K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescall logs on magicjack
I'm glad someone put this topic out there, I have the same question, magic jack is great, my fiance has it in Ecuador and I can prove the call logs on my end, since I get my calls either on my cell phone or home line. The bigger question I have is his number is a US number, the beauty of magic jack, its a Texas number to be exact since his family is from there.

Do I need to explain to the USCIS that this Texas number you always see on my incoming and outgoing is really a number housed in Ecuador? Anyone hit this one head on yet?
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-03-07 20:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325 A with I-129F.. Current Hub or wife?
Hi all, random question, completing the G-325 A form and under the info requested of Family name of father and mother it proceeds to ask about current or former wife/husband, I presume this would be for my parents??

Hum.. perhaps after I get the answer to this question, I realize its time to take a break for the day.
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-03-07 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLosing my job was what brought me to re-meet my fiancee

Your story reminds me a bit of one of my best friends. She'd dated and fell in love with her boyfriend in Spain many years ago while she was visiting. They broke it off after awhile, yet kept in touch off and on over 6 years. Today - she has moved back to Spain to live and marry him! She'd gone back to visit friends, casually met up with her ex - and things blossomed from there. Just a great story, and they are SO HAPPY together :yes: Your story reminded me of theirs. It's great. Congrats again!

Thank you!!! :thumbs:
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-03-08 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLosing my job was what brought me to re-meet my fiancee

If you can't meet the financial requirements then you can get a co sponsor by all means. You wont need the affidavits at all but a letter from your employer outlining your job and yearly wage and when you started will help. But if you want to get an affidavit from friends explaining your situation it wont hurt.

Great, thank you for your feedback! =)

PS- Am incredibly lucky to have bumped into this forum. Expect to be here often!
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-03-06 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLosing my job was what brought me to re-meet my fiancee
Thank you for your quick response!!! Well, things are pretty tough out here NY/NJ area-contrary to the "declining uenmployment claims" things haven't changed much. I landed a long-term project with my company for 8 months perhaps longer, if not it will certainly help me land something more permanent.

We were also thinking his Moms side of the family as well as him mom live here. So we were going to provide 2 affidavits. One from my end and another from a well established family member to demonstrate the financial backing.

Your thoughts? Thanks again!

What a wonderful love story between you two (L) (L) May you two have some beautiful years together!

Thank you so much!! I really do feel so blessed and very much appreciate your words! =)
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-03-06 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLosing my job was what brought me to re-meet my fiancee
Just random question, I was unemployed and that led me to travel to my parents home country and ended up falling back in love with my ex-boyfriend now fiancee. Rewind- When I was 12 yrs. old I moved temporarily to Ecuador for a few years and he was my first boyfriend-first love. Fast forward- When I lost my job in 2009, age 31, I went out there to clear my head and low and behold we fell back in love. Happily Engaged!!

NOW, does anyone know if that matters,that I have a large gap of employment as he will since he too got layed off at a later point in our relationship, I am preparing all the papers for the petition and just want to prepare myself.

PS- He already landed a great job started Jan.2011, I got called back by my old company and will work on a long-term project with them starting next week.

Edited by sjvr, 06 March 2011 - 06:42 PM.

sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-03-06 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS Post office EXPRESS mail to Dallas PO Box?
Hi all, just to make sure I understand correctly, no one has experienced that neither PO box or other address Lewiville, TX is any quicker than another correct. So sending to the PO box via USPS is perfectly fine, correct?
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-03-07 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFacebook Status?
LOL~ I hear you but I am submitting my profile pages as a my fiancée and I communicate via facebook plenty in addition to our calls. So I'm offering the info and was wondering :)
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-05-29 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFacebook Status?
Great, thank you for your insight :) Dam I used to read right on this blog of folks freaking out right before submitting and now.. well look at that.. I'm freaking out!!! :) lol
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-05-29 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFacebook Status?
Hey All, final touches to the petition. And one thing is popping out .. Our Facebook status is currently in a relationship not engaged- why? Because not everyone needs to know our business, especially the duress of putting forth immigration papers. I am submitting pictures with stamp dates from my album and wall posts that are very clear to show we are involved.

However, we both made the conscious decision to keep our relationship status as is until my fiancée arrived to the states, I've seen too many people want to ruin a good thing, ask too many questions, or just wish you ill, the last thing we want right now is bad vibes.

Do you think it's bad I will submit my profile as evidence of an on-going relationship - shows my fiancée and I share daily quotes, daily i love you's to each other but doesn't say engaged??
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-05-29 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPost NOA2- Now what ?
Hi all! Now that we received our NOA2 (let the joy sink in 10 minutes) ready to tackle the next piece. I am a little confused on what next steps are for our petition I included the I-129F, and the G-325A. I know I need to complete the affidavit but what else will he need to complete?

Will we also need below? the verbiage as to US embassy handling is confusing and will there be another fee??

DS-156K, Non-Immigrant Fiance(e) Visa Application: This is only needed (and should be provided) by the US Embassy issuing the Visa.
DS-156, Non-Immigrant Visa Application: Only needed at once you reach the US Embassy handling the Visa. Should also be provided by them.
DS-230, Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration: Only needed by US Embassy handling the Visa. Should be provided by them also.
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-10-04 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo be or NOT be at the K-1 Visa Interview
Don't mean to pry.. but is there somewhere I can read about what happened to you?

This is stressing me out.. I just read on the Ecuadorian Embassy review two females beneficiaries that got approved without their fiance present. I wonder if they would be any different with my man being the beneficiary and I the petitioner.

Goes without saying, If I need to go, I will go- rain, hail or snow, I will. I was just trying to be practical in that, if I didn't need to be there. Whatever that amount spent could be better spent on holding things down for his arrival, the time for him to get a job, etc.

I recall being in Ecua and going to the consulate to just ask for k-1 info. They were complete a-holes and totally gave us the runaround and truth be told. I was irate not making the situation any better, as I demanded someone to give me a straight forward answer, whereas he was more calm and finally he got us seen. I almost thought best to have not me there as we expect certain treatment which unfortunately is not standard.

Nonetheless, dammit looks like i have to run and get my passport as it recently expired, and look to ensure I can go back in, as last time I overstayed my welcome and they told me I couldn't go back in for at least.. I think it was 9 months.. (need to confirm that) if that's the case, I'm in the clear.

UGH!!! I will be sure to keep everyone posted.

The cost of a last minute flight no matter how much it costs will be cheap compared trying to correct a denied visa. In that case, you'll be making multiple trips and possibly be spending lots of money on lawyer costs. How do I know? I experienced this first hand. The whole experience almost put me into bankruptcy.

sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-10-27 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo be or NOT be at the K-1 Visa Interview
Thank you!

This is a consulate specific question. You will have better luck in receiving correct answers if you target your questions for members with Ecuatorian beneficiaries who have successfully completed the process. Check with these members directly. Best wishes! (F)

sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-10-27 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo be or NOT be at the K-1 Visa Interview
Come again.. they denied your fiance her visa without you there?


Let me say you surely need to be there. First off, They CAN NOT keep you out of the consulate, it is your right as a citizen to go into a consulate when you feel the need. Second, the person you are "asking" when you call the consulate is not the person who grants visas and is lying if they told you not to be present. My fiance went for her interview and IMMEDIATELY when the interview started, the counselor officer said "where is your fiance?!" DENIED.come back for joint interview. I don't know the rules at all the consulates, but I can tell you for sure what they do in the South American Hell, some refer to as the Guayaquil Consulate.

You sound like you have your mind made up not to go. Do what you want. We have warned you. There are numerous other posts with the same denials for fiance not present. No, the consulate is not going to say, yes bring your fiance and we will surely approve this visa. They can and will simply deny the visa with a "no established proof of relationship to petitioner." But i can tell you that they are thinking, this is the most important day in someones life and you chose not to be there. The burden of proof lies with the applicant and petitioner, not the consulate.

Final thoughts are Why would you not want to be with your fiance on this day. Its an all day, long lines, stressful process and I had no idea what it was like until I stood in line like a heard of cows, holding evidence for hours in a freezing waiting room. It is a miserable experience and I don't wish it on my worst enemy.
DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY CALLING THE CONSULATE! Buy you tickets and go support your person that you want to spend the rest of your life with.

sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-10-27 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo be or NOT be at the K-1 Visa Interview
Oh my.. Oh my.. Thank you for all for the responses. I'm definitely in a quandary.. My current employment is on contract and while not impossible to take time off definitely will take some extra pushes.. I will keep reading on with those who dealt with Ecua Consulate ..although those from Tbone and Edhall got a knot in my throat and trying to see how much last minute flights are..

that's the other thing.. how is one to plan for the flight.. we are still getting our packet 4 together and won't really know exact date until his call to make the appointment.

Well either way thank YOU ALL for your thoughts.
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-10-27 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo be or NOT be at the K-1 Visa Interview
Hi folks, just trying to get a pulse here. I've heard mixed messages. I have heard some say that you NEED to be at the consulate interview or others state not necessary. I just called the Ecuadorian consulate and they told me I do not need to be there. I will call again tomorrow to ensure I get the same answers.. And curious to others experience. Kindly share :)
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-10-26 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134- Temporary vs Permanent job-
Hi there folks! So I've been sitting quietly in my corner waiting for my NOA2 and Wooo hooo.. it's arrived. So now I'm looking at the next piece of the puzzle. I'd like to get a pulse on others, the instructions clearly outline to depict whether its a full time or temporary position. Let's be real -the economy the way it is .. corporate is gearing much more towards hiring "consultants" i.e. temporary employees, I've been doing this since March and was recently extended to February 2012.

Any others hit upon this? Did you find it interfere with your application, if so what else did you do to ensure no whammies!

Thoughts and comments much appreciated.

All the best!
sjvrFemaleEcuador2011-10-04 18:55:00