Australia and New ZealandSA police check
Just a hint from someone that went through all this last year and is now a green card holder ... Don;t apply for your finger prints too early as if they are older than 6mths you will have to re apply and pay all over again. Yes you do need finger prints as well as a National Police clearance Cetificate. For the people in SA go to Wakefield Steet Police station they know exactly what you need some of the suburban stations have never done this and will question as to why you need them done.

Good luck everyone I know how you are all feeling and how stressful this is but believe me there is more to come LOL Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2011-06-13 21:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccinations for Medical
Hi Allison and Mark

I am waiting for my NOA2 from Vermont hoping it will be soon.
I too could not find records of my immunizations/vaccinations. I took the list of required vaccinations to my doctor and he worked out what I would require. He has been using me as pin cushion for the past month or so but it has been worth it. I want to be organised and have everything prepared for when I go for my medical and interview.
All the best and keep in touch this Aussie forum helps us all hold it together while we wait patiently. :thumbs:
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-05-10 17:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRFE at interview.

Sorry to hear that you had the RFE at interview. I plan on taking what ever I can find to the interview to prove our relationship. I can only imagine how you would have felt after getting comments relating to everything being approved by one person and then not getting the final approval by another after the interview. Keep your chin up and find what ever you can for the next interview.

USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-05-18 22:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow much longer?
Hi.. We received our NOA1 on the 19th Jan 2010.....still waiting on our NOA2...Vermont are really slow....I think we just have to wait ..There are a lot of people waiting who filed with Vermont
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-05-22 03:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2010 K-1 VSC
We received our NOA1 on 13th Jan 2010.. Like everyone else still waiting for the NOA2. Bill came to Australia for 2 weeks in March it was so good to be together again. We can't wait till this is over and we can get on with our lives in the same house and on the same pile of dirt
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-04-01 06:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Gypsy and care Bear ...Hope your wedding went well on the 27th Nov Our's was the same day and it was a fantastic day all went smoothly......There is no consistency in the government offices here similar to Australia really ..I went after arrivign in the States to get a Social Security number and there was no way they would give it to me they said I had to wait for my AOS to happen. The bank wouldn;t let me open an account or be added to Bill's acct as i didn't have a SSN. I couldn't get my drivers lic once again because no SSN,,,,,Last Friday we took our mariage certificate to the SS office and guess what they issued me a SSN in my other name they wouldn't do it in my married name I received it today. Now I have it I can take it in with my marriage certificate and they will then issue me one in my married name. A whole lot of ####### i think.,

Well all the best with your AOS...our went in last week so now it's back to the waiting game.

All the best to everyone Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-12-09 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Guys

I have been here 4 weeks this Tuesday coming.....I have tried to get a SS number but here in Tennessee they say I cannot get one because I don't have a work visa. Bill tried to add me to his bank acct and of course they wouldn't do that till I get a SS number. We spent a day going from place to place and I at the end of the day not getting anywhere decided that here in the States until i marry I am a no body. (NOT A GREAT FEELING) ..
The only good thing was seeing the bank managers face when Bill said I want to withdraw a large amount of money from my acct seeing you will not add Kathy and that is her money that she has transfered I want it in cash. T

I have been missing home and my kids and grand kids but i know in time it will get easier. We have been renovating the house and planning our wedding for the 27th Nov. We are having a wedding at home and catering ourselves. My girlfriend from OZ is coming for the wedding it will be great to have someone here from home.

I hope everyone is doing well and let us know when your getting married love Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-10-16 06:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Gypsy

Good luck with your interview on Tuesday. Your being interviewed the day I leave for the States.

Let us know how you go I hope you can leave on the 6th Oct as planned.

Hope all goes well with Grandchild too Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-09-11 07:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting

WOOOOHOOOOOO, Finally, after 4 weeks of waiting, I got my visa in the mail today, day before my birthday, Happy birthday to me :lol: Have booked my ticket for the October 1st. Can't wait to see Daniel, I think the next 4 weeks will drag on forever. Good luck to everyone. :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats ON YOUR VISA. woo hoo...Happy Birthday to you I hope you have a great day. I know you would prefer to be celebrating with Daniel but on the 1st Oct what a celebration you will have.
Have a great day.
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-08-31 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hey Caren and Matt ..CONGRATULATIONS ...Great news,

It's so good hearing that Matt has his flight booked and will be with you soon.

All the best with the wedding plans and let us know when the big day will be

I am so happy for you Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-08-24 06:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hey Heidi

Sorry to hear that things are being held up. That's absolute #######. I too would be very annoyed.
What makes it worse you can't call them and if you send an email they hardly ever reply or reply after the issue has been resolved.
Once they get the papers they are waiting for it won;t be much longer and you will have your visa in hand.

My thoughts are with you all the best Kathy

Carey is right we are all here to help and share our experiences. Without this forum I would have been so lost. Were here because were all doing the same thing and you have up days and have down day people that have never been through this think they know how your feeling at times but really it is only others that are experiencing this first hand really know.

Good old Super MMM... I'm probably a lot older than some of you and I suppose I'm lucky I can collect mine next year.Your right with nothing going in it will get eaten up with admin fees. What you need to do is call around to other funds and find one that will not take out fees. Apparently there are some out there but i don't know who they are as I haven't bothered seeing I can take mine in a few months.

Another can have yourself taken off the electoral roll too. After you vote on Saturday you can go online to the Australian electoral office and fill in the on-line form. This will stop you getting fined if you miss an election once you moved o/seas.

All the best everyone for your up coming interviews. Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-08-17 07:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Guys '

We submitted Bill's 2008 and 2009 tax returns, plus the letter from his current employer stating what he earns.

I'm not sure what they actually look for I did read something that you should be 125% over the poverty line once again not a hundred percent sure. Is there anyone you could use as a co sponsor Caren
if there is I would send in their tax returns too and letter from their employer too. I'm not saying it won't get approved with what you have but just in case.

Wish Matt all the best for his interview next week.

Carey I also wish you all the best the week after.

Cheers Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-08-16 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Caren

Matt will get his interview anytime now. Just keep checking your emails as I was waiting for an email to me but it was sitting in Bill's email box.

Hope all goes well keep in touch Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-08-11 06:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting

Hi Guys

Just thought I would share this with you. I have been trying to get some travel insuarance just to cover me for flying to the States and a few days after I arrive. I have called numerous places and no-one will cover you as you have no return date. I spoke with my travel agent who said that they could get cover and when I asked who it was she said Travelsure. So I thought I would call them just to ceck that this would cover me seeing no-one else would "probably alittle sceptical".

Travelsure is a product offered by a company called Covermore. I spoke with the girl there and I told her that the travel agent was going to get this travelsure policy the girl freaked she said no that's wrong it is one of our products but it won't cover you if they find out If you claim that you were not returning in the 12mths. She said the product that they offer is called Essentials and she told me all the benefts and it's a good cover she said that this is about the only product you will find that will cover immigrating to another country.

I have taken out this policy for 10 days so at least I will have some cover the cost is $144 for 10 days (you can take longer if you want to) and that way I will have time to find some temporary health cover till Bill and I marry. I know it will be expensive for temporary cover but I would rather pay it and feel covered for some health than not have it and have a bill if I get sick that could run into the thousands.

The link for Covermore is

Hope this helps anyone out that has been trying to find travel insuarnace Kathy

USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-08-09 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hey Heidi .. Bill's divorce papers arrived at the Consulate this morning. So hopefully I will see my Visa next week. I doubt they will send an email to say that they have received them or sending the visa I will just keep using the tracking number from my envelope and see if there is any movement with it. I hope your in the States for your birthday it would be a wonderful birthday for sure.
Where in Tennessee are you planning on getting married?

Hey Gypsy .. Great to hear the medical went well. I mean it can't really go wrong with only 15 mins LOL. I'm using Kent removalist for my move. I found them the cheapest I 'm using a sole container so it gets there in 5 weeks and its costing $8650. I could have used a share but i thought about it and how many times it has to get packed and unpacked and I thought for safety and time, I would rather have a sole container, They are picking everything that is going up on Monday 23rd.
I have completed all the customs papers today and just waiting on my Visa number as they also need a copy of that along with the number on the forms. I had quite a few quotes done with Wridgeways, Aussie movers, ITC, freight movers they all said the same that they can't guarantee that customs won;t hold it up. It all depends on who the customs officer is. They all said that as a sole container there shouldn't be a problem but if it's shared there is more of a chance that it gets held up, as they want to know who's and what's in the one container.
It's a lot of money and I have thought at times stuff it I wont take anything but there is so many memories and I do have to have some things of my own, so made the decision last week and just booked the removalist so it's done.

Great idea to get all of Chris's originals, seeing Heidi and I had the same problem. But they may not even ask to see Chris's either I suppose it who you get on the day. It's a simple process but I felt it was very impersonal as you talk to them through a security window. I was expecting them to be sitting across a table from you. I can understand why they do it this way as I can only imagine what sort of abuse they may have to put up with if someone was denied.

I hope Grand child number 2 arrives soon healthy and well. It's going to be very hard leaving them. I think about it daily and it breaks my heart but I have to keep thinking this time is now for me. I want to be with Bill so much, but I also worry about my kids and grand kids wondering if everything will be ok with them. As people keep telling me your kids are adults Kathy which they are 33 years and 29 years both have families of their own. But they are still your kids and when you have always been here for them your going to worry when your not.

Keep in touch and let me know how your interview goes and when your leaving. My flight is booked for the 14th Sept, Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-08-06 06:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hey Heidi

How ironic that you had the same thing the same day. LOL. Probably had the same interviewer. My lawyer also said that they have never heard of a consulate asking for originals especially divorce papers. I was so angry though as I really didn't need that on that day. But I have been tracking the documents Bill sent and they have arrived at Mascot airport in Sydney, so tomorrow the consulate should have them and I should be sent my Visa next week. I pray that there is nothing else.

I have organised my flight into the States for Tuesday 14th Sept can't wait. Bill is meeting me in LA and were spending a few days there before flying back to Tennessee.

All the best Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-08-05 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Went for my interview today. I'm glad I flew in on the Monday to Sydney seeing they had storms and they were diverting planes this morning.

My appointment was for 11am but decided to go in at 10am. I went to level 10 and everyone was so pleasant and friendly. Had to go through the scanner a few times I kept buzzing but they kept making a joke about it so it made you feel comfortable ended up being my necklace I was wearing.

I had a immaculate folder with all my evidence (well I think it;s immaculate LOL) but they didn't even ask to see anything a little disappointed with so much thought went into it. They don't mind you going in early nothing was said about me being early so go for it I was out by 10.25am. Everything was going well no long waits and asked a few questions like how did you meet?, what was your longest stay in the U.S.?, When did we decide to get married?,

Then she went through the paperwork and asked if I had Bill's original divorce certificate I said no I didn't know I had to have let alone that I had to send it in. She said well we can't approve it until we sight the original and marry it up with the copy they had. I felt so deflated. They took my passport and said they will send the Visa as soon as they get the paper they require.

I went down stairs and called Bill a few tears but I know it will be approved but I just wanted to hear those words YOUR APPROVED..disappointed, frustrated, annoyed and of course upset. With that though Bill has FedEx the Divorce papers to Sydney today so hopefully they will have it by the end of the week. Then hopefully I will have my Visa next week. I called my boss and resigned and have booked flights for the 14th Sept.

USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-08-03 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hey Caren...Great to hear you guys had a a fantastic vacation.

You received packet 3 correctly the consulate sends it by email. It was sent to Bill in my case and he forwarded it to me.

Once Matt sends packet 3 back you will receive another email with an interview date. This may take 2 day to a week to get and once again it was sent to Bill in my case. They interview every Tuesday so he could get an interview later for Aug or early Sept.

The $420 is for the immigrant visa fee it has to be paid at the post office and Matt will have to take the receipt with him to his interview. The post office knows all about it and are very happy to take your money LOL.

I was thinking of catching the train from the airport to the city in Sydney i have hear the train station is right near the Travelodge.

Everything is happening so fast now and you will find that once Matt send everything in it will fly by for you. I still haven't resigned from work yet Bill wants me to wait till after my interview just to make sure everything is ok. We are probably being too cautious but better to be sure than not. If all goes well I will be looking at flying to the States hopefully around the 14th/15th Sept. I have taken this week off work I was finding it all to difficult to concentrate so this week I will go through things and really narrow down the things I want to ship over.

Keep in touch Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-07-25 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hey Gypsy

Received my packet 4. It states in the email about paying the $420 fee at the post office.
You need to take to the interview your passport, the receipt for the $420 and a copy of the email they send. My interview is at 11.00am on the 3rd Aug.

It doesn't say anything about taking any evidence but i sure will be they may not ask for anything but I am planning on taking everything. I am flying in on the Monday afternoon staying at the Travelodge i have heard that is the closest to the consulate got it for $119 a night.

I want so much to give my notice at work but Bill is being very cautious and says I shouldn't do it until after the interview and I know everything is a goer. It is so hard to concentrate and get involved in anything but I believe he is right so I will wait.

How did your medical go?

Cheers Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-07-21 06:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
I have spoken to a few people that have just had their interview in Sydney and all have said the only fee they have to pay was the $420 at the post office. Hope this helps and congratulations on your interview . I'm still waiting hopefully I will get a date this week.
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-07-17 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hey Gypsy....My X Rays were sealed the folded paper would be the report. Did you get them to sign the paper that you have to take back to the doctor. It's the one that Joan would have given you that needs the Radiologist and the person who takes your blood signature.

I sent my papers back to the Consulate by platinum express they had them by 10.30am this morning.
It's a 3kg platinum express satchel you have to take to the consulate for your interview too.

You have two fees to pay Gypsy the U.S. non-immigration visa application fee which is US$150, also the Immigrant visa fee of $420. I paid the $420 yesterday at the post office and have the receipt to take to the interview but the $150US fee for tor the application fee seems to be a mystery because it says you can pay at the post office but the post office doesn't seem to know about it.

Once I find more out I will let you know

Hope all goes will with your medical next week ... Like I said it takes all of 15 mins.
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-07-13 06:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Guys ....Sent off packet 3 today so hopefully in the next few weeks I will have my interview.

My lawyer sent a letter stating that I had to pay a non-refundable application fee of US $150.00 at the time of the interview and that this fee can only be paid at an Australian Post Office outlet. It then reads please advise the counter assistant that you would like to pay the US non immigration visa application fee. You will also need to pay the immigrant visa fee of $355 plus the IV fee $45(security surcharge)..

So when I went to the post office to send my papers off I asked, They looked it up and said that I had to pay $420 which I paid and have the receipt....I am assuming that this is the $355 for the immigrant visa and the $45 security charge plus exchange rate or handling fee...I just don't know when do I pay the $150 non refundable application fee as the post office wasn't sure about this.

I hope someone can shed some light on this for me

USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-07-12 07:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hey Gypsy ..Sounds like you have a busy few months.

Yes you do have to have blood work for syphilis. I was wondering if you called the I.M.V.S in North Adelaide where you have to go for the blood work and tell them it's for a K1 visa they would add it. The lady there is really lovely as well.

When you go for your XRAY's they will tell you to wait for the Xray's and that they will email the report. You need the original report for US Consultate in Sydney, apparently they will not accept a email copy. Joan chased them for over a week to get the original copy for me. So tell them you have to take it with you and wait for it.

I received my police clearance certificate and finger prints on Friday ( couldn't find anything on me ) so now I am waiting on the lawyer to fed ex all the forms to me and Bill's Affidavit of support hopefully I will have them on Tuesday and then I will express post everything into the Consulate hopefully they will have it Friday.

I'm now doing my head in with trying to find out the best way to get some personal effects and a little furniture over to Bill's. It's very costly I really don't know if it's worth it but then I look at the things and they are things my kids and grand kids gave me and some things that belonged to my mum so I really do want to take them.
So if anyone has any ideas of who to use etc I would appreciate it.

Alll the best guys will chat with you all again soon. Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-07-03 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
I am so excited today. We received packet 3. It's all happening.
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-06-30 06:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hope you get your medical soon EandR. and your right it is so exciting for all.

Gypsy I had my medical with Dr Miller on Monday.

I was in there all of 15 mins it took longer for him to fill in the paperwork he has than the medical. He checked my blood pressure, felt my glands in my neck, listened to my heart (yes I have one lol) and tap my stomach. Done your healthy. Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-06-23 07:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Everyone

Still waiting on our packet 3 but have already had

- Blood Test
- Chest X rays
- And today my medical with Dr Miller in Adelaide.

I want to be ready to just send everything in as soon as I get packet 3.

It feels so good knowing that things are happening ... I want the rest of the process to run smoothly so here's praying that it does,

USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-06-20 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Gypsy ... So pleased you have your packet 3. I can't wait till the next steps start happening for me.

I went and had my fingerprints taken and ordered a police clearance certificate yesterday. They said that I had to have the biometric finger prints at Adelaide police station in Wakefield street. I questioned them becasue I know you had ink ones done but they kept telling me it's going to be fine they will accept the biometrics, I am just hoping they are right.

Have you had your appointment with Dr Miller yet?.

All the best and keep the updates coming Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-06-17 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Everyone

I am one excited lady today. We finally received our NOA2 today after 155 days. Bring on the next steps.
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-06-16 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Gypsy

Great to hear that all's going well for you.

Keep the updates coming it's great hearing how the processs works.
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-06-08 06:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi jazzkat Welcome to the forum. This is a great forum giving excellent advise and help. RFE's are happening everywhere..We had one and all it was that my hubby to be didn't tick a box. They received it back on the 21st may but we are still waiting on our NOA2. Good luck and keep in touch Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-06-04 06:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting

Hi Guys I am going to join this forum as my better:) half is a Australian Citizen..residing in Adelaide.

So we got our NOA1 on 4/1/2010 and just found out last night we got a RFE. I am now waiting and going crazy for the letter to come as to why. I have looked over our stuff and not sure where we missed so I just have to wait and see.

Looking at other blogs, besides this one, is doesn't seem like RFE are common..does anyone else agree/disagree?

I will keep you posted as I know more and I am rooting for everyone else here :)

USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-06-04 06:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi R..Keep your chin up all will work out and hopefully not before much longer you will be on your way to be with E..Bet it was hard to let E go back.
We are still waiting for our NOA2 ....Bill was only saying tonight that it looks like another quick visit to OZ if this is going to take a few more months and by the look it is.
Thinking of you Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-06-02 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting

So E has gone back home, and I had my medical yesterday, except that now I have to go back to my own doctor for more tests and follow up and send the results in (I was born with a hole in my heart and he wants proof that it is not a problem). I just hope this doesn't delay things too much. :huh:

USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-06-02 06:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Gypsy

Thank you for sharing the information...... it's great to know what to expect'''

Have a great weekend
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-05-26 06:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Terri and Eric ..Thanks for clearing that up for me...started getting confused. Maybe I am reading way too much stuff. LOL

Hope all is going well for you and your enjoying your new life in the US. Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-05-25 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Thanks Deb and Steve ....... Yes the PCC (police clearance certificate) we have to have from my understanding but I have read even in the reviews that people are finger printed at the consulate. You can just get a PCC for $50 or fill in the form for the PCC and fingerprints which is $154.00 ....
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-05-25 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Hi Gypsy ...Thanks for the update...

How long do you have to wait to get into see Dr Miller?

Our lawyer told me that they take your fingerprints at the consulate..I was going to organize this but he said to wait till the interview.

If anyone else knows if this has to be done prior to the interview please let me know.

Hope all goes well for you Gypsy..Keep the information coming ... I really appreciate it Kathy
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-05-25 06:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Congratulations E and R on your NOA2. Hope your enjoying your time together here in OZ.
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-05-25 06:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
Relief ohh what relief...Our RFE was because my sweetie did not tick a box on page 2 of the F129 form ...You would think that using a lawyer things like that would not be missed so I am a little pissed off. :angry:

But today is another day and by tomorrow hopefully Vermont will have the form back. Hopefully then it won't be too longer.

USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-05-18 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAmerica/Australia March Posting
It's 3.15am here in Adelaide and received one excited call from Bill. He received a text saying that our case had been updated.
I logged on and guess what we have received a RFE, Not sure what for yet no doubt we will receive an email from our Lawyer.

Vermont Service Center
Sent I-129F 2010-01-06
Received NOA1 2010-01-13
Touched 2010-01-17
Received RFE 2010-05-13
USAand OZFemaleAustralia2010-05-13 13:38:00