United KingdomMarry my fiance here in the States, but moving to the UK right after? Visitor visa okay or fiance visa?
I got married to my Colombian citizen husband in July. I was also very worried about the same thing, but it all turned out fine. My husband told the officer that he was going to get married and they sent him to secondary inspection. THey then asked a few questions and let him go through. He had lots of evidence of intent to return, mainly all my stuff that says I have a contract in COlombia and had been living there for 4 years. I definitely was freaking out that day with nightmares of him being denied entry and the whole wedding being ruined! All turned out well and he has also entered and exited the US many times so Im sure that helped.

Below is what the Colombian embassy sent me when I asked this question.

Fiancé(e) of U.S. Citizens or Permanent Resident Aliens
(CT:VISA-798; 03-23-2006)

An alien proceeding to the United States to marry a U.S. citizen is classifiable K-1 as a nonimmigrant under INA 101(a)(15)(K). (See 22 CFR 41.81.) The fiancé(e) of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident (LPR) may, however, be classified as a B-2 visitor if you are satisfied that the fiancé(e) intends to return to a residence abroad soon after the marriage. A B-2 visa may also be issued to an alien coming to the United States:

(1) Simply to meet the family of his or her fiancé;

(2) To become engaged;

(3) To make arrangements for the wedding; or

(4) To renew a relationship with the prospective spouse.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-05 08:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaUsing just the "Primer Apellido" when filling out forms?

I dropped my wife's second last name on all the forms, most of the forms ask you for other names she has used, i wrote down her name with first and second last names in this section, i did the same for myself since, I acquired citizenship through naturalization and I had to go through the whole process and, believe me it could get complicated in the future if you don't. One of my brothers decided to hyphenate our second last name and it has been difficult for him, because, basically when you write down your last name in pretty much any paperwork, there is not enough room to both hyphenated last names. Best advice, Drop it.

Ok Thanks - the forms are sent off with just his first last name!! (Today a friend should be mailing them from the US - eeeek!)
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-23 07:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaUsing just the "Primer Apellido" when filling out forms?

you should use the names of your husband like it appears on his passport and his birth certificate. it will avoid you headaches in the future.

Do you have a specific example Mrs. Suarez? Im afraid there could also be headaches using both the last names like people using the 2nd last name as his actual last name. Unfortunately I have seen this happen several time with immigrants, although Im sure my husband would correct them right away. Who knows?!
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-10 16:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaUsing just the "Primer Apellido" when filling out forms?

I agree, using the first last name in the forms is the way to go. We have had no problems going that route.

Side note: How did you get your marriage license with only his first last name? You are so lucky, with us the county clerk insisted his name reflect his passport exactly no matter how many times I protested and tried to explain the culture difference. Now of course my name change has me looking like his sister not his wife, lol.

Well it was the 2nd county we went to try to get the marriage license. The first one would not issue us a license without a drivers license or Social Security card. Can you believe that? It made me so mad - that has to be illegal or something. I felt like a criminal and it is not illegal to get married in the US even if you´re not a citizen or permanent resident.

Anyway we went to the next county over which is actually the county that the church we got married in is located. They did it all with no problems - no questions asked. I guess this is the county that is more used to dealing with foreigners.

I had always planned to take my husbands last name, but he has convinced me not to because of #1 the sheer amount of bureacracy in order to change my name and the fact that everyone in Colombia would think i am his sister. Im kind of glad to stay with my name now that Im used to it!
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-08 17:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaUsing just the "Primer Apellido" when filling out forms?

I am filling out the I-130 for my husband, a Colombian citizen. I have filled out the forms just using his first last name. Our thinking is that many latinos end up getting their names confused in the US and for official documents the 2nd appellido is used as the official one because it is the LAST name. So we just feel it would be easier to fill out his documents with only his 1st last name.

Could this be a problem since his passport and registro civil have both last names? The US marriage license only has his FIRST last name.

Thanks for your help!
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-08 16:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBogota Embassy - Accept Colombian Property as assets for Affidavit of Support I864?
Hi - I am completing the IR - CR1 Visa for my husband and am thinking about the Affidavit of Support. Since we both live in Colombia, my job would not be accepted as support for my husband when we move to the US. I am wondering if the apartment we own would be accepted along with enough cash to be 3 X the poverty level. In another forum, they said it depends on the embassy whether they accept foreign assets or not. Does anyone have experience with this?
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-01 17:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRegistering US Marriage in Colombia

Diana is correct.

We registered our U.S. marriage with Colombia. My wife and I went to the Colombian consulate responsible for where we live (in Miami - we had to make an appointment online) and they only asked for the (US) marriage certificate (no translation/no apostille needed), her cedula and my (US) passport . They let me (the USC) in the consulate with her but they didn't seem to care if I existed or not. Never asked me for anything - no ID (directly), no signatures, etc.. - nothing. I don't know if that would be different if the US citizen is also a Colombian citizen.

The only problem I could foresee is if the US citizen doesn't have a US passport. It wasn't a problem for me because I do have a US passport, but I did ask my wife to ask the consulate if my driver's license would work and they said "No, only passports", so I had to bring my passport with me. Honestly, I don't understand that because I'm under no obligation to even have a US passport to marry a Colombian citizen here in the US, but the consulate insisted that my passport was the only valid form of ID they would accept (no driver's license, no birth certificate).

All in all, it was fairly easy to do and they gave us the registration document that same day.

Thanks for the help! I forgot to check back to this post.

My husband and I live in Colombia, (but got married in the US). It seems like it might be easier to register it at a Colombian consulate in the US (no need for translations and such). I wonder if I the US citizen would need to be there if I sent a letter or something. My husband will be in the US for a conference and could do it then.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-01 18:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRegistering US Marriage in Colombia
Does anyone have experience registering a US marriage in Colombia?

Thanks for the help!
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-10 16:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV
We got our interview date!! It just happened to be the one day that I have a very important day at work that will be difficult/impossible to change. I already emailed the embassy asking them to reschedule. Will this be a problem? How long after might they reschedule it for? Anyone have experience with this?
gamm3FemaleColombia2013-04-10 21:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV
Does anyone have experience with using foreign assets (ie apartment in Bogota) as part of the assets needed for Sponsorship of immigrant. We would use the apartment value (appraised value - loan value) plus cash and would be over 3 x the poverty level. Anyone have experience with whether this would be accepted or not?

(Let me know if I am not using this thread correctly?!)
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-02 10:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2013

My husband called NVC today and they told him they received the petition on jan 28th but that it will take 20 days for them to assign a number and was told to call on the 19th. Should we keep calling or just wait? I would appreciate all the advice you can gime us... Thanks

NVC received mine on Jan 14th and I called about every 2-3 days and I got the case number on February 1st. It doesn´t hurt to keep calling.
gamm3FemaleColombia2013-02-06 17:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2013
Just to update what has been going on with my case - in case anyone is interested:

Jan 2nd - received our NOA2 (while on vacation in the beaches of Colombia - awesome timing and celebration!)
Jan 11th - received email that our case had been sent to NVC.
Jan 14th - NVC received - (this is the date we put on the timeline?? In a way it seems like the Case # assigned date is even more important.)
Jan 23 - started calling NVC about every other day and was told the case was received Jan 14th, but no case number yet.

I called about 4-5 times overall at approx 3PM, 5 PM, 7 PM, and 9AM. 9 AM was the best time overall as I was not on hold AT ALL. 3 PM - I was on hold for about 4 minutes. 5 PM and 7 PM I was on hold for about 15 - 30 minutes.

Feb 1 - Case # was assigned. Suddenly she just started asking me a bunch of questions. She was not the politest person I have had and I had to get her to repeat the case number 3 times because she kept saying it so fast and I was paranoid about writing it down wrong. She asked for our emails and phone numbers. I then asked her for the Invoice Identification # and she was like Why do you need that? I told her... well I have read that I will need it. She said you will receive it in the mail. I insisted to please let me have it because I live in a foreign country and the mail is not so good. She gave me the number and then said I would receive it by email anyway.

Glad I got the number (thanks visa journey) because I then went to look up the bills. The numbers worked, but of course the bills were not invoiced yet. My husband already send off the Choice of Agent email (hope that wasnt too early) and we are working on speeding up getting his police certificates. (Hes got to get 3 of them.)

Its very cool to see things actually moving a long after reading about it for so long!

Good Luck to everyone!
gamm3FemaleColombia2013-02-02 09:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase status since transfered to "USCIS-NBC, PO BOX 648005, Lee's Summit MO 64064"
US citizen filed from abroad.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-11-05 07:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
We received our interview date at the embassy for mid May from NVC. Is it possible to verify this interview date at the embassy? How long does it take for the embassy to receive interview dates from NVC?

I am freaking out slightly (im sure for no reason) because I emailed the embassy saying that I had to change my husband´s interview because of a work conflict. They emailed back saying I had to call a certain number to reschedule the interview. Then I realized that I did not need to change the interview (better not to anyway). I wanted to check that the interview was still scheduled for the same day. When I called the embassy I talked to a really dumb lady (who HUNG up on me) who said they never receive interview information from NVC.

Please help with this little freak out!
gamm3FemaleColombia2013-04-20 09:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
My NOA2 was approved on January 2 and we got an email on January 11 from USCIS that they had sent the case to NVC that day. So I am waiting a few days to call them for the first time to see if they have received it.

Edited by gamm3, 15 January 2013 - 01:22 PM.

gamm3FemaleColombia2013-01-15 13:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

oh, super congrats!!! What was your local field office?

Well I am a US citizen residing abroad which I noted all over the application so Im not sure that it was actually transferred to a field office. I was never given any indication of that. Where would it say it if I was?

Based on my permanent address in the US, I think I would have been sent to the Charleston, SC field office. I looked at the office and even though their receipts have gone up a lot, they only have like 800 or so applications compared to thousands in other field offices. They also did not send an RFE for my husband`s birth certificate, which they did for someone else at the Charleston, SC field office. It would be interesting to see if they are keeping US citizens residing abroad at NBC and only sending the US citizens residing in the US to the local field offices.
gamm3FemaleColombia2013-01-03 11:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Just opened my email and had an email from USCIS that our application was Approved!!! Very exciting - great start to the New Year!

gamm3FemaleColombia2013-01-03 09:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
Just opened my email and had an email from USCIS that our application was accepted! Very exciting - great start to the New Year!

Edited by gamm3, 02 January 2013 - 08:47 PM.

gamm3FemaleColombia2013-01-02 20:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
Our MSC number just showed up for the first time too!!! Woohoo -now just hope we don´t get an RFE because we will be away fora month and the mail would take a month anyway!

Our MSC number just showed up for the first time too!!! Woohoo -now just hope we don´t get an RFE because we will be away fora month and the mail would take a month anyway!
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-14 16:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Got an RFE today for my hubby's birth certiificate....grrrrr :bonk:

Hamigirl - did you sign up for Enotifications and di you receive an email about the RFE for BC or just paper mail notice of it.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-14 08:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
I am an October Filer as well! Good Luck to everyone!
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-11-26 16:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 Interviews



If you want to share your case complete and interview dates: 
1. Go to LAST PAGE or before and click "Quote/Reply" on the MOST RECENT LIST.
2. Ask for help only if you will mess up the list 
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4. Remove [quote] (top and bottom) around the list by clicking back space just before "do not delete"
5. Always use [Courier New] Font. (It will stay lined up correctly if you use the correct font.)
6. Add in order by NVC case complete date.
7. Add the date you received your interview date so others can see from case complete to assignment time-frame.
August Cases Waiting on Interview:

missing you babe....08/14/12....04/01/13....05/21/13....IR-1.........Yemen
December Cases Waiting on Interview:

Gringa Chapina......12/11/12....04/19/13....05/22/13....IR-1.........Guatemala
March Cases Waiting on Interview:

John & Jeni.........03/01/13....03/29/13....05/14/13....IR-1/CR-1....Greece
K n E...............03/08/13....04/02/13....05/17/13....IR-1/CR-1....Pakistan
TeamMcGregor........03/15/13....03/29/13....05/15/13....IR-1/CR-1....Dominican Rep.

martha brown03......03/18/13....05/03/13....06/24/13....IR-1/CR-1....Kenya

babyjk .............03/26/13....04/01/13....05/08/13....IR-1/CR-1....Barbados
elle13 .............03/26/13....04/01/13....05/02/13....IR-1/CR-1....Malaysia
Bongnhanna..........03/26/13....04/02/13....05/28/13....IR-1/CR-1....Phnom Penh
lonelyboy2003.......03/29/13....04/30/13....06/11/13....IR-1/CR-1....Ho ChiMinh,Vt Nam

April Cases Waiting on Interview:

Aprice138...........04/04/13....04/10/13....05/21/13....IR-1/CR-1....New Zealand
YA 1127.............04/04/13....05/01/13....06/21/13....IR-1/CR-1....Dominican Rep.
Panda Sky3..........04/10/13....04/11/13....05/13/13....IR-1/CR-1....Myanmar



JandRP..............04/15/13....05/01/13....Got IT!!....IR-1/CR-1....Jamaica
Pluis...............04/15/13....04/29/13....06/25/13....IR-1/CR-1....The Netherlands
A & C...............04/18/13....05/02/13....06/03/13....CR-1.........Canada
T & P...............04/23/13....05/01/13....06/12/13....IR-1/CR-1....India
Sarsoor............ 04/24/13....04/29/13....06/17/13....IR-1/CR-1....Egypt
Dr. H and Mrs. H....04/29/13....04/30/13....05/28/13....IR-1/CR-1....Malaysia


squirrelisan........04/30/13....05/10/13....06/03/13....CR-1.........South Korea
May cases waiting on interview:


Ixsa................05/03/13....xx/xx/13....xx/xx/13....CR-1/IR-1....Dominican Republic







R & E...............05/13/13....xx/xx/13....xx/xx/13....CR-1/IR-1....Nigeria


odus blessing.......05/15/13....xx/xx/13....xx/xx/13....CR-1/IR-1....Nigeria



gamm3FemaleColombia2013-05-20 17:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNaturalization Certificate

You can make a copy of the certificate, no problem. The warning has not applied for over a decade now.

Thanks for the response. Do you have a link where it says that officially? My parents are in possession of the certificate and refuse to make a copy of it since it says that. Have to convince them - its fine.

gamm3FemaleColombia2012-09-26 11:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNaturalization Certificate
I am in the process of completing the packet for the IR1/CR1 process. One of the requirements is to provide a copy of my naturalization certificate. Unfortunately it says on the certificate that it is punishable by law to make a copy of this certificate.

Any ideas on what to do about this??
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-09-26 11:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling I-130 Soon
Thanks Diana! Brings me back to Poor But Happy Days! I miss that forum!
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-03 07:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling I-130 Soon
Thanks so much!

2. We were really worried in July when he was entering on a Tourist Visa to get married. (We both live in Colombia, but I wanted to get married in the US in my hometown.) When he entered, he immediately told the officer that he was going to get married. (He was with his mom and dad). He was sent to secondary inspection, but asked very minimal questions and was allowed to enter. He brought a ton of paperwork including everything that showed that I was living in Colombia, but didnt have to use it. When we came back from our honeymoon and we transited through the US on the way to Colombia - we went through the visitors line together. He was sent to secondary inspection again, but the questions were basically about why he was in Egypt and Israel (for our honeymoon). I was freaking out about the wedding entrance, but now I am calmer as long as he has the right paperwork to prove our situation.

3. Why wouldn´t cash count as assets? I read that your assets had to be turned into cash in a reasonable time frame for them to count. I have a great voluntary pension fund in Colombia that gives great interest and I would like to keep the money there if possible. You can take the money out at any time in this fund.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-02 09:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling I-130 Soon
I have been doing my best to understand everything that goes along with this application, but it really is somewhat difficult at first - especially with all the acronyms and such. I would love to give a run-down of my plans here and get your feedback to make sure I am on the right track.

I am the US citizen and my husband is a Colombian citizen. I have been living and working in Colombia since 2008. We got married July 2012. We hope to move to the US in August - September 2013. This time is pretty set because I am a teacher and would need to start a job then and my husband is most likely going to start a PHD which would also start then. According to my calculations, it would be best to start the spousal visa application now. From my understanding - if it went through fast, we would still have 6 months until he had to enter and use the visa.

1. If he receieved the visa earlier than we wanted to move, could he enter the US to activate it and then leave again until we were ready.
2. He is on his 2nd US tourist visa (5 years each) and has traveled in and out of the US frequently. Is there a problem with him using the tourist visa while we are completing this application? for a December Christmas visit?

Since I am living in Colombia, I do not have a US job at the time which would allow me to be a US sponsor. One option is to have my dad sponsor him. Another option is for us to get the cash together.

3. Could we keep this cash in accounts in Colombia?
4. When does the sponsorship form have to be sent in? (I assume not with the first I-130 application).

5. Should I put my Colombian address as the address on the I130 and my US address (parents house) on the sponsorship form where they are asking about domicile.

Thanks for any help you can give!

Edited by gamm3, 02 October 2012 - 08:18 AM.

gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-02 08:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidences of Bonafide Marriage - Do I have enough?

1. A photocopy of your marriage certificate is what is needed
2-5. This is good.

I checked and it says:

State of South Carolina
License and Certificate of Marriage

At the bottom it says (Bride/Groom) copy.

It is signed by the Officiant and Issuing Officer

I assume this is the same thing I would receive if I requested if again from the Probate Office.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-10 16:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidences of Bonafide Marriage - Do I have enough?

1. A photocopy of your marriage certificate is what is needed
2-5. This is good.

Hmm - I was under the impression that the signed marriage license then became the certificate. I will have to check on this...?
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-09 11:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidences of Bonafide Marriage - Do I have enough?
Any feedback please??!!
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-09 09:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidences of Bonafide Marriage - Do I have enough?
Id like to get your feedback on whether the evidence I am providing for marriage when filing I-130 is sufficient.

1. US Marriage License
2. Statement from Joint Wells Fargo Bank Account - (I put his name on the account in July right before we got married.)
3. Relationship timeline describing 8 years of relationship (11 visits in 4 years and 4 years living in the same city) This has lots of pictures.
4. Copy of Wedding Invitation and Rehearsal Dinner Invitation.
5. Copies of Colombian Work visas (spanning 4 years.)

We don´t have any other mingling of financial resources, although we just applied for a housing loan and wont get results back till November.
We only recently started living together and in Colombia, only one name is on bills and bank accounts.

gamm3FemaleColombia2012-10-08 17:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTraveling to the US while I-130 is pending
My husband has not done it yet while the I 130 is pending (he plans to in December and January - vacation to visit my family and a conference). However I am not really worried about it because he actually went in on a tourist visa and told the immigration officer that he was going to get married. He brought a lot of proof of intent to return, but was not asked for any of it. They did take him to secondary inspection but let him go after a short conversation. He has been to the US a lot on his tourist visa before this.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-11-06 10:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpatriate Filing with No DCF Available
I am a USC residing in Colombia and I used my Colombian address as my "current address" and my parents address in the US as my "permanent address." I filled out the g-1145 form and they informed me of the NOA1 through email (October 29). I just finally received the paper notification of the same thing a month later. I was actually surprised that it came in the mail as the mail is not that reliable in Colombia. There have been some changes recently so you will probably get sent to the National Benefits Center in Missouri. It seems like US Citizens residing abroad are not getting super-expedited anymore, but I am hoping to receive the NOA2 in 50-70 days which is the estimate based on the little bit of data that there is.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-11-29 16:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow to add foreign spouse to US citizen bank account?
I think it just depends on the bank and the person and how used to the situation they are. I added my husband to my Wells Fargo acct (without a SSN) with absolutely no problem. He was there at the bank with me and thank God I did because we got a bunch of wedding checks with both our names on them and I wouldnt have been able to deposit them without his name also being on the acct.

It reminds me of trying to get a marriage license. I went to one county and they absolutely refused (rudely) without a drivers license. Then I went to a neighboring county and they did the license with open arms!!
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-11-30 20:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Property in Foreign Country count towards assets for I864
Ummm OK..... I will take a deep breath - no getting into fights over the internet. Honestly I was trying not to lay it all out there because this is the internet and its not that cool having everyone know your exact finances.

Maybe you don´t know the 3 x the poverty level. $56.800.

56.800 plus (5 - 10.000) over the 3 x the poverty level = 61.800 - 66.800

Subtract this number from 50.000 of the apart is 11.800 -16,800. (Conservative estimate)

ANYWAY my main question is if the foreign asset of the apartment will be counted even though it is not in the US.

Thanks for help from anyone who has experience with this.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-02 10:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Property in Foreign Country count towards assets for I864

Whether it's too risky or not, depends on the assets. You still haven't answered the direct question about the other cash but YES, you will be wise to use a joint sponsor with a qualifying income.

I did answer it in my quote above didnt I? apt = 50.000 plus enough cash to be about $5 - 10.000 over 3 x the poverty level. Don't know if that is considered "comfortably over" or not.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-01 19:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Property in Foreign Country count towards assets for I864
Its probably enough cash to be about $5-10.000 over the x3 poverty level (if added to the 50.000 of the apartment). Household size is two - my husband and I.

Is it too risky to go in with just assets to cover the sponsorship and then if I get an RFE, ask my dad to do a joint sponsorship?

I will maybe ask the question in the Colombia forum to see if anyone has experience with this at the Colombian embassy.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-01 16:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Property in Foreign Country count towards assets for I864
I think in the instructions it says property that could be liquidated in a year and that is extremely plausible here. It is in a dense area and a big city in a bullish market. It is probably a lot more liquid than the US market for example. I just don´t know if the US would accept it with an official translation of the appraisal done in Spanish.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-01 12:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Property in Foreign Country count towards assets for I864
My husband and I own a property (apartment) in Colombia that has been officially appraised. The difference between the appraisal amount and the loan amount is about $50.000. Can we use this property plus some other cash as enough assets to not need a joint sponsor for our Affidavit of Support. The other cash is in accounts in the US and Colombia but it can be easily moved. We are both living and working in Colombia and have good prospects to get jobs in the US when we move, but obviously we cannot use our Colombian jobs as proof of income.
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-01 11:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReturn to the US sooner than planned

My family and I are currently living in Denmark. My husband is the immigrant, I am the US citizen. Our initial plan was the IR-1 route, entering the States next June. We received the NOA1 on October 24, 2012.

I have now found out that I will have to return to the States in March 2013 and that creates confusion and sorrows. We know that it takes up to 6 months to get things to the next level, but that will not work with our new timeframe.

Is there any other way that would allow my husband to enter the country with me and the kids in spring?

Thanks for any ideas / advice!

I´m no expert, but I think you should be not too far off from a March entry date. Maybe you would be apart for about 3 months, but that is definitely doable in the grand scheme of things. Im hoping Im not jinxing things, but if you were very fast with your paperwork. I am actually thinking maybe we did it a little too early as our NOA 1 date is October 29th and we would like to move in August or September of 2013. Who knows?!
gamm3FemaleColombia2012-12-01 11:51:00