ThailandThailand Thread

congrats mark and aam! what will you do with all the spare time of not filling up uscis forms? :whistle:

we are not far behind you, i expect my husbands removal of conditions to be approved soon. either way 29 october he will be filing for naturalisation.

Hello Dearest Kang Lang,

Well...the journey will soon be over for AAm! We did her biometrics for naturalization yesterday. All that is left is the interview in a few months! However, I will still be filling out USCIS form! You might not know this, but last year I filed an I-130 Alien Petition for AAm's 15 year old daughter...she is now living with us with a 10 year green card. Its GREAT to finally have her with us! Also, last month I filed an I-130 Alien Petition for AAm's son who is 19. So, he'll be with us in 6 months or so! So, AAm will be done, but I'll still be in the USCIS loop. Blessings to you and your hubby for your ROC and upcoming naturalization!

Blessings - M
BishopMMaleThailand2011-03-01 19:33:00
ThailandThailand Thread

Congratulation to Tom and Teaw for passing the interview and finally got the green card :)

Dearest Anya-D,

What a beautiful picture of your son! You're blessed :yes: :innocent:

All is well here. Oh ya...AAm has her biometrics for naturalization on 2/28. USCIS cashed my last check for the N400 a few weeks ago. Believe it or not, I may not have to send them any more money once AAm is a citizen! :dance:

Blessings - Mark
BishopMMaleThailand2011-02-18 15:53:00
VietnamMy babes business

Thanks JeromeandBinh. She is very happy here and I am truly a lucky man. I knew we would be a good match but never expected this much happiness. I say a prayer for you both also.

Well said, brother! It makes us all happy to see things work out so well...CONGRATS on the new biz and your happiness.

BishopMMaleThailand2010-04-19 18:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGood luck tomorrow Nigel

Well done on a long long ride...I am sure that you will enjoy your divorce from the U$CI$ :lol:

Blessings to you and your wife and America is grateful and happy to have you as a citizen! :thumbs:

BTW - my wife passed her interview yesterday! You'll see my post in the JanThread :dance:

Blessings - BishopM
BishopMMaleThailand2011-04-07 08:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFeel like a noob again helping the wife fill out N-400 questions are a NOOB! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Brother, good luck on your N-400. Yesterday AAm passed her citizenship interview. She's now an American Citizen! :dance:

I have to agree with what Kathryn said, it did seem like the naturalization process was the easiest step...and the fastest. We sent in AAm's app the first week of it only took 100 days or so...

Blessings! M
BishopMMaleThailand2011-04-07 11:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 January 2011 Filers

Congrats! A little curious about the civics questions though... If she aced them all, then why was she asked 10 questions instead of 6?

I was surprised about the 10 questions as well. I have no idea why they asked 10. I thought I had read that they would ask 6...but, who knows?
BishopMMaleThailand2011-04-07 11:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 January 2011 Filers
Blessed Morning January Filers!

We have another success story...yesterday morning my wife passed her naturalization interview and is now a USA Citizen! :dance:

For reasons I don't understand and didn't question, though we live in Maryland and did our biometrics in Baltimore, we had our interview in Pittsburg! :wacko:. AAm's interview was scheduled for 9:30am, so we drove over to Pittsburg on Tuesday. We stayed at a Marriott and got a free upgrade to the 'honeymoon suite' which was pretty groovy. It had a nice hottub in the room which AAm enjoyed and it helped her relax...cuz she was VERY nervous!

We went to her interview the next morning at 9:45 she was done, and passed! They didn't allow me to go in with her, but here is the scoop....

First, she had to answer the basic questions: Are you a terrorist? / Have you been arrested? / Are you a communist...etc....

Next, for the English comprehension part of the test, she was handed two pieces of paper and asked to read and then write the two sentences from the papers:
1) The people of the United States are free.
2) George Washington was the first president of the United States

Then she had to answer 10 questions (out of 100) from the civics test:
1) The idea of self government is in the first three words of the constitution. What are these words? (We the people..)
2) What is an amendment? (A change to the constitution)
3) What stops one branch of the government from becoming too powerful? (checks and balances)
4) We elect a US Senator for how many years? (6)
5) The House of Representatives has how many voting members? (435)
6) In what month do we vote for president? (November)
7) Who is the Chief Justice of the Unites States now? (John Roberts)
8) How many justices are on the Supreme Court? (9)
9) Who is the Father of our country? (George Washington)
10)Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s. (War of 1812)

AAm had been studying the 100 questions continuously from the time she took her she nailed all 10 questions!

She was then given a piece of paper stating that she had passed! They had a swearing in ceremony later that same afternoon! So, she is done!

I think it was July of 2006 when I sent in the first document for AAm's K1. So, 56 months of immigration is complete! After all that, I can say that this last step was BY FAR the easiest and fastest step in the entire process :yes:

So...we had a great day! Thank you to everyone in this thread and blessings to those who have interviews coming!

Blessings - BishopM

Edited by BishopM, 07 April 2011 - 09:17 AM.

BishopMMaleThailand2011-04-07 09:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 January 2011 Filers

God is so good!!!
Whew, i have got my approval notice in hand, oath ceremony cut off was at 2p and my interview was scheduled for 2:20p but i was not seen until 2:45p. Seemed like the longest interview ever(didnt come out until 3:40p-hubby actually thought i was being sworn in right then and there without me even calling me in to join him)waiting room was empty with the exception of him and another couple(complared to the 30 persons before going in. IO(who was certainly non smiling and seemed very tired and like she said felt she had been repeating the same things over and over all day) at first got hung up on my one overstay by 9 days,which was when i relocated my mother back to her home country due to need for constant care which much more affordable,etc. I had the supporting medical docs but she kept harping on i which was the only time over six mnths and certainly had docs to prove that i still maintained my home here and returned to the home, then she took the file to her supervisor to review it and that person give the go ahead but also wanted a written statement to that fact,which the IO wrote and I signed. Interestingly enough i had to assist her with spelling alzheimers..LOL

Anyhoo, just waiting for that oath letter now so that i can file for hubby. Decided to also get the name change since the oath has to be scheduled anyway and she couldn't tell me when. FYI for those interested, Baltimore has two oaths a day 9a and 3p(with interview cut off at 2p) and 2x monthly oaths for those with name changes.

BTW-that waiting room told many stories...everyone with the look of anxiety,depression, elation-the full range of emotions, thats for sure.

Praise The Lord

Blessings to you jval and CONGRATS! :dance:
BishopMMaleThailand2011-04-07 09:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 January 2011 Filers

Wohoo!!! Done with my interview and had my Oath today. I am a proud United States citizen as of today.

Congrats sabnimim! America is blessed to have you as a new CITIZEN!!!
BishopMMaleThailand2011-04-07 08:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 January 2011 Filers
Hello January Filers/Future USA Citizens,

My wife got her interview letter. Can someone please update us with an interview date of April 6th?

Interestingly enough, we live in Maryland...and had our biometrics in Baltimore, as expected. However, our interview is going to take place in Pittsburg, PA! Its a 30 minute drive from our house to the Baltimore office, but a 3 hour drive to the Pittsburg office :crying: Oh well, I guess its one of the last remaining times that USCIS will be able to make life difficult for us :yes: :lol:

Blessings to all,


ETA: Interview letter was received 3/8.

Edited by BishopM, 14 March 2011 - 12:37 PM.

BishopMMaleThailand2011-03-14 12:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 January 2011 Filers
Hello All,

Another step completed! :thumbs:

My wife's FP/Biometrics was scheduled for Monday, the 28th of February. However, I had off today so I took her in early to the Baltimore office. We walked in and there was no line and they were very courteous. They let my wife complete her biometrics and we were in/out of there in about 15 minutes. It was great :dance:

Now just the wait for the interview...

BishopMMaleThailand2011-02-25 16:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 January 2011 Filers
Hello January Filers!

Sorry for no 'dropping by' in a while...busybusybusybusy time at work...suriously! :lol:

However, we've had some updates! Can someone please update our timeline?

1/31/11 - Check Cashed
2/5/11 - NOA1
2/28/11 - Biometrics coming up!

Blessings to JanFilers!
BishopMMaleThailand2011-02-11 09:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 January 2011 Filers

Your welcome Bishop...

You should here something in the next wk i guess...
Did you fill out that G-1145 form and added to the top of your N-400 Application? This form when filled out wil have your e mail address/ cell number and the uscis will send you updates of your status.

If you have'nt done so problem when you have your Notice of action receipt in the post (soon hopefully) there be a receipt number there on your (N.O.A)....go on the uscis website look for case status and there you will have to add in your receipt number something like NBC*########### and then fill out the form for auto your e mail address/cell phone text message.

I can't put my hand on my heart and say the uscis will be on the ball with up-dates on your status ect....but at least you can have something to play about with over the next 4/5 mths..


Hey Nigel,

Ya, I filled out the G-1145 and sent that in too...and once I get my NOA I'll set up my case on the USCIS site. For some reason though, I'm not stressing at all about this step in the process, in comparison to the K1/AOS/ROC . I guess I'm a hardened Visa Veteran now :yes: :lol: (I also did immigration for my 15 year old stepdaughter a couple years ago, she's now 15 and here on a 1-130 with a 10yr greencard).

However, I think that my wife is more anxious about this step than the prior immmigration steps! She's definitely excited about becoming a USA citizen and getting a USA passport. :thumbs:

Blessings to those in the January filing! :innocent:

BishopMMaleThailand2011-01-25 09:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 January 2011 Filers
Thanks nigel and all,

I also pray that all will go well during your naturalization journey...its the last step!

I am looking forward to making it to the next step of the journey :thumbs: Oh...wait a minute...the next step is 'Check Cashed' :crying: ...anyways, I'm looking forward to all the next steps after that! :rofl:

Peace! M
BishopMMaleThailand2011-01-23 09:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 January 2011 Filers
N-400 Sent in today! :dance:

Actually, we don't feel any stress at all...seems pretty simple compared to K1/AOS/LOC. I just hope they approve it before her 10 year greencard expires :thumbs: :lol:

Blessings to all future Americans in the Jan Thread! :innocent:
BishopMMaleThailand2011-01-21 17:23:00
CanadaHow do you NOT miss your kids?

In some short time I'll be (with any luck) moving to the USA to be with my hubby. I am soon going to have to deal with the fact that my 20 y/old and 16 y/old won't be "right" there anymore. My 20 y/old has decided to move to Toronto and start a new life. I had always hoped my 16 y/old would come with me, but this was my choice and I can't ask him to do something he doesn't..i.e. move to the USA to start a new life. So, he will stay in Canada with his father, friends, schools ..everything he has known his whole life. I will be 5 hrs away and separated from him. My heart breaks with the thought, I am just not sure how i'm going to cope without him not being close with me...yes..this was my choice to marry an American, but I can't help but cry and cry over how much I'm going to miss my sons.

I don't know how to deal with this sometimes? Anyone else in this position? How do you deal with this?
Thanks :(

Hello dear,

I was in a similar position. When my wife moved to the USA her daughter (whom I love, and was 12 at the time) did not feel confident enough in her English to move to the USA. So she stayed back in Thailand and that was tough on mom for a while(F). However, her daughter studied English while they were separated and now she is living with us in the USA ;-) What I'm trying to say is that you do have some good fortune in that you're 1) close to him geographically 2) close by phone. So, that alone is a blessing. The main blessing you have (from an immigration standpoint) is that you're marrying before he turns 18. Therefore, you can do like my wife and I did and have him come to the USA at a later time. Kids change their mind all the time! He may change his mind and decide to come to the USA shortly after you arrive. If he does change his mind then you have some advantages 1)He can do a 'follow to join' K2 visa if you've been in the USA for less than one year, which is the simplest process 2) if you've been in the USA for more than one year then you can still file a I-130 for him to come to the USA and he'll have his visa in around 6 months (this is a good option and really only works because you'll marry before he turns 18...which keeps this option open until he's 21, after age 21 if you want to petition for him he'll have to get in line and wait...and the wait is about 8 year right now).

Personally, you may find that he'll change his mind once high school is over. Between then and now, I'd be talking to him about the benefits of having the ability to live in both the USA and Canada. That would be awesome if he wants to go to college in the USA, or even just work in the USA someday...

Well...just some thoughts to help you with your difficult will turn out ok have many blessings,

BishopMMaleThailand2010-09-19 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIn most times GOD make u at ease in times when u almost give up and lost hope!!!
Beautiful post! In faith, I can see that you will have a wonderful marriage and life!

BishopMMaleThailand2011-03-19 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIn most times GOD make u at ease in times when u almost give up and lost hope!!!
Beautiful post! In faith, I can see that you will have a wonderful marriage and life!

BishopMMaleThailand2011-03-19 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Hello to all my VJ Thai Family,

I know I haven't been on here in a while so I thought I would give you all a quick update.

My wife now has her 10 year green card. Total time from initial application to 10 year green card was 44 months. Overall...we had no hiccups along the was a pretty smooth process! So, CONGRATS to my wife! She is eligible and wants to file for citizenship. I suppose that we'll do that in a few months or so....

New News! Most of you might not have known that I filed a I-130 for my wife's daughter, who is turning 15 tomorrow. Originally, we planned to do a K2 for her...but she wanted to stay in Thailand for a while and learn more English before moving to the USA. So, we couldn't file the K2. Well, I filed the I-130 about a year ago for her...she was approved in BKK about 2 months ago, and has been in the USA for one month now! My wife and I are THRILLED to have her here with us and be reunited as a family in the USofA! She's been here for about one month now and already has her social security number and her 10 year greencard. is VERY GREAT for us! Looking back, it was almost 4 years of total USCIS processing to get both my wife and her daughter here and for both of them to have their 10 year greencard. Every moment of it was a blessing (I can say that now <hahaha>!)

Peace to the thread and blessings to you all for each step of your journey! It can turn out beautifully...we are proof of that!

BishopMMaleThailand2010-05-02 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSawasdee 4 (Thai K-1s in 2010)

LOL I’m actually this way before I met my husband and that’s the reason he loves me. But yea, I’ve been like this since I was young, so I was not westernized, I’m 100% Thai with some strong personality that many people attribute to be a western value.

Let me explain though.. I’ve always have a strong and confident look by Thai standard but with my US friends/ colleague they all say I’m oh so sweet. I’m also independent (all of my friends comment on this). I respect elder but I don’t take ####### if they are wrong, I’ll let them know (will get me in deep trouble in Thai company but not so much here). I’m always on time and even before time and I cant stand being late. My husband and I are equal, actualy I'm pretty faminist. I’m not at all a jealous person so he can be out with his friends and I don’t mind one bit. I wont let people spend money on me (I paid half of my baby shower my friends throw for me, couldn’t let her pay everything) and even my Thai friends’ husbands said they never know anybody (Thai) who insisted to pay for their own meal when I went for my friend’s baby shower (don’t get me wrong, I love free stuff but I don’t like to take advantage of people). I’m bragging!! Lol. So living here or in Thailand wont change me one bit, only living here I’m more blended and not so stand out but more so in Thailand where everybody’s a lot more polite than mePosted Image

Sawasdee Khap Kuhn Anya-Dear,

I think you and my wife must be twins :rofl: She also a force of nature, and it doesn't matter if she's in Thailand or the USA :blush:

Blessings to you!

BishopMMaleThailand2010-05-21 14:35:00