United KingdomTo any Scots out there.....
QUOTE (Kezzie @ Nov 30 2007, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy St Andrews day to all my fellow Scots.....

A nice Haggis Supper would go down a treat right now... oh and dont forget the Ironbru to wash it all down...


Ironbru is one thing my husband is going to miss more than anything. Well, that and maybe roll and sausage. I love Scotland and being able to walk 30 feet and hit 30 different bakeries with all it's fresh yummy goodness.

BTW my hubby is from Kilmarnock. I think I've been asked to bring back about 4 bottles of Johnny Walker when I come back in Jan. haha
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-30 22:03:00
United KingdomThings to do before leaving UK
QUOTE (weedebz @ Dec 2 2007, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm gonna miss Irn bru....not gonna miss the scottish west coast weather

Irn-Bru my hubby is so upset that the states don't have it. I think you can get it in Canada. We'll be in Oregon so we won't be to far from the border. We are talking about the weather right now. Oregon isn't as cold but it's a lot rainier that he is used to.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-12-02 14:38:00
United KingdomOpening a UK Checking Account
Since USCIS is so slow my hubby and I are seriously contemplating me making the move to the UK. I don't mind as I love Scotland. I'm going over for Christmas and thought that opening a joint checking account might be a good idea. How hard is it for a foreigner to open an account? If I bring my passport, Oregon Drivers License and SSN card should that be enough?


Edited by JenAlex, 05 December 2007 - 04:08 PM.

JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-12-05 16:07:00
United KingdomSurvived first year.
I know a lot of Oregonians who saw 'warsh' instead of 'wash'. Washington is "Warshington". haha
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-12-08 00:00:00
United KingdomSurvived first year.
Nice post Lansbury except for one part GO DUCKS!! biggrin.gif

My husband has me order for him when he's here. He's Scottish and hates having to repeat himself. I told him he's going to have to get used to that over here. unsure.gif
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-12-04 00:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGot some bad news, guys
My hubby and I are really frustrated right now. I filed at the end of August to Nebraska SC and still nothing. The USCIS website says Nebraska is processing applications received as of 10/10. I finally called on Friday. I was really nice but the guy was rude. sad.gif Anyway he told me that is just an estimate and if my check has not been cashed (which it hasn't) then they have not begun processing.

I'm a little worried because I'm moving this week and have no idea how to change my address for a file they haven't processed. I am also bummed that USCIS finally hit a date after our application was received and yet nothing.

This is not fun. I've been married for 3 months and have spent 2 weeks with my husband.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-04 12:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help... we are worried
Very much appreciated Thanks!
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-07 11:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help... we are worried
Is this the same situation if we have already filed for an I-130 application? My husband is going to ask for a block of time off from work and come visit for a month in May. USCIS hasn't even entered our information yet so I do not have a lot of hope that it will be completed before May. Can he come over on a Visa to visit me?
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-07 11:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOPORTUNISTAS
My family thought for a bit that my husband may be using me to get to the US. Actually the opposite is true. He really doesn't want to come here but we decided to pursue the US visa for financial reasons. Now, because of the visa backlog we are looking at me going to the UK and I couldn't be happier. I love the US and the UK. smile.gif

The most important thing to me is bein with my hubby. I'm sure that's what everyone else wants.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-18 21:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNovember Filers?
Congrats! Have you received the NOA1 for the I-130 yet?

I sent mine to NSC in August and still no word. My hubby and I are giving it one more month. If we don't have anything or at least the check cashed by then I'm going to apply for a visa to live in the UK. smile.gif
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-18 17:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the delay on the NOA1 for the I-130?!?
Welcome to the club! Ours was received on Aug 29 and we still do not have an NOA1. They received so many applications due to the fee increase that they are severly behind. I talked to an immigration officer yesterday and was told my app was probably in a box in a mailroom. It's gonna take a while so put on your patience hat. smile.gif
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-30 23:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS Police Visit to Employer Job
QUOTE (samaci @ Dec 2 2007, 06:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seeing as your boss is an immigrant himself, could they have been paying him a special visit?

That would be my guess or that fact that the OP has a federal job. Could USCIS be a bit more stringent on background checks when someone works for the government?
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-12-02 21:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan anyone tell me if I used the wrong Service Center?
Don't be suprised if you don't get a NOA-1 for a long time. Mine was received in Nebraska on 8/29 and still haven't received mine.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-12-02 20:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresXMAS present from the CSC
Congrats! What a great early Christmas present!
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-12-06 00:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThose Wonderful Forms

I mailed my I-130 to Nebraska. I didn't know they then forwarded those petitions to Cali. However, the USCIS has changed the mailing instructions so I would check their site for the latest information on address. Sending to the wrong place will just add some extra waiting time, which no one wants. smile.gif

Congrats on the wedding! Try and remember to take in as much as you can on that day. It goes by so fast. I'm so glad I had a videographer and photographer there. I bawled through most of the ceremony so now I have that memory forever. haha
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-12-07 12:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThose Wonderful Forms
Welcome Aries! I just got married in July and I live in Salem. smile.gif I don't have a lot of answers for you because I only did the I-130. I do believe that USCIS is requiring that all I-129's and I-130 applications be sent to the Chicago Lockbox address as of December 3. You can check their site for updates. If you pay for the I-130 you do not have to pay a seperate fee for the I-129. You do need proof that you sent the I-130 when you send the I-129. A lot of people have just sent in a copy of the return receipt from USPS (or however you mail the application). It's taking a really long time to get a NOA1 right now, my application is about to turn 100 days old and check has not been cashed and no NOA yet. sad.gif

When we did my hubby's bio, he put his phone number if he was being called from the states. We included the country code. Daytime would be where you can be reached at during 8-5. I put my cell phone. I always have it with me. As for bonafide marriage I included a copy of our marriage certificate and an affadvit from parents and his sister. So three affadavits in total.

Good Luck!
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-12-07 00:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCant USCIS be sympathetic to us??
I honestly think the reps and the immigration officers are probably sympathetic to us on a personal level. It's not their fault they got flooded with all these applications. I said in another thread that I blame the heads of USCIS for not having the foresight to hire and train those 1500 new hires BEFORE the July 31st deadline. They didn't learn anything from the passport fiasco.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-12-08 13:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer
That is so horrible!! I'm sorry you are going through this. Seperation is so hard and then to have someone who is suppose to be a professional screw up like that, well I can't even begin to imagine how much more difficult it is. I'll send positive thoughts your way and hope the lawyer gets hit in the ####### with a lightening bolt.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2008-01-12 15:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHERE WEE GOOOOOO:D
My hubby and I are just going to stay with the I-130 and get a CR1. It might not be as fast but we won't have to pay $1000 to adjust his status.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2008-01-12 16:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
I got a great belated Christmas gift. I wasn't in the country when the NOA1 was mailed out to us. I just happened to look online at my bank account (I was visiting hubby in the UK) and noticed the check had FINALLY beed cashed. Our receipt is dated 8/29 and hopefully that means it won't be to long until he gets his ####### here.

YAY!!! About time August got some good news.

I didn't fill out an I-129F, is there any point in going that route now?

Edited by JenAlex, 05 January 2008 - 10:44 AM.

JenAlexFemaleScotland2008-01-05 10:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
Dodson01: Thank you for that information. I didn't know. smile.gif

SusieK: GOOD LUCK!!!
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-30 21:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
QUOTE (memyselfandi @ Nov 30 2007, 06:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I dont know when im going to see my hubby again because he is so sweet and patient but I feel I am losing my patience or I would like to atleast see him for the holidays. Is this normal? We wont meet for the holidays and I dont know till when... havent heard a peep from USCIS its been more then 3 months. My check hasnt been cashed yet and i try to be positive and happy but why isnt it just working? :-(

I'm right there with you. I at least have a countdown until I see him, however we were married in July and I came back to the states on the 31st. It's 4 months since we were together. It's difficult and trying but he is definitely worth the wait.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-30 21:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
I wonder why they wouldn't do a trace on me. Nebraska is supposedly current but my I-130 was received on 8/29 but nothing so far.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-29 22:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
I talked to an immigration officer about an hour ago. I was told that my application was probably in a box sitting on the mailroom floor and he wouldn't do a trace. sad.gif
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-29 21:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
That is so ridiculous. I am sorry. sad.gif
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-29 16:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
I'm only calm because being angry all the time won't do any good and will probably land me in jail. wink.gif It doesn't surprise me that the Feds didn't think this through. I work with Medicare and they aren't any better so my shock level is relatively low. Plus I get to see my hubby in 3 weeks so that is sustaining me quite a bit right now.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-27 11:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
"appreciate your understanding"? I know they don't mean it this way but it sounds really condescending. It's irritating as hell. Wait 90 days and now wait 2-3 more weeks, what next? GRRRRRR!!!
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-27 00:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
Isn't it great that we have someplace to go and people truly understand. I know my friends and family say "oh that's so hard"., but they don't really know how hard it is. I know I can come here and go on about how depressed I am and people know what I really mean.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-26 00:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
I don't even bother with looking at their processing times anymore. If it's not accurate what's the point? I have a very strong feeling that I'm going to end up in Scotland. That was our plan originally but we changed it because my parents were not emotionally ready for me to leave. I told them over the holidays that the chance of me leaving is high. They were upset but I think I made it clear that my place is with my husband. I love them very much but being apart from Kevin is killing me a bit each day. sad.gif I know the holidays were not the best time to say anything but I didn't want to spring it on them and I hardly see them in person; and this is news that can't be told over the phone. At least I didn't want to do it that way.

Anyway back on topic, USCIS sucks! haha

Edited by JenAlex, 25 November 2007 - 11:25 PM.

JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-25 23:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
We haven't received a THING! sad.gif I called a little over 2 weeks ago and was rudely told that we were not in the system. I then asked the guy about the processing timelines on their site and was told that was just an 'estimate'. I don't know if he just didn't want to talk to me or if he was just a jerk. Our 90 days is on the 29th and I'm going to be patient and call next Monday if my check still hasn't been cashed.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-25 20:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
I think I get asked when Kevin is coming here at least once a day and I swear I'm on the verge of screaming when I get asked that. I know my friend and co-workers don't know that USCIS sucks but it's just a constant reminder that he isn't here. Like we need another right, can I get an Amen? ClockWatch2.gif
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-25 20:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
I'm lucky that I get to spend the Holidays with him. We've decided that if we have nothing by the time I get back on the 3rd then I'm applying for a UK visa.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-25 16:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVJ'rs who sent I130 this august
Anyone have any news? Our 90 days is up on the 29th and I'm calling USCIS on the 3rd if the check hasn't even been cashed.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-25 14:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTax filing status/witholding question for newlyweds
Thank you!
JenAlexFemaleScotland2008-01-09 23:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTax filing status/witholding question for newlyweds
QUOTE (Urge To Race @ Dec 22 2007, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
US Residents for tax purposes are still allowed to exempt foreign income from US taxes up to the exclusion amount. This amount can vary by tax year, for 2007, that amount is $85,700. You claim that exclusion by filing form 2555 along with the 1040. So again, the decision to declare a spouse a US resident for tax purposes for tax year 2007 is an individual decision based on individual circumstances of income of both spouses.

This may be a dumb question but I really do need the answer. smile.gif Is the $85,700 our combined income or just his foreign income?
JenAlexFemaleScotland2008-01-09 12:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChange of last name
Social Security is behind on getting cards out. I went to the DMV to change my name and Oregon does not accept non-US documents as proof of name change. So my UK Marriage Certificate was useless there. I went to the Social Security office and stood in line for a while and finally got to someone. It still took 6 weeks to get my new card. After I had it it was really easy to get everything else changed.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-19 00:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDid you ignore sending bonafide marriage evidence?
I sent a copy of our marriage certificate and 3 affadavits from people at the wedding. I didn't send any pics but I have an entire wedding album I will gladly ship to them if they want to see my hubby in his kilt. smile.gif
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-27 00:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting with intent to get married...
My husband is coming over for 5 weeks in April and he is just going to say he's here to visit. He's not lying but we don't want him turned away. Of course he'll bring plenty of proof he is heading back to the UK after his vacation is up.

I may be on my way over there if USCIS doesn't hurry up. smile.gif
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-19 22:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting with intent to get married...
Sure, this is where I started:
You can also apply for your visa here:

I got my visa really fast, turnaround was less than a week. If you do plan on marrying in Scotland just make sure you can prove that you are coming home. I forgot to include my return ticket info and got denied. Now everytime I go over I get asked "Why did you get denied for a visa?" I was approved by the same agent who denied me about 3 days later. It was not big deal except having to pay for the visa twice. sad.gif

If you get married in Scotland, I'd recommend doing it during the week. It's about 200 pounds cheaper than doing it on a Saturday or Sunday. We got married on a Wednesday in Gretna Green and it was lovely. smile.gif Scotland is just so gorgeous. I can't wait to go again.

Edited by JenAlex, 18 November 2007 - 11:58 PM.

JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-18 23:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting with intent to get married...
I got married in Scotland this summer. I'm not sure if you know but you'll need a visa to get married over there.
JenAlexFemaleScotland2007-11-18 23:20:00