Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

I think women beneficiaries should have be minimum 28 years old. Just my opinion.

No one pays for a wife as if she is a car, where on earth do you get this from? Please stop.

and you were talking about me making laws up.. lol
yet again you, even yourself, are making all of this out to be a business transaction.. like a "beneficiery" is an object and there are requirements to "have" or "be" one.

Edited by Mrs.Brock, 06 February 2012 - 07:38 PM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 19:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

It is immoral to treat ANY woman that way. Who ever said it was not? Men do not actually pay money for women, you can stop implying that now. Except for prostitutes but even that is renting, not buying. I went to read the post you quoted. The guy needs to not get married but not because of what you posted, that was the tip of the iceberg. At any rate, I trust women to be smarter than that.

some women don't know any better and just aren't expecting what might be coming to them. not everybody ends up happy like you and Alla, unfortunately.
i just feel so bad for those women that do this to get out of the mess they are in back in their native country.. i'm talking specifically about that special.. idk if you've watched it, seems like you said you have.. did you not see the will to get out of the situation they are in?
like look, take your wife for exapmple, or anyone younger, she sounds like she had everything going on, and she didn't marry you just to get the heck out of Ukraine.. and from what i've read, a lot of younger girls around my age didn't either. but looking at the women in that special, they just looked desperate and THIS is what i'm trying to say, i feel like American men are taking advantage of them and then when they bring them here, they hold everything over their head just so that they can feel superior.

The men pay money to have access to women's contact information, which women have offered their contact information for sale for the purpose of meeting men, often foreign men. They are hardly shanghaied off the streets of Manilla or Kiev. Good grief! Have I missed the slave auctions somewhere?

okay, you might be right there, about womans information and all that, but still, wouldn't you rather have it the way you did or even meet her online then contact god knows who, and they give you some woman that you don't even communicate with directly?

Edited by Mrs.Brock, 06 February 2012 - 07:36 PM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 19:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo
btw Why_me, "ain't" is a word also ahah't
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 19:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo
yes i'm 22, age has nothing to do with this?
and yes, 4 years is a long time, considering some people can't stay in a relationship to save their life.
i don't care how you met your wife, myspace, yourspace, who cares. none of yall are grasping what i'm trying to say. None of you paid for your wives as if she was a car. do you see your marriage as a business transaction and you got a receipt in the end? because that's what i'm talking about in this topic.. going and buying a wife without knowing what kind of fruitcake she really is.. and the other way around.

on top of that, y'all is a real word that IS in the dictionary.. here's you a link'all
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 19:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

You saw this in another forum. Wonder why RUB women do not get treated like that? :rolleyes:

These women are adults and I trust them to make decisions on their own? Do you? Or should it be regulated further? How? Maybe not allow women from the Philippines? Make legislate age differences? Why not run some actuarial tables and restrict that which does not come out 80% or better after 5 years of marriage.

I mean if some guy tells me he is going to check out other Filipinas... :lol: I can only imagine telling Alla, I'll get back to you I am dating some more Ukrainians. :dead:

There are real turds out there, heck my wife dumped a Ukrainian ####### before marrying me. I will always be thankful to the vodka that gave him the courage to beat her so now I wake up next to her. Sorry she had to go through that. If I rescued her from anything it was from abuse she suffered at the hands of a guy that grew up in the same "courtyard" and she met on the playground...but you know how those relationships go.

Grown ups make decisions

The government does not care if you have a successful marriage, they care if you have a legitimate marriage, that it is not based in fraud. Ironically these shows ALWAYS focus on RUB women, yet those countries are considered very low fraud. I believe it is because the women tend toward being gorgeous and they are hated for that. If you have not run into it yet, you will.

i swear gary, i'm telling you about apples and you are arguing with me about oranges.
i'm NOT saying that it should be illegal, i am saying, that in MY OPINION it is immoral to treat a woman from another country like she is less of a person just because she wasn't born here ESPECIALLY if he goes and BUYS it.. like actually pays money for her!!!! how is that different from human trafficing, except that a woman is well aware of that???
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 18:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

The secret to a good day at Kings Island is to go on a weekday while school is still in session and then leave the park for lunch or pack sandwiches and stuff for a picnic. Eating there costs way too much money and, as you already know, can lead to sickness.

Have you guys gone to Kentucky Kingdom in Louisville? I haven't been there in years but it was pretty decent and a lot cheaper than Kings Island.

i didn't even know that such place existed lol.. we haven't been to Louisville yet but we'd have to visit sometime. like i said, we usually go to Dollywood every summer nut it's gotten old.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 16:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

Sounds good.

As for the food, it's an acquired taste. When I first moved here I thought the pizza smelled like vomit. (Which is quite a coincidence considering the pizza place is at the bottom of the roller coaster - right where someone could puke!) But, over time, I learned to like it. Same goes for the chili. And if you haven't had goetta, you're missing out!

when we went, i didn't even eat anything and i'm kinda glad, because 3 out of 4 of us puked after they ate and decided to ride a rollercaster. there was a shrimp place around the entrance and i can only imagine how sick you would get after eating that on a hot day and then go on rides.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 14:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

it says only 4% file for a divorce, but still
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 13:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

I used an international dating site to find my wife. I made several trips over there to meet people.

okay, here is the difference... i was talking about PAYING someone to find you a wife... like a person who runs an agency full of women that want to get married..
you, finding your wife on a dating site is no different from you going on and meeting someone..

i don't think you are understanding what i'm talking about... you didn't pay someone money to get you a wife... the guys, in the special that i started this topic about, ARE
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 12:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

You passed by our place then. We're only about five minutes from the stadium and about 20 minutes from Kings Island. Next time you're rolling through, let us know. We got Kings Island passes for Christmas and I'm sure my wife would love to have a Russian girl to hang out with up there.

ah that's great, i will definitely take ya'll up on that offer... there are no russians around me and i never get to talk to any :(. we were planning on going back this summer, we usually go to Dollywood, but decided to switch it up last time and i loved the rides, but the food needs some work ahah.

My wife always accuses me of doing this to her. It was really bad when she first got here and it took quite a while for her to understand if we want nice things... she has to work too. I guess she was under the impression that I was going to pay for everything and buy her whatever she wanted.

I never held the green card over her but I made it very clear she had the option to go back if the grass really was greener. For her, it wasn't about me making her work like a slave just for the privilege of staying here, it was her constantly telling me how much better her life was in Russia and how the men there kissed her @$$ on the daily. "How dare you event sink about make your wife work and pay bills. In Russia so many men so happy event have privilege be near whis me and share same air I breeze."

I laugh about it... but even after all this time she still thinks I should be kissing her @$$. (And I keep telling her she has the option to go back.)

my husband always tells me that if i don't like something, i know where the door is.. and that was waayyy before we even got married.. but of course he knows, that i'm not going anywhere.

the thing with me, though, is that i don't know how men in Russia are so i can't compare ahah.. i don't know anything about life there becase i've not lived there since i was 15, i'm 22 now, so you do the math lol. so to me, that life is "foreign".

i do tell him, that he is lucky to have me, bacause i'm like the only Russian in a 70 miles radius and he just got lucky. a bit off topic, but his friends and even he always told me how when he was in Iraq, he was telling people that he will find hime a "russian chick" when he gets home. of course, noone took him seriously, but what do you know? 10 days after he got back home from overseas, we met and now he can't get rid of me... what a perfect example of "be careful what you wish for" lol

Edited by Mrs.Brock, 06 February 2012 - 11:50 AM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 11:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo
"At first she thought I was a playboy because I told her that I wanted to date other filipinas to see which one I liked, you know filter them out.

I was married to a filipina before so I was very careful about seeing the signs of a good or bad filipina."

i saw this in another thread... this is EXACTLY what i'm talking about. what is she? a car?

Edited by Mrs.Brock, 06 February 2012 - 11:15 AM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 11:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo
listen, i'm not prejudice against anybody, i'm as liberal as it gets, what i was talking about is that in MANY MANY MANY cases, American men go out to find a wife in another country simply because they want a submissive female that will obey them the way an american woman wouldn't even think to do.
do you not read these forums and see every other post, saying:"i'm sick of her, how can i take her green card away and send her home?" come onnnnnn.
and as i said, to each their own, but that is specifically MY honest opinion.
i never said that my marriage is better only because we didn't meet on the internet and he didn't pay for me... as a matter of fact, to answer Garys question, my husband didn't pay for anything that had to do with me coming here, neither did the Club that sponsored my exchange because i went home and came back AFTER my program was already over.
lack of respect to third world women? are you serious? this has absolutely nothing to do with women AT ALL! i am specifically talking about men that HUNT for a foreign wife.. those, who SET a goal to marry someone outside of USA or bust even if love has nothing to do with that marriage.

and if everything works out with their marriage (which i read an article called "yes, i'm a mail-order bride" a couple years ago and they lived happily ever after), well then more power to them! But unfortunately, im many cases those marriages end quick and then if it didn't work out, a man goes straight to that same website to pick him out a new one.. you don't see anything worng with that picture?? it's like supply and demand matter or something.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-06 11:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo


I spent quite a bit of time in Russia on many trips, mostly the far East - a month in Yakutsk, but Magadan and Khabarosk too, and I designed the curriculum for Russian business students who came over to our University to replace the old Marxist professors. I did wrestling exchanges with the Korkin institute through Pavel Pinnigin who is a olympic gold medalist and three time world champion. When the wall came down he came to my wrestling school because I had wrestled for Gable at Iowa in college and our team had won five straight state titles. Pinigin kicked my a##. He was amazing.

I learned an awful lot during those years and had considered a Russian wife, either ethnic Yakut or Russian. The one thing I observed in frankness was a kind of coldness that communism imparted - an indifference to life itself even - that I hope is changing. This was immediately after the wall came down, and for about six years after. People were shocked at things I did when I first visited - Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky smiling and whistling as he went down the street. They said to walk with my head down, do not smile, do not whistle, etc. In a Jeep once with some people on a hunting trip they went out of their way to run over a dog, and thought that was the most hilarious thing. At that time the old communist officials had ensconced themselves into high positions in business, universities and etc. so there was still a lot of fear and uncertainty over the future.

first of all.. just wanted to say that i'm from Magadan :) i love seeing that people know that my little town actually "exists" lol

anyways.. all i wanted to say is that it irks me that some men SPECIFICALLY go on a hunt for an international wife.. this is really what this whole topic has been about for me.. they couldn't find anyone around, so they go and look for a wife in another country. there is nothing wrong with it, i don't guess, to each their own, but marriage as a business transaction is just mind-boggling to me.
i feel awful criticizing people for their choices, but look how many cases are out there when a poor little woman from a thrird world country comes here and it turns out that her husband is holding the green card over her head and treating her like a slave.. far more then there should be. frankly, i think that it is one of the main reasons American men go out of country to find a wife.
and men are not the only ones that are doing it, sometimes women are at fault and end up using unsuspecting americans.. of course there are 2 sides to a coin.
and listen, if they met online on their own or whatever, that's a different story, but i'm specifically talking about the ones that pay agencies to find them a wife and in most cases, they don't even communicate without a chaperone. to me, it's demeaning to a marriage, because had i been one of those mail-orded brides, i would always know that my husband paid someone money for me and that would just be awful.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-05 22:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

I'm probably going to cross this river in the next few years and never come back! I visit Kentucky several times a year and each time I grow more fond of it.

this past summer we crossed that same river to go to kings island and seeing as how we live in a tiny little town in a tri-state area, Cincinnatti looked like freaking NYC to me.. seeing Bengals stadium alone tickled my fancy to death lol.
i love big cities, and all the hectic lifestyle that goes with it, our little boro is soooooooo boro-ing ahaha. nevertheless, i love the state and all that goes with it, especially Basketball lol :)

Edited by Mrs.Brock, 05 February 2012 - 10:22 PM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-05 22:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

It would be interesting to know the percentage of RUB women who return home in the first 90 days.

i don't know about RUB, but seems like more phillipinas do either that, or run away before they get adjusted.
also, no offence to anyone and i don't mean to be rude, but seems like RUB are not really that popular of mail-order brides as phillipinas... look at this forum, there are like 5 to 1 ratio phillipinas to RUB women.. so i think they need to lay off RUB and focus on women from that part of the world.. they have overtaken the market lol.
again, don't mean to offend any phillipinas or their husbands... to each their own :)
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-03 21:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

A very thoughtful post, M. It doesn't take long to find out why your wife married you when some of these realities hit home... :)

definitely.. that's why i was kinda turned off by that whole Nat Geo special.. the woman that came here, never been here before and like i said, they didn't even really love each other and it might be a K-1 visa wasted ahah.. after she realizes what's up.
wouldn't it be something, if that guy is a forum member? ooppsie
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-03 20:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

My wife talked about watching Santa Barbara when she was a teenager and longing for a beach house in America with nice cars, fashionable people and a wonderful life.

Reality hit her hard when she got here and was forced to live in a 1bdr apt in a working class town. She's still pretty upset over it.

ha i remember Santa Barbara.. poeple always made jokes about it back in Russia.. another one was something about Sunset beach.. same thing.. beach houses and no working, but a life full of love drama..
came here and right off the airplane, can barely breathe cause the air is too heavy, on the way from the airport saw a bunch of rusty trucks and trailer homes on the side of the road, got here and you gotta drive to a rinky-dink mall.. yeah.. reality hits you hard and fast...
but i still wouldn't trade it for anything ahah... i love my "old kentucky home" lol
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-03 20:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

These statements are true. Alla was a bit astounded by the amount I told her that I made every month. And when she arrived and the first payday came she wanted to "see the money" So I go online and show her the bank account..."see, right here, direct deposit." :(

Then she wants to know "How do we get this money?" Well I have mailed the checks for the house, the electric bill, gas bill, the insurance, the internet yada yada and we have $300 left we cango to Bed, Bath & Beyond and buy some stuff for the bedroom... :huh: "$300?" "So we really do not make $5000 per month?" :o And of course this was after paying for her plane tickets, etc. It took a while for her to understand it. In Ukraine she was paid by Western Union, CASH, in Euros. $2000 per month meant somone counted $2000 CASH into her hand and she "spent it" It took a long time and doing the bills together each week to understand and yes, now she says "we are poor" :huh:

this made me think...
when i was little and watched american movies, i've always thought that each and every American lives in a house just like in "Home Alone".. i thought that everyone is rich and has nice 2 story houses and cars. They never showed the "other" side of American life. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that i was disspaointed when i saw, say, trailer parks, but it was kind of a shock to me. When i first arrived here almost 7 years ago, never did i think that there was a "poverty line" and people lived below it.

Naive of me, no question about it, but a lot of Russians don't realize that not everything is oh, so peachy here, if you want nice houses and cars, you have to work and work hard for it. Of course, I live in a little state that is on the "poor" side, but still, by Russian standards, people make more money on welfare here then my mom working full time as a piano teacher back in Russia. The thing is though, that like you said, Gary, the cost of living is so much higher here, that after paying all the bills and buying groceries, you are barely left with any spending money.. and this is where most americans go in debt by dipping into their credit accounts. Then, of course, the whole deal with debts starts and blah blah.

Anyways, to wrap this up, until you live this life yourself, there is no way you can know for sure what you need to gear yourself up to when moving here (i'm talking about those mail-order brides that are after the "american dream"). And in some cases, they don't get lucky and come here and have everything ready for them.. Then, they either have to get their butt in gear and start making money, or start complaining to their husbands about getting their hopes up for nothing.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-02 20:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

If Alla ever stops talking it may take her a second to realize it and resume. :P She switches back and forth from English to Russian even in one sentence, seemlessly throwing in a Russian word when she doesn't know the English equivilent, no doubt for my benefit to increase my Russian vocabulary. :lol:

that's my case when i try to speak Russian to my mom.. like i would be telling her something, then start telling her something in English cuz i just can't, for the life of me, think of how to say it in my native tongue, but of course, that goes no where...
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-29 23:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

It never takes Alla even a second to think of something to say. :blush:

lol i wish i was the same way.. i just can't think of something on a whim... so they usually get the same ole "zdravstvuyte" lol
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-29 20:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

I cannot even tell you the number of times Alla has been hit on in the gorvery store or something. The guy asks her to "teach him Russian" when he finds out she is foreign and the first coupleof guys she gave her pone number too and came home and told me she met a guy that wil pay her to teach him Russian. One of them started calling her after 10pm. :lol: To discuss his Russian lessons I suppose. She doesn't fall for that anymore.

I can't fault their taste, but c'mon, Russian lessons? :lol:

That HAS GOT to be the most annoying question EVER... every new person i meet, guys especially, always say:"say something in Russian" or "how do you cuss in Russian".. i'm always like, Jessus Christ nuggets, it's not like i walk around thinking or random russian words to tell strangers!
and believe it or not, but with time, it takes a second to put two words together in Russian lol.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-29 18:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

My young blond Russian hottie wife only cost me $99 on EM!

I selected her out of an online catalog.

God's truth>

did you use a coupon? ahah
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-28 20:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo

The funny part worked! Has anyone ever heard your wife's accent and started talking REAL LOUD to her?

One guy did that to Alla and she said "Sir! Please! I am Ukrainian, I am not deaf!"

everytime my mom tries to talk to my husband, she screams really loud in russian as if that would make him understand her
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-28 20:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo
yeah it is, man, i can't believe i'm so behind ahah, looks like i'm the last one to see this...

but it just kinda shocked me, to me, marriage is so sacred and they make a business out of it. Yet i'm fully aware that this goes on all the time, but i have never seen the "inside look"
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-28 19:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo
Okay, the special is over now, unfortunately, after i looked on tvguide and they are not going to rerun it.. oh well.
Anyways, they covered 2 american men that used to find themselves a Russian wife. One of them was a an older man in his 50's who's already been married 2 or 3 times before (mind you, only one wife of his was American) and once was scammed by a Mexican woman, to whom he sent money for a bus ride to the US, but she never came. So after 2 years, this older man's finacee finally came to the US and they were hurring to marry and all, but get this, they haven't even professet their love for each other yet. It's kinda sad, because so many couples are going through this process and are madly in love and are struggling to prove their love to immigration, but some couples, just get lucky i guess.
The other man, is in his late 30's and he, too, used that agency and came to Russia to meet up with a potential fiancee. So he came down and had to be shaparoned (sp?) but the main lady who runs the agency on his date.. isn't that kind of odd? Of course, the girl harldy spoke any English, so i guess that was the reason too. He spent 3 weeks with her and never proposed, said he wasn't in love.
They said that out of 2000 women that are on that website, only 8 get engaged every year.
Although i realize that a lot of people do it, the way they talked about it was like it's a business transaction.. no feelings, hardly any communication, just American men looking for an old-fashioned woman to start a family with.
The experts were saying that brokered marriages are most likely to have abuse in them and they showed an example of one where this old nasty looking man got him a young tall blonde girl, brought her over here and she didn't wanna sleep with him. When he asked why, she said he was too fat.. so what do ya know? he ended up killing her and burrying her in the woods. After that incident, immigration required criminal check for male applicants because had they known that his previous wife (who was from another country) had filed for a restraining order, this wouldn't have happened.

All in all, it's really nothing sepacial, but i thought it was interesting, i wish others could watch it, if i find alink for it, i'll post it.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-28 19:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo
There is a special on national geographic right now about Russian mail order brides. I will write what I think about it after it's over.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-28 18:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
a bit off topic, but did you have to give your ukranian citizenship up or they automatically take it away after you become a citizen of another country? and is it the same case with Russia?
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-01-19 11:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLink to Russian language forum?
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-06-26 08:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian movies online?
UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-09-04 21:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist Visa For Mother-In-Law - Requirements For Interview

actually i was needing to know the answer to this question as well. I have already schedule an interview date for my mom, but i was just gonna see what all she has to bring..

do i need to write a letter of invitation? i don't reckon so, because on the visa application it asks where she'll be staying and her relationship to me, yet she still insists that she needs it.


from what a gathered, i told her to bring her marriage certificate and proof of employment and when she's supposed to be back at work. credit/bank card statements.. loan papers that show that she had financial obligations.. anything else that im missing?

UK_FanFemaleRussia2013-05-06 22:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusvisa interview

does anyone have an interview at a Moscow Embassy on July 8th?


my mom has hers scheduled for that day, so I was wanting to see if anybody on here does too.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2013-06-09 16:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Cuisine?
I think you have to grow up eating russian food in order to appreciate it. ??????? is definitely not for everybody, but it sure is yummy! ???????? is God's gift to people and ????? are what angels in heaven use to cover themselves at night ahaha.
My husband, for example, doesn't eat anything russian unless its candy that mom sends... ?????? is "gross" to him (considering he eats regular potato salad like nobody's business) and ???????? is not his thing either... Oh well, the way I see it - more for me :)
My mom will be here this summer, so I'm seeing starvation in his future hahaha. I highly doubt he'll be eating anything.
UK_FanFemaleRussia2013-03-23 22:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPaid Visa Fee, Russian Standard Bank--wait time?

my fiancee called them, and they say to give it a few days before available dates show up.

they said there are dates in July available (my fiancee just can't see them yet).

which is weird. 

considering we live in the 21st century.

where both U.S. and Russia have sent humans to the moon. in the 20th century.

yet their website works all funny.

when I booked my moms, all the available dates were easy to see. hers is in july.. the 8th, and I booked it at the end of april 

UK_FanFemaleRussia2013-06-13 17:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPaid Visa Fee, Russian Standard Bank--wait time?

that is odd

UK_FanFemaleRussia2013-06-12 02:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPaid Visa Fee, Russian Standard Bank--wait time?

I did that for my moms tourist visa and it went through momentarily.. and I used her credit card from a Russian bank

UK_FanFemaleRussia2013-06-11 23:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSharing time between two countries

yeah once you're a citizen, you can live wherever, the first person to reply to you had misunderstood you.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2013-06-25 20:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmom got her visa!!!!!

thank you! I haven't seen her in 7 years!

UK_FanFemaleRussia2013-07-08 16:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmom got her visa!!!!!

great news for me to share! my mom had her interview today and got her visa approved on the spot!


wanted to say this though, I was kind of scared because I read just the other day on here that if you yourself had overstayed, your parents will more than likely be denied a tourist visa. and either I got very lucky or that only applies to people who are tourist visa overstay themselves (I had a J1 to begin with).


at the interview, they asked her about me and how I got here and what year I got here, I'm pretty sure they have my whole file in the system since she had to provide my A# and SSN in the application.


Well that's all the good news that I wanted to share.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2013-07-08 11:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMVA frustration
listen, don't feel bad.. clerks offices and stuff like that are full of morons.. let me tell you an example..

so we finally decided to get married after over 4 years dating.. needless to say that i overstayed my visa.. big deal blah blah... i never had a social security number or anything like that, my only ID is my international passport.
so we go to our local city hall.. mind you, i made sure that you can just get married with your birth certificate in KY, and my husband asks them to write us a marriage license and they are like:"we can't do it without a SSN, it's a state law".. i just lost it there, i was like:"no it isn't, people do it all the time". so my husband started explaining to them the whole deal, and they told me to go to the SSA and get a SSN and so on... they've never had a case like ours, so they had no clue what to do. well i asked them if you can do it in TN, since there's a "non-existant law" here and she was like:"no, it's a TN law too, you need a SSN".
so what do you think we did? we live in a tri-state area, TN and VA are 5 mins away and we drove to the next TN county, that's like 5 mins away and what do you know? they married us. not a problem.
it just made me so freaking mad, one thing is not to know what you're doing, but giving people wrong information is just total bull! i can't wait to go back to that same clerks office to get me DL, though i'm sure, they will come up with some other law, dang morons.

Edited by MariyaB, 03 February 2012 - 09:04 PM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-03 20:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMVA frustration
aint russian DL bi-lingual? i think it's in french, but still.. i'm sure your name is spelles in French the same way as it is in english.. i swear, americans are the biggest bureaucrats on earth... ahah

Edited by MariyaB, 03 February 2012 - 08:49 PM.

UK_FanFemaleRussia2012-02-03 20:39:00