PhilippinesWhat the hell is going on with NVC???

Call the embassy and check it out. I've seen several posts about bogus phone calls...good luck!


I don't think the embassy generates the letters. Its done at NVC.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-09-12 07:25:00
PhilippinesWhat the hell is going on with NVC???

3 weeks ago we get an email from NVC that says all the processing is complete on my mother-in-laws I-130.


A week ago we get another from them saying they are just waiting for Manila ro schedule an interview.


Then on Monday we get an email that says our interview is scheduled for Oct 3rd!!


Yea!! So we start getting things setup for MiL's medical and I get this cryptic phone call today at 4:35PM from some guy claiming to be from NVC saying our interview letter was sent 'by mistake'...


And that we are not actually scheduled on the 3rd.


When I ask whats going on he says. 'I can't elaborate' and thats it!! Did not even say who he was. Would not answer any questions and would not even say when we might be rescheduled!!


My wife and her family are just devastated!!


Every letter we have received would be held up in court as a legal evidence for NVC to terminate the application if a year went by so why is it also not legalling binding on them as well??


We had a legally binding interview and now they want to just back out of it saying it was a 'mistake'....


This sucks!!





PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-09-10 20:17:00
Philippines2go visa is already to pick up!!!!

Remember CFO!!

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-09-16 10:34:00
Philippineswaiting for the CASE COMPLETE? NVC

  - anybody get case complete? 


Our I-130 application has been case complete for almost 4 weeks now.


We got a email with an Oct 3rd interview date but NVC backed out of it saying the email was 'a mistake'...


Now they say 'don't know, no way to find out'.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-09-12 18:42:00
PhilippinesAirline ticket and Docs to bring. Questions.

I actually have quite a bit if experience with the 3 major brands of prescription sleeping pills, not sure of their availability in the Philippines.  I do know thay are considered controlled meds here in the US, I think Class 3 meds? So not automatic refills, only a few pills at a time, etc.


Ambien, probably the least "strong?" usually knocks me out for about 4hrs, fairly gentle effects, kind of makes you drowsy and lets you drift off to sleep.  I ususally only take 1/2 a pill at a time.  I've never had any side effects, and usually awake feeling fairly good, no groggyness or feeling drugged up afterwards.  People have reported side effects, sleep walking, doing things that they don't remember later, etc Usually when they combine with alcohol.


Sonata, I've only used it a couple of time, since it's a capsule you can't easily take a half dose.  About the same "out" time as Ambien, maybe a little longer, felt a little more groggyness upon waking.


Restoril, this is the biggy! I take this when I really want to be knocked out, 6-8 hrs down time, I usually don't take this one untill I'm ready to sleep, acts pretty fast.  If you are awaken before you're ready you will feel groggy and out of it for awhile.


Again, all of these are prescription meds, and need to be carfully used. Ambien claims to be non-addictive, but still would treat it as so.  I would try to test whatever one you decide to use before hand when you know you have full day to recover.


On the non-med side, I have used melatonin with pretty good results.  Your body actually produces melatonin naturally and it regulates your sleep cycle.  Mostly as stated befroe, it just makes you drowsy to let you fall asleep naturally.  I use it fairly regularly, especially after trips to get my wake/sleep cycle back on track.  I have used it in conjunction with OTC sleep med like Tylonol PM to get rid of those little aches that can make sleeping harder also.  Other things that will help are a sleep mask and ear plugs



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-11 17:07:00



 if you don't mind , when her mom get case a complete? because i want to know how long to wait between the case complete to get a interview date @ embassy manila. thank u and good luck..





We waited almost 2 months to get the interview date.


I have heard others have waited longer...



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-11 17:09:00

Hello Everyone!


We finally got a valid interview date for my Mother in Law!

My wife is SOoooooo happy!


The interview is Nov 7th.


She wants to book tickets for mom to fly over on Nov 23rd.


I think this is playing with fire!


I really don't think its a good idea to book anything until mom has the visa but I am not getting anywhere with this reasoning...


Anyone have thoughts on just how fast we can expect the visa to show up at Mall of Asia 2Go offices?


http://blogs.usembas...ippines/?p=1533   says to expect 7 to 10 days.


Maybe faster if its held at MoA.


Shir really wants her mom here before the end of Nov.


Any thoughts??



Edited by PhiLandShiR, 06 October 2013 - 03:44 PM.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-06 15:43:00
PhilippinesI-864 package to interview


My parents  had their IR-5 interview yesterday & USEM didn't ask for I-864 AOS & supporting documents. No other civil documents were asked either. 





The I-864 AOS is NOW VALID INDEFINITELY ONCE IT HAS BEEN SIGNED (this is a change from the previous requirement of being valid for one year). In other words, applicants will no longer need to submit a new I-864 AOS or new tax forms due to long processing delays between the date of the signature of the I-864 AOS and the date of the interview.


What kind of questions were they asked?



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-14 12:25:00

Ok... What does 0 day mean?



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-16 16:59:00

I see that F2A's are not moving in November.


Anyone have any thoughts on how these are going to move over the next few months?



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-15 16:55:00


It's not odd.  It's part of a woman's medical history.


While this is true, a medical designed and implemented for immigration purposes is not one for collecting medical history.

I guess I should have said, I find it odd they would ask for that sort of thing for immigrations.


Oh well,


Off to Nov 7th!



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-18 13:46:00

Mother-in-Law made it through her medical yesterday!


My poor wife was fit to be tied all night. Not sure she got any sleep.


Having met and spent time with the family I was pretty sure MiL would make it just fine but Shir is a worry wort!


Now its on to the interview Nov 7th!!


Really odd thing was they wanted to know about every child that was stillborn and every miscarriage.


Took extra day for her to dig up, no pun intended, that info from over 40 years back.



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-17 16:39:00
PhilippinesUSCIS ELIS Fee



That is an IMMIGRANT fee... not for K-1


Can you give me a link on this?


My MiL will be an Immigrant and I want to see if she needs to pay this.





PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-18 13:56:00
PhilippinesAnyone flying to Minneapolis/St. Paul in November?

I think you need a serious introduction to HEAT!    You need a trip to Arizona in July or August!  rofl.gif


Head out to Vegas abut then as well!




My mom is coming to Minnesota this November but she is afraid of travelling alone. Please PM me if you plan on coming anyday in November and would want a company. Thanks!


My wife is flying out Nov 16th and back on the 23rd.


Heading to Toyko > Manila and then back Manila > Toyko > Minn.


Are you flying about that time?



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-18 13:52:00
PhilippinesI-130 Question

Hello everyone,


I understand that with the K class visas you get the infamous DO NOT OPEN envelope.


Does this also apply to I-130 class visas?


I would need to make sure my MiL does not open anything if she gets one as well.



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-10-22 15:41:00
PhilippinesCFO for my Mother in Law

You're a good man Charlie Brown


Most husbands want their mother-in-law in a different country rofl.gif


Only those who don't measure up.


If your MiL is not happy with you, its usually for a reason...

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-13 21:48:00
PhilippinesCFO for my Mother in Law


As long as she is over 60 that is it.



Way cool!


That will help a lot in getting this PITA nonsense done!



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-08 13:56:00
PhilippinesCFO for my Mother in Law

So there is no need for her to show up early and wait in line?


And it does not matter how many open slots they have? Morning or afternoon?


She just shows up and thats it?



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-08 10:47:00
PhilippinesCFO for my Mother in Law

Hello Everyone,


My motherin laws interview was successufully completed this week.


Now comes CFO.


As I understand it, all she needs to do is show up, fill up a couple of forms, pay the fees and off she goes.


Is this correct?


As she is over 60 she should not need to get there early nor attend any seminars.


Any thoughts on this?






PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-07 21:34:00



Really!!?   They were petitioning his mother-in-law... rofl.gif


OK, I am sure he will give her a hug.... but.... laughing.gif



rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gifrofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif  

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-14 13:22:00



I just checked and the visa status is:  ISSUED


What exactly does this mean?



Edited by PhiLandShiR, 13 November 2013 - 10:01 PM.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-13 22:00:00
PhilippinesWife safely arrived in Phils


Great news! It's a daunting task to fly for your first time just within a country but then she has to fly internationally for her first time. Wow you must be so proud of her. 





Yes, I am!!

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-17 18:24:00
PhilippinesWife safely arrived in Phils

Shir has arrived back in Phils with only minor delays.


Major kudos to the Delta ticketing agents too!!


The gave me a security pass so I could walk Shir right to her gate.


This allowed me to show her the boards so she could located her next departure gate when changing plane in Tokyo and prep her on how to bounce from one plane to another.


We had lunch together and she was calm and ready to take  on the airlines when she waved good bye!!


For a first time solo air traveler she did great!


Heading back with her mom should be a snap!!


Now if she only remembers to hold on to 5k to pay exit fees...





PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-17 11:02:00
PhilippinesBummer on the F2A's

I see they are not moving again...


Any thoughts on when they might move?



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-22 17:39:00
PhilippinesDisaster avoided

Unfortunately it does matter,,Delta has SCAB mechanics working on thier aircraft.

and they dont do proper maintenance by a long shot,,I build these airplanes,,I know..

Stay away from delta people,,they are bottom of the barrel nowdays fly Korean air,, Asiana,,ANA,,,

Everybody wants a cheap ticket,, well you get what you pay for,,,


I used to work for Northwest Airlines,,(now its Delta)


That may well be but they are still better than American Airlines...

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-25 17:10:00
PhilippinesDisaster avoided

Omg we are flying delta... Which route is this????



It was the Manila > Tokyo > Minneapolis route.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-23 11:12:00
PhilippinesDisaster avoided

My brother, the following is a lot cheaper than a funeral.


Be nice if they also covered food costs but....


I wonder, will they have to pay airport fees all over?


Geeze, I cannot even believe you said that.


If that happen to me, I would be buying the captain and co-captain and all attendent DINNER in a 5 star resteraunt.


That's after I dropped on my knees thanking God for protecting my fiance AND giving the wisdom to the captain and co-captain for flying that beast and then telling God thank you for the guaridian angel that was on the flight.



rofl.gif   I was joking silly!

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-23 07:28:00
PhilippinesDisaster avoided

Just found out that my wife's plane had to turn back to Manila because an engine caught fire.


Shir said she was watching out the window and saw a flash and then the engine was on fire.


Everything is delayed 24 hours.


Hopefully all goes well tomorrow and everyone arrives safely.


Delta is putting them up in a hotel and paying transportation costs so I guess I can't complain too much. 


Be nice if they also covered food costs but....


I wonder, will they have to pay airport fees all over?



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-22 22:05:00
PhilippinesI-130's being bumped to expedited because of TPS designation.

Does this mean that F2A class visas will be current again?



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-26 18:00:00
PhilippinesExactly what does a TPS designation mean?

Seems like its a bit more than that...


In a letter dated Nov. 21, the senators also asked the DHS to suspend deportations of Filipinos and expedite visa processing for those whose family members are either US citizens or permanent residents and those with approved or pending family petitions, ?especially Filipinos who have been orphaned, lost relatives in the storm or suffered other serious hardships.?

Read more: http://globalnation....a#ixzz2lsoRuLe2
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PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-27 16:18:00
PhilippinesExactly what does a TPS designation mean?

Thats all fine and good but it tells me nothing.


What does this mean for the man on the street?



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-27 11:35:00
PhilippinesExactly what does a TPS designation mean?

I just read about this and I was wondering what that does for people.



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-26 18:59:00
Philippines2 petitions approved

Are you also the alien relative?


If so I am thinking that only one can be active at a time but I could be wrong.



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-11-29 10:28:00

I would suggest getting on the phone and making some phone calls.


6 months out of the country could be viewed poorly...



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-12-18 17:54:00
Philippinesbringing family member


My wife is not yet a citizen Phil.  Not even LPR yet, (forthcoming soon I hope.)  From what I've read, it takes a lot longer for LPR's to do the I-130 route.  I'm not sure who MiL is? 


MiL is Mother in Law.


We want to get my wife's younger sister over here and discovered that it would be faster to bring her mom and have mom petition for her daughter than to have my wife petition for her sister.



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2014-01-14 17:05:00
Philippinesbringing family member

Ok, Hank, oh wise one, what would be faster? My wife petitioning her daughter, or me petitioning my step-daughter? Is this an F2A?


Having just gone through the I-130 route for my MiL with the plan to bring her last daughter over.


We found that the time was very much shorter if MiL did the petitioning and not my wife.


I would say run the papers in your wife's name.



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2014-01-09 18:00:00
PhilippinesSons 130 was approved by USCIS

I just checked the Feb. Visa Bulletin and do not see any visa class that is current.  How did you get a visa?



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2014-01-18 20:50:00
PhilippinesUS-Philippine Passport - Dual Citizenship

The general rule is that whatever passport you enter on, you leave on. If they are staying more than 21 days, I'd have them enter Ph on their Philippiens passports, and then leave on those passports. As other have noted, they must use their US passports to leave and enter the US




I have issues with this statement.


No one can leave the Philipines for the US unless they have a visa or a US passport. You can exit the US on any passport you want.


If you enter the Philippines on a Philippine passport and try to leave on it you will be questions as to where your visa is to gain access to the US.


I know this as we did this exact thing.


When entering, we showed my daughters Philippine passport and when we exited on the US passport, we were questioned as to where the entrance stamps were on the US passport.


When I produced her Philippine passport, all was good but we were sternly lectured on the requirement to produce BOTH passports when entering the Philippines so that BOTH passports can be stamped.


Once we got to the US we just used her US passport and had no questions asked.  



Edited by PhiLandShiR, 30 April 2013 - 05:03 PM.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-04-30 17:02:00
PhilippinesQuestion for all who live in the Seattle area

Thanks for the information.


The city I am thinking of moving to is north of Seattle.


About half way to Vancouver.


Everything I read about it is that its not as wet nor as cloudy as Seattle.


Just looking for some backup for what I am reading.



PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2014-03-26 16:57:00
PhilippinesQuestion for all who live in the Seattle area

Hello everyone!


I am entertaining the possibility of a job in a small town just north of Seattle.


Can anyone give me opinions on life in Seattle? The surrounding area?


Any one live on the north side of Seattle?


My wife wants to get away from the cold here in Iowa and I would expect that its warmer up Seattle way as we just got done with weeks of below zero temps...





PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2014-03-26 13:08:00