United KingdomInterview Questions for K1-Visa
Thank you all so much for your replies. For some reason I thought we would both be interviewed, me here in either Portland or Seattle, and Mark in London. So I guess my job then would just be to send him all the information that he might need in the interview? I guess the reason I thought I would be interviewed was so I could prove that I had a means of supporting him. All I need to do then is send him the I-134 and make sure it is signed by a notary to prove income, along with bank statements, and things like that?
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-13 11:14:00
United KingdomInterview Questions for K1-Visa
I know Mark will be having the interview in London, I am just trying to know what to expect for both of us. Trying to get information for my side of things and his side so we will be better prepared.
For Mark, currently in Southampton, he will need information reguarding what it will be like at the London interview.
I was hoping there were some more UK/West Coast USA people who might have gone through the interview process already and have some advice and can direct me to answers like where my interview site would be and what I could expect (I am living in Vancouver Washington just north of Portland Oregon)
Sorry for the confusion, I am an over planner, whenever I feel like I can not control a situation I tend to do a lot of planning, I want to make sure I am ready for whatever they throw at us and that I have perpared Mark as well for what they will throw at him.
Thanks smile.gif
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-13 05:13:00
United KingdomInterview Questions for K1-Visa
I was wondering if anyone that is from the UK can share what their interview was like. Also, I live in Vancouver Washington (just north of Portland, Oregon) so where can I find out where my interview will be held? Will it be in Seattle?
I have seen a couple of posts already about people from different areas and what they experienced but I was wondering how different it is from one place to the next.
We filed in Feb '08, so we are still waiting for our NOA2, but I just want to be as prepared as I can be and make sure to get everything in order.
So after we get an interview date, and if we get approved does that mean he can then come here and we can get married?
Just another quick question...
I tend to brag a bit about Mark, but I have heard some people say, do not give any more information than they ask for. It is just so hard when someone asks questions for me not to start gushing about what a great guy he is, etc.
When it comes to the interview, how do you react? My natural response would be to go on for ... well I have gone on for at least an hour when it comes to how we met and stuff like that.
When you have an interview are there certain unwritten rules? Like only answer the question do not go into details? or anything like that?
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-13 01:06:00
United KingdomTax Returns and I-134F
Just a quick question to add, when you guys are talking about a letter from the employer, what kind of letter do you need? What if you have a cosponsor? I have read a few other posts where something wasn't signed or was forgotten and I want to make sure that I get everything Mark needs to him. Also when they say original documents, does that mean I have to put my actual birth certificate in there? I have seen a post that had a list of things needed but I wasn't sure about a few of them like the letter from the employer.
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-17 00:08:00
United KingdomOregon-Washington/UK Couples filing or have filed with CSC
QUOTE (jundp @ May 19 2008, 10:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well we aren't a UK couple, but we are a Seattle couple and we're both fluent in English :-)

Hehe, that works too! My German isnt the best, I only took it in university to German 103, but I can try smile.gif
Thanks so much for the support. It is wonderful knowing there are others in the area!
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-20 00:04:00
United KingdomOregon-Washington/UK Couples filing or have filed with CSC
Just wanted to pop on and write something before this post gets buried and no one notices it.
I know a lot of people who are filing are from California but I was hoping we had at least a couple in the Washington/Oregon area that have a fiance' in the UK and are filing with the CSC.

I guess my main reason for wanting to have this chat area is so I will know couples in my area who are going through the same thing. Another reason is that I feel pretty bad about Mark moving here and giving up all his friends to move here. Mark is the more social of the two of us, hes very outgoing and friendly and has a lot of friends in the UK. I however, being a single mom who is trying to work, go to school, and still spend time with the kids and run them all over to their events, have up to this point not made many friends, I have a couple, but not many.
I feel that Mark is giving up all his friends to come here, his lifestyle there, and while he says he can make friends anywhere, it worries me that he will come here and not find the US people as friendly as his friends in the UK.
Around where I live, we have bars, but we really don't have pubs. Back in the UK Mark and his friends sometimes go down to the pub to hang out, drink a bit of guiness, and just talk about whats going on. Neither of us are into the whole bar scene. Sometimes him and his friends get together to play dice role play games like DnD, and stuff like that.
I was hoping if there were other people in our area, that were from the UK, we could kind of build a support network, and maybe make a few friends that share our intrests.
As for me, my intrests include reading, hiking, playing online games, and just hanging out, walking around, exploring new areas, and traveling.
Hope to hear from you guys soon!
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-19 13:29:00
United KingdomOregon-Washington/UK Couples filing or have filed with CSC
There is a topic for February K1 filers Here you may find this useful, there are a great bunch of people active on this topic.

Yep I know, I was just hoping to connect with some people that are more local and also have someone coming from the UK, I thought it would be nice if we could have our own little group instead of just being so general with March filers. This way, since we will all be CSC and it would not be limited to just those who recently filed but would be open to people going through the process and also to ones who already have.
It would also be nice to connect with people who have thoughts and concerns, and just to share a few laughs.

For instance... I like to tease Mark (Xaos) on how he pronounces garage. Funny enough, his dad grew up going to American/English speaking schools all over the world. So his dad is on my side, of course Mark tells me that no matter what he will always say it his way and we still joke about what a garden is vrs a back yard.
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-18 20:40:00
United KingdomOregon-Washington/UK Couples filing or have filed with CSC
Just thought I would try to set up a chat for any couples (with a UK fiancé) in the Oregon and Washington to share their stories, struggles, ask questions, keep up on how our visas are coming along and any other information you want to share.
I currently live in Vancouver Washington, just north of Portland, and thought it would be nice to get to know if there was anyone else around the area who was also filing.
Maybe we can start by introducing ourselves, how we met our fiancé, and what step you are in with your visas.

My name is Rebecca, I met Mark in '05 while playing EverQuest II. Stopping playing online EQII in April '05 but kept in contact with Mark by msn messenger. In June '06 our friendship became more and in Aug '06 Mark and I met face to face for the first time. One of our biggest concerns would be how my four children would accept him. At the time my girls were 9, 14, and 15, and my youngest, and only boy was 8. The kids took to Mark better than either of us could have ever hoped for and by the time he came again, in October of '06, the youngest two were asking if they could call him papa. We got engaged in October '06, and filed our K1-Visa on Feb '08. We are planning on getting married in Oct of this year and are praying that everything goes through in time.

Sadly, due to trying to save up for the wedding, needing a new car for when he gets here, and all the costs of the immigration process, the last time we got to see each other was Dec '07. We talk on skype every day, but it isnt the same as having him here.

I hope there are others in the area that have gone or are going through the k1-visa process and that we can form a type of support system. This chat can be anything at all you want to say, share your daily struggles, just want to vent, heard a funny story or joke, or ask each other questions regarding the visa process.
Hope to hear from you all soon!
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-18 14:31:00
United KingdomHomesickness
I'm sorry you are so homesick. I do have some questions for you however. Are you homesick because of family and friends, lifestyle, or culture?
Have you been able to get work here yet? Could it be that you feel lost because you have not been able to find the kind of work you were doing back home?
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-19 17:02:00
United KingdomWhy USA and not UK?
For (Xaos) Mark and I he is all for moving here. He is looking at the whole land and housing thing here. I however would almost rather move there as would my oldest daughter. My younger two are not as thrilled with living in the UK because they do not want to have to wear uniforms to school (I love that idea)
Some drawbacks though I have found is that I have talked to a few people who have young children in the UK and they are not allowed to video record their kids performaces. Why the heck not???
I like the idea that guns are not legal there.
Before working in the IT field Mark was a security guard in Southampton HMV. He really hated it after a while and was really dismayed at the rising rate of crime and how the criminals kept getting younger and younger.
One of the main reasons I wanted us to move to the UK was so that Mark could still have his life. Not that he wont here, it is just that he has a lot of friends in the UK and as a single working and going to school mom I havent had much time for friends. It would be nice to become a part of Mark's world and be able to hang out with his friends. Another reason is I am fasinated with different lifestyles and cultures. I also think it would be an amazing experience for me and the kids to live in another country without having to worry overly much about language barriers.
One of the drawbacks of us moving there is I am almost finished with my AA then I will be heading on to my BA then it is off to Montessori training so I can become a Montessori teacher. While I might be able to continue going to school in the UK, I do not think I would be able to get any funding and I am sure it would cost an arm and a leg.
So there are good points to move and good points to stay. I am just worried because of the money exchange rate, that unless we are doing really really well for ourselves, it would be hard to move back to the UK, should we ever choose to. However, if we go now, since he already has a job there and everything it would be easier and then after we lived there a while if we wanted to move to the USA then we would be coming over with a lot more money.
Another thing that would bother me is if we moved over there soon, then all the kids would go, and if we waited a few years I would feel bad for leaving some of the kids behind (the oldest two are 17 and 16 currently).
For the moment we will try to get Mark over here, maybe I will feel better about staying here when we have saved enough money for a downpayment and can buy a house. Either way would be ok for me. I am not overly close to my family so that isnt an issue. But thinking of how close England is to everything (other countries) seems wonderfully exciting. Maybe I have a bit of gypsy blood in me, or its my love of travel, but I would be 100% ok if we moved to the UK

Edited by BMJ, 23 May 2008 - 03:29 PM.

BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-23 15:27:00
United KingdomWhy USA and not UK?
Just curious for all those who are from the UK why you are choosing to move to the USA instead of your fiance' moving to join you in the USA.
Mark (Xaos) have talked about him moving here vrs us moving there. The main reason for us is me having kids and it would be hard to uproot them. However, because he makes more at his job than I do at mine, we have also talked about the possibility of us moving there if our co-sponsor falls through.
Why are you guys choosing USA over UK?
And if we would have to switch to trying to move to the UK, is there a good website we can look at and is there an income guideline like there is for the USA?
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-18 19:01:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
For us, when we got packet 3 it had a list of things that you had to have BEFORE you sent off a signed document stating you have all your ducks in a row. (It said you needed things like your 1-134, your Medical Exam, and a few other things) Once you have all your things, you are suppose to send in a form, once you have sent the form is you get an interview date. At least thats how it worked for us. Make sure that you have everything they ask for, Mark also made sure that everything we submitted with packet 1 he brought copies as well. The lady at the desk said she wished more people were as prepared as we were.
Mark's visa was approved right away and he went to pay for next day delivery by 12pm. He had his interview on Thursday and was suppose to fly out on Saturday. Friday came and went with no passport delivered. We were frantic. Mark called SMS and was given the whole speech about they dont look for missing things until its 5 days pass due. Mark called the Embassy and they tracked it down and were really nice about it. For an extra bit of money they even promised that they would get a different currier to deliver it on Saturday between 6-8am. (Had to have it by 8am as his flight out of LHR was for 10:50 that morning and he had to drive into London to get it.)
At exactly 7:52am there was a knock at his door and it had his visa in it. With much haste Mark got to the airport and is currently on his way from Washington DC, to Portland Oregon. He said, when he called from Washington DC, that it only took about 10 mintues to go through customs.
We had a few scares along the way, but with lots of prayers everything seems to be turning out wonderfully. Hopefully everyone else will have their visas as well. Good luck!
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-11 18:20:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
So Mark had the interview this morning. He got there really early and was the first one called back for the K-1. The lady said she was pleased he had all the paperwork in order and after about an hour he was walking out approved. He said she asked a few questions like how did we meet, how long have we been together, has he ever been here. Stuff like that.
After the interview and everything was approved she sent him to another area where he was asked how he would like his visa back, his options were date ranging from next day to 5 days (the sooner the return the more expensive) The visa would have to be signed for and Mark set it for next day after noon so he will be staying home tomorrow to wait for it to show up.
This Saturday he will fly home and we will finally be able to be a family. Our wedding is set for October 15 (has been for over a year now so this was a true blessing that it was approved, we were worried we would have to either not get legally married and only have the cermony until we did get an interview or get legally married and file a K-3.
I still cant get over that everything went ok, I have been so nervous lately that I can hardly function.
Hope everything goes well for all of you guys
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-09 16:47:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi smile.gif Just got our interview date and Mark will be heading for the interview in London on October 9th. Would love some words of encouragement and advice!
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-15 20:41:00
United KingdomOnce you have made it to the USA...
So... you wonder what it is like once you get to the USA?
First plan on spending a bit MORE money and plan on doing a lot of running around...
After Mark and I were married we applied for a social security card for both of us. One with my new name and one for him as his first ever s.s card.
We were luck and got it back in about a week and a half. After we did that we had to gather up some more paperwork and money.
In addition to the money you have already spent while you were still in the UK on all the medical stuff and any other expenses you had, you will have to spend another $1010 to send off for the greencard and work permit.
Make sure you do both the greencard and work permit stuff at the SAME time otherwise it will be even more expensive to file sepereately.
It is wonderful having Mark finally here but I can hardly wait until he learns to drive so I don't have to do all the driving all the time.
Other than the driving and the unexpected added expences we are doing wonderfully.
Mark is the most wonderful and amazing man ever. I don't know how I could have ever been so long without him. Our wedding was beautiful as was the honeymoon and now we are back to the day to day stuff running kids to their sporting events and talking and watching movies together.
It was a lot of work, no regrets, and there is still a long road ahead of us getting all the stuff for his greencard and work permit finished off and getting him set as a liscensed driver but I would do it all over again in a heart beat.
hope this helps some of you guys out there and good luck to all of you
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-24 02:41:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Questions
ok, newbie question here... for some reason this topic ended up being under Asia:East and Pacific (Except China) not sure how it got under that, but I need it to be under Europe, UK, USA
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-13 01:01:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Questions
Just another quick question...
I tend to brag a bit about Mark, but I have heard some people say, do not give any more information than they ask for. It is just so hard when someone asks questions for me not to start gushing about what a great guy he is, etc.
When it comes to the interview, how do you react? My natural response would be to go on for ... well I have gone on for at least an hour when it comes to how we met and stuff like that.
When you have an interview are there certain unwritten rules? Like only answer the question do not go into details? or anything like that?
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-13 00:59:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Questions
I was wondering if anyone that is from the UK can share what their interview was like. Also, I live in Vancouver Washington (just north of Portland, Oregon) so where can I find out where my interview will be held? Will it be in Seattle?
I have seen a couple of posts already about people from different areas and what they experienced but I was wondering how different it is from one place to the next.
We filed in Feb '08, so we are still waiting for our NOA2, but I just want to be as prepared as I can be and make sure to get everything in order.
So after we get an interview date, and if we get approved does that mean he can then come here and we can get married?
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-12 22:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresextremly important ??? free calls to the usa
If you wanted to use skype and not be tied down to a computer you can get a skype phone. If you have a skype phone you can call another person who has one on their phone or call them on their computer. Either way the call is free, and if you use your skype phone or computer to call a landline it will cost you but for xaos and I it is the best deal we have found so far.
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-14 15:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 questions
Has anyone had a cosponsor before? My friend has agreed to be a cosponsor since I do not meet the income requirements (I am currently at university full time and working 36 hours on weekends). My friend was worried about one part of the I-134 Affidavit of Support however where it stated that they would be willing to put up a bond, if necessary, to guarantee that such person(s) will not become a public charge during his or her stay in the USA etc.

Has anyone ever really had to put up a bond? What kind of bond? Is this just to make sure someone is serious? When I was looking at the form I did not see a place where you could claim childsupport you receive as income why is that?

BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-13 01:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPurchasing a bond for proof of affidavit of support
I think what is being refered to here is on the I-134 it refers to section 5 where it states:

"I am willing and able to receive, maintain and support the person(s) named in item 3. That I am ready and willing to
deposit a bond, if necessary, to guarantee that such person(s) will not become a public charge during his or her stay in the
United States, or to guarantee that the above named person(s) will maintain his or her nonimmigrant status, if admitted temporarily
and will depart prior to the expiration of his or her authorized stay in the United States."

I think this is where the bond confusion is coming in about a bond. Are you asking what the bond actually is? And how much it would cost? And what do they want when refering to a bond?
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-13 12:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1-Visa Advice (counting childsupport in I-134)
Just an update...
I got my ex to sign a paper with me that I wrote up stating how much he does and will continue to pay in child support until the kids are either 18 or until they finish college. After signing it we had it notarized. I did not submit any tax returns only bank statements for the last year showing how much was deposited in a years time. The amount deposited was more than enough to meet the required 125% even though my own job isnt enough on it's own.
Mark had his interview today and the woman he saw said she was so pleased at what all we had and after only being there for an hour he walked out with an approval.
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-09 07:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1-Visa Advice (counting childsupport in I-134)
Ok, so the worst news ever, or almost ever. Our co-sponsor bailed on us and we should be getting our NOA2 anytime now (we filed in Feb and had our NOA1 by Feb 11). We have been splitting hairs trying to think of what to do and I was thinking of something but I need some feedback and hope at least someone will have an answer.
I heard you can count childsupport IF you have a court ordered amount. Anyone know if this is true or not?
My ex does NOT want to go back to court, and I kinda dont either, currently I have full and sole custody of the kids, he has already said if he has to go back to court hes going to push for joint custody.
When we got a divorce he was unemployeed so they set the childsupport at the lowest they could, $50 per month for two kids. Well, while I am not in love with him and I thank God that we are no longer together he isnt the worst in the world, and so he pays extra every month beyond the $50 they take out of his pay. In addition he provides the kids medical and dental insurance.
He has agreed to sign a contract and have it notarised for how much he actually pays. With that money in childsupport counted, I meet the income requirement. The only thing I want to know, is will they accept a notarised paper signed by both me and my ex about how much he pays as long as it state that he will continue to provide that support until the kids reach the age of 21?
I would love to be able to do this myself instead of having to try to drum up another co-sponsor at the last minute. What do you guys think? Would it be enough? He said he would be willing to provide proof of the money he has given in childsupport.

Another question I have is about my job. I have been going to college for the last few years so my last couple of income tax returns have not been enough to meet the requirements, but I got a new job two months ago and with the childsupport plus my new job I do meet the requirements. Will they look at my new income or only my old? How does that work?
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-29 02:30:00
CanadaVancouver Friends...I need vacation advice
Not sure how you feel about the outdoors or what you enjoy the most or if you would even be up for doing something in/near the Seattle area but Mark and I have booked our honeymoon at a cabin in the moutains. It is wonderful. Right on a creek, its up in Steven's Pass just east of Seattle. Has a hot tub, and views of the creek/river out the bedroom window.
If you are intrested email me and I will give you more of the details and can send you the link that we used.
I love hiking and the outdoors so it was perfect for us. It will give us a chance to be able to take time away from all the crazy life and just relax before we have to get back to the real world.

Edited by BMJ, 20 May 2008 - 12:17 AM.

BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-20 00:16:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
When you think everything is falling apart around your ears but make the choice to tough it out, and as soon as you decide to tough it out, everything starts falling in place
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-23 00:20:00
PhilippinesVJ family I Need prayers again...
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-18 00:38:00
PhilippinesWhat is wrong with me?
After rereading what you wrote I wanted to say one more thing.

I do not think you are childish, however I do think you need to stop waiting around for him and start living your life. Normally for most couples, it is best if you have some things in common and share some common intrests however it is good for you to have things you like to do without each other.

Go out, find things to do that make you happy, hang out with friends, have fun, go shopping or whatever makes you happy. When you are happy the time will fly faster and you will have more to say to him when you do talk.
Tell him your feelings about your lack of communication, but do it when you are not upset as this can make him feel defensive.
If he is not willing to spend some time with you and you feel too neglected and he isnt willing to work on things with you, you might want to think strongly if this is going to work for the two of you. Long distance relationships are not easy.
It does however sound like he is a busy guy. From the little I saw it seems like he has a child (this alone is going to take time away from you and is perfectly normal) It also sounds like he has a job and that will keep him busy too. If there is a big time difference you will need to take that into account as well. After a long day of work and taking care of his son he might just want to rest. If you are there and saying sweet things he will more than likely want to talk but if every time you talk you are crying that he isnt on enough when he is trying to make enough money so you can come over he might start getting resentful.
It is really hard to say without knowing the full story but I do hope things work out for you and I wish you the best.
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-19 00:15:00
PhilippinesWhat is wrong with me?
It is not you. If this is going to work between you two he has to be willing to communicate. Going through this process is VERY hard on a relationship. Just having a long distance relationship is hard but going through a visa process just makes it harder.
You are NOT being childish. If I were you I would tell him he needs to do his part or break it off. Do not put up with having a one sided relationship. If he is worried about costs for the phone he can always use any of the free message services out there or he can even hook up head phones to the pc and you two can talk online for free using computer phone type services like skype. In this day and age there is no reason that he can not keep up the communication.
I know you love him, but a relationship can not work without communication. Currently he doesn't sound willing to do his part with the communication. Explain to him that you love him and if he wants to be with you he needs to work at it as well. After that I suggest YOU wait until he makes the next move. If he does not contact you after a couple of days and try to work out your communication issues, I would not stay with him. Do not put yourself through this. You are worth more than that and I am sure there are many men out there would would love a chance to get to know you that would treat you better than this guy seems to be treating you.
Good luck to you.
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-18 23:58:00
PhilippinesThe One
Everyone has their story of their relationship, sometimes they get hard, with all this visa stuff it can be challenging, but if they are really "the one" and you keep up the communication, you can overcome anything.
Hang in there everyone, it might take a while, but you can do it!

Edited by BMJ, 19 May 2008 - 11:50 PM.

BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-19 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNeed a bit of hope and encouragement
I was also hoping that everyone could explain all the terms. I thought I had looked everything up but after reading a few posts it seems I do not know very much at all.

Feb '08 - filed our papers for K1-Visa 129F
Feb '08 Received a receipt in the mail - Notice of Action (Notice Filed Feb 11th)

so now what happens? What all are we waiting on? What are our next steps to take?

Some points that may help or complicate the situation...
1) I do not make enough according to the guidelines so a long time friend of mine will be sponsoring Mark, instead of us going by my income

2) Mark currently works for a company in the UK that has it's major branches here in the USA. We are hoping he can transfer to the USA... but will that mess up our K1-Visa process if he comes over first on a work visa? How long does it take to get a work visa?

Thanks everyone so much!
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-11 20:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNeed a bit of hope and encouragement
I notice a lot of you have time lines of how long everything took. I have been looking on ins websites for at processing dates and I am getting nervous. I am hoping you guys can give me a bit of hope and encouragement.

I met Mark (from the UK) in 2004 online, after over a year of talking online he called me for the first time in June '06. We met in person for the first time in September '06 and had such a good time he was back again at the end of October. In March '07 Mark flew back and we took the whole family (my four kids from a previous marriage, Mark and me), and went to Disneyland and SeaWorld. Mark was back at the end of August and we all went camping on our first "family camping trip", then we had an early Christmas the second week of December when Mark flew out again and we went to a tree farm together to pick out Christmas trees.

Because Fall is my favorite season we set a wedding date for October 15, 2008, we filed our paperwork and sent off the money for processing in Feb. '08. We were sure by the time the wedding came around everything would have gone through. We got back a paper in the mail (basically a receipt) that gave us a web page to look up processing times. According to the site, in April they were working on K1 Visas from October '07. This would be about a 7month back log if I am thinking correctly. If that is the case then that means we might not get any kind of response or reply until September. We have already booked the place for the wedding ceremony and the honeymoon, we sent the invites out in April, and we have guests who are flying in from all around the globe, (Germany, UK, Belgium, other side of the USA) just to see us and be with us at the wedding. We have invested about $7000 so far in the wedding alone. So what happens now? I don't want to have to start the whole process all over because we have gotten married. But it isn't just us who have invested money at this point either. Over half our guests have reserved hotels and airfare already. The pastor from our church has been great and is even doing our premarital counsellings with me in her office and him on speaker phone. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone and I want us to be able to get married and be together as soon as possible.

California is our processing place. Does anyone have any helpful or encouraging words, or even some facts on what to expect?

Thank you so much.

Attached Files

BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-11 19:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa Interview Today - Approved in London!
OMG thats amazing! That was really fast, is it normally that fast?
CONGRATS!!! Yah!!! So very happy for you!
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-13 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129 Approval!!!!!!
Yahhh!! Congrats!
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-14 00:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI've been touched!!!!
I guess this is a real newbie question but can someone explain "touched" and how do you find out? What are you looking for and where?

BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-14 00:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling in March
Hi! Xaos and I filed in March, got NAO1 on March 11. Touched March 13th. Still waiting for NOA2
Wishing all you guys good luck!
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-05-18 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary filers at CSC
Been reading about the changes you guys are mentioning about the medical and wondering where you found this change. I have searched the USCIS website and have not found note of this change. Can you please link it? Maybe it is a UK thing because Mark had to have SO many different vacanations just to come here and also the chest x-ray. When we got the package back it had links in it for us to download all the paperwork we would need to file inside it. The link they provided did not show a need for any additional vacanations only that a copy was provided of all he had already. We attached that to our AOS and EDA we filed and are hoping that will be enough. We will keep you posted.
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-21 03:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary filers at CSC
Hi Guys,

Well married life is wonderful. Life has been really busy. After a much needed relaxing honeymoon at a cabin tucked away in the Cascade Mountains we came back to reality and started taking care of all the little details. We had our marriage cermony on October 15th and will always celebrate our "wedding" on that day, however our offical marriage date was October 23rd. After our honeymoon we applied for our marriage liscense and had to do the whole 3 day waiting period that our state requires. Once we had our marriage liscense we waited a week and filed for my new social security card in my new name and his first social security card. A week and a half later our social security cards arrived in the mail. Once we had that we filed our AOS and EAD. Hopefully everything will go quickly as the company that Mark worked for in the UK is also in the USA and said there is a position open if he can get his stuff done quickly. It would be wonderful if he could accept the position, we are just waiting to hear back and figure out what happens next.
Hope everyone is doing well. Keep us updated on how your AOS and EADs are going.
Rebecca and Mark
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-21 03:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary filers at CSC
Aravis... just wondering a few things about once your fiance gets in. What all do we need to do to get Mark a social security card? What all do we need to do so he can start looking for a job? Any idea how long that kinda stuff usually takes? What else do we need to know/do once he gets here. It is hard to beleive that we are getting married in 6 days time. We were so worried we would not get approved in time for the wedding. Talk about cutting it close (they scheduled the interivew 2 days before he had scheduled to fly out and we were worried that we might not be approved before the wedding and we would have to 1)have only the cermony and not make it legal OR 2) get married but have to start all over with a K-3
Luckily we passed the interview and now we just need to know the, what to do once he is here steps...
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-09 05:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary filers at CSC
Yahhh Grats Tina! Glad things went well for you biggrin.gif
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-09 05:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary filers at CSC
Just wanted to share the good news!!! Mark had his interview in London, the lady at the desk said that she was pleased we had all the paperwork in order.
It is amazing how wonderful this has all turned out. He had his interview on Oct 9th, he flies out on the 11th, and we get married on the 15th of this month!!!
Hope all is well for everyone else.
BMJFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-09 04:48:00