IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Approved after one Month and 8 day of AP
Hmmm I think my priorities would be seeing my son that I haven't seen in 7 months, while you have been in morocco instead of going to have fun in new York. Your priorities are all screwed up if you want to know the truth lady.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-05-10 08:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa approved
This is some great news today. Wishing you both happiness.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-05-14 06:55:00
Middle East and North Africawise to relocate after visa denial?

Yeah I think it's worth mentioning it's not necessarily that men with fraudulent intentions seek out older women for the sake of them being older - they choose them because they are more likely to be vulnerable or are starved for affection and attention. In essence - they are easy marks. I am by NO means saying that the original poster was marked or that her husband has any ill will at all. But there are things that CO's/investigators at these embassies look for in the couple's correspondence when determining if a relationship is bonafide that suggest otherwise. For example - professions of love very early in the relationship, discussing marriage early (although Muslims aren't supposed to date or develop a relationship before marriage so this in and of itself is questionable to me), not knowing basic knowledge about each other, or other predatory behaviors like nurturing dependence. Some of those "red flags" a petitioner may not even have picked up on or the beneficiary may not have realized it was wrong but these are big indicators for MENA embassies.

I really feel for the OP and her situation and my advice would be to keep pushing forward in her marriage and to give it some time before thinking about re-filing or re-instating the petition (spouse petitions don't expire - right?). If I were in her shoes, and if I could afford it, I would go live with the husband for at least a little while, if only to get a better sense of what life would be like with him on a day to day basis. Job prospects wouldn't be very good there other than teaching English and not knowing French wouldn't help either. But if one is determined enough then they will find something. She could even "take a year off" work to study Arabic in Morocco at an institute. A lot of people do that. It's a great job skill. I don't know her financial situation but I was under the impression she doesn't have children so at least she is only responsible for herself. And thankfully Morocco is a relatively safe country for foreigners, unlike my fiance's country. If I went to go live with him I'd have to worry about kidnappings or outright assassination by al Qaeda or crazy tribesmen. Even when I visit I am apprehensive and he himself is very paranoid.

If you're still reading this, OP, I wish you all the best and hope you don't give up. The best, most important things in life don't come easily. Others have been in your position before you and have come out of it successful with patience and determination. Hugs! (F)

devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 15:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMet someone

go find another forum and thread to troll, you were in the other thread making assumptions and accusations towards many long time members of this forum. Don't come here and act like you didn't spew judgments about a total stranger to you. Grow up and don't lecture us. As I stated, people who made any comments to the OP in this thread know her, know her past, know many things about her. Before you tell people in here what to do, read the ENTIRE thread. Her friends are giving her advice, because they care about her and her well being, not judgments.

First of all, let me tell you that you are speaking with the wife now, the other partner of our shared account. I have just read this entire thread about this woman and her painful history. You have no right to tell my husband to go find another forum as you are by far the biggest hypocrit of all here. I got so many personal messages here pertaining to two people which you are one of them. You are just a wanna be buddy here as your scared shitless of these women here as they dont respect you what so ever nor does half of visa journey. I also looked on your content page and so many members have asked you to keep your nose out of their business and you have the guts to tell my husband to leave this forum. You obviously have issues of your own to be so hateful to so many members who have asked for help.

I spoke with my husband and we talked in great detail about how he spoke to other members here regarding religion, but it still does not give you the right to call him an #### and so forth. I pity your young husband, god forbid you treat him like a child as you do members here,

As far as beauty for ashes, heal your soul and find friends who love and want to help you. You do have some good advice here, and my husband said nothing but nice things with hopes youmfind happiness.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 20:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaMet someone


Dooooooooooooooood, this forum is about IMMIGRATION.

If you don't have something to contribute about IMMIGRATION, find another forum.

Like one where people are welcome to make judgments about marriage and religion.

excuse me, but i have done nothing wrong stating that beauty for ashes should be happy.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 17:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMet someone
i think this thread is judging a woman based on her now feelings for someone new in her life. I think people will come and go into your life for whatevers Gods reasons are. If this man gives her a place of security and some laughter in her life, then why is it such a bad thing. She has not done anything wrong but trying to start living a normal life again without the man who hurt her, this cant be a bad thing.

I know I dont know her like most of you here, but I do feel her feelings of frustrations and just wanting to be happy again.

I wish her happiness.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 16:15:00
Middle East and North Africa9 years ago today
This is a nice story. It makes me want to do something really nice for my wife as sometimes we forget how important our spousses are. tk you for sharing.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-03-17 09:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproval in Casablanca
Many happy days ahead of you both.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-03-17 10:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April
Hello everyone and thank you for your comments.

I am sadden to say my fater law is very sick and hospilized. He has been my best friend since my arrival to the USA. He tought me basically everything I need to know about farming, machinery, and his family business. I have had not a moment to myself thinking about the loss of him soon. He always had troubles with his arm and back and this is why I started helping on the farm as I couldn't see him work in pain, so I take over all his jobs.

I find him laying in chair last week in much pain, I asked please let me take you to hospital. He looked at me, held my arm tightly and said love my daughter and grand daughters and take care of them always. I say why you speak like this, I will honor your daughter forever as a good husband and be a good dad. I got nervous, called wife, she rushed home, and she took care of him quickly. We now know he has cancer in his bones in spine and it has spread and he is not good and weak. Doctors said a matter of time.

Yesterday, I was sitting with him while family went to eat, he said jalal, you will have my farm for always, it's yours. You raise my little girls and tell them all about me and encourage them to love the farm as much as I have for 60 years. I nod my head with many tears and he slept.

I have not left his side nor my wife as she is so upset and her heart breaks. I told wife about what he said about farm, she said, he thinks your the greatest guy and the one son he never had to hand down a farm to be taken care of and yes, the farm will be yours and family believe the same thing. I honored and I will make sure I honor his life by doing a good job.

This may be the hardest week of my life, but I,thank you all for listening.

devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-29 11:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April

Do you have names picked out for the girls yet?

My wife likes so many, I give her the choice though she keeps me awake at night asking popular Moroccan girl names. Hopefully soon she will make decision.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-13 07:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April

Yes, I am sure it is the reason for triplets. Twins run on my father's side too.... Ohhhh, pink cowboy boots, that is adorable! There is a triplet Facebook group if your wife is interested in joining. It helped me a lot with all the questions I had when pregnant and when the babies were small. Anyhow, congrats!

Thk u for facebook idea. My wife use to work in Hospital taking care of babies born to early and would like to someday go back doing that. Now, she feels she cannot keep being a flight nurse, as helicopter makes her sick now. She trying to transfer on only dayshftf now on easier job.

Have good day with your boys.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-12 06:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April

Congratulations on your bundle of joys. I remember buying my daughter some pink cowboy boots in Alabama while visiting home when she was around three years old. Gosh, she loved them so much, she wanted to sleep in them.
I also loved all the beautiful carved ceilings in Moocco, I truly found the work to be amazing. Maybe you can start your own business if you love this kind of work in the future.

Awww as far as you breaking down with tears, it happens and it's normal to feel so many new emotions. You seem to have adjusted pretty well since your move here. The farm seems to keep you busy, and your lucky as many men just sit at home all day doing nothing while the wife works. Lol, as far as kitchen appliances, you'll get the hang of them eventually.

Have fun building that Moroccan baby room.

Thk u for nice words. I have finished the carved lantern for my girls room, and it's funny you mention starting a business, as my father law asked me the same thing. I show him a picture of how I will do the ceiling and he said this would be a great business as he has never seen any work like this before. Someone visiting the farm asked where the lantern came from as they would like one for there entrance in there log home. My father law pointed at me lol. I have my first order for a very large lantern and have no idea when I find time to do it. I have made the couch but wife is looking to ship material from morocco for fabric to cover. I work non stop after farm to get all this ready for September or October.

Yes, lol me and kitchen don't get along. My wife even disconnected that thing in sink that chops food as she was afraid I would lose my fingers or a hand lol.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-12 06:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April

o wowwww another person with triplets!!!! I have 19 mos old triplet boys!! If you have any questions or your wife, feel free to send me a message!!! Congrats!!!! You are in for a wild ride!!

I was wondering something, is it because my wife is twin and other brother are set of twins is why she may have chance of having three baby's.? Twins run in family, but not in three.

Omg three boys, you have your own little soccer team lol. I know it's really early to buy baby things but I saw some pink cowboy boots for tiny feet, I had to get six of them. Everyone here in Texas wears cowboy boots, they hurt my feet, but my wife says I look cute in them :wacko:
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-05 05:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April
I have a day off today and I think I will surprise my wife with a new project that she love so much in my home in morocco. Last night after a long discussion about kitchen appliances, I have decided to do projects that I actually can do. We decided on the baby's room last night and she said I would love our baby girls to have a Moroccan room with beautiful colors. I cry so much, what is wrong with me? I miss home and family, and when she said this to me, I broke down something horrible, I thought this was suppose to happen to her not me.

My project from now until babys are due is to make a beautiful girls room with hand carved lanterns hanging from a Moroccan hand carve ceiling. As a child I learned this carving technique and me and father did our entire home. My wife fell in love with the ceilings every where she went in morocco. She wanted a lantern but it was too big to bring on plane but I found picture she took and it will be created for her at my father law place while on lunch everyday I will work on it. I will also have a Moroccan couch wrapped around half the room, the easiest of the room make over. I hope she will love it and my soon to be little girls.

I think my wife is right, I need do focus on things I can do, working on farm is great, but I need weekends off now to make her dream room.

Thank u all for nice comments. I stayed in baby's room last night until,4 am looking and measuring. I'm tired but no time for sleep now.

Have nice day.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-04 07:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April
[quote name='sandinista!' timestamp='1365033170' post='6118778']
i wept, reading this. you may have earned yourself a ban from the kitchen with this one!
(i've tried to hide a box of donuts from my kids once, by putting it in the oven, and then forgot and heated the

I think you may be right on ban, I brek every thing but I only break it when I'm trying to fix it. Haa you hide donuts from kids in oven, I feel better lol now.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-03 19:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April
I been reading online about her sickness and why she eats so much chocolate. I can't understand a word they say to be honest. She just says just enjoy this time jalal . She gonna shoot me tonight, I thought I be nice and buy her m&m's and hide five bags in toaster oven, I forgot, turned on oven to heat bread, melted everything.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-03 18:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April

Wow, congratulations! X3!
Have you filed for AOS and/or an EAD yet?
Have you read this thread yet?
If not, you should :)

You have beautiful children, I bet ur son looks like husband and little girl looks like you. I read the link, I cannot accept money for sure without card. I told father law, he said he would save my weekly pay until I get card.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-03 17:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April

Omigoodness! Triplet girls? What a special blessing. congrats x3

Thank u, I know nothing about one baby much less three, I may never sleep again.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-03 16:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April

Wow, congratulations! X3!
Have you filed for AOS and/or an EAD yet?
Have you read this thread yet?
If not, you should :)


Yes we filed early February, so I still waiting. I don't know if men pass out but I almost did. Wife said I got really white and I'm not very dark but wife said I looked ghost when she told me about girls.

I will read that link..

Tk u
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-03 16:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April
Yes he try now many times to give me money but I don't accept his money as I just wanted to help him. Even if I get work card, I have social security card for months now, can I still not accept cash from him as this is not a business in future? He pays all his employes cash.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-03 16:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April
Hello, I hope this is the right place to start a daily conversation in the MENA forum.

I have some exciting news, my wife surprised me on a trip at Easter. When we arrived at our home where we stayed, I walked into home and everything from flowers, little Easter eggs, everything was pink. I never seen so much pink color since I move to America. I didn't say much but was happy to be on a vacation with my wife. Later in evening, we had dinner, my wife made a pink cake in the number 3 and I just couldn't take it no more and said why so much pink and this number three cake.

She cry a lot, and said we will be blessed with three baby girls and I got lots of tears and almost got sick too. I am a nervous man and want to support my family though she says we wil be just fine.

My question is, while waiting on green card and work card, my father law give me job to manage farm and make sure farm runs good. He say I'm doing such good job and even his sons never did this good. I work from 5 morning to 7 nightly every day to help him, he has bad spine so I've been helping.

My wife said I cant really work yet for money, but he offer me cash weekly 1800 dollars.

Can I work for cash until I get my work card? I would like to save money or my little girls and so my wife don't work long hours while pregnant.

Thank you for any information about working. I don't want to get in trouble.

Hope all feel free to discuss anything on my topic, as I see many get locked. :)
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-03 16:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaA US Citizen in CASABLANCA consulate :(
As a Moroccan man, a soon to be father of three girls, a husband, I will just say, I'm sadden to think a brother from my country would stand for this in a soon to be wife and a mother of his child some day. I know of many guys like this in my country, and she will have to find out the hard way with what his intentions are once he is here. No good man in my book would let his wife or fiancé not insist they see there child for this long of a period.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-05-13 16:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaA US Citizen in CASABLANCA consulate :(

hamigirl710 don't worry about it you were not the one who made the comment about my son anyways and besides my mom and sister have custidy so im on the clear for now. I hope you get to spend more time in Morocco espacially now in Spring it's really sunny and beautiful. Thanks ;)

This sentence you write disgust me so bad as if your a proud woman to say such. :angry: What woman who has a child says I'm in the clear for now. I better leave this forum for now, as I will be deleted again :angry: :angry: :angry:
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-13 07:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaA US Citizen in CASABLANCA consulate :(
I'm sorry, but don't you say you left behind a small son since last September? I think your complaining should be how devastated you are about your son and not those who got a visa before you. Maybe the embassy is looking at your neglect on behalf of your child you left for so long.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-04-12 06:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe cold, hard truth about MENA "husbands"
Dear lady friend,

I'm sorry of your troubles, but speaking from a mans point of view and of a different culture than my wife, I'm very happy to say, I am not one of those many men you speak of. I wish you not think of us MENA men like troubled people with only green cards in our mind. You seem young and a bit immature to come here and speak so terribly about us. Have you considered maybe you are apart of the problem, I personally think you thought you could change him once you got him here with ultimatums and that didn't go so well. Your written communication here is hostile and I only imagine how the two of you communicated when a problem came up if you cannot take the criticism here. Trust me, I learned the hard way here and have tried very hard to learn from my mistakes when speaking. My English is good but I find hard to write how I want to speak here.

I would never ask my wife to do anything like convert to Islam, actually, nothing that she didn't want to experience. We have been together more years than you have college years plus some, so your degrees are not important to me. What is important to me, is that you please don't generalize your sloppy marriage to mine which I adore every day and my soon to be baby girls that I work so hard to make sure they come into this world with love and peace.

I'm a happy peaceful MENA man with love to my wife and family.

devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-07-21 17:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about Getting Married
[quote name='mimolicious' timestamp='1359999965' post='5959238']
No. I m in the US. I was married in Jordan. But as others have stated, Imams are not tied to a masjid, my husband's brother was married In Houston, at home by an Imam...So I know it is possible. She needs to contact her local Islamic center.

thank you, but we will marry at our mosque. its not an issue.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 12:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about Getting Married

we were married in a courthouse in Jordan, by a Muslim Imam, many people are married outside a masjid and it is recognized by Islam. In fact most people in his family are married at home,not in a masjid by an Imam.

Posted Image

you are in jordan, you cannot marry in a mosque like she did. i dont think she was saying you had to marry in a mosque for your marriage to be valid in Islam.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 12:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about Getting Married

Yes, that is what it means. It's not a bad thing for someone who isn't religious. As you know, not everyone from the Middle East is Muslim and not every Muslim follows their religion correctly. That doesn't make them bad people, it's their own choice and only God can judge them for that.

yes thank,you. i was overwhelmed when i moved here and found many of the muslims who use to practice islam in there country but moved to america and found a new life of drinking, going to bars and leaving there wife at home. Its been hard to find friends here that honor Islam as I do.

i never asked my wife to get married in a mosque, but her way of thinking was its in gods hands as she says and your god is my god.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 12:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about Getting Married

I am irreligious. It's not a bad thing. It is what it is. I'm not offended in the least. It's not a derogatory term, btw. I don't find her hostile at all. I find her delightful, honest, and very intelligent.

Btw, she wasn't directing that comment towards anyone in particular. There are a few irreligious posters in this forum. Again, it's not derogatory. I can understand why you might think that way since English is not your first language.

can you please explain to me in your words what irreligious means. i see it as someone who does not have a religion or may be atheists, but we know as muslims we cannot marry someone who does not believe in the one true god.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 12:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about Getting Married

No, because I am also, a white american queen.

is what is a white,american queen if i may ask
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 11:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about Getting Married

She wasn't talking about you or Christians, in general. She was talking about SOME posters being irreligious. I am one of those people. Not sure why you're so angry. Not sure why you think it's YOUR place to judge how religious Sandinista is.

no one on this forum shows any kind of hostility but her. if she inteded to call you those names then she should apply it to you and not other women who speak here. why would you let someone speak to you like that ?
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 11:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about Getting Married

Thanks for all that information.

If it weren't me in this quest, I'm sure I would also wonder why complicate things. If I continue on the path of discovery, it might be that I spent a ton of time just to find out that we should get married at the courthouse and let it be done. I can live with that. However, if this is important to him, I'll still check it out. After all, putting me on this mission has done a lot for keeping me from sitting around wondering, "Where in the world is my NOA2?" Thank you as well for your thoughs and ideas. It's much appreciated.

good luck, we both wish you much happiness with whatever decision you make. Dont let others discourgae you and its nice you are thinking of your fiance.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 10:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about Getting Married

no idea, but then i don't understand the big poufy dress thing at weddings, or stupid cakes and all that nonsense. weddings and people's preferences for certain things at weddings are nutty, imo.
you hit on a really important thing there, re. some women on this forum throwing out their religious preferences for that of their spouse's at weddings. some people are irreligious, but nominally christian, and don't care one way or another. but that many?
there's a trend on vj mena anyways, from my observation. as a muslim it's not like i'm advocating for muslims to get married to their christian spouses in churches, but i wonder why it's so often my way or the highway for how lots of mena guys want to get married.

As a muslim, i am curious to know where you read about people here being irreligious or nominally christians? my wife is a christian, and i would take it very offensive if you called her irreligious as you know nothing about her and her christian background. I take it as you are not a practicing muslim and pribably most likely pray on during ramadan and skip the rest of the year critizing christians on here. Is this what Islam has tought you? to be sarcastic against others who come here asking for help? I truly hope my wife learns nothing from you here. I dont like what you write here.
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 10:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about Getting Married

I too come from a strong christian family but they all understand one thing, and that is we all believe in the same God no matter where we attend our christian services, so marrying in a mosque should not be the issue with a christian family unless of course they have issues of you marrying a muslim to begin with.

Two years ago tomorrow,, I married my loving husband at the mosque by an Imam and witnesses. The Imam spoke of marriage in great detail and the importance of marriage. Our marriage is valid, and its also recognized in Morocco due to the fact we were married by a muslim and not the courthouse.

Best of luck...

Its nice to see other couples getting married at the mosque. Me and my wife will be married next month at the local mosque as well. My wife is very curious and we share an account here and we are new to the forum. Could you share your experience with her?
devotedpartnersMaleMorocco2013-02-04 09:56:00