Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CONFUSED!
Hey hon. We filed our waiver nov. 21 and my husband was told the same thing. He is still down in Monterrey waiting as well. Since I have been calling daily, they have told me it usually takes 10-13 weeks. They also do not count holiday time. They closed Christmas eve, Christmas day, new years eve, new years day, and all weekends. None of these should be counted in the time. They also said that once the case is approved, denied, or referred it can take up to 2-3 weeks to show up in the system, so they may be approved and simply not be entered yet. The number to call is in Juarez. 7034392310. Press 2 for english. Then 3-1-3 to bypass menus. When they answer say you need to check the status of your husband's waiver. You will need the case number..usually MEP number, and your home address and phone number. :). Bless you in your journey. GOD be with you both!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-14 22:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Lima, Peru

am i posting in the wrong forum here?

I did not file in lima, but i was recently approved for my husbands waiver. Perhaps noone is responding because you are asking specifically about Lima. All i601 waivers now go to lockbox processing in the U S. What do you need help with?
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-18 09:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Coping during AP

Hello all,

I am writing to get some advice on how to better deal with the stress and emotional toll AP is putting on me and my marriage. My husband's case has been in AP for almost 8 months now and I know that there will be no answers until the processing is over with but I am so upset all of the time. I am in graduate school in a very difficult program and I am the only one in my program who is married. My husband and I often fight on the phone and I know it is only from the stress. I have bad dreams all of the time.

Any one who has been through this or is going through it please any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My husband and I were married 8 years before he left and ended up in AP. He left in September ''12 and will be coming home within the next few weeks. We maintained our sanity by using alot of face time and spending extra time reading the Bible. My church family was very supportive of me and his application. I pray that all goes well for you guys and you are approved also.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-21 17:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Desperately Need to Go Home
Your waiver should have been filed a few weeks after your denial. If you file the waiver now it will come through ap at the same time your ban has been lifted so the 600 dollar waiver fee wiuld bea waste of money. I would be more concerned that your wife will not apply for your visa if she has refused to pay for your waiver. If she truly wants your son to go away she should take him to you. Both of you could easily travel to canada or mexico. That would help her finish her studies and you would get to know your son again before movingback into the home. In her weakened mental state, it will be hard to readjust to life with you. I hope all goes well with your situation, but a waiver at this point will last longer than he visa application. Sorry this happened to you.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-24 20:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)7-month AP for a fifth-year Ph.D student
Sadly, with AP there is no quick fix. You can only wait it out and pray for a good outcome. I am an American citizenwith 3 children, a full time job, and just fnished my masters degree. My husbands AP has been about five months already and thankfully he will get to come home soon. The admin really does not care about a particular situation. I know a mother in Mexico who has gone to AP and been denied even though her American child has been in st judes hospital awaiting a transplant for months now. I really hope everything goes well for you!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-24 20:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)BAN! HELP
I am not 100 percent sure about waivers available for your situation. My husbands waiver was just approved, but he used a i601 which is only valid for spouses of US citizens. That being said, if there is not a waiver for your situation DONOT get married. You will be permanently barred for marriage to obtain a visa. Their may also be a way for you toshorten the ban if he applies for you because he is active military. I have no experience with that because my husband and I are not.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-24 21:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)BAN! HELP

Thank you very much for your quick response!

You will also need to start gathering information to prove your need for a waiver. That part takes a long time!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-24 20:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need some Advice

My fiancée is out of ap and finally has her visa thanks god. After visiting the embassy three times and an entire album full of pictures and Skype convos along with used up phone cards she got her visa. I pray that all of your journeys will go as smooth as possible and you are with your loved ones very soon.

LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-25 09:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver approved :)

Yes I will keep you updated. We sent the Passport and IL back to the Consulate on January 16. They received it January 17. Nothing yet, hopefully we hear something this week :whistle:

Yeah our seven year old is waiting on him home before the 2 nd...thee daddy daughter dance is that weekend and he has taken her every yearvsince she was 5 mos.....she is getting nervous!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-21 20:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver approved :)




Will you let us know when he gets his passport? I would like to know about how long yours takes! Thanks.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-21 17:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver approved :)
Well, lol a lot in my waiver. We have been married over 8 years, have three children. My parents are disabled and we care for them, i work ft as a teacher. I already pay for his health/life insurance, our childrens prescriptions are really expensive...the mayor and other church members wrote letters of support and signed petitions for his return. The thing about hardships are you need to prove hardships because the more they see of the same thing, the more likely that theu say no. I even heard that autism in a child is no longer immigration hardship because it was over used. We were some of the last to apply in juarez, im not sure about the new system though. Blessings to everyone. Btw if anyone knows how long itll be before dhl has his packet plz let me know. Thanks!!

Congratulationssss ! :thumbs:

hi , when did you submit your I-601 ? how long was the wait ? :hehe:

We submitted waiver nov21 Approved jan 15
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-17 15:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver approved :)
Mine was approved yesterday too! Congrats to you! I am so glad this is close to over now!!, GOD bless
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-16 16:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO CHECK ON I-601 WAiVER
https://usvisa-info....lfservice/login This is the one I use. You will need passport number. Waivers are taking 3-6 mos right now for mexico I think. I am not sure though because I filed in Juarez, not a lockbox.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-28 01:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)212 (a)(7)(A)(i)(I)

thanks for your help but which waivers of inadmissibility do i need to apply for?

I 601 waivers are available only to spouses of US citizens and residents. The waiver gives you an opportunity to show an extreme hardship that would be brought on your American family. By those codes it looks like they have you as an illegal entry? I am not really sure about the entire situation, but you may be able to appeal or use methods other than waivers.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-18 09:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Previous marriage for immigration fraud allegations
Wow. That is not good for you. They are not accusing you of the fraud, but her. It will probably be very hard to overturn that decision. I am sorry.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-28 01:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Previous marriage for immigration fraud allegations
What conditions are they using to prove fraud?
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-24 20:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Don't Lose Hope
Congratulations!! After my husband' s waiver was approved it took about 2 weeks for him to get home. He got home today! I am so happy for you guys.!!!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-02-02 15:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New 'Lock Box' I-601 processing

:dance: We were approved on January 25, 2013. It took a few days beyond 4 months Yay! :D

They are saying 3-6 months if no additional information is needed. It really depends on if the application is all correct and e documents are in order.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-02-02 21:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved! Issued! And HOME! Praise GOD!!

Something else where did you sent your WAIVER to I was told to send ours to Pheonix, AZ.

My husband entered the US illegally and was present in US 9 years unlawfully. We filed in juarez, but as i underatand the requirements are still the same through lockbox.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-02-04 20:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved! Issued! And HOME! Praise GOD!!
He made it home. After waiver approval it was so fast! I am so happpyyyyyyyy!!!!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-02-02 15:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver

I did hire a lawyer since the begining, but I always like to ask questions elsewhere, I have not spoken to my lawyer, she will be out of the office home sick with the flu. But I did talk to her over the phone today and she did say go for the waiver pay the fee and make a Hardship letter. What did you write on your letter I'm working on mine today and maybe all weekend. My fiance is also working on one in Mexico. What should I be consentrating on the most. And I want to thank you for all the advise. This is not the moment to critizise others but to try to help each others where all on the same boat. Thank you again.

Email me for advice

You have a lawyer? Given your fiance's situation, did she discuss the waiver with you before now?

That is a good question!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-25 23:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver
Here you seem to have 2 options. The first is to hire a lawyer and attempt to reverse the paperwork he signed. This is very difficult and would cost a fortune. If you believe that you would qualify for the waiver, it would cost less. The problem is to qualify for the waiver he ahs to accept the accusation again. After filing for the waiver, even if it is denied, he cannot go back and say that wasnt true. It seems that he would not be able to ge out of the living in us 8 mos charge because 1- he signed off on it and 2- for them to say he did not leave on time, he did not have his documents properly stamped upon reentry to Mexico. The could not make this assumption if he had his documents of exit of US.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-25 16:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver
Well. My husband was an illegal without a visa from 2003- present. Yours says that he is being banned for misrepresentation or fraud of the government to obtain an immigration benefit. On the eqiver it will ask him under what circumstances he believes he is inadmissable. There he will have to list all the reasons and then do the waiver process. This has been very hard for people i know because they tried to guess what they had done or what the government knew...ey usually dont tell you specifically why you are inadmissable, just the general reason. Ours was easy because we told the truth about everything and his waiver was approved in 2 months despite the holiday season
. My husband had a 10 year ban. It is jow gone Yay!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-25 15:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver
To get adequate help we need to know which line was checked on the blue sheet..what was reason for ban and length..we can only know that by the code on sheet.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-25 09:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver
My husband was just approved from Mexico. He entered wi in 2003 we were married in 2004. When he had his appointment in november he was denied. Two weeks later we turned in his waiver packet and he was approved. You MUST his waiver packet you have to prove your strong relationship with documentation. You also have to prove why it is an EXTREME hardship upon YOU..noy him. That you are not together AND why it would cause an extreme hardship for YOU to live in MExico. How long was he illegal. My husband had a 10 year ban, but yours may be shorter if his illegal stay wasnt long. You guys seriously should have waited because new immigration law beginning in March may have allowed him to stay with you during this process. I am sorry you did not know that...we didnt either, but fortunately my husband should be back next week!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-25 09:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)visa issued :)

so sorry to hear husband picked up visa january 25th, came home january 27th :dance: :dance:

hang in there :)

Thanks for the encouragement! I am so happy your husband got home! Mne probably wont make it to the dance so our youngest is very angry lol
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-29 18:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)visa issued :)
Ours still hasnt moved at all. Did yours get there yet? I am so worried :(
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-28 16:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)visa issued :)
Hooray! My husband's passport arrive 1-18 to juarez so ours will be abit after yours! Thanks so much for the updates, the keep my hope strong lol he HAS to make it to that daddy daughter dance!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-01-24 20:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What is your experience with I-601?
I filed my husband's waiver with no attorney and it was quickly approved. He probably has a ten year ban for illegal presence. Unfortunately, you will need a lawyer because it sounds like you have no real hardship to speak of. The hardship must be yours, not your child's. Mental illness has been over used and is hardly effective for waivers anymore. Sorry:( hope it goes well tho
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-03-11 23:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I601 waiver fiancée visa or spous visa

Ummmm wow! And WOW! Was this approved?

Yes, mine was approved and he is finally back home!
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-02-05 06:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I601 waiver fiancée visa or spous visa
You have to make a packet. Including a long letter from you explaining the relationship, and all the hardship you will face if he is not home. Alwo all the hardship you will face if you have to move to his country. The letter should be about 10- 15 pages with 0 error. My packet was huge. I included information about my children from my previous marriage, affidavit from their father, letters from the childrens schools and doctors. All childrens prescription costs, my medical info and info from my dr. , info about my disabled parents, info from their drs. An affadavit fro, siblings why they cant take care of parents, my masters degree transcripts, copies of my outstanding student loans, 30 affidavits from friends, family, hometown polititians, veterans, etc., validating our marriage and supporting our application, photos of our family doing things together, copies of our insurance cards, bills, house fire reportt, amusement park annual passes, and a with about 125 signatures of support.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-02-03 05:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I601 waiver fiancée visa or spous visa

OK, I was talking to a law-firm with over 60 years experience.
Because I am in the same situation with a Fianée visa AND a waiver, the lawyer did recommend me, to marry first. The chance is a lil higher because you did already the promise to each other.
The waiver is not an easy thing and it is almost impossible without a lawyers support. The lawyer told me, they will do a whole family history to get REALLY good points for extreme hardship for the US citizen,
Medical diseases, psychical, financial a.m.m.

I know how you feel, I am desperate too and we do not really have an extreme hardship. SUCKS.
So, I have to wait till he comes to my country, we marry and try from there and with all the papers and the waiting time, my 3 years will be over soon and our child already 2,5 years :crying:

But I also had an other lawyer and she told me, it could work also with the Fiancée Visa but you need there too a really good extreme hardship.

It is not difficult to get a waiver without a lawyer, it only has to prove hardship and document proof.

OK, I was talking to a law-firm with over 60 years experience.
Because I am in the same situation with a Fianée visa AND a waiver, the lawyer did recommend me, to marry first. The chance is a lil higher because you did already the promise to each other.
The waiver is not an easy thing and it is almost impossible without a lawyers support. The lawyer told me, they will do a whole family history to get REALLY good points for extreme hardship for the US citizen,
Medical diseases, psychical, financial a.m.m.

I know how you feel, I am desperate too and we do not really have an extreme hardship. SUCKS.
So, I have to wait till he comes to my country, we marry and try from there and with all the papers and the waiting time, my 3 years will be over soon and our child already 2,5 years :crying:

But I also had an other lawyer and she told me, it could work also with the Fiancée Visa but you need there too a really good extreme hardship.

It is not difficult to get a waiver without a lawyer, it only has to prove hardship and document proof. You may consider that marriage now would make it look as though you married to obtain visa.
LaheridaNot TellingMexico2013-02-02 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Filers
CSC is the California office. Good luck!
Tati618FemaleDominican Republic2013-09-27 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Filers
Yea I was reading through posts about the less than 10 day approvals happening after the number change....but they were posted in 2012??

What a way to set myself up lol

Tati618FemaleDominican Republic2013-09-25 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Filers
Reading through older post....the reg number change is a possible good sign of an approval within a week!!!!! Fingers crossed!!!!
Tati618FemaleDominican Republic2013-09-24 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Filers
I got the same notification today; alien registration number changed.....which I don't understand that, no one had a previous "alien registration number" in the first place.

Either was touched!! So here's to good news soon ...for everyone :-)

Tati618FemaleDominican Republic2013-09-24 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Filers
Thanks Jgoodman...

this site is very overwhelming but helpful! Sometimes I read things and it makes me happy and excited...then I read not so good things and I get nervous!

But again, thanks for the welcome and good luck through your journey as well! :-)

Tati618FemaleDominican Republic2013-09-16 17:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Filers
So just filed sept. 4 received acceptance sept. 10 )
But as I read post from previous ...I'm getting a little sad :-(
First, my petition went to Texas...from slow
Second, we really didnt have much "evidence" to go with our petition. No pictures ,specifically.
I have been over to visit maybe 5/6 times over the course of 4 years and just this past year decided to get married....but no rings..when I am on vacation I just enjoy myself, I honestly don't like having pictures if myself...

He has been my strength through a very rough time in my life

So I am very worried we don't have enough to prove we really want/need to be together

Tati618FemaleDominican Republic2013-09-14 11:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMiltary Husband needs help

OK - so she not hold a German passport. Got it.

They need to finish up on the CRBA, consulate record of birth abroad, soonish, get the baby a USA passport.

He needs to determine the status of the I-130 (not the visa application) . If it's still viable, he will file the I-824 to get the I-130 sent on to NVC. If the I-130 is no longer viable, he needs to file the I-130 again to the lockbox address in the USA.

Here's detailed directions with a flowchart:
Ignore all references to K-3 or I-129F.

Finally got to speak with my son before he goes to the field. He has told me that the I-130 is not viable everything was cancelled in Germany. He went to JAG and they told him that they could not help him. I understand that We still have to get the birth records so that it shows my son as the father. The German records do not have him listed since he was not in Germany at the time of birth. My son states that if her brings her to the states she will have a 90 day Visa but they cant get the paperwork stated till her 91 day which means the Visa is out. So what does he do?
kwhitleyNot Telling02013-04-22 10:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMiltary Husband needs help

OK - so she not hold a German passport. Got it.

They need to finish up on the CRBA, consulate record of birth abroad, soonish, get the baby a USA passport.

He needs to determine the status of the I-130 (not the visa application) . If it's still viable, he will file the I-824 to get the I-130 sent on to NVC. If the I-130 is no longer viable, he needs to file the I-130 again to the lockbox address in the USA.

Here's detailed directions with a flowchart:
Ignore all references to K-3 or I-129F.

Ok I just went to the web site and spoke with my daughter-in-law. She went all the way past the medical interview. They sent the paperwork to my son who is in the states(who is in the field at the time of receipt) 30 to fill out and return. When he got them filled out and sent back to her she sent back and they denied the paperwork saying it was not received in time. He sent $600 to reopen the file. They refused to reopen the file said he would have to start the entire process over in Germany(which is impossible since the Army will not send him back).
kwhitleyNot Telling02013-04-17 10:05:00