 in 3 months! And already has an interview scheduled!
Mine has not been touched, and I haven't heard one word since we filed on July 8 2010... What gives???

hi, my case is the same. we filed july 8 and received our NO1 july 13th. so far the last time they looked at it was oct21, after that, it seemed to be abandoned to nowhere. its just so sad that were apart for the holidays while our hopes were so high of supposedly being together by then. only becoz some people dont care :crying:
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2010-12-09 12:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVermont, 5 months is up

Another "oh poor Haitians" post by another member who already completed his journey and who is not being hurt by them. We seem to have a lot of this here.

I never said I had a problem waiting in line behind other AMERICAN CITIZENS who have been waiting longer than I have. But I do have two problems:

1. Giving priority to ANY foreigner, Haitian or otherwise, over American citizens.
2. In general, not having enough staff despite the enormous fees we pay them to process our applications in a reasonable (i.e. 60 days) amount of time.

EVEN IF the Haitians should someway, somehow deserve priority over taxpaying, voting American citizens, THEY ARE ALREADY HERE. My Elena is trapped in Russia.

So no matter how you look at it, the claim that Haitians deserve priority over us is BS, plain and simple.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
us too is over the 5month time frame & called USCIS and the operator said the actual wait is 6mos-9months. very frustrating :crying:
emailed them last friday but still no reply at all :angry:
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2010-12-15 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling VSC in 2 weeks?
so when you call VSC & they tell you to call back in 2 weeks, is it advisable to actually wait exactly 2 weeks to call back?
im asking coz we have been given hundreds of different answers every time we call, call back in 2 days, call back in 3 days or call back in 2 weeks. so which is which?
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2010-12-29 08:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the pot boil if you watch it?

I guess this is where I get bashed because I have a shorter timeline. So be it. We also spent 4 months making preparations before we filed the petition, such as getting the required permission letters from the two boys biological father before filing, which was no small task. That does not show up in the timeline. But then we weren't running around trying to get needed signatures just before an interview. Silly of us, eh? I guess we should have done the smart thing and filed immediately after getting engaged insteads of 4 months afterward?

I made no it again, where is a judgement?

I stated facts and gave suggestions of how to help your fiancee. Your petition WILL get approved and your visa WILL get issued and your fiancee WILL arrive to start a new life in a new place. I am simply suggesting people spend their time in productive activity that will be greatly appreciated by your fiance(e) when they arrive and you begin your life together which will be a much longer period of time than the waiting.

If you choose to ignore my suggestion and check useless websites...good luck to you. Personally I consider the way we handled our "journey" to be one of my greatest accomplishments in move a family of three people a dog and a cat, start educations in a new country for two of them within 5 days, get the other into a top university in Moscow at the same and then coordinating his arrival and adjustment (green card) later, laying the groundwork for my wife to have a really good part time job using her language skills while getting a scholarship to earn an MA in teaching English...oh yeah! And all without a hitch and not so much as a single question asked at any interview. It did not happen by mistake or accident and none of that happened because I checked a USCIS website. You can believe me or not, but the truth is, whether you wait 2 months for the NOA2 or 6 months or 8 months, this part of the journey is nothing, literally nothing. It is the paperwork delay in your journey, it is not the journey at all. It is the easy part. You will forget all about the waiting for the NOA2 pretty quick.

NO! you read on Gary! didnt I just said your comment made a very good point & good ideas?
where is the judgement? here! read on "I never looked at the website updates, I am glad she didn't ask"
if you cant sense your sarcasm in assuming we do nothing but to look on a website well your wrong!
i have given up a job in the middle just not to be caught up in a contract came home to wait here in manila for my interview instead hopefully it wouldnt take forever. my fiance is has a full time job, he have travelled every 5month for the last 3years just for us to be together for only 12days. so do you realize how expensive is that? where does our frustrations came from?? nowhere! our frustrations over the unfair system after paying $455 dollars! becoz maybe like you they simply assumed that we dont do nothing but stare at a useless website, or we dont have a life to life. so yes id say it again, unless you know the feeling of spending christmas & new years alone staring at your computer screen instead seeing the you can go compare me how wonderful your fiance for not ever askingPosted Image

and for the record I think there are more people here who shares experience, their knowledge and being more helpful minus their sarcastic unwelcome attitude!Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2010-12-30 03:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the pot boil if you watch it?

Has your fiancee gathered all her personal documents (school records, etc.) and made copies of them? Had them translated if needed? Have you had her education evaluated by an accredited evaluator in the US?

Besides what you need to do to obtain a visa (which is a tiny portion of what you need to do to marry someone and move them here from a foreign country) you need to prepare your home and your life for your fiancee and what her plans are. If she wants more education, now is the time to arrange that. She should start any further education within a day or two of arriving. She won't be able to work but she CAN go to school and she CAN volunteer. Both of these are good things to get people adjusted to the new culture. You can arrange this ahead of time. Volunteer jobs can also be an excellent source of future paid jobs if you volunteer in the same field. If she is a nurse in her home country, for example, she could be volunteering at a hospital here 24 hours after arriving, before she has her green card she may have a job lined up. A teacher? Volunteer at a school. An accountant? Volunteer for some charitable organization. There is almost always someone in need of a skill she may have. Go to meet with these people now. Get something lined up for her. After a couple of days, you have to go back to work and she is going to stare at the walls all day, line up something for her to help her adjust and for her future.

If you need to add a room or remodel the bathroom, now is the best time you will ever have.

Staring at a website "update" will do nothing. When something happens they will send you a letter which will come in your mailbox. Until then, spend your time on productive things for your future. I cannot recall EVER my (then) fiancee saying "What does the website say?" She did ask about her education credential evaluations, her scholarship application, her MA degree program (she started her MA program in Teaching English 5 days after arrival WITH a 50% private university grant)volunteering activities (she volunteered in ESL classes and at a hospital) The hospital volunteer job pushing people around in wheelchairs from their rooms to different departments for tests, etc., landed her a paid position interpreting for patients at $35 per hour and that has expanded to include many other clients including USCIS at the local office.

I never looked at the website updates, I am glad she didn't ask.

You comment makes a good point & you have pointed some good ideas, but guess what? coming from someone who got their application approved w/n 42 days? but ofcourse! if ours is that fast too then we wont be here ranting duh!?!Posted Image so i think you dont have any right to judge how we feel unless you were in the same situation. Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2010-12-29 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the pot boil if you watch it?

July filers of the world unite! :thumbs:

I tried calling multiple times but couldn't figure out how to get a hold of customer service. I imagine they might
be out for the holiday. :bonk:

oh well keep trying and when u get a hold of one insist on talking to someone else higher, thats what we did and does most vj'ers say although were still not satisfied for the january 12 communication thingy we plan to call this monday again and again till they give us some definite answer. unfortunately, no matter how desperate & disappointed we all feel now, thats the only option we have leftPosted ImagePosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2010-12-29 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the pot boil if you watch it?

Hi everyone,

It has been five months since my fiancee and I sent in our K-1 packet to the Vermont Service Center (submission date July 28th). To be honest, we are getting rather nervous about the lack of response. Every time I log into the case status website and see that bubble cemented to `Initial Review`, I want to scream. It feels like being stuck in some sort of bureaucratic purgatory, waiting for some higher power to descend from the sky and hand me a cookie.

Considering that we have now exceeded the standard processing time, would it be wise to contact USCIS to see what is going on?

Anyone else out there who submitted to the Vermont center in July and are still waiting for a response?

It's hard to know what to do with yourself when there is nothing you actually can do to speed the process along.



hello, were July filers w/ NOA1 dated July 13, way far beyond the 5th month time frame yet when we called yesterday we were told that they are going to communicate with on or January 12Posted Image

i suggest you try calling them, maybe when we all VSC july filers start calling them at the same time maybe it will make them realize how many people's lives are on hold becoz of them and hopefully start giving us some good resultPosted ImagePosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2010-12-29 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat comes after the hard copy of NOA1

I would agree that there might be a little more thorough with background checks with couples who's USC petitioner has a security clearance. Also have to consider if they have any criminal history that shows up and just how high the clearance is and with what agency. For example, I would venture to say that someone with a High security clearance in the DOD (Department of Defense)/US Military would get scrutinized a lot more than someone in lets say the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) who isn't an agent or in an intel. position.

Since many of the sources USCIS goes to for background checks are used by lots of government agencies who do background checks for their employees, there could be information already about you in the system ERY if he had his clearance updated or renewed. I recently got a clearance a few months back and they would not stop asking about my fiancee once I told them I was engaged to a foreign person. Mainly just asking whats her name, wheres she live, whats she do, how'd you meet, whats her age, whats her phone # etc. So my background check probably has information about my fiancee in it, though since we are both young it didn't take that long to do the investigation and grant the clearance. Also by law, your fiance/e had to let his employer know that he is engaged to a foreign national if he has a high level clearance and they would reinvestigate him, so you are more than likely fine as is. It's something to the effect of "Having contact with a foreign national etc etc". An example would be my parents, who both work in govt. and have high level clearances, had to let their employers know their son (myself) is engaged to a foreign national and go through another background check etc.

In the end, I can't see the USCIS having that big an issue with someone having a clearance if another government agency did a more thorough background check and knew/knows about the persons foreign fiancee (and still gave them said clearance) and has it on file somewhere in the system.

yeah were hoping that too. i think of top of the background check is more on the backlogs & delays they have going on in VSC, plus were both confident that our profiles are good to goPosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-06 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat comes after the hard copy of NOA1
sure you can add me. well i have heard that multiple times when i was still in bahrain where i used to deal with military housing, i used to have a friend who dated & married a navy guy that has a high security clearance and went thru alot of approvals being he was able to marry the girl. in my case we didnt thought it woud affect us since my fiance is about to retire in another year but thats what the immigration officer told him.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-06 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat comes after the hard copy of NOA1

Thanks for the link YuandDan :thumbs: Do people in the military need to submit additional documents, not included in the list? Would anyone have a knowledge what happens if they are in classified, and superiors will not extend a certificate of employment? This may not be our case, but fiance hasn't talked to the higher ups yet (frankly, i dont even understand who is considered as classified) but he mentioned that there is a possibility that no certificates of such nature may be issued to them. Are there other supporting documents that we may submit in lieu of the above?

I'll be so thankful to other military fiancees who may share experiences and advise. :help:

as i know off nothing so far, not even recommendation letter from their command officer, not sure though someone can correct me please?
but yeah as far as our case looks like even those wont do or convince them to speed up your petition. for us the immigration officer even said that since my fiance has a high security clearance the more they being thorough with his and even mine background check. oh wellPosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-06 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence of continued relationship
ours the same, very few emails & short, text messages once in a while but we talk on skype everyday. we prefer skype coz inspite of being able to see each other on video the line is clearer too. plus we been on for 3 years now and have met each other every after atleast 5 months.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-07 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC June & July Filers, INFOPASS ANYONE?

You posted this in the wrong forum. This is the forum for people who have filed a I-751 to lift the conditional status of their permanent residency. I've said this before to another K-1 visa applicant but you are so uptight about how slow your K-1 visa process is going that you are posting information in the wrong forum. Posted Image Posted Image

Some moderator needs to moves this to the right forum.

well, when i started a new topic which it says, i was viewing the K1 forum so id thought it will automatically appear in K1 forum.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-07 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC June & July Filers, INFOPASS ANYONE?

Hello Im a Vermont service center prisoner they got my file on July 30th and since then 5 months + no action has been taken , called and got a immigration officer on the line told me to call back in 17 days and they were working on July 10th really no other info aside from that , hope we get them soon that Cali service center is cranking them out like champs Vermont sucks !!

LOL vermont prisonerPosted Imageindeed.
ahhhh...what makes it worst is the feeling of being clueless after 6 freakin month Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-07 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC June & July Filers, INFOPASS ANYONE?
Hello there my fellow July and so with some June filers?
Any update yet?
anyone got their NOA2 lately?
anyone went on an infopass appointment?
please share your experience how did it go and if it helped to get your case to be looked at.Posted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-07 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffects of not using approved K-1 visa

Hi, I am May. I live in the Phils. I got approval for K1 one month ago and got my visa. Our relationship went bad and my U.S. fiancee changed after that. I no longer wish to marry him. I am still in my country. How do I tell the embassy? If I wish to marry in the future, will the fact that I already had K1 stop me from getting it again or make it too hard? Also, would there be a time limit like 1 or 2 years before I could be succesful at getting another K1?

Thanks so much for your help.

hi sorry to hear that. i think better off to report it so next time when you have another petition you can come up clean on their records. also it might be better if you try to attach an explanation of the reason why the intent of getting married failed.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-08 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 interview: proof of ongoing relationship

But will they be happy enough to accept that?

well you can print the call logs separately form the chat logs, then you add some pics of you together, evidence of travel, anything that you can gather to prove your relationship. phone records are just one of them, they dont deny you becoz you dont have enough phone records to show or means of communication, its just one of those many things that you can gather to convince them. emails, cards or if theres remittance or any receipt of gifts to sent to each other.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-27 01:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 interview: proof of ongoing relationship

To stay in touch my Fiancee and I practically leave skype on 24/7 - although I can scroll up and see what's been said, I can't find a way to print or achieve the information.

Any help would be great as we don't want to have problems come the final hurdle.

you can try print screen, so far thats the only option to print history from skype. not sure if others figured a better way. goodluck
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-27 00:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDomodedovo Terror Attack: Expedite for Russia?

Thank you for your support. I am not perfect and don't pretend to be perfect, either to myself or anybody else. And one thing I never do is try to hide my mistakes or blame them on anybody else.

I think a lot of people are just reading the first post, one that I deeply regret making, then fast forwarding to the end and blasting me for it.

There is nothing more to blast. I know I was wrong. There was five days of silence from Vermont, and I was absolutely livid, seriously wondering if I would see my NOA2 before September or October.

Seriously, folks, I am not normally like this. Until now, I have never been in a continuous state of anger for so long of a period of time.

Many people have told me to do other things and put this out of my mind. I tried it, and it doesn't work. I eat, drink, think, live and sleep this visa. It is my whole world. It is the only thing on my mind, 24/7. Everything else is just a blur.

Can we please let this thread rest? I promise: No more opinions. From now on, there will only be statements of fact. I will deal with my anger myself (and hope I don't scare my cat in the process).

Sir, i have been a follower of your post and there has been few threads were we were all together ranting about the process and against those who does nothing but criticize our frustrations. I always love reading your post. although i try not to comment anymore as often as i used to becoz i too have my own temper (lol)
On my case (w/ fiance) we waited 6months to get approved only to find out from NVC that they messed up our case number with the wrong consulate so that will be another wait in addition with their already F**cked up delay. however i must agree that after getting the much awaited NOA2 things felt a little better. Hang in there, i hope you dont have to wait as much as we have but if it happens then you know by then you can do all that suggestions you told us back in all the threads. Goodluck

Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-01-26 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical exam without Appointment letter

guys i need your help please. I decided to have my medical exam tomorrow March 31, 2011 coz i want to have it done earlier. I already have my manila case number which my fiance got from NVC but i havent got appointment letter nor instruction letter from us embassy.

Is it possible for me to have my medical done even if i only have manila case number?

thanks a lot!!

Yep, manila cas number, NVC letter and a scanned copy of NOA2 is enough. 3 pics passport size USEM specs and ofcourse dont forget the cash...goodluck ;)
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-03-30 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help we got RFE!

we just received our rfe thru mail....pls please help us and give s your opinion or idea regarding our rfe pls.

1.LETTER OF INTENT - are we going to notarized it or just the original signature is ok?

2.PROOF OF MEETING THE LAST 2YRS - what are the evidences that were gonna submit on this? pics, letters, few chatlogs, call logs, text's, plane tickets, iterinary, bank transcations, remittances, cards, gifts receipts, anything you got that proves you have met in person and an on going relationship

3. DIVORCE PAPER INCOMPLETE(only the first and last pages was submitted) - what is this??? the complete divorce decree with seal from the court

Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-04-13 02:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE

We went over this last night in our email... This is what I wrote you:
Sent Yesterday, 10:37 PM


They're looking for the Judgment of Dissolution. That is the one with the State Seal on it in colour ink. It has the judge's signature and it's dated. In California the number on the form is: http://www.courtinfo...lable/fl820.pdf

Now one thing is, when you send a 'copy of this' into the USCIS, I would get a COLOUR COPY of it for the STATE SEAL.

You will need 3 copies of this: one for his file as a spare, one for the USCIS RFE, one for the Embassy Interview that you will carry on you (and don't ask me why bc they'll already have the other one in the file that is sent from the USCIS to NVC to the Embassy! Each copy in California is $35-55 bucks; so, this is why I suggest you make colour copy. Note** THEY MIGHT AS YOU FOR AN ORIGINAL of IT AT INTERVIEW btw.


1. Always send in a copy of your NOA1

2. Send them a copy of their RFE

3. Attach a cover letter stating you are responding to their request for more evidence and please find attached the Judgement of Dissolution for the Petitioner (full legal name). Case # blah blah... in the County of ___________. Dissolution was final on[date] ____________ in the State of __________.

Thank you for your attention on this very important matter,

Sign and date it (Petitioner)

4. Send it back to them USPS Priority Mail / Certified/ Receipt Return.

As Jim said, every state is different but it's the Judgment of Dissolution signed by the Judge with State Seal.

A GUESS??? LOL Tim! you don't guess... :bonk:

Ery sister, what is an "original photocopy"?'re so cute! They can send in a photocopy but I really recommend it's a colour copy so the State Seal & Judge's signature is clear.

hahaha Mari my ladyPosted Imagewell as for us we sent USCIS just the photocopy of the original decree, every pages of it. I was expecting the USEM would ask to see the original one with the seal but they never even for us it workedPosted ImagePosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-04-20 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE
you should submit the original photocopy of all the pages
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-04-20 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp pls..DS-156 (National ID #, PI) [edited title]

National Identification Number (this can also be a Tax ID number in many countries), description:

Any person, whether natural or juridical, required under the authority of the Internal Revenue Code to make, render or file a return, statement or other documents, shall be supplied with or assigned a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to be indicated in the return, statement or document to be filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue, for his proper identification for tax purposes (Sec. 236 (j) of the Tax Code).

Is it required for my friend to get a TIN number from BIR? Anyone who filled up already the DS-156? any ideas and knowledge about this VJ members? Thank you soo much..replied is highly appreciated.

any q that is not applicable to you or you dont have just write "none", dont leave any question "blank"
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-04-22 10:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting on Visa to be delivered

My fiance passed her interview Friday May 6. We are currently waiting on her visa/passport to be delivered to her in Manila. I called the embassy in Manila yesterday and they couldn`t or wouldn`t give me any idea when the visa will be mailed out. What ? I was told the embassy had to check or authenticate the paper work. I`ve heard that this can take 3 days or 3 weeks. It`s already been over 7 months since I filed the i-129. I was told the tracking number for the courier " 2go" is the same as our case number that begins with MNL. I`m just so disgusted by the entire process when there are 11.2 illegals in the country who will eventually be granted amnesty. In the mean the people who try to do it legally are met with delays and red tape.

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-11 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNBI authorization letter?

She lives and works in the Cayman Islands which is located in the Caribbean so that is why she cant go herself.

if she lives abroad, she needs to go to the nearest philippine consulate or embassy, they normally have an NBI form there she can fill in, some embassy have have their finger printing right there but some would give them a reference letter to a local CID/police station to do it for her then she will have to send that to her relative, they will take it to NBI. it should be a sealed envelop where the form she filled with her info & finger print, a photo, then a letter from the embassy saying she requested that. some embassy even do it but for me back in bahrain i had to send it myself and asked my sister to get it for me.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-12 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNBI authorization letter?

Well its for my Fiancee she had NBI before but lost the old one so she will send her relative to get a new one on her behalf.

why? where is she right now? she can request NBI records easily to any local NBI office in the philippines.
if she cant provide a copy of her old one, she will considered as new applicant and is required to be present, do the finger printing as well as picture taking that will be printed on her NBI clearance
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-11 23:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNBI authorization letter?

Can someone tell me what i need to write to Authorize someone to get the NBI for me? or does anyone have a sample letter i have been searching everywhere?

Thank you!

do you mean to apply for your NBI record or just receive it?
i dont think there has to be some format for that. just write to whom it may concern and that ur authorizing that person to get you your NBI. if you are renewing it, you have to give that person your old NBI, authorization letter and a valid ID.
if its first time, maybe not as they need you to be there for finger printing & picture taking
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-11 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChanging Consulates

Thank you. This was exactly our experience. Despite all information we indicated that we want my visa processed in Manila, they still sent it to Bangkok. I sent Bangkok consulate an email since I dont think they have our file in their system but thanks for the heads up. My fiance is in Bangkok and will most likely he will drop by Bangkok consulate to give them a prepaid envelope. SO you only communicated with Manila consulate AFTER they received the file from Bahrain or you gave them a heads up even before that your file is coming? Was this an additional few weeks or a month to your entire processing?

Thank you. I started to reach out to Bangkok consulate and will follow through with Manila consulate.

hell yah, it delayed us so much atleast for a month. we were approved by USCIS January 12, stayed at freaking stupid NVC for more than 10days, then forwarded to Bahrain. They receive it like first week of Feb, they emailed us, we sent a friend right that day, but it was thursday and friday, saturday is a weekend there. it left and delivered at the USEM 14th of Feb, but they didnt acknowledge it till like after 10days or so before they even say they have it. then whole march was fully booked so i only got to get an april 5 interview. all those delay becoz of their incompetence. but yes, we did emailed both consulate to let them know that our case is being mistakenly sent to bahrain and that we requested it to be rerouted to manila. oh by the way, since they sent yours too in bangkok then your going to have the bangkok case number and not the most famous manila case number they will be all referring which is MNL. be consistent that yours was re routed from bangkok coz theyre gonna ask oyu alot about that
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-17 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChanging Consulates

My fiance's I-129F had been approved (thank God) and my fiance filed that while we were both living together in Bangkok (I'm Filipina) in January. Despite my address being in Bangkok, we indicated on the petition that the visa should be processed in Manila US Embassy. Anyway, NVC sent our file to Bangkok, but due to opportunity to work and without the hassle of work permit for an alien, I went back to the Philippines in April. Now our file is on its way to Bangkok Consulate and wanted to transfer it to Manila due to my work and ability to respond if additional processing is warranted. Do we just call the consulates to request a transfer, does anyone had a similar experience and how much longer did you have to deal with it?

Thank you!

when my then fiance filed for our i-129f, i was living & working in bahrain. We indicated that it will be processed in PI as i intend to go home in a couple of months and so i did. petition took longer than we expected and when it got approved, and even if we filed change of address from bahrain to manila and received a letter confirmation from USCIS that visa interview is USEM, as well as indicated in our NOA2 from USCIS, the most incompetent and stupid people of NVC decided to forward it to Bahrain. oh.. and that is inspite of a series of phonecalls trying to correct which consulate they should be sending.

Anyhow, it was still forwarded by stupid NVC to bahrain so we had to email them, and as soon as they received our file, they emailed us and told us to send someone to bring them a paid envelop from dhl, so i had a friend of mine go there and send it to manila. we were both emailing bahrain and manila consulate about the change.lucky after manila received our file everything else went well and interview was approved.
Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-05-17 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMEDICAL AND INTERVEIW


some of the girls i know from that side flies to manila 3 or 4 days before interview. a fren of mine went straight to St. Lukes right after she got of the plane and checked in to her hotel. Had her first day of medical which went well then had her vaccines the next day. after that she waited for 2 days then its her interview. after she got approved & filled her delivery address she went straight to the airport and flew back in cebu to wait for her visa & do the CFO seminar from there. so yes 1 trip is possible.

Edited by ERY, 13 June 2011 - 07:32 PM.

Zharren YoungFemalePhilippines2011-06-13 19:27:00