Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
I made this yesterday and it was delicious. It's probably not authentic, but decent enough for non indian food conosurs like me. I get my spices at Penzeys.

Chicken Curry:

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips
3 med onions chopped
1 can tomatoes chopped, or 2 cups fresh tomatoes chopped
4-5 chilies
1 1/2 tsp ginger
1 1/2 tsp ground coriander
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp tandoori powder
1 1/2 tsp tumeric
1 1/2 tsp salt
3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1 cup water

Add oil to large pot and cook onoins, garlic and ginger until soft and golden.
Add chilies, tomatoes and spices, simmer on low heat for approx 10 minutes.
Add chicken and water, allow to boil for approx 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, then reduce heat and simmer until the chicken is cooked.
Serve with natural yogurt, rice and bread.

Number of Servings: 4
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-12 12:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

I found this website, Zamouri Spices. It has alot of Moroccan and North African spices.

Meriem (F)

Ooo, those look great. One thing I've learned to do when I buy spices is to take my husband with me and make him smell everything before I buy it, so I don't end up with things he doesn't like. I found zatar at penzy's and was like, oooo ME spice! He'll love it! Ummm, nope, he doesn't like zatar :unsure:

Let us know if you order from there.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 21:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
So, my cookings not the best, and my husband has been patiently putting up with my boxed dinners that I've made. But, starting today, I've turned over a new leaf. I've been getting Kraft's Free "food & family" magazine for over a year, and haven't made anything from it yet. Well, I sat down and picked out three main dishes and 3 side dishes that I will make this week inshaAllah! I went groccery shopping today, so now I have all the ingredients and can't make excuses.

I made my first meal today - turkey meatloaf and roasted green beans with peppers and onions. My husband's tummy was very very happy. And, we have leftovers! So, if I can make 3 or 4 meals a week, and have left overs, we'll be good to go!
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 21:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

I'd love a good recipe for pizza dough. Now that I can eat pizza, I'd love to make it myself instead of buying it from a pizza joint or buying frozen.

While I don't make my own pizza dough, I do make my own mini pizzas - with pitas. I cut it in half, so I have 2 circles, then apply my own toppings, like pesto, or olive oil.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-01-28 13:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
I made the lamb ribs last night - simple and delicious. I made them in the style of my grandfather's baby back ribs - boiled for 30 min, then cooked in the oven smothered in bbq sauce. My tummy was very very happy.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-01-28 12:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

We have them year-round here, I can send you some! :star:

I don't know how they'd survive the freezing weather up here in mail. I'll have to look at the grocery store more often up here.

Next on the schedule for my culinary adventure - lamb ribs. I think I'll just get some bbq sauce from the grocery store and bake. But, it's gonna have to be good bbq sauce for these babies.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-01-26 17:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

I'm guessing Tamer is closer to Cairo :) Cairo ppl call it tameya and Alex ppl call it falafel.

Halfway between Cairo and Alex. Mahalla el Kubra.

I've never tried making falafel at home. It's so much easier to just go out and buy it like JP said. I may have to learn how to make it at home though. Falafel here is a lot different than the kind I had in Kafr Dawar. It's more like a patty and is made with fava beans. Anyone have a recipe for that?

My husband has been ok with the box stuff. I'm not sure if Alex stuff is different from the Cairo variety though :unsure:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-01-26 13:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

How you baba ghanouj working out now?

:thumbs: My friends really liked it. I can't wait for the summer farmer's markets, so I can get good eggplants again.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-01-26 13:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
Tamiyya (aka falafel) from a box :thumbs:

As I learned earlier this year, for hummus, throw together a combination of chick peas, tahina, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic, as well as anything you want to mix it up with, like spices, peppers, pesto, etc. Throw it all in a blender or food processor and there's your hummus.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-01-26 13:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
Easy Faux Mashi

While the most popular kind of mashi (at least for my husband), is the stuffed cabbage variety, I am an utter failure when it comes to making it. So, I have developed my own quasi mashi recipe.

*large tomato or green pepper, hollowed out
*rice a roni rice - i like the long grain variety
*little shrimp - because my husband likes shrimp. One can also use ground beef or other meat.
*assortment of veggies - whatever you'd like

I made this last night with tomatos, and my husband thought it was fairly good. Not as good as his mom's mashi, but decent.

*hollowed out 2 large tomatos, and reserved the insides in another container.
*cooked rice a roni
*sauted shrimp and onions in 1 T olive oil
*added rice to shrimp and onions
*stuff rice/shrimp mixture into hollowed out tomatos
*pour tomato juice from the reserves over the rice
*cook in 350 degree oven until skin of tomato starts to crack - 20-25 min.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-01-26 11:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

Enough noodles to fill a 9x12 pan - cooked and drained
1 lb ground beef or turkey
tomato sauce - either from a can or your own homemade stuff
any kind of spices you like in beef and tomato sauce
one or two onions

3-4 cups milk (I mix half vitamin d and half skim)
1 T butter
3-4 T of flour
2 egg
salt and pepper

Lay half the noodles in the bottom of a greased 9X12 baking pan
Brown the beef and onions. Add tomato sauce and cook for a little while. I will sometimes use store bough spaghetti sauce. You can also mix things up and make it non traditionally by adding a variety of veggies.

Prepare sauce - melt 1 T butter in a sauce pan. Add milk. Heat for a few minutes, and then add flour. Stir until it comes to a boil for awhile. The sauce will get thick and lumpy. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Pour half of the sauce over the noodles in the bottom of the pan. Return sause to stove and stir in one beaten egg.

Lay beef, onion and tomato mixture on top of noodles
Lay rest of noodles on top of beef mixture
Pour remaining sauce over the top of the noodles
Beat the other egg and pour over top

I go untraditional here and sprinkle shredded cheese over the top, and sometimes lay turkey pepperoni.

Bake in a 400 degree oven for 30 minutes - 20 minutes in the middle, 10 minutes on the top.

Feel free to play with the recipe, mixing spices, the meat inside the bechamel, etc.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-11-19 09:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

Ok that looks like it has worms or something in it. Blech!

Oh man, it's my favorite egyptian food of all time. Don't hate until you try it. Maybe you can smuggle some back in your suitcase for me :star:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-11-07 11:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

Maybe she is thinking of koshary????

That's what I'm thinkin. If I remember correctly, most egyptians don't make koshari, becuase it's relatively cheap and plentiful from outside shops. I would definately make a few dishes and buy several from outside, so you're not slaving over a hot stove all day.

Posted Image

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-11-07 10:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

Just what I'm getting from here. Do you have that one for the stuff with the red sauce on top? I think it's couscous but I'm not too sure. I think they'd like that.

I don't think Egyptians eat couscous. Don't say couscous in front of his friends though, cuz cous is a naughty word. :whistle:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-11-07 10:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
That looks delicious doodle! If there is one thing about Egyptian gatherings, it is that there must be 10 billion dishes, heaped all over the table. Then the hosts will shove food on your plate, even when you insist that you're bursting at the seems.

I would make a few recipes you're comfortable with, and then supplement it with some prepared food from outside. You can easily purchase a few whole roasted chickens for 20 LE. See if you can find some place to buy mashi. Also, a variety of pickled vegetables. And, some fruit. Make a few dishes of rice and noodles too. Egyptians love their carbs.

Also, be prepared to substitute. there are a lot of ingredients we're familiar with here that you can't find in Egypt, or that are increadibly expensive. If you can't find something at the local corner store, find a "Metro," which sells a lot of american products. Some of the Metros I've been in will even take your credit card, or iwll have an ATM machine outside.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-11-06 13:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
Don't get the Food Network, but PBS shows some of their reruns and other excellent cooking shows on the weekend :thumbs:

America's Test Kitchen
Joanne Weir's cooking class
Lidia's Family Table
Simply Ming
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-11-02 16:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
I made cream cheese puffs this weekend. Nummy and very easy to make

Soften cream cheese + anything you think would taste good with it (I put in green onions), dab a bit into a wonton wrapper, wet edges of wrapper, fold into triangle, fry.

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-10-31 15:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

Instead of vanilla extract (which is made with alcohol, therefore not halal), use the scrapings of the insides of a vanilla bean

I found immitation vanilla flavoring (not extract) in the grocery store (it was right beside the extract) and checked all the ingredients on a website to see if it had any alcohol (and were maybe calling it a different name) and everything checked out.
It tastes the same but I've found you have to use a little more than the recipe calls for to get the flavoring right.

While growing up, my mom always used the highest quality vanilla extract for cookies, so I'm kinda spoiled :blush: I've tried a lot of different brands of immitation stuff, and none of it stacks up, so I shell out the extra for the beans. What brand do you use?
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-10-23 12:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

Help! Where are the kanafa experts? I need the syprup recipe for kanafa.


1 cup of water
1 1/2 cups of sugar
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 cinnamon stick
5 whole cloves

Boil the ingrediants for 5 to 10 minutes. Remove the cloves and cinamon (these are extra, and to taste. many recipes don't include them). Pour the syrup over the kunafa and let set for at least an hour.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-10-23 12:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
I made Autumn cheesecake this weekend. Instead of vanilla extract (which is made with alcohol, therefore not halal), use the scrapings of the insides of a vanilla bean

1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup finely chopped pecans
3 tablespoons white sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted

2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups apples - peeled, cored and thinly sliced
1/3 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup chopped pecans


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a large bowl, stir together the graham cracker crumbs, 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and melted butter; press into the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes.

In a large bowl, combine cream cheese and 1/2 cup sugar. Mix at medium speed until smooth. Beat in eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Blend in vanilla; pour filling into the baked crust.

In a small bowl, stir together 1/3 cup sugar and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Toss the cinnamon-sugar with the apples to coat. Spoon apple mixture over cream cheese layer and sprinkle with 1/4 cup chopped pecans.

Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 70 minutes. With a knife, loosen cake from rim of pan. Let cool, then remove the rim of pan. Chill cake before serving.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-10-23 12:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen

Hmmm, doodle, ask him if he likes lesan el asfour. That can be made with either chicken broth or beef. This site has it with beef, but when I had it in Cairo, it was chicken.

Ok this is the one!!! :thumbs: The link has a different name for it though so you're sure it's the same?

Lesan el Asfour means bird tongue in Arabic :) There aren't actually any bird tongues in the soup, just the orzo pasta, which is shaped like bird tongues, I guess.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-10-20 09:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
Hmmm, doodle, ask him if he likes lesan el asfour. That can be made with either chicken broth or beef. This site has it with beef, but when I had it in Cairo, it was chicken.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-10-19 13:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I did a report of the first post, asking that this thread get pinned.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-01-09 12:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI 864
When you're asking general immigration questions that aren't really MENA specific, it's best to post them in the appropriate forum. You'll probably have better luck in the IR-1/CR-1 forum. From what I know, even if you have co-sponsors, you must fill out a sponsorship form for yourself, and that includes tax forms. Hopefully, someone on the IR-1/CR-1 forum will know what you need to do since you haven't filed taxes.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-03-06 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling Yourself vs. Lawyer?
Check the guides!


It may seem overwhelming at first, but most of the people on this board did K-1 (or K-3, or whatever the case may be) all by themselves, as well as the subsequent paperwork required once your significant other gets to the US.

Don't be scared, it's completely and totally do-able. My fiance got to the US a little over 9 months after we filed our the first paperwork.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-01-30 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and health insurance question

She should be able to get her ss number before the EAD since she entered on a K1 visa only 1 month ago, just apply in her maiden name.

Yup. My DH got his a week after he applied, and we're no where close to getting the EAD yet.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-06 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo Record Of vaccination
My husband didn't bring any vaccination records with him from Egypt, so when the time came for getting the vaccination suppliment, we had two options:

1) Get a blood test to determine which vaccitnations he had, and then get the ones he didn't
2) Just get vaccinated all over again

Option 2 was cheaper, so that's what we went for.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-10 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Wedding
Cali, you could always abandon the K-1, get married and persue the K-3. It's some $$ down the tube from the K-1 fees, but if it's easiest for you and your SO, go with it.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-09 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Wedding
Why not plan a ceremony date for aways out, 10 months, a year from now. Then, if you get the visa sooner, get legally married once everyone's together, and then have the fancy ceremony with friends and family at a later date without the hassles.

DH and I just got legally married. We're thinking of having a party next summer, maybe summer 07 depending on our money situation. That way we can plan without the added stress of worrying about how the visa process is going. That situation is stressful enough as it is without adding wedding stresses to it.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-09 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmplyment Authorization?

OP asked about the POE stamp to work. which they are suppose to give. our experience was smooth sailing with the temporary stamp. if it is not offered, ask for it!

It's my understanding that in the last year, most POEs have phased this out. My DH came through Chicago in 10/05 and was literally laughed at when he asked for a temp EAD. He took out the immigration book we had to show them why he was asking and they laughed harder. Definately not a happy welcome to America.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-13 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmplyment Authorization?

husband entered 9/04 rec'd temparory employment stamp. applied for SS. got married 10/04, found a job 11/04, EAD card arrived 12/04...been working ever since. no break in employment...job was secured on temporary stamp

i'm not sure why everyone is thinking this is a hassle. it is quite basic..

Probably because for most of us, there is a huge gap between the 90 days of the K-1 and when the EAD arrives. Our 90 days expired long ago, and no EAD is in sight. If DH had been able to find a job, he would have had to quit at the end of December.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-13 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Filing Status??
If you file as married, you're shooting yourself in the foot. K-1 is only for fiances, and I've heard tale that if the gov catches a wiff that you might be "married" legally or not, you won't be able to have your SO come here on a K-1. Also, I believe "married" per taxes must be legally. Gay couples who may be ceremonially married cannot file as married, and even though married legally by the state face a conundrum when filing federal taxes, since the federal government does view their marriage as legally binding.

I don't believe she's your dependant either. Of course, I'm not a tax professions. I would search the IRS website for more info.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-18 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSad Update
Posted Image

It is so brave of you to share this painful story with us. I am hoping that everything will fall back in place for your and your son soon (F)
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-16 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED HELP!!!!!!!!

my fiancee work here before. that compnay she worked for promise to hire her once she got a legal status in USA.

That's nice, but it can take months and months to get an EAD so that she'd be able to work. We're nearing the point where my husband will have been in the US for 5 months, and we still don't have the EAD. How will you guys survive in the mean time?

Do you have someone to cosponsor you, or are you making enough to sponsor her yourself? I would guess if you have enough money to fly to Japan frequently, you have money coming from somewhere.

As for her parents' reservations about your marriage, I would say they're valid. My parents also strongly and strenously disagreed when my husband and I were engaged while in college. So, we waited until I graduated and had a job before bringing him over here. It didn't solve all of our problems, but at least it showed our parents that we were responsible adults who could support ourselves. We ended up waiting until 4 years after we met to file the K-1. We also went more than 1.5 years without seeing each other at certain points in our relationship. Long distance relationships are hard, I know, I've been there. But, being married and not having a sound financial footing is even harder.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-28 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi I'm new
Welcome to VJ! I can't say anything specific in regards to your concerns, but just that most of us here are going through the process without a lawyer and are doing just fine :thumbs: It's a long, frustrating, nerve racking process, but in the end, it usually turns out all right (F)

I hope you and your SO are together soon.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-13 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat the hell with the US consulate in Paris?
My husband got his packet a month after it had been sent to the embassy. It would have been sooner, but they wrote the address wrong the first time they attempted to send it :blink:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-03-07 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Curious Question, Anyone filed for hardship for not meeting their fiance?

so guys tell me how bad is the AOS petition what issues will ppl face how much are usually the overall costs *horror music*

TThank You :)

Filing the AOS, EAD (document needed for employment), and getting relevant medical services, it cost my husband and I over $600. Another cost of the AOS is that the immigrant cannot work for several months, and usually when they do find work, it isn't in as good a position as they left behind. So, it's just the USC (us citizen) supporting 2 people.

Also, one must submit an affidavit of support proving that the sponsor makes 125% of the poverty line, showing that he can support the petitioner and himself and that she won't have to ask for help from the US government. Unless one is financially stable, or heading towards financial stability, it adds a lot of stress and difficulties to the AOS process.

I'm sorry people....I'm reading some of these case denials from the link posted above and am about ready to bust a spleen laughing...............

*buries face in pillow*

Can you point out some of the good ones? I'm reading through a ton of cases for legal research at the moment, and could use some amusing decisions as a break.

Oh, rahma, I forget which one, but one of the reason's the guy cited for not meeting the fiance was airlines would require him to buy 2 tickets because of his weight................ :unsure:

:jest: Ohhh, I'm going to have to read them all now just to find it. :jest:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-14 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Curious Question, Anyone filed for hardship for not meeting their fiance?

I'm sorry people....I'm reading some of these case denials from the link posted above and am about ready to bust a spleen laughing...............

*buries face in pillow*

Can you point out some of the good ones? I'm reading through a ton of cases for legal research at the moment, and could use some amusing decisions as a break.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-14 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Curious Question, Anyone filed for hardship for not meeting their fiance?

rose, it's more fair to the people replying to you to include all of the information:

I still think you have a lot more than the USCIS to overcome.

Agreed. Marriage brings up a ton more problems and issues than a K-1. All the problems that prevent you from meeting won't be resolved with a K-1 and will in fact get a lot worse. Add into that problems of money and it's a recipe for disaster. I believe the number one reason for divorces is money issues. It costs a lot of money to set up house and if you don't have parents to fall back on in an emergency, where do you turn to? My parents aren't particularly thrilled about my choice in spouse (to put it mildly), but we didn't cut them out of the process, didn't burn our bridges, and thank God, his parent and my parents have been able to help us out as we start out our life.

Plus, people differ greatly online from in person. I met my DH (dear/damn husband, depending on the day) online, and even after meeting 3 times in person, living together 24/7 on a permenant basis has brought up a ton more issues and problems we didn't even imagine would exist when we lived in our happy little online love world.

My advice overall? Be patient. If your love is true, it will be able to survive a few years while you both either go to college and then get jobs, or go and get jobs to start to build a firm base. My DH and I knew each other for 2 years before we met, and then waited another 2 years after that before we filed for the K-1 visa. We waited until we were financially independent and ready to make a life long commitment to each other. :luv:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-02-14 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F

We're planning on having the non-civil wedding in April 2007. I just wanted to start asking these questions now. Thanks for your help J&JS. I'll have to try contacting the consulate down there.

You'll most likely have the K-1 approved and the visa issued prior to April 2007. Most people around here seem to get the fiance visa in less than a year, although I'm not sure on the time specifics for Mexico. The I-129F petition will almost certainly be approved by that point, and it will be at the US embassy in Mexico being processed.

Would you fiancee even be able to get a tourist visa? A lot of people from non first world countries have hard times getting tourist visas to the US, especially when there is a K-1 visa pending.

Not to burst your bubble, but you might just be better off waiting for your honeymoon until after she's here and you get the AP (advanced parole) after filing for the EAD.

Best of luck on your journey :luv:

Edited by rahma, 18 March 2006 - 05:34 PM.

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2006-03-18 17:33:00